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World Civilization Final Exam Review - Fall 2019

Silk and Sand – Trade Routes1. Why was the printing press useful in Europe but not in China?

2. Why did the Chinese attempt to keep some technology, like silk production, secret from Europeans?

3. Chinese good that is referred to as the “gift to the West” due to its ability to easily find/follow routes.

4. How did the use of gunpowder change as it moved across Asia into Europe?

5. What did Europeans do to gain a more balanced trade with Asia?

Plague Graph6. What does this image represent?

7. How many people died in a 50year period?

8. How long did it take for Europe’s population to recover?

9. What was the LONG TERM effect of this event?

10. What regions did the Sand Roads connect?

11. How did the Sand Roads impact culture and trade?

12. Which animal served as a major turning point in trans-Saharan travel?

13. What good was NOT exchanged across the Sand Roads that stimulated trade networks in China?

Sahara Image:14. Name the trade route in this image

15. What made this route difficult?

16. What common language and religion was spread across this region?

Silk Road Exchange Chart17. What was the most desired item traded by the Chinese?

18. What does the provided chart tell you about WHY people traded?

Indian Ocean Trade19. How did the goods traded on the Indian Ocean maritime route differ from those traded on the Silk Road?

20. The most important Geographic feature of Indian Ocean trade was:

21. What made Srivijaya, in the Malay Kingdom, an important trade center during Indian Ocean trade?

22. What regions or trade areas did the Strait of Malacca connect?

Chola Empire Safavid Empire Mughal Empire

Trade Items Spices, Ivory, Metals, Pottery

Woven Silk Textures, Rugs, Horses, Dried Fruit

Rice, Sugar, Indigo, Cotton, Tobacco Metal

Religion Hindu Islam Islam

Government Feudal System Monarchy Monarchy

23. Name the similarities between all three empires listed in the chart above

Age of Exploration24. Describe Portugal’s geography.

25. Why did this matter?

26. Name and explain the three motivations for Europe to explore the New World



c. ____________________-

27. Where was Columbus hoping to sail on his first voyage?

28. Portuguese traders were initially interested in trading for _________.

29. How did slaves in the New World “quietly” resist their situation?

30. The Voyage that brought captured Africans to the West Indies is called

31. What was the main reason Africans were imported into the Americas as slaves?

32. What was the most important good traded from the Americas to Europe in the Columbian Exchange?

33. What was a negative impact of the Columbian Exchange?

34. Which of the following is the economic theory that argues a countries power depends on its wealth?

35. What is a Joint-Stock Company?

Triangular Trade Map36. What section of the Triangular Trade does this represent?

37. Where did most slaves come from?

38. Where did most slaves end up? (if they survived capture and the ocean voyage)

Revolution39. Match each quote below with the following ideas developed during the Enlightenment:-Freedom of Speech-Separation of Powers-Women’s Equality

“If the legislative and executive authorities are one institution, there will be no freedom. There won’t be freedom anyway if the judiciary body is not separated from the legislative and executive authorities” Charles de Montesquieu


“I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” Voltaire


“Men, indeed, appear to me to act in a very unphilosophical manner when they try to secure the good conduct of women by attempting to keep them always in a state of childhood.” Mary Wollstonecraft


40. Name three causes of the French Revolution

Explain the cause for each event of the French Revolution

41. The Storming of the Bastille 42. Women’s March

43. Reign of Terror 44. Execution of King Louis XVI

45. What was the instrument of the Reign of Terror?

46. Robespierre’s main belief was that Absolute Monarchy could not be overthrown unless…

47. The Haitian Revolution was significant because…

48. Why did Toussaint L’Ouverture leave Haiti?

Industrialization49. Name the factors of production

50. What were 3 reasons the Industrial Revolution started in England?

51. What event led to the movement of people to the cities and the Industrial Revolution?

52. What is the image to the right an example of?

Cotton Graph:53. What year did cotton consumption begin in Britain?

54. Between which 10-year period did England consume the most cotton?

55. Between which 10-year period did consumption DECREASE? (x2)

56. Name three reasons Britain saw an increase in cotton consumption.

57. Name the three sources of energy that Britain used during the its industrial period

58. Name two new ideas of the Agriculture Revolution that affected farms and land use

59. How did greater productivity in farming affect small farmers?

60. The production of ______________ was one of the first industries to be affected by the Industrial Revolution?

61. _____________________developed a Steam Engine that could drive machinery.

62. City building and the movement of people to the cities in large numbers

63. Average lifespan of the working class who lived in the cities in 1842Britain Population Growth Image:64. Where was most of the population growth in Britain during the 1800’s?

65. What geographic feature did all these cities have access to?

66. Name three positive effects/innovations stimulated by the Industrial Revolution

67. Explain for the direction and growth of railroads in the USA between 1840-1890

68. How did companies raise the amount of money they needed for building large businesses, such as railroads?

69. Which economic system that emerged during the Age of Discovery but was popularized during the Industrial Revolution?

70. Which group of people led the way in the formation of labor unions?

71. What was the purpose of the Factory Act of 1833?
