We improve Norwegian Trade and Industry Stavanger March 2010 Karl Bøe Skogen


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  • We improve Norwegian Trade and Industry Stavanger March 2010 Karl Be Skogen
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  • 2 A public door opener 8 The gateway for businesses to public funds Owned by the Ministry of Trade and Industry From 2010: 49 percent owned by the 19 county municipalities of Norway
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  • 3 Vision We give local ideas global opportunities
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  • 4 11 Innovation Norway supports Norwegian companies with growth ambitions to succeed in international competition whether they face competition at home or abroad - with the aid of: expertise, advisory services, networks, financing and exposure
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  • 5 Innovation Norway supports businesses that create tomorrows business life. Gunn Ovesen, CEO of Innovation Norway Photo: Johnny Syversen / Innovation Norway
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  • 6 More than money Photo: Johan Wildhagen/Innovation Norway Innovation Norway: Much more than financing
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  • 7 We contribute to Innovation in Norwegian trade and industry Making Norwegian businesses competitive domestically and internationally Promoting the reputation of Norwegian businesses 5 Photo: Siv Nr/ Innovation Norway
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  • 8 From idea to success Photo: ARM/Falanx. Used with permission Without support from Innovation Norway we wouldn't have existed today. Entrepreneur ARM (Falanx Microsystems)
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  • 9 From local ideas to global opportunities 10 Your district office Offices abroad
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  • 10 Our services Promotional services Competence services Advisory services Networking services Financing services
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  • 11 We prioritize nine sectors 13 Energy and environ- ment ICT Health Agriculture Culture and experience Culture and experience TourismOil and gas MaritimeMarine
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  • 12 We challenge you 14 Do you dare to innovate? Do you have international ambitions? Do you want to create a strong brand?
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  • 13 Corporate Social Responsibility You contribute and take responsibility - and profit by it Photo: Julie Habel / Scanpix
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  • 14 Different requirements different services Photo: Siv Nr/ Innovation Norway
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  • 15 Entrepreneurship Grants to start-ups Supporting new growth enterprises Using INs High growth programme 18 Photo: Jan Lillehamre/Innovation Norway
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  • 16 SME growth R&D contracts Risc loans International growth programme Reputation building programme Photo: Siv Nr/ Innovation Norway
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  • 17 Internationalization services are based on local market knowledge and network of the foreign offices
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  • 18 Troms Bod Steinkjer Trondheim lesund Hermansverk Bergen Stavanger Kristiansand Arendal Tnsberg Sarpsborg Skien Drammen Oslo og Akershus Molde Hamar Vads Lillehammer Tynset Tinn Frde Regional knowledge of business and the community Regional differentiation of Innovation Norways products and services An organisation close to its customers District Offices Local Offices Alta
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  • 20 An organisation close to its markets The Nordic and Baltic states Stockholm Kbenhavn Helsinki Tallin The East and Central Europe Budapest Moskva Murmansk St. Petersburg Praha Istanbul Warszawa Americas Washington Boston Houston San Francisco New York Toronto Rio de Janeiro Santiago Asia/Africa Bangkok Beijing Shanghai Dubai Johannesburg Kuala Lumpur New Delhi Seoul Hanoi Singapore Tokyo The Western Europe Hamburg Haag Paris London Madrid Lisboa Milano
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  • 21 We are connecting innovative companies to international markets and knowledge
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  • 22 19 The offices abroad have unique expertise and a unique local network to deliver services Unique Expertise: Knowing the foreign market and seeing the opportunities Knowing Norwegian business and industry and understanding their needs Unique Local Network: Having built up local network contacts, primarily in Innovation Norways chosen sectors Beeing available to Norwegian business and industry
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  • 23 20 and cooperating across borders to create added value for Innovation Norways customers
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  • 24 Our foreign offices are directly involved in four (out of our five) types of services NOTE! Shares are fictitious Litex CCS report
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  • 25 Three international advisory services 1. International Marketing Consultancy ( Market surveys, market feedback, partner searches, market strategy, etc.) 2. Practical assistance in foreign markets 3. Access to foreign expertise = primary content of International Growth Programme Advisory service
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  • 26 assist Norwegian companies with information and knowledge about international trade regulations Seller Export regulations Import duties Terms of deliveryLicenses Import restrictions Export documentation Buyer Product standards Transport Terms of payment Rules of origin Sales contracts The International Trade Regulations Department
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  • 27 Oil and Gas Rio China Fisheries & Seafood Expo Grne Woche European Seafood Exhibition Joint Norwegian stands abroad Promotional service Joint Norwegian stands abroad
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  • 28 32 Business delegations Promotional service IN organises business delegations in connection with official state visits, where representatives from the royal family and ministers visit other nations.
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  • 29 Developing profitable businesses Developing regional and national business environments Supplying competence regarding business development Improvement and Distribution Companies Associates/ clusters Public Authorities Strategy Internationalisation support Companies/ nettwork
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  • ARENA PROGRAMMET Support Leading companies Related companies R&D Education Authorities Finances Infra- structure Interaction Collaboration We believe in developing the industry through cluster-building A geografic concentration of spesialised companies, R&D, education and the authorities, with interaction and collaboration between these participants What is a business cluster?
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  • 31 The Arena Programme The programme is a joint venture between Innovation Norway, Norwegian Research Council and SIVA The Arena programme offers financial and expertise in order to develop regional industrial environments (clusters) The programme normally support development of projects running over three years (main projects), but may support projects up to five years
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  • 32 ARENA Projects 2009 Finished: Trepiloten Glmdal Kunnskapsbyen Lillestrm Innovasjon Mre Bluelight Inno-Tech BIOINN Innovasjon Midt-Norge Bioklynge Nord Arena Lettmetall Space Arena Innovation Aqua Arena Seafood Arena North Tourism Arena Finnmark Innovativ Mountain Tourism Plastic Arena stfold Wireless Future Renewable Energy Drilling Technology Well Technology Konvekst Car Arena Medical IT Nor Innovativ Fjord Tourism Gas Arena Integrated operations MarinVest
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  • 33 Norwegian Center of Expertice (NCE) The NCE programme provides financial and professional support to long-term development processes in clusters. The cluster projects shall be based on a partnership between the leading companies and relevant knowledge providers in the clusters. The support is aiming at reducing barriers for collaboration between the partners and accelerating innovation and internationalization processes. The programme may support the clusters up to 10 years, based on 3-3,5 years contracts.
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  • 34 NCE Instrumentation NCE Raufoss NCE Systems Engineering NCE Microsystems NCE Maritime NCE Subsea NCE Projects 2006-2009 NCE Oslo Cancer Cluster NCE Culinology NCE Aquaculture NCE Energy and Emissions Trading NCE Tourism Fjord Norway Norwegian offshore & Drilling Engineering
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  • 35 Illustrations by examples Topside: NODE Drilling technology Subsea technology: NCE subsea Well technology: Center for smart and safe wells Arena: Integrated operations
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  • 36 The difference between Norwegian Center of expertice (NCE) and ARENA Maturity International potential NCE (10 years) Arena (3 years)
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  • 37 Henry Ford, 1905: To come together is a beginning To keep together is progress To work together is sucsess
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  • 38 An agreement between two companies to develop new products, technology or solutions. The participants in an R&D-contract are: - supplier company - which should be a SME (small or medium sized company) - supplier company - which should be a SME (small or medium sized company) - client company (customer) - client company (customer) Purpose: to strenghten the ability of small/medium sized companies to carry out technology development through co-operation with a demanding client company (customer). Industrial Research and Development Contracts (R&D-contracts)
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  • 39 A profitable Partnership Competent norwegian SME without necessary financial strength Binding R&D-contract Offer: New technology or solutions Requirement: New technology or solutions for a global market Demanding (foreign) company with financial strength and access to the market New products, technology or solutions
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  • 40 R&D - Financial Model Innovation Norway covers from 25% to 60% of the project costs of the Norwegian company: Small company
  • 41 R&D - Financial Model If the Norwegian company enters into a R&D contract with a company in a EU-member state, 15% can be added to the support rate: Small company
