WCSN Heavy Iron - Big Fire v1.1


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  • 8/14/2019 WCSN Heavy Iron - Big Fire v1.1


    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Heavy Iron & Big Fire

    WCSN Presents:WCSN Presents:

    The Story of Those Who Risk It A

    All photos courtesy of the California Dozers Operators

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    California Dozer Operators GroupCalifornia Dozer Operators Group

    The California Dozers Operators Group wa

    organized on May 6, 1976 as a result of a cadre o

    heavy fire equipment operators expressing concer

    over the lack of standardized training and safe

    operating procedures for dozer operators workin

    on wildland fires. Now an official subsection of th

    California Fire Chiefs Association,The CaliforniDozer Operator's Group was created toprovide Agency Fire Dozer Operators andContract Dozer Operators a way tcommunicate together to develop safetand training practices and procedures wheworking on wildland fire incidents.

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Coming TogetherComing Together Since 1976, the group has builtSince 1976, the group has built

    a foundation on the theme ofa foundation on the theme ofSafety First". InformalSafety First". Informalmeetings between agencymeetings between agencyoperators occurred just prior tooperators occurred just prior tofire season each year untilfire season each year until1984. In May of 1984, the1984. In May of 1984, thegroup decided to start meetinggroup decided to start meetingthree or four times annually,three or four times annually,and to hold each meeting at aand to hold each meeting at adifferent location. The groupdifferent location. The grouprealized that the increase use ofrealized that the increase use ofdozers and increased number ofdozers and increased number ofdozer related accidents pointeddozer related accidents pointedout the need to formalize theout the need to formalize theorganization. At this meeting, aorganization. At this meeting, astatewide organization wasstatewide organization wasestablished which includedestablished which included

    three working committees onthree working committees onSafety, Equipment and TrainingSafety, Equipment and Training

    L.A. County and L.A. City Dozer Teams hold a briefing onL.A. County and L.A. City Dozer Teams hold a briefing ontactics and safety before taking on the Topanga Fire inand safety before taking on the Topanga Fire in


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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    TheThe Safety CommitteeSafety Committee has developedhas developedmany recommendations for fire servicemany recommendations for fire servicedozers and contract operators. In additidozers and contract operators. In additithe committee issues safety bulletins,the committee issues safety bulletins,reviews past accidents, and ways in whireviews past accidents, and ways in whisimilar scenarios might be prevented.similar scenarios might be prevented.

    The Safety Committee has also developThe Safety Committee has also developsuggested guide lines for contractorsuggested guide lines for contractor

    operations on wildland fires and hasoperations on wildland fires and hassubmitted them to many other states andsubmitted them to many other states andto the Caterpillar Corp. for distribution. Ito the Caterpillar Corp. for distribution. I1987, the Safety Committee developed1987, the Safety Committee developedand distributed entrapment procedures fand distributed entrapment procedures fdozer operators caught in "blow up firedozer operators caught in "blow up firesituations.situations.

    Safety FirstSafety First

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    Have Dozer Will TravelHave Dozer Will Travel

    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    TheThe Equipment CommitteeEquipment Committee reviews productsreviews productswhich can improve communications and safetywhich can improve communications and safetyfor dozer operators during fire linefor dozer operators during fire line

    operations. During its early years when mostoperations. During its early years when mostagency equipment had open ROPS, theagency equipment had open ROPS, thecommittee researched many types of helmets,committee researched many types of helmets,air supply and communication systems that haair supply and communication systems that haevolved in recent years.evolved in recent years.

    The Committee also researched the variousThe Committee also researched the variousenclosed air conditioned and sound suppresseenclosed air conditioned and sound suppressecabs and global positioning systems available cabs and global positioning systems available the market and noted vast improvements in firethe market and noted vast improvements in firecurtains that are still required for maximumcurtains that are still required for maximumoperator protection.operator protection.

    The Equipment Committee is also developing aThe Equipment Committee is also developing astatewide trip book so Heavy Equipmentstatewide trip book so Heavy EquipmentOperators working mutual aid and strike teamOperators working mutual aid and strike teamassignments will know the locations of keyassignments will know the locations of keyfueling, feeding and mechanic locations as thefueling, feeding and mechanic locations as themove from county to county.move from county to county.

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    The Training Committee has worked hard overthe years assisting other fire serviceorganizations in developing safety guidelinesand operational procedures for heavyequipment operators, contract dozer operatorsand swampers. The group was instrumental inthe initial development and instruction of thenew ICS classification "Dozer / Strike TeamLeader". These safety and instructionalguidelines are being utilized now in otherstates such as Florida, Nevada, Washingtonand Colorado.

    The Training Committee has also worked withcolleges such as Crafton Hills and AllanHancock to provide safety training as part oftheir wildland fire fighting curriculum. Thecommittee has also developed swamper anddozer manager training courses for CraftonHills College and for the U.S. Forest Service,used on the Angeles, Los Padres and SanBernardinoNF's.

    Learn by DoingLearn by Doing

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Years ago, a fire service dozeroperator was involved in a burover on a brush fire. This groof Fire Service individuals hasnever forgotten how theGrossman Burn Center tookcare of one of their own.

    Annually since about 1990, thDozer Group has shown theirappreciation to the GrossmanBurn Center with a BBQ for thburn patients currently in thehospital and their families, bursurvivors who come back to vand many hospital and burncenter staff members.

    Giving Back

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Family & Friends

    Friends gather at the 200

    Northern Meeting of the

    California Dozer Operato


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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Los Angeles County DozerLos Angeles County Dozer

    the Foothill Firethe Foothill Fire

    Los Angeles County Track Attack

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Los Angeles County Dozer 6 HotliningLos Angeles County Dozer 6 Hotlining

    Los Angeles County Track Attack

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Santa Barbara County

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Ventura County Dozers at the Staging AVentura County Dozers at the Staging A

    Ventura County

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Ventura County

    VC Dozer 2 Working the Line VC Dozer 2 On its Side

    Expect the Unexpected: VC 2 rolled overslowly when the slope broke away underthe right track while making room for apassing hand crew. No damage, no injuries.

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    U.S.F.S United States Forest Service

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Los Angeles CityFire Department

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network


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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Orange County Fire

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Contractor reinforcementContractor reinforcement

    roll in to the staging arearoll in to the staging area

    the Old Firethe Old Fire

    Contractor Heavy Support

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Retired USFS OperatoRetired USFS Operato

    Gill Robledo working wGill Robledo working w

    Johnson Grading on thJohnson Grading on th

    Paradise Fire in MonteParadise Fire in Monte

    Vista. Pictured with GilVista. Pictured with Gil

    Rich McAlpine, son of Rich McAlpine, son of tlate Jim Johnson.late Jim Johnson.

    Contractor Heavy Support

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Contractor Heavy Support

    Erik Hostetter on Johnsons D4 in Lytle Creek on the Grand Prix Fire

    WCSN Th W C t ti S f t N t k

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    WCSNWCSN:: TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    California Dozer Operators Group

    For more photos, an

    information including

    contractor rental

    information, click on

    California Dozer

    Operators Group we

    link below.

    The Willis Construct

    Safety Network wou

    like to extend its tha

    and appreciation to t

    members, officers an

    families of the CalifoDozer Operators Gro

    for making this spec

    WCSN Weekend Ed


  • 8/14/2019 WCSN Heavy Iron - Big Fire v1.1


    A Presentation ofA Presentation of

    TheTheWWConstruction Safety NetworkConstruction Safety Network

    Promoting Construction Safety Around the Block, Around the Clock, Around the WorldPromoting Construction Safety Around the Block, Around the Clock, Around the World