Warm-Up Question In your notebooks write down this question: Q: How did this happen? Play Me:...


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Warm-Up QuestionWarm-Up Question

• In your notebooks write down this question:

Q: How did this happen?

Play Me: Let's take a look...

After we watch the video, write your answer in your notebook.

The Ineffectiveness of the League of Nations

The Ineffectiveness of the League of Nations

No control of major conflicts. No progress in disarmament. No effective military force.

The Road to War

• 1936 – Hitler says “NO THANKS” to League of Nations/Treaty of V.

• Remobilizes the Rhineland

• France unwilling to go to war.

• Britain urges appeasement

What is appeasement?

Rome-Berlin Axis, 1936Rome-Berlin Axis, 1936

1 month later Japan joins and the trio is now the “Axis Powers”

U. S. IsolationismU. S. Isolationism

• American’s support isolationism (?)– Belief that

political ties to other countries should be avoided

• U.S. Neutrality Acts: banning sale of arms to nations at war.

• American is staying away…for now….

Hitler Makes First MoveHitler Makes First Move

• Look at page 492

• March 1938 – Annex’s Austria

• Faces NO consequences

• Sets sites on Czechoslovakia Germans invade Austria

Evaluating Mrs. Long!1) On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the worst and 10

being the best, what score would you give me for my time in class so far and why?

2) Do you like the assignments you have been doing? Why

or why not? (ex: Lenin Project, Revolutionary Racket, Trench Letter)

3) Is there anything you want to do more off or less of?


4) Any other comments for Mrs. Long? Tell me!

(ex: I like….. Or I don’t like….)

What is the moral of this story?

The “Problem” of theSudetenland

The “Problem” of theSudetenland

The Munich Conference

– Sept. 29, 1938 – Musso. Proposes meeting w/ Italy, German, Britain & France re: Czech

– France & Britain give into Hitler’s demands to maintain peace & avoid war •Agree to give Sudetenland immediately to

Hitler (!)

– Hitler “agrees” to respect Czech. Borders

Appeasement strikes again!

Appeasement: The Munich Agreement, 1938

Appeasement: The Munich Agreement, 1938

Now we have “peace in our time!” Herr Hitler is a man we can do

business with.

British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain

Czechoslovakia Becomes Part of the Third Reich: 1939

Czechoslovakia Becomes Part of the Third Reich: 1939

The Nazi-SovietNon-Aggression Pact, 1939

The Nazi-SovietNon-Aggression Pact, 1939

War Appears Inevitable


Welcome Back! Today YOU recap for me. In 5-7 sentences tell me where we left off “Last Time in World History!”

Poland Attacked: Sept. 1, 1939

Poland Attacked: Sept. 1, 1939

Blitzkrieg [“Lightening War”]

German Troops March into Warsaw

German Troops March into Warsaw

Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis, 1940

Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis, 1940

The Tripartite Pact


– To refresh your memory, skim over Chapter 16, section 1 on page. 496. While you do, in your notebook write down the words or phrases in blue as well as their definitions.

A true WORLD War…

Fight for Europe: Battle of Britain:

The “Blitz”

Fight for Europe: Battle of Britain:

The “Blitz”

Battle of Britain:The “Blitz”

Battle of Britain:The “Blitz”

The Royal Air ForceThe Royal Air Force

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill

The Battle of Britain

The Atlantic CharterThe Atlantic Charter Roosevelt and

Churchill sign treaty of friendship in August 1941.

Solidifies alliance.

Call for free trade among nations and the right of people to choose their own government

Battle in North Africa • *Mussolini tries to

gain control of Suez Canal.

• Successful at first, but Allies regroup and push back 500 miles by 1941

• Hitler steps into and appoints General Erwin Rommel “Desert Fox”

• Allies suffer defeat


– On a piece of paper, tell me who you have chosen for your WWII Facebook project and why. I will be collecting this.

Operation Barbarossa:Hitler’s Biggest MistakeOperation Barbarossa:

Hitler’s Biggest Mistake

The “Big Three”The “Big Three”

Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin

The Fight for Europe

• The “Big Three” decide to strike in N.F. first “Operation Torch”

• Led by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower

• Defeat Rommel! • Set eyes on Italy


Battle of Stalingrad:Winter of 1942-1943

• Hitler orders attack on Stalingrad (oil rich)

• Luftwaffe blitz city with bombs

• Nazi’s control 90% of city…then winter hits

• Soviets counterattack and frozen/starving Nazi’s surrender


Invasion of Italy• July 10, 1943 – Allies attack Italy and take

Sicily • Musso. is toppled from power and

arrested, but escapes! Axis powers retreat North

• April 1945: Allies finally defeat Germans & Italians in Northern Italy

• Mussolini disguised as a soldier is spotted, is hanged in town square

D-Day: Invasion of Normandy• General Eisenhower is named Allied Supreme Commander in Europe

• June 6 1944: Allies launch an invasion of the beaches in N. France

Great Britain One month later, one million more Allied troops arrive – Allies


1 50K allied troops land:27K killed on first day

Battle of the Bulge • Allies next turned their attention to invading

Germany. • Brits. and American troops pushed in from the west

and the Soviets advanced from the east (“bulge”)• Dec. 1944, the Germans launched a last-ditch

counterattack…they lose, Allies win!!

Hitler Commits Suicide April 30, 1945

Hitler Commits Suicide April 30, 1945

The Führer’s Bunker

Cyanide & Pistols

Mr. & Mrs. Hitler

Berlin Falls! May 2, 1945

V-E Day (May 8, 1945)V-E Day (May 8, 1945)

Allies win in Europe!!!!

Japan’s Pacific CampaignJapan’s Pacific Campaign

December 7th, 1941Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

“A Date Which Will Live In Infamy”

What causes the US to enter WWII?

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

The Pacific War

• FDR asks congress to declare war 1 day after attack

• Jan 1942: Japan attacks US in Guam, Wake Island, Philippines

• Feb 1942: Japan attacks British in Malaya, Hong Kong, Burma

Bataan Death March: April, 1942

Bataan Death March: April, 1942

76,000 prisoners [12,000 Americans] Marched 60 miles in the blazing heat to

POW camps in the Philippines.

Allied Counter-Offensive:“Island-Hopping” or “Leap-


Allied Counter-Offensive:“Island-Hopping” or “Leap-


Gen. Douglas MacArthur

Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle:First U. S. Raids on Tokyo, 1942Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle:

First U. S. Raids on Tokyo, 1942

• US Col. James Doolittle leads bombing attack of Tokyo

• Little damage is done, but shows Japan is vulnerable to air attacks

Key Battles Battle of the Coral Sea

• May 1942: Japan advancing south. Both sides use aircraft carriers. Allies able to stop Japan’s advances

Battle of Midway

• June 1942: Allied code breakers know Admiral Yamamoto is planning an attack on Midway

• Americans launch sneak attack on Japs and attack fleet

• Turning point in Pacific offensive

Gen. MacArthur “Returns” to the

Philippines! [1944]

Gen. MacArthur “Returns” to the

Philippines! [1944]

Japanese Kamikaze Planes:

Suicide Bombers

Japanese Kamikaze Planes:

Suicide Bombers

Kamikaze Pilots

Play Me

US Marines Island-hop closer to Japan

Iwo Jima [Feb. 19, 1945]

US Marines Island-hop closer to Japan

Iwo Jima [Feb. 19, 1945]

Okinawa (bloodiest battle in Pacific) 350 miles for Japan

Changing of the Guard • F.D.R. dies on 4/12/45 and Harry

Truman is sworn in• Truman has a big decision to make• Learns about the “Manhattan Project”

Hiroshima – August 6, 1945

Hiroshima – August 6, 1945

© 70,000 killed immediately.

© 48,000 buildings.

destroyed.© 100,000s died of

radiation poisoning & cancer later.

Nagasaki – August 9, 1945

Nagasaki – August 9, 1945

©40,000 killed immediately.

©60,000 injured.©100,000s died of

radiation poisoning& cancer later.

V-J Day (September 2, 1945)

V-J Day (September 2, 1945)


The Holocaust The Holocaust

Slave Labor at Buchenwald

Eli Wiesel

Hitler’s VisionHitler’s Vision• Hitler becomes

Chancellor of Germany in 1933

• Wants an Aryan Germany (“master race”)

• Nazi party claims all non-Aryan’s are inferior

• Blind, irrational hate for Jews

The First “Solution”: 1933-1939

The First “Solution”: 1933-1939• Goal: Force German Jews to emigrate

out of their country.• Laws strictly against Jews

– Banned Kosher butchers, limited number of Jewish students in public schools & universities, burned thousands of books by Jewish authors

• Nuremberg Laws: 1935, Hitler announces 2 basic laws to Jews:1.Reich citizenship: only those of

German/Aryan blood were citizens, all others "subjects"

2.No marriage between Jews + Aryans

The First “Solution”: 1933-1939

The First “Solution”: 1933-1939

• 1938, Jews forced to give away and sell their property. – Doctors & lawyers

can’t practice

• Kristallnacht "Night of Broken Glass"  -- Nov.9-10, 1938 - Nazi's loot Jewish shops, businesses, burn synagogues, 1,000 Jews murdered

The Second “Solution”: 1939-1941

The Second “Solution”: 1939-1941• Expel Jews from Third Reich.

• War provides a smokescreen for genocide

• Nazi's start to gather Jews in controlled territories and send them to ghettos

• Concentration Camps (labor camps) established – slave labor conditions with little or no


• By 1941, Jews couldn't escape or get help, Allies had no communication with people in Nazi territories

• German troops are followed by mobile killing units to eliminate Jews

• Jews forces to dig own graves and executed

• Establish 6 death camps (Auschwitz)

• Process: Gas chambers, bodies burned in crematoria, processions are stolen

The “Final Solution”: 1941-1945

• By 1945, 70% of Poland's Jews were murdered

• 1,500,000 Soviet Jews

• 90,000 French Jews• 100,000 Dutch Jews• 60% of Belgium's

Jews and 50% of Norway's Jews were murdered

• 6,000,000 European Jews died during the


Murder by Numbers
