WARBY NEWS - johnwarby-p.schools.nsw.gov.au


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8th June 2021 Week 8 Term 2

Acting Principal’s Report

Mrs Kitchin Retirement Assembly Mrs Kitchin’s retirement assembly is being held this Friday 11th June. Parents and carers are welcome to attend. RSVPs are due by tomorrow – please come along to celebrate the teaching career of Mrs Kitchin and officially say farewell. NAIDOC Week During the last week of this term, we will be celebrating NAIDOC Week which will officially be held during the school holidays for communities. This year the theme is Heal Country and Aunty Fiona has organised visitors and activities for all of our students to enjoy. This is a week where our school will celebrate each day. Look out for more information to come.

Education Week Mrs Saywell-Smith and Mrs Wards are starting to get everything ready for Education Week, which is happening early next term. Students will be showcasing the Creative Arts, with performances and displays planned. Education Week is a chance for parents and carers to see what is happening in our school and we look forward to having lots of visitors this year.

Gymnastics Program Mrs Makai has been able to organise a whole school gymnastics program for all students from Preschool to Year 6 that runs 3 times a week. Our school received a grant for this program and we have been lucky to have sessions that are at no cost to families. Thanks Mrs Makai!

Wakakirri Tickets It is starting to become very exciting for our dance group students as Wakakirri tickets go on sale soon. All students involved should have received a note about purchasing tickets for our performance that will be happening on Thursday 2nd September at Wollongong. Parents and carers wanting to purchase tickets MUST have these returned by the due date – there can be no late purchases. Please speak with Mrs Wards if you have any questions about this. On a final note...

“Today is the day to learn something new.” – Anonymous

Thank you for your support of our school. Mellissa Page Acting Principal

Our School Community Newsletter

WARBY NEWS Deans Road, Airds

NSW 2560 Ph.: 46258140

Email: johnwarby-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Tues 8th June

• Gymnastics program – Banksia, Grevillea, Wattle, Daisy

Wed 9th June

• RSVP due for Mrs Kitchin’s retirement celebration

• Gymnastics program – Bluebell, Preschool, Eucalyptus

Thurs 10th June

• Souths Cares – information session for students

• Whole school assembly 2.10pm

Fri 11th June

• Mrs Kitchin’s retirement celebration

• Last day for Yr 6 t-shirt orders 9am

• Gymnastics program – Acacia, Orchids, Bottlebrush

Mon 14th June

• Public Holiday

• P&C Meeting changed – date to be decided

Wed 16th June

• Refugee Week assembly

Mon 21st June

• NAIDOC Week begins

Student of the Week Class of the Week

Wk 7 – Breeze N Wk 7 – Banksia

Wk 8 – Cooper B Wk 8 – Bottlebrush

The Learning Hub Over the past few weeks, these two students have made many improvements in their ability to

read with expression, pause after different punctuation read smoothly. CONGRATULATIONS ON ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS!

😊 Mrs Thompson

Star Spellers The following students have achieved 100% in their Week 6 spelling test.

• Orchid – Matias, PJ Sam, Kayleigh and Heberjames

• Eucalyptus – Harmony, Anna, Maliha, Monson, Maryam and Brett Congratulations to all students who have been working hard to achieve this result!

Mega Bytes News Kindergarten have been designing and building bridges for our Lego robot Milo to cross the river. They have shown great creativity, persistence, and skill during the construction process. Lots of future engineers at John Warby! We are so proud of them. Mrs MacMurray

Wonder Recycling

We have now received our Wonder Collection Box and are busy collecting bread wrappers. Please keep sending these in as we are able to collect points for our school and possibly win an exercise circuit
