VTA-KARMA Akshay. Arjun. Harshank.. Application Motive For VTA To encourage commuters to travel via...


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Application MotiveFor VTA

To encourage commuters to travel via VTA transit.

Economy for VTA increases.

Make city environmental friendly.

For Riders

Karma points to get free VTA ride.

Cost benefit for commuter.

Reduce the fuel consumption.

Make city environmental friendly.

Social factor

Advantages Commuters get free ride if their Karma reaches beyond certain point.

More karma points on different days or months of year.Eg: give 20 karma points on days which has less commutation

20 extra points for commuter on the Top of leaderboard.

“VTA star” granted when commuter has checked into bus-stop on more days than anyone else in past 20 days which is same as Foursquare’s “Mayor”

Reduces amount of CO2 emission contributing to Green environment.

This decreases the traffic while increases the parking slot in the city.

Problems Solved

The usage of the app can increase the number of commuters on the VTA transit services that can help avoid traffic congestions.

Less carbon footprint.

Future Integration

Refer your friend to earn more KARMA points.

Push notifications

Can provide comparison between friends based on KARMA points.

Awarding points on major event days.Eg: Football game.

Thank you

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