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Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Early Man Source: T&E Chapter 1

Essential Question: What human achievements in the Neolithic Era led to modern civilization?

Questions: Notes:

Where did humans

originate from?

What are some

characteristics of hunter-

gatherer societies?

What are some Neolithic means

characteristics of the

Neolithic Era?

Gender Relations and



Questions: Notes:

Why agriculture?

Specialization of labor



Textile Production

Social Distinctions &


Neolithic Culture

Urban Life

Emergence of Cities

A.P. World History Name:

Cornell Notes Topic/Objective: Early Societies in SW Asia Source: T&E Chapter 2

Essential Question:

Questions: Notes:

Mesopotamia What:


Rivers and their characteristics:

Sumerian City-States

Sumerian kings

Characteristics of Sargon’s



Questions: Notes:

Assyrian Empire



Trade Networks

Social Classes

Written Cultural Traditions

Phoenician Achievements

A.P. World History Name:

Cornell Notes Topic/Objective: Early African Societies Source: T&E Chapter 3

Essential Question: What were the characteristics of early African societies?

Questions: Notes:

The Nile River Where?


The Unification of Egypt

The Pharaoh

Relations between Egypt

and Nubia


Questions: Notes:

Relations between Egypt

and Kush

Social classes

Patriarchal Society

Women’s Influence in



Trade Networks


Aten and Monotheism

A.P. World History Name:

Cornell Notes Topic/Objective: Early societies in South Asia Source: T&E Chapter 4

Essential Question: What were the characteristics of early societies in South Asia?

Questions: Notes:

The Indus River Where:


Political Organization

Harappa and


Specialized labor and trade


Questions: Notes:

Harappan Society and


Harappan Decline

The Aryans and India

The Vedas and the Vedic


Caste and Varna

Sub-castes and Jati

Characteristics of the

Aryan Religion

A.P. World History Name:

Cornell Notes Topic/Objective: Early Society in East Asia Source: T&E Chapter 5

Essential Question: What were the characteristics of early societies in East Asia?

Questions: Notes:

The Yellow and Yangtze Yellow River:


Yangtze River :

Xia Dynasty

Shang Dynasty


Questions: Notes:

Zhou Dynasty


Mandate of Heaven

Weakening (and iron)

Social Order

Merchants and Trade

Family and Patriarchy

Veneration of Ancestors

Patriarchal Society

Oracle Bones and Writing

A.P. World History Name:

Cornell Notes Topic/Objective: Early Societies in the Americas Source: T&E Chapter 6and Oceania

Essential Question: What were the characteristics of early societies in the Americas and Oceania?

Questions: Notes:

What did early agriculture

look like in Mesoamerica?

What did they lack?

What were the


What was the settlement

pattern of early Meso-


When and where did the

Olmec civilization arise?


Questions: Notes:

What kind of agricultural

system did they use?

Describe Olmec Society




Describe the decline of

the Olmec

When and where did the

Mayan society arise?

What type of agricultural

systems did the Maya use?

Questions: Notes:

Describe Mayan warfare

Describe the decline of the


Describe the following Trade

Aspects of Mayan society

Cultural achievements

Maya writing

Mayan religion

Mayan ball game

Briefly describe the rise

and decline of


Questions: Notes:

South America:

Describe early agriculture

in the Andes

Briefly describe the Chauvin Cult:




Using the map, picture and

text, briefly describe the

early migrations of humans

into the Pacific

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Empires of Persia Source: T&E Chapter 7

Essential Question: What were the characteristics of the Persian Empires?

Questions: Notes:

What are the names and

dates of the four Persian


Describe the Achaemenid Make-up of the empire:



Cyrus’s Conquests




Questions: Notes:

The Satrapies

Taxes, Coins, Laws

Roads and Communication


How did the Achaemenid Persian Wars

Empire fall?

Alex of Macedonia

Briefly describe each of Seleucid

following successive

Persian Empires


Questions: Notes:


What are the main points Social Development in Persian Society

in the following sections?

Economic Foundations of Classical Persia

Imperial Bureaucrats

Free Classes


Agriculture and Trade

Religions of Salvation in a Cosmopolitan Society

Influence of Zoroastrianism

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Unification of China Source: T&E Chapter 8

Essential Question: What were the characteristics of the Qin and Han Dynasties?

Questions: Notes:

Briefly list the main ideas Values

of Confucius’ teachings



Briefly list the main ideas

of Daoist teachings

Political Implications

Briefly list the main ideas Shang Yang

of Legalist teachings


Questions: Notes:

Briefly describe the Dates:

following characteristics

of the Qin Dynasty Political:

Burning of the Books?




Briefly describe the Dates of Han Dynasty:

Early rule of Liu Bang

Political ideas of Liu Bang:

Han Centralization:

Questions: Notes:

The Confucian Education System:


The Xiongnu

Briefly describe the Patriarchal Social Order:

following characteristics

of the Han Dynasty

Iron Metallurgy:

Silk Textiles:


What problems did the Han

Dynasty have by the 1st

century BCE?

Describe the Yellow

Turban uprising and the

decline of the Han Dynasty

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: State, Society, and the Quest for Source: T&E Chapter 9Salvation in India

Essential Question: What were the characteristics of the Mauryan and Gupta Empires?

Questions: Notes:

Answer question 9.1

Briefly describe the Dates:

following characteristics

of the Mauryan Empire Political:




Questions: Notes:

Describe the decline of

Mauryan Empire

Describe the Bactrian


Describe the Kushan


Briefly describe the Dates:

following characteristics Political:

of the Gupta Empire




Questions: Notes:

Economic development Towns and Trade:

and Social Distinctions

Long Distance Trade:

Trade in the Indian Ocean:

Family Life and the Caste System:

Social Order

Cornell Notes A.P. World Name:

Topic/Objective: The Quest for Salvation in India Source: T&E Chapter 9

Essential Question: Describe the basic tenets of the salvation religions of Classical India

Questions: Notes:

Describe the religious

Situation in S. Asia in the

6th & 5th centuries BCE

Describe the basic tenets

of Jainism

(what do they believe in?)


Questions: Notes:

Describe the basic tenets Buddhist Doctrine:

of Buddhism

Appeal of Buddhism:

Ashoka’s Support

The Development of Buddhism:

The Spread of Mahayana Buddhism:

Describe the emergence

of Popular Hinduism

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Mediterranean Society: The Source: T&E Chapter 10Greek Phase

Essential Question: Describe the characteristics of Classical Greek society.

Questions: Notes:

Minoan and Mycenaean Societies

Describe the world of the

Greek polis

Compare Sparta and Athens Sparta Athens





Questions: Notes:

Describe Greek Push Factors:

Colonization in the

Mediterranean Sea and Pull Factors:

Black Sea areas



Describe the Greek and

Persian Wars

What was the Delian


Describe the

Peloponnesian War

Questions: Notes:

Describe the conquests of

Alexander the Great

Answer question 10.3

What are the SPICE S

Characteristics of the

Hellenistic Era?






Panhellenic Festivals

Olympic Games

Patriarchal Society




Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Mediterranean Society: The Source: T&E Chapter 11Roman Phase

Essential Question: Describe the characteristics of Classical Roman society.

Questions: Notes:

The Etruscans and Rome

Describe the Roman


Who were the patricians?

Who were the plebeians?

What were the tensions

between the two classes?


Questions: Notes:

How were these tensions


Briefly describe the

expansion of the Roman


Punic Wars

What actions did Julius

Caesar take to centralize


Describe Augustus’


Describe the impacts of

expansion and integration

of the empire

Questions: Notes:

What was the Pax


What effect did the

Roman roads and control

of the Mediterranean


What were the basic

ideas of Roman law?

Describe agriculture in the

Roman Empire

Describe commerce in the

Roman Empire

Describe slavery in the

Roman Empire

Pater Familias

Greek Philosophers

The Jews

The Essenes


Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Cross-Cultural Exchanges on the Source: T&E Chapter 12Silk Roads

Essential Question: Describe cross-cultural exchanges on the Silk Roads

Questions: Notes:

Describe trade and trade

networks in the Hellenistic


The Monsoon System

List the trade goods found

along the Silk Roads and

other major trade routes


Questions: Notes:

Describe the spread of

Buddhism along the Silk


Describe the spread of


The Spread of Manichaeism

Describe the spread and

effects of epidemic


Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Decline of the Han and Roman Source: T&E Chapter 12Empires

Essential Question: Describe the factors that led to the decline of the Han and Roman Empires

Questions: Notes:

Describe the factors that Internal Decay:

led to the fall of the Han


Peasant Rebellion:


Cultural Changes:


Questions: Notes:

Describe the factors that Internal Decay:

Led to the collapse of the

Roman Empire in the


Germanic Invasions:

The Huns:

Collapse of the Western Empire:

Describe the changes in Orthodox Christianity:

Christian churches

The Institutional Church:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Byzantine Empire Source: T&E Chapter 13Part One – Byzantine Empire

Essential Question: Describe the SPICE characteristics of the Byzantine Empire.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the early

Byzantine Empire

Describe the city of


What is Casearopapism?

Describe the rule of



Questions: Notes:

Islamic Conquest Imperial Organization:

Tensions between Byzantium and Western Europe:


Describe the economy of Byzantine Peasantry:

the Byzantine Empire



Byzantine Trade:

Describe social develop- Housing:

ment in the Byzantine




Questions: Notes:

What roles did the

Patriarchs have?

What is Iconoclasm?


St. Basil and Mt. Athos:

How did the Orthodox &

Roman Catholic churches


What caused the Schism

between the two


The late Byzantine Empire Social and Economic Problems:

Challenges from the West:

Questions: Notes:

Challenges from the East:

Byzantine and Russia Cyril:

Conversion of Vladimir:


Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Expansive Realm of Islam Source: T&E Chapter 14

Essential Question: Describe the major tenets of Islam and analyze the spread and culture of the IslamicCaliphates

Questions: Notes:

When, where, and by who

was Islam founded?

What is the importance of

the Qur’an to Islam?

Describe Muhammad’s

Migration to Medina

Briefly describe the Five Statement of Faith:

Pillars of Islam






Questions: Notes:

What is Sharia and what

impact did it have on


Briefly list a chronology

of the expansion of Islam

from 633 – 733 C.E.

What the cause and out-

come of the Shia – Sunni


What is “dar-al-Islam”?

What are the character-

istics of dar-al-Islam?

Questions: Notes:

Describe Umayyad rule Dates:



Policies toward conquered peoples:


Describe Abbasid rule Dates:


Policies toward conquered peoples:




Questions: Notes:

What roles did the Islamic

world play in agricultural


What roles did the Islamic

world play in the

development of a Caravans:

hemispheric trading zone?



How did the status of

women in the Islamic

world change over time?

Briefly outline the

formation of Islamic

cultural traditions

What cultural traditions of

Persia, India, and Greece

did the Islamic world


Questions: Notes:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Emergence of Empire in Source: T&E Chapter 15East Asia

Essential Question: Describe the SPICE characteristics and influence of Tang and Song China.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the Sui Dynasty Dates:





Describe the Tang Dynasty Dates:


Tang Taizong:


Questions: Notes:

Tang Dynasty (cont’d) Transportation and Communication:

Equal-Field System:

Bureaucracy of Merit:

Military Expansion:

Foreign Relations:


Describe the Song Dates:

Dynasty Capital:

Song Taizu and Song policies:

Questions: Notes:

Song Dynasty (cont’d) Song Weaknesses:


What developments Agricultural Developments:

factored into the success

of the Tang and Song



Patriarchal Social Structures and Foot Binding:

Technological and Industrial Developments:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the economics Financial Instruments:

of the Tang & Song

Dynasties Paper Money:

Cosmopolitan Society:

China and the Hemispheric Economy:

Briefly describe the

spread and influence of

Buddhism in China


Questions: Notes:

Describe Chinese

influence in Korea

Describe Chinese

influence in Vietnam

Describe Chinese

influence in Japan

What were the character-

istics of Heian and

Medieval Japan?

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: India and the Indian Ocean Basin Source: T&E Chapter 16

Essential Question: Describe the SPICE characteristics of India and the Indian Ocean between the 6 th and15th centuries.

Questions: Notes:

Describe Hasha’s Kingdom

Describe the spread of

Islam into Northern India

Describe the Delhi



Questions: Notes:

Describe the Hindu

Kingdoms of South India

Describe production and Monsoons:

trade in the Indian Ocean



Population growth:


Southern India Internal Trade:

Temples and Society:

Questions: Notes:

Describe cross-cultural

trade in the Indian Ocean Dhows and Junks:



Specialized Production:

Describe the Kingdom of


Describe the impact of

the Caste System on

Hindu society

Caste and Migration:

Questions: Notes:

Caste System (cont’d) Caste and Social Change:

Expansion of the Caste System:

Describe the development Decline of Buddhism:

of Hinduism in Post-

Classical India

Vishnu and Shiva:

Devotional Cults:

Describe Islam in India Shankarat Ramanjua:

Conversion to Islam:

Sufis in India:

The Bhakti Movement:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the influence of

Indian society in SE Asia




The Arrival of Islam:

Melaka (Malacca):

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Post-Classical Western Europe Source: T&E Chapter 17Part Two – Western Europe

Essential Question: Describe the SPICE characteristics of Western Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire..

Questions: Notes:

Describe the impact of the Imperial Institutions:

fall of the Roman Empire

in the West Germanic Kingdoms:

The Franks:



Charlemagne’s Administration:

Charlemagne as Emperor:


Questions: Notes:

How did Charlemagne’s Louis the Pius:

Empire decline?


Who were the Vikings The Vikings:

and what impact did they

have on Western Europe?




Lords and Retainers:

Potential for Instability:



Questions: Notes:

Describe the economy of Heavy Plows:

W. Europe

Trade in Western Christendom:

Norse Merchant-Mariners:


Describe the role of the The Papacy:

Roman Catholic Church

In Post-Classical Europe

Pope Gregory I:

St. Benedict:

St. Scholastica:

Monasticism and Society:


Describe the social The Franks:

conditions of W. Europe:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Nomadic Empires and Source: T&E Chapter 18Eurasian Integration

Essential Question: Describe the Mongol and Turkish Empires of the Post-Classical Era.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the society and Nomadic pastoralists and their animals:

economy of nomadic


Nomadic and Settled Peoples:

Nomadic Society:

Nomadic Religion:

Turkish Conversion to Islam:


Questions: Notes:

Military Organization:

Describe Turkish empires Saljuq Turks and the Abbasid Empire:

in Persia, Anatolia, and


Saljuq Turks and the Byzantine Empire:

Ghaznavid Turks and the Sultanate of Delhi:

Describe the Mongol Mongol Political Organization (under Chinggis):


Mongol Arms:

Mongol Conquest of Northern China:

Mongol Conquest of Persia:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the Mongol Kublai Khan:

Empires after Chinggis

Khan’s Death

Mongol Conquest of Southern China:

The Golden Horde:

The Ilkhanate of Persia:

Mongol Rule in Persia:

Mongol Rule in China:

The Mongols and Buddhism:

Describe the Impact of

the Mongols across

Eurasia The Mongols and Trade:

Diplomatic Missions:

Missionary Efforts:


Collapse of the Ilkhanate:

Decline of the Yuan Dynasty:

Bubonic Plague:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the conquests of Tamerlane:

Tamerlane and their


Tamerlane’s Conquests:

Tamerlane’s Heirs:

Describe the beginning of Osman:

the Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Conquests:

The Capture of Constantinople:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: States and Societies of Source: T&E Chapter 19Sub-Saharan Africa Africa

Essential Question: Describe the States and Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa and the Development of Empirein West Africa.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the impacts of

early migrations on Sub-

Saharan Africa Agriculture and Population Growth:


Population Growth:

Bantu and Forest Peoples:


Questions: Notes:

Describe African Political Kin-Based Societies:


Kinship Groups


Early African cities

Describe the Kingdom of


Describe Islam in Africa

Questions: Notes:

Describe the Kingdom of Ghana:



Islam in West Africa:


The Mali Empire and Trade:

Mansa Musa:

Mansa Musa and Islam:

Describe East Africa’s

relationship to the Indian

Ocean trade system

Questions: Notes:

Describe the Swahili


Describe the rise of the

Swahili City-States



Sex and Gender Relations:

Women’s Roles:

Age Grades:

Describe the institution of Slavery:

slavery in Africa

Questions: Notes:

Slave Trading:

The Zanj Revolt:

Describe indigenous

African religion

Creator God:

Lesser Deities and Spirits:


Describe Christianity’s Early Christianity in Northern Africa:

spread in Africa

The Christian Kingdom of Axum:

Ethiopian Christianity:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Increasing Influence of Europe Source: T&E Chapter 20

Essential Question: Describe the development and influence of Western Europe after 800 C.E.

Questions: Notes:

What was the Holy Roman Otto I:


Frederick Barbarossa:

What was the investiture



Questions: Notes:

Describe the development Capetian France:

of regional monarchies

in Western Europe

The Normans:

Norman England:

Describe the regional Church Influence in Italy:

states in Italy and Iberia

Italian States:

Christian and Muslim States in Iberia:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the economic Expansion of Arable Land:

and social growth of

Europe in the late

Post-Classical Era Improved Agricultural Techniques:

New Tools and Technologies:

New Crops:

Population Growth:

Describe the revival of Urbanization:

Towns and Trade

Textile Production:

Mediterranean Trade:

The Hanseatic League:

Improved Business Techniques:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the social The Three Estates:

Changes in W. Europe



Eleanor of Aquitaine:


Urban Women:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the role of

Christianity in Europe

during the High Middle Cathedral Schools:



The Influence of Aristotle:


Popular Religion Sacraments:

Devotion to Saints:

The Virgin Mary:

Saints’ Relics:


Questions: Notes:

Describe the expansion of

Europe in the High Middle

Ages Vinland:

Christianity in Scandinavia:

The Reconquest of Sicily:

The Reconquista of Spain:

Describe the motivations Define crusade:

for and impacts of the Pope Urban II:


The First Crusade:

Later Crusades:

Consequences of the Crusades

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Americas and Oceania Source: T&E Chapter 21

Mesoamerica and Oceania

Essential Question: Describe the SPICE characteristics of civilizations in Mesoamerica and N. America prior to1550 CE.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the Toltec society Toltecs


Describe the Mexica (Aztec) The Mexica



Questions: Notes:


Describe the Aztec The Aztec Empire:


Tribute and Trade:

Describe Mexica Society Social Structure:


Questions: Notes:

Mexica Women:


Cultivators and Slaves:

Artisans and Merchants:

Describe the Mexica


Mexica Gods:

Ritual Bloodletting:


Questions: Notes:

Describe Native American Pueblo and Navajo Societies:

Societies of N. America

Iroquois Peoples:

Mound-Building Peoples:



Describe the forerunners Chucuito:

Of the Inca


Questions: Notes:

Describe the Inca Empire Characteristics of the Inca Empire:

Inca Administration:


Inca Roads:

Describe Incan Society

And Religion

Ruling Elites:

Aristocrats and Priests:


Questions: Notes:

Inca Gods:

Moral Thought:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the society of the

Aboriginal peoples of


Describe the development

of Pacific Island societies

Trade between island groups:

Long-Distance Voyaging:

Population Growth:

Nan Madol:

Development of Social Classes:

The Formation of Chiefly States:

Polynesian Religion:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Cross-Cultural Interactions in the Source: T&E Chapter 22Post-Classical Era

Essential Question: Describe the impacts of cross-cultural interactions as a result of long distance travel in thePost-Classical Era.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the general state

of long-distance trade

systems in the Post-

Classical Era

Describe the importance of Trading Cities:

Cities to long distance trade

Marco Polo:


Questions: Notes:

Describe the travels and Impact of the Mongols:

impact of long-distance


Rabban Sauma:

Ibn Battuta:

Describe the travels and Sufis:

impact of missionaries


Questions: Notes:

What cultural exchanges Cultural Exchanges:

did long-distance travel


Spread of Crops:


Gunpowder Technologies:

Describe the impact of The Little Ice Age:

climate change on

human populations

Describe the causes, Causes:

spread, and impact of

the Bubonic Plague

Questions: Notes:


Population Decline:

Social and Economic Effects:

Recovery in China: The Ming Hongwu:

Ming Centralization:

Mandarins and Eunuchs:

Economic and Cultural Recovery:

Questions: Notes:

Recovery in Western Taxes and Armies:


Italian States:

France and England:


The Renaissance Italian Renaissance Art:

Renaissance Architecture:

The Humanists:

Humanist Moral Thought:

The Larger World:

Zheng He:

Questions: Notes:

European Exploration Portuguese Exploration:

Colonization of the Atlantic Islands:

Slave Trade:

Indian Ocean Trade:

Christopher Columbus:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Transoceanic Encounters and Source: Chapter 23Global Connections

Essential Question: Describe the motives, methods, and impacts of European oceanic exploration in theEarly Modern Era.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the motives behind

European oceanic


The Lure of Trade:

Missionary Efforts:


Questions: Notes:

What new technology

facilitated European

oceanic exploration?

Ships and Sails:

Navigational Instruments:

Knowledge of Winds and Currents:

The volta do mar:

Describe the European

voyages of exploration

Prince Henry of Portugal:

Vasco da Gama:

Questions: Notes:

Christopher Columbus:

Hemispheric Links:

Ferdinand Magellan:

The Circumnavigation:

Exploration of the Pacific:

Captain James Cook:

Portuguese Trading Posts:

Questions: Notes:

Afonso d’Alboquerque:

English and Dutch Trading Posts:

The Trading Companies:

European Conquests in South Asia:

Questions: Notes:

Conquest of the Philippines:


Conquest of Java:

Describe the expansion

of the Russian Empire

Encounters in Siberia:

Native Peoples of Siberia:

The Russian Occupation of Siberia:

Questions: Notes:

What factors led to the Dates:

start of the Seven Years’ Competition and Conflict:

War and how did it end?

The Seven Years’ War:

British Hegemony:

Describe the ecological

exchanges that resulted

from European

exploration and trade and The Columbian Exchange:

their impacts

Epidemic Diseases and Population Decline:

Questions: Notes:

Food Crops and Animals:

American Crops:

Population Growth:


Describe the origins of Transoceanic Trade:

global trade

The Manila Galleons:

Environmental Effects of Global Trade:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Transformation of Europe Source: Chapter 24

Essential Question: Describe the changes Europe underwent between 1450 and 1750.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the events Roots of Reform:

leading up to and the

impacts of the Protestant


Martin Luther:

Reform Outside Germany:

John Calvin:

Describe the Roman

Catholic response to the

Protestant Reformation The Council of Trent:

St. Loyola and the Jesuits:

Describe the witch hunting Witch-Hunting

craze of the 16th century

Witches and Gender:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the impact of Religious Wars:

religious wars on Europe

The Thirty Years’ War:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the process of How did Europe differ politically from Asia and North Africa?

State consolidation in

Europe in the Early

Modern Era Charles V:

Imperial Fragmentation:

Foreign Challenges:

Answer map question 23.1:

Describe how monarchs Finance:

augmented their power

State Power:

The Spanish Inquisition:

Questions: Notes:

Describe how England Constitutional States:

and the Netherlands

developed Constitutional


The English Civil War:

The Glorious Revolution:

The Dutch Republic:

Describe the development What is absolute monarchy?

of absolute monarchy in


The Sun King:

Questions: Notes:

Absolutism in Russia:

Peter I:

Catherine II and the Limits of Reform:

Describe the development The Peace of Westphalia:

of the European states


The Balance of Power:

Military Development:

Questions: Notes:

What was the impact of American Food Crops:

American food crops on


Population Growth:


Describe the development The Nature of Capitalism:

of capitalism in Europe

Supply and Demand:

Joint Stock Companies:

Politics and Empire:

Questions: Notes:

Putting Out System:

Describe social change in

Early Modern Europe

Serfdom in Russia:

Profits and Ethics:

The Nuclear Family:

Describe the European

Scientific Revolution

The Ptolemaic Universe:

Planetary Movement:

Questions: Notes:

The Copernican Universe:

Galileo Galilei:

Isaac Newton:

Women and Science:

Describe the European Science and Society:




The Theory of Progress:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: New Worlds: The Americas and Source: T&E Chapter 25Oceania

Essential Question: Describe the characteristics of the Americas and Oceania after European arrival.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the impact of The Taino:

Spanish conquest and

colonization in the

Americas Spanish Arrival:


From Mining to Plantation Agriculture:


Questions: Notes:

Hernan Cortes:

Epidemic Disease:

Francisco Pizarro:

Spanish Colonial Administration:

New Cities:

Portuguese Brazil:

Colonial American Society:

Questions: Notes:

Describe colonial society Foundation of Colonies:

In North America

Colonial Government:

Relations with Indigenous People:


Cabeza de Vaca:

Mestizo Societies:

The Social Hierarchy:

Describe the impact of Silver Mining:

mining and agriculture

in the Spanish Empire

Questions: Notes:

The Global Significance of Silver:

The Hacienda:

Labor Systems:

Resistance to Spanish Rule:

The Engenho:

The Search for Labor:


Questions: Notes:

The Fur Trade:

Effects of the Fur Trade:

Settler Society:

Tobacco and Other Cash Crops:

Indentured Labor:

Slavery in North America:

Describe the spread of Spanish Missionaries:

Christianity in the


Survival of Native Religions:

Questions: Notes:

The Virgin of Guadalupe:

French and English Missions:

Describe the impact of Australia - Dutch Exploration:

European exploration in

the Pacific

Australia - British Colonists:

Spanish Voyages in the Pacific:

Visitors and Trade:

Captain Cook and Hawaii:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Africa and the Atlantic World Source: T&E Chapter 26

Essential Question: Describe the impact of expanding long-distance trade on African societies.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the states of The Songhay Empire:

West and East Africa at the

start of the Early Modern


Songhay Administration:

Fall of Songhay:

Swahili Decline:


Questions: Notes:

Describe the kingdoms of The Kingdom of the Kongo:

Central and South Africa

Slave Raiding in Kongo:

Answer sources from the

past question.


The Kingdom of Ndongo:

Queen Nzinga:

The Portuguese Colony of Angola:

Questions: Notes:

Regional Kingdoms in South Africa:

European Arrival in South Africa:

Describe Islam and Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa:

Christianity in Early

Modern Africa

The Fulani and Islam:

Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa:

The Antonian Movement:

Describe social change in

Early Modern Africa

Questions: Notes:

American Food Crops in Sub-Saharan Africa:

Population Growth:

Describe the Atlantic Foundations of the Slave Trade:

Slave Trade

The Islamic Slave Trade:

Human Cargoes:

The Early Slave Trade:

Triangular Trade:

Questions: Notes:

The Middle Passage:

Describe the impact of Volume of the Slave Trade:

the slave trade on Africa

Social Effects of the Slave Trade:

Gender and Slavery:

Political Effects of the Slave Trade:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the

characteristics of the

African diaspora

Plantation Societies:

Cash Crops:

Regional Differences:

Resistance to Slavery:

Slave Revolts:

Slavery and Economic Development:

Questions: Notes:

African and Creole Languages:

African-American Religions:

African-American Music:

African-American Cultural Traditions:

Describe the end of the Olaudah Equiano:

slave trade and the

abolition of slavery

The Economic Costs of Slavery:

End of the Slave Trade:

The Abolition of Slavery:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Ming and Qing Dynasties Source: Chapter 27

Essential Question: Describe the characteristics, achievements, and decline of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the beginning of Dates:

the Ming Dynasty


Questions: Notes:

Describe the Ming Ming Government:


The Great Wall:

Ming Decline:

Ming Collapse:

Describe the The Manchus:

characteristics of the

Qing Dynasty

Kangxi and His Reign:

Questions: Notes:

Qianlong and His Reign:

Describe the political The Son of Heaven:

Structure under the Ming

and Qing Dynasties

(be sure to note distinct

differences between the The Scholar Bureaucrats:

two dynasties as


Civil Service Examinations:

The Examination System and Chinese Society:

Describe the social The Patriarchal Family:

characteristics of the

Ming and Qing Dynasties

Gender Relations:

Questions: Notes:

Foot Binding:

Describe the economic

characteristics of the

Ming and Qing Dynasties

American Food Crops:

Population Growth:

Foreign Trade:

Trade and Migration to Southeast Asia:

Government and Technology:

Question: Notes:

Privileged Classes:

Working Classes:


Lower Classes:

Describe Neo-

Confucianism and the

education of the scholars

Describe the popularity

of novels in China

Describe the return of Matteo Ricci:

Christianity to China

Questions: Notes:

Confucianism and Christianity:

End of the Jesuit Mission:

Describe the

Nature of the Tokugawa


Tokugawa Ieyasu:

Control of the Daimyo:

Control of Foreign Relations:

What economic, social, Population Growth:

and cultural changes

occurred under the

Tokugawa Shogunate? Social Change:

Questions: Notes:

Neo-Confucianism in Japan:

Native Learning:

Floating Worlds:

Christian Missions:

Anti-Christian Campaign:

Dutch Learning:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Islamic Empires Source: T&E Chapter 28

Essential Question: Describe the characteristics of the Gunpowder Empires and analyze their interactions withother regions.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the expansion of Osman:

the Ottoman Empire:

Ottoman Expansion:

Mehmed the Conqueror:

Suleyman the Magnificent:


Questions: Notes:

Describe the expansion of The Safavids:

the Safavid Empire

Twelver Shiism:

Battle of Chaldiran:

Shah Abbas the Great:

Describe the expansion Babur:

of the Mughal Empire



Questions: Notes:

Describe imperial Islamic The Dynastic State:

Society under the

Gunpowder Empires

(be sure to note any The Emperors and Islam:

distinct differences as


Steppe Traditions:

Women and Politics:

Describe agriculture and Food Crops:

trade in the Gunpowder


Tobacco (and coffee):

Questions: Notes:


Describe religious affairs Religious Diversity:

in the Gunpowder


Christian Mission in India:

Akbar’s Divine Faith:

Status of Religious Minorities:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the cultural Istanbul:

patronage of the Islamic



Fatehpur Sikri:

Taj Mahal:

Describe the roots of Deterioration of Imperial Leadership:

decline in the Gunpowder


Dynastic Decline:

Religious Tensions:

Questions: Notes:

Economic Difficulties:

Military Decline:

Cultural Conservatism:

Piri Reis:

Cultural Confidence:

The Printing Press:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Revolutions and National States in Source: T&E Chapter 29the Atlantic World

Essential Question: Analyze the impact of the European Enlightenment on the Atlantic World

Questions: Notes:

How did rulers traditionally

justify their authority?

Describe some of the Popular Sovereignty:

political ideals of Enlighten

-ment philosophers

Individual Freedom:

Political and Legal Equality:

Describe the global spread

of Enlightenment values


Questions: Notes:

Describe the causes of Dates:

the American Revolution Tightened British Control of the Colonies:

The Declaration of Independence:

What were the Colonists:

advantages and dis-

advantages held by both

the colonists and the British:

British during the war?

Describe the outcome of

the American Revolution

Describe the causes and Dates:

outcomes of the French The Three Estates of French Society

Revolution Who % of Population % of Land Taxes? # Votes in Estates General

1st Estate =

2nd Estate =

3rd Estate =

Questions: Notes:

The Estates General:

The National Assembly:

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity:

The Convention:

Questions: Notes:

Who were the Jacobins

and what was their impact

on the revolution?

The Directory:

Describe the impact of Who was Napoleon?

Napoleon’s reign on

the Atlantic World

Napoleonic France:

Napoleon’s Empire:

The Fall of Napoleon:

Questions: Notes:

What were the global The Haitian Revolution:

impacts of the American Dates:

and French Revolutions? Haitian Society:

Causes of the Revolution:

Toussaint Lourverture:

The Republic of Haiti:

Describe the causes and Latin American Society:

outcomes of the wars of

independence in Latin


Questions: Notes:

Mexican Independence:


Efforts and outcomes:

South American Independence:


Simon Bolivar:

Brazilian Independence:

Creole Dominance:

Questions: Notes:

Describe 19th century Conservatism:

conservatism and



Voting Rights and Restrictions:

Describe how revolution-

ary ideals impacted

the institution of slavery

Describe how revolution-

ary ideals impacted

women’s rights

Questions: Notes:

Describe the consolidation Impact of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars:

of national states in


Nations and Nationalism:

Cultural Nationalism:

Political Nationalism:

What impact did growing Nationalism and Anti-Semitism:

feelings of nationalism

have on European Jews?


Questions: Notes:

Describe the emergence The Congress of Vienna:

of national communities

in Europe

Nationalist Rebellions:

Ottoman Empire:



Briefly describe the

unification of Italy

Briefly describe the

unification of Germany

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Making of Industrial Society Source: T&E Chapter 30

Essential Question: Describe the causes, progression, and effects of the Industrial Revolution.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the development Problems associated with high agricultural output:

of the Industrial Revolution

Coal and Colonies:

Ecological Relief:


Questions: Notes:

Mechanization of the Cotton Industry:

Steam Power:


Describe the factory


The Factory:

Questions: Notes:

Working Conditions:

Industrial Protest:

Describe the spread of Britain’s Monopoly:


Industrialization in Western Europe:

Questions: Notes:

Describe changes in Define capitalism:

capitalism brought about

by the Industrial

Revolution Mass Production:

Big Business:

The Corporation:

Monopolies, Trusts, and Cartels:

Describe how the Industrial Demographics

Industrial Revolution

changed societies

Questions: Notes:

Population Growth:

The Demographic Transition:

Birth Control:

Describe the impact of Number and Size of Cities:

the Industrial Revolution

on migrations

The Urban Environment:

Questions: Notes:

Transcontinental Migration:

Describe the social In General:

impacts of the Industrial


New Social Classes:

Industrial Families:

Work and Play:

Questions: Notes:

Women at Home and Work:

Working Class Women:

Middle Class Women:

Child Labor:

Describe Socialism and its Define Socialism:

challenges to the

changes brought about Utopian Socialists:

by the Industrial


Marx and Engels:

Questions: Notes:

The Communist Manifesto:

Answer Sources from the

Past question

Social Reform:

Trade Unions:

What were the global In General:

effects of Industrialization

Demand for Raw Materials:

Questions: Notes:

Economic Development:

Economic Interdependence:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Americas in the Age of Source: T&E Chapter 31Independence

Essential Question: Describe the building of states in the Americas in the 19 th and early 20th centuries.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the westward In General:

expansion of the United


Westward Expansion and Manifest Destiny:

Conflict with Indigenous Peoples:


Questions: Notes:

The Mexican-American War:

Sectional Conflict:

The U.S. Civil War:

Describe the unification Autonomy and Division:

of Canada

The War of 1812:

Questions: Notes:


Describe the growth of Creole Elites and Political Instability:

individual nations and

social systems of Latin


Conflicts with Indigenous Peoples:


Questions: Notes:

Describe the development Mexico – War and Reform:

of the Mexican state

Mexican Revolution: Dates:


Course (what happened):


American Economic Industrial Migrants:


Plantation Migrants:

British Capital:

Questions: Notes:


Space and Time:

Economic Growth:

The National Policy:

US Investment:

British Investment:

Attempted Industrialization:

American Culture Native Peoples:

Freed Slaves:



Describe the diversity of Ethnic Diversity:

Canadian society

The Metis and Louis Reil:

Migrants and Cultural Diversity:


Male Domination:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Societies at Crossroads Source: T&E Chapter 32

Essential Question: Describe the impact of European imperialism on the Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire, Qing Dynasty, and Tokugawa Japan.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the decline of the Military Decline:

Ottoman Empire.

Territorial Losses:

Economic Difficulties:


Questions: Notes:

The Capitulations:

Describe the impact of

declining revenues on

the Ottoman Empire

Describe the attempts at Sultan Selim III:

reform taken by the

Ottoman Empire.

Mahmud II:

Legal and Educational Reforms (Tanzimat Reforms):

Opposition to the Tanzimat:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the Young Turk Reform and Repression:

movement and its impact

The Young Turks:

Describe the Russian General description:

Empire in the 19th and

early 20th centuries

Crimean War:

Questions: Notes:

Emancipation of the Serfs:

Political and Legal Reform:

Describe Russian The Witte System:

Attempts at


Industrial Discontent:

Describe the impact of

anti-government protests

and revolutionary

activities in Russia Protest:

Questions: Notes:



The Revolution of 1905:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the Qing General Description:

Dynasty in the 19th and

early 20th centuries

Describe the impact of The Opium Trade:

the Opium Wars on


The Opium War: Dates:

Unequal Treaties:

Describe the Taiping Dates:

Rebellion and its final


Questions: Notes:

Describe Qing Dynasty The Self-Strengthening Movement:

attempts at reform

Spheres of Influence:

The Hundred Days Reforms:

The Boxer Rebellion:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the trans- General Description:

formation of Japan in

the 19th century

Crisis and Reform:

The End of Tokugawa Rule:

The Meiji Restoration:

Describe the Meiji reforms Foreign Influence:

Abolition of the Social Order:

Questions: Notes:

Revamping the Tax System:

Constitutional Government:

Remodeling the Economy:

Costs of Economic Development:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Building of Global Empires Source: T&E Chapter 33

Essential Question: Describe the process and impacts of imperialism in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Questions: Notes:

What were the motives Modern Imperialism:

behind imperialism in

19th and 20th centuries?

Modern Colonialism:

Economic Motives of Imperialism:


Questions: Notes:

Political Motives of Imperialism:

Cultural Justification of Imperialism:

Describe the methods

of empire building and

administration in the Transportation Technologies:

19th and 20th centuries

Military Technologies:

Communications Technologies:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the British The Start:

imperialism in India

Company Rule:

Indian Rebellion (Sepoy Mutiny): Date

British Imperial Rule:

Questions: Notes:

Describe imperialism in

Central and Southeast


The Great Game:

British Colonies in S.E. Asia:

French Indochina:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the Scramble for General:


European Explorers in Africa:

South Africa:

The Berlin Conference: Date

Questions: Notes:

Describe the systems of Concessionary Companies:

colonial rule

Direct Rule:

Indirect Rule:

Questions: Notes:

Describe European

imperialism in the Pacific

Settler Colonies:

Native Reactions:

Imperialists in Paradise:

Questions: Notes:

Describe United States The Monroe Doctrine:

imperialism in Latin

America and the Pacific


The Spanish-Cuban-American War: Date

The Panama Canal:

Describe Japanese Early Japanese Expansion:


Sino-Japanese War:

Russo-Japanese War:

Questions: Notes:

What were (are) the In General:

legacies of imperialism?

Economic and Social Changes:

Describe Labor Migrations

in the 19th and 20th


European Migrations:

Indentured Labor Migration:

Empire and Migration:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the impact of Colonial Conflict:

imperialism on colonial


Scientific Racism:

Popular Racism:

Describe nationalist and Ram Mohan Roy:

anticolonial movements

Indian National Congress:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Great War – The World in Source: T&E Chapter 34Upheaval

Essential Question: Describe the factors leading to World War One, the general course of the war, and itsimpacts.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the factors Nationalist Aspirations:

leading to WWI

National Rivalries:

The Naval Race


Questions: Notes:

Colonial Disputes:

Public Opinion:

The Central Powers:

The Allies:

War Plans:

Questions: Notes:

What event triggered Event and date:


World War I: Dates

Describe the general The “Guns of August”:

course of the war

The Western Front:

Stalemate and New Weapons:

Questions: Notes:

No-Man’s Land:

The Eastern Front:


New Rules of Engagement:

Describe the concept of Define “Total War:”

“Total War”

The Home Front:

Questions: Notes:

Women at War:


Describe the war’s impact Colonial peoples:

on East Asia and the


Japan’s Entry into War:

The Twenty-One Demands:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the impact of Africa:

the war on Africa and

S.W. Asia


Armenian Massacres:

The Ottoman Empire:

Describe the end of the Russia:


March Revolution:

The Struggle for Power:


Questions: Notes:

November Revolution:

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk:

Impact of the treaty on the Western Front?

Economic Considerations:

Submarine Warfare:

America Declares War:

Collapsing Fronts:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the impacts of The Influenza Pandemic of 1918:


The Paris Settlement:

Wilson’s Fourteen Points:

The Peace Treaties:

Treaty of Versailles:

Treaty of Neuilly:

Treaties of St. Germain and Trianon:

Questions: Notes:

Describe what happened Treaty of Sevres:

to the Ottoman Empire

after WWI


Describe the League of The League of Nations:

Nations and identify its



The Mandate System:

Questions: Notes:

What were the challenges In General:

to European pre-

eminence in the global


Weakened Europe:

Revolutionary Ideas:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: An Age of Anxiety Source: T&E Chapter 35

Essential Question: Describe the decades between World War I and World War II

Questions: Notes:

Describe the cultural Postwar Pessimism:

changes that occurred as a

reaction to WWI

Religious Uncertainty:

Attacks on Progress:


Questions: Notes:

The Uncertainty Principle:

Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory:

Artistic Influences:


Questions: Notes:

Describe the factors What did the global economy look like by the mid-1920s?

leading up to and the

course of the Great


Economic Problems:

The Crash of 1929:

Economic Contraction Spreads:

Industrial Economies:

Questions: Notes:

Economic Nationalism:

Personal Suffering:

Describe the attempts In General:

to climb out of the



The New Deal:

Questions: Notes:

Describe Communist Civil War:

Russia between the wars

War Communism:

The New Economic Policy:

Joseph Stalin:

First Five-Year Plan:

Collectivization of Agriculture:

The Great Purge:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the rise of Define fascism:

fascism between the two


What are some characteristics of fascism?

Italian Fascism:

Benito Mussolini:

The Fascist State:

German National Socialism:

Hitler and the Nazi Party:

Questions: Notes:

The Struggle for Power:

Consolidation of Power:

The Racial State:

Women and Race:

Nazi Eugenics:


Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Nationalism and Political Source: T&E Chapter 36Identities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America

Essential Question: Describe the rise of nationalism in Asia, Africa, and Latin America after World War I.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the challenges to

Asian autonomy

Describe India’s struggle In general:

for home rule

The Indian National Congress:


Questions: Notes:

Mohandas K. Gandhi:

The India Act:

Questions: Notes:

Describe China’s search In General:

for order

The Republic:

Chinese Nationalism:

Sun Yatsen:

Three Principles of the People:

Questions: Notes:

The Civil War:

Questions: Notes:

Describe post WWI Japan In general:

The Mukden Incident:

Questions: Notes:

Describe Africa’s Africa During World War I:

experiences with WWI

and between the two


Challenges to European Authority:

Questions: Notes:

The Colonial Economy:

African Infrastructure:

Farming and Mining:

Labor Practices:

African Nationalism and Africa’s New Elite:

Forms of Nationalism:

Questions: Notes:

Describe Latin America’s Define Neo-Colonialism:

Struggle with Neo-


In General:

The Impact of the Great War and the Great Depression:

Reorientation of Political and Nationalist Ideals:

University Protests and Communist Parties:

Diego Rivera and Radical Artistic Visions:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the evolution of United States Economic Domination:

economic Imperialism in

Latin America

Dollar Diplomacy:

Economic Depression and Experimentation:

The Good Neighbor Policy:

Nicaragua and the Guarcia Nacional:

Questions: Notes:

Cardenas’ Mexico:

Neighborly Cultural Exchanges:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: New Conflagrations: World War II Source: T&E Chapter 37 and 38and the Cold War

Essential Question: Describe the causes and course of World War II and the Cold War.

Questions: Notes:

Describe the origins of In General:

WW Two.

Japan’s War in China:

The Rape of Nanjing:


Questions: Notes:

Chinese Resistance:



Peace For Our Time:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the course of Total War:

WW Two

Europe Blitzkrieg: Germany Conquers Europe:

The Fall of France:

The Battle of Britain:

Operation Barbarossa:

Questions: Notes:


Pearl Harbor:

Japanese Victories:

Defeat of the Axis Powers Allied Victory in Europe:

Questions: Notes:

Asia Turning the Tide in the Pacific:

Iwo Jima and Okinawa:

Japanese Surrender:

Questions: Notes:

Describe life during WW II Occupation, Collaboration, and Resistance – In General:



Questions: Notes:



Describe the Holocaust In General:

of WW Two

The Final Solution:

Jewish Resistance:

Questions: Notes:

Women and the War – In General:

Women’s Roles:

Comfort Women:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the origins and Define “Cold War:”

course of the Cold War

In General:

Yalta and Potsdam:

Truman Doctrine:

Marshall Plan:

Questions: Notes:NATO:

United Nations:

Military Alliances:

A Divided Germany:

Blockade and Airlift:

The Berlin Wall:

The Nuclear Arms Race:

Questions: Notes:

Confrontations in Korea:

Cracks in the Soviet – Chinese Alliance:

Cuba: Nuclear Flashpoint:

Bay of Pigs Invasion:

Questions: Notes:

Cuban Missile Crisis:

Domestic Containment:

Black Nationalism:

Civil Rights Movement:


Space Race:



Questions: Notes:

Explain how events in De-Stalinization:

Cold War eventually led

to a policy of detente

Soviet Intervention:





Cracks in the Alliance:


Questions: Notes:Vietnam:



Rock and Roll:


Describe the end of the In General:

Cold War

Revolutions in Eastern and Central Europe:

Questions: Notes:

Poland, Bulgaria, and Hungary:

Velvet and Violent Revolutions:

Fall of the Berlin Wall:

Gorbachev’s Reforms:

Perestroika and Glasnost:


Toward an Uncertain Future:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The End of Empire Source: T&E Chapter 39

Essential Question: Describe the independence movements of the 20th century.

Questions: Notes:

Describe India’s independ- In General:

ence movement

The Coming of Self-Rule:

Partition and Violence:

Conflict between India and Pakistan:


Questions: Notes:


Describe Vietnam’s Fighting the French:

struggle for independ-


The Geneva Conference and Partial Independence:


Questions: Notes:

Describe the development In General:

of Arab national states

and Israel

Arab Independence:


The Creation of Israel:

Questions: Notes:

Egypt and Arab Nationalism:

Define Pan-Arab Nationalism:

The Suez Crisis:

Decolonization in Africa France in Africa:

War in Algeria:

Frantz Fanon:

Growth of African Nationalism:

Questions: Notes:

African Independence:


Anticolonial Rebellion in Kenya:

After Independence Mao’s China:

The Cultural Revolution:

Deng’s Revolution:


Questions: Notes:Indian Democracy:

Islamic Resurgence Muslim Revival and Arab Disunity:


The Iranian Revolution:

The Iran-Iraq War:

Politics and Economics in Mexico:

Latin America


Questions: Notes:

Juan Peron:


Guatemala and Nicaragua:

Economic Dependency:

War and Peace The Aftermath of Decolonization:

South Africa:


Questions: Notes:

The End of Apartheid:

The Democratic Republic of Congo:

Developing Economies:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: The Global Economy & Cross Source: T&E Chapter 40Cultural Exchanges and Global Communications

Essential Question: How has the global economy changed and what impact has that had on cultural exchanges global communications?

Questions: Notes:

Describe the global What is globalization?

economy of the late 20th

And 21st centuries

What forces have been driving the new global economy?

Is “globalization” new?


Questions: Notes:

Free Trade:

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT):

World Trade Organization (WTO):

Global Corporations:

Questions: Notes:

Describe economic growth Japan:

in Asia

The Little Tigers:

The Rise of China:

Perils of the New Economy:

Questions: Notes:

Describe trading blocs Define “Trading Bloc:”

in the global economy

European Union:




What are some criticisms Globalization and Its Critics:

of globalization?

Questions: Notes:

Describe how cross- In General:

cultural exchanges and

global communications

have impacted modern

societies Sara vs. Barbie in Iran:

Barbie in Japan:

Consumption and Cultural Interaction:

Pan-American Culture:

Questions: Notes:

The Age of Access:

Preeminence of the English Language:

The Internet:

Adaptations of Technology:

Questions: Notes:

Describe major challenges Population Pressures:

of the modern “global”


Climate Change:

Population Control

Describe the In General:

economic inequities and

labor servitude of the

modern world

Questions: Notes:

Causes of Poverty:

Labor Servitude:


Describe challenges posed In General:

by diseases in the modern



AIDS in Africa:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the challenges of In General:

Global terrorism

Defining Terrorism:

September 11:

War in Afghanistan and Iraq:

Questions: Notes:

Describe the mechanisms In General:

Created in the 20th and

21st centuries to deal

with global issues

Nongovernmental Organizations:

United Nations:

Human Rights:

Questions: Notes:

Describe issues associated In General:

with gender in the modern


Feminism and Equal Rights:

Gender Equality in China:

Domesticity and Abuse:

Women Leaders:

Questions: Notes:

Describe international In General:

migrations in the modern


Internal Migration:


External Migration:

Migrant Communities:

Transient Migrants:

Mass Tourism and its Effects:

Cornell Notes A.P. World History Name:

Topic/Objective: Source:

Essential Question:

Questions: Notes:


Questions: Notes: