Walking interviews cs377t


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Walking after meals Interviews by Maria Molfino

CS377T: Behavior Change for Better Health

Meet Chad• walking everyday 20 minutes after lunch for

the last 3 to 4 years

• motivations: de-stress/talk through issues with co-workers (primary), health (secondary)

• Sequence: goes to work, eats lunch with co-workers, heads out the door with them, walks the loop(~20-25 min) outside of company, returns from walk and goes back to work.

• Domino: “eating lunch” *even if co-workers are absent, he will still walk.

Meet Rich• walking everyday after dinner for 20 minutes for

the last 4 months

• motivations: lose weight (primary) and entertainment (i.e., podcasts - secondary)

• sequence: comes home, changes into his walking clothes, has dinner with his wife, heads out the door to walk for 20 minutes, comes back home, changes/showers, lays out his walking clothes for the next day on the same visible shelf.

• Domino: changing into his walking clothes before dinner OR laying them out for his next walk (it’s cyclical)
