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Policy No: 21

Policy and Procedure onAcceptable ICT Use

Policy Author / Reviewer Chris WrightApproval Date August 2018Next Review Date August 2019Version No 1Approved By C WrightStaff Groups Affected All Staff

Acceptable ICT Use Policy

Staff and Students Safeguarding and ICT

Protecting young people means thinking beyond the school environment. As well as the computer to access the Internet, now many mobile phones and games consoles offer broadband connections. Pupils may be working online in school, at home or in an Internet café. They may have personal devices not covered by network protection and therefore the emphasis should be on getting everyone to understand the risks and act accordingly.

All school staff should be aware of this policy and understand their personal responsibility with regard to keeping young people safe on line and how to respond to e-safety incidents. Safeguarding children and young people in both the real and virtual world is everyone’s responsibility. It is an extension of general safeguarding and this policy should be read alongside the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. The Centre Head will take the lead in embedding the agreed e-safety policies in practice. The Safeguarding Lead (Chris Wright) is responsibility for safeguarding should be the central contact point for all e-safety issues.

99% of children aged 8 – 17 access the internet (Ofcom, 2008)

Research shows that the Internet has led to more children and young people having access to some kinds of content that might not be appropriate for their age (e.g.sexual material) Although children and young people are really confident using technology they don’t always know how to judge what information they can trust and what they can’t. Unwanted contact by strangers is also a problem and children are still meeting up with people they first met online, even when they know about the risks. Bullying can change online, especially because it can be anonymous, and people can be meaner. It can also be viewed again and again, by lots of people.

Policy No: 21

Policy No: 21

Policy No: 21

Children and young people often upload things about themselves or others without necessarily understanding or thinking through what the long term effects might be. (Byron report 2008)

System security

The system is a secure network. Only authorised individuals will be provided with administrator rights.

Unauthorised activities

Unauthorised activities will be managed in line with the E-Safety policy guidelines.

Social Networking sites

Access to Social Networking Sites is prohibited with the exception of the Business Manager for HR purposes or the DSL for safeguarding purposes.


No personal email is to be accessed during school hours on school equipment and school emails should not be used for personal use.

Internet Access

The Internet is protected by a filtering system and Internet Use is monitored closely both in class and remotely.


All users will be provided with a secure log in for the network and any system used by Project One. This log in must not be shared with any individual and no individual should use another persons long in details to gain access to the system.


Full details of sanctions are outlined in the ESafety Policy but include removal of access rights, notification to the police or local authority if appropriate and disciplinary action if required. This ICT Acceptable Use Policy links to the E-Safety Policy, Anti-Bullying policies. All pupils will be supported to understand the potential risks and how to practise safe, responsible behaviour, wherever and whenever they are online. All pupils should seek help and report incidents to the safeguarding team. Advice will be provided during Assemblies and visiting professional presentations and posters will be displayed in prominent areas.

Policy No: 21

Reporting Incidents

If a pupil receives an abusive e-mail or text they should report the matter to a member of staff as soon as possible. A copy of the correspondence with full headers, plus dates and times should be saved. Staff will investigate all complaints of abuse and take action accordingly. Responsibility for handling incidents involving children will be taken by the Designated Safeguarding Officer If one or more pupils view inappropriate material the first priority will be to give them appropriate support. The pupil’s parent’/carers will be informed and given an explanation of the course of action the centre has taken. If staff or pupils discover unsuitable sites, DSL will report the URL (address) and contact to the ISP and the LEA. If it is thought that the material is illegal, after consultation the site will be referred to the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), CEOP and the Police.

The centre provide guidelines for parents, carers and others on safe practice on the website.

Age Restricted Material

Publications are classified to provide information and protect people from viewing material that might be inappropriate or damaging to their moral and physical wellbeing. It is illegal to show, give or sell restricted materials to a person under a certain age. Blatant intentional exhibiting of age-restricted materials to pupils under the specified age is a serious breach of e-safety and should invoke a strong disciplinary response from the centre. Any incidents that involves inappropriate but legal material should be dealt with by the Head of centre.Any incident of racially motivated abuse via technology needs to be linked in with the monitoring of racial incidents in the centre.

Policy No: 21

Incidents involving others. Any incident involving a member of staff is a serious and often complex matter. There may be implications for the safety of pupils, fellow employees and the learning environment, and for the reputation of the centre. Harassment of another person using technology, or breaching their right to privacy, poses a serious threat to their physical and emotional safety, and may have legal consequences. In all disciplinary instances, the centre must be careful to follow disciplinary protocols, ensuring that proper documentation and recording of information occurs and that appropriate counselling and support are given. Parents/carers of the pupil involved must be kept fully informed of the matter. Depending on the incident the designated person and centre head will decide on an appropriate course of action. This may include involving external agencies such as the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) to provide follow up counselling and support to both the victims and perpetrators. The centre head should review e-safety policies as soon as possible after the incident in an attempt to prevent such an incident recurring, debriefing relevant staff accordingly, and providing school-wide training as appropriate. In the school context, very serious incidents tend to involve illegal materials, (particularly the viewing, possession, making and distribution of indecent images of children) or serious stalking or harassment facilitated by communication technologies. Indecent images of children are defined under Section 7 or the Protection of Children Act 1978 (as amended by section 84 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994) References to indecent photographs under the Act include data stored on a computer disk or by other electronic means that is capable of conversion into a photograph.

What to do in the event of discovery of indecent material.

Discovery of indecent material within the centre’s network is a very serious situation, and must always be reported to the police. It is important that the material is not downloaded, printed or sent by e-mail, because doing so will be an offence in itself. If at all possible, do absolutely nothing to the suspect computer or computers, including turning them on or off. It may be necessary to shut down the whole network, but do not do this unless instructed by the police. Ensure that everyone is kept away and that nothing is touched.

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Under no circumstances should the centre head or any other member of staff attempt to conduct an investigation of their own, or bring in an outside ‘expert’ to do so, as this may compromise the evidence if a legal case were to result. In some cases this may constitute a criminal offence in itself. Pupils are responsible for good behaviour on the Internet, just as they are in a classroom.You must sign this acceptable use policy before you are allowed to use any of the centre’s computers or access the centre network. By signing this permission form, you accept that centre staff may view any material you store on the centre’s computers, or any external memory devices. Staff may review files and communications to ensure that users are using the system responsibly. We also require the permission of a parent or guardian before you can be allowed to use the Internet or e-mail service. A consent form must be signed and returned to the centre. You must only access those services that you have been given permission to use. You must not attempt to access centre’s computer resources without direction from a member of staff You must not disclose any password or login name you have been given. You must not ask another pupil for their password or login name, or attempt to log on other than with your assigned login name and password. Do not download and use material or copy and paste content which is copyright. The Internet access granted to you is filtered to stop access to unsuitable material. As no filtering system can be 100% effective, it is important that users of the system act responsibly. Under no circumstances should you attempt to view, upload or download any material that is likely to be unsuitable for children. This applies to any material of a violent, antisocial or racist nature or inappropriate sexual content. You have a responsibility to inform the member of staff supervising you if you have accidentally accessed inappropriate content. Always respect the files of other users. Do not attempt to open, delete or move any of the files belonging to other students or to staff.

Policy No: 21

Be polite and appreciate that other users might have views that are different from your own. The use of strong or threatening language is not allowed. You must not use the centre’s ICT resources, including e-mail service, in a manner that might be offensive to others. This includes the use of social networking sites and chat rooms. Any inappropriate language will result in disciplinary action. The following are not permitted within the school environment. Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures. Using obscene language. Harassing, insulting or attacking others. Damaging computers, computer systems or computer networks. Violating copyright laws. Using others passwords or accounts. “Hacking” into other’s folders, work or files for any reason. Intentionally wasting limited resources, including printer ink and paper. Failure to comply with these rules will result in one or more of the following: • A ban, temporary or permanent, on your use of the Internet facilities at the centre. • A letter informing your parents/ gardians of the nature and breach of rules. • Appropriate sanctions and restrictions placed on future access to school facilities to be decided by the Head of centre. • Any other action decided by the Head of Project One. This may include the involvement of the local authority and/or the police where appropriate. If you do not understand any part of this Acceptable Use Policy, you should ask a member of staff for guidance. You should only sign the permission form when you have read, understood and are willing to comply with the above rules. You should never enter a chat room (unless arranged by a teacher and with an adult present).

Policy No: 21

Never give out your own or anybody else’s personal information including home address, telephone number or personal details when using the Internet or email. Never arrange to meet anyone you have contacted on the Internet or by Email. Pupils will not be accountable for the actions that others may force upon them, but there are sanctions that the centre will impose if they act inappropriately. The centre will ensure pupils are aware of potential risks and how to practice safe, responsible behaviour, wherever and whenever they are on line. The centre will provide guidelines for parents, carers and others on safe practice This policy will be regularly monitored and reviewed The Acceptable Use Policy links to other policies e.g. e-Safety policy, Anti Bullying Policy, etc. I have read, understood and accept the Acceptable Use Policy for Students.

Pupil Name __________________________________of group _______ Signature of Student____________________________________ Date _________ This form must be completed, signed and returned to your tutor for central records. No access will be possible unless this has been done.

Policy No: 21

Dear Parent/Guardian Parental Permission to use the Internet Facilities The centre has a connection to the Internet. The Internet provides a number of important and valuable contributions that can enhance learning and understanding in all of the centres curriculum areas. Thousands of centres across the world now have access to the Internet, and many students are reaping the educational benefits this learning resource provides. As a result of the open and unregulated nature of the Internet, there is some material that is unsuitable for viewing by children. Therefore, we have introduced procedures that should enable your son/daughter to use the Internet facilities safely and securely. A copy of the centre’s Acceptable Use Policy is attached to this letter. We will make every effort to ensure that unsuitable material is not viewed by your son/daughter. A member of staff will monitor each session. Each member of staff and each pupil using the Internet must agree to follow the Acceptable Use Policy. This policy sets out the rules that must be adhered to, for the protection of all users.

Mr Chris WrightHead of centre, Project One Alternative Provision LTD

......................................................................................................................................... _ Signature of Parent or Guardian
