Vyent Diana G., Public-Community Partnership in energy supply, 11-2011


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    F.H.R. Lim A Po Institute for Social Studies Institute of Social Studies

    MPA 111

    Thesis Master of Public Administration Program in

    Governance 2009-2010

    Public- Community

    Partnership in energy supply

    Advantages of village electricity

    supply in the Interior of Suriname


    Vyent Diana G.

    Supervisor: Nicolas Awortwi

    Date : november 2011

    This paper was submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the Master of Public

    Administration (MPA) in Governance degree at FHR Institute of Social Studies.

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    Disclaimer and information

    This Masters Thesis completes the Master of Public

    Administration in Governance 2008- 2010 (MPA Intake 111).

    The F.H.R. Lim A Po for Social Studies organizes the

    program in cooperation with the Institute of Social Studies

    (ISS) in Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

    In this thesis the information describes the public-

    community partnership in the interior of Suriname within

    service delivery. Community participation can have varying

    levels of involvement of the community in the interior or

    somewhere else, but it can range from several aspects like

    labour, behavior, involvement in administration, and most

    important, management and decision- making. Virtually, this

    form of participation involves joint decision- makingrather than principal-agent relationships. Parties are

    early involved in developing joint outputs rather than the

    government. All parties together with the government

    defining both problem and solution for service delivery.

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    This research marks the end of a well received learning

    experience, which made possible by the F.H.R Lim A Po

    Institute of Social Studies and the Ministry of Planning

    and Development Cooperation in Suriname, now the Ministry

    of Finance. It was a fulfilling journey which contributed

    to my growth on a professional and on a personal level. For

    making my participation in this Master Programme possible I

    am thankful to the Ministry of Natural Resources.

    I would like to thank everyone who contributed in one way

    or the other way to complete my thesis. However, I give a

    special thank to

    - the Almighty Lord, who gave me the strength, courageand perseverance to go forward;

    - Mr. Hans Lim A Po, director of F.H.R Lim A PoInstitute of Social Studies, for his patience;

    - my supervisor, Dr. Nicolas Awortwi, who guided me and- my mother, family, friends and colleagues who never

    stopped supporting and encouraging me in the past two


    Bless you all!

    Sincerely Yours,

    Drs. Vyent Diana G.

    Paramaribo, Suriname


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    Table of Contents

    List of acronyms 6

    1.Introduction1.1 Background 81.2 Problem Statement 101.3 Research Objectives 111.4 Research Questions 111.5 Research Methodology 111.6 Organizations of the thesis 12

    2.Literature review on community management of servicedelivery

    2.1 Introduction 142.2 Collective action 142.3 Factors promoting collective action 15

    2.3.1Community organization 152.3.2Community participation 162.3.3Community management 17

    2.4 Public Community Participation 192.4.1Definition and explanation of PCP 192.4.2Organization and management of PCP 202.4.3

    Factors promoting PCP 21

    2.4.4Advantages of PCP 212.5 Synthesis of community management of electricity

    supply 22

    3.Rural electrification3.1 Introduction 253.2 Profile of the villages 253.3 Review of rural electricity policy 263.4 Implementation of rural electricity 28

    3.4.1Source of rural electrification 293.4.2Management of rural electrification 293.4.3Operational arrangements of rural

    electrification 30

    3.4.4Maintenance of generators 323.5 Conclusions 33

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    4.Community involvement4.1 Introduction 354.2 Community participation in the villages/ villageelectricity 354.3 Strengths and weaknesses of community

    participation 36

    4.3.1Strengths of community participation 364.3.2Weaknesses of community participation 37

    4.4 Potentials for PCP in electricity supply 384.5 Conclusions 41

    5.Conclusions and recommendations5.1 Conclusions 435.2 Recommendations 46

    Reference list 48

    Appendix: Concessieverordening

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    List of acronyms

    BFZ Begroting en Financile Zaken

    CDFS Community Development Fund Suriname

    CO Community Organization

    DEV Dienst Energie Voorziening

    EBS National Electricity Company

    FOB Fund for the Development of the Interior (SFOB)

    MDG MillenniumDevelopment Goal

    MOP MultiAnnual Development Plan

    NGO Non Governmental Organization

    PCP Public Community Partnership

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    Chapter 1


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    Performing small social electrification projects incooperation with Community Development Fund Suriname

    (CDFS) in rural and coastal areas (MOP, 2006- 2011).

    The Surinamese government is aware that energy is an

    important tool for socio-economic development like is

    mentioned above and therefore wants to supply good quality,

    safe, adequate and affordable energy for everyone,

    including the interior communities. Options for renewable

    energy are taken into consideration.

    The Ministry of Natural Resources is responsible for the

    energy services in Suriname. The EBS (National Electricity

    Company) is responsible for the urban areas in the coastal

    zone. This company falls directly under the department.

    The coastal zone and the interior fall directly under the

    department DEV of the Ministry of Natural resources.

    There is no tariff regime in place and the supply to the

    communities comes free of charge. Providing the villages of

    electricity it is very costly. Overall, the villages are

    not connected to an electricity grid and it is the

    government that took the responsibility decennia ago to

    supply the villages with generators and diesel as fuel. The

    main reasons why it is insufficient are:

    The villages are in remote areas, Energy is distributed through a diesel generator

    within a time span. Nevertheless, the supply of power

    is limited to about 5 to 6 hours per day. Maintenance

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    of the diesel generators has become unfeasible and


    This system is very costly and technically notfeasible.

    In Suriname the energy supply services are funded by the

    government. In theory, these services (national utilities)

    can also be managed by communities but community management

    can also be ineffective, if they, the community, are doing

    it alone. Within this, the potential for improving energy

    supply services through more formal forms of partnerships

    is very necessary. It becomes central how communities

    especially in the interior can manage their own energy

    supply services with the help of the government, NGOs and/

    or COs.

    1.2 Problem statementThat in the interior of Suriname, not many villages

    are connected to some sort of electricity grid, were in

    most cases the electricity is generated by a diesel-

    generator. The government, within the policy of rural

    electrification, supplies generators to villages as well as

    fuel. Maintenance of these generators and grid however are

    not well organized in many villages, resulting in overdue

    maintenance and some cases discontinuity of the electricity

    supply, simply because of fuel shortages and basic repairs

    to generators e.g. the replacement of parts.

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    1.3 Research objective

    The objective of this research is to analyze and to

    determine whether Public- Community Partnership of rural

    electrification will deliver effective and efficient rural

    electricity supply in the interior of Suriname.

    1.4 Research questions

    The research questions of this research are:

    1. How are community electricity promoted and managed?2.Are they (promotion and management) conducted

    effectively and efficiently?

    3. What are the operational challenges and how can theybe improved?

    1.5 Research methodology

    To describe the development of energy services in the

    interior a study will be conducted. This is necessary to

    construct a theoretical framework, to understand the

    different concepts and motives behinds the establishment of

    energy services. To complete the information, I will do

    interviews with members of the villages (the traditional

    leaders and village elders), different households,

    representatives of community organization and project

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    coordinators and collecting data from different

    institutions, such as the EBS and the Department for Rural

    Energy of the Ministry of Natural Resources (DEV), private

    officials in the energy sector and board of directors of

    the Fund for the Development of the Interior (FOB). Based

    on the findings of the research and the history of energy

    supply in the interior, the applicability of Public Private

    Partnership principles for the energy services will be

    presented, especially the Community Partnership aspect.

    1.6 Organization of the thesis

    Chapter 2 describes the different concepts and

    characteristics of community management and collective

    action. Chapter 3 presents the rural electrification of the

    interior. The focus on community involvement is developed

    in chapter4. Chapter 5 rounds off with the findings and


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    Chapter 2

    Literature review on community management of

    service delivery

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    2.1IntroductionIn the following chapter the aspects on community

    management will be discuss the decision which help to

    decide whether collective action is an appropriate solution

    for particular situation. It also describes the key

    concepts and characteristics of collective action and the

    promoting factors of collective action. Also the aspect on

    Public Community Participation will be explained.

    2.2 Collective actionThe term Collective action has different meanings or

    definitions. Collective action can be defined as voluntary

    action taken by a group to achieve common interest. Members

    can act directly on their own or through an organization

    (Ruth S. Meinzen- Dick, Monica Di Gregorio). In short the

    efforts of a group to reach and implement decisions.

    Taking another definition, collective action is as all

    activity involving two or more individuals contributing to

    a collective effort on the basis of mutual interest and the

    possibility of benefits from coordinated action (Marwell

    and Oliver, 1993). Melucci (1996) defined Collective

    action as a set of social practices (i) involving

    simultaneously a number of individuals and groups, (ii)

    exhibiting similar morphological characteristics in

    contiguity of time and space, (iii) implying a social field

    of relationships and (iv) the capacity of the people

    involved of making sense of what they are doing. (Melucci,

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    1996,p.20). Emphasis on the factors that promotes

    collective action is done in the following.

    2.3 Factors promoting Collective actionThere are factors which promote Collective action. In

    the following subparagraphs the emphasis will be on three

    main factors, namely community organization, community

    participation and community management.

    2.3.1 Community organizationThe first factor promoting Collective action is

    community organization. This factor is virtually the

    organization of the community; but in theory it depends on

    more on that. In all these three the community is central.

    So, the term community can be defined as a system of

    bringing people together. In practice, community is a group

    of users of a service who live in the same area and have

    access to, use the same service.

    To organize a community peoples are needed this because

    with the organization the objective is to support them to

    participate in different process and kind/sort of

    participations projects. Hereby, important components are

    needed. These components are as follows:

    The preparation of the activity The development of leadership Mobilization of the community organization in the


    Evaluation and monitoring

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    In the preparation phase, the identification of the groups

    and leaders; the conditions of the village have to be

    analyzed but also the vision and the mission of the

    organization has to be determine.

    The development of the leadership. A leader is a sort of a

    role model in a village and is popular by the community. He

    also had certain characteristics. Is consulted during

    different phases of a project and has a facilitating role.

    Such person is the highest authority in a village and is

    able to make decisions. When there are problems, concerns

    or complains regarding the services the community can ask

    him to mediate and try to find a solution.

    In the mobilization part, support of the community is

    important. Within this, meetings have to organize to

    discuss the vision and the mission of the organization. And

    the sustainability of organization had to ensure by

    focusing on the membership and finance resource.

    Evaluating and monitoring is needed to measure the success

    and/ or failure of the organization, in achieving its goals

    and objectivities.

    2.3.2 Community participationIn fact, participation is needed every time to achieve

    a certain goal, whereby the involvement of the local

    community in a certain village is very important and

    crucial. This can deliver a specific contribution to the

    whole. It can be in cash and any other relevant

    contribution, which can provide effectiveness, efficiency

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    and empowerment. In general, the contribution of the

    community can be manpower, materials, transportation and

    assisting in projects with the upgrading of activities. A

    simple definition of community participation is the

    reference to the involvement of the people in a community

    in development projects (UNCHS, 1991; Sheng, 1992; Korten,

    1987; Garilao, 1987). The involvement can help communities

    to solve their own problems. Management is mostly a

    principle aspect in the participation. In the following

    paragraph community management will be explored. Typically

    within community partnerships the features and merits of

    both public and private sectors are the essence. The

    strength in the public is the responsibilities and the

    accountabilities, but in the private more competitiveness,

    in some instances, more efficiency. This form of

    partnership (community partnership) does not involve the

    principal-agent principal but joint decision- making. And

    well in an early stage in developing joints outputs and

    arrangements in service delivery (Aulich, 2002).

    2.3.3 Community management

    Like is already mentioned in the previous paragraphs

    is that management a principle aspect in the participation

    of the community. This is important for the involvement in

    decision- making. Community management is defined as a

    situation, in which a community takes the responsibility

    for, and gets authority over and carries out control on

    operations, management and maintenance of service

    benefitting its members (Justine Anschutz, 1996). Thus, key

    persons are taking the responsibilities on their shoulders

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    so that they (the local community) can feel that they are

    and also responsible for sustaining and improving the

    service delivery supply. The people or actors, who play a

    very crucial role in management aspects, looking at the

    community as a whole, are the community members and local

    leaders of the community in a certain village. The roles of

    these persons are very different and linked with the

    participation. With regards to the community members and

    leaders, there are rules which adapt daily habits in every

    system, like rules, schedules etc.

    But within all this it is worthy to ask whether community

    management is successful. Successful community management

    in energy supply systems is when the provision consists of

    fully sustainable service that provides an equitable energy

    supply to the community. Meaning that once a community has

    been provided with a certain level of service it must never

    have to run-down to a structurally lower level of energy.

    The key factors to make community management in place are:

    1.An enabling environment-Policy environment

    -Effective legislation

    -Support systems

    2.Management capacities of the community3.Appropriate service level of technology4.Finances: capital and recurrent

    These above mentioned key factors are linked with each

    other. In the last paragraph (2.5) the diagram illustrates

    its complexity and the efforts which show that all factors

    will lead to a sustainable management of the system.

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    2.4 Public Community ParticipationTo sustain community management is participation an

    important part. Participation requires sharing the

    different responsibilities between the local community,

    organizations if there is any, leaders and the public and/

    or the private sector. It has the different levels in the

    tasks and responsibilities between the actors. These allow

    the different actors or their representatives to take an

    agreement on what they will decide and also the

    responsibilities. Within this decision- making by community

    members is important. Participation can have several parts.

    In the paragraph below, Public community partnership is

    explained and defined.

    2.4.1 Why Public Community PartnershipWhy? Because community partnership is basically involve

    joint decision making of partners together. Whereby, mutual

    actions are taken to bring any kind of solution in

    different kind of problems in service delivery (Hodge

    2002:4; Langford 2002: 69). Further more, the relationships

    which are in the interest of community development through

    working together to achieve mutual goals and with joint

    decision making and sharing of risk and goals (Boase,

    2000). Important in projects like service delivery, the

    essential criteria why partnership, are as follows:

    Services can be provided more cheaply There is an intrinsic value in participation More will be accomplished

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    There is a guarantee that a felt need is involved Ensure that things are done the right way A sense of responsibility is encouraged People are more conscious of the causes of their

    poverty and what they can do about it (Naraya, 1996)

    2.4.2 Organizing Partnership

    Like mentioned in paragraph 2.3.1 what community

    participation is, the organizing itself is different. The

    management and organization becomes central. When a

    community is mobilized, partnership is essential in

    development of it. The structures and processes are very

    important factors in the organizational part. But before

    all of that, goals and objectives must be in place.

    Different roles and responsibilities of peoples and groupsshould be clearly defined.

    2.4.3 Factors promoting Public Community ParticipationThere are factors that promote Public Community

    partnership. These factors are:

    Constantly feedback with partners involved Trust and confidence Very clear defined rights, responsibilities and


    Coherence with the local government programme Modalities of every goal

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    Participation of partners (community etc.) and indecision-making

    Time span for achieving goals

    2.4.4 Advantages of Public Community Participation

    Partnerships overall has advantages and disadvantages. In

    this paragraph only the advantages are listed. In principle

    partnership is a strategy for promoting and delivering the

    public needs. The advantages are:

    Come together (bring people together) and work onjoint projects

    Bring improvement/ change the way communities work Increasing competition Bring innovations at administrative and technical


    Contribute to interest in collaboration Sharing of decision making, responsibilities and


    Transformation in government function, for example:from provider to supervisor

    On-time completed projects

    Improve efficiency of the joint projects (saving cost,sharing risks, more efficiency in project

    implementation etc.)

    Improvement of service quality and public socialwelfare/ acceptance

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    2.5 Synthesis of Community managementIn order to get a synthesis (an analytical framework),

    it is necessary to put community management and public

    community participation on the one side and on the other

    side the results or outcome. In the diagram below it is

    illustrated how its complexity and the efforts of all

    factors lead to a sustainable management of the system.

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    Diagram 1: Synthesis of Community Management

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    Chapter 3

    Rural electrification

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    3.1 IntroductionIn this chapter the rural electrification will be

    discuss. A short look at the villages, the policy

    environment, the way the villages get electricity and the

    agencies that are involved or responsible. Thus the

    policies and regulations regarding energy supply services

    in general and in practice the provision for the interior

    will be analyzed.

    3.2 Profile of the villagesFor the analysis the main focus will be on four

    villages that have been selected at random, namely

    Pokigron, Atjoni, Gen-Genston and Pambooko 1 and 2. A brief

    sketch of these villages is given below.

    All of these villages are located around the Surinameriver, East and South-East Suriname. The villages are

    primarily populated by Marron communities who live in

    tribal organization structures. Most of them live in tribal


    Pokigron and Atjoni are situated on a distance of 183

    kilometers from the capital of Suriname, Paramaribo. The

    estimated population of these two villages is about 415

    with a unit size of 120 Kw (of DEV).

    The population of Gen-Genston is not available, but it has

    a unit size of 61 Kw(of DEV). Village Pambooko has a

    population of 165 and a unit size of 55 Kw(of DEV).

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    In all these villages except Gen-Genston, are public

    schools (primary school), church and medical centers. In

    Pokigron and Atjoni there are more activities like a

    little service station, Chinese shops or stores,

    bakeries, wood crafters and other different jobs.

    Every village has a rural council. This council consists of

    a leader (captain) and four basjas (two women and two


    3.3 Review of the Rural electricity policyBefore looking at the rural electrification, the

    Suriname power sector will be analyzed. The Suriname power

    sector consists of a number of individual power systems and

    mostly interconnected with each other.

    An analysis of the main energy regulations gives the owner

    the following picture:

    1.Article 41 of the Constitution states that the Stateis the owner of all natural resources including energy

    2.Decree of 1991 no. 58, amended in 2002. in this Decreethe tasks of the ministry of Natural Resources are

    contained and include the following:

    Develop, coordinate, implement, monitor andevaluate the national policy for the sectors

    mining, energy and water.

    Prepare and amend the legislation regarding theuse of natural resources including energy.

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    Ensures the provision of information to thevarious stakeholders, sector partners (national

    and international) and civil society.

    3.Concessieverordening of January 1, 1972 G.B. 1944No.129

    The importance of this law for the energy supply is that

    concession should be granted to use of domain for the

    construction and operation of public utility works. The

    concession is granted for a specific geographical area,

    namely the whole Suriname and for a maximum of 50 years.

    The Suriname Power Company (EBS) operations are based on

    this law.

    Looking now at the rural electrification, the Multi Annual

    Development Plan (2006-2010) and Government Statement

    Policy becomes central.

    In the Multi Annual Development Plan (MOP) of Suriname is

    stated that electricity is one of the important instruments

    for planning of long term development and adapted by the

    law. Focusing on the interior, the policy on rural

    electrification concentrates on several aspects:

    Energy is an important tool for sustainable socio-economic development

    There is an increase of energy demand due to theincreasing life standards

    Rehabilitation of diesel generating station ininterior villages by Dienst Energievoorziening (DEV)

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    Performing small social electrification projects incooperation with partners in rural and coastal areas.

    The Surinamese government is aware that energy is an

    important tool for socio-economic development like is

    mentioned above and therefore wants to supply good quality,

    safe, adequate and affordable energy for everyone,

    including the interior. With regard to the Government

    Statement Policy, it is a policy implementation plan of the

    Government presented to the Parliament yearly.

    In context to the rural electrification, the primary

    responsibility for the energy supply services in Suriname

    falls under the Ministry of Natural Resources. The Suriname

    Power Company (EBS) is responsible for the urban areas in

    the coastal zone. This company falls directly under the

    Ministry. The coastal zone and the interior fall directly

    under the department DEV of the Ministry of Natural

    Resources. The resources are limited, so the Ministry can

    undertake the regulatory tasks effectively, for example the

    tariff policy. Providing is done very costly, also because

    of their (the people) low standard of living.

    In total, 126 villages in the interior are installed by DEV

    with diesel unit.

    3.4 Implementation of rural electrification

    Overall many villages are foreseen by the department of

    Ministry, the DEV. They have not an adequate energy supply.

    It is insufficient or no energy supply. The villages are

    connected to an electricity grid and like is already

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    mentioned the government took the responsibility decennia

    ago to supply the villages with generators and diesel as

    fuel. Why an insufficiency? Because:

    o The villages are in remote areas.o Energy is distributed through a diesel generator

    within a time span. Nevertheless, the supply of power

    is limited to about 5 to 6 hours per day. Maintenance

    of the diesel generators has become unfeasible and


    o Is very costly and technically not feasible. The fuelhas to be transported by means of truck, boat, and

    some cases by small aircraft.

    3.4.1 Source of rural electrificationIn the villages the availability of supply is very

    limited. As is mentioned the power supply is for 5 to 6

    hours per day and it is the ministry of Natural Resources

    that takes the responsibility with the Suriname Power

    Company. In each village the DEV has installed generation

    units in over 129 villages in the interior. But even the

    capacity is in place the availability of electric energy is

    very limited. Just a number of hours per day. The so-called

    recreation energy.

    3.4.2 Management of rural electrificationThe management of the rural electrification lies in

    the hands of the department DEV. Every generator of the

    villages is controlled by the department. Transportation of

    the diesel/ fuel (for the maintenance of the generators)

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    from the beginning on until the destination is in the hands

    of DEV. This, the delivery, is done by land, water and by

    aircraft. In short, the management of the DEV regarding the

    energy supply is to deliver fuel on regular basis for the

    villages in the interior so that the energy services/

    supplying are guaranteed.

    The administrative part for the arrangements of such

    delivery services is as follows: a request for fuel and

    lubricants is arrange by the DEV and sent for the managing

    director to approve the request. Then the financial section

    called Begroting en Financiele Zaken (BFZ) takes this

    request/ order in process and then it goes to the supplier.

    And out of the supplier the delivery took place to the

    several villages. The frequency of the delivery services

    are once per month.

    3.4.3 Operational arrangements of ruralelectrification

    In the area of operational arrangements the

    coordination seems to be limited between departments of the

    two ministries, the ministry of Natural Resources, the DEV

    and the ministry of Regional Development, the SFOB. The DEV

    is the official department that belongs to the ministry of

    Natural Resources. The responsibilities of this department

    are to manage the transport and supply of diesel to

    generators in the several villages in the interior. Another

    responsibility is to perform maintenance and to provide

    spare parts for these generators. All the 126 villages have

    been provided with a diesel generator.

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    The provision of the electricity supply to the villages is

    a very costly affair. Every month about more than 150.000

    liters of diesel are transported to the villages.

    Transportation costs are almost half of the costs of fuel.

    The people in the villages see the supply of electricity as

    a very attractive manifestation for modernization. In many

    countries, Suriname not except, politicians makes eagerly

    abuse of this interpretation (mostly barely before the

    election) by promising them diesel generators for nothing.

    This sort of political obstacles makes the electricity

    supply in the interior very difficult. For example:

    Sometimes wrong orders of generators or other devices are

    done which totally not are not in use and became rusty.

    Also the aspect of fuel destined for the different

    villages, partially reach the villages because of the so

    called leakage of the barrels on the way.

    The SFOB, Stichting Fonds Ontwikkeling Binnenland is a

    semi- government foundation that resorts under the ministry

    of Regional Development. This foundation helps to eliminate

    socio- economic problems in the interior, in order to

    strengthen the national economy. The SFOB consist of a

    bureau and a board. The board has seven members divided in

    four members of the government, one Amerindian, one Maroon

    and one member of the NGO. Further has the bureau one

    manager, a community development expert, three region-

    coordinators a finance manager, a financial assistant and a

    logistic assistant. The SFOB has done different

    electrification and water projects in rural areas. All

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    realized electrification projects are connected to the EBS


    3.4.4 Maintenance of generatorThe maintenance of the several generators and

    distribution nets are in hands of department of the

    ministry, the DEV. Also the delivery of fuel, several

    lubricants and other devices. And all this is done under

    the responsibility of the manager/ administrator and his

    assistant. The activities are very limited. The manager

    must make up monthly the periods with the consumption/ use

    of the fuel, the services of the generators and trace

    little malfunctions on the net. This department, if there

    is an announcement, for example if the one of the generator

    is broken, or some components or parts must be replaced

    etc, is the only one who is responsible for and

    coordinates. Not even the managers or assistants in the

    villages can fix the problems; because they only received

    the fuel if it is delivered (like is mentioned above) and

    makes contacts (with the department in the city) if they

    are in need. Technical personal from the city Paramaribo

    has to travel to fix the different problems. Taking into

    account, the given political- executive context is the DEV

    in her existing/ current form unable to perform her

    activities or duties in an adequate way.

    At least, the managers and assistants have to trained or

    instructed on-the-job, in short term. In the long term, is

    qualified personal required, minimal technical personal

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    that can work on generators et cetera. This asks for a

    multi- disciplinarily approach.

    3.5 Conclusion

    In conclusion, although the government is aware that

    energy is an important tool for sustainability socio-

    economic development, the availability of supply is very

    limited. The department can foresee many villages. An

    adequate energy supply is missing. This all because that

    the villages are in remote areas, unfeasibility and

    difficulty of the maintenance and the very costly

    transportation of the fuel. All this problems can be well

    structured if the management, organization assessment and

    maintenance of the rural electrification. So, the whole

    management, organization assessment and maintenance of the

    rural electrification are not well structured.

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    Chapter 4

    Community involvement

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    4.1 IntroductionIt is not possible to manage services in the many

    small villages without participation of the communities. In

    this chapter the community involvement in the particular

    villages is developed.

    4.2 Community participation in rural electrificationThe involvement of the communities to manage services

    is very important. Mainly to assure effective projects

    execution, it is important to have a strong support from

    the local communities. Involvement in the villages is

    mostly the traditional authority; the Kapitein or the

    Basja. This involvement can be classified as more than

    social control with idea that the fellow workers or

    collaborators of the ministry knows that the traditional

    authorities kept an eye on them in the performance of their

    activities. Looking at the four villages, the involvement

    differs from village to village. Giving an assessment,

    there is no or least involvement. Community development is

    much more effective if the communities themselves are also

    eager to develop. The existing energy generators installed

    by the DEV, the conditions needs technical solutions for

    setting up a more adequate energy system. For example; when

    a filter or a little reparation (service) has to be done

    on an installation, assistant from Paramaribo is needed.

    This cost money, because the Ministry has to pay for the

    transportation and so on (available materials).

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    The men in the different villages give totality their

    support especially when there is a need for identifying,

    cutting and transporting wooden (electrification) masts/

    posts. The representatives of the several organizations

    worked also with the communities, thus the coordination is

    not very good.

    4.3 Strengths and weaknesses of Community participationWithin the Community participation there are some

    strengths and weaknesses. Here under, the strengths and

    weaknesses are listed.

    4.3.1 Strengths of Community participationThe participation of the several communities in the

    interior is varying (in range of working together,

    performing and in different tasks). Besides

    identification, preparation and implementation of

    activities, the community has to be involved. This

    stimulates participation and works further on the

    improvement of togetherness. It underlines the importance

    of an integral approach in these villages. In short, the

    general contribution of the community is manpower,

    materials, transportation and assisting the consultant (if

    there is any) with the upgrading activities. The socio-

    cultural aspects are the main one that plays an important

    role. Most of the women are grouped in communal

    organizations and -councils. Further, about a proper

    participation according to the habitants there is no

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    direct involvement. The selection according to the DEV to

    work directly with the traditional authorities is done

    deliberate because not everyone in the villages can be

    charge with the fuel aspect and also to prevent


    4.3.2 Weaknesses of Community participationIn contrast to the strengths the weaknesses shows the

    problems or inefficiency of community participation.

    Participation of the community in every development process

    is very important. In this subparagraph the main weaknesses

    are listed and leveled. There is,

    - Low technical capacity: training require for the localcommunities in the villages (technical assistant).

    - Low managerial capacity: mobilizing communities.- Low organizational coordination: the several

    organizations in the villages are not working very

    closely with each other.

    - Willingness to pay: every household wants to get 24hours per day electricity, but they willingness to pay

    is a crucial aspect.

    - Low potentials for investors: it is unattractive forpotential investors because of the high initial costs

    they have to make.

    The selection according to the DEV to work directly with

    the traditional authorities is done deliberate because

    not everyone in the villages can be charge with the fuel

    aspect and also to prevent favoritism.

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    4.4 Potentials for Public Community ParticipationTaking into account the potentials in those villages

    it is important to look at the serious steps which can be

    very essential in the development process, if the

    communities make use of them. The potentials the people

    over there identified were natural resources, social-,

    physical-, and human capital. All those activities need


    To make all this work very essential, there is a need to

    look at different things. Some are the contract, the formal

    organization, the community organization and management,

    management set up and a new role for government. This all

    can be place in a new design of an organizational


    Regulatory Framework

    To start, the regulatory framework has to be in place

    first. Within this framework the regulatory authorities,

    technical regulation and the tariff regulation plays a

    crucial role. Currently there is no separate entity that

    can play a central role in the Suriname power sector. This

    absence seems to be primarily explained by political

    unwillingness. As is already been told the primary

    responsibility falls under the Ministry of Natural

    Resources. The Ministry however has very limited resources

    to effectively undertake the regulatory tasks. The power

    sector has traditionally been considered a natural

    monopoly. The presence of a monopolist, however, is

    generally undesired for reasons of price, efficiency, and

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    39quality. The definition of regulation can be when actions

    are taken by the government in order to achieve socially

    desirable outcomes in the power sector. That is, to arrive

    at prices that reflect an efficient level costs, but also

    is sufficiently high to make it economic for the utility to

    operate. Connected to this is a sufficiently high level of


    In fact the absence of the separate regulatory entity can

    be seen as political reservedness. In order to allow the

    regulatory functions to be carried out properly, most

    governments have established a separate authority. If there

    is a separate authority, advantages can be as follows:

    The presence of an authority signals to the generalpublic and the power sector stakeholders the

    importance that government attaches to the proper

    management and development of the power sector. This

    is particularly important for private investors who

    are used to dealing with a regulatory body when it

    comes to pricing and technical issues.

    Unlinking the authority from day-to-day politicalinfluence takes into account the long-term nature of

    the power sector. Investments in the power sector are

    large and need to be earned back during a very long

    period of time. The planning cycle is also long.

    Increases in demand need to be anticipated long time

    before they materialize as there is a considerable lag

    between the procurement and actual installation of new


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    40 There is concentration of expertise and knowledge

    within the authority which provides better

    capabilities to deal with often complex technical

    matters. This also provides a professional environment

    that is better able to attract highly qualified staff

    required for conducting the regulatory functions.

    Separate regulatory authorities are common in practically

    all countries in the world where some degree of power

    sector reform has taken place. Generally, countries where

    there exists a regulator, this tends to be correlated with

    higher performance. Indeed, the idea of installing a formal

    regulatory usually comes from the wish to improve the

    efficiency in the power sector.

    Technical regulation is currently not institutionalized in

    the Suriname power sector. The absence of technical

    regulation does not have substantial impact as the power

    sector is still monopolistic. Most of the technical

    regulatory is embedded within the EBS.

    About the tariff regulation the objectives are set

    electricity prices for the utility at a level such that

    provided for efficient operations. The tariff regulation is

    currently being carried out by the government. But the

    problem in Suriname is that at present there is no accepted

    tariff methodology. The absence of an effective regulatory

    policy and implementation of this policy form serious

    bottlenecks for attaining a secure and reliable power

    supply in Suriname. There is no tariff policy in the

    interior, due to the low demand it is difficult to achieve

    any scale economies in generation.

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    41Organizational assessment

    In this area of organization, there seems to be limited

    coordination between the Ministry of Natural Resources/ DEV

    and the various actors. Some projects are carried out in

    isolation and do not fall under the responsibility of a

    single authority. Such coordination would help to implement

    a uniform and coherent policy.

    4.5 Conclusion

    To manage services in the interior it is not possible,

    not only with the government alone but also withthe

    participation of the communities. Community involvement is

    required to develop these services. Their support is very

    important. Weaknesses of community participation show the

    inefficiency of their participation in this chapter,

    although there are much potential in those villages. But

    all activities need adequate electricity.

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    42Chapter 5

    Findings (Conclusions) and recommendations

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    435.1 Findings (Conclusions)How are community electricity promoted and managed?

    Community electricity is not very well promoted and

    managed. Although energy an important tool is for

    sustainable socio- economic development and one of the

    important tools for planning of long term development, the

    policy on rural electrification is still very weak. The

    government knows that there is an increase of energy demand

    due the increasing life standards and also aware that

    energy is an important tool, but the supply is inadequate

    and not affordable for everyone. The promotion

    (stimulation) and management lays in the hands of the

    ministry of Natural Resources, in this the department DEV.

    It is shown that the resources are limited and namely the

    regulatory ineffective. Providing electricity is done very

    costly, hence the people stay in low standard of living.

    Are they (promotion and management) conducted

    effectively and efficiently?

    The promotion and the management are not very well

    conducted effectively and efficiently. On the side of the

    community, their ample space is very restricted because of

    the supply of power is limited to about 5 to 6 hours per

    day which is not economic profitable. The community did not

    have the management capacities and knowledge to bring the

    service system sustainable. On the other side, the ministry

    of Natural Resources is unable to satisfy (not very

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    44optimal) their, the community, demand in energy service

    delivery. It seems like the ministry can manage these

    services. The energy supply services can be promote and

    managed nor by the community and the ministry effectively

    and efficiently.

    What are the operational challenges and how can they

    be improved?

    The present conditions of the remote villages are not

    profitable to supply with diesel generators. It becomes

    very unfeasible and too expensive owing the cost of fuel

    transportation and to difficult to maintenance. In this

    case clustering villages together and renewable energy

    options can be taken into consideration. The implementation

    of these options can be suited for individual households or

    for the community. It is necessary to start a program for

    education and the training of the people living in remote

    areas on the use of such equipments.

    Another operational challenge is the enabling environment.

    An enabling environment includes policy environment,

    effective legislation and support systems, has to be in

    place. A new legal framework for Surinames energy sector

    has to be developed consistent with international standards

    in order to guarantee a better legal security to investors

    and to sustain the sector development. Therefore, different

    actions must be taken at different levels; namely, at the

    law level, the regulatory level and the contractual level.

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    Also a tariff study and action plan for a gradual increase

    of tariffs must be set up. The tariff policy and tariff

    increases are under the responsibility of the ministry of

    Natural Resources. Classically, like in many development

    countries and emerging economies, the politicization of

    this type of decision prevents the public authority to

    adjust the tariffs according to the cost evolution, and

    causes important losses to the state-owned company in

    charge of electricity distribution.

    In Suriname there is no regulatory body in charge of the

    operator control, tariff approval and sectorial regulation.

    These tasks are taken care of by the State.

    Restructuring of the NV EBS under a new concession contract

    would be carried out, in parallel with the tariffs increase

    and with the establishment of the new legal framework. The

    new concession contract can be privatization.

    Institutional and organizational reforms are needed.

    The community is aware of the importance and advantages of

    partnerships but the interrelationship has to be improved.

    More supporting power and understanding for development and

    economic activities are very weak. To realize the use

    (advantage) of the development it can be in advance for the


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    5.2 RecommendationsThe ministry must maintain and update a rural

    electrification plan to co-ordinate rural the

    electrification. This will encourage and support the

    creation of a network of private enterprises that will be

    capable of supplying, erecting, and providing and

    maintenance advice, of installations that supply

    electricity to rural population.

    To develop such rural electrification the ministry should

    authorize rural communities that are not serviced under a

    Concession contract to build and operate electricity

    generation and distribution installation for satisfying

    their own electricity needs. Within this the community

    shall have improved standards of living and work;

    employment of labour; accelerated, co-ordinated and

    sustained economic development and enhanced levels of

    national competitiveness.

    Another operational challenge is that there is no strike

    (stoppage) on side of the supplier of the fuel and

    lubricants. Years ago the suppliers often stops the

    delivery because the government does not fulfill their

    financial commitments on time. The government has to commit

    an evaluation or an assessment regarding the financial-

    system, especially the guarantee in continuity of the

    energy supply in the interior.

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    Regarding the leakage of the fuel and other lubricants, an

    unit FuelInspectionthats engage in controlling the

    fuel delivery, the status of the different generators, the

    infrastructural of the department DEV in the interior, keep

    an eye on the managers and assistants, report the executive

    manager (chief), abolish malfunction on the spot which

    needs a direct solution, and especially to communicate with

    and held contacts with the traditional authorities in the


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