Ways to Protect Children on Internet


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  • 8/7/2019 Ways to Protect Children on Internet


    Essay # 2

    Ways to prevent / eliminate bullying in school

    Biren Patel

    COMM 1133 03

    Professor: Phelan, Andrew

  • 8/7/2019 Ways to Protect Children on Internet


    Bullying can be prevented and stopped if enough adults take action. Everyone deserves

    to feel emotionally and physically safe at school, at home, and in the community. Reducing

    violence in schools is a major concern of educators, parents, and legislators.

    Bullying is a behaviour that has to be addressed and stopped. Sending teachers to

    workshops on bullying does not usually trickle down to an impact on student behaviours. And

    telling students to walk away or ignore it is bad advice. The steps to prevent bullying in schools

    require major changes to the educational system. The most effective approaches for preventing

    or minimizing bullying in schools involve a multilevel strategy that targets bullies, victims,

    bystanders, families, and communities. Strategies to prevent or minimize bullying in schools

    must include school-level interventions designed to change the overall culture and climate of

    the school; classroom-level interventions targeting teachers and other adults in the school; and

    student-level interventions that target individual or small groups of victims and bullies.

    School-level interventions should aim at clarifying and communicating behavioural

    norms. Developing classroom and school wide rules that prohibit bullying and promote adult

    modeling of respectful and nonviolent behaviour. Intervention efforts are to be successful

    unless school staff recognizes that bullying is a problem. School principal should send strong

    message to the entire school that bullying is taken seriously and will not be tolerated.

    Moreover, school administrators must enlist the help of teachers, parents, and students in

    developing policies that address school bullying. A written bullying prevention policy that is

    distributed to everyone in the school can send a clear message that bullying incidents will be

    taken seriously and that action will be taken in response to them. The policy should include a

    clear definition of bullying (with examples) and a reporting procedure. A confidential reporting

    system may encourage students to report if they are victimized or have witnessed bullying. It is

    important that teachers and other adults in the school model appropriate behaviour.

    Classroom-level interventions include encouraging teachers to integrate bullying

    prevention material into their curriculum. This can be accomplished by holding regular

    classroom meetings to discuss bullying. These classroom meetings can help increase students'

    knowledge of how to intervene, build empathy, and encourage pro-social behaviours. Teachers

  • 8/7/2019 Ways to Protect Children on Internet


    should also discuss the importance of bystanders in stopping bullying. Teachers can also involve

    the class in establishing and enforcing class rules against bullying. Students should be taught

    that they have a responsibility to intervene if they observe someone being bullied at school.

    Student-level interventions develops social competence by changing students'

    knowledge, skills, attitudes, beliefs, or behaviour by using interactive teaching techniques i.e.

    Role play and practice with peers. Have a class meeting periodically in which students gather in

    a circle and compliment or express appreciation to a classmate. Allow only positive comments

    and make sure that all students are acknowledged at least every other meeting. Students can

    be taught how to interpret social situations and can be helped not to cry or run away at every

    taunt. It is important that children understand that by staying calm in bullying situations, the

    bullying may subside, whereas responding aggressively or acting helpless may worsen the


    To Summarize, School social workers should make every effort and encourage other

    school personnel to make similar efforts to protect children who are victims of bullying .It is

    important that bullies receive clear messages from school personnel that bullying will not be

    tolerated and will end. Get the students parents involved in a bullying prevention program. If

    parents of the bullies and the victims are not aware of what is going on at school, then the

    whole bullying program will not be effective. Stopping bullying in school takes teamwork and

    concentrated effort on everyones part.