W o w! august edition (1)



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Words On Our Works

08 August 2014

Issue 8, Vol1

The theme of International Youth Day 2014 is

“Youth and Mental Health” under the slogan „Mental Health Matters‟.

Youth with mental health conditions can often experience stigma and

discrimination, which in turn can lead to exclusion and/or discourage people from

seeking help for fear of being negatively „labelled‟. Efforts are needed to over-come this stigma to ensure that young people with mental health conditions can

lead full and healthy lives free of isolation and unnecessary shame, and that they

openly seek the services and support they need.

The main obstacles affecting the Youth Mental health are Access to care, Delayed Care and the System Design. These obstacles can be effectively tackled

by developing better youth-specific service models that reduce delays to care,

increase rates of access and provide optimum care. Secondly by researching both

specific new treatments and the overall framework for providing care to young people with mental ill-health to ensure the most appropriate interventions are

made available to young people who need them. Last but not in the least, promot-

ing mental health literacy amongst young people, their families and communities

and facilitating more informed policymaking.

“Every young person has a meaningful life and can fulfill their hopes and

dreams. All young people are respected, valued and supported by their families,

friends and communities. Young people feel empowered to exercise their right to

participate in decisions that affect them. Young people with mental ill-health get

the support and care they need when and where they need it. No young person

with mental ill-health has to endure stigma, prejudice and discrimination. The

role of family and friends in supporting young people is valued and encouraged.”

- Jc. Abilash Daniel George

ARTICULATED … from the Editor’s Desk

JCI Zone XXII - Review to React Meet - Presentation by

Chapter President - Jc. Robins J Alappatt

JCI Thiruvananthapuram - Tenth GB Meeting

JCI Thiruvananthapuram Participation in SAKTHI - 2014 (July 20,

2014) - Training Program for Jaycerettes

Jc. Anupama Ghildyal of JCI Thiruvananthapuram Participates in

ABLE (July 24-27, 2014)

Monthly ID Program of JCI Thiruvananthapuram for the month of July 2014 - "HAPPY LIVING APP" - A perfect blend

of NLP and Transactional Analysis by the most sought after trainer - Anil Easwaramangalam!!

Monthly ID Program of JCI Thiruvananthapuram for the month of July 2014 - "HAPPY LIVING APP" - A perfect blend

of NLP and Transactional Analysis by the most sought after trainer - Anil Easwaramangalam!!

JCI Thiruvananthapuram - Junior Jaycee Wing - MILMA Plant Visit and Outbound Training

JCI Thiruvananthapuram - Junior Jaycee Wing - MILMA Plant Visit and Outbound Training