War and Peace · to his peace proposals recent, he issued Führer Directive No. 16, setting in...


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  • War and Peace

  • 12 July, 1940

    One more transporter sunk by the Royal Navy.

    Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau AG delived one hundred Focke-Wulf Fw-190D in Berlin to best defend the Fatherland.

    The command goes to Fischer, a skill (3) night flyer commander.

    Abwehr inform that the Japanese occupied Vichy French Indochina in order to prevent the Republic of China from importing arms and fuel through French Indochina.

    They want to control possible rebel against the "friend" Chinese government.

    Faced with an invasion threat, Vichy France yielded.

  • Japan and Vichy Indochina signed an accord which granted Indochina to Japan.

    We believe that Siam was also pressed by Japan to mobilize their forces to pressure Vichy France.

    I did not like the Japanese taken advantage of a beaten France by us.

    However the French are not our allies ... ... but they are a "friendy" Government.

    This left us in an uncomfortable position.

    I think we should talk to the Japanese.

  • After the surrender of France, the Japanese decided to also take advantage of the spoils of war taking French Indochina.

    As I told before, although Vichy French is not our ally, is a collaborator country.

    The signing of the Tripartite Pact. Seated from left to right are Saburō Kurusu,

    Galeazzo Ciano, and Adolf Hitler.

    The Japanese embassy in Berlin

    Tripartite Pact,

    According to Ernst, Ribbentrop took the opportunity to negotiate with the Japanese for the future no longer exists conflicts of interest.

    Thus, on 13rd July the Tripartite Pact was signed between Japan, Italy and Germany and defined areas of influence.

    Greater East Asia to Japan, Europe to Germany and Italy.


    13 July, 1940

  • 14 July, 1940

    Reich Economy.

    Supplies: 49.290

    Fuel: 38.712

    Reich Mark: 1.256

    Energy: 84.096

    Metal: 24.247

    Rare Material: 13.443

    (and losing)

    Petrol: 16.866

    Nicaragua offers to buy our energy, but once again declined.

    We are unable to provide transport.

    One hundred Focke-Wulf Fw-190D were delivered three days before promise.

  • Two Garrison-Divisons were deployed under the I. Gebirgsjäger Corps in Poland to suppress any revolt.

    One in Torun and the other in Lódz.

    The II. Gebirgsjäger Corps were form under the recent promoted Lt. General von Amann.

    He has a defensive doctrine, Fortress buster and old guard.

    Staff cars parading in Paris,

    in front of the Arc de Triomphe Erwin Rommel in the Paris

  • Abwehr map level Revolt in the Third Reich

    The Biggest problems are in Poland and Albania.

    Copenhagen have some Partisans rebels with a support of 1,5%

    Not much. In the city of Autun, France, 0,4% of Rebels.

    In Torun, Poland, for example, 19% of Rebels.

    They better behave, or they will suffer.

    City Revolts

  • With the transfer of the submarines for the French west coast, we decided to cast them into the sea in search of their prey.

    The 1st, 3rd, 6th and 7th Unterseebootsflotte set sail to find them.

    Atlantic Map

    We improved the Central Planning giving us +2.00 in HQ Toughness and Counter-attack +6%.

    Mass Assault is also improved, giving us HQ defensive +2.00, Inf Morale +10%, Assault +2% and Reckless Assault +2%

    Two more garrisons are deployed in south former Poland.

    One in Kraków and another in Cesky Tesin.

    Each Garrison-Division have two garrisons and one Police Brigade.

    If they revolt… they will suffer.

  • 16 July, 1940

    Rewards began the next day we sent the subs to sea.

    Four English and one Dutch transporter sunk.

    One English escort was also sunk.

    The 2nd Unterseebootsflotte was also order to sea.

    Now, the Atlantic is covered, so that the convoys that are going to England can be sunk.

    In the final of November will have six new.

    Two new Garrison-Divisions are now deploy in Denmark, one in Copenhagen, another in Ârhus.

    One new Garrison-Division is deployed in Fredrikstad, Norway.

    Von Haden , and old guard Defensive Doctrine is in charge of the new III.GerbsCorps.

  • I started to draft the peace agreement with the UK.

    Do not want a humiliating peace, especially because the British only lost some islands in the north of France (and material and men in the Battle of France).

    These islands must be demilitarized (we do not want military opponents on both sides of the channel) or been given to France (let's face it; they should be with the mainland). I do think that this is not unreasonable.

    Asking for the demilitarization of the British Royal Navy, is not reasonable, but to establish restrictions like the Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935, it‟s possible.

    We want nothing of the English colonies. But I do not know if we should mention our former colonies.

    If you think about it, we do not defeat the British; only the French, so we cannot put too many conditions.

    Putting these terms, without asking former colonies, it‟s the right thing to do.

    We won the war; we want Poland.

    We managed to put a favorable government in France, advantages in trade relations and the French ports.

    We can allude to the fact that with Peace, France regains the northern.

    (Alsace-Lorraine is annexed by Germany and some ports will be on the German Reich).

    I think we can achieve Peace

    Hitler’s Tour in Paris


  • 17 July, 1940

    Unternehmen Seelöwe is underway

    The growing impatience of Hitler in view of the rejection from England to his peace proposals recent, he issued Führer Directive No. 16, setting in motion preparations for a landing in England.

    He prefaced the order by stating: "As England, in spite of her hopeless military situation, still shows no signs of willingness to come to terms, I have decided to prepare, and if necessary to carry out, a landing operation against her. The aim of this operation is to eliminate the English Motherland as a base from which the war against Germany can be continued, and, if necessary, to occupy the country completely."

    The Kriegsmarine is very opposed to the invading of England.

    Admiral Raeder is strongly opposed to Unternehmen Seelöwe since the entire Kriegsmarine surface fleet are hopelessly outnumbered by the ships of the Royal Navy.

    Reorganization of the Transports to the I. Transportflotte with three ships.

    They can carry around 120 of weight. Not much for a future operation of invading England.


  • Unternehmen Seelöwe Proposal

  • Unternehmen Kleiner Klee

    Alternatively to the plan presented, I conceived the operation small clover.

    Not having a navy capable of transporting large amounts of troops, the aim is to lure the Royal Navy for a battle in the Irish Sea. Lure, does not mean confront. The impossible to avoid confrontation must be done.

    Meanwhile, the transports, will disembark the troops at the north port through the Atlantic.

  • The sinking of convoys are beginning to be daily.

    One more Dutch convoy and escorts sunk.

    Seven days after Vichy France have done an agreement of energy with us, they decided to cancel it.

    Do not know if it was to make a point.

    If it was, I think they still haven‟t learned the lesson.

  • Heavy Tank Gun was improved, taking some speed but more hard attack.

    Let‟s test this new


    Two Infantry-Divisions

    were deployed in Berlin.

    This new Divisions have

    ten thousand men.

    Three Infantry Brigades

    and one anti-tank.

    Maximilian de Angelis is to

    lead one and the other by

    Karl Eglseer, a commando

    trait expert.

    On this day, the

    restructuring of the army

    stationed in France began.

    The 1st Französisch Army Group was established.

    Near France, the Royal Navy is starting to look for our submarines.

    One hundred o feach: Focke- Wulf Fw-200C;

    Focke-Wulf Fw-190D;

    Messerschmitt Bf-109E;

    Heinkel He- 111 and

    Henschel Hs-129

    totaling five hundred airplanes aims to find and sink the British fleet.

  • 19 July, 1940

    Today, in the Kroll Opera House Hitler made a Victory speech lasting over two hours, during which he saluted each of the twelve newly promoted Field Marshalls:

    The Victory over France and the Low Countries was an undoubted high point for the Führer. He had won over many in the military who had previously been sceptical about his plans.

    Hitler had every reason to be confident.

    What we saw tonight in the Reichstag was a conqueror, and conscious of it, and yet so wonderful an actor, so magnificent a handler of the German mind, that he mixed superbly the full confidence of the conqueror with the humbleness which always goes down so well with the masses when they know a man is on top.

    His oratorical form was at its best.

    Yet the expected victory was incomplete. The English, who had been beaten in both France and Norway, remained obstinately defiant and were not seeking peace terms as expected.

    At the conclusion of his speech Hitler made a rather weak „appeal to reason‟ from the English.

    Some had expected something more substantial that might appeal to those in England who were interested in peace.

    It was easy for the Churchill administration to dismiss Hitler‟s “offer” out of hand.

    •Fedor von Bock

    •Walther von Brauchitsch

    •Albert Kesselring

    •Wilhelm Keitel

    •Günther von Klu

    •Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb

    •Wilhelm List

    •Erhard Milch

    •Walther von Reichenau

    •Gerd von Rundstedt

    •Hugo Sperrle

    •Erwin von Witzleben

  • The two GrenzCorps assign to former Poland to maintain Peace.

  • 22 July, 1940

    From 18th to 22th three British convoy and

    one escort were sunk.

    Two Australians convoys and two Dutch

    convoy and one escort were sunk.

    It is going rather well.

    Six Destroyers flotillas;

    Five Heavy Cruisers;

    Two Light Cruisers;

    One Battleship.

    This is what is near the

    French coast.

    It‟s un impressive force.

    It‟s impossible to sunk

    them all.

    Nevertheless the British, fearful, sent a three Geschwader to try to intercept our planes.

    Apparently they believe that we can sink their ships, at least more than me.

    Finland proposed to sell us fuel. I think they want to align themselves with us and this is a good way to do it.

    Taking this “hint", we did the same with Romania, Sweden and Switzerland. Of course that our trade balance resented.

    We are losing 11.84 ℛℳ.


  • 05 August, 1940

    From day 22th to the 5th, with things calm, I decided to do some medical tests and physiotherapy to recover from the ills that the sniper did to me.

    I left explicit instructions about when should call or not.

    It was a quiet period.

    With the success of the U-Bots, the 8. Unterseebootsflottille was relocated to Brest, letting the Oslo-Kiel route without escort.

    The surface vessels returned to Frederikshavn.

    To replace them, the construction of four escort vessels was started.

    Despite being an Axis power, Italy remained a non-belligerent until August 1940.

    Mussolini's Under-Secretary for War Production, Carlo Favagrossa, had estimated that Italy could not possibly be prepared for major military operations until at least October 1942.

    Following our conquest of Poland, Mussolini would change his mind repeatedly as to whether he would enter the war

    Mussolini's situation is compare to someone at the top of a diving board, he thinks he must do something. If he cannot make a graceful dive, he will at least have to jump in somehow; he can hardly put on his dressing-gown and walk down the stairs again.

    The diplomatic effort that was needed to prevent Mussolini to enter the war unprepared, was done to the last resort, promising him, Corsica, Malta, and that France place near Abyssinia.

    Date Proposed Accept ?

    21-Jun-40 By them Yes 0,41 Fuel 0,21 Energy Finland

    21-Jun-40 By us Yes 17,00 Crude Oil 9,01 ℛℳ Romania

    21-Jun-40 By us Yes 6,00 Fuel 3,38 ℛℳ Switzerland

    21-Jun-40 By us Yes 11,00 Metal 0,71 ℛℳ Sweden

    German Other Contry

  • Today, Mussolini, maybe by believing that negotiations with England started decided to declare War to the Allies.

    The Americans, did not like it very much.

    The English continue

    to try to bomb Dortmund.

  • 09 August, 1940

    The 246. and the 9. Infantry-Division are to redeployed in Fredrikshawn, to board the I.Transportflotte to join there comrades in Norway.

    Konteradmiral Dönitz is doing

    a great job.

    For that, I promoted him to


    Four more English convoy and

    two escort sank.

    They sank two of ours.

    One in the Menmel – Kirkenes

    route and the other in the

    Oslo – Kiel.

  • Four days after Italy join the war, they did some progress in Egypt.

    Three province were taken with no resistance.

    Hungary cancel un agreement of 21,40 Energy for 0,76 ℛℳ.

    Yugoslavia offers to buy us 1,94 Energy.

    We accepted, but dos not replace the deal with Hungary.

    Our balance is going worse. We are losing 12,26 ℛℳ.

    14 August, 1940

    Nine English convoy and one escort were sunk in this past days.

    An average of almost two per day. That is great.

    Soon they will have no resources getting in to their mainland.

    They will come to their senses.

    One German was sunk.

    Italy continues to progress

    without any resistance.

  • 19 August, 1940

    Italians in Egypt

    The Italian forward

    full steam ahead,

    encountering no


    I do not understand

    what is lacking in

    English minds to

    realize they lost the


    Well in Abyssinia

    they are going well..

    But who cares about


    Italians in Abyssinia

  • With the transport of the 246. Infantry-Division to Oslo without any incidents the operation Norporsec (Norwegian Ports Secured) was underway.

    There it took the train to the port of Narvik to try to secure all Norwegian ports..

    The ministry of foreign affairs,

    made a formal request to be able

    to move troops trough of Finland.

    Something that they accepted.

    Now we have more then one way

    to access northern Norway.

    Vichy France proposes again another agreement, but now less ambitious. 7,46 of Energy for 0,28. We Accepted.

    The Mexican also proposed something, but as long as we fail to protect our convoys in mainland, we do not venture into the Americas.

    The Sweden, possibly alarmed by the approach of Finland, realizing that their borders are fully exposed, they decided, to approach economically.

    Switzerland offers us to buy 15 Energy by 0,53 ℛℳ

    Three Australian convoys and three escort were sunk along with seven English convoy and one escort.

    The commanders of the submarines entered in competition with each others.

    In one day, one sank three English convoys and one escort

    Another, two Australian and two escorts convoys.

    In just one day, eight convoys were sunk and three escorts.

  • 20 August, 1940

    In continuation of the operation Norporsec the 9. Infantry-Division transport to Oslo went well.

    Now, using the Norwegian roads and railroads (almost inexistent) they took the root to Kirkenes in the North of Norway.

    Because of the distance and poor access to Kirkenes Goring dispensed us one division of paratroopers to hold Kirkenes until the arrival of the 9. Infantry-Division.

    One more English convoy sunk.

    One ours in the route to Kirkenes.

    Because we can‟t protect the route to Kirkenes the decision to cancel it was quite easy.

    I can not allow myself the luxury of losing my precious convoys.

    22 August, 1940

    One English convoy sunk.

    Once again the Krigsmarine is order to try to intercept any enemy ship in Denmark but they still sunk three convoys in Skagerrack, on the route Oslo – Kiel.

    Thirteen vessels and not one spot the enemy.

    RAF continues to try to bomb Dortmund

    by night.

    It‟s a mouse and cat game.

  • The Italians are arriving to El Iskandariya easily.

    I‟m beginning to believe that if we had transports and a navy capable of escort, we could easily invade England.

    Then again, it is possible, that they have all its forces on the island.

    I can‟t have enough information to be able to risk an invasion.

    Anyway, the Italians are progressing well and they are already outside the port of El Iskandariya (common known as Alexandria).

    If conquered, they‟ll have a port and airport to supplies their troops.

    Italian progress

    23 August, 1940

    One Dutch and one

    English convoy were


    The Italian were beaten.

    They had to retreat

    fifty six kilometers to


  • 26 August, 1940

    Three more English convoy sunk.

    They retaliated sinking three of ours in the route Oslo – Kiel.

    Norway starts us to get expensive.

    We are sinking more ships than them, but we also have less.

    The three Truppentransporterflottille that are been construction, are way behind. The estimated delivery time is 28th November.

    That is to late to un invasion to England.

    Operation Kleiner Klee is the only little change with what we got now.

    We improve the Fighter Ground Control.

    A +20% of radar combat impact.

    Now we intent to improve the escorts with the Wasserbome (small warship ASW), that can help sub. Detection and attack.

    Romania cancel the trade agreement of 14,50 Energy.


  • The Italians now in El‟Alamein

    The initial force seems to have

    been lost.

    Let's see if they hold up their

    positions or return to the charge.

    29 August, 1940

    The 5th Panzer-Division is deployed in Berlin.

    This Division as one light armor Brigade, two WaffenSS Brigades and one Engineer Brigade.

    Major General Petersen (skill 3), a logistic wizard and commando traits, is there new commander.

    Five English transporters were sunk against one of ours.

    We propose new deal of energy with Romania.

    In Abyssinia, the Italians

    are losing to the English

    and I don‟t think they will


    It‟s to far to a good logistic


  • They lost Gondar and Obbia.

    Buna and Hargeysa are conquest

    Now, our allied Japan, controls Asia and are now in Peace.

  • The order to constructed three hundred new Focke-Wulf Fw-190D to defend our territory is issued.

    On this day, Yugoslavia offers us Transit Rights.

    We accepted.

    I think they are afraid. They should.

    Abwehr reports that England has 30.577 Leadership against 38.785 of ours.

    But they reports that they still have lots of provisions.

    31 August, 1940

    The Italians lost El‟Alamein.

    What are they doing?

    Mich, with the KoLuf HG Nord and one hundred Focke-Wulf Fw-200C have to naval strike in eastern Biscay Plain and Cape Peñas.

    Three brigades of Fallschirmjäger start there training.

    One English transport is sunk in eastern Biscay Plain and another in the coast of Galicia.

    Once again, we lost one in Skagerrack.

    Raeder is order to try to intercept any enemy vessel along with Warzecha with the Heavy Cruiser Graf Spee.

    Abwehr inform that Canada is

    construction Destroyers, to protect

    their convoys.

    Counterespionage and Military

    espionage is put on

    level one.


  • Abwehr also reports that Denmark is supporting underground resistance.

    Do not test us.

    A report about the needs of the army and air force says that:

    • Forces in Poland;

    • Forces in France;

    • Forces in Norway;

    • Forces in France awaiting for battle;

  • • Italian Forces in Africa;

    Note the lack of air fighters and the small number of transporters.

    • Italian Forces in Abyssinia;

    No planes??

    • Thailand Forces;

    Again… no planes??

  • The Kriegsmarine so far, lost just one U-Bot Flottille and sunk eight ships of the Royal Navy

    • Four submarines sunk by the Kriegsmarine;

    • One Transport;

    • The light cruisers HMS Galalea and HMS Caradoc;

    • The Carrier HMS Courageous.

    The 2nd Unterseebootsflottile was sunk

    by the American Destroyer Flotila 5,

    under the English Flag.

    Sinking of HMS Courageous

  • The honor of sinking the Carrier HMS Courageous was to the light cruiser Endem.

    With the war on standby much of my work has become logistics.

    Our Navy is consuming most of our precious fuel and reinforcement.

    # % Brigades

    16 32,0% Motorized

    14 28,0% Armour

    14 28,0% Light Armour

    5 10,0% Waffen SS

    1 2,0% Enginer

  • The Heinkel He- 111 is a big consumption of fuel taking 40% of our fuel consumption.

    About four units of fuel for one hundred planes.

    The Messerschmitt Bf-109E Emil are the least fuel consumption per unit.

    The Destroyers are who consume it less per unit.

    The Battlecruisers and transporters consumes the most per unit.

    But the Submarines, due to their number, are those who consume the largest portion

  • 01 September, 1940

    One year has passed since the beginning of the war.

    To assist the gaps that the Kriegsmarine has, the scientific department developed a new Battleship Engine.

    +2 Kph and more 2.400 Km range and better Sea defense +1

    The fuel consumption, of course is worst, +0,04.

    Because the RAF continues is air strikes on Dortmund, the JG54 with two hundred Messerschmitt Bf-109E were rebase at Amsterdam to intercept them before reaching Dortmund.

    Again, we lost another convoy to England.

    We sunk other of them.

    Admiral Lütjens with two Battlecruisers, two Heavy Cruisers, two Light Cruisers and two Destroyers were send to try to intercept enemy vessels.

    Despite ordering the interception, I recognize that I am very afraid to find a force greater than our own that will weaken our ability to respond.

  • 05 September, 1940

    Stalin is cleaning

    is house.

    We developed Bridging Equipment.

    +5% in River attack and in movement.

    Six English convoy sunk and two of ours.

    We sunk one Dutch escort .

    Spain proposed to buy us 3,55 Energy, Italy 18,55 and Finland 2,29.

    We accepted.

    Our deficit is 8,38 ℛℳ

    Metaxas, Greece Prime-Minister, studied in German.

    We believe that 'is the cause of Greece aligning to us

    Admiral Günther Lütjens was order to take four capital Ships and four others to escort the route Oslo-Kiel.

    We have nine transporters and seven running convoys.

    The Oslo – Fredrikshavn is cancel. We can‟t support much losses.

  • The Seeaufklärungsgruppe 125 was order to patrol the Skagerrack sea, above Denmark and sunk any enemy vessels.

    The I. Transportflotte, the Deutschland and the Graf Spee were order to go to Wilhelmshaven in the north of Denmark.

    This must stop.

    To help the Kriegsmarine to stop this, we order the construction of six new Destroyers.

    The Graf Zeppelin aircraft is going to the bottom of the list of priorities.

    May be a mistake. But it is my mistake.

    07 September, 1940

    One English transport was sunk by us.

    The Reich is suffering from one strategic bombing in the last 7 days and three attacks on our convoys

    This impact national unity by -1,14.

    Bulgaria are starting to align with us.

    Von Ribbentrop discuss with Hitler the possibility of inviting Hungary and Romania.

    Admiral Miklós Horthy from Hungary is a bit reluctant to accept to join.

    It‟s not likely to accept.

    In Romania with the Iron Guard (led by Horia Sima) and General Ion Antonescu united to form a "National Legionary State" government, which forced the abdication of Carol II in favor of his 19-year-old son Michael.

    Despite the unfavorable outcome of recent territorial disputes, they are leading strongly toward the Axis.

    At the end of the day booth countries accepted.

    We are getting stronger

  • Von Ribbentrop also tried to get the Japanese in War with England.

    We deliver a full hand of objectives that they should take

    - Hong Kong;

    - Singapore;

    - Rangoon and Myitkyina in eastern India;

    - The Netherlands East Indies.

    Fourteen strategic targets.

    On this day, Japan declared war to the Allies.

    The Abwehr is starting some covert operations to Iraq.

    A medium priority.

    For now our leadership is distributed in this way:

    - 33,00 to Research (81,3%);

    - 00,10 to Espionage (0,2%);

    - 06,50 to Diplomacy (16,0%);

    - 01,00 to Officers (2,5%);

    Getting a total of 40,60.

    The English recover Bi‟r Abu Hudum in Egypt.

    Despite the initial enthusiasm of the Italians, are retreating this time

    08 September, 1940

    The Rocket test site is improved in Kreuz to level 3.

    Another Dutch escort is sunk

  • 11 September, 1940

    Hungary offers to buy 15,60 Energy and we accepted.

    Finally on the 10th, Admiral Lütjens found a English submarine flotilla.

    We won, but we could not be sure to sunk him.

    Two English Transporter sunk.

    The Italian situation

    in Abyssinia is


    They lost almost

    access to all Ports.

  • Now, our friends

    in the orient

    reports that

    Zhanjiang, the

    French (Free as

    they call it) port

    in China is taken

    and Honk Kong

    is about to be


    Romania armed forces are mobilizing.


    Can‟t tell.

    The Luftwaffe as receive one hundred Junkers Ju-52/3m.

    The command is going to Maj. General Bodenschatz, a night flyer expert.

  • 15 September, 1940

    Two Dutch transporter sunk.

    One English transporter sunk.

    Hong Kong as fallen on the 13th.

    We improved our abilities in Assault Weapons.

    In June, when German rare materials crises and then with the potential collision with the Soviet Union over territory in the Balkans arose, an eventual invasion of the Soviet Union looked increasingly like Hitler's only solution.

    While no concrete plans were yet made, Hitler told me in July that the victories in western Europe "finally freed his hands for his important real task: the showdown with Bolshevism“.

    Although our generals told him that occupying Western Russia would create "more of a drain than a relief for Germany's economic situation.“

    The Führer anticipated additional benefits and had set is mind for now.

    Because of no plan was yet draw, I did not try to convince him other wise.

    Plans are just


    Never the less,

    the troops

    move to

    former Poland,

    at least they

    are save of the



  • Honestly, the idea did not excites me, but truth be told, the Führer has never failed us, and so far, has led us to a greater Germany.

    But the immensity of the Soviet Union scares me, because if they decide to do as the English, we do not know if we have enough manpower to them.

    It was preferable to drag this situation with the English.

    I realize that resources are low, but the English are alone.

    We can attract Spain and Portugal to participate in a blockade, as Napoleon did.

    Solicit French to end with the Free French with our support.

    Help the Italians in Africa.


    With the systematic sinking of English convoys, they will have to negotiate with us as they did in the Great War.

    There is so much that can be done without starting another war.

    There is no doubt in the leadership and capacity of the Führer.

    There is so much that can be done without starting another war.

    There is that doubt in the leadership and capacity of the Führer.

    But ...

    We wanted the Danzing corridor, and we have France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark and Norway.

    Do we need more?

    I understand the Bolshevist danger, but ...

    I do not know.

    It can be a feeling, may be the deaths of comrades, or even have been close to it.

    I think we must face the Soviet Union, but .. we are already prepared for it, without even terms finalized war with England?


  • The training of two new Marine Divisions are started.

    This is something that we are not good.. Let‟s experiment.

    To the new partner we are selling 20 supplies to Romania.

    19 September, 1940

    England continues to bomb Dortmund, despite our interceptors.

    The Italians continue to retreat.

    The 9. Infantry-Division is near Kirkenes (a port in the north of Norway). They cross Sweden.

    We are studying a plan to

    take Bulgaria, if they not

    align with us.

    Maybe with some

    Fallschirmjäger we may take

    the key points in Bulgaria.

    One transporter English


    On the 17th, the Führer, without any explanation, decided to postponed indefinitely the Unternehmen Seelöwe.

    I believe it‟s because the deliver of the Truppentransporterflottille, is expected to 1st November, to late to start un operation.

    23 September, 1940

    On the 21st, five days after the decision of the Führer, it follows the decision to change the economics of war to total economy mobilization.


  • Less money, but more production and resources (much needed).

    The Industrial Policy Laws also change from Mixed Industry to Heavy Industry Emphasis

    If the Führer's plan for the invasion of the Soviet Union goes ahead, it will be necessary to have greater production and more resources to supplement the lack the resources purchased from the Soviet Union.

    I confess that for me, policy has always been confusing.

    Have won some battles backstage, but it is not my battlefield.

    I do not understand how our politics enemy becomes ally, pardon,

    becomes a country with which we do agreements of friendships and territorial sharing.

    It is possible that it is just a strategy to achieve

    economic concessions from the Soviet Union.

    I don‟t know.

    For now, I believe we are ok, but very depending of

    the Soviets exportations of Rare Material.

    Mixed Industry Heavy Industry


    Supplies +10,0%

    Consumer goods during wartime: -5,0%

    IC Efficiency for Production +5,0%

    Resources: +5,0% +10,0%

    War Economy Total Economic


    IC: +25,0% +50,0%

    Money: -25,0% -50,0%

    Consumer goods during wartime: -2,0% -5,0%

    Resources: +10,0% +25,0%

  • Six more English convoy


    A new U-Bot flottile was

    deployed in Lorient.

    In the English production,

    that we had access, we see the

    construction of many

    convoys and escorts.

    Some dive bombers and the

    HMS Prince of Wales

    Stolen Blueprints

  • England


    and Science

    Our submarines still have much to do.

    On the 23th the Luftwaffe rebase to the east and Admiral Böhm rebase to Wilhemshaven port.

  • The Italians are losing there conquests.

    25 September, 1940

    A new improvement of the railroad line is started in former Poland, from Ostrów Wielkopolski to Siedlce, the new Soviet Border.

    It‟s to be a “level 10” line.

    Another U-Bot Flottile is delivered to Lorient. And two English convoy sunk.

    Hungarian armed forces began to mobilize.

    The formation of three new Infantry-Divisions with two Infantries and one Anti-Tank Brigades.

    Despite winning plenty maneuver with

    the German victories in the war in

    Hitler‟s eyes, Himmler still has its


    Two new Divisions began training.

    With division has one Waffen SS

    Brigade, Two Infantries and one

    Engineer Brigade.

  • 29 September, 1940

    We discover that Sweden has granted also military access to Finland.

    They are very afraid of us. They are a Democracy, and fearing that they may fleed to the Allies control, we started to influence them.

    Our scientist improve the capability of cargo hold in our Junkers Ju-52/3m.

    RAF is still bombing Dortmund despite our efforts.

    Another U-Bot Flottille is

    deployed in Lorient and three

    new are order to start building.

    Because of this new order we

    can‟t have industrial capacity

    to full upgrade and

    reinforcements (half)and


  • The 2tnd Fallschirmjäger-Division that

    are in Kirkenes (North of Norway)

    are finally load in the Junkers

    Ju-52/3m to depart to Lille in France

    because the Infantry-Division is

    arriving from Sweden.

    The Brits try to take it down the Junkers Ju-52/3m that were rebase in Lille. They were unescorted.

    Because of that, two hundred Focke-Wulf Fw-190D were relocate to Bruxelles.

  • Air Patrol

    The 2tnd Fallschirmjäger-Division in Lille was loaded and travel to Wien.

    The 1st Fallschirmjäger-Division went to Bucuresti to pressure Hungary.

    03 October, 1940

    Six English convoys and three escorts were sunk.

    Raeder was order to rebase and the 3rd Unterseebootsflotte was order to relive the 8th in northwest Spain.

    Italy, Hungary, Sweden and Yugoslavia cancel the Energy agreement.

    Three hundred Messerschmitt Bf-109E and two hundred Focke-Wulf Fw-190D were order, to best defend the German air space.

    Two hundred Heinkel He- 111 were also order, to bomb England or the Soviet Union, depending of the Führer decision.

  • Japan conquer Teluk Anson in Malaysia and they are in Burma near Thailand.

    Five provinces in Hollandia, and Makassar in Dutch East Indies.

  • 05 October, 1940

    On the 4th, Ribbentrop flew to Hungary

    to invite them to join the Axis.

    They accepted and start to mobilize.

    Yugoslavia is drifting to us.

    Soon all the Balkans are on our side.

    A new large warship radar was advance.

    That‟s very good to our navy.

    We start to sunk convoys in Cape Wrath (the second so far).

    Three more English convoy sunk and one escort.

    We divide the 1st Unterseebootsflotte in two, and the new 5th Unterseebootsflotte linked the gap of Iceland.

  • 05 October, 1940

    The Greek government is Right-Wing, similar to ours.

    It may be possible to join them to our allies in the Balkans, but their situation is almost exactly the same as the position before the Great War, when Greece had strong pro-German affinities in government, but it depended on Britain for its security in the Mediterranean.

    So they prefer to stay neutral…. so far.

    Along with Yugoslavia.

    They all are now drifting to our side.

  • Finland is very near us, but they still do not join our alliance.

  • To the Operation Fritz we allocated 103 divisions, 34 of which are Headquarters (33% is a lot ...), but few to the immensity of the Soviet Union.

    To fill this gap, we put more lads to train.

    We have the 3rd, 4th and 5th Fallschurmjäger-Divisions already in advance, completing their training in 13rd Febuary and the 10. Panzer-Division in 16th January.

    Four Infantry-Divisions start later their training and will complete in 6th January.

    Two SS Division will complete in 23rd February. And two Marine Divisions will complete in 11th March.

    In additional to this the five Infantry-Divisions each having three infantry-brigades and one anti-tank brigade and five Infantry-Divisions each having three infantry-brigades and one anti-aircraft brigade.

    With this we hope to give more divisions to a possible front the Führer decides to open.


  • 11 October, 1940

    From the 6th to 11th nine English transporters and two escorts were sunk.

    On the 6th, Hungary offers 1,09 Energy for 0,04 ℛℳ and on the 8th, Spain offers 1,68 Energy for 0,05 ℛℳ.

    England continues to try to bomb Dortmund

    Internationally, in Indochina, a revolt as occur near Saigon.

  • An amphibious assault is being held by the Japanese in Borneo.

    The Italians are doing the same in Malta

    The Problem, is that a English fleet is directing to there.

    Big Problem.

  • 24 October, 1940

    On the 14th, Italy request to be allowed to run a debt when trading with us.

    They are crazy.

    Our Strategists improve:

    The Superior Firepower, allowing to additional one more brigade to the divisions;

    Basing Efficiency by 20% but they must improve even mor;

    Airborne Assault Tactics in 20%.

    Our Scientists improved the Heavy Tank Reliability and best Jungle Warfare Equipment.

    With this new advances, they focus now in the “Air”.

    Single Engine Airframe to improve the defence of the planes and Small Air Search to improve detection.

    For now our leadership is distributed in this way:

    - 31,00 to Research (76,4%);

    - 00,00 to Espionage (0,0%);

    - 08,00 to Diplomacy (19,7%);

    - 01,60 to Officers (3,9%);

    Getting a total of 40,60.

    Don‟t know how

    did it go, but Italian

    didn‟t conquer


    In Egypt, they are

    losing what they


  • Activity near Greece

    From the 14th to 24th thirteen English Transporters and three Escorts were sunk. One Dutch Transporter also sunk. More then one for day.

    With this sinking the English have only 8.916 Metal.

    Dominican Republic want‟s do deal with us. No Deal.

    On the 19th, in the island of Bornholm, Denmark an uprising occur.

  • The 268. Infantry-Division station in Wilhelmshaven, board the Erkundungsflotte and headed for Bornholm.

    It took 5 days to disembark and to

    master the Rebels.

    A long time for the Kriegsmarine

    stand still waiting.

    Since 7 of July, we had no “physical” confrontation.

    26 October, 1940

    On the 25th, one hundred Junkers Ju-52/3m were deployed in Berlin.

    Some volunteers want to join our Heer, but does

    not have the needed skills.

    One Volkssturm-Division was created with one

    Militar Police to enforc some rules.

  • From the 25th to 31st eleven English Transporters and four Escorts were sunk.

    Our Strategists improve the Delay Doctrine.

    On the 31st, one hundred Junkers Ju-52/3m were also deployed in Berlin.

    75.511,38 of English tons were sunk this month.

  • 11 November, 1940

    The construction of one Light Panzer Division, to be very fast.


    And something happens to Italy…

  • Donitz was assigned to the 30.Unterseebootsflottille, IV Generations Subs. and was order to convoy riding in the Western Channel Approaches.

    And Von Nordeck, with the

    8. Unterseebootsflottille was order

    to convoy raiding in the North Channel.

    From the 1st to 10th Twenty two English

    Transporters and four Escorts were sunk.

    Two Australian Transporters also sunk.

    More then two per day.

  • Finland offers us 1,96 Energy for 0,06 ℛℳ.

    Ecuador offers to buy us supplies, but we don‟t want.

    Three Unterseebootsflotille were deployed in Brest (France) in the 6th.

    Claasen was assigned to them.

    Our scientists have improved the Battleship Armour.

    For now our leadership is distributed in this way:

    - 30,00 to Research (73,9%);

    - 00,00 to Espionage (0,0%);

    - 08,00 to Diplomacy (19,7%);

    - 02,60 to Officers (6,4 %);

    Getting a total of 40,60.

    Each time we provide more resources for Officers

    On the 8th, Greece stop aligning

    with us. Don‟t know why.

    In Amerika something happens.

    Do not know what this is

    Abyssinia was conquest by the English.

    The Italians have no ports there.

  • 21 November, 1940

    From the 11st to 21h Forty three English

    Transporters and five Escorts were sunk.

    More the four a day. We are killing England.

    We have three transporters and three

    landing crafts.

    They are still in the shipyard waiting to be


    Two Armour-


    One Light, and

    one Heavy.

    Spain propose to buy 3,18 Energy for 0,09 ℛℳ.

    Hungary propose to buy 5,17 Energy for 0,17 ℛℳ.

    Our scientists continues to improve the vessels.

    The Battlecruiser engine as now more range and speed.

    The Strategics advance with Commander Decisions

    For now our leadership is distributed in this way:

    - 29,00 to Research (71,4%);

    - 00,00 to Espionage (0,0%);

    - 08,00 to Diplomacy (19,7%);

    - 03,60 to Officers (8,9 %);

    Getting a total of 40,60.

  • Rommel this time as spoken with me.

    He want more than to command the 7.Panzer-Division.

    Von Arnin replace him and to help our friends, the

    Italians, we start to prepare the AfrikaKorps Army


    To assist him, the AfrikaKorps 1st Army is lead

    by Kaul, an Logistic Wizard and OffensiveDoctrine.

    The VII. ArmeeKorps that was in the Netherlands was attach to them.

    They will train in Innsbruck.

    30 November, 1940

    From the 22st to 30th twenty four English Transporters and two Escorts were sunk.

    Japan ask to run a debt in trade and Italy ask again the same.

    Denied both.

    Switzerland offers to buy 0,30 Energy for 0,01 ℛℳ.

    We accepted.

    For now our leadership is distributed in this way:

    - 28,00 to Research (53,5%);

    - 00,00 to Espionage (0,0%);

    - 08,00 to Diplomacy (37,7%);

    - 04,60 to Officers (8,8 %);

    Getting a total of 40,60.

    On the 25th, the Royal Navy sunk three submarines in the Northen Rockall Banl, above Scotland.

    The firs causalities from the convoy raiders.

    The 36. Unterseebootsflottille are send to replace the one that got away.

    They were order to Nantes to repair.

  • Our Officers have advance with:

    - Invasion Tactics

    - Strategic Air Command, improving bombing organization;

    - Central Planning ;

    - Mass Assault;

    The Scientist have advance the Spotting.

    12 December, 1940

    From the 1st to 12th thirty seven English transporters and one escorts were sunk. One Canadian transporter sunk.

    The Bismarck in Wilhelmshaven port, joining the Heavy Cruiser Graf Spped and Deutchland.

    Raeder will lead this group

    in exchange with


    The Pride of the Fleet.

  • To help our Italian ally, we must enter the Mediterranean.

    To do that, we must take Gibraltar, and to do that, we must be allowed to enter Spain.

    Hitler decided to meet in person with General Franco, but first want to probe him.

    Admiral Canaris was to be sent to Spain, because he had already been there in the Great War.

    I decided to join him in this period of calm. I will enjoy the warm climate of Spain (compare to ours), and since I couldn‟t negotiate a peace treaty with England, I‟ll personally negotiate this treaty.

    We propose to take Gilbraltar from the English, and, after the war, deliver it to Spain.

    It is in their right.

    The negotiations are not simple.

    They are afraid of joining any

    alliance, but they may give the

    right to passage in exchange of

    Gilbraltar and the French


    We may give them the

    connection between their two

    colonies after the end of the


    I believe that negotiating

    with Vichy, in exchange of our help in regaining their former colonies now on the “Free French”.

    I thought that they could ask for Portugal, to make an Iberian country again, but they don‟t. They prefer to stay neutral.

    After signing right to passage no

    agreement was reached to allow

    attacking Gibraltar from Spanish


    They are afraid of England.

    Damm them all. What good have we in just passing through?

  • Even so, I decided to send the I. Gebirgsjäger Corps, with three Divisions is, to leave Poland and go strait to the Port of La Rochelle in France, to board, the new group Graf Spee that will be created and order to move there.

    We will take Gibraltar, with, or without Spanish help.

    Then will se if they take it back.

    I‟m Furious, what good does… … damm them all.

    On the other hand, the Japanese are doing

    very well.

    Malaysia Map on the right.

  • Our Scientist have advance the Landing Craft Support.

    The 3.U-boots near Portugal, is detach from the 4th, and send to Nante to repair.

    The Italians, in 3rd December.

    They are loosing.

    They need our help desperately.

    The good thing, is that they took Malta.

    We ask for transit rights to Turkey, but they didn‟t gave us.


    Trade with Bulgaria, 2,48 Energy for 0,09 ℛℳ and with Romania, 1,60 Energy for 0,05 ℛℳ. We accepted both.

    Supplies with Soviet Union declined.

    On the 5th, the Führer received the military plans for the invasion of the Soviet Union, and approved them all, with the start scheduled for May.

    From the 5th to the 10th, I put in motion a plan as an alternative to the invasion of the Soviet Union. I believe we should help our Italian ally, not so gifted for war like us.

    After taking Gibraltar, we can access to the Mediterranean, and in a bold operation, land in Palestine.

    From there, take the Suez and close the Mediterranean Sea, leaving the Italians take Egypt (I confess that I would like it to take the Pyramids as Napoleon), and drive us to the Oil Fields of Iraq.

    Not that I doubt the Führer, but I confess that frightens me the immensity of the Soviet Union

  • In this meeting, to propose un alternated plan to the invasion of the Soviet Union, Hitler noted that one of the three reasons Germany had warm sympathies for the Arabs was because we were jointly fighting the English.

    The Führer are taking the plan into consideration.

    Operation AD

    I named the Operation AD as un acronym of the two German words Arabic and German (Arabisch-Deutsch) and to resemble the Anno Domini (Before Christ).

    As a plan B, we decided to influence Turkey to try the free passage of troops to the new areas, or to join our alliance.

    Greece, it is very near the Axis (26.79).

    Should we influence her to join the Axis?

    We get one more ally in Mediterranean…


  • 25 December, 1940

    From the 13th to 25th twenty three English transporter sunk and two escort. One Canadian Transporter and one escort also sunk.

    The 13.Unterseebootsflottille is sunk and the 11. return no base to repair.

    The scientist have improved the bridging equipment and Heavy Tank Gun. With it expect produce better tanks.

    Carrier Crew Training and Carrier Group Doctrine are initiated.

    We will continue the program of the carrier and for this we must know how to handles them.

    The Flying Bomb project, is also initiated.

    The Baltische Flotte release the modern destroyer to join the new Graf Speed (that join with Erkundungsflotte) in Wilhelmshaven. Raeder leads this new fleet.

    There are several difference between the modern Destroyer and the old.

    The speed, the range, the armour, the engine, and so far… so…the construction of the destroyer Zerstörergeschwader is initiated.

    We have few destroyers.

    In München is -06C but clear sky. The children live happy.

    I hope that now we 'd be

    in peace.

    How wrong was I.

    The Italian are recovering

    but Tobruch is still in

    English hands.

  • On 18th, the Führer signed War Directive Nº.21 to the German High Command for an operation now codenamed "Operation Barbarossa" stating: "The German Wehrmacht must be prepared to crush Soviet Russia in a quick campaign."

    The operation was named after Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of the Holy Roman Empire, a leader of the Third Crusade in the 12th century. The invasion was set for 15 May 1941.

    It is common general that the average soldier in the Red Army is brave and tough, but the Red Army officer corps are held in contempt.

    On the other hand, the Glorious Wehrmacht is in a state of hubris and is seen as more or less invincible. My fear is that I feel contagious.

    Soviet Union is to big…

    Despite approving Operation Barbarossa, Hitler also approved Operation AD provided that we did not remove resources from the main Operation (Barbarossa).

    With these limitations, besides the short time to launch such an operation before the other, I started at a frenetic pace to handle this.

    The mountain troops, should only reach the French port in the middle of January. There they will embark in the fleet and pray that at the time of landing in Gibraltar, there is no British Royal Navy to prevent.

    Now, if Greece or Turkey grant us rights of passage, we can embark troops on ships that will pass through Gibraltar.

    If not, we will embark them on the Italia.

    I'll have to decide where to send the troops that will be assemble.

    Gibraltar and Timing is essential.

  • 31 December, 1940

    From the 26th to 31th thirteen English transporter sunk and two escort.

    On the 26th, Raeder was order to Brest.

    I thought I should follow the route through northern scotland, because I believe that there was more chance of not being detected, but I'm afraid to catch some carriers.

    So, the direct route to Brest by the English Channel, if necessary the planes were near. They arrive safe and sound on the 28th.

    On the 28th the first Volksstrum is deployed in Versailles, France and

    Three hundred Focke-Wulf Fw-190D were deployed in Innsbruck.

    They must go to Africa or stay to the Russian front.

    Kitzinger (skill 4) is in charge of them.

    Slovakia request permission and technical expertise in producing two hundred Messerschimitt Bf-109E.

    We accepted.

    Our Scientists have improved Assault Weapons and our strategic

    Improve the Battleship Crew Training.

    Now we look to improve the Naval Underway Replenishment so the sorties are more organize.

  • Two new Infantry-Divisions start


    The weather to the new year is a clear sky, and -1,4C with no wind.

    This month we increased from 98,000 to 127,000 of English tons.
