Water Facts Flyer


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  • 8/9/2019 Water Facts Flyer


    WATER FACTS1.1 billion people don't have safe water.! A child dies every 15 seconds from a lack of clean water.

    ! 1 in 4 children who die before age 5 worldwide, die of a water related disease.

    ! Children often walk miles every day to collect dirty water to drink.

    Water and Poverty! There are a number of reasons why poverty has become an epidemic in

    Africa. One of the greatest causes of poverty in Africa is also the most

    overlooked...the lack of access to clean drinking water.

    ! Access to clean water is the foundation of all development. The lack of

    water is therefore an often insurmountable obstacle to helping oneself.

    You can't grow food, you can't build housing, you can't stay healthy, you

    don't go to school and you can't keep working. Without clean water,

    poverty is inevitable.

    Water and Health!

    Health begins with access to clean water. Did you know that half of theworld's hospital beds are filled with people suffering from a water related


    ! Many of the reasons that un-developed areas of the world remain so is

    that they are caught in a cycle of poverty that is often the result of very

    poor health and nutrition.

    Water and Hunger! Relieving hunger in Africa has to begin with access to clean water. It may

    seem simple, but we forget that without water, food is impossible to grow

    and difficult to preserve and prepare. It takes huge amounts of water to

    grow food.

    Water and Education! Everyday, women and young girls carry over 20kg of water from sources

    over 7km from their homes and villages in Kenya. This leaves little time

    for education which is critical to changing the long term prospects of

    developing nations.

    ! Schools cannot run programs if they cannot provide water to students,

    faculty and their families.

    ! With the many additional burdens that a lack of clean water brings,

    education simply becomes less of a priority. This sets up an unfortunate

    cycle of poverty as without a proper education, there is little chance of

    improving one's situation later in life.

    Some information used from TheWaterProjec

    Give Water TodaySupport Sports Outreach Institute as we seek to provide cleanwater to the people of East Africa. SOI has a matching grantof!8,000 to provide threewells in Uganda... help us meetthis challenge today. Donate at www.SportsOutreach.net.

  • 8/9/2019 Water Facts Flyer


    Water Scarcity

    What is Water Scarcity

    The root cause of many problems

    At any one time, half of the world's hospital beds are occupied by

    patients suffering from water-borne diseases.

    Over one-third of the world's population has no access to

    sanitation facilities.

    In developing countries, about 80% of illnesses are linked to poor

    water and sanitation conditions.

    1 out of every 4 deaths under the age of 5 worldwide is due to a

    water-related disease.

    In developing countries, it is common for water collectors, usually women and girls, to have to walk several

    kilometers every day to fetch water. Once filled, pots and jerry cans weigh as much as 20kg (44lbs).

    Economic Water Scarcity - affecting East Africa

    Economic water scarcity is by far the most disturbing form of water scarcity because it is almost entirely a lack of

    compassion and good governance that allows the condition to persist. Economic water scarcity exists when a

    population does not have the necessary monetary means to utilize an adequate source of water. Economic water

    scarcity is about a unequal distribution of resources for many reasons, including political and ethnic conflict.

    Much of sub-Saharan Africa suffers under the effects of this type of water scarcity.

    Without question, economic water scarcity in an issue that can be addressed quickly and effectively. The Water

    Project's key goal is to provide the means necessary for communities suffering from it to find relief. Access to clean

    water can be as simple as building small dams to catch rain water, or rain collection systems to collect rain from

    rooftops. It simply takes some money, a bit of engineering and some local construction efforts.