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PACKET 3: Name: Dictator: Strikethrough ALT+SHIFT+5 Underline CTRL+U

Copy CTRL + C Paste CTRL +V ASS 1 Q 1 PG 1

Para 1 Ass Idea: (Ass idea + dictator) PLUG IT IN!RISE TO POWER +HITLER + HOW

Para 1 Ass Sentence: (write it here)

Hitler rose to power because the Germans trusted him.

Q1 Idea: (Q idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!What Was Germany like prior to Hitler’s rise to power?

Q1 Sentence: (write it here)

Prior to Hitler’s rise to power, Germany was an unpleasant place to live.

Box1EV1 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

“The Weimar Republic, proclaimed on November 9, 1918, was born in the throes of military defeat and social revolution. On November 3, mutiny had broken out among naval squadrons stationed at Kiel. Workers had joined the revolt, which had quickly spread to other ports and to cities in northern, central, and southern Germany, finally reaching Berlin on November 9. Largely as a result of the November Revolution, Prince Max von Baden, the German chancellor, announced the abdication of the emperor. Following the abdication, the Social Democrats in the Reichstag gained control of the government; they proclaimed the republic, formed a provisional cabinet, and organized the National Assembly. Another revolt instigated in Berlin by the Spartacus League, a group of left-wing extremists, was crushed by the army in January 1919. In February the National Assembly elected Social Democrat Friedrich Ebert to the presidency and drafted a constitution. The Weimar Constitution of 1919 established a federal republic consisting of nineteen states. The republic was headed by a president who was to be elected by popular direct ballot for a seven-year term and who could be reelected . The president appointed the chancellor and, based on the

chancellor's nominations, also appointed the cabinet ministers. He retained authority to dismiss the cabinet, dissolve

the Reichstag, and veto legislation. The legislative powers of the Reichstag were further weakened by the provision for presidential recourse to popular plebiscite. Article 48, the so-called emergency clause, accorded the president dictatorial rights to intervene in the territorial states for the purpose of enforcing constitutional and federal laws and/or to restore public order.” (SHSU.EDU - Weimar Germany and the Rise of the Nazis)

B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

● A Federal republic was established in 1919● November 9, 1918● National Assembly elected Social Democrat Friedrich Ebert● German chancellor, announced the abdication of the emperor.● established a federal republic consisting of nineteen states.● The legislative powers of the Reichstag● a group of left-wing extremists, was crushed by the army in January 1919.● Weimar Republic was created because of their military lost● The reichstag and the social democrats was in control of the government.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

Proclaimed- DeclaredHeaded- InchargeDismiss- DischargeAppointed- Designated

A in EV Box,, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words. When you are finished copying the quote here, cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU MODIFY IT IF NECESSARY TO ENSURE IT MAKES SENSE - ellipses when removing words, brackets when adding words in

“The chancellor… retained authority..., but legislative powers were... weakened by provision.”

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

November 9, 1918, the Weimar Republic was officially proclaimed. It was created because of their military lost. In January 1919, the extremist crushed the Allies. The Republic was headed by a president, but he appointed a chancellor. He had legislative rights meaning he could dismiss the cabinet and veto other laws, but as time goes by the Reichstag legislative powers were also weakened by provision.


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own sentence.

November 9, 1918, the Weimar Republic was officially declared. It was created because of their military lost. In January 1919, the extremist crushed the Allies. The president was in charge of The Republic, but he designated a chancellor; however, this resulted to new elections and disastrous outcomes. It made conflicts and problems. He also had legislative rights meaning he could discharge the cabinet and veto other laws, so “[t]he chancellor… retained authority..., but legislative powers were... weakened by provision” (SHSU.EDU 1).


PG 2F Transition Sentence


Box1EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat and put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919.Negotiated among the Allied powers with little participation by Germany, its 15 parts and 440 articles reassigned German boundaries and assigned liability for reparations. Germany agreed to pay reparations under the

Dawes Plan and the Young Plan, but those plans were cancelled in 1932, and Hitler’s rise to power and subsequent actions rendered moot the remaining terms of the treaty. Part I created the Covenant of the New

B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

● The treaty has 15 parts● 1932 - Plans got cancelled● The treaty was denounced- 1935● WWI Ended on June 28, because of the treaty● The treaty of Versailles ended the world war 1.● , Hitler overturned the treaty

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

League of Nations, which Germany was not allowed to join until 1926. Part II specified Germany’s new boundari es, giving Eupen-Malm[eacute]dy to Belgium, Alsace-Lorraine back to France, substantial eastern districts to Poland, Memel to Lithuania, and large portions of Schleswig to Denmark. Part III stipulated a demilitarized zone and separated the Saar from Germany for fifteen years. Part IV stripped Germany of all its colonies, and Part V reduced Germany’s armed forces to very low levels and prohibited Germany from possessing certain classes of weapons, while committing the Allies to eventual disarmament as well. Part VIII established Germany’s liability for reparations without stating a specific figure and began with Article 231, in which Germany accepted the responsibility of itself and its allies for the losses and damages of the Allies “as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.” Part IX imposed numerous other financial obligations upon Germany. The German government signed the treaty under protest. Right-wing German parties attacked it as a betrayal, and terrorists assassinated several politicians whom they considered responsible. Hitler denounced the treaty altogether in 1935. From March 1937 through March 1939, Hitler overturned the territorial provisions of the treaty with respect to Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Memel, with at least the tacit consent of the western powers. On September 1, 1939, he attacked Poland to alter that frontier, as well. ( History place, #6)


A in EV Box,, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words. When you are finished copying the quote here, cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU MODIFY IT IF NECESSARY TO ENSURE IT MAKES SENSE - ellipses when removing words, brackets when adding words in

World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

However,” World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles” ( History place #6) in 1919 and it gave them relief, but it really didnt make it okay. They signed a treaty that the Germans agreed on, but it was all changed in 1932 because of Hitler's actions. Also, when the Weimar Republic decline in 1930, when the countries parliament began to fall apart, it resulted In the 1932 German election., The Nazi seperated resulting in the replacement of the democrats as the most popular party in Germany. This lead to the start of Hitler's Third Reich in 1933, which began World War II (History Place #6)

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own sentence.

However, “World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles” ( History place, #6) in 1919 gave the Germans relief, but it really did not make things okay. The treaty reduced their rights to own weapons, reduced armed forces,financial obligations, and more. Some took it as betrayal and the ones responsible for it was assasinated ( History place, #6).


Ass 1 Q 2 PG 3

Q2 Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Prev. Q idea + , + Q2 idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN! HOW DID HITLER GAIN THE SUPPORT OF THE PEOPLE?

Q2 EV Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from Q1 EV Sent)(write it here)

In addition to Hitlers rise to power, he gained more support because of his pleasing promises.

Box3EV1: Copy entire box here then cross out the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

Hitler’s oratory skills helped him rise quickly through the ranks of his new party. In February he spoke before a crowd of nearly 6,000 in Munich. To publicise the meeting, he engaged in propaganda tactics – sending out party

supporters in trucks with swastikas to leaflet the area. But the party executive, including founder Anton Drexler, were uneasy at Hitler's growing popularity, Germany’s government was on the brink of collapse. Hyperinflation saw the price of a loaf of bread rise from 250 marks to 200 billion by November. Hitler sought to start a revolution. On 8 November, Bavarian Prime Minister Gustav Kahr addressed a meeting of businessmen at a beer hall in Munich. Hitler burst in with his storm troopers (the SA) – a motley crew of far-right paramilitaries. “Although one side of his personality was rude, rough, and vulgar, another side was charming, convincing, and believable, and it was this side that brought millions of followers to his feet.”(p.11 paragraph 1 The secret of Hitler’s success)


B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

● Hitler wanted to start a revolution● His had skills that helped him rise quickly

● But the executive and the founder wasn’t comfortable about him rising into power.

● Hitler’s charm convinced people to believe him.● But he also had rude and vulgar side.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

A in Box E, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words.

“Hitler’s… skills helped him rise quickly… but the party… were uneasy”

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

Hitler used his own skills to make people believe him and convinced them that he could overturn the Treaty of Versailles. “Hitler’s… skills helped him rise quickly… but the party… were uneasy” ”(p.11 paragraph 1 The secret of Hitler’s success) Hitler’s planned to re-arm Germany was successful. Germany’s economy was in such a poor state that Hitler’s promise of strong government and stability was widely supported and not least by industrialists. Hitler’s charm convinced people to believe him and they actually did ”(p.11 paragraph 1 The secret of Hitler’s success).

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own sentence.

Hitler used his own skills to make people believe him and convinced them that he could overturn the Treaty of Versailles. “Hitler’s… skills helped him rise quickly… but the party… were uneasy” (The Secret of Hitler’s Success 1). Hitler’s planned to re-arm Germany was successful. Germany’s economy was in such a poor state that Hitler’s promise of strong government and stability was widely supported. Hitler’s charm convinced people to believe him and they actually did (The secret of Hitler’s success #1).

PG 4F Transition Sentence


Box4EV2Copy entire box here then cross out the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)Hitler had promised the people Work and Bread. Hitler’s intentions were to reduce unemployment, create jobs through rearmament (avenge the Treaty of Versailles and prepare to expand Germany), and create an economically self-sufficient Germany (Autarky).(bbc). Full employment - the idea that everyone should have a job. By 1939, there was virtually no unemployment in Germany. Beauty of Work - the Nazis set up the SdA (Beauty of Work) to help Germans see that work was good, and that everyone who could work should. In fact - because the Nazis had abolished the trade unions, banned strikes, and given more power to the industrialists - real wages fell and hours were longer under Hitler. Re-armament begun in 1935 - the idea of 'guns before butter'. Autarky - there was an unsuccessful attempt at making Germany self-sufficient.(bbc)


B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

● Hitler made a promise to the people● One of his plans is to reduce unemployment

● Expand Germany● Overturn the Treaty of Versailles

● Make everything self sufficient failed● There were no unemployment in Germany (1939)

● Nazis abolished a lot of things

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

A in EV Box,, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words. When you are

finished copying the “Hitler had promised the people Work and Bread.”quote here, cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU MODIFY IT IF NECESSARY TO ENSURE IT MAKES SENSE - ellipses when removing words, brackets when adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

Hitler promised the people he would overturn the treaty of Versailles. By recruiting a large army and building a whole new navy and air force, he would be able to reduce unemployment. With so many people out of work, this was an appealing prospect. “Hitler had promised the people Work and Bread.” (Autarky).(bbc). Hitler would be able to reduce unemployment. This promise made him popular both with some sections of the unemployed and the military and his promise of strong government and stability was widely supported particularly by industrialists. Many big businessmen made huge donations to the Nazi Party (Autarky).(bbc). .

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own sentence.

Hitler promised the people he would overturn the Treaty of Versailles. By recruiting a large army and building a whole new navy and air force, he would be able to create jobs. With so many people out of work, this was an appealing prospect. Hitler would reduce unemployment because “Hitler had promised the people Work and Bread” ( 2 ). This promise made him popular both with some sections of the unemployed and the military and his promise of strong government and stability was widely supported ( 2).

Ass 1 Q 3 PG 5Q3 Idea:(Q idea + verb + ass idea)PLUG IT IN


Q3 EV Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from Q2 EV sent.) (write it here)

Similarly, hitler’s solidified his power by never being defeated

Box5EV1: Copy entire box here then cross out the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

“On this day in 1933, President Paul von

Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader orfÜhrer of the National Socialist German Workers Party (or

Nazi Party), as chancellor of Germany. The year 1932 had seen Hitler’s meteoric rise to prominence in Germany, spurred largely by the German people’s frustration with dismal

B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

● 1932 nazis won 230 spots.● Hitler was appointed as chancellor● 1933 Hitler was now leader of the Nazis● General Kurt tried to steal hitlers spot light

by trying to look for people who will stay on his side.

● 1932 Hitler rose to power

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

A in EV Box,, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words. When you are finished copying the quote here, cross it

economic conditions and the still-festering wounds inflicted by defeat in the Great War and the harsh peace terms of the Versailles treaty. A charismatic speaker, Hitler channeled popular discontent with the post-war Weimar government into support for his fledgling Nazi party. In an election held in July 1932, the Nazis won 230 governmental seats; together with the Communists, the next largest party, they made up over half of the Reichstag. Hindenburg, intimidated by Hitler’s growing popularity and the thuggish nature of his cadre of supporters, the SA (or Brownshirts), initially refused to make him chancellor. Instead, he appointed General Kurt von Schleicher, who attempted to steal Hitler’s thunder by negotiating with a dissident Nazi faction led by Gregor Strasser. At the next round of elections in November, the Nazis lost ground—but the Communists gained it, a paradoxical effect of Schleicher’s efforts that made right-wing forces in Germany even more determined to get Hitler into power. In a series of complicated negotiations, ex-Chancellor Franz von Papen, backed by prominent German businessmen and the conservative German National People’s Party (DNVP), convinced Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor, with the understanding that von Papen as vice-chancellor and other non-Nazis in key government positions would contain and temper Hitler’s more brutal tendencies. -” Adolf Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany” -”.


out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU MODIFY IT IF NECESSARY TO ENSURE IT MAKES SENSE - ellipses when removing words, brackets when adding words in

“On this day in 1933, President... Hidenburg names... Hitler, leader... of the… Nazi Party”

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

Hitler was appointed as a chancellor because of his convincing and believable charm. “On this day in 1933, President... Hidenburg names... Hitler, leader... of the… Nazi Party” Adolf Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany” -”.When Hitler was appointed as the leader of the Nazis his powers rose even more. He became unstoppable. His charm continue to make people believe that he wll cause nothing but good to their economy. Little did they know, Hitler has a brutal side and he sugarcoats things to make people believe that all he wants is peace and to make their economy a

DParaphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own sentence.

Hitler was appointed as a chancellor because of his convincing and believable charm. “On this day in 1933, President... Hidenburg names... Hitler, leader... of the… Nazi Party (Adolf Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany -”.When Hitler was appointed as the leader of the Nazis his powers rose even more. He became unstoppable. His

charm continue to make people believe that he wll cause nothing but good to their economy. Little did they know, Hitler has a brutal side and he sugarcoats things to make people believe that all he wants is peace and to make their economy way better than before (Adolf Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany” -

PG 6F Transition Sentence

In addition to

Box6EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

“A few days before Christmas in 1937, Adolf Hitler attended the funeral of General Erich Ludendorff, the famed World War I military leader and one-time Nazi supporter. At the memorial service Hitler chose not to speak, not wanting to utter any words of praise for a man who had come to despise him.” (Triumph of Hitler - The History Place). “The appointment of Nazi party members to government positions increased Hitler's authority over state officials. Hitler was master of the Third Reich.”(paragraph 2, “Ludendorff had participated in the failed Beer Hall Putsch fourteen years earlier and never forgave Hitler for scooting away amid the gunfire that erupted. When President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany in 1933, Ludendorff sent Hindenburg a telegram saying he had just "handed over our sacred German Fatherland to one of the greatest demagogues of all time. I prophesy to you this evil man will plunge our Reich into the abyss and will inflict immeasurable woe on our nation..."” (The History Place - Triumph of Hitler)

B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

● General Ludenorff died.● Hitler became the master of Reich.● Ludenorff wil never forget●

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

A in EV Box,, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words. When you are finished copying the quote here, cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU MODIFY IT IF NECESSARY TO ENSURE IT MAKES SENSE - ellipses when removing words, brackets when adding words in

“President Hidenburgh appointed Hitler as Chancellor… in 1933.”B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

When “President Hidenburgh appointed Hitler as Chancellor… in 1933” (The History Place - Triumph of Hitler). They really didnt believe his promises, some of them know that Hitler becoming a chancellor would be a bad idea, but because of the Nazis supporter. The German army took an oath of allegiance to its new commander-in-chief, and the last remnants of Germany’s democratic government were dismantled to make way for Hitler’s Third Reich. The Fuhrer assured his people that the Third Reich would last for a thousand years, but Nazi Germany collapsed just 11 years later.


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own

sentence. When “President Hidenburgh appointed Hitler as Chancellor… in 1933” (The History Place - Triumph of Hitler). They really didnt believe his promises, some of them know that Hitler becoming a chancellor would be a bad idea, but because of the Nazis supporter. The German army took an oath of allegiance to its new commander-in-chief, and the last remnants of Germany’s democratic government were dismantled to make way for Hitler’s Third Reich. The Fuhrer assured his people that the Third Reich would last for a thousand years, but Nazi Germany collapsed just 11 years later.(President Hidenburgh appointed Hitler as Chancellor… in 1933.)

ASS 2 Q 1 PG 7Para 2 Ass Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Previous Ass idea + , + Ass idea + dictator) PLUG IT IN!


Para 2 Ass Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from ASS1 Idea) (write it here)

Hitler maintained power by doing things people want him to do.

Q1 Idea: (Q idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!

How did Adolf Hitler improve/take steps to improve the economy?

Q1 Sentence: (write it here)

Hitler improved the economy by giving people jobs.

Box7EV1 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

“Everybody had a job, and a wage. To people who had been unemployed and starving, 'work and bread' was a wonderful blessing worth every civil liberty they lost. The Nazis set up KdF (Strength through Joy), which gave workers rewards for their work - evening classes, theatre trips, picnics, and even free holidays. The Nazis devised a scheme to allow workers to buy a Volkswagen Beetle car for a small weekly payment. The

autobahns improved transport and travel. People appreciated the public works - eg new schools and hospitals. The streets were safe and there was no crime. Germany was strong and successful in world affairs. Nazi rallies provided colour and fun. Nazi Youth groups provided activities and holidays for young people. Nazi ideology gave people hope and confidence. Hitler introduced many policies to fulfil his goal of full employment: He stopped paying reparations and invested the money in German companies. He began a huge programme of public works including planting forests, and building hospitals and schools. He also built public buildings such as the 1936 Olympic Stadium. The construction of the autobahns created work for 80,000 men. Rearmament created jobs in the armaments industry. The introduction of national service meant all young men spent six months in the RAD [RAD: The labour service in which young men in Germany had to do a six-month compulsory stint. ] and then they were conscripted into the army. By 1939, 1.4 million men were in the army, so they were not counted as unemployed. Many Jews were sacked and their jobs given to non-Jews. Many women were sacked and their jobs given to men. - “Economic Policies and Benefits- BBC”

B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says. *

● He introduced laws to make full employment possible● Improved travel transportatioms● Eeveryone has a job● Everyones earning money● Buidt hospitals● Built Schools● Planting forests● Built public buildidngs

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

A in EV Box,, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words. When you are finished copying the quote here, cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU MODIFY IT IF NECESSARY TO ENSURE IT MAKES SENSE - ellipses when removing words, brackets when adding words in

“People appreciated the public works”B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

When he promised them he could reduce unemployment, he really did it. Everybody was earning a money. To those who didn’t have work and those who got barely anything to it, Hitler’s promise of work and bread was a blessing to them.The nazis also improved transportation and “People appreciated the public works”( “Economic Policies and Benefits- BBC”) They improved schools and hospitals. Crimes doesn’t happen in the street. Germany became strong and successful ( “Economic Policies and Benefits- BBC”).


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own sentence.

When he promised them he could reduce unemployment, he really did it. Everybody was earning a money. To those who didn’t have work and those who got barely anything to it, Hitler’s promise of work and bread was a blessing to them.The nazis also improved transportation and “People appreciated the public works”( BBC 3) They improved schools and hospitals. Crimes doesn’t happen in the street. Germany became strong and successful ( BBC 3).

PG 8F Transition Sentence


Box8EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

Workers’ trade unions ensure that workers get fair wages and working conditions. Hitler didn’t like trade unions. He believed that they supported socialism and communism. “The German Labour Front was established in their place, or the DAF. Every worker in Germany was now a member of the same trade union, which was controlled by the Nazis. The DAF managed discipline, wages and working hours this resulted in hours of work increased, wages were frozen, and it was impossible to show disapproval about this.”(para 1 Trade unions and the DAF)


B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

Working hours were increasedWages were frozenHitler saw trade unions as exercising more power over the workers than he could. German Labour Force replaced the trade unions

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

A in EV Box,, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words. When you are finished copying the quote here, cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU MODIFY IT IF NECESSARY TO ENSURE IT MAKES SENSE - ellipses when removing words, brackets when adding words in

this resulted in hours of work increased, wages were frozen, and...impossible to show disapprov[e]B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

Their conditions of work and pay were controlled and determined by the German Labour Front and the GLF represented the workers when disputes arose between management and workers, “this resulted in hours of work increased, wages were frozen, and...impossible to show disapprov[ed]” (Trade Unions and the DAF #1) Hitler saw trade unions as exercising more power over the workers than he could.

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own sentence.

Their conditions of work and pay were controlled and determined by the German Labour Front and the GLF represented the workers when disputes arose between management and workers, “this resulted in hours of work increased, wages were frozen, and...impossible to show disapprov[ed]” (Trade Unions and the DAF #1) Hitler saw trade unions as exercising more power over the workers than he could.

(Trade Unions and the DAF #1)

ASS 2 Q 2 PG 9Q2 Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Prev. Q idea + , + Q2 idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!

How did Adolf Hitler maintain control over the people/manipulate the people to maintain control?

Q2 EV Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from Q1 EV sent.) (write it here)

Adolf Hitler maintain control by being believable and by sugarcoating his lies.

Box9EV1 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

The Nazi Propaganda Ministry, directed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, took control of all forms of communication in Germany: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, and rallies, art, music, movies, and radio. Viewpoints in any way threatening to Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media.Nazi student organizations, professors, and librarians made up long lists of books they thought should not be read by Germans. Then, on the night of May 10, 1933, Nazis raided libraries and bookstores across Germany. They marched by torchlight in nighttime parades, sang chants, and threw books into huge bonfires. On that night more than 25,000 books were burned. Some were works of Jewish writers, including Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud. Most of the books were by non-Jewish writers, including such famous Americans as Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, and Sinclair Lewis, whose ideas the Nazis viewed as different from their own and therefore not to be read.Schools also played an important role in spreading

B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

● Schools played an important role in spreading THE Nazis

● . books were removed from library and other textbooks.

● Naizs and Gernamns raided libraries● 25, 000 books burned

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

A in EV Box,, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words. When you are finished copying the quote here, cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU MODIFY IT IF NECESSARY TO ENSURE IT MAKES SENSE - ellipses when removing words, brackets when adding words in

Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media.

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

Hitler used his words and promises to gain control and to maintain it. He fixed public works, schools, and etc. All “Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media.” That's why people never really find out if they are doing unpleasant things. Media is protecting them so people think they are worth it and always doing the right thing. Little did they know, Hitler has some flaws too.

Nazi ideas. While some books were removed from classrooms by censors, other textbooks, newly written, were brought in to teach students blind obedience to the party. (,Nazi Propaganda)


DParaphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own sentence.

Hitler used his words and promises to gain control and to maintain it. He fixed public works, schools, and etc. All “Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media”(USHMM.ORG 8) That's why people never really find out if they are doing unpleasant things. Media is protecting them so people think they are worth it and always doing the right thing. Little did they know, Hitler has some flaws too (USHMM.ORG 8)

PG 10F Transition Sentence

In addition to

Box10EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

Hitler and his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, presented the incident as the prelude to an armed Communist uprising and persuaded the aging President Paul von Hindenburg to establish what became a permanent state of emergency. This decree, known as the Reichstag Fire Decree, suspended the provisions of the German constitution that protected basic individual rights, including freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly. The decree also permitted increased state and police intervention into private life, allowing officials to censor mail, listen in on phone conversations, and search private homes without a warrant or need to show reasonable cause. Under the state of emergency

established by the decree, the Nazi regime could arrest and detain people without cause and without limits on the length of incarceration. Hitler and the Nazi regime also resorted to simple and extralegal terror to intimidate opponents. Nazi paramilitary formations, such as the Storm Detachments (Sturmabteilung or SA, more commonly known as Storm Troopers) and the Protection Squads (Schutzstaffel Or SS), had been established during the 1920s to terrorize political opponents and to protect Nazi leaders. After the Nazis came to power, many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons they deemed to be opponents. In addition, Nazi party faithful, in individual spontaneous acts of violence or in locally organized waves of persecution, assaulted those they perceived to be enemies of the regime. In the months after Hitler took power, SA and Gestapo agents went from door to door looking for Hitler's enemies. They arrested Socialists, Communists, trade union leaders, and others who had spoken out against the Nazi party; some were murdered. By the summer of 1933, the Nazi party was the only legal political party in Germany. Nearly all organized opposition to the regime had been eliminated. Democracy was dead in Germany. Essential to the intimidating effects of the terror was the willingness of many German citizens (whether out of conviction, greed, envy, or vengeance) to denounce their fellow citizens, Jewish and non-Jewish, to the police. The Gestapo could not have exercised such control over German society without the benefit of this steady stream of denunciations, many of which were entirely unfounded - Holocaust Encyclopedia- “Nazi Terror Begins” - USHMM.

B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

● They could put people in jail without year limits● RFD suspended most of their basic rights● It also made laws that allows them to interfere with

peoples personal lives● Socialist and communists were arrested● Became permanent

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

A in EV Box,, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words. When you are finished copying the quote here, cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU MODIFY IT IF NECESSARY TO ENSURE IT MAKES SENSE - ellipses when removing words, brackets when adding words in

“Nazi… arrest… people without cause and without limits on the length of incarceration”B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

The Reichstag Fire Decree is the regulations that suspended important provisions of the German constitution. It allowed the restriction of the humans right of speech, took away their private, and it removed all restraints on police investigations. With this decree “Nazi… arrest… people without cause and without limits on the length of incarceration”. It also gave the central government the authority to overrule state and local laws. This law became a permanent feature of the Nazi.


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own sentence.

The Reichstag Fire Decree is the regulations that suspended important provisions of the German constitution. It allowed the restriction of the humans right of speech, took away their private, and it removed all restraints on police investigations. With this decree “Nazi… arrest… people without cause and without limits on the length of incarceration”(USHMM #2). It also gave the central government the authority to overrule state and local laws. This law became a permanent feature of the Nazi (USHMM #2).

ASS 3 Q 1 PG 11Para 3 Ass Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Previous Ass idea + , + Ass idea + dictator) PLUG IT IN!

HOW DID HITLER LOSE POWER?Para 3 Ass Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from ASS1 Idea) (write it here)

Hitler lost his power by doing things the citizen didn’t find pleasant.

Q1 Idea: (Q idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!


Q1 Sentence: (write it here)

Military losses lead to Hitler’s decline of power because he keeps losing militars and losing battles.

Box11EV1: Copy entire box here then cross out the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

As Hitler saw increasing danger from the western Allies, he relied more on Admiral Karl D[odie]nitz to hold them off by submarine warfare. When that effort was blunted in 1943, he both supported the building of new types of submarines and geared strategy on the northern portion of the Eastern Front to protection of the Baltic area, where new submarines and crews could be run in. Enormous resources were also allocated to new weapons designed to destroy London. It was Hitler’s hope that the Germans could drive any Allied troops who landed in the west into the sea and then move substantial forces east in the interval before any second invasion. When this plan failed, Hitler turned to holding all ports as long as possible, to hamper Allied supply lines and to prepare for a counterstroke that would defeat the western Allies. This counterstroke, the Battle of the Bulge, would then provide the opportunity to move forces east after all.As the

Allies closed in on Germany, Hitler increasingly hoped for a split in the alliance he had forged against himself. He believed Germany had lost World War I because of the collapse of the home front and therefore assumed that establishment of a dictatorship and the systematic killing of all Jews would guarantee victory this time. When the end was near, he married his mistress and then committed suicide with her - “Adolf Hitler, WWII-” “For the Germany people, one of the worst bombing attacks occurred in July 1943, when a tornado- like firestorm erupted in Hamburg during a week of successive American and British carpet bombings. A German causality report described the scene: “Children were torn from from the hands of their parents by the tornado and whirled into flames”(#11, para 5) The German Army never fully recovered from the beating it took in Russia around Moscow and elsewhere during the winter of 1941-42 when it suffered over a million casualties.the supply planes were mostly grounded by bad weather. And when they did fly, Russian anti-aircraft guns and fighter planes blasted them out of the sky. As a result, only ten-percent of the needed supplies ever reached the troops. Meanwhile, Manstein’s troops only got to within thirty miles of the city and had to pull back or risk being surrounded themselves. As the weather worsened, thousands of wounded, starving German infantryman in Stalingrad froze to death amid subzero temperatures.Out of an original force of 285,000 soldiers comprising Sixth Army, 165,000 had died in Stalingrad, while some 29,000 wounded had been airlifted out. The 91,000 survivors, including 24 generals and 2,500 officers, hobbled off in the snow to begin years of captivity in Russian POW camps in bitter cold Siberia. Only five thousand would survive the ordeal and return home, as the Russians, aware of how their men were faring in German hands, dished out the same treatment. “A multiple front war divided the U.S. war efforts and fighting forces. The forces of the U.S. were divided between confronting Germany and italy in North America and Europe and confronting Japan in the pacific.” A multiple front war created a huge demand for wartime supplies and resources. The demand for men and supplies on all fronts challenged the resources of the united states and

B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

● He supported invention of submarines● His submarine plan failed● He believed Germans lost● He commited suicide with his wife● Thats why he lost military● They lost a lot of people during the explosion

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

A in EV Box,, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words. When you are finished copying the quote here, cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU MODIFY IT IF NECESSARY TO ENSURE IT MAKES SENSE - ellipses when removing words, brackets when adding words in

Hitler increasingly hoped for a split in the alliance he had forged against himself.

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

Hitler finally decided to use submarines, but that plan failed. Hitler increasingly hoped for a split in the alliance he had forged against himself because he believed that they already lost his allies and the war itself. As time goes by, he got married and he committed suicide with his wife.

made U.S.the major supplier for all the allied powers.”


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own sentence.

Hitler finally decided to use submarines, but that plan failed. “Hitler increasingly hoped for a split in the alliance he had forged against himself” ( 3 )because he believed that they already lost his allies and the war itself. As time goes by, he got married and he commited suicide with his wife ( 3).

PG 13F Transition Sentence

As a result,

Box12EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)“On March 12, 1938, Hitler pressured his native Austria into unification with Germany (the Anschluss) and made a triumphal entry into Vienna. Next, he intensified a crisis over the German-speaking Sudetenland districts of Czechoslovakia. This led to the Munich Agreement of September 1938, which authorized the annexation and immediate military occupation of these districts by Germany.At that point, the Germans’ progress slowed for the first time in six months. Winter- a brutally cold season in Russia- set in, and the army’s equipment, such as tanks, planes and other mechanized vehicles, became almost useless. Then, on December 6, 1941, the Soviet army launched its first major counterattack against the Nazis. The next day, December 7, 1941, thousands of miles away at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the United States. Throughout the 1930s, Japan had tried to expand its borders in an effort to become the dominant power in Asia. Japan had formed alliance with Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy, which were known together as the Axis powers. On December 8, the United States declared war on Japan. Although the United States had not entered the war in Europe, the American government had loaned ships and other military equipment to Great Britain. Hitler, who despised the American system of democracy, felt that the United States was too weak to become involved in a two-front war in both the Pacific and Europe. Germany declared war on the United States on December 11. As 1942 began, the Axis powers had the upper hand in the war. That changed by the fall of 1942, when the Germans were locked in a bloody fight against the Soviets that threatened to destroy the German army. American forces had won a victory in the Pacific and had landed in North Africa. The Soviet Army in southern Europe had defeated the Italians, who surrendered in 1943. It

was during these years that Hitler’s personal flaws became most apparent. His inability to recognize that his army could not defeat the Soviets made the war in the East a disaster for Germany. A furious Hitler insisted that his army should fight to the last man, but late 1943, the German army in the East was in retreat. At the same time, Allied forces had driven the Germans out of North Africa and invaded Italy, while Allied bombers attacked German industrial cities. By 1944, in Great Britain, the Allies had begun to make preparations for an invasion of German-controlled France at Normandy

B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

● March 12● Austria and Germany unified● Led to Munich Agreement (september 1938)●

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

A in EV Box,, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words. When you are finished copying the quote here, cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU MODIFY IT IF NECESSARY TO ENSURE IT MAKES SENSE - ellipses when removing words, brackets when adding words in

“Hitler’s personal flaws became most apparent.”

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

On March 12, Hitler forced German to unify with Austria, and that resulted to the Munich Agreement. The Munich Agreement meeting took place in Munich on 29th September, 1938. Afraid that “Hitler’s personal flaws became most apparent” (New World Encyclopedia 63) they were desperate to avoid war, and anxious to avoid an alliance with Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union, Chamberlain and Daladier agreed that Germany could have the Sudetenland. In return, Hitler promised them not to make any further territorial demands in Europe. (Spartacus Educational 11)


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own sentence.

On March 12, Hitler forced German to unify with Austria, and that resulted to the Munich Agreement. The Munich Agreement meeting took place in Munich on 29th September, 1938. Afraid that “Hitler’s personal flaws became most apparent” (New World Encyclopedia 63) they were desperate to avoid war, and anxious to avoid an alliance with Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union, Chamberlain and Daladier agreed that Germany could have the Sudetenland. In return, Hitler promised them not to make any further territorial demands in Europe. (Spartacus Educational 11)

ASS 3 Q 2 PG 14Q2 Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Prev. Q idea + , + Q2 idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!

How did the people’s loss of faith in Hitler affect his rule/control of the country?

Q2 EV Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from Prev Q) (write it here)

When people loss faith in Hitler, Hitler’s flaws started showing up causing him to do unpleasant things.

Box13EV1: Copy entire box here then cross out the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)Hitler's health deteriorated. He was known to be a hypochondriac who complained constantly of aches and pains. By mid-1942, however, he developed noticeable tremors in his hands and head. His mental processes were slow and his rages more volcanic than ever. He also battled insomnia, an inability to sleep which further affected his thought process. His problems with his thought process, and his inability to make quick decisions and his refusal to change his mind, played a major role in the nazis’ reversal of fortune. By July 1944, German forces were in retreat across both Western and Eastern Europe. On July 20, a group of German civilians and generals, who realized that Germany had already lost the war, tried to assassinate Hitler. The attempt failed, but it made Hitler’s mental condition even more unstable. He became convinced that he was invincible and that voices spoke to him as he claimed that had during his close calls in World War 1. In a rage, he ordered the SS to kill every family member, including the children, or all those plotting against him- which led to the execution of more than 5,000 people. On April 22, Hitler went into a hysterical tirade - “Adolf Hitler, Scott Ingram Pg. 96-101”

B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

● Hitler started being sick● Mentally sick]● Aches and pain (Physical)● He had problems with sleeping and thinking● Thats the reason why the Nazi are getting weak● Germans lost a war● Tried to asssasinate Hitler● tHE ATTEMPTFAILED BUT MADE HITLERS SITUATION (MENTAL

SICKNESS) WORST● He had voices telling him to fight● He went into a hysterical stage● He ordered the SS to murder families and kids

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

A in EV Box,, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words. When you are finished copying the quote here, cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU MODIFY IT IF NECESSARY TO ENSURE IT MAKES SENSE - ellipses when removing words, brackets when adding words in

“His thought process,... inability to make… decisions and his refusal to change his mind”

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

“His thought process,... inability to make… decisions and his refusal to change his mind” (“Adolf Hitler, Scott Ingram Pg. 96-101”)made the Nazi slow and weak. Hitler’s mental problems became worse when he started hearing voices that made him think he’s undefeatable. When he started wearing voices he told his allies to join the war and fight. Which led them to losing. In madness, he also told the SS to murder every family member and their kids, or those who are against him. (“Adolf Hitler, Scott Ingram Pg. 96-101”)


DParaphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own sentence.

“His thought process,... inability to make… decisions and his refusal to change his mind” (“Adolf Hitler, Scott Ingram Pg. 96-101”)made the Nazi slow and weak. Hitler’s mental problems became worse when he started hearing voices that made him think he’s undefeatable. When he started wearing voices he told his allies to join the war and fight. Which led them to losing. In madness, he also told the SS to murder every family member and their kids, or those who are against him. (“Adolf Hitler, Scott Ingram Pg. 96-101”)

PG15F Transition Sentence


Box14EV2: Copy entire box here then cross out the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

As his Nazi regime began to reach its decline, so did Hitler’s health. Accounts of people who saw him during the last six months of his life all claim that he resembled an old man, ashen in complexion, shuffling of gait, with hand and leg tremors. Upon meeting him for the first time in February of 1945, Captain Boldt, an adjutant to the head of German intelligence, wrote: His head was slightly wobbling. His left arm hung slackly and his hand trembled a good deal. ... His face and the part around his eyes gave the impression of total exhaustion. All his movements were those of a senile man. FDR’s death on April 12 momentarily lifted Hitler’s spirits in the hope that America would withdraw from the war. Shortly after this proved not to be the case, Eva Braun, Hitler’s longtime companion, arrived at the führerbunker and refused to leave his side. The atmosphere in the bunker during

the last weeks of Hitler’s life was saturated with resentment, distrust, and accusations. On April 22, Hitler announced at his military conference that the war was lost and berated the men under his command for their cowardice, treachery, and incompetence. He also announced his intention to end his life and thus end his struggle. The next day, Hitler had his commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe in Germany, Herman Göring, arrested for high treason. The final blow, however, came two days before his death, when he was informed that Heinrich Himmler, someone who he believed was one of the most committed supporters of Nazism, had attempted to make peace negotiations with the Allies. On April 29, Hitler married Eva Braun. Following the brief celebration, Hitler settled the terms of his last will and testament where he shed any responsibility of having had any part in causing the war and instead claimed international Jewry was the real culprit. In it he also set up the succeeding chain of command, naming Admiral Karl Dönitz his successor. Finally on April 30, Hitler and his new wife committed suicide. She accomplished it by ingesting cyanide and Hitler by shooting himself through the mouth. The bodies were burned as Hitler had instructed - “How did Hitler Die? - By: Marianna Villa.” (History News Network) On May 4th, the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were found in the Reich Chancellery garden. A SMERSH operative saw part of a grey blanket at the bottom of a shell crater. The crater was dug into and two bodies were found along with the bodies of a German Alsatian and a puppy.(History learning place, The Death of Hitler)

B1 (Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

● Nazi Party starts declining● Hitlers health is getting weaker● His physical appearance changed big time● He announced their lostand his plan of suicide● Him and his wife committed suicide●

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a thesaurus and write them here

A in EV Box,, underline the phrase that you’d like to use as your quotation selection. Write it here with the citation at the end. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 10 words. When you are finished copying the quote here, cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU MODIFY IT IF NECESSARY TO ENSURE IT MAKES SENSE - ellipses when removing words, brackets when adding words in

Hitler’s life was saturated with resentment, distrust, and accusations.

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV Box and compare what you’ve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

As time goes by, the Nazi party was slowly declining. They lost wars and people so “Hitler’s life was saturated with resentment, distrust, and accusations” (History New Network 21) Also, Hitler’s mental health is getting worse and his physical appearance makes him look so exhausted. Gigler was slowly getting weaker and weaker as time goes by. He also made a public announcement announcing their lost and his plan of taking away his own life. Two days after, Hitler and his wife committed suicide. (History New Network 21)


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation: Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own sentence.

As time goes by, the Nazi party was slowly declining. They lost wars and people so “Hitler’s life was saturated with resentment, distrust, and accusations” (History New Network 21) Also, Hitler’s mental health is getting worse and his physical appearance makes him look so exhausted. Gigler was slowly getting weaker and weaker as time goes by. He also made a public announcement announcing their lost and his plan of taking away his own life. Two days after, Hitler and his wife committed suicide. (History New Network 21)