Water Energy Energy – It’s Everywhere!



Water Energy Energy – It’s Everywhere!. Water Energy. Solar energy creates the water cycle (see next slide ). The water cycle is a renewable and sustainable source of energy allowing lakes, rivers, and oceans to be used to generate electricity. Solar Energy Creates the Water Cycle. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Water Energy

Energy – It’s Everywhere!


Water Energy

Solar energy creates the water cycle (see next slide).The water cycle is a renewable and sustainable source of energy allowing lakes, rivers, and oceans to be used to generate electricity.


Solar Energy Creates the Water Cycle


Hydroelectric Power Generation

A dam is built across a river to store water (usually forming a lake or reservoir).

The water flows from high to low elevation by gravity through a tunnel in the dam (the bigger the drop – the bigger the energy).

The water flow turns a turbine to produce electricity before it exits the dam and enters the river.

The electricity is transmitted to your home by power lines

Hydroelectric Dam


Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydroelectric Power


Tidal PowerTides are caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun and Earth’s rotation.

The water level can vary as much as 40 feet in some locations.

The water flows in (high tide) and out (low tide) and turns a turbine to produce electricity

Tidal power is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year


Other Water Energy Technologies Under Development

Ocean Wave Power

Ocean thermal energy conversion.

