We Are. Branding IT IS THAT IMPORTANT Good design is good business. — Thomas J. Watson Jr


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We Are


Good design is good business.— Thomas J. Watson Jr.

Definition of a Brand

Simply put

- A name, term, sign, symbol, or design or a combination of them. Intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to

them from those of the competitor. 

Modern version

– “The intangible sum of a product’s attributes: its name, packaging, and price, its history, its reputation, and the way it’s advertised”

- David Ogilvy

First Impressions and Perceptions

Human Psychology


We like nice looking things – Doesn’t make us shallow

We enjoy making connections in the design – both positive and negative.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.— Steve Jobs, 2003

Buying Cheap Brands

What’s attractive about low cost design, besides the price?

My nephew has a pc, he can do it.

I can buy a logo off already made on the internet!!

Branding = Dating Explaining branding the way we can all understand, through the modern world of dating.

Tinder - Tinder is a matchmaking mobile app. Using geo-location technology, users can set a specific radius, and they will have the option to match with anyone that is within that distance.

Tinder criticism - "appearance-based match-making process“

labelled as shallow, superficial and vain. They tapped into human nature.

April 2014, Tinder – over 10 million active daily users.

October 2014 - Tinder users swipe 1.2 billion Tinder profiles, making 15 million matches per day.

How “Tinder” Works

Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.— Joe Sparano

Choose your profile pics (3).

500 words to describe yourself

Set parameters

- Age

- Location

- Interests

Find someone attractive. Swipe right. Not into their look. Swipe left.

If they find you attractive as well, then you “Match” and you can start chatting.

I Get it, how does that apply to branding?Equate those profile pictures chosen to your

1) Logo 2) Website 3) Product shots

The profile/bio as your 500 Characters description of yourself

That’s the same as your websites About Us page.

Proven: over 90% of users judge based on appearance.

Human nature - attracted visually firstly.

Ask Yourself

How you are judged by the population seeing your brand everyday?

Target Markets By describing yourself, adding your age, location etc. You are effectively placing your “brand” into the market of “Tinder”.

That is brand positioning.

Knowing who the people are that value


And how best to effectively get your brand seen.

Ina Paarman’s branding works precisely that way for her.

Even though modern trends dictate the logo is all wrong, it’s a perfect recipeThe design process is basic problem-solving.— Jack Stoops

Be Smart about being Different Identify your target markets triggers

My Aunt says she hates the colour?

Purple for purple sake

Design is subject to opinion.

The Point?

Be the most professionally “designed” business in your target market.

You can’t account for taste, but you can get damn close with knowing what people are drawn towards.

Play to psychology, remember it’s a numbers game

Everything is designed. Few things are designed well.— Brian Reed


Be part of the crowd

Be generic

Be stubborn

Be afraid of being different.


Be yourself, infuse that into your brand

Find your brand voice

Be Consistent

Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful.— Dieter Rams

What Designers do.

Search, Research, re-search

Experience with what works and why?

Experience with what doesn’t work and why

“I trust my lawyer, doctor and dentist’s opinion completely. But I tell designers I want the logo in pink.”

What people want!

“I want my input into my companies look, it’s my company”

Professional Designers do just that. They make your brand as effective as possible to your requirements, target market and business/personal personality.

CollaborationDetailed Briefs are essential. Questions and answers generate insight.

Great Designers Listen. They put forward their beliefs according to what you outlined as important.

Understanding is design. Different industries, new experiences, past mistakes.

Outsource your creative department – feedback essential.

People ignore design that ignores people.— Frank Chimero

How Branding has changed

Old Branding.  Advertisers shouting carefully pedicured messages at consumers who don’t want to hear it.

New Branding. Social media has advertisers humbly listening to what consumers tell others the brand is and they have to back that up a strong voice.

Only way to do that is to know who you are, what you do and why you do it.

How do I get My Brand to Work? Pavlov?

Branding with and his dogs.

Consistency - Pavlov never offered food without ringing the bell and never rang the bell without offering food.

Frequency - The bell rang several times a day, day after day.

Anchoring - Tie to emotions. Frequency and consistency create branding only when the message is associated with an emotional anchor. This is the most difficult and essential element to get correct.


Modern Branding

What Designers Can Do for You! Create the ideal impression

Know Design – it evolves

Assist your business in it’s ultimate goal – Sales.

Free up time

Design consistency across platforms.◦ Logo, business cards◦ Web◦ Copy◦ Social Media Design◦ Print Media◦ Marketing Materials

There is no such thing as a boring project. There are only boring executions.— Irene Etzkorn

Get you going quickly

Offers you design options as a company whilst fulfilling your e-commerce needs

Great platform from a design perspective to achieve brand consistency

It’s easy to be consistent, hire someone to make sure you are.

“Every component of a company's marketing materials define that company's brand message”

“We are selling water heaters, not inviting people to a rave.”

When Design attacks

David Thorne

Brand Consistency

Effectively delivers and reinforces key messaging

Meeting customer expectations shows authority and creates trust in your business

Drives customer loyalty

Be different by being the same

Brand Consistency

Branding consistency doesn’t mean that all communications from a brand should look identical,

Standards in place

Ensure that both your key messaging and visual branding is clearly and consistently applied.

You’ll lose trust in people if they perceive you are on an different page every time they interact with your brand.

Brand Guidelines

What happens when I go off script?

Brand Identity confusion.

Do not make people think more than they have to.

They won’t

Final Thought

“Your Brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room”

Jeff Bezos – CEO and founder of Amazon
