Watershed Assessment Section John Wirts Watershed Assessment Section March 17, 2009


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Watershed Assessment SectionWatershed Assessment Section

John WirtsWatershed Assessment SectionMarch 17, 2009

• Overview of monitoring activities

• Current and future monitoring

• Deployables, LiTMuS, and others

• Biology: bugs, fish, and algae

Watershed BranchWatershed Branch ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities:

Statewide Monitoring Program Ambient Monitoring of Major Rivers (26 sites, 6 times /

year) Random Monitoring of Wadeable Streams (1st - 4th

order; 75 sites annually)

Watershed Specific Monitoring Program General Water Quality Screening – Targeted (single

visit) TMDL Monitoring (monthly)

TMDL Development Preparation of 305(b), 303(d) and Watershed

Reports Support of other agency programs (ie.


Monitor, Assess and Report on WV’s Water Quality

Group A - 1996 & 2001

Upper Ohio NorthCheat South BranchShenandoahYoughioghenyUpper Kanawha

& 2006 & 2011

Group B - 1997 & 2002

Lower KanawhaCoal ElkTygartNorth Branch

& 2007 & 2012

Group C - 1998 & 2003

Mid-Ohio North & SouthLower GuyandotteTug ForkGauleyPotomac Direct Drains

& 2008 & 2013

Group D - 1999 & 2004

MonongahelaLittle KanawhaUpper & Lower NewGreenbrier James

& 2009

Group E - 2000 & 2005

Upper Ohio SouthDunkardWest ForkCacaponLower OhioBig SandyTwelvepoleUpper Guyandotte

& 2010

AmbientAmbient MonitoringMonitoring ProgramProgramMonitor the state’s largest streams and rivers

• Currently 26 sites on the major rivers.

• bi-monthly samples for many parameters.

• Long term data - many have been monitored for nearly 50 years.

• Biology


























Large streams

#Y WV DEP Ambient WQ Sites



ORSANCO's conventional sites

ORSANCO's Organic Detection Sites

WV DEP's Ambient WQ Stations & ORSANCO's Ohio River sites

Ambient Monitoring Program

Examples of available Ambient Data

Examples of available Ambient Data

Examples of available Ambient Data

Probabilistic, Targeted, and Pre-TMDL SamplingProbabilistic, Targeted, and Pre-TMDL Sampling

Include similar assessment procedures.

•Water QualityField parameters, Fecal ColiformOthers dependent on likely


•Habitat AssessmentsSite maps, photos, & descriptionPhysical measurementsLanduse activities and

disturbancesQualitative habitat evaluations

•BiologicalBenthic macroinvertebratesPeriphytonFish

All ‘Stations’ sampled or visited since 1996



Family Level Macroinvertebrate Family Level Macroinvertebrate IBIIBI

WVSCI WVSCI West Virginia Stream Condition Index

Developed in 1999/2000 with EPA and Tetra Tech. Includes 6 metrics. Can be utilized statewide.

Impairment threshold is based on reference conditions.

Sampling period limited to the dates from which the reference condition was developed. Mid-April thru Mid-Oct

South Fork/Cranberry R 16-Jul-03WVSCI score 92.9

WVSCI Family count Genus CountBaetidae 46 Acentrella 31Ceratopogonidae 1 Baetis 15Chironomidae 33 Bezzia 1Corduliidae 1 Chironomidae 5Corydalidae 1 Cricotopus 2Elmidae 2 Eukiefferiella 1Ephemerellidae 4 Micropsectra 10Glossosomatidae 4 Microtendipes 2Heptageniidae 29 Orthocladius 5Hydropsychidae 15 Pagastia 1Isonychiidae 4 Polypedilum 1Leptophlebiidae 37 Rheopelopia 3Leuctridae 26 Rheotanytarsus 1Oligochaeta 1 Stempellinella 2Perlidae 8 Macromia 1Philopotamidae 19 Nigronia 1Planorbidae 1 Optioservus 1Polycentropodidae 2 Promoresia 1Rhyacophilidae 2 Serratella 4Simuliidae 2 Glossosoma 4Tipulidae 1 Epeorus 4

Heptageniidae 15Stenonema 10Hydropsyche 15Isonychia 4Leptophlebia 14Leptophlebiidae 23Leuctra 26Oligochaeta 1Anacroneuria 1Perlidae 7Dolophilodes 19Gyraulus 1Polycentropus 2Rhyacophila 2Simulium 2Hexatoma 1

Family level tot taxa = 21

Genus level tot taxa = 37

Dunkard Creek @ mp 18.9 4/5/2006 WVSCI Score 40.7WVSCI Family Count Genus Count

Caenidae 17 Caenis 17Chironomidae 153 Ablabesmyia 1Coenagrionidae 3 Cricotopus/Orthocladius 60Corbiculidae 4 Diamesa 1Corydalidae 1 Dicrotendipes 30Elmidae 11 Eukiefferiella 37Empididae 1 Nanocladius 1Heptageniidae 3 Parametriocnemus 2Hydropsychidae 1 Polypedilum 3Leptoceridae 1 Stempellinella 1Nemouridae 2 Sublettea 1Perlidae 9 Tanytarsus 12Perlodidae 1 Thienemanniella 2

Thienemannimyia 2Argia 3Corbicula 4Nigronia 1Dubiraphia 1Optioservus 2Stenelmis 8Hemerodromia 1Stenacron 3Cheumatopsyche 1Ceraclea 1Amphinemura 2Perlidae 9Isoperla 1

Family level tot taxa = 13

Genus level tot taxa = 27

% Chiro % EPT HBI # EPT Taxa % 2 Dom Taxa

73.91 16.43 5.73 7 82.13

% Chiro % EPT HBI # EPT Taxa % 2 Dom Taxa

13.81 82.01 3.35 12 34.73

0 - 22 22.01 - 45 45.01 - 60.6 60.61 - 68 68.01 - 78 78.01 - 100

All comparable Benthic Macroinvertebrate samples since 1996

Probabilistic Sampling – Probabilistic Sampling – ‘Randoms’‘Randoms’

Provides statistically valid estimates of condition.

• There are over 10,000 streams identified in WV.

• Between 30,000 and 50,000 stream miles.

• We can’t sample them all.

Probabilistic Sampling - continuedProbabilistic Sampling - continued

Started random program in 1997, completed 1st round in 2001.

Round 2: 2002-2006 Changed from rotating basin to statewide approach. Instead of getting all 30 or 35 sites from a specific watershed in one year, we’re getting 5 or 6 samples in each of the 5 years.

In April we will be starting year 3 of the 3rd round

State of the Streams Report

Data from 1st 2 5-yr rounds has been crunched

Condition estimates (% stream miles impacted) for:

• Biologically impaired• Several habitat measures• WQ condition estimates (acid precip, AMD, ++)

Estimates completed for 8-dig HUC w’sheds, Level 3 Ecoregions, and statewide

Probabilistic Sampling - continuedProbabilistic Sampling - continued

Example of random data crunch

Round Three – entering 3rd year of R3

• Fewer sites (75/yr instead of 150)

• Will be able to report on condition at ecoregion level

• Will include fish at ~30 sites / year

Probabilistic Sampling - continuedProbabilistic Sampling - continued

Sites selected within appropriate watersheds 4 main target categories:

Representative sites: including major tributaries & HW

Resample sites where use attainment questionable

Refine impairment spatially: go upstream until above likely source

Fill assessment “Gaps”

TargetedTargeted MonitoringMonitoring

Group D - 1999 & 2004

MonongahelaLittle KanawhaUpper & Lower NewGreenbrier James

& 2009

Targeted sampling2009 – after randomseason

Group C - 1998 & 2003

Mid-Ohio North & SouthLower GuyandotteTug ForkGauleyPotomac Direct Drains

& 2008 & 2013

TMDL Sampling

Current Pre-TMDL sampling ~ 300 sites – starting July 2008

Sites sampled mostly for bacteria, biology, TSS, and Iron

ContinuousContinuous MonitoringMonitoring

Have utilized in order to better understand relationship between grab samples and real world variability.

Currently deployed in:

• Acid precip impacted streams• Abandoned mining areas• Potomac River sites


Acid Precipitation impacted sites / Limed Streams Project

2008 Added Otter Creek, Red Run

Abandoned Mine Land Remediation Monitoring

Recently deployed sondes in Abram Creek, Three Forks Creek, and Paint Creek.

Also Sovern Run of Big Sandy (Cheat)

Fish Tissue Analysis

• Selenium - Fish & WQ studies

• Mercury Fish Tissue study


• Lakes – Restarted in 2006

• National Survey – streams, lakes, wetlands

• Wetlands

• Above / below impoundment study

• Chesapeake Bay – Non-Tidal Monitoring Network

• Greenbrier algae / nutrient criteria development

For more information or specific

data Contact: John Wirts


304-926-0499 x 1060
