Waste Audit 2012 James S. Bell Junior Middle Sports and Wellness Academy November 22


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Waste Audit 2012

James S. Bell Junior MiddleSports and Wellness Academy

November 22

Waste Audit Station

Collection bags for sorted garbage by categories

List of waste examples under each category

e.g., juice box, milk carton, glass jar, water bottle

e.g., toner cartridge, batteries

Examples of food waste and soiled papers

Examples of real garbage

Total garbage collected in one day, 13.24 Kg

Waste Audit Team

Putting on gloves

Weighing the garbage before sorting

Sorting begins

Recyclable containers

Recyclable papers

Food waste and soiled paper

Real garbage

Recording waste items by location, waste categories and weight

No e-waste and minimal reusables

When each bin fills up, the waste is dumped into a bigger bag.

Total amount of recyclable containers,0.31 Kg (4%)

Total amount of recyclable papers,0.40 Kg (6%)

Total amount of food waste and soiled paper, 3.48 Kg (49%)

Total amount of real garbage,2.26 Kg (32%)

Unopened food: 1 apple, 1 bananaReusables: 4 pieces of eraser

The hole puncher is REAL garbage; it’s defective.

Waste Reduction Plan for 2013

• Posting waste audit results on bulletin board

• Audit Team to inform classes

• Litterless lunch procedural writing contest

• Litterless lunch monthly challenge
