VSS 2013 Herald 4



It's all about trainers !!!!!

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VSS Herald April 2013 1 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th



VSS Herald April 2013 2 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

It’s all about Trainers

VSS Herald April 2013 3 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th



2013july 21st to 26th


There is nothing harder than to start an Edito for a Herald that is mainly focusing on one thing, and that thing would be the most important one. That written, I wasted 3 lines on the Edito of this issue. Alright, in 2 months, you will be in your house, flat, plane, train, or whatever, but you’ll definitely be thinking about the last 5 days before the VSS starts, and I can tell you, those times are great! But before that, let’s focus shall we? The Volunteer Summer Summit, is not just 5 days where you meet people, talk to people, have fun, and visit and awesome country as Denmark. The VSS is above all about trainings. The theme is Global Education through sports and imagination, which is also the theme of the venue, Ranum Efterskole. In this Herald, you will learn more about the theme, the trainers and the workshops they will deliver, because, guess what? You can go right now to the website and chose which workshop you want to do!! So this issue is really about WHAT YOU WANT TO DO AT THE VSS.Now that I written the Edito, I have to figure out how I can end it. Oh wait, the bus ! Did you sign up for the bus? You can still sign up for the Budapest route. So question how to get to the VSS? Well, you’ll find a page about it on this Herald as well. In the name of the prep team, I got to tell you that even though we tried our best to make this VSS incredible and unforgettable, we are know that the trip to the VSS, if you’re not taking the bus, will be such a journey for you. After all, AFS, VSS, these are all about a journey we all chose years ago when we decided to become volunteers....So let’s travel one more time to the most astonishing event of the year.

EDITOby Joshua Fitoussi






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*by the time we are publishing the Herald Jitka had to cancel her participation to the VSS. A new trainer will be selected and you will meet him/her

in the next Herald

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VSS Herald April 2013 5 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

"The Danes who cannot fly flags out of doors

have mini flagpoles as part of their table

decorations for high days and holidays"

VSS Herald April 2013 6 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

To be a trainer at the VSS

by Annika Menke

If you want to be a trainer at the VSS it all starts with the call for trainers that is sent out half a year before the event. At the VSS there is the opportunity to be full trainer or half trainer – half trainers have to prepare less workshops and can be participants in others. In their applications trainers have to come up with ideas for workshops that fit to the theme of the VSS and to one or more of the planned tracks. You might already have a training session concept that fits to all this and only needs to be adapted. But most trainers use this moment to try something new and come up with amazing workshop proposals combining their skill and experiences with the theme and current needs in AFS. For us as prep team this means the difficult task of choosing workshops from soo many interesting and great proposals. In the program and registration you can find the result of that process – and now YOU have the choice :) Meanwhile trainers are working hard on preparing their sessions, collecting materials, choosing methods, timing, feedback,… Time is running and while this means pressure to have things ready in time for the deadlines - at the same time this means growing excitement in anticipation of the event! There is always flexibility needed and nothing works out 100 percent as planned – trainers are learners as everyone else - but that is also why we love it. In the end all the stress is forgotten and we stay with the fullfilling memory of intensive workshops, discussions, simulations, emotions, comments,… that connect us with each other and activate and motivate us all to take home and implement what we learnt.

Something new this year is the parallel workshop session on Global Education. To have a common knowledge about the idea behind and the concept of Global Learning we will start this Summer Summit with an introductory workshop for everyone. You are automatically signed up for that. There will be different methods and focuses as trainers have different styles and preferences but the basic content will be the same in these workshops.

I would like to thank all trainers for the work they already did and the work that is still waiting for you, I’m happy to have you on board!Looking forward to a Summer Summit with great workshops that activate & motivate us and where we all learn a lot!

VSS Herald April 2013 7 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

MARIN, Iceland25 years old

Where do you live? Copenhagen

Your expectations from this year's VSS? To meet great participants that are up for

sharing ideas and talking about their passions as well as having

good time and making new friends.

Why are you a trainer? Since 2011 I have been giving

trainings for EFIL and every time I’ve had a great experience. I meet enthusiastic people who are willing to talk about their

views on life and so to continue meeting those people I train.

Where did you go on an exchange? Italy 2003-2004

Your funniest training experience in one

sentence: My workshops are serious, laughter is not allowed. Nooooooo please

have fun in my workshops!!!

When you're not training what do you do? At the moment I’m

living in Copenhagen and studying Danish. I seem to be

missing every other lesson due to travelling but I have an

understanding teacher that makes sure I don’t fall behind!

If you were an animal what animal would you

be? Lion or a dragon - I like dragons.

VSS Herald April 2013 8 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

DULIO, Portugal25 years old

Your expectations from this year's VSS? To have fun learn

and share a bunch!

Where do you live? Portugal

When you're not training what do you do? walk far far away,

pretend I'm a writer and developing my own educational


Why are you a trainer? I like it! You get to learn and share a


Your funniest training experience in one sentence : I was trying to explain to a group

of participants the silent discussion method, until one of them understood and made it clear for everyone: "ahhh, like

public toilet discussion!!"

If you were an animal what animal would you be? Ostrich

Where and when did you go on exchange? USA


VSS Herald April 2013 9 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

ANDERS, Denmark25 years old

When you're not training what do you do? Hmm right now

unemployed, but will soon start studying a master in sports

If you were an animal what animal would you be? A playful


Where do you live? Soon the Netherlands.

Your expectations from this year's VSS? My expectation is

that my participants will be ready to have a lot of fun and

get sweaty!

Why are you a trainer? Basically because it's funny and I enjoy it a


Where and when did you go on exchange? Canada 04-05

Your funniest training experience in one sentence:

Bring a ball to my workshop and you'll soon know how to throw

me completely off!

VSS Herald April 2013 10 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

When you're not training what do you do? I'm in my 4th year at

the Charles University Law School in Prague, and I teach

English and Spanish for a private language school. I am looking

into something more connected to law, but I still don't know

where I will end up. :)

Where and when did you go on exchange? nowhere, never :)

Your funniest training experience in one sentence: I was trying to give some advice on presentation skills, namely

gesturing, and suddenly everybody started noticing how

much I move my hands and what I do with them when I speak, and we all started laughing so much that I had to give the rest of the speech from behind the flipchart


Where do you live? Prague/Pilsen

LENIE, Czech Rep.23 years old

Why are you a trainer? I got the offer from our pool of

trainers, and I like to say yes to such things :) But really, I love

to pass on knowledge and skills, I strongly believe that we all

should try and make the world a better place and I believe the

way to do that is by education I believe. And another reason, being a trainer you not only

teach, but you also learn from your participants. So it's two for

the price of one ;)

If you were an animal what animal would you be? I'd totally be a goat.

They are so FUN!

Your expectations from this year's VSS? Oh I expect it to be

the best VSS and most sustainable of all (I myself actually travel by bus from

Prague I hope to deliver really really good workshops (I'll do my best, trust me!). And last but not least, I expect it to be FUN FUN


VSS Herald April 2013 11 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

When you're not training what do you do? I work in a hospital at the financial administration. I make sure doctors register their given care correctly, so we can get money from the insurance companies. Not my dream job,

job offers are more than welcome ;)

If you were an animal what animal would you

be? Donkey

Why are you a trainer? Helping people to look at thngs

differently in merely a couple of hours, not by telling them how

to, but facilitating them is one of the best things about being a

trainer. Plus, particiapants make me more open minded.

Where and when did you go on exchange? USA 06-07Your expectations from this

year's VSS? I I expect to learn a lot from participants, but also

from other trainers. It will definitely be an amazing

intercultural experience. We will have a great time :)

TESSA, Netherlands25 years old

Where do you live? Utrecht, the Netherlands

VSS Herald April 2013 12 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

ZOE, France 24 years old

Why are you a trainer? because I've always enjoyed AFS

workshops, you get to take some distance with our daily AFS work,

and it can be very powerful. being a trainer taught me so

much about us volunteers, our reactions, motivations... and also

a lot about myself!

Where and when did you go on exchange? Canada 2004

Your funniest training experience in one sentence: A volunteers' meeting in Germany where I got mixed up with my German and asked: "Who's for racism?". Obviously, no one

raised a hand but it gave us a good laugh ;)

When you're not training what do you do? I'm a newbie PhD

student in contemporary history, and also a newbie Swiss ;) I'm still discovering my new country, and

beside that, you can find me biking, reading, or dreaming on

the train to my different homes ;)

Your expectations from this year's VSS? I'm

looking forward to my (night-)train trip to

Denmark and my 4th VSS so far, there'll be a perfect

match of old and new faces!

If you were an animal what animal would you be? A

chimpanzee (my teddy as a child;)

Where do you live? Fribourg/ Winterthur, Switzerland

VSS Herald April 2013 13 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

EMILIJA, Serbia20 years Old

When you're not training what do you do? I'm studying

communications and politics, doing yoga and discovering Berlin on my bike. I'm also

learning how to sew!

If you were an animal what animal would you be? Cat (I

used to have 12 haha)

Where and when did you go on exchange? Germany 2009-10

Where do you live? Berlin

Why are you a trainer? Because it's a cool way to meet new

people while learning something new. Since I'm very interested in the topics of my workshops, I care very much about hearing other people's thoughts and

ideas on these issues. And it is also a great opportunity for me to

revise everything I know about these subjects.

Your expectations from this year's VSS? Lots of fun and

meeting new people!

VSS Herald April 2013 14 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

OLE, Sweden26 years old

When you're not training what do you do? I am studying

Economics as well as Environmental and Sustainability

Science. Other than that I foodblog on facebook and volunteer for some student

organisations, especially student’s sexual health.

Where and when did you go on exchange? USA 03-04

Why are you a trainer? I love to discover new worlds with a

group of participants and learn new things from them. The role

of a trainer for me is more a facilitator within a highly

diverse group that brings ideas together, rather than a teacher.

Your expectations from this year's VSS? I am looking

forward to discover yet another Baltic country’s remote places and to have fun with all the lovely AFSers that will join.

Your funniest training experience in one

sentence: When I was talking about “sudden

interruptions” in trainings and one participant

started to throw up at the same second - practical example, though pretty


Where do you live? Lund, Sweden

If you were an animal what animal would you be? By now a moose, I guess, they are cuddly

and like the Nordic forests, lakes and cooler temperatures.

VSS Herald April 2013 15 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

PIETER, Belgium25 years old

Why are you a trainer? Getting to know awesome people,

putting all my energy into them and helping them further along the way is why I became an AFS volunteer in the first place and

why I'm a trainer.

Your funniest training experience in one sentence:

When a Danish group of participants invented a hand gesture for 'bacon' for rock-scissors-bacon and the other

group of Danes understood it's meaning instantly. That means


When you're not training what do you do? I work as a

Linguistic & Data-Analyst in an IT company enjoying Google-like perks like a free bar, food, massages and ping-pong table. You know, the usual. Other than that, I boulder climb, hunt down rooftop bars and plan my next scuba diving trip. All that while visiting as many AFS friends as


Your expectations from this year's VSS? The Danish mix of professionalism and fun-loving combined with the multicultural

awesomeness that is a VSS.

Where and when did you go on exchange? Thailand 05-06

If you were an animal what animal would you be? A cat, I do a convincing Puss in Boots

impression. You know that scene in Shrek where everyone

went awwww? That's me!!

Where do you live? London

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NASTYA, Russia26 years old

When you're not training what do you do? Film editing, project management, organizing events

and seminars

Where and when did you go on exchange? Germany


Why are you a trainer? When I train I learn and gain more than I ever did at the university. It's fun to help others and I enjoy

the process of cooperating and communicating with people

while doing a session.

Your funniest training experience in one sentence: I was explaining during team building what not to do for

safety reasons and while I was saying this I didn't see a person

coming and the participant bummed into me. Learning by doing. (and, of course, it is not funny that someone got hurt

but my lack of attention)Your expectations from this year's VSS? Curious & active participants, a lot of fun and NO Harlem Shake!Where do you live? Moscow

If you were an animal what animal would you be? Koala

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Why are you a trainer? I'll love learning and teaching. In each

workshop, it's not only the trainer that teaches, but also the

participants. And I definitely love seeing people developing


DORIS, Croatia22 years old

If you were an animal what animal would you be? Probably a sloth. I'm all nice and lazy, but

when you poke me, I can bite you. Just kidding! I'm more of a

cuddly koala.

Your funniest training experience in one sentence: Uh, I have no idea. Probably when I accidentally started speaking in Croatian in the

middle of my workshop instead of English.

Where do you live? Zagreb

Your expectations from this year's VSS? Active

participants, nice weather, new awesome people. Oh,

and good food!

Where and when did you go on exchange? Germany 2009

When you're not training what do you do? I'm studying

Swedish and Sociology at the University of Zagreb, play a

guitar in a band called Seven Mouldy Figs, paint, I'm a

president of AFS Croatia, playing with my cats Rem and Helga and

much more. :)

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HAZAR, Turkey30 years old

Why are you a trainer? To meet and learn from others as much

as possible.

If you were an animal what animal would you be? Duck

Where do you live? Istanbul

When you're not training what do you do? I am the

Organizational Development Coordinator for AFS Turkey

which means I spend most of my time occupied with AFS related projects, trainings,

reports, events etc. Other than that I am an architect so I like

visiting different cities and especially historic sites. I am also a big football fan, like

travelling, movies and spending time with my wife and family.

Your expectations from this year's VSS? Ever since 2008 the VSS has managed

to be superior to the previous ones in one way

or other, I am sure this one will be an amazing one as


Where and when did you go on exchange? WI, USA 01 - 02

Your funniest training experience in one sentence: I tried to trick a participant in

the killer game by inventing an energizer called "I am electric

can opener" through which I got 20 people dancing and singing

except my target.

VSS Herald April 2013 19 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th



Dúlio’s calling! Here’s a short preview to my workshops. Just somewhat, a few teasing questions, which might serve a bit as an appetizer, that might help you deciding what to

choose amongst mine and the other trainers’ workshops…Good luck choosing!


“Imagine for a second that you are deaf. Now imagine that there is a solution. And you can’t communicate with the rest of the world. Only 1% of the people understand you!” (hallatlan.hu)Yup, how ready are our houses, schools, communities or countries ready to take on this challenge? How challengeable should it actually be considered? Now imagine you came to VSS. You’re on a wheelchair. You want to hang out with other people. But you can’t, because there’s no good access to the place where everybody eats? Recognize this?Ready to experience what’s it like? Ready to

advocate for this cause as well?


Sometimes it just seems confusing! And the more you try to understand or explain, the more confusing it gets. Very simply, let’s think on how can we make it understandable for us and then, explainable; according to our very own style and personalities. Let’s reflect upon all these AFS big themes and turn them into something clear as water, and then, think a bit on how they relate to our every-day life as AFS volunteers. So, if you’re into reflection and tired of not having your own words to explain basic AFS concepts, then come share your frustration. At the end of the day, I’m sure we will all be able to transform our question mark into an exclamation mark and, ultimately, connect the dots and build our concept puzzle.

Critical Thinking in Global Challenges

I’m sure we’ve all heard about critical thinking as much as we’ve seen this statue’s picture; quite a lot huh? I’m also sure that we’ve all critically thought, whether we were aware of it or not? Let’s build our own critical thought. Using current hot topics regarding Global Challenges by debating, criticizing and critically build an argument that sustains a well sustainable and viable thought.

AFS’s mission: A bottom-up perspectiveRecognize that picture? Have you ever found it difficult to explain AFS’s mission and how it all began from that vehicle? How do you think your fellow volunteers perceive AFS’s mission?What is our role as leaders, in the achievement of it…particularly outside AFS’s programs?

Let’s think together from down-bellow, UP to the sky!

VSS Herald April 2013 20 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

Hello !

VSS Herald April 2013 21 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

Inspire people easilyAre you able to inspire people just by being around them? As volunteers we often need talk to people, inspire them to work for our organization or motivate volunteers to work together on a project. Some people are able to inspire others naturally; others need to

learn how to do that. We will learn how we can affect people’s brains and hearts and you will find what works for you best. If you want to learn “a spell” to inspire people easily, join this workshop!

Promoting intercultural dialogue using surroundings and objects around youHow crazy and creative can you be promoting intercultural learning? Who said that PR and promotion is only about “selling” something? PR

can be fun for volunteers and it should look natural to people! Beautiful graffiti about world peace on ugly wall, an alley of trees as a symbol of growth of international friendship – these are only 2 examples of what AFS organizations do for “alternative” promo.Let’s get to the new level together and strike big Ad agencies with our crazy creativity without the boarders!

Secrets of a good motivational speech

Are you able to touch people’s hearts with your words? And without the words?What can be more motivational than a speech of a person that talks directly from his/her heart to a hearts of the audience? It doesn’t matter to how many people you talk – 1 or 1000, this is one of the greatest tools nowadays to make your contribution to build “more just and peaceful world” by sharing your believes and inspiring people to do good things. Let’s get practical! Learning by doing.

Becoming someone who made this world a better place

Are you the world’s next Gandhi or Mother Teresa? Who knows? Actually, you DO! We will kick your motivation and understanding of your personal mission with all possible means – from meditating to going out of your comfort zone. “Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it” (Gandhi) Do you agree?Think big and find your path. Nothing is impossible!


Hi everyone! Here are a few snapshots of my workshops ^_^ See you in Ranum!

He asked me out to dinner, but he didn't pay! Language misunderstandings in intercultural communication… what do you understand with “invite”? can there be other explanations to misunderstandings as personality or culture? perhaps language?

Family models exchanged… would you like to be hosted in this family? can there actually be a kind of “family culture shock”? what can we learn from the diversity of families within AFS? I’m looking forward to meeting YOUR family!

Peace campaigning 2.0… what do you think of these campaigns? how do they understand “peace”? do we AFSers share the same goals? how abouxt we design an online peace campaign together? let’s see which ideas we come up with!

Beyond Albatros - Intercultural simulations as experiential learning possibilities… experiential learning /intercultural simulation what? you know, these activities where you’re asked to communicate without speaking /respect an albatross/find your tribe?where you get to feel a lot of things, almost like in “real life“ (almost):

… or: … or better: or even better: you learn something out of it! but how does it work? and what exactly can you learn? can you learn a “culture”? this would require to simulate a culture – do we want that?

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VSS Herald April 2013 23 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

Leading People - Public Speaking

“There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave.” - Dale Carnegie.

AFS Volunteers are often asked to make presentations or give speeches to different audiences and they usually need to be convincing and/or impressive. Yet this can be quite challenging since speaking in front of large audiences is always demanding. It is of course not possible to gain all the necessary skills to deliver successful public speeches in a short workshop but taking place second year in a row at the VSS (after quite positive feedback in 2012) this workshop will be a starting point for all. We will have a look at dos, don’ts and simple tricks and suggestions from experts and great public speakers. Moreover we will also get a chance to practice our public speaking skills in a safe and fun environment.

Looking outside the AFS bubble – cooperation with other NGOs

AFS exchange programs is truly a great way to create a more just and peaceful world yet much more needs to be done to tackle all these problems. With their high sense of responsibility, amazing spirit, creativity and worldwide connections AFS volunteers are capable of doing much more especially supporting and cooperating with other NGOs working locally and internationally towards similar goals. Come and join us for this workshop to see and discuss what AFS volunteers can do outside the AFS bubble. We will share best practices and work on creating new ideas for future cooperation with likeminded organizations around the world.

A taste of exclusion and discrimination - Creating more inclusive schools and societies through non formal education

Although it is a great way to improve intercultural sensitivity does the AFS experience or volunteering for AFS really make us understand what it feels like to be excluded or discriminated against? Is what we do sufficient enough to fight social exclusion and discrimination that exists almost in all our societies and schools settings around the world? Is there more that we can do? Can we support schools and institutions to become aware of such issues and take action?During this workshop we will try to better understand what it means to be socially excluded and discriminated against through a simulation exercise. Than we will discuss how we can create a more inclusive organization and moreover look for ideas to support schools and our societies overcoming these problems. Working for peace is so lame! When asked most AFS Volunteers answer that they volunteer for AFS because they are working for "peace". But who isn't ? Almost every organization, private or public and even armies around the world often claim that their efforts are for a world in peace! It is true that AFS as an organization aims at creating a more just and peaceful world through providing intercultural learning experiences to people. And for sure providing intercultural learning experiences is not as "catchy" as "peace" yet we need to find better ways to explain the importance and uniqueness of our programs and tools. Come join us for this workshop to discuss: What do we mean by “Intercultural Learning”? Is it just sensitivity/understanding towards cultural contrasts or ability to co-exist/communicate/work with what is different than our norms? Is it only respecting differences or is it much more?


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Stepping inside and outside personal space

Simulation Games: how to make people believe the dream?

VSS Herald April 2013 25 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

Hello my fellow AFSers, I’m so happy to be part of the trainers-team! Since it’s my first VSS ever, I don’t have many expectations except of course: meeting cool new people and lots of fun in the workshops. I think we will laugh a lot, but also exchange our experiences and learn from each other!

Individual, National, Multiple, Cultural, Transcultural, Volunteer,… Identity?

Just thinking about many layers of my identity gives me a headache. Nevertheless it’s important to understand your personality and to find reasons for being the way you are. Not till we know ourselves can we try to understand others; we all make different experiences that shape our way of perceiving reality. Together, we’ll try to understand various mechanisms that influence identity building and changing. Be the person you want to be!

Unforeseen situation? Keep calm & Intercultural thinking ON. Something didn’t go the way it was planned? Your co-volunteers at the camp are intolerant, rule-breaking or unpunctual people? There is racist behavior among exchange students and you don’t know how to handle it? Before you start running around with an axe killing people, take a deep breath and do the most common thing:

turn the AFS’ mind-set ON. In this workshop we will exchange our experience with unforeseen situations and give people advice on how to handle them. This includes stress management, unforeseen dynamics at AFS camps and conflict management. You are also free to suggest other issues you want to discuss!



D’oh! When did life get so complicated?!

Well I’m American, beer-drinker, couch potato and a happy person

I heard others say that I’m a worker, citizen of Springfield, father and a family man, crude, overweight, incompetent, clumsy, a borderline alcoholic

VSS Herald April 2013 26 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th


The World of Human Rights and I The Ultimate Frisbee Derby Finale

OLEHejsan från Sverige,

My name is Ole (03/04 USA), I am currently volunteering for AFS GER’s QueerExchange group and am living in Sweden and thus volunteering on all levels for AFS SWE. I am studying Environmental and Sustainability Studies at Lund University, of course with fellow AFSers.

My workshops will focus on practical and every day applications of the Human Rights. One more general, the other very specific on queer- or LGBTQ-rights and how to work with these in the everyday AFS work.

VSS Herald April 2013 27 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

ANDERSWhat can we learn as a team? What

can we learn in a team?When the body is active the mind

races! Let’s activate both.Do we need competition to win?

I believe that everything we do in AFS also can be done through sports as well, only difference there’s a lot more people into sport, so why not use this for? In my two

workshops we will look into what opportunities there lies in the world of

sports when we connect it to AFS.


VSS Herald April 2013 28 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

MARINHuman rights: focusing on women  

Track: Solidarity and Inclusion, Human Rights EducationIn this workshop we will look at how far we are in the on going journey towards gender equality. We will go over the history of feminism in Europe and North America as well as where we are today. You will be able to share and reflect on your ideas about what gender equality is and if we have accomplished it.

The human body in pop culture

Track: Solidarity and Inclusion, Human Rights EducationWant to watch some music videos? Sounds like fun right? It is going to be entertaining and enlightening experience viewing popular culture with the eyes of a critic. What are we truly seeing and learning? In this workshop we are going to reflect on how media tells us how we should act and how gender stereotypes are created and maintained.

VSS Herald April 2013 29 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

THE THEME OF THE VSSby Annika Menke and Inga Menke

HOW TO GET TO THE VSSby Tinna Sveinsdottir

This year’s theme is Building bridges through imagination and sports to tackle global issues. What? Bridges? Imagination? Sports???? Since when is this an AFS focus? It might sounds complicated to you and that’s why we would like to explain it a little. As some of you know, during last year’s VSS we focused on Global Learning. During the VSS opened our minds to broader topics and looked at them from different angles. We tried to foster critical thinking and linked the Global Learning to our AFS reality. The feedback from participants was great and made us think of tackling the same topic again this year. Of course, we did not want to do exactly the same thing, but we wanted to create link between the two Summer Summits, by partially focusing on Global Learning again. In addition, we wanted to make as much use as possible of the wonderful facilities of the Ranum Efterskole - this year’s VSS venue. The school’s theme is sports and imagination. Both topics are very important in the schools school subjects. During our prep team meeting in Ranum the prep team was ofthen confronted with the sentence, the only thing that limits you is your imagination.

As we get closer and closer to the 21st of July participants from around the world begin to wonder how they will get to the VSS. I have already sent you some e-mails regarding this but here is a short reminder.

The VSS Bus:Unfortunately not enough participants signed up for the Lisbon route. However, we are happy to announce that enough participants have signed up for the Budapest route and if you didn't sign up for that bus there are sill some free spots that you can sign up for by sending an e-mail.

Driving:If you plan on driving to Denmark you can write it on the wall of the Sunflower (on Facebook) and there you can find other happy travellers to keep you company and share the cost of gas.

Coming by bus, train or plane:If you are arriving in Denmark by bus, train or plain you can see all the information on how to get to the venue by public transport on the VSS website. You can also sign up for one of the shuttle. You can take a shuttle from Aalborg or Hobro (free), Billund (30 EUR – NB you have to sing up by e-mail for this one) or Copenhagen (50 EUR). The shuttle will bring you to the venue and back again. Please keep in mind that the venue is quite far from Copenhagen so if you fly there you should land no later than 14:30 and depart no earlier than 16:00.In order to sign up for the shuttle you must log on to your “my summit” account and sign up there. When you have paid the registration fee you can sign up for workshops and for the shuttles.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to write to me :) Tinna.Sveinsdottie@afs.org

VSS Herald April 2013 30 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

Official homepage:


EFIL Facebook page:


VSS Sunflower Facebook page:






Questions can also be referred to tinna.sveinsdottir@afs.org

How to quench your information thirstby Tinna Sveinsdottir



The FINAL ISSUE OF THE VSS HERALD, and help Josh save the Sunflower from Marie Louise and Tinna !!!!

VSS Herald April 2013 31 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th

Text : The Trainers Team- Annika Menke - Joshua Fitoussi Design : Joshua Fitoussi

Pictures : Joshua Fitoussi - Trainers Team

May 2013 - Efil Summer SummitDenmark - VSS HERALD


VSS Herald April 2013 32 VSS 2013 July 21st to 26th