Warm-Up(IN) 1/5/11 Warm ups are done individually and quietly in your desk. Warm up time is usually...


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Warm-Up(IN) 1/5/11

Warm ups are done individually and quietly in your desk. Warm up time is usually 5-7 minutes and is a time for you to get prepared and focused for class.

Write your name, today’s date, and Earth Science on the paper that you have received. -Answer the following prompt:

Write a 5 sentence paragraph about your break. What did you do? Did you go anywhere? Who did you see over break? Do you have a favorite part?

In- 1/06/11, Warm-Up Write a five sentence paragraph talking about anything you know about outer space. This includes the sun, planets, asteroids, stars, galaxies, and much more. Is there anything you would like to learn about astronomy?

Out- Reflection 10pts.TBA

Through- Classwork Timeline of the Universe PowerPoint with notes

Explain Cornell Notes Format

Our Solar System Reading handout

Homework:Our Solar System Reading with Cornell Notes

In- 1/06/11, Warm-Up

Out- Reflection 10pts.Write a five sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned about the formation of the universe from today’s PPT Timeline of the Universe.-Explain how galaxies formed.-Describe element formation in stars.-Explain star death and the distribution of elements for new star systems.-Describe planetary system formation.Underline 4 key terms

Through- Classwork Timeline of the Universe PowerPoint with notes

Explain Cornell Notes format

Homework:Our Solar System Reading with Cornell Notes

In- 1/07/11, Warm-Up Write a five sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned about the solar system from last nights homework Our Solar System Reading Handout- Cornell Notes

Out- Reflection

Through- Classwork National Geographic Video Clip-Solar System 101The Cosmic Distance Scale(NASA Website)Outer Spaces Travel Powers of Ten WS

Homework:Finish Powers of Ten WSGeowords VocabularyPg E6-E11 All

In- 1/10/11, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Use each of the following words in your paragraph. -astronomical unit-planets-solar system-stars-galaxy-light year-nebula-cosmologist

Underline each key termOut- Reflection 10pts.Write a five-sentence paragraph. Compare the sizes of the inner planets to the sizes the outer planets. Compare the distances between the inner planets to distances between the outer planets.

Through- Classwork AnimationsAnimationsDimensions of the Solar System- Activity

Homework:Rounding Decimals & Scientific Notation WSNotebooks due block day

In- 1/11/11, Warm-UpRound the following numbers to the tenths place.1.0.4567892. 2.63243.79.07214.145.5675. 0.0563

Out- Reflection 10pts.Write a five-sentence paragraph. Describe the scientists and physicists that studied the cosmos. What were their methods and instruments? Name some of their theories. What is your opinion of these early scientist. Underline 4 key terms

Through- Classwork Update Scoresheet

Finish Dimensions of the Solar System Activity

Homework:Notebooks due block day

Date Assignment Name Points Possible

Your Score


Warm-Ups 50

1/7/11 Geowords pg. E8-E11 20

1/13/11 Total 70


In- 1/12/11 and 1/13/11 Warm-UpWrite a five sentence paragraph about what you have learned during the astronomy unit up to this point. Underline 5 vocabulary words.

Out- ReflectionNone

Through- Classwork Outer Space Travel Worksheet



In- 1/11/10, Warm-UpWrite a five sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned while watching the DVD Beyond the Big Bang last week.

Out- ReflectionWrite a five sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned about the formation of the universe from today’s PPT Timeline of the Universe.-Explain how galaxies formed.-Describe element formation in stars.-Explain star death and the distribution of elements for new star systems.-Describe planetary system formation.Underline 4 key terms

Through- Classwork Timeline of the Universe PPTW/Skeleton NotesOur Solar System Reading Handout- Cornell Notes

Homework:Our Solar System Reading Handout- Cornell Notes

In- 1/12/10, Warm-UpWrite a five sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned about the solar system from last nights homework Our Solar System Reading Handout- Cornell Notes

Out- ReflectionTBD

Through- Classwork National Geographic Video Clip-Solar System 101The Cosmic Distance Scale(NASA Website)Outer Spaces Travel Powers of Ten WS

Homework: Finish Classwork

(Powers of Ten WS)

In- 1/14/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Use each of the following words and phrases in your paragraph. -The big bang-Clouds of gas and dust-Nebula-Supernova-Stars-Nuclear Fusion-Gravity-Balance-Element formationUnderline each key term

Out- ReflectionTBA

Through- Classwork AnimationsAnimationsDimensions of the Solar System- Activity

Homework: Rounding Decimals & Scientific Notation WS

In- 1/14/10, Warm-Up

Out- ReflectionWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Compare the sizes of the inner planets to the sizes the outer planets. Compare the distances between the inner planets to distances between the outer planets.

Through- Classwork AnimationsAnimationsDimensions of the Solar System- Activity

Homework: Rounding Decimals & Scientific Notation WS

In- 1/15/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you have learned about astronomy since we began last week.

Out- ReflectionTBD

Through- Classwork Outer Space Travel WSOuter Space Travel Calculations Notes:

Homework: None

In- 1/19/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Describe and explain every thing you know about the Earth's Moon and how the sun affects the Earth.

Out- Reflection 10pts.TBA

Through- Classwork Video Clip “Moon 101” Phases of the Moon DiagramPhases of the Moon Simulation Orbiter Simulation: -Earth, Moon, and SunTides and Lunar Phases Graphing

Homework: DDRG The Earth Moon System

In- 1/19/10, Warm-Up

Out- Reflection 10pts.Write a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize how the moon and sun affect the Earth system. What are the phases of the moon? What relationship exists between the tides and the phases of the moon? Explain the seasons. Underline 5 key terms

Through- Classwork Video Clip “Moon 101” Phases of the Moon DiagramPhases of the Moon Simulation Orbiter Simulation: -Earth, Moon, and SunTides and Lunar Phases Graphing

Homework: DDRG The Earth Moon System

In- 1/20/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Describe and explain every thing about the seasons. Name the four Name the four seasons.seasons. What causes the What causes the seasons? How do the seasons seasons? How do the seasons affect our lives. How do affect our lives. How do seasons vary at different seasons vary at different locations around the Earth?locations around the Earth?

Out- Reflection 10pts.TBA

Through- Classwork The Sun-Earth-Moon System-Oral Reading w/Section Wrap-up questions

Homework: None

In- 1/20/10, Warm-Up

Out- Reflection 10pts.Write a five-sentence paragraph. Use as many of the following words and phrases in your paragraph as possible. -Axis-Equinox-Solstice-Seasons-Rotation (rotate)-Revolution (revolve)-Earth-Sun-Amount of sunlight-Day-Year-HoursUnderline each key term

Through- Classwork The Sun-Earth-Moon System-Oral Reading w/Section Wrap-up questions

Homework: None

In- 1/21/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Describe and explain every thing you know about the Earth's Moon and how the sun affects the Earth.

Out- Reflection 10pts.TBA

Through- Classwork Video Clip “Moon 101” Phases of the Moon DiagramPhases of the Moon Simulation Orbiter Simulation: -Earth, Moon, and SunTides and Lunar Phases Graphing

Homework: DDRG The Earth Moon System

In- 1/21/10, Warm-Up

Out- Reflection 10pts.Write a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize how the moon and sun affect the Earth system. What are the phases of the moon? What relationship exists between the tides and the phases of the moon? Explain the seasons. Underline 5 key terms

Through- Classwork Video Clip “Moon 101” Phases of the Moon DiagramPhases of the Moon Simulation Orbiter Simulation: -Earth, Moon, and SunTides and Lunar Phases Graphing

Homework: DDRG The Earth Moon System

In- 1/22/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Use as many of the following words and phrases in your paragraph as possible. -Axis-Equinox-Solstice-Seasons-Rotation (rotate)-Revolution (revolve)-Earth-Sun-Amount of sunlight-Day-Year-HoursUnderline each key termOut- Reflection 10pts.

Through- Classwork Earth Comm: E22-E23Earth Comm: E22-E23Tidal Forces and the Tidal Forces and the Earth System- GraphingEarth System- Graphing

Homework: None

In- 1/22/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Describe and explain every thing you know about the Earth's Moon and how the sun affects the Earth.

Out- Reflection 10pts.Write a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned about tidal forces and the Earth system today. Explain the relative positions of the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun for a spring and neap tide. Explain the effect tides have had on the length of the day.

Through- Classwork Earth Comm: E22-E23Earth Comm: E22-E23Tidal Forces and the Tidal Forces and the Earth System- GraphingEarth System- Graphing

Homework: None

In- 1/25/10, Warm-UpDraw a picture that illustrates what you learned last week about the Sun-Earth-Moon system.-Seasons-Seasons-Phases of the moon-Phases of the moon-Spring & and Neap Tide-Spring & and Neap Tide

Out- Reflection 10 pts.TBA

Through- Classwork Orbits and Effects PPTCornell Notes

Homework: DDRG Orbits & Effects


In- 1/25/10, Warm-UpDraw a picture that illustrates what you learned last week about the Sun-Earth-Moon system.-Seasons-Seasons-Phases of the moon-Phases of the moon-Spring & and Neap Tide-Spring & and Neap Tide

Out- Reflection 10 pts.Write a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned about orbits and ellipses today.Underline each key term

Through- Classwork Orbits and Effects PPTCornell Notes

Homework: DDRG Orbits & Effects


Through- Classwork Orbits and EffectsInvestigatePg E29-E30 #1,2, & 3

Homework: DDRG Impact Events and theEarth System

Ellipse Major



Distance between the




AB 10

CD 8

EF 6

GH 4

IJ 2

In- 1/26/10, Warm-UpChoose one of the Choose one of the following tasks for your following tasks for your warm-up:warm-up:1) Write a five-sentence paragraph. Describe Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion. Underline 5 key terms

2) Draw a series of pictures that illustrate Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion.

Out- Reflection 10pts.

In- 1/28/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Use as many of the following words and phrases in your paragraph as possible. -Orbit(s)-Planets-Comets-Ellipse-Foci-Eccentricity-Orbital plane-Inclination-Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion

Out- Reflection 10pts.TBA

Through- Classwork 23-5 Other Solar 23-5 Other Solar System Objects- Oral System Objects- Oral ReadingReading Pg662 w/Section Wrap-up questionsNOVA Video: Asteroids

Homework: Tunguska: A Mysterious Explosion (reading + questions)

NOVA Video: Asteroids20 Facts (Must be in complete sentences)-Skip Spaces1.…

In- 1/28/10, Warm-Up

Out- Reflection 10pts.Write a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what what learned in the NOVA Video- Asteroids. Underline 5 key terms

Through- Classwork 23-5 Other Solar 23-5 Other Solar System Objects- Oral System Objects- Oral ReadingReading Pg662 w/Section Wrap-up questionsNOVA Video: Asteroids

Homework: Tunguska: A Mysterious Explosion (reading + questions)

In- 1/29/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you have learned about astronomy, so far.Below is a list of subjects we have studied:-The history and scale of the -The history and scale of the universe and our solar systemuniverse and our solar system-The Sun-Earth-Moon System-The Sun-Earth-Moon System-Orbits and ellipses-Orbits and ellipses-Asteroids and comets-Asteroids and cometsUnderline 5 key termsUnderline 5 key terms

Out- Reflection 10pts.TBD

Through- Classwork Astronomy Skills QuizAstronomy Skills QuizTunguska: A Mysterious Explosion (reading + questions)XC Word Search

Homework: none

In- 2/1/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Explain what you know about the Sun. Explain the relationship between Explain the relationship between the Sun and the Earth. Describe the Sun and the Earth. Describe ways in which the Sun plays a ways in which the Sun plays a direct role in life on Earth and our direct role in life on Earth and our lives as humans.lives as humans.

Out- Reflection 10 pts.TBA

Underline 5 key terms

Through- Classwork The Sun PPTCornell Notes

Homework: The Sun WS


In- 2/1/10, Warm-Up

Out- Reflection 10 pts.Write a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned about the Sun today. Describe Describe the structure of the Sun and the structure of the Sun and describe the flow of energy describe the flow of energy throughout the Sun.throughout the Sun.Underline 5 key terms

Through- Classwork The Sun PPTCornell Notes

Homework: The Sun WS


In- 2/2/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize your plan for your life after high school. Do you have a plan? If so, Do you have a plan? If so, what is your plan? Here are what is your plan? Here are some ideas: 4-yr University, some ideas: 4-yr University, 2-yr.College, Trade-school 2-yr.College, Trade-school (vocational school), (vocational school), apprenticeship, Job with apprenticeship, Job with potential for advancement.potential for advancement. What are your values? What What are your values? What do you enjoy? Thinking do you enjoy? Thinking about these things can be about these things can be helpful in making these helpful in making these important decisions.important decisions.Out- Reflection 10 pts.TBA

Through- Classwork Choice of Studies Rm. 105

Homework: DDRG The Sun and It’s Effects on your Community

In- 2/04/10,Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Use as many of the following words and phrases in your paragraph as possible. -Photosphere-Chromosphere-Corona-Solar Wind-Sunspots-Solar Flare-Electric Power Grid-Communications Satellite-Aurora

Out- Reflection 10pts.TBA

Through- Classwork The Sun -Oral ReadingThe Sun -Oral Reading24-2 Pg 679w/Section Wrap-up questions-CSIQ-Skip spaces between answers Section Wrap-up 22-1Review1.2.3.Skill Builder1.2.3.Homework: Finish Classwork

Eclipses PPTCornell Notes

Notes:Headings: Notes:Headings:

Date Assignment Name Points Possible

Your Score


Warm-Ups 140

1/6/10 & 1/7/10

Beyond The Big Bang25 Facts


1/19/10 & 1/21/10

Phases of the Moon Diagram


1/20/10 The Sun-Earth-Moon System

Section Wrap-up questions


1/25/10 Orbits and Effects PPTCornell Notes


2/1/10 The Sun PPTCornell Notes


2/4/10 Total 240

In- 2/04/10,Warm-Up

Out- Reflection 10pts.Write a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned about the Sun and eclipses today. Underline 5 key terms

Through- Classwork The Sun -Oral ReadingThe Sun -Oral Reading24-2 Pg 679w/Section Wrap-up questions-CSIQ-Skip spaces between answers Section Wrap-up 22-1Review1.2.3.Skill Builder1.2.3.Homework: Finish Classwork

In- 2/05/10,Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you have learned about astronomy, so far.Below is a list of subjects we have studied:-The history and scale of the -The history and scale of the universe and our solar systemuniverse and our solar system-The Sun-Earth-Moon System-The Sun-Earth-Moon System-Orbits and ellipses-Orbits and ellipses-Asteroids and comets-Asteroids and comets-The Sun-The SunUnderline 5 key termsUnderline 5 key terms

Out- Reflection 10pts.TBA

Through- Classwork DVD:Secrets of the Sun20 Facts (Must be in complete sentences)-Skip Spaces1.…

Homework: None

In- 2/8/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Think about this for a minute…Is Think about this for a minute…Is there life in a galaxy far, far away?there life in a galaxy far, far away? If so, What type of life is it? If so, What type of life is it? Are these organisms intelligent, upright walking creatures with complex languages and technology. Are they tiny microbes in a nasty puddle on a weird planet? If you think there is no other life in the universe, explain why.

Out- Reflection 10pts TBA

Through- Classwork The Electromagnetic Spectrum PPT -Skeleton Notes (Fill-in-the-Blank)

Homework: DDRG The Electromagnetic Spectrum

In- 2/8/10, Warm-Up

Out- Reflection 10pts Write a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned the electromagnetic spectrum today. Refer to the word wall and Cornell notes for key vocabulary terms. Underline 5 key terms

Through- Classwork The Electromagnetic Spectrum PPT -Skeleton Notes (Fill-in-the-Blank)

Homework: DDRG The Electromagnetic Spectrum

In- 2/9/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you have learned about the electromagnetic spectrum. Underline 5 key termsUnderline 5 key terms

Out- Reflection 10pts TBA

Through- Classwork

Radiation from Space Radiation from Space -Oral Reading-Oral Reading21-1 Pg 584w/Section Wrap-up questions-CSIQ-Skip spaces between answers Section Wrap-up 21-1Review1.2.3.4.

Homework: None

Telescopes PPTCornell Notes

Notes:Headings: Notes:Headings:

In- 2/9/10, Warm-Up

Out- Reflection 10pts Write a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you have learned about how modern telescopes utilize the electromagnetic spectrum. Underline 5 key termsUnderline 5 key terms

Through- Classwork

Radiation from Space Radiation from Space -Oral Reading-Oral Reading21-1 Pg 584w/Section Wrap-up questions-CSIQ-Skip spaces between answers Section Wrap-up 21-1Review1.2.3.4.

Homework: None

In- 2/11/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Use as many of the following words and phrases in your paragraph as possible. -Electromagnetic spectrum/wave/radiation-Wavelength-Frequency-High Energy/Low energy-Radio wave-Infrared radiation-Visible light-Ultraviolet radiation -X-ray-Hubble Space Telescope-Chandra Space Telescope-Spitzer Space Telescope-GALEX Space TelescopeOut- Reflection 10pts

Through- Classwork Earth Comm Pg E66-Oral ReadingEmission & Absorption Spectrum WebsitesSpectra LabSpectra Lab

Homework: None

In- 2/11/10, Warm-Up

Out- Reflection 10pts Write a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you have Summarize what you have learned about the learned about the electromagnetic spectrum.electromagnetic spectrum.

How do modern telescopes utilize How do modern telescopes utilize the electromagnetic spectrum?the electromagnetic spectrum?What is an absorption spectrum?What is an absorption spectrum? What is an emission spectrum?What is an emission spectrum?How is this information is used to How is this information is used to study the universe?study the universe?

Through- Classwork Earth Comm Pg E66-Oral ReadingEmission & Absorption Spectrum WebsitesSpectra LabSpectra Lab

Homework: None

In- 2/12/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Use as many of the following words and phrases in your paragraph as possible.-Sun-Corona-Solar wind-Sunspots-Kepler’s Law’s of Planetary Motion-Ellipse-Eccentricity-Spring tide-Neap tide

Out- Reflection 10pts

Through- Classwork

Astronomy Open-Note Astronomy Open-Note QuizQuizXC Word SearchXC Word Search

Homework: None

In- 2/17/10, Warm-UpWrite a five sentence paragraph. Describe your weekend. How was How was your weekend? What did you do? your weekend? What did you do? Did you do any activities or Did you do any activities or hobbies that you enjoy? Did you hobbies that you enjoy? Did you eat any good food? Did you see eat any good food? Did you see any good movies? Did you meet any good movies? Did you meet up with any friends? up with any friends?

Out- Reflection 10pts.TBA

Through- Classwork DVD: Constellations20 Facts (Must be in complete sentences)-Skip Spaces1.…

Homework:DDRG Our Communities Place Among The Stars

In- 2/18/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned about constellations from the DVD: Constellations. Refer to your notes (20 Facts)Underline 5 key termsUnderline 5 key terms

Out- Reflection 10pts.TBA

Through- Classwork Constellations WS: Right Ascension and DeclinationStars 24-1 Pg 672Stars 24-1 Pg 672-Oral Reading-Oral Readingw/Section Wrap-up questions-CSIQ-Skip spaces between answers Section Wrap-up 21-1Review1.2.3.

Homework: None

In- 2/18/10, Warm-Up

Out- Reflection 10pts.Write a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you learned today about constellations. Underline 5 key termsUnderline 5 key terms

Through- Classwork Constellations WS: Right Ascension and DeclinationStars 24-1 Pg 672Stars 24-1 Pg 672-Oral Reading-Oral Readingw/Section Wrap-up questions-CSIQ-Skip spaces between answers Section Wrap-up 21-1Review1.2.3.

Homework: None

In- 2/19/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you have learned about astronomy, so far.Below is a list of subjects we have studied:-The history and scale of the -The history and scale of the universe and our solar systemuniverse and our solar system-The Sun-Earth-Moon System-The Sun-Earth-Moon System-Orbits and ellipses-Orbits and ellipses-Asteroids and comets-Asteroids and comets-The Sun-The Sun-Electromagnetic spectrum-Electromagnetic spectrum-Ground based telescopes-Ground based telescopes-Space based telescopes-Space based telescopes-Stars-Stars-Constellations-ConstellationsOut- Reflection 10pts.TBA

Through- Classwork Brightness vs.Distance Brightness vs.Distance of Starsof StarsEarth Comm Pg E73 Earth Comm Pg E73 (Oral Reading)(Oral Reading)

Homework: None

In- 2/22/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize your strengths and weakness pertaining to the astronomy chapter. Give an example of an area of astronomy that you feel you have a solid grasp on, provide specific examples. Give an example of an area of astronomy that you may need to improve your knowledge in, provide specific examples. Refer to the word wall and Refer to the word wall and your Cornell notes for key your Cornell notes for key vocabulary terms.vocabulary terms. Underline 5 key terms

Out- Reflection 10ptsTBD

Through- Classwork DVD: The UniverseLife and Death of a Star20 Facts (Must be in complete sentences)-Skip Spaces1.…

Homework: None

In- 2/23/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize the life and death of a star. (DVD)-Refer to your notes (20 facts)-Refer to your notes (20 facts)Underline 5 key terms

Out- Reflection 10ptsTBD

Through- Classwork Classifying Stars WSEvolution of Stars 24-3 Pg Evolution of Stars 24-3 Pg 684684-Oral Reading-Oral Readingw/Section Wrap-up questions-CSIQ-Skip spaces between answers Section Wrap-up 24-3Review1.2.3.4.

Homework: None

In- 2/25/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you have learned about the evolution of stars and the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram (HR Diagram). Explain how the HR Diagram Explain how the HR Diagram is used to show stars at is used to show stars at different stages in their life different stages in their life cycles. cycles. Underline 5 key terms

Out- Reflection 10ptsTBA

Through- Classwork The Evolution of Stars PPTThe Evolution of Stars PPT-Cornell Notes-Cornell Notes

Homework: None


2/25/10Scientific Notation


2/25/10Investigate Part B- Luminosity and Temperatureof Stars (Pg E 71)1)a.



Star Type of Star

Sirius A











Procyon B

Sirius B

In- 2/25/10, Warm-Up

Out- Reflection 10ptsWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you have learned about the evolution of stars and the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram (HR Diagram).

Through- Classwork The Evolution of Stars PPTThe Evolution of Stars PPT-Cornell Notes-Cornell Notes

Homework: None


In- 2/26/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you have learned about astronomy, so far.Below is a list of subjects we have studied:-The history and scale of the -The history and scale of the universe and our solar systemuniverse and our solar system-The Sun-Earth-Moon System-The Sun-Earth-Moon System-Orbits and ellipses-Orbits and ellipses-Asteroids and comets-Asteroids and comets-The Sun-The Sun-Electromagnetic spectrum-Electromagnetic spectrum-Ground based telescopes-Ground based telescopes-Space based telescopes-Space based telescopes-Stars-Stars-Constellations-Constellations-The evolution of stars-The evolution of stars-The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram-The Hertzsprung-Russell DiagramOut- Reflection- None

Through- Classwork Astronomy Final QuizAstronomy Final QuizXC Word SearchXC Word Search

Homework: None

Warm-Up(IN) 3/5/10

On the handout… On the handout…

Write a 5 sentence paragraph that reflects upon this weeks CSAP Testing. -Which test was the most difficult for you?-Which test was the most difficult for you?-Which test was the least difficult for you?-Which test was the least difficult for you?-How do you think you did?-How do you think you did?-Do you think that TJ Teacher’s and Administrators -Do you think that TJ Teacher’s and Administrators did a good job this week?did a good job this week?-What do you think TJ Teacher’s and -What do you think TJ Teacher’s and Administrators could do better in regards to Administrators could do better in regards to CSAP?CSAP?

Classwork: DVD Earth: The Biography- Rare Earth- 20 Facts (On the handout)

In- 3/8/10, Warm-UpNo Warm-Up- Set up Notebook

Out- Reflection 10ptsTBD

Through- Classwork DVD:Wild South AmericaDVD:Wild South America20 Facts (Must be in complete sentences)-Skip Spaces1.…

Homework:Oceans Vocabulary

In- 3/9/10, Warm-UpWrite a five-sentence Write a five-sentence paragraph.paragraph. Summarize what you learned from the DVD: Wild South America (Yesterday).-Refer to your notes (20 facts)-Refer to your notes (20 facts)Underline 5 key terms

Out- Reflection 10ptsTBD

Through- Classwork Ocean Currents Video ClipThe Nature of Oceans PPT w/Skeleton NotesStart HomeworkStart Homework

Homework:DDRG The Causes of Ocean Circulation

In- 3/11/10, Warm-UpNo warm-up, set-up No warm-up, set-up notebook, & notebook, & scoresheetscoresheet

Out- Reflection 10ptsTBD

Through- Classwork Thermohaline Circulation-Terminology NotesThermohaline Circulation-Demonstration w/WSCoriolis Effect Coriolis Effect Movement of Air 14-4 Pg 410 Movement of Air 14-4 Pg 410 (Glencoe)w/section wrap-up(Glencoe)w/section wrap-up-Video clip-Video clip-Lab Investigation-Lab Investigation

Homework: none

Date Assignment Name Points Possible

Your Score


Warm-Ups 110

2/22/10 DVD: The UniverseLife and Death of a Star

20 Facts


2/23/10 Evolution of Stars 24-3Evolution of Stars 24-3Section Wrap-up


2/25/10 The Evolution of Stars PPTThe Evolution of Stars PPT-Cornell Notes-Cornell Notes


3/11/10 Total 170

In- 3/11/10, Warm-UpNo warm-up, set-up No warm-up, set-up notebook, & notebook, & scoresheetscoresheet

Out- Reflection 10ptsWrite a five-sentence paragraph. Summarize what you have learned about oceans this week. Underline 5 key termsRefer to the word wall, Cornell Refer to the word wall, Cornell notes, and skeleton notes for notes, and skeleton notes for key vocabulary terms and key vocabulary terms and concepts.concepts.

Through- Classwork Thermohaline Circulation-Terminology NotesThermohaline Circulation-Demonstration w/WSCoriolis Effect Coriolis Effect Movement of Air 14-4 Pg 410 Movement of Air 14-4 Pg 410 (Glencoe)w/section wrap-up(Glencoe)w/section wrap-up-Video clip-Video clip-Lab Investigation-Lab Investigation

Homework: none
