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Chapter 3: Section 1

Activating #1a: Wanted

· Wanted – Perfect Parents

· Brainstorm qualities, characteristics, and other requirements that describe perfect parents in the space provided.


Activating #1b: What do parents do?

· Answer the above question in the space provided – use phrases or words to describe what parents do


Acquiring #2: Parenting – A Learning Process

· Read pp. 60-61

· Parenting: ______________________________


· What jobs could you be hired to do if you had no training or experience?


· How much responsibility is involved in such jobs?


· How much responsibility is involved in parenting children?


· Do you think that parents need training? If so, where and how should they get it?


· Should training actually be required before a person can become a parent? Why or why not?


· Of the sources listed for improving parenting skills:

· Which do you consider most reliable? Why?


· Which – if any – might be unreliable? Why?


· Is there one “best” source for learning about parenting skills?


· Read p. 63 “Understanding Children”

· Consider the example of Liz:

· How did Liz find out what caused her baby’s crying?


· How else could she have found out about stranger anxiety?


· What might have happened if Liz had not learned about the reasons for her daughter’s crying?


· If you were Liz’s friend, do you think you would recommend that she seek some formal training in parenting skills? Why or why not?


· Read pp. 63-65 “Providing Enrichment and Encouragement”

· Consider this situation:

“ Dana’s father has been ill and unable to work for over a year. Her mother was laid off from her job and cannot find another. They have very little money and cannot make ends meet. Dana’s family has pulled together during these trying times, and Dana feels loved and secure, despite her parents’ unemployment and financial problems”

· Is Dana deprived? If so, in what way? If not, why not?


· What do you think Dana probably has that most overprotected children probably lack?


· Read pp. 65-66 “Providing Love and Support”

· Answer these questions:

· How would you want to treat your children?


· What do you hope to do to provide enrichment and encouragement, love and support for your children?


· Do you worry about whether your children might be deprived? Overparented?


· What can you do to avoid those problems?


Applying #1: Effective Parenting Skills

1. Student Workbook “Parenting and You”

1. Section 1 Review p. 66: #1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Chapter 3: Section 2

Activating #1: Discipline

· Jot down at least six words or phrases that the word Discipline brings to mind in the space provided.


Acquiring #1: Reading

· Read pp. 67-68: “Understanding Discipline”

· Discipline: ______________________________


· How does this definition differ from your previous understanding of the word?


· How does it affect your feelings about discipline?


· Read pp. 68-70: “Encouraging Appropriate Behaviour”

1. Setting a Good Example:

· How can children’s inclination to imitate others serve as a positive factor in guiding behavior?


· When and how can it present special problems for parents? For teachers? For other caregivers?


2. Telling What is Expected:

· Do you think this would work with children? Why or why not?


3. Praising Appropriate Behavior:

· Positive Reinforcement: ___________________


· Why is this an effective discipline technique to use with young children?


· Do you think it would be effective in modifying the behavior of teens and adults? Why or why not?


· Do you think food should be used as a form of praise in response to children’s behavior? Why or why not?


· List the 4 steps of praising appropriate behavior

a. _____________________________________

b. _____________________________________

c. _____________________________________

d. _____________________________________

4. Offering Choices

· Discuss these situations and suggest choices that a parent or other caregiver might offer to encourage appropriate behavior

· A 3-year-old is throwing food onto the floor.


· A 6-year-old is throwing food at a sibling.


· A 5-year-old wants to splash through deep puddles.


· A 2-year-old refuses to get into the bathtub


· A 5-year-old refuses to turn the television off.


· A 6-year-old wants to stay up late to visit with out-of-town guests


· A 5-year-old does not want to help set the table


· A 3-year-old refuses to leave the park


Setting Limits, pp. 71-73

· What should a Limit Be?


· List the basic limits needed for each of these age categories:

· Under 2 years old


· 2-3 years old


· 4-5 years old


· 6-7 years old ______________________________________________________________________________

Make sure you include:

· Number of limits for each category

· Specific limits that are appropriate

· How should the limits be communicated to the child?

· How do you know when to change a child’s limits?

· How could a parent or other caregiver use positive reinforcement with limits?

· Making Limits Clear

· Consider the following situations, each involving a 4-year-old child. Discuss the following questions for each situation:

· What limits should be set?

· How should those limits be communicated to the child?

a. Robert will be attending his friend’s birthday party at the zoo


b. Melissa is going to a public swimming pool with her older sister.


c. Jarrod is going to fingerpaint at the kitchen table


d. Zelda is going with a friend and the friend’s babysitter to play in a park.


Dealing with Inappropriate Behaviour, pp. 74-78

1. Unintentional Misbehaviour

· There is a child who says “I forgot” or “I didn’t mean to” often when they misbehave.

a. What has the child learned about unintentional misbehavior?


b. What do you think a parent or caregiver should do to determine whether the behavior was intentional?


c. What assumptions – if any – should the parent or caregiver make? Why?


2. Using Punishment Effectively

a. What are the differences between positive and negative reinforcement?


b. How are they likely to affect children?


c. How are they likely to affect the relationship between a parent or caregiver and a child?


· Natural consequences: ________________________


· Loss of previleges: ____________________________


· Ignoring: ___________________________________


· Time-out: __________________________________


3. Issues Concerning Discipline: _____________________


4. Poor Disciplinary Measures: _____________________


a. Bribing: __________________________________


b. Making children promise to behave: ___________



c. Shouting or yelling: _________________________


d. Shaming or belittling: _______________________


e. Threatening to withhold love: ________________



Cooperative Learning:

· Work in groups to consider and discuss the following situation

· “Your child has gotten into the bathroom cabinet and is drawing on the mirror with a tube of lipstick”

· Ask group members to agree on the best response to the situation and record it here:


Critical Thinking:

· Consider these situations:

· Whenever 5-year-old Jenny is frustrated or has trouble doing something – buttoning a shirt, cutting her meat, or making her bed – a parent steps in to help. In most cases, the parent ends up completing Jenny’s task for her.

· Whenever 4-year-old Ryan has an argument with his older brother or with a neighborhood playmate, one of his parents steps in and punished the offender

· What is each child learning? Why?


· What do you think motivates the child’s parents to behave this way?


· What do you think Jenny’s parents should do?


· If her parents do not change their response, what will the long-term effects be?


· What should Ryan’s parents do?


· What could be the consequences of their continuing to act as they do now?


Read Handling Conflict, Consistency pp. 78-79

Handling Conflict: ____________________________




Consistency: ________________________________





1. Journal #2: Discipline

1. Student Workbook “Giving Guidance”

1. Section 2 Review, p. 79, Q: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Journal #2: Discipline

Discuss the following questions:

a) How do you think spanking affects a child?

b) How do you think it affects the child’s parent?

c) How does it affect their relationship?

d) Under what circumstances, if any, do you think it is acceptable to spank?

e) How can the risks of spanking be minimized?

f) Why do you think some parents who intend not to spank their children end up spanking anyway?

Chapter 3, Section 3

Activating #1: Substitute Care

· What do you think substitute care means and give examples if you can:


· Play “Maggie Simpson in The Longest Daycare” on Youtube

· Do you remember experiences like that from daycare?

Acquiring #1: Providing Substitute Care

“Types of Substitute Care”

· Read pp. 80-85

1. Home-Based Care: (care in the child’s own home, Family child care, play groups)


2. Center-Based Care (Child care centers, Preschools, Parent cooperatives, Head start centers, Montessori preschool)


3. Care for Older Children


Critical Thinking

· What are the advantages of having a child’s grandparent provide substitute care?


· What are the disadvantages?


· Do you think grandparents have an obligation to provide regular care for their grandchildren? Why or why not?


· Do you think grandparents have an obligation to provide occasional care (babysitting)? Why or why not?


Cooperative Learning

· Work in groups and plan a playgroup

· The group will decide on:

· The basic rules

· The General format

· The Daily Routine

· The Number of Children

· The Objectives of their play group

Critical Thinking

· Who are the parents for whom home-based care is likely to seem the better choice? Why?


· For whom is center-based likely to be the better choice? Why?


Critical Thinking

· What effect do you think placing a child in full-time substitute care has on the family?


· Are there both positives and negative effects?


· How can families deal with the negative effects?


Cooperative Learning

· Work in groups and make charts that summarize the advantages and disadvantages of home-based and centre-based care

· We’ll display each chart


· Joni has taken a full-time job and needs substitute care for her 3-year-old son, Sam. She has heard about a young woman who lives nearby and cares for children in her home. Joni has already spoken to this woman on the phone, to arrange a visit. Joni thinks that the woman sounds friendly and understanding and that the cost is reasonable. She has also discovered the home is only six blocks away from her own apartment. As she walks into the house, Joni notices several children watching a game show on TV and sipping soft drinks. A glance around the small yard shows that there is no outdoor play equipment.

· What are the advantages of this child care situation for Joni and Sam?


· What are the disadvantages?


· If you were in Joni’s situation, what would you do? Why?


Cooperative Learning

· Work together to write a detailed description of imaginary child care services.


· Once each group is finished, you will present your description to the class.

· Ask the class to use the checklist for Evaluating Quality Care to rate the imaginary services presented in the description they have been given.

The Effects of Substitute Care (pp. 88-89):


Applying #3: Questions and Review

1. P. 89, Q’s 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7

1. P. 90, Q’s 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11