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Funding InsightKeeping you up to date with the latest funding opportunities

One Walsall has a free funding portal for our members. See,168 for details.

January 8th 2018

ContentsFunding to Support Disadvantaged Young People (UK)...........................................................3Wolfson Foundation Health and Disability Grants Programme (UK)......................................3Funding to Support Education in Disadvantaged Areas (UK / International).......................4The Law Society Charity Grants (UK)..........................................................................................4Funding for Cultural and Educational Links with Japan (UK)...................................................5Grants of up to £5,000 Available to Support the Performing Arts and the Conservation of Historic Objects (UK)...................................................................................................................... 5Funding Available to Support Digital Social Action Projects (UK)...........................................6Funding Available to Make Community Buildings Cheaper to Heat (England and Scotland - Various Locations)).........................................................................................................................6Funding Available for Adults and Children with Physical Disabilities (England)..................7Funding for Projects that Raise the Attainment of Disadvantaged School Students (England)........................................................................................................................................................... 7Artists International Development Fund (England)..................................................................7Alcohol Research Innovation Grants (UK)..................................................................................8Support for Environmental Outreach Education for Disadvantaged Young People (UK). . .8Funding for Breakfast Clubs (UK).................................................................................................9National Marine Aquarium – Grants Programme (UK)..............................................................9The Friends Provident Foundation - Building Resilient Local Economies (UK)...................10National Churches Trust Repair Grants (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales)10Funding to Enable Disadvantaged Young People Reach their Potential (UK).....................11Grants of up to £5,000 Available to Help the Homeless (UK)...............................................11Funding for Projects that Use Innovation to Address the Challenges Facing Parks (UK). 12Funding for Local Environmental Projects (UK).......................................................................12Funding Available to Support Grassroots Women’s Organisations (UK).............................13Orchard Windfalls Fund Invites Applications from Community Groups (UK)......................14Grants for Churches for the Conservation of Decorative Features and Monuments (UK)14Food Power - Tackling Food Poverty Through People-Powered Change (UK).....................15Trees for Schools (UK).................................................................................................................. 15Community Trees Fund (UK).......................................................................................................16Funding for Christian Charities Promoting Social Inclusion (UK)..........................................16UK – German Schools Flexible Funding Scheme (UK)............................................................17Nuffield Foundation - Research Placements Reopen for Applications (UK)........................17Royal Society of Chemistry - Outreach Fund Small Grants Scheme (UK)...........................18Greggs Foundation - Local Communities Projects Fund (England, Scotland & Wales).....19Cory Environmental Trust Community Grants (Various Locations in England & Wales). .19Reaching Communities Announces Pause in Grant Making (England)...............................20


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

New £4 Million Funding Round Announced to Improve Exhibition Spaces and Accessibility in Museums and Galleries (England).............................................................................................20Funding to Promote Leadership Equality and Diversity with Schools (England)...............21Open Call for Research to Support Community Business (England)...................................21


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

The Mid Counties Community Fund open for applicationsAre you part of a community group or organisation in need of some support? The Mid Counties Community Fund will be open for applications on 22nd January 2018, with grants of up to £2,000. Closing date is the 16th February Full details and application forms are available under the Community section of our website  - Any queries regarding the fund please contact The Mid Counties Cooperative Community Team on 01902 492235 or email

Funding to Support Disadvantaged Young People (UK)

The Weavers' Company, a textile-related, charitable and sociable organisation, has announced that the next closing date for its grants programme is the 31st March 2018.

The Fund aims to help young people (aged 15 - 30) who are disadvantaged or at risk of criminal involvement to stay out of trouble and assist in the rehabilitation of offenders. Grants are usually no more than £15,000 per annum, and to make sure grants of this size have an impact, the Weaver's Company will not fund large organisations. Grants are normally awarded to registered charities or organisations in the process of applying for registration. To be eligible for funding, local organisations such as those working in a village, estate or small town should normally have an income of less than £100,000. Those working across the UK should normally have an income of not more than £250,000. Grants are usually given for one year.

Wolfson Foundation Health and Disability Grants Programme (UK)

The Wolfson Foundation has announced that the next closing date for stage 1 applications to its Health and Disability Grants Programme is the 1st July 2018.

Through the programme, the Wolfson Foundation, makes grants of between £15,000 - £100,000 for new buildings, refurbishments and equipment for a


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

range of organisations delivering excellent care and support. The funding is focused on:

Palliative Care and Hospices Older People Transitions and Independence.

Match funding is required for projects over £50,000. The Foundation does not provide funding for clinical care which might be considered the proper responsibility of the National Health Service (e.g. refurbishment of hospital wards or other facilities, or provision of surgical equipment). The Foundation also encourage applications from all parts of the UK, especially regions that have few alternative sources of funding.

Funding to Support Education in Disadvantaged Areas (UK / International)

Grants are available to support schools and registered charities that wish to undertake educational work with children and young people in disadvantaged areas. 

The British & Foreign Schools Society (BFSS) normally makes grants for educational projects totalling about £600,000 in any one year. The majority (85% of grants) are made to charities and educational bodies (with charitable status). Schools wishing to apply need to have either charitable status or "exempt charity" status. 

Previous projects supported include:

Teens and Toddlers, a charity based in Southwark London received a grant of £19,500 towards the cost of two 18-week youth development programmes to help raise the aspirations of at risk young people.

The Afghan Association Paiwand received a grant of £33,240 for a new Saturday school in the deprived area of Colindale, North London which focus on maths


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

and English in partnership with local authorities and mainstream schools. 

The next closing date for applications is the 9th April 2018. 

For further information on the types of grants awarded by BFSS both in the UK and internationally, please click here

The Law Society Charity Grants (UK)

The next deadline for applications to the Law Society Charity grants programme is the 24th March 2018.

The Charity provides grants of between £5,000 and £15,000 to voluntary sector organisations whose work is related to the law and the legal profession for projects that promote human rights; provide access to justice; and provide legal education. Priority is given to projects that promote the needs of excluded, under-represented or disadvantaged groups and minorities. Organisations supported in the past include Youth Net which received funding towards the development of information to young people via alternative communication tools; and the Legal Action Group (LAG) which received funding towards the development of LAG's monthly magazine Legal Action.

Funding for Cultural and Educational Links with Japan (UK)

The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation has announced that the next applications deadline for its grants making programme is the 31st March 2018.

Through its grant making programme cultural organisations, universities and schools; etc that wish to develop links with Japan and Japanese schools can apply for funding. The Foundation's grants average £1,500 to £2,000 and do not normally exceed £5,000-£6,000 for larger-scale projects. Grants are available to support the study of the Japanese language and culture, School, Education and Youth exchanges. In the past the Foundation has made grants towards visits the between the UK and Japan between by teachers and young people and the


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

teaching and development of Japanese language and cultural studies in schools.

Organisations that have successfully applied to the Foundation include:

Hessle High School and Sixth Form College which received a grant of £3,000 to visit to Japan to create curriculum on Japan in Key Stage 3 Geography lessons.

Truro College which received a grant of £2,000 for a football exchange programme with Tokai Daigo High School in Japan.

Grants of up to £5,000 Available to Support the Performing Arts and the Conservation of Historic Objects (UK)

The Leche Trust has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 20th April 2018.

The Leche Trust is a grant making charity that provides funding of up to £5,000 to UK registered charities, public authorities or institutions in the areas of the Performing Arts and Conservation. Through the Performing Arts funding strand, the Trust supports projects that promote excellence in professional performance in music, dance and theatre, with particular emphasis on new work and on the development of young professionals aged 18 or over. Trustees are sympathetic to projects that widen geographical access to the performing arts, for example through festivals and touring. Through the Conservation funding stream, the Trust will support projects to conserve historic objects, collections and features of buildings and landscapes which date from the Georgian period or earlier, i.e. pre-1830s. Projects may include acquisition costs (for objects) and conservation surveys as well as remedial work. Trustees are inclined to give grants to smaller projects, or specific elements of projects, where their contribution can make a greater impact. In the case of churches, Trustees will consider supporting the conservation of such features as monuments, wall paintings, stained glass, and historic furniture and fittings.

Funding Available to Support Digital Social Action Projects (UK)


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

Go Think Big is offering grants of up to £500 to support local digital social action projects to inspire young people (aged 15-24) to make a positive impact within their community. This could include film, radio, journalism or general media, which focuses on using technology to harness a creative vision. Projects can be based around anything from skills workshops, podcasts or journalism pieces, to live events, community initiatives or apps. Applications are open to individuals or a group of people. Participation in the programme will run for 6 months from January 2018 - July 2018. Projects can take place at any point during these dates, or for the entire duration, depending on the nature of your idea.

The closing date for applications is the 28th January 2018.

Funding Available to Make Community Buildings Cheaper to Heat (England and Scotland - Various Locations))

Communities across the UK can apply for funding to make their shared public buildings easier and cheaper to heat thanks to the Thrive Renewables Community Benefit Fund. Grants of up to £4,000 are available for a range of works including insulation, draught-proofing, LED lighting or improved heating or lighting controls. The fund is available to community buildings near sustainable energy projects in which Thrive Renewables has invested. These are positioned all over the country, from Cambridgeshire to Dunfermline and from Bristol to Cumbria.

Applications can be submitted at any time until the 30th March 2018.

Funding Available for Adults and Children with Physical Disabilities (England)

Individuals and charitable organisations within the UK can apply for grants of up to £10,000 (£5,000 for individuals) to support the needs of adults and children with physical disabilities in England. Funding is available to assist those individuals with a disability to improve their physical, psychological and


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emotional well-being. In the case for funding for individuals applications must be supported and completed by a third-party sponsor. A sponsor could be, for example, a health/personal care professional, social worker or charity /support group representative.

The Trustees meet twice yearly in April and October with successful applicants being advised by 1st November and 1st May each year.

Funding for Projects that Raise the Attainment of Disadvantaged School Students (England)

The Shine Trust which funds projects that help disadvantaged young people to realise their academic potential, has announced that the Let Teachers SHINE competition will re-open for applications on the 23rd February 2018.

The competition aims to find the country's best teachers and some fresh, imaginative and practical ways to raise attainment among disadvantaged students in literacy, numeracy and/or science. Funding of up to £15,000 will be available for 10 winning ideas that help disadvantaged children and teenagers to recognise and then realise their academic potential. The competition is free to enter and open to any teacher working in England with students aged up to 18. Successful ideas might involve after-school programmes or innovative use of technology; etc.

For information on successful applications in 2017 please click here. The competition will close on the 17th April 2018.

Artists International Development Fund (England)

The next application deadline for the Arts Council England's Artists International Development Fund is the 7th March 2018.

This funding stream is for artists to develop links with artists, organisations and/or creative producers in other countries. Freelance and self-employed artists


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can apply for small grants of £1,000 to £5,000 to spend time building these links to broaden your horizons and open their work to other perspectives. The programme is open to emerging and mid-career artists working in combined arts, literature, music, theatre, dance, visual arts and crafts and design. Applicants must have received recognition for their work in England and not have extensive international experience. The application must also include a letter of support from the overseas partner/host.

Alcohol Research Innovation Grants (UK)

Alcohol Research UK (ARUK) offers grants of up to £75,000 for projects that address emerging issues in alcohol research, employ novel theoretical or methodological approaches, or pilot new work in treatment or service delivery.

Organisations that include Early Career Researchers in their team and that have a commitment to public involvement in research development have until midnight on 16th January 2018 to submit a complete application for research that covers the priority theme of ‘Treatment and Recovery Today'. In 2018, ARUK are also focussing on better public involvement in research by including service users, experts-by-experience, practitioners and affected families and therefore supported proposals will include clear plans for public engagement with these groups.

Support for Environmental Outreach Education for Disadvantaged Young People (UK)

Schools, colleges and youth groups can receive up to 80% towards the costs of providing environmental outreach education for groups of disadvantaged young people through the Field Studies Council's Kids Fund.

The Field Studies Council is an independent educational charity committed to raising awareness about the natural world and works through a network of residential and day Centres in the UK to provide outreach education and


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

training. The funding is available to help young people aged 14 - 18 (25 for those with special needs) attend a course who may otherwise be excluded due to some form of disadvantage - health, mobility, deprivation or financial. One free staff/adult place is provided for every 12-young people; additional adults pay 20% +VAT. This includes all equipment, tuition and waterproof hire costs. Food and accommodation are included for residential courses.

The next closing date for applications is the 1st March 2018.

Funding for Breakfast Clubs (UK)

Schools based in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland can apply for grants of up to £1,000 to support Breakfast Clubs through the to the Kellogg's Breakfast Club Grants Programme.

The aim of the programme is to provide breakfast to those children who need it most. A limited number of grants are available, so priority will be given to schools that have 40% and above of children eligible for pupil premium funding. Only one grant per school in each academic year is available. All schools that apply to the Kellogg's Breakfast Club Grants Programme will be automatically signed up to the Kellogg's Breakfast Club Network.

Schools can apply for an award at any date and you will hear within one month if you have been successful. Please note the fund may close if oversubscribed. If you are unsure about any of the above or have any other queries, then please contact Forever Manchester on 0044 161 214 0940 or e-mail

National Marine Aquarium – Grants Programme (UK)

The next closing date for the National Marine Aquarium Grants Programme is the 1st May 2018.


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The National Marine Aquarium awards grants for projects that seek to drive marine conservation through engagement. These projects may be science-based but could equally be based around arts or drama - indeed, the more innovative the better, as long as they contribute to raising awareness of the marine environment.

Grants awarded so far have been in the region of £1,200 to £5,000 and it is likely that future awards will be for similar amounts. Applications can be submitted by individuals, community groups, schools, or other conservation charities.

Previous projects supported include:

The "Marine Wildlife Champions Network" - Devon Wildlife Trust which received a grant of £4,000 for two years to build up a network within local schools to encourage children to take positive actions in preserving marine habitats and species.

Waste to Waves received £1,100 to support the exhibition of ‘Respect'- a fully recycled plastic bottle boat, made by the Cornish Primary School children at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall (NMMC) in Falmouth for 10 weeks.

The Friends Provident Foundation - Building Resilient Local Economies (UK)

The next deadline for applications to the Friends Provident Foundation - Building Resilient Economies programme is the 5th February 2018.

The programme aims to build a more resilient, fairer and sustainable economic system. Organisations working within the UK who want to help transform financial systems into 'engines for social benefit' can apply for up to £200,000 for work lasting up to five years. These can be in the form of grants, loans, part loans or underwriting to cover capital or revenue funding, core costs or project costs. Activities funded will fit closely with the aims of the Foundation and deliver one of two key outcomes. These are:


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

"System Change" "Local Economic Resilience".

Under 'Systems change' the Foundation will be looking for strong analysis of the issues and problems to be addressed together with effective methods of delivering policy and corporate behavioural change. Activities supported under 'Local economic resilience' will build on current technologies and approaches with funded projects focussing on building local partnerships, sharing knowledge and complimenting other local initiatives. 

To view the type of projects funded to date please click here.

National Churches Trust Repair Grants (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales)

The next closing date for applications to the National Churches Trust Repair Grants programme is 5th March 2018.

Grants of £5,000 to £40,000 are available for urgent and essential structural repair projects to listed and unlisted buildings that were originally built as places of worship and are still open for regular public use. Applicants must have 50% of the total project costs funded already and the project must cost at least £100,000 (including VAT and fees). Places of worship of any Christian denomination and age can apply but priority will be given to applications from the fund's priority areas - North East England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, as well as from Baptist and Presbyterian churches.

Funding to Enable Disadvantaged Young People Reach their Potential (UK)

Registered charities (including Schools that are registered as charities for young people with disabilities) that work with disadvantaged children under the age of 25 can apply for funding of up to £10,000 through the Ironmongers Company's


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

grants programme. In particular, the company wants to support projects that provide opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people to fulfil their potential and educational activities that develop learning, motivation and skills.

Projects could, for example, support:

Special educational needs Address behavioural problems or promote citizenship Parenting or life skills.

Preference will be given to projects piloting new approaches where the outcomes will be disseminated to a wider audience. Although the grants are available within the UK preference is given to projects in inner London.

The next deadline for applications is the 31st July 2018.

Grants of up to £5,000 Available to Help the Homeless (UK)

The next application deadline to the charity "Help the Homeless" is the 15th March 2018.

Help the Homeless makes grants of up to £5,000 to small and medium sized charitable organisations (with a turnover of less than £1million) whose aim is to help homeless people return to the community and enabling them to resume a normal life. The grants are available for capital costs and are made to organisations that include small groups as well as established residential and training facilities.

Examples of previously supported projects include:

A grant of £3,000 to buy wardrobes to furnish bedrooms in a 12-bed hostel and a grant of £2,650 for the purchase of shelving and storage so that a breakfast project can more efficiently sort food and collate food parcels for their clients.


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

Funding for Projects that Use Innovation to Address the Challenges Facing Parks (UK)

Big Lottery Fund, Heritage Lottery Fund and Nesta are once again partnering to invite applications to a new Rethinking Parks fund that will support innovative ideas to address the challenges parks face.

For this funding round, not-for-profit organisation; social enterprises and local authorities will be able to apply under two different funding streams:

Replication award: Grants of up to £200,000 over two years aimed at supporting

organisations to set up, run and learn from innovative, tested, operating models for parks.

Prototyping award: Grants of up to £100,000 over 9-15 months to support testing and

learning from digital and data innovations with the potential to address challenges that parks face.

Applications for Rethinking Parks Replication awards are open until 27 February 2018 and the Prototyping awards are open until 28 March 2018.

Funding for Local Environmental Projects (UK)

Schools and local community groups can apply for funding of up to £2,000 through the Greggs Foundation for projects to improve the local environment. The Environmental Grant Scheme is funded by the 5p levy on carrier bag sales in Greggs shops.

The type of activities that could be funded include for example:

A growing project in a local primary school A group of volunteers who completed litter picking exercises in their local

parks or along a local riverbank An allotment project for people suffering early stages of dementia


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

Clearing an area of wasteland in an area of high social need to create a community garden; etc.

The Foundation are more likely to make grants to local organisations based near Greggs shops.

The closing date for applications is the 27th April 2018.

Funding Available to Support Grassroots Women’s Organisations (UK)

Rosa, a charitable fund set up to support initiatives that benefit women and girls in the UK has launched the third funding round of the "Women to Women" Fund.

Local women's organisations across the UK with an annual income of less than £100,000 are able to apply for grants of up to £25,000 to support a wide range of projects that benefits women. This can include;

Building confidence and leadership skills Tackling harassment and violence Numeracy and literacy skills; etc.

Rosa is also interested in increasing the impact and sustainability of women's groups. Therefore, grants can pay for core costs such as financial management, business planning, staff salaries, office rent, leadership development and staff training; as well as project costs such as drop-in support services, mobilising volunteers and outreach. Rosa especially want to support groups that work with disadvantaged communities or in disadvantaged areas.

There are two stages to submitting an application to the Woman to Woman fund. To apply, applicants will first need to complete the stage 1 application. The deadline for stage 1 applications is 5pm on the 25th January 2018.

Orchard Windfalls Fund Invites Applications from Community Groups (UK)


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

The Tree Council is inviting Charities and not-for-profit community organisations operating in the UK to apply for a grant to pay for fruit trees to be planted during National Tree Week (24th November to 2nd December in 2018).

The Tree Council is able to fund projects costing between £100 and £700 with successful applicants receiving up to 75% towards their planting costs. Grants can cover the cost of the trees, necessary supports and aids to establishment (stakes, ties and guards, plus fertiliser, mulch and soil amelioration where conditions make this appropriate). In 2016, Colonsay Community Garden was supported by The Tree Council through the Tree Futures Orchard Windfalls receiving a grant to extend their mini orchard, a garden created from waste land adjacent to the Village Hall. Apply by the 31st March 2018.

Grants for Churches for the Conservation of Decorative Features and Monuments (UK)

The next closing date for applications to the William and Jane Morris Fund is the 31st March 2018.

The Fund accepts applications from churches, chapels and other places of worship built before 1896 for grants of between £500 and £3,000 to carry out small programmes of conservation work to decorative features and monuments. All work funded must be directed by a professional architect or established conservator and completed according to the principles of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB).

Eligible work could include (but is not limited to):

Stained glass windows Sculpture Furniture Internal monuments Tombs Wall paintings.

Previous awards have been made to:16

Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

St Mary's Church, Cerne Abbas for the conservation of wall paintings (£1,000).

Holy Trinity Church, St Austell to restore a monument to Joseph Sawle (£750).

The Lye and Wollescote Chapels, Dudley for the repair of a weathervane (£1,600).

Food Power - Tackling Food Poverty Through People-Powered Change (UK)

Established and emerging local food poverty alliances are being invited to join The Food Power programme, an initiative that aims to strengthen local communities' ability to reduce food poverty at grassroots level. This four-year programme is led by Sustain and Church Action on Poverty and will support the development of more sustainable approaches to tackling food poverty.

The programme has four funding strands:

Up to £10,000 to support the development of an alliance, a food poverty action plan and learning visits to other areas

Up to £5,000 to support initiatives linked to one of the programmes thematic priorities

Up to £5,000 to support initiatives which empower those affected by food poverty

Up to £5,000 to evaluate specific responses to food poverty and showcase effective practice.

All partners will be encouraged to raise match funding to maximise the value of the programme. Invitations to apply to join the programme will made at different points during the lifetime of the programme with interested communities encouraged to sign up to the newsletter to receive regular updates. The deadline for applications is the 26th January 2018.

Trees for Schools (UK)17

Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

The Tree Council has announced that their Trees for Schools Fund 2018 is now open to applications for grants to pay for trees to be planted during National Tree Week (24th November to 2nd December in 2018).

The Tree Council will award grants towards projects costing between £100 and £700 with successful applicants receiving up to 75% towards their planting costs. Schools must be able to provide the remaining 25% of the costs of the project. Children under 16 must be actively involved in the planting project or in a related educational activity i.e. in the design, planning and planting of the orchard or through curriculum related projects. Grants can cover the purchase of trees of appropriate species, size and numbers, of which up to 4 may be fruit trees on semi-vigorous, vigorous and very vigorous rootstocks. Schools wishing to plant more than 4 fruit trees should make a separate application for that part of the project to the Orchard Windfalls Fund.

The closing date for applications to both funds is 31st March 2018.

Community Trees Fund (UK)

Charities and not-for-profit community organisations operating in the UK have until the 31st March 2018 to apply to the Tree Council for a grant to pay for trees to be planted during National Tree Week.

The Tree Council is able to fund projects costing between £100 and £700 with successful applicants receiving up to 75% towards their planting costs. The funding criteria for grants changes from year to year and in 2018 eligible organisations must be:

Actively involving children under the age of 16 in the planting process Planting on publicly accessible land Able to raise 25% of planting costs Requesting no more than 4 fruit trees.

Planting must take place during (or just after) National Tree Week (24th November to 2nd December in 2018). Grants can cover the cost of the trees, necessary supports and aids to establishment (stakes, ties and guards, plus


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

fertiliser, mulch and soil amelioration where conditions make this appropriate).

Funding for Christian Charities Promoting Social Inclusion (UK)

The Anchor Foundation provides grants of between £500 and £10,000 per year to Christian Charities that encourage social inclusion through ministries of healing and the arts. Funding can be awarded for up to three years.

The Foundation will consider applications for either capital or revenue funding. Only in exceptional circumstances will grants be given for building work.

Previously funded projects include:

The Karis Neighbour Scheme which received a grant of £700 for revenue costs at a drop-in centre for women refugees in Birmingham.

Discovery Camps which received a grant of £1500 to subsidise holidays for children arranged by churches in and around Dundee.

Scargill House which received a grant of £5,000 to facilitate cross cultural engagement and understanding amongst children using arts based residential courses in Yorkshire.

The next deadline for applications is the 31st January 2018.

UK – German Schools Flexible Funding Scheme (UK)

Schools and Youth groups in the UK and Germany can now apply for funding of between £500 and £5,000 from the UK German Connection Flexible Funding Scheme.

This scheme aims to bring young people of the UK and Germany together to facilitate an exchange of ideas, joint learning and open discussions on the following current themes:

World War 1 Our future in Europe - maintaining the UK-German connection.


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Supported activities must be joint and bi-lateral (UK-German) with a high level of relevant interaction between the young people who should actively engage in an educational learning and thinking process including discussion, debate and reflection. The activity must have a strong wider impact which the young people take an active role in.

Applications can be submitted at any time but activities cannot start for at least six weeks after submission.

Nuffield Foundation - Research Placements Reopen for Applications (UK)

Application deadlines for the Nuffield Foundations Research Placements programme have just been announced.

Open to candidates on a regional basis, students in their first year of A-levels, AS-levels, BTEC, Scottish Highers, or the International Baccalaureate studying all areas of science, technology, engineering and maths, are eligible to apply. Nuffield Research Placements offer students participation in authentic, hands-on research projects within host organisations. Students have a defined project to work on and are well supervised but expected to work independently and use their own initiative. For example, William Dash had the opportunity to create computer simulations using Master Differential Equations over the summer at Plymouth University. Detailed guidance is available on the website and further information and support is available via Regional Nuffield Co-ordinators.

For information on the regional application deadlines, please click on the link below.

Royal Society of Chemistry - Outreach Fund Small Grants Scheme (UK)

Individuals and organisations such as researchers, museums, schools, community groups, not-for-profit organisations, arts groups and libraries can apply for grants of up to £10,000 to run chemistry-based events and activities


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

for public audiences and in schools.

Priority will be given to projects that raise awareness of the place of chemistry in people's everyday lives, especially those not already interested in chemistry, and/or develop the science communication skills of people who are already highly trained in chemistry.

The Outreach Fund is split into two categories:

Small grants - up to £2,000 Large grants - between £2,000 and £10,000.

Previously funded projects include:

"Cool chemistry at the seaside" where the Society awarded a grant of £2,000 to volunteers in Ramsgate who transformed an empty town-centre shop into a makeshift theatre, delivering free chemistry demonstrations to anyone.

The closing date for small grants is 12 noon on the 15th January 2018

For large grants the closing date for applications is 12 noon on the 14th May 2018.

Greggs Foundation - Local Communities Projects Fund (England, Scotland & Wales)

The next application deadline for the Greggs Foundation Local Community Projects Fund is the 9th March 2018.

The foundation is a grant making trust which distributes around £1.8 million per year to organisations throughout England, Scotland and Wales. The Local Community Projects Fund makes grants of up to £2,000 to not for profit organisations with a turnover of less than £300,000 a year who work to reduce the disadvantage of the most deprived people in the community.

All projects must support a community of interest, ie:


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

People who are disabled or suffering chronic illness Living in poverty Voluntary carers Homeless people Isolated older people Other demonstrable significant need.

The Foundation are more likely to make grants to local organisations based near Greggs shops.

Cory Environmental Trust Community Grants (Various Locations in England & Wales)

The next deadline to apply for a Cory Environmental Trust in Britain (CETB) Community Grant is the 6th April 2018.

Cory Environmental Trust in Britain (CETB) was established in 2003 as an Environmental Body, under the terms of the Landfill Tax Regulations 1996. Grants of usually up to £50,000 are available to not-for-profit organisations to carry out a broad range of community; environmental and biodiversity projects. These have included:

A grant of £11,368 to Groundwork North Wales to improve areas of neglected grassland, create wildlife habitats and open the sites so that the local community could enjoy the natural environment.

A grant of £35,000 for the refurbishment of Tormarton Playground in South Gloucestershire.

For projects relating to religious buildings, Trustees will be looking for evidence of strong community use. The focus of CETB's activity to date has been in the vicinity of Cory Environmental landfill sites and waste management operations in Dudley, Gwynedd, Wrexham, Bristol, Sevenoaks, St Helens, Southend-on-Sea, LB Bexley and Swansea. The maximum grant is generally awarded by CETB is around £50,000 and the Trust requires 10% independent 3rd party funding.


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

Reaching Communities Announces Pause in Grant Making (England)

The Big Lottery Fund (BIG) has announced that it is pausing applications to its Reaching Communities programme at 5pm on the 15th January 2018 until the 2nd April 2018 in order to implement changes to the application process.

Reaching Communities provides grants of between £10,000 and £500,000 for projects lasting up to 5 years. Though the programme, voluntary or community groups, social enterprises, statutory organisations such as local authorities or schools can apply for projects that help people and communities who are most in need, and that can make a real difference.

There is a two-stage application process. Organisations successful at Stage One, will be sent a Stage Two application form. Applicants will usually have four months to complete this. The type of projects supported in the past have included a learning bus to reach hard to reach learners in Nottingham and a project that teaches young people in Hackney, Islington and the City of London to play a range of musical instruments.

All applications received before the 15th January 2018 will be processed in the existing manner.

New £4 Million Funding Round Announced to Improve Exhibition Spaces and Accessibility in Museums and Galleries (England)

Museums and galleries across England will be able to apply for a share of £4 million from Spring 2018 to improve exhibition spaces and increase accessibility. Funded through a partnership between the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, and the Wolfson Foundation grants of up to £300,000 per project will be available.

Projects funded include:

The Weald and Downland Museum in Chichester which received a grant of £224,500 towards a project to reconstruct two significant but currently


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

dismantled historic buildings dedicated to the production of food.

The Bolton Library and Museum Service which received a grant of £200,000 towards its First Impressions project which will transform the visitor experience in the 1939 Grade II Listed building by creating a new welcoming and engaging space in which their collections can be viewed.

Funding to Promote Leadership Equality and Diversity with Schools (England)

The Department for Education (DfE) has launched a new funding round through the Leadership Equality and Diversity Fund.

The aim of the Fund is to develop local solutions that help teachers covered by at least one of the protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010 (age, disability, race, sexual orientation, etc) progress into leadership roles. The fund is open to schools graded as outstanding or good for overall effectiveness by Ofsted in their most recent inspection that are willing to act as Lead Schools within their region. The Department for Education invites lead schools to apply for grant funding in 2018 to 2019 and 2019 to 2020. Funding will be awarded to one lead school in each of the regional school commissioner (RSC) regions. A total of £820,000 is available to fund projects in the academic year 2018 to 2019 and up to £1 million in 2019 to 2020. The DfE anticipate this will fund a minimum of 1,800 participants at an average unit cost across each region of approximately £1,000.

The closing date for applications is midday on the 9th February 2018.

Open Call for Research to Support Community Business (England)

Power to Change is offering funding of £20,000 to £30,000 for up to three research projects lasting up to 12 months that will result in tangible benefits for


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,

community businesses in England.

Power to Change works with partners to commission high-quality research and deliver business development support to community businesses that deliver positive change to the lives of people and communities across the country.

Previous research projects funded have covered topics such as the performance of the co-operative pub sector, a review of community approaches to mental health and a survey of community shops across the UK.

Potential applicants can pre-register their ideas at any time before the opening of the submissions window on 8th January 2018.


Jerome Chambers, 16-16a Bridge St, Walsall, WS1 1HPT 01922 619840, E,,
