WE THE PEOPLE’s 2013 Christmas wish list to government


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WE THE PEOPLE’s 2013 Christmas wish list togovernmentOn a cold and blusteryChristmas in 1776,

then General GeorgeWashington and histroops endured theelements in anencampment on the

banks of the Delawarei!er with little food

and insufficientclothing" Washingtonand his troops werewilling to endure thesehardships as necessaryto fulfill ourgo!ernment#s $then the Continental Congress % promise to free &mericans from the tyranny of 'ingGeorge and replace it with the enlightened liberty of (atural )aw "*+roof that our country is founded on

(atural )aw http --t"co-r.sw(upbeO/

0o know the true significance of what was at stake, one must understand that our &merican e!olutionwas in reality a re!olt against the Go!ernance Doctrine of the Di!ine ight of 'ings" +ursuant to theDi!ine ight of 'ings, the 'ing is a God or an emissary of God here on earth" 0herefore, no earthly

being can 2uestion the decisions of the 'ing" 3nder the Di!ine ight of 'ings, persons had no rights4there were only permissions and pri!ileges that could be re!oked by the 'ing or his representati!es atany time for any reason" &nd truth was established by the 'ing and the Church"

During the 5nlightenment $circa 16 &D 18 &D% there was a scientific, intellectual and culturere!olution of thought" &!erage persons came to 2uestion the authority of the 'ing and the Church"3sing their own obser!ations and reasoning, indi!iduals began determining truth for themsel!es"During this time, 9en of )etters such as :ohn )ocke, de!eloped a body of thought that came to beknown as (atural )aw" &mongst other things, (atural )aw prescribed that all men had certainunalienable (atural )aw ights" $;n fact, (atural )aw was so well known and understood at the timethat the <ounder=s debated whether the >ill of ights was e!en necessary% )ocke continued this line ofreasoning and de!eloped the Go!ernance Doctrine known as ?Consent of the Go!erned@" ;n essence,go!ernment could only rule with the consent of the go!erned" &nd, in fact, that eAact phrase appears inthe &merican Declaration of ;ndependence, as well as does the ?)aws of (ature@" * ;f you want a littlemore detail you can read (atural )aw Bow W5 0B5 +5O+)5 got to the th of :uly,1776 -http --goo"gl-;fE+Ak and-or listen to free audio book 0reatises of Ci!il Go!ernment by :ohn )ockehttps --t"co-2DCsduF.Ew/

What follows are a few statements summari ing some of the sentiments and principles of (atural )awand Consent of the Go!erned" 0hese statements were part and parcel of the belief system of our

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<ounders" 0his writer hopes these statements will make more clear the !ision our <ounders had for thiscountry and its indi!idual citi ens"

• 3sing their own obser!ations and reasons, the indi!idual determines truth for themsel!es4• Helf Determination I 5ach indi!idual shall determine the course of their li!es for themsel!es,

while at the same time accepting the rewards and conse2uences for their own decisions4

• &ll persons are created e2ual4

• ?9an""" hath by nature a power"""" to preser!e his property that is, his life, liberty, and estate against the inJuries and attempts of other men"@ :ohn )ocke4

• ?)iberty is to be free from restraint and !iolence from others@ :ohn )ocke4

• K0o understand political power right, and deri!e it from its original, we must consider, whatstate all men are naturally in, and that is, a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, anddispose of their possessions and persons, as they think fit, within the bounds of the law ofnature, without asking lea!e, or depending upon the will of any other man"K )ocke, :ohn" 0he

Hecond 0reatise of Ci!il Go!ernment" 16L 4• Ke!ery man being, as has been shewed*should/, naturally free, and nothing being able to put

him into subJection to any earthly power, but only his own consentK :ohn )ocke 0wo 0reatisesof Go!ernment M11L4

• 95( being, as has been said, by nature, all free, e2ual, and independent, no one can be put outof this estate, and subJected to the political power of another, without his own consent" 0heonly way whereby any one di!ests himself of his natural liberty, and puts on the bonds of ci!ilsociety, is by agreeing with other men to Join and unite into a community for their comfortable,safe, and peaceable li!ing one amongst another, in a secure enJoyment of their properties, and agreater security against any, that are not of it" 0his any number of men may do, because itinJures not the freedom of the rest4 they are left as they were in the liberty of the state of nature"When any number of men ha!e so consented to make one community or go!ernment, they arethereby presently incorporated, and make one body politic, wherein the maJority ha!e a right toact and conclude the rest" )ocke, Hection L 4

• K>ut though men when they enter into society, gi!e up the e2uality, liberty and eAecuti!e power they had in the state of nature, into the hands of the society, to be so far disposed of bythe legislature, as the good of the society shall re2uire4 yet it being only with an intention toe!eryone the better to preser!e himself his liberty and propertyK $Hecond 0reatise, Chapter L%4

• 9en, ha!ing been gi!en free will, are not !irtuous by nature and, acknowledging theirimperfections, create go!ernments so that they may li!e in safety and harmony together Cato)etters LN6 4

• ?<reedom of men under go!ernment is to ha!e a standing rule to li!e by, common to e!ery oneof that society, and made by the legislati!e power !ested in it4 a liberty to follow my own willin all things, when the rule prescribes not, and not to be subJect to the inconstant, unknown,arbitrary will of another man"@ :ohn )ocke4

• K0he rulers """ eAercising a power the people ne!er put into their hands $who can ne!er besupposed to consent, that anybody should rule o!er them for their harm%, do that, which they

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ha!e not a right to do" &nd where the body of the people, or any single man, is depri!ed of theirright, or is under the eAercise of a power without right, then they ha!e a liberty to appeal tohea!en, whene!er they Judge the cause of sufficient momentK" :ohn )ocke, Hecond 0reatise ofGo!ernment Chapter 1 $Consent of the Go!erned%4

• KGo!ernment being for the preser!ation of e!ery man=s right and property, by preser!ing himfrom the !iolence or inJury of others, is for the good of the go!ernedK":ohn )ocke, <irst0reatise on Go!ernment Chapter L, $Consent of the Go!erned%4

• K>ut if a long train of abuses, pre!arications and artifices, all tending the same way, make thedesign !isible to the people, and they cannot but feel, what they lie under, and whither they aregoing, =tis not to be wondered, that they should then rouse themsel!es, and endea!our to put therule into such hands, which may secure to them the ends for which go!ernment was at firstenactedK" $Hecond 0reatise, Chapter 1L%4

• KWhene!er the power that is put in any hands for the go!ernment of the people, and the protection of our properties, is applied to other ends, and made use of to impo!erish, harass orsubdue them to the arbitrary and irregular commands of those that ha!e it4 there it presently

becomes tyranny, whether those that thus use it are one or manyK" $Hecond 0reatise, Chapter18%4

• K$0yranny is% """ when the go!ernor, howe!er entitled, makes not the law, but his will, the rule4and his commands and actions are not directed to the preser!ation of the properties of his

people, but the satisfaction of his own ambition, re!enge, co!etousness, or any other irregular passionK" $Hecond 0reatise, Chapter 18%4

• KBeK $the supreme eAecuti!e% Kalso acts contrary to his trust, when he either employs the force,treasure and offices of the society, to corrupt the representati!es, and gain them to his purposes4or openly pre engages the electors, and prescribes to their choice, such, whom he has bysolicitations, threats, promises, or otherwise won them to his designs, and employs them to

bring in such, who ha!e promised beforehand, what to !ote, and what to enactK" $Hecond0reatise, Chapter 1L%4

• M0yranny is the eAercise of power beyond right, which nobody can ha!e a right to :ohn M)ockend 0reatise on Go!ernment Chapter18"

Ho beautifully and elo2uently do these statements represent the nature and desires of a free mankind,that one must wonder if their descent into obscurity was accidental or contri!ed" Dear Go!ernment,W5 0B5 +5O+)5 put it to thee, is your failure to educate rank and file &mericans in (atural )aw bydesign to work to ensla!e us as we were under the Go!ernance Doctrine of the Di!ine ight of 'ingsWe pray thee answer truthfully"

<urther, Dear Go!ernment, e!erything you ha!e been doing lately seems to be in diametric oppositionto the intent and promises of our re!olutionary go!ernment" Our current go!ernment seems intent onrestoring the go!ernance Doctrine of the Di!ine ight of 'ings" 5Acepting , of course, that instead of a'ing whose decisions cannot be 2uestioned because they allege their di!inity, it is the decisions of+rogressi!e 5ducated 5lites whose decisions cannot be 2uestioned because they allege their superiorintellect and education as well as un2uestionable altruism"

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"A free people [claim] their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chiefmagistrate." 0homas :efferson

;n the Hpirit of this Boliday Heason, this writer will break this tense, awkward familial moment withthe following segue"

“WE THE E! E pra# that our resident, $ongress and $ourts and other elected officials provideWE THE E! E with the peaceful remed# of restoring our $onstitution, %ill of &ights and 'atural aw (efore WE THE E! E are forced to withdraw our $onsent to (e )overned.*

Hhould our elected officials be unsure of where to begin in restoring (atural )aw and the (aturalights of W5 0B5 +5O+)5, this writer has pro!ided this list as a starting point" With !ision of our

Country#s <ounders as its template, this writer sets forward this more detailed Christmas 1E wish list to our go!ernment"

1" +lease restore to W5 0B5 +5O+)5 a go!ernment whose foundation is built with integrity4" +lease abide by (atural )aw, the Constitution and >ill of ights as they were written" 0he

Constitution and >ill of ights were written to be anchors against the erosion of )iberty andeApansion of tyranny" Fou ha!e used the false premise of a li!ing Constitution to wrongly Justify your eApansion of power and reduction of the )iberty of W5 0B5 +5O+)54

E" +lease restore to W5 0B5 +5O+)5 our inalienable right to determine 0ruth for oursel!esusing our own obser!ations and reasoning4

" +lease restore to W5 0B5 +5O+)5 our inalienable right to Helf Determination4

" +lease make the teaching of (atural )aw and the Go!ernance Doctrine of Consent of theGo!erned re2uired subJect matter, from <irst Grade $age appropriate of course% and ne!er letthem fall into obscurity again4

6" +lease stop thinking you and-or other 5ducated 5lites are better than rank and file &mericans orha!e you forgotten and-or rescinded4 &)) +5O+)5 C 5&05D 5P3&)

7" +lease stop lying to W5 0B5 +5O+)5 as this is necessary for W5 0B5 +5O+)5#sunalienable rights to determine truth for oursel!es and self determination to be meaningful" 0hefailure of either maJor party and-or either house of Congress to !igorously condemn the nowwell known bra en lies used to pass Obamacare demonstrates the lack of integrity of ourCongress and both maJor political parties4

8" <or the same reasons, please stop using maJor media as instruments of propaganda,conditioning and disinformation4

9. <or the same reasons, please stop using 5dward >ernays ?5motion and >ase ;nstinct based propaganda to manage and manipulate W5 0B5 +5O+)5 * http --youtu"be-Dpg!tafyOog /4

1 " +lease stop making sets of laws which will ine!itably result in a class society, 1% ulingClass &ristocrats and, % the rest of us" +ursuant to (atural )aw and our <ounding Documents,&)) +5O+)5 & 5 C 5&05D 5P3&)" Four self !oted eAemptions from Obamacare, HocialHecurity and ;nsider 0rading )aws are notable transgressions from among the multitude ofeAamples which could be cited4

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11" +lease return to representing W5 0B5 +5O+)5 rather than managing and manipulating us likeli!estock for your personal gain4

1 " +lease stop di!iding, con2uering, distracting and confusing W5 0B5 +5O+)5 with Hocialissues while you steal W5 0B5 +5O+)5 blind4

1E" +lease stop spying W5 0B5 +5O+)5 as a means to repress us while gi!ing the bullroar eAcusethat it is necessary to protect us" Ba!e you forgot <ranklin#s admonishment that ?0hose whotrade liberty for security soon ha!e none and deser!e neither4

1 " +lease restore to W5 0B5 +5O+)5, the ule of )aw whereby each man is Judged e2ually withDue +rocess in accordance with the ule of )aw properly applied to the free admitted, nonmachinated, rele!ant facts in e!idence" ?0oo >ig to <ail@ should not also mean ?0oo >ig toCon!ict@"

15. +lease enact the following :udicial 0& +roposals as a means to restore the ule of )aw to&merica+roposed 5lection 1 caucus resolutions for Judicial reform$updated% +arts1Nhttp --t"co-i 0+5308 n N http --t"co-hQhJ k)Ho4

16" +lease return to the ule of )aw based on Constitutional )aw rather than the bastardi ed Case)aw that +rogressi!e Woodrow Wilson yoked us with beginning in 1L1E4

17" ;n e!ery state, let W5 0B5 +5O+)5 !ote for our Htate Judges in full, fair and free elections as prescribed by, in this writer=s case, the 9innesota Htate Constitution rather than the e!il,duplicitous, tyrannical manifestation often referred to 9erit Helection etention 5lections$9 H5 I pronounced 9isery%

18" +lease rescind all forms of Congressional ;nsider 0rading eAtending it to all first degreerelati!es" Congressional ;nsider 0rading is nothing but a method to steal !alue created the by

labor of the masses from the masses using smoke and mirrors" ;n short, Congress N theirfriends and relati!es ha!ing knowledge of changes in the law that will mo!e the markets usethat knowledge to steal from rank and file &mericans $W5 0B5 +5O+)5% who do not ha!ethat same knowledge" 0his is simply despicable4

1L" +lease resume your role as public ser!ants with W5 0B5 +5O+)5 as your 52uals andHo!ereigns4

" +lease pass reasonable term limits" 0he <ounder#s ne!er intended go!ernment to be comprisedof career politicians" ather, they argued for short term citi en politicians who returned to their

pri!ate li!es after 1 or terms of ser!ice" Of each of you who ha!e ser!ed more than two termsin your current position, W5 0B5 +5O+)5 would ask that you not run for re election based on

the state of the country if for no other reason" Our current circumstances can only be eAplained by deliberate acts, cowardice, selfishness or incompetence, none of which are grounds for reelection4

1" ;f you ha!e ser!ed more than terms and-or been an elected official for more than 1 years, please do not run for election again but instead return to the pri!ate sector $and not lobbying%4

" +lease pass meaningful campaign finance reform that essentially takes the money out of politics" +erhaps all campaigns should be publicly financed so any other moneys gi!en to a politician could be prosecuted as felony bribes4

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E" +lease stop trying to take away W5 0B5 +5O+)5#s guns on the premise that it is necessary forthe public safety when in reality you recogni e that this is a reduction of the liberty of W5 0B5+5O+)5 and the eApansion of your tyranny" 0his has lead to deser!ed and merited seditiousinclinations of W5 0B5 +5O+)54

" +lease restore decision making regarding education to local citi ens4 +lease stop trying toindoctrinate our children as sheople with rewritten history and a Common Core, +rogressi!eeducation agenda4

" +lease secure our borders as was promised about years ago under >ush 1 RR when wegranted amnesty for illegal aliens for the first time with the promise it would be the last time4

6" +lease stop trying to infringe on W5 0B5 +5O+)5#s freedom to practice or not practicereligion as we feel appropriate4

27. +lease stop demoni ing, discrediting and-or otherwise neutrali ing the !oices of politicaldissent as eAampled by the <>;#s CO;(05)+ O and 9artin )uther 'ing*http --goo"gl-&kEpb9 and stop taking down all of these websites that post the Henate report"/4

8" +lease &udit, 5nd or >uy the pri!ately owned <5Deral eser!e >anking Hystem" SL 0rillionmissing and now one charged with a crime is ridiculous" +aying the pri!ate owners of the <5DS >illion dollars a year to manage our money can=t be Justified, especially gi!en their poortrack record" 0his is one source of the growing wealth disparity in &merica" Gi!ing S >illionin essentially unearned money to pri!ate bankers allows them to pay S1 9illion dollars to eachof the about persons that run the <ederal go!ernment $+resident, Q+, Congress, HCO03H,Cabinet% in a Puid +ro Puo arrangement to continue this amoral, criminal conspiracy" &ndfinally, if go!ernment is Just printing worthless money, why don=t we print enough to buy the<5D from its pri!ate owners and then the S >illion per month go!ernment pays to them andall of its profits will return to W5 0B5 +5O+)5 instead of pri!ate >anksters and those on thedole of the pri!ate >anksters4

L" +lease end the practice of <iat 9oney and once again adhere to the Constitutional pro!isionthat our money be back by specie $e"g" Gold, Hil!er, etc%" 5ssentially, our Go!ernment has beenusing worthless <iat 9oney to steal from the masses" Qery Himply, 1% &ll !alue is created only

by labor, % 9oney was in!ented to be more to be more efficient than bartering" E% &s aneAample, if the !alue created by labor each year is S1 but the go!ernment prints S dollarsand puts S1 into circulation for the masses and keep S1 itself, the !alue to KfundK the S1the go!ernment keeps is KstolenK from the !alue created by the labor of the masses" % ;n thecurrent monetary circumstances, the !alue for the S8 >illion in worthless <iat 9oney being

printed each month at the direction of the <5D is being stolen from the !alue of the moneyalready in the pockets of the masses" % 3nlike the alarm sending the Hheriff of (ottingham

causes when sent to collect taAes, <iat 9oney allows the go!ernment to insidiously N almostimperceptibly wrongfully steal purchasing power from the masses"

30. +lease restore the checks, balances, transparency and accountability to go!ernment that the<ounders intended" 0his writer would personally appreciate it if you would restore the <iscal0& as proposed here * http --t"co-&AQm6b0tdu / or in the form of re2uiring the posting of theuncensored go!ernment checking accounts on the internet"

W5 0B5 +5O+)5 ha!e had enough lumps of coal in our stockings"

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9erry Christmas fellow &mericans"

0hose were my thoughts"

;n Closing

0hank you, my fellow citi ens, for taking your !aluable time to read and reflect upon what is writtenhere"

;f what is written here rings true to you, perhaps you should contact your local elected officials and letthem know" ;f you are afraid of repercussions, snail mail it anonymously and ask them to respond inthe local paper or their own monthly-2uarterly internet newsletter" 5!en if this article refers tosomething outside you geographic area, it still likely applies to your location" emember all thosetaApayer training Junkets we taApayers send the bureaucrats on 0hey all learn the same ?li!estockmanagement@ techni2ues to use on W5 0B5 +5O+)5"

&nd that lea!es W5 0B5 +5O+)5 with this conundrum While our MGo!ernment works full time with

compensation and funded with our money for the cause of M0yranny4 W5 0B5 +5O+)5 are forced towork part time without compensation for the cause of Mliberty with what is left o!er of our time,money and energy"

<inally, this article is written with the same intentions as 0homas +aine http --ushistory"org-paine" ;seek no leadership role" ; seek only to help the &merican +eople find their own way using their own?Common Hense@http --am n"to-kb uar

'eep <ighting the Good <ightT

;n )iberty, Don 9ashak

0he Cynical +atriothttp --twitter"com-dmashak http --<acebook-Don"9ashak Don 9ashak Google +lus http --goo"gl-1&3r5

W5 0B5 +5O+)5 0& MW50B5+5O+)50& http --W50B5+5O+)50& "blogspot"comhttp --facebook"com-W50B5+5O+)50& http --twitter"com-W50B5+5O+)50&

5nd the <ed$eral eser!e >ank Hystem% M50<

(ational http --bit"ly-taE Ju 9inneapolis http --bit"ly-tJ.:'<>ring Bome the +oliticians M>B0+http -->ringBomethe+oliticians"com

)awless &merica M)awless&mericahttp --)awless&merica"com

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0erm )imits M0erm)imithttp --0erm)imits"org

:ustice in 9innesota M:;9http --:usticein9("com

Critical 0hinking (otice 0his author ad!ises you as no politician would dare" 5Aercise Critical0hinking $ http --bit"ly-ub;6!e% in determining the truthfulness of anything you read or hear" Do not passi!ely accept nor belie!e anything anyone tells you, including this author""" unless and until you!erify it yourself with sources you trust and could acti!ely defend your perspecti!e to anyone whomight debate you to the contrary of your perspecti!e"
