VOTES! › 1951-august-1952-january-catholic-courier... · W; J;.- •*p$^...


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W ; J;.-

•*p$^ ' '$Ti*i.*" r^><4- f$h f V r feif^K'£l

>H Sfigb r t i




fttmmxmmm w V 1 H V

RscfceRsr, N. Y. 10C3l|STER.N.Y,!,«0AV»JAMW»Y*l,on > - ' lMMl|llll.H.i|l|..ll||?,1Y,l|,liW1|l l,,,^

Gls In home Meet Priests From Horns Fr. Hilbert TelL Oi Red Peril To China

R«v Ctotes Uffetn. UMyfoMll ; § a » » » feign! ottflnn* e*f « t l w l l « i i t l l misstep, M 8t 8***«rt tke*1»» OMWWM m^m®* p ^ f f e •

t«ry oadMy m* * * * ® » * s < * ^ l 2 ' J S f i ^ ^ ^ f f L * * * ! ^ ^ ^ * « » < « * tMUft * » i ^ l * ^ * *«*&»/ • MMOn*. j*eetrttir4 * F*tte IStefc ta&M* to* ftft * WW «ft» f t M S L J r S ?

FMtorHBbRt«l»«M»«*-! *W* «« • • •*•>•* ^ S l J ^ ^ I ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ — ' skKtare to C M m fiw M jWWfc I * * * ° * PM*ws» * * «£ by « * [ • * » IWtSIBIJfPS* » Mmm*

- i»jta 8uti^B»fmaaiy wttviear A . ©. Stpnson l i f t s H#W At B»* r > M » r y CMMtntt ef 1*1 fioe>» in math' aM h - w , ;

•cwte* suit om« vr** mter «*j **«•«*«« eenriese Iw A R t t ^ tshe sreatesafy toe**.' * |C S&enftea. «W ©55S«S«B StM*!*.

pt5S^f M T S S SSdS f«*wof ^^ J - **»•* «* .CUM *ad to*** of its© ^flissilW®.** Hs y Rssap Chotth, Wc&»* !«mmB3feHNS to ths ewHty d*S»jd*y. J*n> 4 wben «he» wn m«s& p>ws«y. Solemn M«» of fUxjuicm «W »icJsne« aaA d»u«a* mwi£ U » c««trw«a (s R«. ^>«r J. He»-tioa est "biwMS itoW Iw ttte popr. <Q» VVatawis. <taw«n, atHl tht vim

ii# list tt^l wf^ Wm^

FOLK SKBVICE31KN from B o c h « t e r M the NCCH opemted l ! 8 0 Oub, t b o American CkCb. olie ( l a b In Baroe for the CTsrlstmma boUdays, greet t w o priests from their home town. In photo ( (nun left) Rev. Jbpweph J . SUQIVSB, NCWC N e w s Service correspondent, CpL S*m

Salter*, Kev. Gtorg# Cocaaad, CpL S*m Tript, I*FC IH«W W»ttri «ad Cpi. Anwony 8«BMatHK. SoMQers are nwuibera of " C Company, t^niJ Armored Infantry Battalion, tod Armored Di­vision. Katber Cocoxtl Is maktac advaiaced atudtea In Kotra. K»*Jwr Sullivan b on special

aasignment wi th the ? i ewi Service,

Rites Conducted 6 Rochesterians Meet In For Pic. M&le Rome Club During Holidays

Funeral services for Pic Rob­ert L Male, killed in action in

Jufj Korea, Jy 29.

jeans since lhe> left I hen-Ail the hoys got to stae tlie

Holy Father, too. but »tnot> he had more Urno VVattel roauio it twice.

Oratoricals Set Tonight by Legion

Two priests from the Diocese of Rochester had a holiday 1930 \vere~heiti meeting with four Army boys from tnis city ni the NCCS-

irom the iunerai pariprs of operated USO Club, the American Catholic Club In Rome on Joseph J. Buckley and at Holy Jan. 2. " ' _" ' Rosary Church, Saturday, Jan. 5 \ n the O u b juat down the for Steil> to visit reiatKes they

Son of Mr. artfl Mrs. Charles E. gtrec. from St Peter's Basilica, had never seen and to SH*? the Male of 539 Augustine S t . Prt- the gix Rochesterians got to- native homes of their parent*, vate Male was Orst reported gether to compare notes and to Tripl went to Va'lguorrtera near missing in action In August. 1950 swap stories of home, according Catania Suttera to Fervati near but II wajs not until la$t month to a dispatch from Rome Agrigento and fvansone to Trr-that his parents were notified All the Army boys are In th* mini lmerese a short ciisiatu-e by the Defense Department that s a m e outltt, "C" Company. 42nd outsldo Palermo They all found he was dead. Armored Iniantry Battalion of many more cousins than they

Besides his parents he Is sur the Second Armored Division, ever dreamed they had and got vived by fl\c brothers. Lawre-nce, They had gone to Italy lor great kicks out of seeing their Donald, Charles Jr. Wllltam and Christmas furlough. parents birthplaces, not too John; three sisters. Alberta and TXiE Y^-Q | . R I E S T 8 are t h * < # r e * U > ^ k ^ C * * 1 Jn. t h f 4 0 o r w

Mary M*le and Mrs. MUdrcd Fox, Rey imusph J. Sullivan, NCVVt* and one nephew. all of Rochester ^ e w , Service Correspondent, on Bearera vverc James, Michael and saeciai assignment in that work Jerry Walsh; Arthur. Robert and ^a the Rem George Coctnoi who Lawrenc* Ino. . t^ studying Canon Law at the

Solemn Mass of Requiem was Gregorian University in Rome, celebrated by Rev Paul G. Wohl- The soldiers are CpL Smm But-rab assisted by Rev. James J. tera, 147 Hlllcrest St.. Cpl. Sana Marvin, deacon, and the Rev, 'TrlpL 185 HlBcrest 8 t _ both of Elmer J . McDonald, subdeacon. Annunciation parish; Pfc. Dav-ld

Interment w a s In the Soldiers iWatte!. 64 Nelson S t , Bleaaed and Sailors Plot, Holy Sepulchre j Sacrament parish and CpL An-Cemetery where Father MeDon.' Usony Sanaoae, 530 Central Park, | Annual Oratorical C o n t e a t aid gave the final bleaslng. Mill-.St. Francis Xavler Pariah. .sponsored by the Monroe County tary services a t the grave side I Drafted on t h e aame dsy In • American Legion will b e held were conducted by the Monroe November. X950, they've been to-; this evening, Jsn. 11. a t 8:00 County American Legion Honor' gether every minute since In the , p. m. In the small hall ot the Q U a n L I service and they say there are j Chamber of Commerce. The pub-

0 (many more Rochester and Buf i l c is Invited to attend. U B E B T Y I 1 * 1 0 '"y* Jn t h e i r o u t i l t - I Three County schools wi l l , be

Liberty Is always dangerous. I WATTKL SPENT several days represented. Hilton C a n i f a l . but It is the safest thing we seeing Rome quite, thoroughly Pittsford Central, and Brockport fcave.— Fosdlck. while the other boys all headed Central High School. C i t y

' schools will be Our I-ady of Mercy, Nazareth Academy. Edi­son Technical. East, and Aqulnai Institute.

t'halrman of the contest Is Thomas J Craig Jr and (he judges w.i!I be Judge Thomas J MeaRher, Children's Court, R/-v John P O'Meara. ( S B , deo.i of St. John f i sher CnUejre. and Prof Richard Kennedy of the English Department of the L'nt VPTSH> of Rothester.

JOA'TESTANTK will compete for 1st.-2nd. and 3rd casii prtz-es The witirn»r of the Monroe Co'inty Contest wl'.l r^presen' Roihi^f^r In the Arneri.-an Le &lon District finals which wi.l be held on either Veh. 10 or 17 The loratlon of the finals will be announced at a later date.

Theme for 'he orations will be ' the Constitution of the I'nt'ed States. Facul'v and st i-dents from all city and coan'v high schools have been lnvitrd.

16,864 Pilgrims Make Holy Year Tour By Bm

A total of 16.Hfll p i l g r i m * in t h * Roches ter a r e a m a d e the 1 9 5 1 H o l y Y e a r p i l g r i m a g e to t h e four c h u r c h e s des ig ­nated by H i s Kxce l l ency B i s h o p Kearney , u s ing 397 b u s e s a c c o r d i n e t o Will iam A . L a n g , vice p r e s i d e n t of Roches ter rransportnt ion Corporat ion .

B l e s s e d S a c r a m e n t parish with 2 6 b u s e s and 1.092 pil­gr ims led t h e groups . P i l g r i m a g e s m a d e b y automobi les or on f o o t increased the to ta l n u m b e r bttt no record was kept of t h e s e . <- -

T n e b u s report f o l l o w s :

Parish Blessed Sa*ramcnt 8t- Monica 8t Ambrose Sacred lleart . Moty Family Holy Cross . . 8t. Joseph . . . 8 t John the EvancelKt Si. James St Andrews St. Mlehael . Our Lady of Perpetual Help Our Lady of (lood < onn^'l S t Josaphat . . . St Francis of A«WI St. BrWiiet Immarulate (onefptlon St < Iwrles Borreroeo

Holy Rosary S t Anthony of Padua St Boniface St. Augustine S t Peter and Paul Our Mother of Sorrows Corpus Chrtoti St. Helen S t Stanislaus Holy Apostles St. Patrick St- Theodore St. Jerome (East Rochester I Holy Redeemer St- Salome Owr Lady of ML Carmel St. Thomas Knights of St John St. Anne St- Margaret Mary St- Lucy St. CeeiBs S t . Phttip Neri St . John the Evangeust (Or-en-cei Church o f the Annunciation S t . George ©nr l a d y of Vtotory BotS" .Trinity (Webster) Most Prec-lous Blood . Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic WoraenV Clab Sfc. Mary of the Lake (Ontario* S t . Mary , Nazareth CoBeate Krase*—«L Mary's BotpKal . . Newman t tab— f s ^ w s f l y of Bo*-fc* s er t eUU Buses Total Pilgrims

Ruses F .. . 2«

21 . 1 9 . 21

i « . 15

15 . . . . 12

12 .. 10

. . . 11 . . . 11

. 11 . . . . 10

9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7

. . . . 8 . . . . 7

7 7

. . . 6 S 5 5

. .. a

. ." 5 <

. . 4 . . . 4 . . . . 4

4 3 4

. 3 2

. . t « *l *> 1 1

. . 1 1

. 1 1 1/

ilgrtans 1892 K95 827 814 78fl 1W «73 310 443 488 477 479 416 410 402 400 350 S3* 332 327 324 808 305 303 302 286 2GG 266 256 250 233 22S 218 198 19fi 183 182 161 149 133 138 117

m 91 91 83 79

m 43 44 40 39 2S 20

397 lS^W

West Webster HNS To Sponsor Dance

Holy Name Sorjety of- S» Rita R Church, West Wehsier will sponsor a series <sf dancea, ro«md and square, tt was an nouncrd by PreskJent William K O'Brien

Jkh^duled lo open Saturday Jan 12. the series «.li! be h<*>d In the rwwly remodeled -Barn'' on the churrh property Chairman of the dance committee Is John >fa<ii(j.

Otb*r dances arp scheduled for Jan 26. Feb 9 26 and St Pat rick's Day, March 17.

]ohn Fisher Club To Honor Father Nolan

Th* Rev William F. Nolan, as­sistant paistoT of the PYo-Cathpd-

Sral of the Hatred Heart will bp 'gu*»st of rtosor of the St. John Fisher Club Thursday, Jan 17. GcjraM Barrett, a Wctoster attor­

ney , wfll b» gocst speaker. Father Nolan, wfus served a s

a chaplain In the Navy an*i tiaw duty tn the P-scilfc diesgriivg World War 2. has been recalled into serviee.

A program of miertaiwRen* arra«ged by • ehio rr»«mb«rs «dJ1

.follow the dltroer. During the !evesrfng tfeg goggla wSll selwrtrsfac c a n * i a t e s for Queen of the Sw-fethtfart Datnse scheduled for

1 Feteruarj.



LAW Receipts are VOTES! Ktip ColUcting


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ta tka kMtnMSMt t*4 • * • kw ICA riosf Frf«MM« MoitlttiM l i e ItWrt tk« WMS, tMwa st ktt satt tsrss i tt* ""SSUM TSfstt* Ma* mt*m. It is (••• that dH«M|«« "is

17-1NCH PICTUM T\JII . . . WWKHrt • doobi ths nnaif, b«it a«if*nsbt| tslmllH* you ess e*t. In thii ntw Imtruwtfd KA Victor Q\V% you many txtnu f*r Iwlttf p4T* fomancs. Tha enioynwinl • ! tsltvtilm |i la-comporobly odvonwd by Ihsis ntwsii Vk-lor snotnesfina ochlavtmsall, "45 AldS-mutlc iscord Chantir" li ftmRAf ntw nWtr at cvtry turn* tt pflsrt mora t l «vftr|rtnlllt you want In ntnlw) r«tr«4tcHi«l. flWf cablnttry Is tusarbly raflsctMl tfl tit* fWMfi* ln§ Itlttn • » • chsrmlnf lawks? tfttit*,


infliilC rrK#ftOi#wWr|li. v

• I7*in4h


txtra Low Pricesl Extra Special $m/tn§*t


Cheerful, xastful coffee, mellow and rich in flavor . . . the milder blend. H'« Lofckrwt btg< g«$t seller. A sparkling good coffM Of a miflfify tow price tlth week!

P O U N D L T l i b , -JPOUND$ B A G t l M * J m SAG

1A.CM rv^ l ajs«€ Uis snTii <M IfMt AW «*Aiei

•» ai s^ i a-e^sisMi fcsM eleMisMsytl"'M,'ie^¥isl*'i'i'st"'Tili'ie^isNi *~mum& .a-#"


i]r n P C P II r r

TELEVISI whteh will b* 1«ii*lb«i In mtk

preptr Amount' of \Mb\m m*ty&*&^

Inttftittd Khool grovo, I I K * • • parent mm* \ trHi»fjfWlwnHyoffxirJrt»fKtfhflIn»K»»kiB,

wnwfftn ilfe? r#Hf» infirtrps wwjr IWP a n imp ^v -« - - - - - - -.,—-- --.» • - • fa i l iiifcfiJj "•J•J ^-t1"-^ -aW Mil dUi*^J&»4 M M A i M gn^JIkjiiii^ . lwe^if^:

aff.lllfS| w|fw' ^pifllRp fw aiff arwww^^|^».;,:lf.ftIf ^^mm ^J^I^^^^Q, * a^y|'*jLktf %'i Aal^jf^ Mia klsMt^vtm t^m tiM#Mt -jL n\£?m-M&¥ r^y^L* .M^M ^yy^^^n--

rvgtiiff reeetyss* cwnrrattrr* fw TfJffi> ^ w f f f T i i t m w f , wp^na •dllttf l SfWf' I t * 1»w Wt 4Kfwf pSMMRf $ %Wftttfl'.*»?#ipiW--i PJ iPeWi'l •f)VBi IP PUP W I i

OOnliallon CKW* wp lo (hi r « g y M amount of voHi, yovf Kn*«l r*c»rVP« ' fhp HCA. llWJJllfOIl,, Tilt^fJp|j»Flp«ipfWl|>iv

ytar'i wrvice, o\ np co»f.



HMMMMMiMkaMirtii i ^

fADIAWC !71ADin& DDl\T.UrV LUDLAWO rLURlUA rKUUUlEi MMnswMiiMMnn)rtiiaMMIliM|w

AI/ rr*tii«f*fcfc4rtf oriel ciiitcMWgjt# *» H'WiWi; fr»»n

Flo*"Wo*f f unny Oofrf«niJ

T*«4*f OtHH Pf W AX


ggc. 3^D$2 05


Product ef a brilliant refinemenT in bivnding fine coffee for satisfying, full-bodied flavor. A gracious coffee, a luxury coffee. And you save greatly on each pound this week.




The delight erf goormtts ond the finest «wp of coffee yw've wr modp. Full ftovor tbcrts P X -qtetely wnooth. Try M* extra fine coffee ot thb week's extra tew P"**' ^^

-, I A G 1

2-39 CELERY CABBAGE. W . . . . S :



hutcY lone PHPI ^ei •?*» Br




MevMr LaMir Pitees




ewfw> wws et'pe


ef 4 17 C


•t^elfeV. Uiflkee VMel



35' •MiaiMNaMMA^iaiiMiMiSiSWM^^


Stamfing RIB ROAST . . ^ mm



mmM&imsmsti&rM ,T-S«> «^^^ .p?H#^f?S*41,S5*t1^^*


