Volume 66 Issue 3


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  • 8/3/2019 Volume 66 Issue 3


    LEE CLARIONA L E E U N I V E R S I T Y S T U D E N T P U B L I C AT I O NVolume 66, Issue 3 octboer 6, 2011Lee hosts2011 ACBSPconerence

    Lee Universiy os-ed e 2011 Accredia-ion Council o BusinessScools and ProgramsSoueasern CouncilRegion ree Coner-ence.

    is is Lees irs con-erence eld or Regionree, e larges o e10 regions in e ACBSP,wic broug in 150 a-endees.

    TKO stillstands despiteear o losing

    charterLee Universiy Greekclub au Kappa Omega wasrecenly in danger o losingis carer, and, ereore, iwas also in danger o ceas-ing o exis as a club.

    However, anks oKO Presiden JonnieHomans eors, e clubas now reaced e eig-suden requiremen or eall semeser.

    Friday night

    sports gamese Lee Universiy

    soccer and volleyballeams will ave gamesFriday, Oc. 8.

    Ceck LeeClarion.comon Sunday, Oc. 10 orscores, igligs, gamerecaps, and previews.



    Charlotte Center

    Golf Tournament

    @ 8 a.m.







    Pi Kappa Pis


    Alumni Park

    @ 7 p.m.

    U-Church: Ravi


    Conn Center

    @ 7:30 p.m.

    Senior Recital:

    Jessica Quiones

    Squires Recitall Hall

    @ 6 p.m.

    SLCs 3D

    Mayeld Commons

    @ 5 p.m.

    Intramural Softball


    Souther Field

    @ 7 p.m.

    Our goal is o elp rebuild osesrucures so a ey can go back osome orm o normalcy and be rainedand equipped or e uure.Debora Page

    Secreary o e Campus Pasor

    Missions Week to rebuild Haitian church

    Girls GolGarners GreatGPAs

    By Jessilyn JusticeNews Editorjessilyn.justice@leeclarion.com

    A Haiian ocused DeeLavender Missions Week is

    sceduled or Oc. 24-28.e wis is year is a

    missions week will be os-ed in conjuncion wi eCouncil o RevoluionaryEndeavors Jusice Week.

    CORE is comprised oInernaional Jusice Mis-sion, World Vision AC:Sand Invisible Cildren.

    IJM Presiden and juniorVicoria Snyder said ase is excied abou e woworking ogeer.

    Jusice week, in con- juncion wi missionsweek, is e perec way o

    unie wo relaed causes:Gods call o miniser o elos and uring as well as orig e social injusice ais so prevalen in our world,Snyder said.

    Missions week will re- volve around e pysi-cal rebuilding o LaSalineCurc in Por-au-Prince,Haii, wic was desroyedin e 2009 earquake. Jus-ice week, in urn, will ocuson e uman rigs aspec

    a rebuilding e curcwould produce.

    Secreary o e Campus

    Pasor Debora Page paric-ipaes in e missions weekcommiee a as plannede evens or e pas sev-eral years.

    Page described e im-

    porance o e projec be-cause o e role a ecurces ave eld in Haii.

    e curces in Haii ave [previously] provid-ed educaion and medicalrelie o e people, and ecurces were desroyed,

    Page said. Our goal is oelp rebuild ose srucuresso a ey can go back o

    some orm o normalcy andbe rained and equipped ore uure.

    e resoraion o ecurc would ulill eneeds o e communiy,

    wic would saisy esocial jusice aspec o ecombinaion.

    IJM seeks o be eands and ee o Cris anduse e curren law sysemin e communiy o igor e rigs o ose aave been aken advanageo, Snyder said. We opee [LaSaline] curc de-sires o do a wiin eirown body o believers aswell as [go] ou ino ecommuniy and be commu-niy ransormers.

    oug e projec isspeciic o Haii, missionsweek is open o exibiorsrom across e globe.

    Exibiors are represen-aives rom various mis-sions organizaions looking

    o disseminae inormaionand recrui sudens orsummer rips, inernsipsand oer minisry oppor-uniies.

    By Sloane SkinnerContributing Writersloane.skinner@leeclarion.com

    e Lee Universiy wom-ens gol program is airly

    new o e scene, bu ey areaggressively making up oreir inexperience. Wi onlyree years under eir bels,e Lady Flames gol eamas proved o be compeiorson and o e course.

    e eam placed 10 ine spring 2011 Naional As-sociaion o InercollegiaeAleics Naional ourna-men. On op o a, eircumulaive eam grade poinaverage was 3.864, allowingem o grab e NAIA Na-ional Scolar eam o eYear as well as e 2010-2011Naional Gol Coaces As-sociaion All-Scolar eamGrade Poin Average Award.

    e All-Scolar eamAward includes bo NAIAand NCAA gol programs. Inoer words, e ladies ade iges GPA o any wom-ens eam in e counry. eLady Flames bea ou eamslike Xavier Universiy inOio, Universiy o Alabamaand Harvard Universiy inMassacuses.

    I knew ey ad a greaGPA, bu I didn ink iwould be suc a uge deal,Gol Coac Jon Maupin

    said. Balancing ime is ugebecause suden alees aveso lile o i. ey ave greaime managemen and orga-nizaion.

    Wen Maupin was iredin 2008, e worked aggres-sively o recrui players andbuild a womens eam. Cur-ren juniors Krisin Bourg,Celsea Rakesraw andSloane Skinner ave seen auge ransormaion sinceose ounding days. ecurren eam also includessopomores Geandra Al-meida and Courney Selon

    as well as resman MadisonAlexander.

    Suden alees generallyave a oug ask o andlingeir academics on e roadas ey compee in dierenournamens and saes. On

    Special Topics Class is Recognized or Cambodia Project

    By Megan GobbleStaff Writermegan.gobble@leeclarion.com

    A Special opics inBusiness class is currenlyworking on seven projecso elp creae a susainableeconomic sysem in Cam-bodia.

    e projecs were ini-ially presened a e Ac-crediaion Council oBusiness Scools and Pro-grams Soueasern Re-gion ree Conerence onSep. 22-24.

    Senior Lauren omp-son as been working one projecs since e classwas irs oered in January2010.

    We are working o alle-viae povery one amily aa ime roug susainableeconomic developmenmodels, Lauren omp-son said.

    e class creaed an in-egraed arm as a sourceo susainable income oamilies in Cambodia.

    e arm akes e ou-pu o every process anduses i as e inpu o e

    Business DeparmenCair Dewayne ompsonas speareaded e classesand projecs or several years.

    Our goal wi ese proj-ecs is o evangelize rougeconomical developmen,Dewayne ompson said.

    e class as a parner-sip wi People or Careand Learning as well as a loo suppor, especially rome people o Cambodia.

    Dewayne ompson andGuy DeLoac, assisan pro-essor o business, sared e

    special opics course aeraking a rip o Cambodiaa was sponsored by PCLin December 2009. Duringeir rip, ey saw a greaopporuniy or businesseducaion since mos o eeducaors were murderedduring e genocide 32 yearsago.

    54.3 percen o e popu-laion is under e age o 20because o e masacre, andey are being bired rome uneducaed generaiona was ere beore egenocide, Lauren omp-son said. Mos o em jus

    live day o day because eydo no undersand inancialeducaion and do no knowwa will appen o emomorrow.

    Aer DeLoac and De-wayne ompson experi-enced lie in Cambodia andsaw e need, ey cameback and recruied 13 su-dens o begin puing o-geer projecs o imple-men in Cambodia o elpinancially educae and cre-ae susainable income ore people o Cambodia.

    Sudens ave ad eopporuniy o go o Cam-bodia or a 10 day, wo week,six mon or 18 mon peri-od. e nex rip is expeced

    o leave in January 2012 or18 mons o elp wi einegraed arm.

    nex. One process wouldbegin wi aking e riceusks rom e crop, eed-ing em o e pigs, andevenually geing nuriensas an oucome o producemore crops.

    e arm is currenlybeing run by ree careak-ers.

    Anoer imporanprojec ey are workingon is commodiy lending.e purpose o is projecis o elp people in Cam-bodia wi inancial loanswiou currency becausecurrency is a oucy sub-

    jec. e class currenly asmade one loan and is look-ing or ways o improve

    and expand e projec.I see e class as an

    answer o prayer. I ave al-ways waned o ind a wayo inegrae mission workwi my major, and is is aperec i, senior RebeckaWason said. e class al-lows us o use everyingwe ave currenly beenaug in a very real andmoving way or e Cam-bodian people.


    Conns 25th

    pg. 6

    Photo courtesy o Missions Week Church o God liason Grady Murphy

    Photos courtesy o Missions Week Church o God liason Grady Murphy

    See GOLF on page 8

    See MISSIONS on page 3

    SHAKEN: The 2009 Haitian Earthquake left much of the country in disrepair. This years Mission Week and Justice Week will both

    focus on this nation.

  • 8/3/2019 Volume 66 Issue 3


    2 NEWS LEE CLARION | OctOber 6, 2011



    on campus

    On Saturday, Sept. 17, Lee

    University hosted the second

    annual Constitution Quiz Bowl

    in recognition of Constitu-

    tion Day, bringing to campus

    four local high schools. The

    quiz bowl was sponsored by

    Lees chapter of the Pi Sigma

    Alpha Political Science Honors


    Lee University students

    Heidi Bennett and Alyssa

    Harrell are the 2011 recipients

    of the Payne Scholarship that

    was presented on Sept. 22 by

    Lee President Paul Conn dur-

    ing a chapel service.

    Lee University and the

    Hunter Museum of American

    Art are proud to announce

    that this season of String

    Theory will open with the

    Chamber Music Society of

    Lincoln Center.

    Lee University student Matt

    Ray was the recipient of the

    2011 Crosby Scholarship that

    was presented by Lee President

    Paul Conn on Sept. 22 during a

    chapel service.

    On Wednesday, Oct.5,

    through Friday, Oct. 7, Lee

    Universitys Department of

    Business hosted Gianpaolo

    Abatecola, a member of the

    faculty of economics of Tor

    Vergata University in Rome,



    The Lee Clarion is a

    student-produced and


    publication o Lee

    University in Cleveland,



    Richard Yeakley


    Jessilyn Justice


    Meagan Bateman


    Zach Southard


    Kelsie Bowman


    Christina Techentin


    Lance Buchanan


    Jamie Caulk


    Lauren Carroll


    Dr. Rebecca Brinkmann

    2011 Lee University

    Student Media

    All opinions expressedherein are those o the

    author and do notnecessarily refect the

    views o Lee University orthe Church o God.

    P.O. Box 3450

    Cleveland, Tenn. 37320letters@leeclarion.com


    Brown wins contest or poetry book

    By Kelsie BowmanCopy Editorkelsie.bowman@leeclarion.com

    Associae proessor o Englis andpoe Kevin Brown recenly won eSpli Oak Press Capbook cones oris book, Holy Days: Poems.

    Brown said a in order o gemos books o poery publised, ebooks need o be enered in and,opeully, win a cones o some kind.us, e submied is book o 5-10coness las spring only o become ainalis in some o em.

    as e rusraing par o eprocess, Brown said. Is wen youknow youre close, bu [youre noquie ere ye].

    Early in Sepember, owever,Brown received e news a Holy

    Days: Poems ad won irs place inis paricular Spli Oak Press cones.

    Brown wroe e poems wiin ebook wo years ago wen e ook on

    a projec o wrie one poem every day.o complee is ask, e ollowed eliurgical calendar, using a sain o in-

    spire eac poem.He said a some days, especially

    e more well-known oly days sucas Crismas and Easer, were morecallenging an oers, bu usingis inenional meod o wriingwas more producive an waiing orinspiraion o come on is own.

    I only wrie wen I am inspired.Forunaely, I am inspired a 9 oclockevery morning, Brown said o quoeAmerican auor William Faulkner.

    I given e coice beween wri-ing and eacing, Brown said a ewould coose eacing every ime,oug e admied a o give upwriing would be like copping o a

    limb.eacing is wo I am a my core,

    Brown said. Wriing is wa I dowell.

    Wile Brown does no oen bringis own poery ino is classroom,e does implemen some o e ec-

    niques a elp im in is own wri-ing. For example, is sudens areoen assigned wriing exercises romeir books in order o pracice inen-ionaliy in eir wriing.

    Brown also alks o is sudensabou ow is own wriing projecsare going. In is way, Brown said,e sudens know a wa ey arelearning is no jus eoreical; eycan acually pu i ino pracice.

    Some o Browns sudens appre-ciae a ey are learning rom anaward-winning and publised proes-sor.

    Wa es eacing me, I knowey are good ings, and I can use

    em wen I wrie, Englis lieraureand wriing major Kim McDuiesaid.

    McDuie joked a se as now

    compleed a minor in Brown be-cause se as aken 18 ours o class-es wi im since beginning er ime

    a Lee.Englis lieraure major Neil

    Cooney also ook classes wi Brownand said a is own wriing was in-luenced by e proessor wile akingis poery class.

    Poery is a orm o wriing wereevery single word is imporan,Cooney explained. e aeniona [Brown] gives o every deail iselpul.

    Oer an e award rom eSpli Oak Press, Brown also recenlyreceived e award or Excellence inAdvising las May. In response oese recogniions, e admis a enever expeced o be were e is o-

    day.I is umbling, Brown said. I

    reminds me a I am doing exaclywa I sould be doing.

    SodexoDining Services


    Squires Library, Scool o Religionand e Ma and Science Complex.ake advanage o ese convenienlocaions by adding declining balancedollars o your Lee ID card.

    We are dedicaed o consanly im-proving our services. is semeser,alone, we ave added new iems andprograms a e dining all. We opeyou can join us or Dinner and a MovieNig, ried cicken on a Wednesdayevery mon, Hispanic Heriage Cel-ebraion, Fall Harves is Ocober,and La Famiglia and Naive AmericanHeriage Celebraion in November.

    ere are many new and exciingings appening wi Dining Servic-es is year. I you wan o know moreabou our special dining all evens,ave commens or wan o see wa ison e menu or oday, like us on ace-book a www.acebook.com/LeeD-ining. You can also email your com-mens o dining@leeuniversiy.edu.

    We ope o enric your dining ex-perience by making i bo evenuland enjoyable.

    eac morning. For lunc and dinner,e dining all oers avories suc aslasagna rom our classics saion. I alsooers mouwaering o pizza, madeo order deli sandwices, and an Iner-naional Saion were a ce preparessizzling enic dises rig beore youreyes.

    We also eaure a pasa plaorm wia complee meal; laming car-grilledburgers, grilled ceese sandwices andries a e grille; soup and salad as wellas a wide selecion o desers.

    Looking o avoid e resman ieenand sar e scool year o on e rigoo wi a ealy die? You can indoods a are low in sauraed a, low insodium, wea ree, soy ree, dairy reeand nu ree a Deacon Jones DiningHall. ere are many new, creaive andlavorul iems is semeser, so be sureo ceck i ou.

    We ave muliple reail dining loca-ions across campus o provide ood andbeverages a e places you mos oenvisi and sudy, including e Paul ConnSuden Union, Humaniies Building,

    Food For Tought From Sodexo

    Hello Lee communiy!is is Amanda Sokes,Lee Dinings ExecuiveCe. Im always esingnew dises, rying newoods and looking or enex grea dis or you.

    is semeser, Ill be saring my culinaryadvenures. Youll ge a sneak peek inowas on e orizon as well as somebeind e scenes acion o ow your a-vorie new dises ge o your plae.

    I would like o begin is series o ar-icles by welcoming you o our dining

    services program. On beal o your

    Dining Services eam, we would like owelcome back all o e reurning su-dens. I you are a irs semeser res-man or ranser suden, we look or-ward o building lasing relaionsips.We ope a by now you are seledino a rouine or is semeser, and wewould like o inroduce you o our din-ing services program.

    Deacon Jones Dining Hall is e maindining aciliy ere a Lee Universiy. Ae dining all, we sar e morningwi Breakas Made o Order wereMargie Crisp, our breakas cook, knowswo likes eir eggs cooked over-easy

    Lee Clarion Photo by Kelsie Bowman

  • 8/3/2019 Volume 66 Issue 3


    NEWS 3OctOber 6, 2011 | LEE CLARION


    Research becomes easier with new library databaseBy Brandon LancasterStaff Writerbrandon.lancaster@leeclarion.com

    e William G. Squires Library is expec-ed o undergo canges is all regarding eway a sudens conduc researc via onlinedaabases.

    Diee Ward, insrucion/elecronic re-sources librarian, gave deails on e up-coming canges, wic will direc e iniialseps o researc o a searc engine similar oGoogle.

    A searc bar a can be accessed any-were a ere is Inerne will allow some-

    one o searc any conen a e libraryas [a is] relaed o e subjec, Ward ex-plained.

    Currenly, e library as over 80 subscrip-ions o journal and e-book daabases a areavailable or sudens o si roug or re-searc maerial.

    Wen a suden is researcing, e or semus comb roug daabases o explore allsources possible. e researc process can beime consuming, so sudens are excied ore canges.

    Junior Maew Diaz works a e libraryand is looking orward o e proposed ease

    o e new sysem.I love e library, and I always use is

    sources, bu I always ave rouble indingexacly wa I need, Diaz said. is newsearc program will allow me o ind every-ing I need a a aser pace. I am so excied.

    e library is preparing o load a new ag-gregaor a will searc every book, e-book,

    journal and more all a once. e process willallow all resuls a are caaloged o sow upin one single searc.

    Is almos like aving Google, bu [is]speciically or library maerial, Ward said.

    Anoer upgrade will allow or an insan

    messaging eaure on e main searc pagea will permi you o IM a librarian wiouleaving e page.

    e new program is close o compleionbu sill needs a ew weaks, and aculy andsudens are currenly esing e prooype.

    Ward is coniden a e program willbe up by e end o is semeser, bu se isopeul a i could be oicially launced ine nex ew weeks.

    Library employee and Lee junior RoberMiskell expressed is aiude owards ecanges in ree simple words, I can wai.

    By Richard YeakleyManaging Editorrichard.yeakley@leeclarion.com

    Lee Universiy is a sae campus, according o e2011 Clery Ac Annual Securiy Repor.

    e repor, wic was released by Lee UniversiyCampus Saey on Friday, Sep. 30, 2011, boass a

    very small number o on-campus crimes.According o e 2011 repor, Lee was e sie o

    26 repored crimes, including only one burglary andno assauls.

    e Clery Ac requires all colleges and universi-ies a accep ederal money o implemen pracicesregarding campus saey, and e annual repor, re-leased yearly by Oc. 1, is one o ese requiremens.

    is years repor sows a drop in burglary anddrug law violaions on Lees campus.

    In an inerview wi e Lee Clarion in Ocober2010, Asley Mew, direcor o campus saey, indi-caed a aloug e goal was o ave no crimes oncampus, e ac a Lee was an open campus mademainaining saey more diicul.

    I is e responsibiliy o all sudens and sa oassis Campus Saey oicers and e Cleveland Po-lice Deparmen by keeping a proecive eye on cam-pus, Mew said.

    Represenaives rom Curco God World Missions, WyclieBible ranslaors, Resavek Free-

    dom Foundaion, People or Careand Learning, Forever Love andmore will make emselves aome in e Paul Conn SudenUnion eac day o give sudensan opporuniy o learn moreabou wa ey can do o ulille Grea Commission.

    A a proessors reques, exib-iors may ind emselves in rono a classroom, saring wi su-dens e opporuniies a Godas given em.

    Missions week as been u-eled by suden involvemen,and Campus Minisries, alongwi a missions week commiee,

    wans e ire o coninue o burnbrigly.

    e majoriy o e iniialunds are derived rom creaingand selling a sir a beneise projec.

    Campus Pasor Jimmy Harp-er olds responsibiliy or eeven and says a unds raisedroug e -sirs are e ig-es eyve been in our years, ri-

    valing e sirs o e missionsweek a was devoed o raisingmoney or an orpanage in Nica-ragua.

    A rip o e curc sie is alsoplanned or sudens wo wis osee eir donaions in acion.

    Sceduled or May 6-17, 2012,e rip will ake 16 sudens oPor-au-Prince o aid in e re-building process and serve wiResavek Freedom Foundaion.

    Joan and Ray Conn oundedResavek in 2006 o acively workoward puing an end o cildslavery in Haii.

    Harper said a rip parici-pans will ave e opporuniyo sojourn o e Resavek baseand work wi e Conns as eyminiser o ose currenly andormerly bound in slavery.

    Priced a $3542, e rip iswa Harper described as e

    bes value is summer.Page said a e rip cos

    is equivalen o wa a sudenwould normally pay or uiionalone, bu e $3542 includes ev-erying rom ransporaion olodging and ood.

    e rip includes seven crediours. ree are in compuer in-ormaion science, ree are ora religion class abou e curcand social problems, and one isor e global perspecives credi.In addiion, e rip boass 20service-learning ours.

    I ink is imporan or uso ave a rip so sudens can seewa ey are giving o [wen

    ey give o missions week],Harper said.

    e dollars will be doubledanks o e Lazarus Founda-ion, wic as pledged macingunds. e Lazarus Foundaionas aided in years pas, paricu-larly wi e Nigeria projec,wic ad a inal conribuiona oalled well over $30,000.

    Hosed annually since 1990,missions week evens ave acu-ally occured across campus since1941.

    In 1991, missions week wasdubbed Dee Lavender MissionsWeek o commemorae iner-

    culural sudies program sudenDee Lavender, 21, aer se diedin minisry in Panama.

    Six days beore er dea, Lav-ender wroe in er journal, I Ican only inis e work Godgives me o do, en my lie willbe complee.

    Dee will never be orgoen,Harper said. Her minisry andesimony sall live on aer er.

    Lavenders legacy coninues orive as sudens are remindedo er conribuion roug mis-sions week.

    MissionsContinued rom page 1

    By Rachel DelvauxStaff Writerrachel.delvaux@leeclarion.com

    Mos o us enjoy raveling.Am I rig?e busle in airpors,

    exuberan lig aendansand, o course, e desina-ion a awais us old resaromas, images and peoplea oen capivae us.

    In Soueas Asia, ow-ever, many ravelers are nomere ouriss or business-men; i as been ounda an increasing number

    o cild sex ouriss, our-iss wo ravel o dierencounries solely o exploicildren, ave been acivein Soueas Asian counriessuc as ailand, Laos andCambodia.

    oug booming ourismcan bring abou economic

    prosperiy, i also brings wii e risk o cild sex ourissabusing cildren, wic inurn, emoionally endangersese kids or e res o eirlives.

    Mos o e exploiers areadul men wo are ravel-ing on business or vacaion,wile oer exploiers spe-ciically designae eir rav-eling as a sex our.

    One mig ask ow sucexploiaion can appen.Wa makes speciic cil-dren become e vicims ocild sex ouriss?

    An obvious answer wouldbe cildren wo are povery-sricken a live on e sreeeier because ey ave noome or ey ave run awayrom ome.

    ese cildren speciical-ly are in dire need o money,

    someing wic ese our-iss can oer em. And un-like e sereoypical Ameri-can moer wo religiouslycares or er cild, parensin oer culures, like osein Soueas Asia, underesi-mae e risks a eir kidsace, making ousands ocildren vulnerable o vic-imizaion.

    In addiion, some cildsex ouriss can gain accessonline o cildren ey in-end o vicimize, urerincreasing e danger o cil-dren being vicimized.

    World Vision, an organi-zaion dedicaed o e be-ermen o cildren arounde world, suggesed allow-ing ouriss o enroll in aCild-Sae ourism pro-gram were ouriss wouldkeep an eye on cildrens

    saey wile ey ravel.oug e eliminaion

    o e exploiaion o cil-dren is ar more complexan simply asking ouriss owac ou or cildren, is iscerainly a sar in e rigdirecion.

    Las week e Councilo Revoluionary Endeav-ors, wic regularly meeson uesdays a 8 p.m. in eMayield Annex, gaeredogeer o call our senaorso sow our suppor o eraicking Vicims Proec-ion Reauorizaion Ac.

    is bill, i passed, wouldallow e U.S. governmeno prosecue Americans liv-ing overseas wo exploicildren. oug e billexpired on Sep. 30, 2011,wic means a Americanscanno call or wrie senaors

    or represenaives in sup-por anymore, e bill is cur-renly awaiing a decisionrom Congress. We opea cild sex ourism and allorms o uman raickingcan be somewa abolisedin e near uure.

    Being an advocae or ebill, I si ere groaning oris bill o pass. I pray aCongress as e vision olook pas Americas deb osee a uman lives are oar more wor an moneycould ever be.

    oug Americans canno longer call senaors andrepresenaives in suppor,we, e suden body, canconinue o pray o e Onewo, along wi us, weeps orese cildren and longs ore complee eliminaion ouman raicking.


    2011 Clery Act Released

    Photo courtesy o Missions Week Church o God liason Grady Murphy

  • 8/3/2019 Volume 66 Issue 3


    4 LIFE LEE CLARION | OctOber 6, 2011

    Jerad Wilcox

    Clark Medlin

    Deanna Middleton

    Timilehin Abiade

    Audrey Jackson

    Michael Young

    CENTSMY2What excites

    you aboutFall?

    Whats the


    Submit story ideas at


    Do you know the Hot Dog Man?

    Gray publishes bookabout Chinese culture

    By Jordan DavisStaff Writerjordan.davis@leeclarion.com

    Larry Cillinsky knows ow omake a mean o dog.

    Cillinsky, owner o e irs andonly o dog sand in Cleveland, asbeen selling o dogs o bo eCleveland and Lee communiies orquie a wile.

    I am e ounder o o dog land,Cillinsky said, speaking o ow isis e only o dog sand in e com-muniy.

    Is ard o miss Cillinskys sandwic is locaed nex o e BradleyCouny Courouse in downownCleveland. He is always sanding,never siing, and e is always readyo ake a lunc order. ere is usuallya small crowd surrounding im as emakes eac order, greeing every cus-omer wi a wide and riendly smile.

    I enjoy sopping by e o dogsand or lunc wi my riends,senior public relaions major KayleeFindlay said. You can ind a beero dog.

    Due o e large number o Leesudens a sop o order a o dogrom Cillinskys sand, Cillinskysaid a e is considering seing upis car a e baseball games on cam-pus as well.

    Cillinsky said a e irsoug o e business idea or eo dog sand wen e came acrosse o dog car a a sales equipmensore.

    Cillinsky as now owned is o

    dog sand or our years and as buil

    e business compleely rom scrac.I ave always been ineresed in

    being an enrepreneur, Cillinskysaid.

    Cillinsky irs began is o dogbusiness in Caanooga beore e

    made e decision o move and re-locae is o dog sand o Clevelandbecause o e beer cusomer base.He was convinced a is selec-ion o premium oods made wiall naural ingrediens would appealo Clevelands young college crowd,downown business owners, cour-ouse employees and e local pedes-

    rians and visiors o e ciy.However, owning a o dog sand

    is no Cillinskys only business; e isalso a mobile disc jockey on e side.

    Ho dog vendor by day and mobileDJ by nig, Cillinsky is a man wi

    many obbies. He also sells video ar-cade games and played a par in de-signing e local laser ag course inCleveland, wic e adverises orregularly.

    I remains a wile Cillinsky isknown or many ings in own, e isespecially recognized as Clevelandso dog man.

    Wi a consisen line o cusom-ers railing along e downown side-walk, Cillinskys o dogs seem obe e prime coice or a quick luncor a busy crowd. His sand oersall-bee o dogs wi only res in-

    grediens o is cusomers. e mospopular iem, Cillinsky said, is elunc special, wic includes a odog, cips and a drink or $3.

    Sudens and communiy mem-bers alike can sop by and order a odog rom Cillinsky beween 11 a.m.and 3 p.m. on Monday roug Fri-day.

    By Emily DayColumnistemily.day@leeclarion.com

    Dear Lee,I is crazy owmuc can appen in a ma-

    er o weeks. e las imewe alked, I illed you in onsome o my advenures dur-ing my irs mon a LeeUniversiy. I sared some omy sories, some o wicwere awesome, wile oerswere embarrassing. I also in-roduced you o some o mynew avorie people.

    In is column, I wan oalk abou riendsips andirs impressions.

    I was umbled is weekby e knowledge a myirs impressions o mospeople are generally o.

    Some o e beer riendsa I ave now were peoplea I was inimidaed by airs. I oug a some oem wouldn wan anyingo do wi me. In regards ooers, wo I oug eywere wen I irs me emis compleely dieren anwo I know em o be now.

    I can remember sandingin line o move ino SimmonsHall on Aug. 18. I was ere,wile I was sanding beinda all, blonde girl, a I mademy irs premaure assump-ion abou someone ere.is all, blonde girl didnsay anying a e ime, soI was convinced a sewasn riendly. I ad o makea decision; I could sand ine ea by mysel and eelnervous, or I could pusaside my ears and say ello.I am so glad a I cose esecond opion.

    Se urned ou o be suca swee girl. We alked andlauged and sared eelingso nervousness and anxieyabou e days and weeksaead. Se is now a riendlyace I see walking rom classo class.

    I also ad a wrong irsimpression o a girl a livesdown e all rom me. Everyime I saw er, I was in awe oer conidence and ougoingpersonaliy. I was insanlyinimidaed, and I decideda I wasn cool enoug obe er riend. We ended upaving a class ogeer, andse approaced me one day.We alked or a long ime,and I realized jus ow mucwe ad in common.

    You would ink a a-er ese similar insances,I would sop assuming be-ore knowing. However, awasn e case. I made yeanoer assumpion. isime i was abou a guy.

    My roommae and I me aguy, and we quickly becameriends wi im. I wasard no o be pulled in byis riendly personaliy andgrea sense o umor. As eweeks wen on, we noiced

    jus ow riendly e was.He was no only is riendlywi us, bu i appeared ae was is way wi everygirl on campus. Las week,aer no seeing im or awile, we all decided o geogeer. As e sared abouow diicul e pas coupleo weeks ad been or im, Isaw ow wrong I was or eirs ime. I so quickly labeledim a lir beore I ad acance o really ge o knowim o see a e is a personwi e same insecuriiesabou relaionsips as any-

    one else, including mysel.Even now, I am becom-

    ing more aware o ow easyi is o label someone duringa irs impression a urnsou o be compleely and u-erly wrong.

    I love all o my Simmonssisers. I love a we enjoybeing ogeer so muc awe plan sponaneous rips oCaanooga o go o a kara-oke grill, and I love wen wei e waerside aerward odo some dancing. I love a Ieel sae enoug o be oneswi em. I can explain o

    you ow muc joy I receiverom walking down e alland sopping in e doorwayo eac girls dorm o say el-lo, o see ow ey are doing,and o see weer or noey will le me seal a packeo ramen noodles. I love owey so quickly became am-ily o me wen I needed a,being so ar rom ome.

    ese kinds o riendsipsare e riendsips a I amso excied abou coninuingo make is year. I knowa ere are so many moreriends I will make, and I am

    deciding o no le e ear orejecion keep me rom av-ing ese riendsips.

    Everyone ears rejecion,bu someing o rememberis e ac a we are all inneed o riends. Wi akind o assurance, we can allaord o be a lile more con-iden.

    Good luck is week.

    Sincerely,Emily Day

    By Nefeteria BrewsterStaff Writernefeteria.brewster@leeclarion.com

    Pebe Gray is no only an associae proes-sor o Cinese a Lee Universiy; se is also apublised auor.

    Gray recenly publised er book, eree Caracer Classic: A Bilingual Readero Cinas ABCs, wic serves o renew anineres and undersanding o classical Ci-nese language and culure.

    My irs insinc was ear, Gray said, re-erring o irs ougs on wriing a book.ere was so muc o wrie, and I was won-dering were o begin.

    Gray said a se ound bo moivaionand inspiraion rom a Cinese proverb.

    I was reminded o e Cinese proverb,1000 journeys sar rom e irs sep, Graysaid. So, I began my journey by working on acaper every several days.

    Grays book overviews imporan isori-cal Cinese works, includes an illusraion

    o Conucian undamenals, and eaces ebasics o ma, sciences, music and moral les-sons.

    For e researc, I raveled o HarvardsYencing Library, Gray said. ey gave mea researc gran and were very supporive.

    ey ave e larges collecion o ancienclassic lieraure rom e 18 cenury.

    Grays recen book is no er irs; sewroe wo oer novels as well and opes oconinue wriing in e years o come.

    Aloug is marks one o ree books I

    ave wrien, I sill eel sameul, Gray said.I would acually like o wrie one eac year.

    roug er coninuous researc on Ci-nese classics, Gray as discovered several newopics o ineres. Along wi ese opics,Gray also became ineresed in e work oHerber Jiles, Cambridge Universiys secondelemenary Cinese proessor. Grays ineresin Jiles inspired a wo-year researc projecor Gray a discusses Jiles work.

    e more I learned o Jiles, e more aci-naed in im I became, Gray said. As I sud-ied, I oug o mysel, Wo is is wes-erner wo knows more abou e Cineseclassics an I do?

    Gray as dedicaed er new book o erour cildren, Amy, Lisa, Josep and Anna, in

    e opes a ey will grow o love Cineseculure as muc as se does.I dedicaed is book o my cildren be-

    cause ey are very imporan o me, Graysaid. I ope a ey, oo, will appreciaeeir Cinese culure.

    Last issues


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    Lee Clarion photo by Lauren Carroll

    ORDER UP: Larry Chillinsky makes hotdogs for anyone in downtown Cleveland during lunch on weekdays.

  • 8/3/2019 Volume 66 Issue 3


    LIFE 5OctOber 6, 2011 | LEE CLARION

    Students kick off shoes and go barefoot

    Annual Worlds Fair showcases student photography

    Students spill abouttheir favorite rainyday activities

    By Katelyn JusticeStaff Writerkatelyn.justice@leeclarion.com

    Bare ee are e newrend on Lee Universiyscampus.

    Several sudens ounda ey preer o walkaround campus wioueir soes.

    Maggie Miles, a res-

    man special educaion ma- jor, said a se preers ogo bareoo on mos days.

    I sared going bare-oo on Naional BareooDay or OMS [Soes],and I liked i so muc, Inever sopped, Miles said.I grew up in e counrywere I was bareoo all eime; i makes me eel morecomorable and a ome.

    e only place on cam-pus in wic Miles doeswere er soes is in eDeacon Jones Dining Hall,as well as oer ood esab-

    lismens, due o ealcode issues.

    Wen I don wearsoes, I don ave o akeime puing em on oro, I don ave o worryabou leaving em plac-es, and is deiniely a loceaper, Miles said o eadvanages o going bare-oo. e only ings aare really negaive are ai can be kind o painulwen walking across rocksor acorns, and, during ewiner, i can be really cold.So, i is really cold ouside,

    Ill wear soes, bu over-all, I jus preer no avingsoes on.

    Like Miles, Jessia Kras-ner also preers e bare-oo way.

    I guess being bareoois jus more comorable,and I kind o like beingdieren, Krasner said.Being bareoo makes meeel [ree]; I can longboardaser, and I can run aser.

    Wile Krasner loves obe bareoo, e realized

    a ere are some disad- vanages o no wearingsoes.

    e only disadvan-ages are a my ee cange really cu up i I sep onglass or anying, bu adoesn boer me, Kras-ner said.

    Krasner also menioneda e does wear soes in

    e dining all and in ePaul Conn Suden Unionbecause o eal code rea-sons as well.

    Brian Harbison, ele-communicaions major,no only preers being bare-oo, bu goes ou o is wayo say soeless.

    For me, is no onlymore comorable; i isealier, Harbison said.e only ime Im nobareoo is wen Im play-ing rugby.

    From is own researc,Harbison says a be-

    ing bareoo can elp la-ooedness, srengen eankles and knees, and buildup immuniy o oo inec-ions suc as alees oo.

    A lo o people ink isa lo grosser an i reallyis, Harbison said, bu be-ing bareoo doesn causemany o e eal issuesa people ink [i does].

    Wile Miles and Kras-ner undersand a eyneed o wear soes inood esablismens due oeal code reasons, Harbi-son said a e avoids es-ablismens a ask imo wear soes.

    I don go ino any ood esablismens wereI mus wear soes, Krasnersaid.

    Sudens like Miles,Krasner and Harbison avedecided a going bareoocan be beer an wearingsoes. Waever e rea-son, sudens ave beguno kick o eir soes andreurn o e more nauralroue o going bareoo.

    By Caroline EatonStaff Writercaroline.eaton@leeclarion.com

    On ursday, Sep. 29, Global Perspec-ives osed eir annual Worlds Fair, wicgave sudens an opporuniy o learn aboue dieren cross-culural experiences aLee as o oer.

    Along wi boos se up or e dier-

    en rips, e Global Perspecives deparmenosed a poo cones o display sudenpoograpy rom pas cross-culural experi-ences.

    e cones as been eld a e WorldsFair or e pas ive years, Direcor o GlobalPerspecives Be ompson said.

    We do e poo cones or e publiciy,bu [we also old e cones] because i givesinsig o wa e sudens are experiencingon eir rips, ompson said.

    e cones was broken up ino wo ca-egories: people and scenery. Beween e wocaegories, over 30 poos were enered.

    is year, a panel o unbiased aculymembers cose senior eology major Lau-ren Bayles poo as e winner in e scen-

    ery caegory and junior elemenary educaion

    major Amberly Holmes as e winner in epeople caegory.

    Bayles poo, iled Venezian Canal, wasaken in June 2011 in Venice, Ialy.

    I eels grea o win, Bayles said. I eelsnice o know a my poos acually lookgood.

    Bo winners ook ome a $75 gi cardo e booksore in e Paul Conn SudenUnion. However, or Bayles, e real prize wasairmaion o er skills as a poograper.

    I am rying o build up my poograpyporolio, and knowing a one o my pooswas able o pass e es was a conirmaiona I ave a cance a poograpy, Bayles


    Bayles said a e iglig o er cross-culural rip was geing los wi ree ellowsudens in a small Ialian own. ey ad oind eir way back o eir rip direcor ine oreign counry.

    In e people caegory, Holmes, wo re-cenly raveled o urkey, Israel and Jordan

    on a Global Perspecives rip, won wi erpoo a was iled Bedouin Cildren.e poo was aken a an all-boys Bedouinscool in Pera, Jordan.

    We were working in e scool and vis-iing o experience dieren educaion envi-ronmens in oer counries, Holmes said

    Holmes said a se was pleasanly sur-

    prised o win e cones.

    Winning was a grea surprise, Holmessaid. Im very proud o e poo a wase winning coice, and e gi card will bea blessing come nex semeser wen I need obuy books.

    Holmes said a er avorie par o ercross-culural rip was ouring e Curc oe Naiviy, a curc buil by e Greek Or-odox communiy on op o e sie were

    Cris was mos likely born.Ive eard a wen people go o Israel,

    eres always one momen were ingsjus click or em, Holmes said. Mine wasere, in a lile cave in Beleem. I ime a I was in e cave were Cris wasmos likely born.

    ompson said a e poo cones isused o excie sudens abou eir upcom-ing cross-culural rip as well as e prospeco aving a lie-canging experience likeHolmes.

    You can look a e posers and adverise-mens and be ineresed, bu is more impac-ing o see sudens acually experiencing erips, ompson said.

    For more inormaion on global perspec-

    ives rips, visi www.leeuniversiy.edu/global.

    By Emily DayStaff Writeremily.day@leeclarion.com

    Wi e recen lood-ing in Cleveland, rain asbeen a common opic odiscussion among e Lee

    communiy. alk o lood-ed srees, parks and evenclassrooms as ound isway ino e conversaionso sudens across Leescampus.

    I can believe owmuc rain weve ad in elas ew weeks, sopomoreand early cildood educa-ion major Crisina Had-dad said. I wonder waour winer season is goingo look like.

    Wile e dark clouds ine sky provide e perecliging or a muc-needed

    nap, some sudens aveound oer ways o spende rainy days a Lee. In aneor o prepare or drearyskies in more ineresingways an simply wearingboos and carrying an um-brella, Lee sudens wereasked o sare eir avorieaciviies during e we,sormy weaer.

    iany Skinner, juniorelecommunicaions major,said a se enjoys e qui-eer aciviies a a rainyday inspires.

    [I enjoy] reading a

    book wi a warm beveragein and wile [I si] nex oan open window so a Ican ear e rain, Skinnersaid.

    Like Skinner, KaylorErickson, a junior musicmajor, said a snugglingup by e elevision grealyouweigs any oer rainyday aciviy.

    [I like o si] curled upin a so, cozy blanke wia cup o someing warm

    [wile I wac] a moviewi e ligs urned ouso a I can see e rainalling ouside, Ericksonsaid. [I also enjoy] siingin my living room and lis-ening o e rain because

    we ave a in roo, and youcan ear every drop.

    Unlike Skinner and Er-ickson, junior inernaionalbusiness adminisraionmajor Kaleig Carlsonsaid a se preers o akeadvanage o e slipperyslopes and looded errainduring a rainsorm. Wene irs big sorm i Leescampus a ew weeks ago,Carlson and a large numbero sudens grouped oge-er and ran rom puddle opuddle wi loas in and.

    Suring on e AlumniPark lawn wi [air] ma-resses and using em asinner ubes down e cam-pus sream are awesomeways o enjoy e sormyweaer, Carlson said. Aew weeks ago, we wendown e sream on [an air]maress rom Walmar.We go drenced and alile cold, bu i was suc ablas!

    Because e rain ellduring e laer porion osummer and e early alo all, e emperaureswere warm enoug or esudens o enjoy e waer

    wiou earing rosbie.Wen asked i se wouldbrave e cooler empera-ures o e winer rainyseason, Carlson said ase mig sill consider i.

    Wi all beginning andwiner on is way, e rainydays may grow colder, buLee Universiy sudensare sure o coninue o indaciviies o occupy eirime.

    You can look a e posers and adverisemens and be

    ineresed, bu is more impacing o see sudens acuallyexperiencing e rips.Be Tompson

    Direcor o Global Perspecive

    Lee Clarion Photos by Katelyn Justice

    TOUGH AS NAILS: Students show off their bare feet.

    SCENERY: Venezian Canal

    by senior Lauren Bayles took

    the scenery category.

    People: Junior Amberly

    Holmes won the people

    category with this picture,

    Bedouin Children.

  • 8/3/2019 Volume 66 Issue 3


    6 OPINION LEE CLARION | OctOber 6, 2011






    By Richard YeakleyManaging Editorrichard.yeakley@leeclarion.com

    Remember e Sabba day by keep-ing i oly. Six days you sall labor anddo all your work, bu e seven day isa sabba o e LORD your God. On iyou sall no do any work, neier you,nor your son or dauger, nor your maleor emale servan, nor your animals, norany oreigner residing in your owns. Forin six days e LORD made e eavensand e ear, e sea, and all a is inem, bu e resed on e seven day.ereore e LORD blessed e Sabbaday and made i oly. Exodus 20:8-11

    Here a Lee Universiy, many o uscan recie e en Commandmens wias muc ease as we do e plo o e la-es episode o e Oice, bu very ewo us obey is seemingly simple com-mandmen.

    Mysel included.Sure, sudens may drag emselves

    o a curc service or wac a sermononline every Sunday, bu ulimaely, veryew o us se apar a day, a wole day, ores and recuperae.

    I is clear a a day o res is no auniquely Crisian expression as ollow-ers o Buddism, Islam and Baai aisall ave a special day a is se apar, buor Crisians, e concep o a day ores olds special signiicance.

    Judi Suleviz is e igly ac-claimed auor o e Sabba World,a book in wic se argues a e u-man spiri seeks or a day a is se aside.

    For in e [pas] 84 years ... worka-olism ... as become e norm, and eSabba, e one day in seven dedicaed

    o res by divine command, as becomee oliday Americans are mos likelynever o ake, wroe Suleviz in a NewYork imes aricle iled Bring Back eSabba.

    Believe me, I know e excuses. Asmanaging edior o e Lee Clarion, apeer leader, a member o Senanigansimprov eam and member o ive oeron-campus clubs and organizaions, Iam busy.

    Believe me, I know a Sunday aer-noon, or Saurday, looks very empingo curn ou ose omework assign-mens a ave allen by e way-side.

    Believe me, I know i runs couner-inuiive a you will ge more done iyou se aside a day o res, ink, pauseand relec.

    Bu i will.Suleviz wen on o wrie in er ar-

    icle, alk o God may disurb e sec-ular, so ey mig preer o rame eSabba in e more neural conex oaeseics. e Sabba provides woings essenial o anyone wo wiseso li imsel ou o e banaliy o mer-canile culure: ime o conemplae and

    disance rom everyday demands. eSabba is o e week wa e linebreak is o poeic language. I is e si-lence a orces you o reurn o wacame beore o ind is meaning.

    I is a command or e benei obo believers and nonbelievers o ob-serve a day o res and se i apar.

    So grab a book, ind a ree, ake a nap,go o curc, read your Bible and con-

    verse wi riends, bu pick a day o seapar and res.

    From the editor:Remember the Sabbath

    At a Glance: Conns 25thAnniversary Celebration

    Photos courtesy o Travis Sturgeon

    TOP: The SMC was decked out with lights and a stage for the faculty and staff celebration of Dr. Conns 25 year presidency. LEFT: Chris Conine, Vice President for Business and Finance, was one of

    the many administrators in attendance at the semi-formal gathering. RIGHT: The SMC boasted both sitting and standing tables for a dinner catered by Sodexo.

  • 8/3/2019 Volume 66 Issue 3



    Celebrity Twitter: See who

    @LeeClarion is following.





    my fans r incredible be-

    cause they not only care for

    me but eachother. we are a

    #family. #muchlove




    Some positive reviews are

    blissfully uninspired while

    certain harsh criticisms are

    woefully glowing.

    Deep insecurity is seeing 2

    adorable children whispering/

    giggling & you swear theyre

    plotting your murder.



    After much thought, I have

    decided to use my sense of

    humor for good rather than

    for evil.

    I love it when fall is in the air,

    the roses are blooming, snow is

    on the ground, and the tarmac is

    squishy from the heat.



    My name is Inigo Mon-

    toya. You killed my father.

    Prepare to die.

    Off to a 25th anniv Gala of

    Phantom of the Opera at the

    RAH. Never actually seen

    Phantom, which is naughty of

    me. Hope I like it.



    Oops. Fell* into my oat-

    meal. Its early okay!! :P

    October. Breast Cancer

    Awareness Month. #think-


    Happy Fall!F A L L B R E A K H R E H B W

    R Z C G P X D K M E M A U R R

    K C T O C Z A T H Z R P B O E

    X X O B R H A T B V H U U W H

    B R M R C N A K E F U M X N T

    D E T O N E S S S T L P Q C A

    P W A N W M T E R J H K O W E

    X T M L U S A U R Q B I I U W

    S R O F N H U Z F H F N S S P

    M O T O V M W G E D E S E W SC R B B O P U O H D Q V G K I

    S E V R A C S T B A A M N J R

    Y E L L O W S R U E Y Z A G C

    K E M I L I H M L A O J R G P

    M E P O V U X E J D J O O G S















    Track 29 opens in ChattanoogaBy Bailey RushStaff Writerbailey.rush@leeclarion.com

    A irs glance, rack 29 may ap-pear o be jus a gray wareouse. I is,owever, muc more an a.

    Founded by Adam Kinsey andJos McManus, rack 29 is Caa-noogas newes music venue. Locaedo o Marke Sree and direcly be-ind e Caanooga Coo Coo,rack 29 opened in early Sepembero is year.

    e building, wic was oncean ice skaing rink in e lae 1980s,as been compleely ransormed byCaanooga naives Kinsey and Mc-Manus.

    Aloug e venue as only beenopen or a mon, Kinsey and Mc-Manus ave already produced sowswi ariss suc as M. Ward, JameyJonson, and e Drive-By ruckers.

    Currenly, rack 29 isn caeringo any cerain genre o music, bu igives several dieren genres e op-poruniy o sine on eir sage,according o rack 29s websie.

    I people only knew wa wascoming down e road ... We avealready booked sows unil April.Lauren Evans, rack 29 markeingand promoions manager, said. Con-inue o sick wi us; i ere isn a

    sow you wan o go o is mon,ere will probably be one e nexmon.

    In Ocober, rack 29 plans o ea-ure e pop/elecronica band Gos-land Observaory, and in November,e counry/pop band ompsonSquare is expeced o perorm a e

    venue. In e coming mons, rack29 also plans o welcome e rock/pop band NEEDOBREAHE, erock/blues aris Warren Haynes,and Knoxvilles on-e-rise band e

    Diry Guvnas, wo will perorm aNew Years Eve sow.

    rack 29 caers o ariss and con-cer-goers alike. e green rooms aremodeled in a modern vinage lookand equipped wi enoug area ore ariss o relax beore e sow.e venue also as a rolling bay doorenrance on e side o e buildinga allows e ariss o drive eirrailers direcly ino e building or

    easy unloading.o acieve e bes concer expe-

    rience or e public, rack 29 givese opion o sanding room only aswell as acual seaing depending one sow. e sage can also move oincorporae a more inimae seingor accommodae a larger crowd.

    According o rack 29s websie,as ar as equipmen, sound and lig-ing go, e venues cusom line arraysound sysem combines e eors oeac and every speaker in e room

    o make e sow sound incredible,no maer were you appen o besanding. e liging coniguraionsare simply mind-blowing, o say eleas.

    Upon arriving a rack 29, guesscan eier park in e venue parkinglo or $5 or e Cara parking garageor $2. Once inside, seaing or sand-ing space includes an upper levelupon reservaion and a lower main

    loor. Also locaed on e main looris a reresmen sand and a mer-candise room.

    rack 29 currenly enlised oppromoers suc as Bonnaroo orga-nizers AC Enerainmen o elp co-ordinae eir sows. No maer egenre, rack 29 as i all.

    For icke prices and more inor-maion on upcoming sows, visirack 29s websie a www.rack29.com, or ceck em ou on Facebooka www.acebook.com/rack29.

    COLUMNFASHIONCourageous Movie Review

    Sudoku Medium

    By Michael PriceContributing Writermichael.price@leeclarion.com

    A ragedy in e lie o apolice oicer causes im o

    reink is role as a aerin e laes release rom ecreaors o Fireproo andFacing e Gians.

    Courageous, a newlyreleased movie rom Ser-wood Picures, ells a sory oour police oicers and eirsruggles o become beeraers.

    Serwood Picures is ailm sudio based in Alba-ny, Ga., a was creaed by

    Serwood Bapis Curc inorder o ulill eir missionsaemen as expressed one curcs websie: Ser-wood Bapis Curc exiss

    o ouc e wole world,wi e wole Word, moi-

    vaed by a passion or Crisand compassion or all peo-ple.

    Serwood Picures isknown or making proes-sional-qualiy movies wisrong Cris-ceneredemes.

    Courageous is abou agroup o men and eir jour-ney oward being e kind

    o men a God as calledem o be.

    I all begins wen Oi-cer Adam Micell loses is9-year-old dauger Emily in

    a ragic car acciden. Wilerying o cope wi is loss,Micell goes o a pasor orelp in overcoming is grieand learning o le go.

    roug is process,Micell begins sudying eBible o learn ow o be abeer aer or is 15-year-old son, wo is also grievinge loss o is siser. Micellevenually compiles a lis oGods requiremens or a-

    ers and wries i in e or-ma o a resoluion.

    His police parners alsodecide o make e resolu-ion o live according o

    Gods sandards, and eysruggle o old eac oeraccounable wile raisingeir cildren.

    roug e rials pre-sened o ese men, viewersare callenged o live accord-ing o Gods word. However,Courageous is no onlydireced a aers. Men andwomen alike are presenedwi an example o godly liv-ing wile clasing wi e

    sruggles o everyday lie.Serwood Picures did an

    excepional job wi mos as-pecs o e ilm. e acingis lawless, and e caracers

    are ull o dep.e siuaions eel real as

    e caracers are immersedin an environmen a iscompleely plausible. eplo is original and believ-able, wic is an imporanelemen in is ype o movie.

    Overall, Courageous isa mus-see or anyone wowans o live or God andsuppor e minisry o Ser-wood Bapis Curc.

    Acing: 5/5

    Music: 4/5

    Plo: 5/5

    Ending: 4/5

    oal: 18/20

    Raing: 90%

    By Megan GobbleFashion Columnistmegan.gobble@leeclarion.com

    Ladies, drop your em-line because is season maxidresses and skirs are o!Having ese iems in yourclose creaes a perec wayo ransiion your summerwardrobe ino all. Maxis areno only comorable; eyare versaile as well.

    is rend can be piecedogeer or many occasions,and i is lexible or all kindso body ypes. Weer youare all, peie, skinny or

    curvy, ere are ways o law-lessly pull o is look.

    A maxi dress or skir isjus as laering as i is as-ionable wen worn properly.

    e mos imporan ingo remember is a wearinga maxi is a balancing ac. Forskirs a are ull and o eloor, you sould pair emwi ig-iing ops. Wiese skirs, i is also ideal owear a lower neckline sinceyour boom al is alreadycovered up, bu don go over-board.

    A skir a is cu close

    o e body sould be wornwi a loose-iing opand ucked in. Sorer girlssould no wear a big opwi is rend because i willmake em look smaller anda ew pounds eavier.

    I is also imporan odeine your waisline wenwearing a maxi. Becauseere is so muc abric wiis syle, i is easy o ideyour igure. a is wy plac-ing a bel on your waislinewill elp o empasize eslimmes par o your body.

    All maxis sould brus

    e op o your soes. Wileey are only barely seen, anyype o soes can work wiis rend! For e sorerladies, wearing ig eels isideal o elp give you a ex-ra eig o elp pull o elook.

    Finis o your ensembleby adding a cardigan or blaz-er as i begins o cool down aswell as some sparkle wi bigearrings and bangles.

    Ways toMaximizeyour Maxi



    Movie Still provided by Sherwood Pictures

    COURAGEOUS: Sheriffs deputies chase a suspect who has taken off running through Albany, Ga. Photo by Todd Stone.

  • 8/3/2019 Volume 66 Issue 3


    8 SPORTS LEE CLARION | OctOber 6, 2011


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    Ultimate Frisbee attendance lacking

    Mens soccer best season since 2007

    By Drew EcholsStaff Writerdrew.echols@leeclarion.com

    Lees inramural Ulimae Frisbee as seena major decline in paricipaion is season.

    Greek clubs, in paricular, are igly in- volved in almos every inramural spor, burecen Ulimae Frisbee rends are sowinga aendance by Alpa Gamma Ci, DelaZea au and Sigma Nu Sigma are ree all-ing. Eric Eledge, assisan direcor o campusrecreaion, as been looking or soluions oincrease aendance and ge more sudens ocome ou and play.

    e bigges problem a weve run inois a Ulimae Frisbee alls a a roug ime,Eledge said. Sand volleyball and soball arebeing played in e same season.

    In mos cases, e alees in a club or eamare involved in all ree inramural spors, in-cluding Ulimae Frisbee, sand volleyball andsoball. ey coose wa game or spor osow up o, wic creaes conlic amongscedules. Ulimae Frisbee games are playedearly in e day wile some sudens work orave nig classes. ese obligaions cause espor o all by e wayside.

    Erin Hale, a senior member o DZ, is one curren roser or e eam, bu se as

    been unable o aend club games us ar.I played Frisbee wen I irs go in DZ,

    and i was acually really un, Hale said. Ican usually go because e game imes are alo earlier an oer spors. Frisbee isn re-ally a mainsream spor like ooball or so-ball. I don ge e same compeiive driverom Frisbee like I do oer spors a arecommon.

    e oer issue a as been a problem isa e way in wic rosers are illed ascanged over recen semesers. In pas semes-ers, one person would pu ogeer a eamand and in e roser o e DeVos Recre-aion Cener beore a se deadline.

    e problem we ound wi a is aa coac would se up a eam, and no one elsewould sow up because ey didn know ororgo, Eledge said. ey would ink eyad a eam wen ey really didn. Even i ev-ery eam came, ere would only be our o sixeams or womens Frisbee.

    Currenly, seing up rosers is done on-line. Eac eam player as o conirm eirallegiance o eir assigned squad. e ideaseemed like a guaranee or sudens o paric-ipae in eir assigned games, bu aendanceas sill suered. e goal or Eledge is o in-orm people abou Ulimae Frisbee and seewa can be done o ge more people involved.

    By Aaron OattsStaff Writeraaron.oatts@leeclarion.com

    Lee mens soccer as seen e is vir-ual downward spiral since 2008 aledaer only 10 games ino Paul Fureysead coacing career.

    Currenly, e mens eam boass a6-4 overall record and a 1-3 record ine Souern Saes Aleic Coner-ence. e eam asn pu ogeer awinning mark is lae ino e yearsince 2007. a year, e eam sared

    e season o wi a win-loss spli o9-0-1, anks in par o Naional Associ-aion o Inercollegiae Aleics Playero e Year, Ricardo Pierre-Louis.

    Losing seasons or e pas our yearsled o new coac Furey aking e jobis summer. is eam, owever, assown signs o ope or mens soccer ine years o come.

    us ar, e men ave pu oge-er eir irs six-game winning sreaksince e illusrious year o 2007 as wellas eir irs seven-goal game againsMounain Sae Universiy (W.V.) onSep. 3. e eam also pu ogeer eirirs back-o-back seven-goal game in10 years wen ey scored eig goals inback-o-back games.

    e deining measure beind isseasons incredible urnaround as beene expecaions a Furey broug

    rom ormer NAIA scool Moun Ver-non Nazarene Universiy (Oio) wereFurey displayed excellence and disci-pline among all o is eams. A srand oearbreaking back-o-back 1-0 losseso conerence opponens, owever, asrecenly plagued e early season suc-cess.

    I love e new eam and e newcallenges a go wi i, Furey said.I akes ime o insill all e ingsyoud like o do, bu we are moving ine rig direcion.

    So ar, Furey as se some loy goals

    and would love o ge e Flames back oe NAIA Naional ournamen. Wia being e case, ey ave eir workcu ou or em by being in e oug-

    es conerence in e NAIA. However,Furey believes a, in ime, ey willmake i back o e ournamen.

    A lo o wa was missing deensivelyin 2010 was mildly resored o e eamis season. e Flames rank 19 na-ionally in suous per game wi oursuous in 10 games, and ey rank16 in overall suous. ey also rank13 naionally in goals per game, aver-aging 3.38.

    e players ave responded wello Fureys coacing sraegies and isideas or e eam. Senior midielderMoamed Aden as seen e ransor-maion develop insanly rom wa adbeen missing in previous years.

    e eam is year as been able oorm a broerood amongs eac oerand play well wi eac oer, wic asmade us sronger, Aden said.

    One o e irs ings insilled in eplayers wen Furey was named eadcoac was eam uniy and broerood.Aden insised a e and e eam saree same values a Furey broug oe eam.

    e Flames look o rebound romeir lae oensive sruggles againsFaulkner on Saurday a 7 p.m. a ome.e Eagles ener e game wi no only

    eir own season sruggles bu wi asubpar record o add o eir woes aswell.

    Womens Soccer Standings

    SSAC: Overall:

    3 Lee4-0 7-2

    8 Mobile4-1 8-2-1

    Faulkner4-1 6-2-1

    Auburn-Mongomery4-1 5-5

    Brenau4-2 4-4-3

    Sorer3-1 3-6

    Spring Hill2-3 5-6

    Belaven2-3 4-6-1

    21 William Carey2-3 4-6

    Emmanuel1-3 6-4

    Souern Wesleyan0-4 2-7-1

    rue-McConnell0-4 2-7-1

    Brewon-Parker0-4 1-9

    Volleyball StandingsSSAC East:

    SSAC: Overall:

    5 Lee9-1 14-2

    Sorer6-3 17-5

    Souern Wesleyan4-4 17-4

    Brenau2-7 9-10

    Brewon-Parker1-6 7-9

    Emmanuel0-9 13-10

    SSAC West:

    SSAC: Overall:22 Spring Hill

    10-0 22-0Loyola

    6-3 10-5Belaven

    4-4 15-6Mobile

    4-5 10-9Faulkner

    2-6 13-9

    Mens Soccer Standings

    SSAC: Overall:

    12 William Carey4-0 8-1

    5 Belaven4-1 9-1

    2 Mobile4-1 8-1

    25 Auburn-Mongomery4-1 6-4-17 Souern Polyecnic

    4-2 8-2Spring Hill

    3-2 8-3Souern Wesleyan

    2-2 5-3Lee

    1-3 6-4Sorer

    1-3 5-5Brewon-Parker

    1-3 4-4-1Emmanuel

    1-4 6-5Faulkner

    1-4 3-6-1rue-McConnell

    0-4 1-8

    SSAC Standings


    10/8/11Volleyballvs. Emmanuel

    2:00 p.m.

    10/8/11Womens Soccervs. Faulkner5:00 p.m.

    10/8/11Mens Soccervs. Faulkner7:00 p.m.

    10/10/11Volleyballvs. Emory

    7:00 p.m.

    10/15/11Womens Soccervs. Brenau5:00 p.m

    10/15/11Mens Soccervs. SouthernPolytechnic7:00 p.m

    10/18/11Womens Soccer

    vs. Truett-McConnell5:00 p.m

    10/18/11Mens Soccervs. Truett-McConnell7:00 p.m


    e womens soccer eamas been sweeping up econerence awards is season.Midielder Lea Forune wase SSAC Oensive Player oe Week wo weeks in a row.Four goals and wo assissagains William Carey andBelaven led e sopomoreo e award is pas week.

    Volleyball Coac AndreaHudson noced win aer winin er illusrious coacing ca-reer or e Lady Flames. Hud-son currenly sis 22 wins soro 700 career wins, puing erin good sanding o ulill eacievemen early nex season.e win will pu e coac ine elie company o some oe greaes volleyball coaceso all ime.

    e NAIA Council oPresidens recenly admi-ed e College o CoasalGeorgia or membersip.Georgias newes sae scoolwill be joining e Flames ine SSAC or e 2012-2013scool year. e Marinerswill boas 13 men and wom-ens scolarsip eams weney join up wi e leaguenex year.

    e 2011-2012 mens bas-keball season will ge un-derway on Saurday, Oc.9 a 2 p.m. e Flames willos NAIA oe Milligan Col-lege (enn.). Coac ommyBrown is only reurning reekey players rom e previousseason, bu is year, e re-ceived ranser orward JosHenley rom NCAA DivisionI Gardner-Webb Universiy.

    e Lee womens socceream ranked ird in e irsNAIA raings per index oe 2011 season. Accordingo e NAIA websie, eMRPI consiss o e eamsmodiied winning percen-age, eir opponens win-ning percenage and e cu-mulaive ranking poins rome curren NAIA WomensSoccer Coaces op 25 Poll.

    average, e womens eammisses en days eacsemeser. ey ave owork wi eir eacerso make sure everyone ison e same page.

    Bourg as been onesuc goler wose gameas ranslaed ino successon e course as well aswi grades in e class-room.

    Balancing scool,pracice, ournamens andworkous is very calleng-ing, Bourg said. I inkwe can keep up e goodgrades and work ard ine classroom. Havingsuccess in e classroom

    gives us more credibiliy.Like academics, e

    game o gol requiresmuc dedicaion and me-iculous ard work o seeresuls.

    e women on iseam ave dedicaion oeir sudies wile sriv-ing or perecion on ecourse a e same ime.Following suc a success-

    ul season could be daun-ing or some, bu eseyoung women are readyo ackle waever needso ge done. Weer ison e gol course or ine classroom, e possi-biliies are endless.

    GolContinued rom page 1

    Photo courtesy o Eric Eledge

    e eam is yearas been able o orm abroerood amongseac oer and play wellwi eac oer, wicas made us sronger.Moamed Aden

    Senior midfelder