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Unit 15

What would you do?Temas:

1. Unreal conditional sentences with if clauses (second conditional)

1.-Unreal conditional sentences with If clauses


En las condicionales de segundo grado, la oración subordinada, encabezada por if, lleva el verbo en el past simple; la formula de la oración principal es la siguiente: would + infinitive (condicional simple).

EjemplosIf you saw the film, you'd understand.

(Si vieras la película, lo entenderías).

Estructura del segundo condicional:

(If + past simple, would + infinitive)

Clausula If + verbo en pasado simple, la segunda clausula esta formada por would + el verbo en infinitivo

Mas ejemplos

If I you washed the dishes, I’d clean the living room

Si tu lavaras los trastes, yo limpiaría la sala ( no se espera que tu laves los trastes)

En este tema se repasaran situaciones irreales, imposibles, improbables, etc. Hablamos siempre de condiciones que se dan en estos momentos y no de algo que sucedió o

pudo suceder en el pasado.


If she asked me, I’d help her.

Si ella me preguntara yo la ayudaría ( Es improbable que ella pregunte)

If you married him, he’d be very happy.

Si tu te casaras con él, el seria muy feliz (tu no pretendes casarte con él.)

If I were taller, I’d be a profesional basketball player.

Si yo fuera mas alto, seria un basquetbolista profesional ( solo mido 1.70 m.)

If I had more time, I would learn Arabic.

Si tuviera mas tiempo aprenderia árabe ( Pero trabajo 60 horas a la semana .)

Podemos hacer las frases condicionales de las dos siguientes maneras:

If he lived in Paris, he would study art. He would study art if he lived in Paris.

If he earned a better salary, he would move to the suburbs.

He would move to the suburbs if he earned a better salary.

Cuando la proposición condicional contiene el verbo to be, la primera y la tercera persona del singular suelen recurrir a were en lugar de was.

Ejemplo: If I were free, I'd help her prepare for her finals. (Si estuviera libre, la ayudaría a preparar los exámenes finales.)

iRecuerda también!

El segundo condicional puede hablar tambien de situaciones puramente hipotéticas:

Que la construcción If I were you se utiliza para dar consejos, y presenta la estructura del condicional de segundo grado. Ejemplo: If I were you, I'd put some suntan lotion on. (Yo, en tu lugar, me daría crema protectora.)

Activity 1

Traduce al español las siguientes oraciones

1. If you didn’t have so much work you wouldn’t be so serious._________________________________________________________________________

2. If you didn’t ask me, I wouldn’t give you so many sweets.


3. If I had more friends I wouldn’t live alone.


4. If I read a Psychology book, I’d raise my kids better.


5. If the English weren’t so rude, I’d like them more.


6. If you spoke more languages, you’d have more foreign friends.


7. If all the predictions came true, I wouldn’t be very happy.


8. If they didn’t accept his behavior, their son wouldn’t do that.


9. If I won the lottery, I’d escape my work and my life.


10. If she loved me more, I wouldn’t leave her.


11. If you gave her more, your wife would feel better.


12. If we didn’t talk so much, we would do more work.


13. If you didn’t look like Michael Jackson, I’d ask you to go out.


14. If you weakened the competition the sales would increase.


15. If I wrote the story of my life no one would believe it.


Activity 2

If he were a younger man, he able to walk faster. (was / would be)

We'd be on the beach if we in Mar del Plata. (were / would be)

If smoking were allowed here, I a pipe. I am nervous without my pipe! (had / would have)

If there no insects, there would be so many illnesses. (were / would be)

If Laura's hair were black, she completely different. (looked /would look)

If I a cent for every beer I've drunk in my life, I would be rich! (had / would be)

She's so silly! If she an animal, she would be a donkey or a cow. (were /would be)

We would learn a lot from elephants if they . They are incredibly clever! (could talk / would talk)

We can't go out in this weather...If the weather were better, we to the park. (went /would go)

If we enough money, we would be in a hotel. (had / would have)

If I got a pay rise, I buy a car. (bought /would buy)

I would be happy if I Jennifer! (married / would marry)

Activity 3

Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings, to make logical conditional sentences.

1. If I were taller, a. …if I thought he really loved me.2. I'd buy a new computer… b. …you lost your job?3. How would you feel if… c. …if you apologized.4. If you could visit any country in theworld d. … I'd come to the party with you.5. He'd be really upset… e. …if he knew about the theft.6. I'd marry him tomorrow… f. … I wouldn't have to wear high heeled 7. I'd forgive you… g. …if I had enough money.8. If I didn't feel so ill, h. … where would you go?

Activity 4

Word OrderChoose the 5 words which complete each sentence:

1. ……………marry him, would you say yes?

he to if would asked asks you


2. How would we keep in touch ……………?

To didn't we have if did computers


3. ……………if the pay was lower than it is?

Leave you left job your if would


4. If she… …, … … … going out with her.

he beautiful wouldn't isn't wasn't being be


5. If people …… …, ……be fewer wars.

More would there tolerant wouldn't were are


6. If you ………, … … be able to communicate.

Speak spoke speaking couldn't wouldn't we English


Activity 4

Second Conditionals - put the verb into the correct tense:

1. If I _________________ (be) you, I _________________ (get) a new job.2. If he _________________ (be) younger, he _________________ (travel) more.

3. If we _________________ (not / be) friends, I _________________ (be) angry with you.4. If I _________________ (have) enough money, I _________________ (buy)a big house.5. If she _________________ (not / be) always so late, she_______(be) promoted.6. If we _________________ (win) the lottery, we _________________ (travel)the world.7. If you _________________ (have) a better job, we _________________ (be) able to buy a new car8. If I _________________ (speak) perfect English, I _________________(have) a good job.9. If we _________________ (live) in Mexico, I _________________ (speak) Spanish. 10. If she _________________ (pass) the exam, she _________________ (be) able to enter university.

Activity 5

Answer key

Activity 11. Si no tuvieras tanto trabajo, no estarías tan seria / tan serio.

2. Si no me pidieras, no te daría tantos dulces.

3. Si yo tuviera más amigos, no viviría solo.

4. Si yo estudiara un libro de psicología, criaría mejor a mis hijos.

5. Si los ingleses no fueran tan groseros, a mí me gustarían más.

6. Si hablases más idiomas, tendrías más amigos extranjeros.

7. Si todos los pronósticos se cumplieran, yo estaría muy contento.

8. Si no aceptaran su comportamiento, su hijo no haría eso.

9. Si ganara la lotería, yo escaparía del trabajo y de mi vida.

10. Si ella me quisiera más, no ladejaría.

11. Si la dieras más, tu mujer se sentiría mejor.

12. Si no habláramos tanto, haríamos más trabajo.

13. Si no te parecieras a Michael Jackson, te pediría salir.

14. Si debilitaras la competencia, las ventasaumentarían.

15. Si escribiera la historia de mi vida, nadie la creería.

Activity 2

1. If I were taller, f. … I wouldn't have to wear high-heeled shoes.2. I'd buy a new computer… g. …if I had enough money.3. How would you feel if… b. …you lost your job?4. If you could visit any country in theworld,h. … where would you go?5. He'd be really upset… e. …if he knew about the theft.6. I'd marry him tomorrow… a. …if I thought he really loved me.7. I'd forgive you… c. …if you apologized.8. If I didn't feel so ill, d. … I'd come to the party with you.

Activity 3

Word OrderChoose the 5 words which complete each sentence:1. If he asked you to marry him, would you say yes?2. How would we keep in touch if we didn't have computers?3. Would you leave your job if the pay was lower than it is?4. If she wasn't beautiful, he wouldn't be going out with her.5. If people were more tolerant, there would be fewer wars.6. If you couldn't speak English, we wouldn't be able to communicate.

Activity 4

1. If I were you, I would get a new job.2. If he were younger, he would travel more.3. If we weren’t friends, I would be angry with you.4. If I had enough money, I would buy a big house.5. If she weren’t always so late, she would be promoted.6. If we won the lottery, we would travel the world.7. If you had a better job, we would be able to buy a new car8. If I spoke perfect English, I would have a good job.9. If we lived in Mexico, I would speak Spanish.10. If she passed the exam, she would be able to enter university.
