VSN -7 -Yasyas smarana


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There is one slokam to cure our Shokam,

One Power Which can give all its Blessing as shower One Best Word can take Past this world(Samsaram) forever.


But There is a Doctor who well Versified and Great Experienced . Who is Said to Be Doctor of all Doctor’s . He can Treat any type of Disease in this

Universe.Let us See Who is The Doctor and What is that Medicine if it works , From today we can take that Medicine………………………………………

A Small Story from Bhagavatha Puraanam

The story of Ajamila occurs in the sixth skanda of Srimad BhagavatamShukacharya says the practice of spiritual discipline is the remedy. By means oif austerity, celibacy, control of the mind and the senses one can overcome great sins. Shukacharya narrates the story of Ajamila.

Ajamila was born to devout Brahmin parents from Kanyakubja (known today Kannauj, a city in central Uttar Pradesh) a very noble brahmin, performing his duties and prescribed rituals most sincerely and was also a good husband, good son and good father

Once when he was in the forest to gather the fuel-wood for his rituals, he fell for a woman, heart and soul. Actually the woman was one of very low morals. From that time onwards he lived with her, abandoned his family and his own parents. He got ten children by her, made a living and supported this large family by blackmailing rich people, by cheating, fraud and gambling. He was particularly fond of the youngest child, Narayana, by name. The attachment to the child was so pronounced that whether he was eating, drinking, relaxing or working, he would always want Narayana to be by his side and partake of his food or participate in his enjoyment. When finally the call from Yama, the God of Death, came, it came suddenly and in his agony he called his child to his side and cried: O Narayana. He called aloud with great fear,

The messengers of Yama who almost got him in their noose suddenly found from within his heart four well-clad beautiful angel-like figures, each with four hands, preventing the messengers of Yama from discharging their duty. An intense conversation ensued between the messengers of Yama on the one side and the messengers of Narayana - because that is what they were - on the other side. They asked: You are the emissaries of Dharma-raja; then you should know what dharma is and what rules apply for punishment

The messengers of Yama who almost got him in their noose suddenly found from within his heart four well-clad beautiful angel-like figures, each with four hands, preventing the messengers of Yama from discharging their duty. An intense conversation ensued between the messengers of Yama on the one side and the messengers of Narayana - because that is what they were - on the other side. They asked: You are the emissaries of Dharma-raja; then you should know what dharma is and what rules apply for punishment

Reply by vishnu dhoothas: What is declared by the Vedas is dharma. What is prohibited by Vedas is adharma. The one God who has created this entire world and who has allotted the different duties to varnas and ashramas is Lord Narayana. He has ordained that our Lord Yama take the lives of people when their time is over and punish them according to sins committed by them. There are several witnesses to whatever a man does in his life. Achara Prabhavoo Dharmoo DharamayaPrabhaur Achuthaha ( Dhrama is Lord Achutha , and Lord Achutha is No one but form of Dharma ) . Justifying them with that words Vishnu Dhootas Take Ajamilan to SRI VAIKUNTAM . With all formalities required full fill that world. This is what the Name Represents . The last word that we chant at our life is more important.




yasya smaraNa-mAtreNa janma-samsAra-bandhanAtvimuchyate namas-tasmai vishNave prabhavishNave. Om namo vishNave prabhavishNave

Meaning of the above slokam: I sureender to the superior diety Vishnu, by a mere thought or Chanting Whose name Every Jevathma (WE)are freed from the bonds of samsara(birth and death cycles). Salutations to that All-powerful vishNu, Who is signified by pranava (i.e. Omkara).

Please watch out Sketch of what is Samsaaram as we tend to be in this from many Crores of Janmas .
