WALT: Say how I am getting to Paris. WALT: Say how I am getting to Paris WILF: Recognise the future...


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WALT: Say how I am getting to Paris.

WALT: Say how I am getting to ParisWILF: • Recognise the future tense with ‘je vais’ (level 5C)• Use the future tense with ‘je vais’ in a sentence (level 5B)

Starter: Look at the logos below for different types of transport. Write in French what each type of transport it is.

Eg: A. C’est le train.

mardi 17 juin

Extension: Write out these numbers:1. Quarante trois2. Soixante neuf3. Cent dix4. Deux mille deux

Complete a sentence for each person based on the pictures. Use the example as a guide.

GCSE: Make up and add on who they went with (parents, family etc) and for how long (one week etc)

Extension: Convert the sentences into ‘I am going..’ (je vais..)

These 6 people are all going to Paris. Write in English the dates each person is going and the method of transport they are going to use.

Extension: How long is Mark going to Paris for?Who is Stephanie going to Paris with? Who is Michael going to Paris with?Who is Marion going to visit in Paris? Where is she leaving from to go to Paris?


Et maintenant on joue…

X – position of your battleshipsO – when you’ve guessed a square(1,2,3) – when you’ve got someone else’s battleship

L’écritureGCSE: Write an account of a trip you will take to Paris

You need to include:• The dates you are going• How long you are going for• What method of transport you will use• Who you are going with• What monuments you are going to visit when

you are there

Complete this crosswork using the clues below
