Waiting & Parking Restriction Reviews · Transport Circular 01/06 for the setting of speed...


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Martin Rose IEng FIHE MCIHT

Principal Traffic Engineer – Traffic & Network Management

Wiltshire Council

Waiting & Parking Restriction Reviews


• Waiting restrictions are often required to control or regulate inappropriate

parking, address safety concerns and encourage the free flow of traffic

• It is often appropriate to permit or formalise parking with some form of control. Either by the type of user (blue badge, taxi , doctors bay etc.) or by time limit ensure a turnover of kerbside space. i.e. time limited to ‘one hour’ time limit ensure a turnover of kerbside space. i.e. time limited to ‘one hour’ in town centres.

• All on-street waiting and parking restrictions require a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO)

• The Traffic Management Act 2004 places new obligation on all local Traffic Authorities (LTA) regarding the way it assesses, implements and reviews its TRO’s.

• The level of demand is high with Wiltshire Council receiving well over 100 written requests for waiting restrictions and parking controls each year.

• The cost of processing individual requests is substantial. £3,000 for a simple change and £50,000 for a major review.

• In order to make the best use of taxpayers money and treat all new requests for waiting and parking controls in a fair and transparent way , Wiltshire Council has a new adopted policy.

• Due to the extensive legal process involved, schemes can take from 6 months from initial consultation to implementation. For large scale reviews this can extend to over a year.


Request for waiting and / or parking restrictions sent to Town / Parish


Town / Parish Council send out standard request form (WR1)

Town / Parish Council complete assessment form (WR2) to validate request & rank in order

of priority

Assessment forms submitted to Wiltshire Council - Network

Management Team in January of each year

Highest scoring schemes Year 1Top ranking requests assessed against scoring matrix .

Highest scoring schemes reported to Cabinet

Member on an annual basis for agreement on

which to progress

Area Boards to be advised of schemes

agreed for progression in their areas.

Year 1

Waiting / Parking restriction review


Year 2

Waiting / Parking restrictions implemented

Example of Waiting Restriction Request (Form WR1)

Example of Town / Parish Council Assessment Form (WR2)

Current Status – Warminster

• Warminster is currently part way through a waiting and parking

restriction review.

• The proposals were first advertised in the Warminster Journal on 28th

October and by site notice at the effected roads. Proposal plans can be

to be viewed and representation made via the Wiltshire Council website to be viewed and representation made via the Wiltshire Council website


• The closing date for representations is 21st November.

• All objections to be considered by Cabinet Member for Highways and

Transport between the end of the advert period and 31st January 2012.

• Implementation of new restrictions in February / March 2012.

Martin Rose IEng FIHE MCIHT

Principal Traffic Engineer – Traffic & Network Management

Wiltshire Council

Speed Limit Review for C class & Unclassified Roads


• In March 2007 members of the former Wiltshire County Council adopted the Department for Transport Circular 01/06 for the setting of speed limits in Wiltshire.

• A requirement of Circular 01/06 was that all speed

limits on the A and B road network should be limits on the A and B road network should be

reviewed and brought in line with the given


• The review of all A and B class roads was

completed in 2010. As a result in excess of 120

speed limit changes will take place in 2011-12 and


• Members also gave a commitment that speed limits on the C class and

U/C network would be reviewed at a date to be agreed.

• Given Wiltshire’s extensive ‘C’ and ‘U/C’ road network, the large amount of resource required and high cost it isn’t considered practicable to undertake a complete review as a single exercise.

• The review will be undertaken by listing and prioritising all ‘C’ and ‘U/C’ • The review will be undertaken by listing and prioritising all ‘C’ and ‘U/C’

roads within each Area Board based on collision rates/length and

presenting this information to the Area Boards.

• Each Area Board will put forward a maximum of two routes for review

and implementation per year commencing April 2012.

• If a route passes through more than one Area Board continuity will need

to be maintained by treating the length as a whole.

All C class and U/C roads within each

Area Board listed and prioritised by collision

rate / length

List issued to Community Area Transport Group


CATG to agree two priority routes for review

process and refer recommendations to

Area Board.

Routes assessed Results of

Speed limit review of C class and Unclassified (U/C) roads

Area Board to agree two priority routes.

Routes assessed against DfT Circular 01/06 – ‘Setting Local

Speed Limits’.

Results of Assessment

presented to CATG / Area Board

Consultation Implement new speed limit

Year 1

Year 2

Note: The review process to commence in

April 2012-13 on a rolling programme.

Martin Rose IEng FIHE MCIHT

Principal Traffic Engineer – Traffic & Network Management

Wiltshire Council

Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs)

What is a SID?

‘SID’ stands for Speed Indicator Device.

It is a portable temporary sign with a variable display that detects

and records the speed of an approaching vehicle

What is the role of a SID?

• To raise awareness of vehicle speeds• To raise awareness of vehicle speeds

• To educate driver behaviour.

• To support other measures of speed control such as safety

cameras and Community Speed Watch (CSW).

• To highlight speeding issues where direct measures cannot be


How are they used?

• SID’s are deployed on a temporary basis and are generally erected

at a site for 14 days.

Where are they used?

• At Community Concern sites in a rolling programme of deployment.

• At Community Speed Watch sites where CSW volunteers have • At Community Speed Watch sites where CSW volunteers have

highlighted a persistent speeding problem.

• At sites where night time traffic speeds meet the Community Speed

Watch criteria.

What is the deployment schedule?

• Each of the 18 Area Boards will be allocated a ‘SID’ and will be

issued with a list of sites which meet the eligibility criteria.

• The Area Boards will be asked to identify which sites in their area

are priorities and put forward a programme of deployment.

• Area Boards will be encouraged to review, amend, or add to new

sites to the deployment programme. This will take place not less

than every 6 months.

• The SID will not return to monitor a site within 3 months of the

previous visit.

How are new sites added?

• New requests may come from members of the public or town/parish

councils. The Community Area Manager (CAM) will collate requests

and initiate the site assessment process. Each site should meet the

necessary site section criteria. (Wiltshire Council - March 2010).

What if the selection criteria is not met – Can we still have a SID?

• The final decision for the deployment of the SID rests with the Area

Board. If eligibility criteria for a site is not met the AB can still make a

recommendation to deploy the SID.

Where can I find out more information?

• More information on SIDs can be found at www.wiltshire.gov.uk or by

emailing martin.rose@wiltshire.gov.uk

Thank you for listening

Any questions?
