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Week 3 - 25/1/21 Learning for P.6

Welcome to week 3! If you have any questions, please ask me on glow and I will try my best to help you.


Monday – Look up the meaning of five of your spelling words using a dictionary and write them down.

Tuesday- Write two synonyms for five of your spelling words. You can use a thesaurus, the internet or think of words yourself with similar meanings.

Wednesday – Write a basic sentence and then an uplevelled sentence for three of your spelling words.

Thursday – Learn how to spell the words with someone from your family.

· Spelling Week 3


Task 1 – Reading Target.

Set your reading target for this week. Remember to do your evaluation on a Friday or when you finish reading your books. Why don’t you challenge yourself by reading more pages than you read last week?

Task – Character description - Choose a character and describe their personality and appearance as well as what you learn about them as you read the story. You may need to read between the lines (inference) for this and look at how your character reacts in situations. You could do this task in the form of a mindmap with your character in the middle of your page.


Mental – multiplication and division.

Keep your numeracy skills sharp by doing five revision maths questions each day from this website.

Task 1 – Square Roots.

Task 2 – Triangular Numbers.

Task 3 – Trend Graphs.

Sumdog – You have been sent your password and username to your glow email account. The school code is ‘milnes’.


Task – As it is Burns Night you can entertain and impress your family by reciting the poem that you learned, either ‘Twa – Leggit Mice’ or ‘Snawman’ or even both of them!


Global Warming comprehension task.


Imaginative story.


Speech marks – in the Power Point channel on Teams.


· The Greenhouse Effect

· Global Warming



Spelling Week 2






































Im - (opposite of the root word)











Mental - Multiplication & Division

In your head work out the answers to each question below. Then find the answers in the picture opposite and shade using a single colour.


21 × 5 =


24 × 10 =


100 ÷ 4 =


175 ÷ 5 =


247 × 4 =


185 × 5 =


24 × 14 =


1820 ÷ 10 =


2080 ÷ 10 =


301 × 2 =


39 × 6 =


845 ÷ 5 =


506 ÷ 11 =


210 ÷ 15 =


1661 ÷ 11 =


12 × 21 =


618 ÷ 3 =


89 × 2 =


7 × 24 =


26 × 3 ÷ 3 =


79 × 2 ÷ 2 =


720 ÷ 5 ÷ 6 =


96 ÷ 4 ÷ 2 =


17 × 5 × 3 =


21 × 2 × 2 =

I am learning about square roots which are the opposite of square numbers.

Watch -

The words Squared and Square Root are opposites.

You should know that 6 squared = 36 because 6 x 6 = 36

We write this as 62 = 36

 And so the square root, which is the opposite of 36 = 6 We write this as √36 = 6

Example Work out √49 and √4900

Answer √49 = 7 because 72 = 49

√4900 = 70 because 702 = 7 x 10 x 7 x 10 = 72 x 102

The question, "What is the square root of 16?" or "√16" essentially means:

"What number multiplied by itself makes 16? So the answer is 4 - because 4 multiplied by itself = 16

A square root is the opposite. For example- the square root of 100 is 10.

Task 1 -Write the answers to the following square roots:


b.) =

c.) =

d.) =

e.) =

f.) =



i.) =




The square root is 5

Mix of square and square root questions

√ 225=√ 81=√ 25=√ 36=



Triangular Numbers

Task 2 -A triangle is a flat shape with three straight sides and three angles. The three angles of a triangle add up to 180°

Triangular numbers are numbers that form perfect triangles.

Notice the pattern,

11+2 = 3 1+2+3 = 61+2+3+4 = 101+2+3+4+5 = 15

And so on…

A triangular number can be shown by a triangle of dots:

1 is counted as a triangular number, then 3, 6, 10, 15, 21 and so on.


1) Draw dots (as above) to represent the triangular numbers from 1 up to 55.

Write the triangular number underneath each triangle.

2) For each triangular number, work out how much has been added to the previous triangular number, eg. 1 + 2 = 3; 3 + 3 = 6 ...

3) What is the pattern?

Task 3 - I am learning about trend graphs.

Challenge! Trend Graph Challenge!

A.) Using the information (data) that you collected last week about the weather in different countries, draw two trend graphs. One for the highest temperatures experienced in Fochabers over the week and the other showing the highest temperatures experienced in another country.

X axis = days Y axis = temperature

B.) Look at your trend graphs carefully. Using the information shown on the trend graphs write five questions that someone else in your family will be able to answer.

C.) Create two other trend graphs, using information that you gathered about the weather. Try and compare the information.

The Greenhouse Effect

Topic – Greenhouse Effect

A greenhouse works to keep plants warm. As the sun’s rays enter the greenhouse through the glass, some escape and some are trapped inside causing the air to become warmer. This keeps the Earth not too hot or too cold -perfect for life to exist.

This is what is happening in Earth’s atmosphere. The ‘greenhouse gases’ make a gassy layer that acts like the glass in a greenhouse. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth would be too cold to live on with an average temperature of

-18°C! Brrrr!

Task – Draw the Earth with a balanced greenhouse effect. Remember to add information that will explain what is happening in your picture.

Global Warming

Just as too little greenhouse gas makes Earth too cold, too much greenhouse gas makes Earth too warm.

Over the last century, humans have burned coal, oil, and gas in our cars, trucks, planes, trains, power plants, and factories.

Burning coal, oil and gas produces more greenhouse gases which are then trapped in the atmosphere and this has contributed to making the Earth warmer.

Task – Draw the Earth with an unbalanced greenhouse effect, where the Earth is heating up and there is an increase in greenhouse gases.

Remember to add information that will explain what is happening in your picture.

Global Warming – Greenhouse Gases

Mother Earth Has A Fever!

Scientists have been measuring the Earth’s temperature for more than 100 years. The scientists have used this temperature data to analyse (work out) the health of the Earth. From the data, the scientists say that the temperature all around the globe, from deserts to glaciers, from mountain tops to ocean waters, is rising. We call this global warming.

As the world’s population grows, the demand for energy increases. Since the 1800’s the human population has increased from 1 billion to over 7 billion. Seven billion people need energy every day to cook their food, fuel their cars, build and light their homes, power factories and recharge their electronics. Do you use a computer, phone, tablet or television?

These devices need energy such as electricity to power them. Burning fossil fuels, which are coal, oil and natural gas, are used in the production of electricity. This process releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and as we know these extra greenhouse gases are causing our Earth to heat up.

Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases. Petrol and diesel cars produce lots of carbon dioxide and since cars have become widely used, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased which has contributed to the warming of the Earth.

Methane is another greenhouse gas which has contributed to global warming. The leading human activities for releasing methane are drilling and mining for fossil fuels and the large-scale production of cows, pigs and chickens.

There are over 1.5 billion cows on the planet that release massive amounts of methane when they burp and pass wind, just like humans. In fact, they are one of the world’s largest producers of methane!

Answer the following in sentences.

1.) How do we know that the temperature of the Earth is rising?

2.) What are fossil fuels and what do we use them for?

3.) What are the names of two of the greenhouse gases that have been mentioned in the passage?

3.) Explain how the extra greenhouse gases have been produced?

4.) Explain the effect that the increase in greenhouse gases has had on the Earth.

5.) We have all contributed to the increase in greenhouse gases.

Write a list of things that you and your family do which contribute to the increase in greenhouse gases? For example – leaving lights on in rooms that are not being used.

Use this space for taking notes while watching the videos.

You can do this task with your family

Carbon Footprint Survey: How Big Is Your Family’s Carbon Footprint?

Whether we realize it or not, we all emit carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gases, through our day-to-day activities. The amount we emit is referred to as our “carbon footprint.” The bigger the footprint, the more carbon dioxide that comes from each of us as a result of the choices we make.

Some of our lifestyle choices and day-to-day activities emit (release) excess carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The amount of greenhouse gases we produce is referred to as our “carbon footprint.” Too much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in our atmosphere can lead to unnatural climate change, which can have a harmful effect on our planet. Take this survey to get a sense of the size of your family’s carbon footprint.

Housing and Home Energy

1.) If you live in a single-family home, colour 4 rings RED; if you live in an apartment or other type of home, colour 2 rings RED.

2.) If you don’t use energy-efficient light bulbs, colour 1 more ring RED.

3.) If your home doesn’t have a programmable thermostat, colour 1 more ring RED.

4.) If you are not familiar with the Energy Star appliance rating system, colour 1 more ring RED.


5.) For every small car in your family, colour 1 ring BLUE.

6.) For every medium or large car in your family, colour 2 rings BLUE.

7.) If you don’t regularly change the air filter in your car and check the tyre pressure, colour 1 more ring BLUE. (Ask a family member about this)

8.) For every airplane trip you’ve taken in the past year, colour 1 more ring BLUE.

Personal Habits

9. If you are a vegetarian, colour 1 ring GREEN; if you are not a vegetarian, colour 2 rings GREEN.

10. If you never eat organic food, colour 1 more ring GREEN.

11. If you take baths, run the tap while brushing your teeth or washing dishes, colour 1 ring GREEN.

Recycling and Waste

12. If you usually recycle your household rubbish, colour 1 ring BROWN; if you never recycle, colour 2 rings BROWN.

13. If you never compost your kitchen waste, colour 1 more ring BROWN.


Choose one of the pictures and write an imaginative story using the story mountain technique.

I am learning to write a story using the story mountain.

I must…

· Introduce characters and describe the setting.

· Have an inciting action that starts the plot.

· Have a gradual build up to the main event.

· Have a climax.

· Have a resolution to the problem.

· Have a suitable ending. This could be a cliff hanger.

· Have an appropriate title.

Technical criteria

· Plan out your story using the story mountain.

· Have no more than four lines of dialogue.

· Write in paragraphs.

· After you have written each paragraph, read it aloud and check it makes sense.

· Check that you have included all of the necessary punctuation and corrected spelling.

· Make your handwriting legible.

Story starter!

She held hope in her outstretched hands. Kneeling gently on the ground, she prepared herself for what she knew she must do. The cool water trickled through her muddy fingers, and the soft, black earth felt comfortingly warm on her palms.

Planting the tree of life would mean a new beginning. The opportunities were endless…

Feeling the excitement course through her quivering body, she lowered the tree of life into the small hole she had prepared. It was time…

Story Starter

‘A new and innovative way to travel has this very week been invented by London based inventor, Samuel Diggle. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No – it’s the magnificent eco-friendly flying machine ‘Zepper 2016’!

For years, scientists and inventors have been striving to ‘scratch’ the current global ‘itch’ that is sustainable and eco-friendly energy. This could finally be it! Diggle’s new creation is not only cheap to construct, but relies solely upon natural energy sources!’ 

James lowered the magazine and stared into space…

Art - Mindfulness

I am learning to create a mandala.

I know what a mandala represents.

I understand why people create mandalas.

I am able to draw a mandala.

A mandala represents the universe in the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism. The word ‘mandala’ means circle.

A mandala is usually a circular diagram symbolizing the universe. Mandalas originated in the 4th century as part of one of the world’s great religions, Buddhism. They were used in Tibet, India, Nepal, China and Japan among other countries. Now they are created throughout the world.

Mandalas are believed to help people with meditation and are symbols of prayer.

Your turn! Draw a mandala then colour it in. Enjoy!
