Volume 62 fCJf^ednewk^ ^> Robbed Here OUR DEMOCRACY...


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Volume 62



News.hem* of Beys in Service "•JiV"!,u- • c*w*** <w **•

Who Ar» 3«rrin« ia the

Word w M received here last" Wed of the death of Tech 5!« AJUH 2 ¾ in India by accident* wife ia the former Vi; Detroit, sister of Mrs. They were married 6 years ago. He

f C J f ^ e d n e w k ^

Garage Is Robbed Here

A r t i T V . * " } ' 0 i i ^ ° » « U W Sunday A. \ ^ -M. and Thieves Caught Same i/ey.

ednetdavyjan. 31, 1945 ^> Number 8



i» i ^. L " T e c h 5IC Arthur Good T h e G u I f 0 a Station which is oper-f wtf i fcrt y , a c c i d e n t a > Awwaing.Hli . »*•? b ? ?•*»• • « « * was enteredf n " ! ^ U l? , f o r m e r_ Virginia Hoisel of i ! " £ . S u A d a y coming and about !

^¢1500 worth of tools and auto ac-cessosies taken, together with a large '

[amount of gasoline and oil stamp* 'Entrance waa gained through a south

Detroit, sister of Mrs. Mary Baughn. They were married 6 years ago. He has b,een in the service a year and a haif, most of the time in India. Be­sides his wife he is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Good of

jit. The Goods formerly lived in HowelL


window in the rest room. Garth [Meyer on his way home after the dance saw a car parked there at 3:30 a.m. with the lights turned on shinifig toward the Lee Lavey wtaufr 1 T » -A J t _ ' ^ I. i *.7Tl

,iee no one around the parked auto BO drove on. It is believed the rob->ersx were inside at the time and

[eft soon after he did. Among the articles taken were

It now deveopes that he and three

. . . « ? ' • 0 n f u r l o u « * w«<i deepf house. He stopped hi* car but could jea fishing m a motor boat when it hit a coral reef and capsised. AU of them were drowned.^

Mrs. Charles Dean^ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bekkering re­ceived word today that her husband. Pvt. Charles Dean of the U. S. A r m y n ^ 0 electric (trills, ail the wrenches was killed in action Jan. 12thj 1945 j l a n d tools. They are off the market He left a wife and two children. Mnow and only available for war work.

Pfc. Gerry Eichman who was!Being very hard to get on this wounded in France called UD hi S ^ 0 0 * " ^ the Jose was seriojy one for Mfe, Mrs, Mary Spears EichmanS***- ^ 8 1 ^ a n d a l s 0 f o r P i n c k n e Y from HalJoran Gen. hospital StatenL** ***** o n l y ^ ° a u t o r e P a i r 8n°P* Island, N. Y. Saturday. He 'expects!*11 p*nckney th gy have been com-^ to be transferred to* Percy J o n l e s ! ! * ^ to work long hours the past?'

Hospital, Battle Creek. ( t w o years to keep the cars here in

Gerry Swarthout who Is a gunnerf™111".1** o r d e r ' »• This case was1 solved Sunday with

the arrest of three boys in Detroit who were operating an oil station in River Rouge. They are Joe Pustay, 19, Warren Burk.£l and John Mogy-orodi, 19. They confessed and all of the stolen articles except six battties

Michigan Mirror State News G U R R E N

O M M £ N T Stat* Now G*thaiwd from

Over the . fttet* of Michigan



on in Nprth a bomber is now

Africa having flown there! HisTo'*

wkh'fK UU> iB i n t h e S o u t h P acifie with the army.

P. F. 0 . Chtrle, Smith who has been in England with the Coast Guard is home on furlough.

t- Ernest Packard writes f r o m » w e r e f o u n d hidden in the graine<ry Port Blanding,- Fla. to thank the Ladies Gift Com. He says he is averaging 20 miles a day with a 60 lb pack and rifle and is glad when taps sound at night. Junior Doyle and Jam%s Reid went

to Jackson Saturday to take the navy radiar examination IFC Maggie Aschenbrenner WAC. goe* to Ft. Ogelthorpe, Georgia, this week for several weeks training be-fo»v going-oversea*. ~ \

PFC. Winston Baughn has been transferred from Lubbock, Texas to San Angelo, Texas.-.

PFC. Norman Miller who ia in^the

of the Honey or Oaliagher farm on Northwest Territorial Road occ­upied by'Joe Puatay sr.t father of the first named boy. None of the boys have good records. Pustay was given a discharge-from tne Navy for bad conduct and both Burk and Mo-gyorodi have been arrested previously for petty larceny. The other articles found not belonging to Mr. Clairk included some tires etc.. which the boys claim they got in Detroit. The jthree will be arrainged in circuit court for sentence. i



• f M M t a i M

To Vote on ^Conser\

Referendum Vote To Be Held on Proportion on Thursia/.

River Rouge police came out Tues Ninety-four f..l-mers from the

p a . -


, ing concerning the formation of the rnewly proposed Livingston Southwest , Soil Conservation Distri'.-t he!d -;t the

The sute senate passed the Porter GY^y town h,A last week. bill last week making Central Time > L- u Anthony, Dean of the College

fficial in Michigan by a 22 - 2 vote.'*0* AgrxcuUtivactdd.as chairman for It now goes to the house. No im,med _t'»e meeting. The other two members

Credit should be given Deputy Phflipines writes that he recentlrJfrw!Murray Kennedy who handled the in-IVmifcrBWI there but did not get afiveftfgetidtt^. ^ 7 chance to talk to him. His company located next to the One in which thejday and took the rest of the articles townships of lo^co Marion Unadill (ate Frank Smith was a member. He l found in the grainery back to that and Putnam attended the uublir h &

was killed on Los Negros island inKcity. * F

1944. PFC. Max Reynolds wishes to thank

the local gift com. for the Xmas. gift Of the 130 farmer boys whor^went

to Detroit Saturday for pre-induction tion examintion only ten were reject-

^oS^Among those who passed were [Joyd^N^sh Jao'. Pav^n, Wilbtr

Covle Francis^Shehan, Alien Dinkei. GIP ert GraingerT^Wm^ Kourt# Har­old Mytfrs. These boys^ icho were ex­empted for farming have Jhesright to appeal their Class l.A classi tion to the county draft board.

T uis Shirey who has been accepted by the U. S. Navy reports Feb. 2.

element Thorpe is now on the de­stroyer Antietam.

('. orge Smith and-Kenneth Filkins > vin be inducted into the army soon were given a farewell party part Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Mary Eichman by Miss Joan Spears n id a number of girls employed at the Wi4'<m Bon Bomber plant

ST. MARYS CHURCH JRev. Jhr Frauds Murphy

St. Marys ciiurcii, i'mckiiey, Sun. Feb. 4, is Sexagesmia. Sunday. Masses are at 9 And 11 o'clock. Catechism classes meet after Mass and "SaL^at

Ranking fifth in the nation, the University of Michigan looks forward to the post-war with anticipation of an enrolment of 18,00u to 20,000 resident students according to Dr. Alexander Ruthveu, president.

''Preparation'lot the opportunities whicu the post-war penod wih urmg is the dominant idea today here at the University of -Michigan", said

Dr. Ruthven. ''Hoth the administru-;tion and the faculty realise fully the and difficulties which will be as great or even greater than those we have had to conUron.t and overcome since 1U404 But we* are going ahead with pians and preparations in the belief that if the University gives its full measure of service to Michigan, then University in solving its problems.

"Air our work at the University falls into one of two classes. It is either research or education; either seeking out new knowledge or im parting present knowledge. I beiieve that our opportunities to serve Mich igan in the jears to come can be divided that same way.

"In the research field, the demand ' both on and off the campus will be

staggering. Industry will want to know how the new process developed during the war can be applied to peacetime production. The govern nient already is laying plan* to con tinue a great deal of its present re­search. The engineer, biologist, cheni-ist| phyficist, electiouic expert all will be called on for new discoveries and applications.

All these are just a*few of the opportunities to serve which w.il be offered to the University by men and iastitutions off the campus. Great as this field will be, 1 believe a still larger one will lie in the other, the educational.

Veterans are returning to our college in constantly greater num bers. Already with comparatively

few .discharged from service; the University has 350 enrolled. These men and women n«ed and deserve

The war has been brought «Jfi« to home in this section since D-Dey"«*d the subsequent engagements in which a heavy toll of local youths have been taken, Amonjr those who gave tip their lives were Joe Lesiak,Victor SxynMkB> s..i, Kdgar Crinton, Robert D*y#»w« .skj and Charles Dean. Earl Berqulet is missing in action, G4enn Kingsley a prisoner in Germany and Harold Jlinchey, Grant Ward, Merlin Amour-gey, Bennfe VanBlaircum# Emmett Clark, Arthur Krych. (Jerry Eich­man wounded or in hospitals. As long as only the names of strangers ap­pear in the dailj casualty lists the average person considers the war a* far away ami is litte concerned. When boys that ho has known since birth appear on the lists the reaction is entirely different and you might say the war is brought next doorf In World War 1 only one 1'inckney boy, Joe Mat-kinder was killed. He is bur­ied in the Sprout cemetery. C. J.Clin­ton was the only one wounded as far as we ran remember.The greater num ber of Pinckney boys who went over seas were in the 85th division a re., placement unit which never saw act­ion. g4

The base ball major leagues will a 'ain operate this year but with much more confidence tharf last year. In 1!>44 they were forced to open the season with a bunch of overage and misfit players , hardly any of whom would have made the big leagues in normal times. However alTleams wore in the same boat and so equally bad that there was real competition for once and in the American league a three ay tie for first place existed until 'most the last day.All this made the p,.. s dirk merrily and the own­ers enjoyed a big season financia'ly with cheap plavtfrs and small outiay. As few high priced4 stars will be avail-this year they figiire they are due to repeat again.

• -/. v

10 a.m. 11 is communion Sunday for special helps, Not special courses and Women of the

late effect was given it, Senator Por­ter saying this would be voted upoi later, A two-thirds majority in -i>otl houses is needed for immediate efi „ t . Otherwise it w^uld not take eff ect until 90 days after the legislature djourned.

fii>euT opinion the bill is meaning­less as ritkcUie? in Michigan have charters permitting them to choose ,the«r own time.It also puts the gover­nor in an embarrastng position as he had declared against any time change for the duration of the war.

f the State Soil Conservation Com-nittee attending were P. J. Hoff

master, Director of Conservation .ui.i Larry O'Neal representing the Suite Department of Agriculture in the absence of Charles F. Figy, Commis­sioner. E.* C. Saskrider, State Soil Conservationist and Acting Secretary of the State Committee also ^tend­ed. \ * i- <•

At this meeting it was the duty of the State Comittee to be held

f1in each of these four townships.

, Severa] days after the meeting the ^ ~* ' Secretary, Mr. Sackrider, notified Mr

S~B. Thomas Livingston County Ag HEARD OVER RADIO VeS O f & " . «»"»* * iv «»«*•••— --r> ' « . « J . . r « W i l l i V/WUlHlCXIIv'

of Los Angeles mittee favored Elding a referendum B&rh&r& , ^ , ^ ,

.the^AtCar socieiy parish. Novena devotions Friday at l ^ i o for alt school children and at 8 jj.m. for the Senior group, foJowed byr Devotions for Holy Communion. This is the 2nd week of the 39th Novena with intention for peace and boys in service. Friday Feb. 2nd is Candelmas Day, the blessings of Candles- befdre the 8 o'clock mass.

Sat. Fep. 3 is the feast of St. Blase, blessing of the Throats, following the 8 o'clock Mass and after the Novea devotions.

We extend our sympathy and prayers to the late Walter Rybka ^ family in the family's sorrow. Mr. Rybka's' death occured last week at his late home.

Among the intentions in the Holy Mass this week, Sun. for the late Pvt. M«r,lyn and his father, Arthur McQeer, Monday for intention by-Miss Meflvin, Tues. and Wed. for special intentions, Thurs, for the Iat« parents of Mrs. Teresa Coyle, Friday for special intention by Mrs. Michael Hamack, Sat. for Clarence Dixon,

H is ,o„ie two weeks since Senator iloop^r was murdered on a well trav­eled road between Lansing and A.bion in broad daylight and although the killer* were seen by a number of pPr-

whctre.thep are Segregated, birr extra s<>*» and a good-description"of thenT counseling-time to become readjusted And their car obtained to civilian and ntademic life, refresh­er work, testing urld^guicnrrWe. All these items require added ^tai'f and outlay, but with the veteran 'turning to us for an education, the Univer­sity is glad of the op. ortunity to give this service.

Continued on last page


The county teachers institute will high school reb. 0th. On the p>»grum are John Harsay^ JnfJiana Central Col.ege, Dr. Harry May, formerly of Berlin, Germany, Wesley Beadle -of the dept. oi' instruction Miss Helen Martin, research geologist. Miss Luc-ia Neson, director^ of speech correction clinic and Miss Louise Rees, school library consultant.

A choir from tire Chubb* Coiners and Hause school wi.l entertain at 1:30 p.m.

apparently little progress has boon made. Now the police seem to depend upon the $30,<'0o reward offered to temp some underworld character to name —ihe killeirs. Undoubtedly a local gangster was involved as the killers, if import­ed would"-not know Hooper and he would have to" be pointed out to thf'tn by a finger rriitnJn the same manner as Jesus Christ Was pointed out to the Romans by Judas.^ - ^

r* u \T~IA— «•.>«= »,* 4. ;» « u«a ~ Mrs Walter Mowees of Los Angeles mittee ia^oreu i.viv.i».e W J i « * " ««d Barbara McOwen, Sunday for the late Gerald Vedder writes he is » a hos- to Writer « o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ n e w l y J ) r o p 0 8 e d p^tnet , and ^ ^ ^ ^ M o n F e b ^ f n

* " ^ i i - T » _ 1-.' — - L- . * pitel in Ho*olulu and expects to the newly proposed District, and

year old son, Robert the date of Thursday, Feb. ia , *«** t h e ^ ^ ^ e n n c l a r k

Friends and relatives of Mr. and Ticultural Agent, t h a m ^ ^ w i t h C o m m e m o r a t i o n tor t h e k t e M r g

rs. Walt ilif. wer

hack in f'e atates. Saw Douglas ,1 of their eleven Plummer and Bob Veddsr i*r«nitly A

ijoyed a furlough in Honolulu. Was the first time he had.seen"them in a year and a half.

Wm. U. Meyer has graduated as a parashute trooper at Fort Benn'ng, j

ovdr the radio last Saturday. Robe»t get for this election. "The intention on Friday Jan. 26 plays the flute in the jr. symphony ^ regular polling place in eacti w a g & n &ttniwer8a9y ^^

I orchestra in Hollywood. He was one ^ ^ ^ win be used for this refer i a t e William Murphy. of 25 children chosen from 250 play- e n d u m , a n d polling officials will be ers to answer musical questions. He a n n o u n c e d a f t ^ selections have been won the war bond by answering the'; , . t h e l o c a l township committee

THE DETROIT EDISON CASE The threatened strike of Detroit

. Edison employees is the result pf a ^.dispute between I^ocal 223 C - - . 0 . rand the, company over renewal of a


Last summer the Anti-RooseveJtf were shedding crocodile tears over poor Henry Wallace and the bas^ in­gratitude of the president who desert­ed him at the Democrat cmv«.a on and threw him as an appeasement

-offering to li;e ?onMirvitit:».; -it the soiid south.Aiany p tear was :*hed but

'Witl'aco campaigned his darndest for the president and it is concede! that he had much to do with gain'ng t>»e vote of labor and the negroes f»" F. D. R. .**'\.' when tbe pr«;siden. ap­points h in secr-tniy of ro^ir-iero^ to replace Jesse Jones,the latter became the. great martyr and Wallace the fiend incarnate. According to Drew Pearson, commentator, Jones days have bfeen numbered since 'ast, »unv

f jf | contract covering 1>00 employees. The mer when his nephew headed the Tex-lor c n e / c o n t r a c t eXpjrea Jan. 31 *rA the as revolt to pledge the electors to

and now wmn ''boots and wings." \ ™** questions correctly. This junior ^ " • symphony orchcs;ra has now d i s t i n - ^ R £ D CRO*S NEWS



WALTER RYBKA Walter J. Rybka, 5«

w», tive honors in musical ciKJlte. A re-« h j j j^nerhas been appointed ^ ^ 1IW11

died at We < * * i 8 B U e o £ ^ E*U ,de ^^T^' County Chairrn^Tof this year's Red Uornimg W o r 8 h i p

home we*ot PmcLn'ey, known • • > Picture and an article concerning C r o g g ^ p T n d d r i v ^ wording, to S u n < U j r SA9Ql 1 1 : 3 0

the N, P«ey fern, last Thursday «f t h e i r wo^** g * an anngjincemerit made by Chairman rjhoir practise, Wed. evening pneumonia. Srtrvivjng are his wifea Wauda, three eons, Anthony of Ham-tramick. Waiter in the Navy and*


Livingston Lqcge will *hold '.nei.-commonication on Tuesday

~u— - 7 ^ 6. Lodge will open at 6 p. m. for business meeting only. By

Thrnday at the Church of the ^ ^ <* * • ^ ¾ m a s t eA

r w e . w i l 1

Apost : Hamtramick, Rev. Fr. Sw>K t ? * ^ . 4 " ? lm e ^ S ? ^n.n. ^ ^

Officiating. B«ria! was in Mt.. Othret Masonu^ Temple « . ^ J ^ V " ^ . l — ig at 8KH) p. m. The officer>-oiUie

Hen y at home and four dattghterty Sophia Mary, Helen and Genevieve.

The Rosary was said at the heme Saturday nieht and the funeral

John S. frage of the County Red T n e r e c e n U j . adopted church Cross Chapter. bulletins win make their first appear-

Mr. Karney is pastor of the First ance Sunday morning, Feb. 4.

local has asked for a strike vote. While such a situation does not ne-

•II J ~ai* • ^cessarilj mean, a strike it creates a it*, EM^—— • . '_t rv ***?*?* _ B situation whieh might deprive this

» £ K ^ J T B * U « f c n ' 0 r ^ » 5 * * C I « t io« of power and shut down vital G. M. Thompson, S. S. Supt. | * « industn^.

10 -8'» c a ^1^ i<f ^tttle uus question before Jegal means are e*ha*usted is an extreme step. Appeal has not yet been made to the War Labor Board, in the

vote against Roosevelt. Jones made no effort to head it off and was in­active during the campaignThis is n<0t the real reason for-the opposition. If confirmed Wallace would head all the federal mone:, lending agennies and by means of this might be the leading presidential candidate in 1948.


company will do att they can to ob­tain, a fair settlement of the dis-

The old saying Lo\»e me Li te my meantime the dog>'doesn't seem to hold good as far

Baptist Church, in Howell. He is a The Sunday School attendance was p u te and assure their customers un-veteran of World War I and a few IM on Sunday with Sd.OO^for the interupted electric service. years ago served as state Chaplain collection. , ' of the American Legion. Prior to the f he PhUathea Ladies held a prayer fcar. 1%. Karney served as County a^yjee 0 n Tuesday afternoon at the Qiairman of the Red Cross Roll call. o m , o f j ^ . Addie Docking who has

as the Roosevelt family is concerned ed. During the campaign last fall tthe president's dot:, FaJa, who ac­companied him on most of his worid conferences was ridiculed aad held up to. derision. However it WA»

INCOME TAX RETURNS I win make out Tneom Tas

turns at the Kerwiu Cmm§kt^ ***** U* Uaadilla Stwet. RMMMMT FrN day and Saturday «C e««h week be-

Febmary 2nd until Mar &

lodge most attend this meeting. A-ny $16 J 00 of the national quota uf others whs wish to go may do so. We |2<*Q,4)00,00O this year. The drive will leave Pinckney at 7:00 pm

- P . W. Curlett, Sec.

Livingston County is asked to raise. been a 8 U U t j„ tor many months.

•W U**

Mrs. J. M. Plnckne/<S for afpeiitwent

of at the

Idler. Truhn, «1 Howell; Sylvia

HoweB;*Jake Howie, 19, Mj)l«r, 1», Howell.

s o f

1 .

TAX NOTICE _. fneeree taxea at my Saturday until f urthur

2 t ^ at tins


will start in March. During the past .three years"thi^ county has been sue cessfui in prompttv-raising it's quota in war fund drives.

The following registrants ordered to report for induction February «, Id45: Ross Fargey, Al­bert Coffey, Thomas Moular, jr. and Joseph Lipka Howell; Joseph Sanger, Plnekn*^; Gerald Clover, FowlenrttVe; g ^ ^ James Ward Plymouth; Robert Downing, Lakeland: Stanley

^Family Nite" was obaerved at the Congregational church Monday even ing with pot lock aupper followed by a brief" program. Futy guests spiring talk on Dwight L. Moody, and were present. Rev. AH*d gav« an in singing.of favorite hymns was" much

joyed by the group.

Cohohtah; Everett-Newman, Durand; Y*om* PeopVs Mimtinj - - - - - WHkift-

Loesy, Twp. Treas. ^^^ rtiieh<sn ~

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. _ __ W. Latimer of Pvt. Harold Latimer done and instead of injuring tee pre*-of Alabama, hi* wife and 3 daugh i^ent caused the dog lovers of tike ea­ters of Mil ford. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. tion to vote for him. Now a stnrilar Corner and son, Jack of Stockb. idge attack has started. His son, £ e l £H-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards of wtt Roosevelt wfao has sawed w«Mi Jackson, K n Wm. Cosgay of Stock- distinction in t«e present war eeni Me bridge called Monday. Wlie * **K fmm England., t t arrtoec

' «t Memphis , Teem., by plane. A. car. go plane flying feoes the Attst fe coast to California stopped them i t was not supposed to carry but hod taken on three nslliwi New York., loading the plane to pneity. The dog had an A priority i the soldier, bed to get off to room Cor him.. T*ie Anti,

rf it end fLSIQIHJ M

NOTICE Hal/ year auto license plates to go

on sale Saturday, Feb. 8. John Hagman.

MERRY TAIiXMLETTES U 4MCUIR Miss Paula Curlett entertained tbo

U 4H cteb T £ ? leader. Miss Ebie~

DeWotfe. ftrf, wot^served. The nest be


i w*+

f •as

•vw^wp ' ^ T *w fmsf^^w^" , W i M . m •- v'V •(**%«."

•\ » V • £H

Silvan Tbeatr :;OTES

i i'ift'ht, l .dward

J * ^ s <


NE1GHBC... iCiidin>j a l(j ii.o -th

arber,Detroit j :u'ker,s>ui rendered lo .ierul court Lu-t week to start aeiv-;: a .sentence for violat ing the i'eJ

Pkickncv Dispatch Wednesday. Jan. 31. 1945 . A S C A I . ' C ' A L COLUMN

NOTE2* OF 4 7 Y £ A R S A G O [ o a : i , v 0 U i l f c V x l i ) C K n«y *- fo»emoot

Hon. G. W. Teeple represented Liv- J woman wr**v. _«. *o trying to ge t a ings ton Lodge a t the Masoinc c o n - | bout wi th the Angehi in AlaUioon tiun at Cirand i iapids last week. I Square garden, She WJLS showing her

Friday & Sat., Feb. 2 ,3.



Son., Mon., Tue», Feb. 4, 5, 6


i:u OTA rules. His .sen ten ne is ;;iri m ur^on and a £14,0oi> fine.

• •• ili'i'.'n u; S.hs, .i. ' i\,oyit t'nr:\c ^,v e M. 1,. iwitu^UT and .-«)n >vm

tviu ial cuurt I ^ior iuv. wci-k of I t'i;i i'i il-

.1 iv . . t ». «*i a I,o.i .. j ..\ i>;>fk till- ai s'nLeut;t? will be

3 i I-. L. Andrews attended thoG.ramM athletic ability bu»t Saturday night

i ' ( i | | \ K ' U U 111

J uu^c Li'der i : v K^iuiun



nun su -

An <.>>t v ha/ I:

Coinc i l of the Knights Of the ^o.\al ' i n a a u e n o u s square uance. .' :'. i at F:int la.si week. * j The founder of the L. L. lVl. (Lamb*

' ' - a V 1<-' « i wa.< I. i d i-t week I ^ a a C U l C U A J o 1 ' 0 " ^ i i U , i i ( x ' u U i > ' D u e « ! '<•• ::._ ; w ; . a a (. . i L * j turneu 10 poetry. La ie iy he has been

•>•' : ^ ( 1 and ilit him j n g i e ^ , ^ '°" I i" m e habit o\ cal l ing up h>s fr iend*

M.-rried by Rev. Fr. Commcrforc ia-i Wednesday, William Sh*l AIi-s Kate Hoc he.

A :»leigh load of youn^ people , . ,-i joyed a pleasant even ing at ih^hom.-

of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fatfin last

nan f'M




and enligtnyrung incm with bus of poetry.

L.asi LI on day a ioiioru liale Loy hus aecu \vaiMiig the ai.^^^^ OJ. iia-cknef because i.is s.sici ;.ad Jur^Ken him for a senior bo\. ^

j Lay county pjor farm of 145 acres Monday night * 1 Last Monday the school was fuU j which flows from oU to 75 barels .Married at St.John'a church at Yp- °* w « u dragged strangers, who turaft

JCATHERINE HEPBURN, WALTER jot oil a day.. silanti Monday Leonard Keusch of out to be seniors waiting to have HUSTON, ALINE MULMAHON, Attorney Ucm Dcthmers ha? ruled' Anderson to Kathleen OBrien. thei* pictures taken. The camera held AKiM TAMIROFF t j l a t ^ offices of coroner and jus- A lamp exploded in the Sam Walk- out through the strenuous proceed'

Cartoon "Unruly Hare" | t j c t . o f pe,u>0 nmy n o t be both frcld by *r home over F. G. Jackson's store as ings and this surprised most of the tno same man na under the law the t h c f^wily were at the senior play at ' seniors. Aiso( the Senior play has I duiies of *hcnff may devolve on the the opera house Friday night. Only ( been chosen and by the time this1

£oron(.r< pi-ompt work prevented another bigi goes to press the parts will have Uaie\;;:more who has been in f i r e i n ^inckney. I been given out. More about that

trance is now in Ln^land.IIis brother !;d\vard,who was in Ntwv Guinia no..' in the rhllipines.

Scrut. Patrick Lavey and wife vis-

This it A'n Unutuahy Long Program Please Nqte Time Schedule.

Monday and Tue*day<7:30 (1 »how nightly; Sunday Show*. 4 :00 , 6.-10, 9:15 ( 3 t h o w i )

Wednesday & Thur*. Feb. 7 ,8



A NIGHT OF I A L ) \ ^ii i w *^*^ ' with TOM CONWAY, . . J. . C" [ EDWARD c r o p . V

were recent guests of his nerfiits. ?,•«]•. and Mi.i. Kay Lavey of Cvt-so y l.irt week, h e has been stationed at 'Jahn in Hawaii.

Lt.Daiyl of (.Ji-eyorv.now a ( ie inian .orujr. has ni'fn awarded the

Four horses became frightened .by n©xt week. l s boys snowballing in front of the xhe same two senior boys that

postoffice Friday and ran away. No J m a ( j e headline news last week have i one was hurt but two cutters were done it again. This time is concerned

the senior skip day. It seems that a full house Fri-

smashed. —* The seniors drew these two boys, deciding tnat since

day night with their pjayV*Among the » they were all dressed up and that Hreakers'<. They_expec4 Wytke it to J it would be a wonderful day for the

skip lay. The class did not agree but

P r

.Medal «UDistinguished Flying

Air Cross.


t owe I/ Theatre Wed. , Thur., Fri, Jan. S I , Feb.

In Technicolor



Stockbridge and Dexter. ' - * The Putnam-Hamburg Farmer's

t ub' met with Senator Teeple Satur­day. The following were on the piro-

Cnrl Hcnnett of JJrighton last week1 griim : Floyd Randall, Arthur Shehan. K-ht a pike on Strawberry Lake Mrs. Charles Brown, George Brown,

Herbert Schoenhals and F. L. An-hews, Recitations were given by

Emii Lambertson, bames Culy and, " • • - - i s (

which weitrliea 24 3-4 ln.^..

this did /not bother them so they were off to the greener pastures of the neighboring towns .No f ights were encountered so it was a wonderful outing.

ing the World Better." Blanche Boylan is teaching in the

Haus-e school. .

MARIA MONTEZ, / S e l e c t e d Short*


S a t One Day Only, Feb. 3


' Pl"« " ^ -


Special Cartoon Matinee Saturday for Kiddies

- Jfcom., Mon., Tue», Feb. 4, "5, 6



Selected Short* and Newi

Wad. Thurt^ox Fri. Feb 7, 8, 0


Narrated by Lieut. Robert Taylor and



N O T E S OF 25 Y E A R S A G O

At 2:00 a. m. Tuesday morning the! Norton bakery burned. Mr. Norton j was frying doughnuts when 15 gall-1 ons of lard ignited. The high wind arried the sparks and the stocks of

! Floyd Weeka, Monks Bros and C. H.

.--(•]•;'(.. l ' :u!c!s Coil el y of Brighton and P U . Kdward 1'ittingor of Genoa -.a»t' been reported missing in acuon ./j trtanii-a

Jack McDonald, Howell mortician, hap been elected treasurer of the State Funeral Director's As^oc.

.Mi .s Dolores MrLnin, f o j i i e r locai re.-ident wno lived on the Mowers fai'in umlerwent an operation fop

] ai»pcndiciijs at .Mciiicr: .*» ..osi-.v.al, . i JO A ell receiivly. ( At the recent meet ing of Th<r county

board of supervi.-ors Frank Bush re-* signed as county a*b. tractor and the hoard voted to make a sepail i te office of it in a separate roam. They also voted to submit the new jai. pruposi- K e n | W ? d v W ( M .e r o m o v e d t o u V o i d d a n . t ion to the voters in April. 1 he plans of this have been- changed as it will ^ p ; n ( . k n ( ; v p u s i n e s s m e n m e t at

L house several county oft ices m aaai- th(>- S p h y n X QXV^ M o n d a y n i K h t and or

Uon to .sheriff.. -. . ganized a board of commerce. The l-rcstoh blauso. i , L. o M. b.cad- ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W e e k s ; V i c e i

caster, will speak . a t Howell ^ ^ ' ^ p ^ j j j Norton ;Sec .Linco ln Smith; Mhooi on the night at heb . . 1 | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

) i - s G.ady.- J o i n s . Howell m a i l ^^ y^^^ brother of Mrs .Magg | hoard clerk.mid .Sianley l i e e g _^ere .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ d j e d ^ w h i t e Q a k J a n _ 2 2_ , muiTM'd at h o w l e n i i l e J a n . - ). ^ Q^ ^^ ^ ][yed h e r e a n d o p o r a t -

Mr. and Mi . . H e - Snred ol lioxv- ^ b H o k f a c t o r y Q n t h e M o r c e l l u s

,.!,• ! lM . attending u i - r a t i o n Show »" I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Chicago. . I Glenn Tupper is now supt. of the SVrgt. Cranl Ward of c ing tue , w l . - j Saturday Night , a Fl int weekly pub-

w-i* wounddd in France is now «.t t h e , | i , i a t ion . CJ; ..:. u-r-(-eia!d nosp.tal, ChicttjiO. i Vet Bullis has taken over the man-

Odessa is now the hamburger J . , ^ . m r n t of the CnadiUa store of the world. It now h


Iva Placeway. The next meeting is•{ s t i r r e d b y reVelations of useles, with Joe Placeway, ^ ( c r u e l ty , dog lovers are urging Con-

Woodbridge N. Ferris lectures in ^ ^ t o p r o tect K-J) veterans, Amer Stockbridge Monday night on Mak-<' i ca>3 valiant canine soldiers, from vivisection. Get this Sunday's (Feb.

4) issue of The -Detroit Sunday Times, bringing you the American

j Weekly with an articie on these dogs {heroes and man.y more exclusive 1 features.

"The flowers appear


Lake canning city

from 100,000 to 300 ,000 men. They art three i.uiiutes

panning day for the service fried in deep fat for and i ^ e k e d 3 in a can.


Fil l ing of the Lake was finished Friday inche sthick.

and ice hous.es The ice is 22

Coming "Destiny'' , tight*'

'Trail to Gun>

i. :cr oil ii«

Olive I3ullis,Francis and Clare Led-ts at the Robb Hoff

o u r c o ) s W U M n e c r on n^n* ing—we mu!»t Iieep on buy-ing WAR BONDS until v i * tory •« u*on. K e e p on BACK­ING TnE* ATTACK.

widge v e r e gue.-

f | o m e Friday at Kathleen's i party.

birthday j

) Mrs. Luci'" S'.irey visited her moth

cr in Detroit !a-t week where the lat­ter underwi.-^ i ai» operation.

Ci.ai ;•!••> i ' o .Kr has traded hi* ho use near Jh'll Civi l : to Lucitri D o > k J*. fci i... ',>)",w; UA I'a-H"*•:'.--on ..;.ke road r e c e n c y occupied by Wm. Doyii sr.


Fri. and S a t . ^ e b . 2 ,3 "~ ~

FRISCaKID firinging back a *lory ot tii^ Barbary '• Coaat •tarring J A M E S C A C * N E V ,

M A R G A R E T L I N D S A Y « • • Cartoon " N i p the N i p s ' , Win-Maria* Band*'. , ter Circle", Ted W e e m i "Merchant ' Sum. St Tue«. Feb 4, 6

WING AND A PRAYER A a explanation of the Batt le of Mid­way Starring DON AMECHE, D A N A A N D R E W S , WILLIAM EYTHE. Phtt * N « W , Cartoon -Sultan'* Birtfcday' .

""" "Ad-

CONSF.nVATlON N O T E S i :,:.'•: icj and the ' >avy snow is

Rural Bond Sales Effective Step In o Postwar Planning

WASHINGTON, D. C—Secretary of AM'icuhme Claude R. Wickard today called on American inrmc-rs to invest ' all "extra"_doI]ars in War B<^nds during |

,1 OH, lo, tlie winter is past, the rain is over and none; the Mower!* wppeur on the earlh;

the time of the sinking of birds is come" ('Tlie 5oufi of Salomon 2:11. 12), These Ivrind hnes {iiinouiiee tin season when nil the earth is renewed ] and even the birds rejoice in tht-' trunsfornnition. Do they not also symlxWi^* * that springtide of the heart when one rejoJees in the d.iwn of fresh hope ami faith, and the rJt>;ippearuiice of oppression <md evil? ()iie need not await u ciian^e jf season , 'however , to experience a revival in hi.s thinliui^. ^ ^

St. Paul says <Hi>inans^2<2), "Be ' not < ,onformed to !hi>- '^orld: hut be ye t r a n s f o r n a ^ f i y th» renewing of your ndtu+C'thai ye may prove wiiat i s ^ m i t *<»i>d. and ucc/ptahle, a iu l^ierfn ' l , will of Cod." How is

^tfus resuscitation of h u i f m thinking to be brought aluaitV liy turning humbly to <i«xi and Icliiny Him govern our thoughts our dr.virt;.,, our whole | ives ; (iod's will f«>, Ml it harmony and well -being. How im­portant it is. tben, to wateJt our thooKMs to see that tiiey are not conforming to mere v,orldiy stand­ards but are pleasing to G J<1. . . .

A little hoy who had won tirst place in oo acoou RperkiTens raised si-eh b lossoms; for it was k n o w * (hat he h a d ' o n l y a smalt and unfertile plot on whieii tv groi* them. H e answered simply, "1 saw


ie uu) WHO II «j won ursi i a flower ^ t o w i n g con (est, -j-int of his lar^c nid beautiful I i s , was uskvd how he had /

r - . " • • : , - in thc usu- . inter kill of the SiKih War Loan beginning Novem-j T*"2: , " c « » » w c . r u » i i i | / » , i « w - , . ' . ", , . ., ' I ; J , « . „ „ H J ber 20 as an "effective sU-p in postwar ' ^ b.pssouis when I planted the

f i n from laek of £unl!gnt„ ana f p l i i n n i l ^- f o r r u r a l America. i e eds / ' How v e i l this iUustrateJ report* of same are c o m i n g } .Directing ins appeal "To the Farm

I People oi America," Secretary Wick- | erd said. '"Jie farm people of tnis coiiiury iiave an outstanding war rec-

ter.- a.- tii.' maii-siies are i r o z e n up o»"d- ' . , , it\rtif\l l l still takes a lot of money to

O«.J support men and horses. HO«XM finance the war. even though we are conK- have i ^ e n c a t in the Cusine | winning.. The single task of supplying j

, A "'••- _ , ^ + u- „^„_ ! the Pacific theater is a tremendous -A.i\e franrerefupe th i s > ear. -ui-dertaking. Add to that the e<iuip- I

The last wiW 4urkey? were reports t rr.ent which wiis needed on the inva-1 sian coast of Fiu:ic«r. the supplies that !

a/hat Jesus meant whep he said (Matthew 1 8 * ) , . " E x c e p t >e be con­certed, and become ax little children* ye aiiall not enter int<* the kingdom a/ tteaveo^t A pure, childl ike trust km God, a3ood, brings harmony into our Uv«a.

T^ou|{hla are the *reds we a/«

>d in Harry county "in 18G8.

*Cr«at Moments", o f Mark T w a i n V ' '

A S a l a W O N E D A Y O N L Y WILSON i n

FARM H O U S E C A T C H E S FJRE The farm hou.se at Anderson on t h e

( l ibson farm caught f ire last ni?ht. Tne i ' inrkney fire dept. w e n t out ; .nd put out the fire. The roof and the north side "were damaged . ' Burt Cibson who .lives there w a s a lone , his Trffc-betng away, .

planting in fife's garden, and t h e ; wil l sureiy bear fruit. Wkether tp*

weeds or blo&sorua



• Di f ferent Treatment gwSws decply.to kill it you i t T«-ol solution Ls the on-

know of made with aVofeol H a s more penctruung

U O B E S MORE GEWMtf H a d ft t a k e fcoUL tie at

a t M t U G S T O H

are requirco' now U> knock down the walls of Hitler's G*: many, . and t h e ; total is staggering. So our job here at | home is by no means over, just as the J harvest yields "w; .• c<i HK- f.i-htm^ front isn't over, i . ' . . ' r • , . , , , <J r Comet . o t rcs"..>-isi'..>:lity is two-j depends on the kind of seeds pU it ted. 1 i . Cr c .s I.J s c . u ( i:1 j i b and d o I 1¾ he re<*eptive to good, and to let i t ' > ' C i L ' - . . > • < ; ; . : , i i . . . i t \ > o n ; t h e ' O • . i' ^ ' v l \ A V ^ r j ' . o ^ . o : .

i N 3 O U T O F 4 G A M E S Pir/ckney high school basket t a l l

tram has won 3" out of tlieir last 4 pames. . They beat De*t«r hoth g a m e s ::ere*1 fist Fr iday , ' the reserve team w l r t i n - 2G to li> and the vars i ty 3a to 25 . Gus Ledwidge scored 18 points for the varsity.

At Chelsea laat night the reserves, who have made a f i n e record this year won their g a m e 2 5 t o 2 0 . The h n c k n e y varsity * o t a w a y to a j 1 ^ start s c o r i a 12 points before Chelsea ffot s iarted- .Tinotaey had a 16 point lead at the end o f H * quarter . This [hev failed to hold * » d C W « w o n a

e f h l F h scoring g » m « 4S t « U«.

I ' 3 » • . : : »• : \ . : . .

i . u i >. a c i . i i A ' t d the frtcc o! \ .. L i ! , Q - b l l v ! u l< ciic:iiod b' i' . thfir l::n, .v.- \ and :i ^.: , oi' boJ ' lQs 111' I . i-J3. 1 0 r r C T ' - l T ' : r.f

God's will be done one ueeds to c : i. oi»i j .;s c c n t r y i k n o w that man is God's reflectioii,

helpful au&fsttona cooking, lighting and appiianoa u*a.

4 MINUTES-ONE KilCWATTHOMR . . One com­parison of the nations n\ )<<", btaauaids is based on the amount of work required "' : ' ^ various countries of theaworld to purchase OI.II.JU jle merchandise. The following table, based o i uif- e-n- wuge scales, shows the number of minutes' \"->r%r rt.-juired of unskilled labor to purchase one kilowui.nuai oi' electricity jn 12 leading countries:

United States... 4 minu^s Holland 12 minutes England. 18 minu te s

France 18 m i n u t e s

Germany „. 18 m»autes Austria -...,.,.. 24 minutes

K'm^ary .. p-'"ium Hra il A ?eutint .... C'I uguay ,

30 minutes \Q minutes

30 minutes .31 minutes .36 minutes

Chile 37 minutes

America leads the world in the electrical standard of living, as she leads in so many olhcr ways!

Waiting e/ectr/c/fy /s wasting badly needed tool

SA v C^V SAViiNiG... This recipe for using up "leftover" r~r t ')er r i... !;^!.!y recommended by out Koi^c Service Department:

Luncheon Rolls with Mushroom Sauce

2 cups sifti'd flour 1 tsp. suit

4 tsp. baking powder 4 lbs. shortening

*.\i to V«, cup milk

Sift dry ingredient

milk to make a &v

spread with mixtu.

• 41 , , - 'ening, and add t!':'kness and

of C. -mo iV.'.uvw* iodsTtjeef, finely diced cooked potatoes a:,d finely minced onion. (This may be moistened slightly with v,hite sauce or leftover gravy.) Roll like a-jelly roll and cut intn one-inch slices. Bake in muffin pans at 450 ' F. for 12 to 15 minutes. Serve with mushroom sauce.


CARE OF CORDS... I t is always important to take care of your electric appliance cords—and particularly so in wartime. These simple instructions will extend the life of your cords:'Keep them free from oil, moisture and.grease; avoid kinking and knotting; keep them away from sharp edges and hot appliances. Do not hang them over nails. When disconnecting, them from out­lets, grasp plug firmly—don't jerk cord

Don't waste eieetrtcltyl Conserving It saves cool

—7/te *betvut ZdUo* G*. S+rviisg mor# than half th* p*opl* oi Michigtsm

Dead and Disabled Horses and Cattle

Hogs, Calves and Sheep REMOVED FREE ,

PHONE eotzjEcr ro


.r::\ • \< ar-r-vou. c ;: p.oc'uc'ion rrru : me riifliculi . .v

, ;-d is f. ft tl ; unused more t .T.nooe

rx-T.ior. dollars' w.ir.h of 'i ! .s figures ( r at i;bout

•ir nc! mco:r..\'

' uwj r .

They ! «piritUAl n<A material. A flower has ?,J? ^ 1 b e e n Hfcened~tr> God*s sihMe. hi irjuaa r^eir

good. u o . a s i n * I •* ** i s ^xpr^^"'" »n<t manifests God's j irtt f;.'.r;.-".cVs and • >vM.?»ture in ov«*ry ( i odhke way. i

S.xth War Lear .".,- ' v : n is Tf.>l yr; ty a^/U'.-tii/r.' out


"'J' J the- i>! ttv\ (• JL : .re has agrjcuJiurc i .id so £••••'>•; • •V.ATS thu/ cv.i'd ^;- »i; into Y\ ' . . i : ..CiS. T h e / r c c n v . - J p v . - c j i a v i v . n o f l i . .;: . . •-•uupied/with lave! , >/.v com-r..*' .'. piiccf. h?is pushed thfir ih'coine u;.. '.u ;..i alMJn/.e high level.' The in-vc.-t.v ::nt of those extra, inflationary c\>h..i.> in War Eonds vouTd be the tno. i cfTectivc/stcp I:J poftv.-ar plfinnint Rui el A-rnerr .T c ulrt t:.T.c.

'Su.ke yc.tir rlnre i:. the future— • h i r e i\.ur <s.:iki- in the w j r . "

He|x*«l»^JI> the fieor* is voiced f o r * •upreiqe governing in*eW»a*>«»oe. Tbm mmnc tlod wh< wa^ icvt^ .^ ! • Moaea, David, aod oomstkai is oa> ibe AeJd 4oday, took to «im wm rooeiw Urn Cuidanoe. . . .

Let us tberefoce ed^etbMtbeo «f ideas will coatimKKwly *mp]Aw those who onderataodiagty tara %m God. not on\y wHte oeodful proi*- j atua*, tmt vmitb ^uidatMe ko oU their j a#a*rs. In this ahuodaaor is mo Scar- ] M iKtardinf 4H- fear of rmtiomng, Iwat 4MMiaciou.s imtmom with Ibe

irioNe who (earn to live abbva the d i scords of material sense dis­cover that there is no pk>\vei km nat ter . The> learu tltai God is divine \ i iod , everx where preselittiK»yerni«\i al l; and as they awaken to bchoW onKl's oiuuipotence and omnipresence they beain to see God's law of har-iuony prevail Mary Baker Kddjr a rites in MMiaoellanef»us Writings" (p . SSI, 3321, "As tuorUls awaKe Crotn their dream of material senaa-lion, this adorable, a i l - inclusive God,' aa*f all earth's hierojel.vphics of !L«ve, v • r e •t>ders4ood; and infiurte Miod ia aeevi kHMthon-ihe stars , rol l ing M M **urfd*. cwftficttng all apaoe and I J i e . —tart not "fife ia uiirHer. Wise ly

governing. trtfoe?WT»S frc universe, * u * Miod is Truth, — not l a w s ot matter tarftaridy juat, m e r c i f u l tm4 wise , this Mind i s t o ^ e , — hat not imWkmt InW."

t h e k i n f d o m o f God i s within y o s , " aa*d the Master t l .uhe 17t2l) £ • * £ can aaa .tuuuekt, Mis my ac iownnat a kinfftkau w h e r e ^cflctot # K S I * e $ n s ? " It matters nag what others a r e d o i n g 'or




Weekly Trip* Made To Detroit



Oar part m establishing the ku«-mvm ml heaven on earth is 4o eaUiv MouMtr* in our

let «is


* m •

Pincknev Di* -r*r*» Wednesday. Jan. 31, 1945


All Owing Me on tintered at posiorfice

• I Pinckney, Mich I \ ccona dtuw u*atur.

tiubotripuoa $*Jib • ye*i Paid .a Aivaju'e. ^ ^ f AUa; W. CUftLETT. PUBLUUK:


Coid Capsuls

on Account - n

Kindly Call •




and Settle

Kennedys Gen, Store

Michigan Farmers ftiil M?»» 1S45 Ore? Output I Goals by Making Fertilizer Purchases Ear!/ i

CHICAGO.—The War Food Ad­ministration's recent request that farmers maintain their 1945 crop production ns near 1944's record lev­el as possible, heightens the need for prompt action in ordering fer­tilizer early, according to a state­

ment made public here by the Mid­dle West Soil Improvement Commit­tee.

"New WFA production goals call Cor about 364,000,000 acres in various

.crops in 1945, compared with 360,-000,000 acres panted this year," the statement poicl? out.

**To make p-^;b!e a continuance

Prompt Action in Ordering Supplies Necessary To Overcome Wartime Transportation VrobiP IS

The necessity for acting promptly In the m a t t e r of or(H T, ferti 'izer supplies for )945 crop operations faces every farmer CW is pitching to meet L;is yea r ' s vast food production goals. In normal , pre-vt«r years , m a n y fa rmers wai ted until the last minute to contact their dealer and then had the plant food delivered dii ?< t-Jy out ur/.o the f ' J . Today 's w a r t ' r ' e conditions have rh,*»,ored all that . Fert i l izer is now necessari ly being n n d e on a y c a - i > id schcJu is . The fa rmer who orders early will h e ' a s s u r e d *•••>( it's. If he orders jus t ah i . / J of Lis usual d:Ue he may h i v e U:i\;. *ut if he delays maUif^r. a r r : n - e v e n t s he may «et n i t r l i i i io r

LOCAL NFW-S Mrs. Kuymoda Morris was in Ann

Airbor Sat.

Mii. Louis Coyle wan tin ,„u; i i--ia*t 4'hui'bday.

\ Mr.s Blanche Clark wa< in Ann i Arbor Friday aRd Saturday,

Mrs. Fruufc Aberdeen was in De­troit the first of the week.

Mrs. Jos / Singer of Lansing was a i ' inckuey'visi tor Ffriday night.

Miss Lois Ware spent Ihe week end with relatives in Howell.

Koss Lamb and Mrs, June . l'o>pp and son# spent Sunday in Berry.

Mrs.Norma Merrill of Webster spent Friday with Mrs. Nettie Vaughn.

Mih.s Mary JM>U Bekkerinu- spent ^ Sat. with her sister at Clul.-ou'.Mieii. ^

Mr. and Mis, Alex Cari>h anci Mrs. Francis Krupa of Detroit .-pent Sun. wjJi Mr. and Mrs. Win. Shenam

Miss Laura Huff and Mr-. Maiy Hoff were dinner ^uesi.- <»f M., a:i<l Mrs. John Marl in. last Tuesday..

Miss Kduu Maas of Howell was •*•«"!»-*> a week end guest of Miss Albe.m Dirlkei. - , \ \

Uaj,')ara McAfee spent the week end at the Oiunr lia.-.s home in llri-ghtou.

Mrs. Pons Me\e»' uf Sxji'khridge called at the W. 11. Meyer home JA fc Linday. | -

Mrs. Virginia (iood of Detroit is.; i.i.ig her .-I,.UT, Mrs. .Mary 1 kuu- j

vhn. I Miss Lucy Jeffreys and Mrs. B. i

M. Hicks spent Saturday at Ann Ar-{ bor Mich. j

The i'hillip Sprout family spent , Sunday at the Charles Souk; home In Howell. I

Lee Lavey ami family spr>nt Sunday | with Mr. an(1^ Mr* Vincent Shields of Ann Arbor .

j K.ed Hurt/, and family of Yas;!abti ' J | \veie Si.aiti.iy u. jests of Mr. and .Mrs. [.^

John Martin. j Miss l inen Helhoff of Ann Arbor

was a week end gue.->t of Mrs. Bo*e-Fmary Sc»»ossor.

The John McDonald family and > Lois spent tin; week end at the I.e.-,- \ tor Mi'A fee home. ; »*

lins.-ell- Ke.m and family of VA a. - (¾ ant -tut'-'1 w e , e week end K"..:sts at

j ti.e Ross Read home. ( Mi.v Hose Howard .-pent the w<<*i, j end vuth l i o n e t (irain^er jr. and j family at Lam-inn.

2 DOZEN 25c

F O * V'••-'•.


Cough Syrup 3 OZS 25c, 8 O/.S 50c

Kennedy Drug Store PHONE 5vF3





;>*e-~dr 1 **%LJ»;. JUS*** ^ " ^ • • ^ • ^ ' Q * •<»••• ^ . ^ .^^..^,.^,,^ ^ ^ X,

Head or Alive ^ ~ FREE SERVICE

Farn* Animals Collected Promptly iviodern Equipment

i... L. f AllKKR. AQI Capable Men S • •« A . *-"•• L** « " A K - K h K , A Q e n t P r i o r i AA u . i

Miss ,.Ma Hartmnn O, ; . •,••>. sp ,n , l j * />* F A S T F S T D e . J fitoch ^ 1 v i c e , n Mi<U ' l l fu- i>-fk end with her grandmother, ' 5 . ^ W V , W , f l ™WS(&n

Mfcs. A>-L(lieinherder. ' ^ Dr. S. f>vin ami famiiy of De­

troit .-jwiit tJie week end at t heij ' V A N W M W f^^V^n**"*'*-^**^ fittin north of Howet!.^ s,,^ -

C. W. Hooker and fniTvuVV -.. of Am

:; Central Dead Stock Co

II! A r b o r were Week end gues t s o f - M r .

^*VBVin ,AVi ,vvyVVVl / ^ \.»

d Ha

amounts ^ fertiii/. r wii. b m^c^ed. ' the winter f • jfficent dry :-i -'"e :«• The Wa. i''ood Aci'iimis : "mi and u'. -liable. the fertil . /er industry nrv nui';i:r» < '-"IM^ :-. for 194. > n" '-f1 m< • every .effort to nrovidr f •-..•*• v • < v -• : ',"-, -v ;r <-,v / ton of , il . r r sufheient supplies of p!unt. u ^:\ . 1 . . - ' r C e l u o : . the utmost. '. .• • '!vti t ime for their 1M5 sin . , ^ ;-.-.•• g > :/e;- » ie.- / is working ov ' ' • o l.'j

"Tiie only way sueli a ti'wgr .ir t . '-i v iolAe- 'ie plant food in t e right be successful is r< i :'.. t e:s t" «. •>- swjnii .y a ^1 on t i m e . " operate by or^e.i.ey MI - 'V . t; . n<> ' delivery i»;> SJ:-.I ^^ p> . ;• ' >. .•• j ' storing the plor t f J '. . t , -

m , v ; t '"i '''i' iy o l I..11. ,ii; and Mrs. J. I I j Hooker. ' { •'• ! • •"" ^1 . , ^ at m.- . . . . j i . , ; i i , ., . I r . and Mr.>.- (ioi'man K<\'\ ai <1 j "r>^'>:_

ehihh'en were Friday dinner ,irue.-ts( ' ' ' • <i'"i-<ii'pl>e:'l ha> ,-yid m,- f a i inon of M)-.->. Kobt. Kelly. -1 •-' '*n.-. lo J'u_»- t . i . r ( -vV iil} ( J w n . the

1'vt. John Latliers att'ejU' d f <»]• : J ..J.,. R»H )je ].u ih.-a&'my duty last Deeember is ituw in. j ,,, ^ .,., i j l > ; (>i i,T {.^7^,, Camp Fanning, Texas. ' i u i i - Kui'h

Mis. Iva Covert, and Miss Mitf'- I S;.tui-<i*«\-

.ei' W i r e h o m e 11 o/ir L a m - : i.g

^'""KliaKlifHthlt l l i i f l l l i iUiUIIIJIlMi^

j First National! •i Hank

: ! /

until needed nc\ t sm . .Ci i i / -e r manufac turers arc faced with labor short.-. - ': ' o r t a -tion problems ,^-.sist a;m i y iir-come more serious otcr n the lack of sufficient-1: J '. s , -

"Eve ry tr:; of f "'•'' v- -^-- >i now means 'rs~ ' ' ' . ^ •! - r .,m- | i -breakable bcUlci.^(.k ij^er o.i i';-.e :? f farmer who a ; i s -.IM ,-'it" v / ; : .; ;'%. / cer ta in of ^ctt in^ i-,i, supp!:. ^., Tt e ; • . '" , ^, ^ v man who delays riT.y get r. <.v. ./\ - v ,£ * -

"Fari-nors have Itv.rned i_.'.:ou-h ( U ] ..> 'JM ^ ^ expe r iome that it is th-rc '_ .<.y ' ' ^ --**

s€ such heavy farm p ro J uc t io r , vast j practical to r.tore fer t i j - r t . r o ^ ^ h

ian Hendeo of Ann Arbor was a week '* end guests of Jean Clark .

^ i Mi>s Htizabeth >^t^ptoe and Mr. \l J las. Roberts of Dexter wire Sunday

.•uesU of Mrs. Thomas SJuhnn. Mrs. T. K. Mo ran and ,M i

. \ [ > j / \ ih^NMia ( a r \ t r a n d d . u v h l . , i : i- \ isitJuv' H e i t y I l a t igh i i in A n n ;\i h o . .



• >:\-',:,..i t.ouu <>< i n l i o . t is i a i s How«l| y i l in- guv t ol la r .-:.'.er, Mi;,, Ma.y 5 - . ,

r "<enhur \ o f r . m t spi.nt the w eek j - I S e:..t with Mir. and Mrs. S. Swariho-.' i -vl1'- M;i: \ Hau.'mi i v n m . n l i.wme 5"

Miss AlberUt Dinkei and Ki-ai.fts j J j l , ' i ; Luoim. k 'lr:.:i,-, Miiid.i\ e m . I S Sl.ehun entertained the Junior .l-'nriv, n;.-- _.. j ? Under Fea»riJ Sup«rvision Burva at the Dinkel home Iu.-l .di- . lU* u in . ^Dmkc i . \ i ,;,.d la i J 5 Member F**ler*i 0«po*it la-

1 Thursday. lue'.m r, Mr- Jeiin Hiogan n. Stoek- t S t u r t a c e Corpor«4ioA. All D« j Sunday truests at the C. J. Ci;- lor ' y i d g e Mj.aja\. | - p o i i u lnui red up to $5,000 fo

homo were^Mr. and Mrs Ralph Clin- | i is>JM l u yn ^ ! k i / ( j j ; l K k ( . , , , f._r j g e # c i j D»po»iAor. , ton of Detroit and Fred Berry of O1 ; , u l , ! „ , „ „ ; , ; M.i'i.e, • ,,>,- ! § Howell. j JI.L..., liov.eli. J ridav a he\ . ' S

Albert AUrnams and w.fe of How , ^ , ^ ^ . u j ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ u ! £ p A T T E R N .FOR PROORESS | tr\] spent Sunday-** the home of Mr. . ^ , , ^ , , , , . ., 1 ( i U j i i u u u ] M j . . ^ ^ > m j ; g . 2 l a u d Mrs. Hollis Wybe ct'..i'bra;,i,' I , l l l l M u . , 1,.,1^1.1, m i.,,m,*»f, ir'va.s' »5ii,.t>\ecn l^TH and l ' .^7 . fiftcou

I iTommio's birthday.


Mrs. Louis Coyle, Bfcv. ^ i - n : W J Mrs, KKvin Hulce and^ .«01^ of ton, Hoi 1 inK home Howell Saturday*.

. i u i e d ho.1.1 ' . s , a , , i u.i(v n . g n i . ,

*' : l ' : t , t l !'•.'..g!.u ph<.»,., vN: n...;, .s.i 1,

' '< en , Mr.s. Gladys Lee and Mrs.M. : Chelsea railed at the Curl it h o m e , A ( ^ . K ) , r _"' ^ J ' ' ^ '^ mes a t tended a county board-met^ o v ^ . the week end, | ', ,t^' UJ " ' .' '," , , ' of the Kinjrs Duuuhtcrs at the J ^ , . . . , Jovce Bielvick ndn M r . , " J' •' '

ne of Mrs. Wheeler R e s e l l in | j a , M e s Hurrin^twi and son of IN-t iy • ^u n u«'> ^ - ' ^ ' - ; t r ^ e J „ ( l ,

^ S a t u r d a y . ^ - villo weiV Sunday dinner ques t s ^ ^ ^ , 1 ^ . , ^ ; ' n u f - ' 'N'


!Mr. and y[v^. Andi^w t^amnbe!;.

. . i i ; .

J-j-easter and Janulv ai> | ."Mr.-. \\ », . j ^,

' 5 Bet ween _ fft'.fw mdust.ries aione uf-ated,dir 2 Sr r i l ,v : iml indin«i"ty an .estimat- •

j te(i l.'.,0tHi(ntei new johs. S , 2 N'i >v - i nnn f i e developments, ± «Sm \ . . i ,oa- lines of endeavor. S

\ ; . ( ( . '5V»t>'d eut promise of more new g ' "* end more new jobs in 5

Income J r c i of Ann Arbor and Mrs. Dorothy ^ ^ r . o i h l l o n m , and d a a ^ l n . , . ( = , . . ^ , , ^ u n d f > r o u r free I T i o u of Detroit s}Hni a coup1,"-of 1 ul 1 H A U r - =, . , , , : .e s y q n n . Help make

Ta x

U*e - Bttiiil W h,t«- b o m i

Siit..rvi.i>, u n u at tne J'.rnest V\'i,,tt- J

' * *

we asyrecisu^

Ae IUMMU of swob Woes as Kc. Bavid -When tfce few^awi motion -of j | stscicstt ssoow up, drajwd m t '

«sl y o c d foe t ^ » s ^ ^ sprayyrf i



da'.- ^r^t week wi'.h Mrs.. AtLee Mr. and Mr.- Jiubcrt !.« dw ,d

1 and 'daughter of Det*n>it spent Sun. hei-e. Mrs. K«eat»»'r Ledwidjut- return­ed lH>n>e fnojn Detroit with them.

Mr. and Mrs. M^ron Richardson and Mrs. Airwe.s Richardson of Howe!;

\ <vcre Sunday guests of Mr. and .4r> • Mark Xash. t Mrs/ Laura Hester of Ypsflanti wa« children lu Friday ffu«st * t the A. ^ N j f ^ ; 1 Mr* VirKu.m Carver niri w . . home and A. N. Houanor of Ur«ft- Uutid^ a re apendms- « few d«v in [ t o n «>d Mrs. Benxice V^yhe aru* .-on A . 1 B . A r b o r w i l n ^ . s . - s i e r , Mrs, iset,\


Harold Hill who has boon hvinp on the t reor^e VanHorn fafrm at Rush Lake ha* mo\od to Oak Grove and

r futurt^

ent - ' j } r , . , t l i > e system, ne tp miuve the

U Mr, and .\ii>. .Neiman \\ \v.v a:.d | g o [ ( C ., n - a i t y . Our l>ank if pr** . ' M ^ W . and Mr.-, Ben \M.,t.- \ , -ueu ^ 1 ,1^ . (1 to mn'ko l o a w to cowpetr

.n H»^, . »§<.n l i ndividua:.sfirtns and corpor .Sa . io t i s for constructive Uusiness

nome San day.

Sunday c£t..r<* at ll,e L. j . ii<utn liomr were Wl l (»««due> and fa.: n,. of Chei^ea and Mrs. Ahee Sehoeo.m.s S ^ t . h ave o m p k fund* available and Mrs. Lydia kHru> of How el. ana j £ f0J S Ound lo*nR,



• p u r p o s e s .


j Bani of Trowel 1 called Sunday t Wiiw Paula <:ur,eU spent tne wr*k / e n d with her prandmother. Mrs. Hen

xy Hauck in Brighton. The H«uckf a re movtnr twck t o Detroit thin W>»<1>, j

S Keep on l»uying War S lic».: ul*u-ly and Deposit them m

1 1 <bis Bank for Safokpepia*

John NichoU and fami4y of Howell liave moved o e the VanHosm fa rm.

» ' t T *

Mr and Mrs- ^ a r e Miller. J,>hr \ Martin and 1'aul €u r l e t t attended the i T a t h anniversary oavrrqu*t of Y rati- , . V T ^ m , . ~ ^ _

t r m i t y Lodire F. A A M. at Ann .»0 \0\ K N O ^ . Mat 1 t*rry t V

: Sunday quests of Mf*. M « y f U d i - i ^ y ^ ^ ^ V . ^ ^ 1 . - ^ 1 n^an were

terv * ^ * -« «-.V» t>«« arvrf Ch*rlA« H a d o i « | y < > u n ' ! a n d « W . C; F . Hewlett , l o u r I


Mr. uU Mo. U«ter McAIW «f

ba^usod Swarfwr wapiint sm * e A M LMethodist Chsuck Brifltal**

Mrs. « . -Hr, \istm * tir&ftssv

lamUi ^X ^sarfeonu /^

> -

* •« I L 1 L I , H


^ * - . * « .


WgdatAy. Jap. 31, 1»4S


* • *

utombile Owners 1 4 t 8 Of YOUR RIGHT to elth or own er drive an automobile

~ la the penalty you MUST pay under Michigan's Automobile

•altAy BoaponaJhiUty Uw,lf yea have an accident eeuskvg death

4*jttfea and pvopetfr oainaam, gad you aen/t ahew proof of

fW* ea&ity to pay ail claims by 4epoaiting at enoe IllyOOO

to onah, bond or securities--OR by showing poaeeaeion of ap~

pawed Liability and Property Damage Insurance.

Insurance thru our agency will

protect your right to •*» and

drive a ear.


Classified Want Ad WANTED: A good home for a cocker spaniel mae* pup.

Dispatch Office. FOR SALS; Electee range, Westing house jr. coustaolr etainleaa eteel lop. 150.00. Elmer Gap, Silver Lata, at Dispatch Office Thurt. o;OP p.m.

am ai dose-to, yea eg you* telephone? a F. How

Wetttne dealer. Phone 93

FOR SALE- 400 ehiett brooder eieo-Itric contact heetere, 0 poultry hat*

w s*e x v eer ewew ^ asr p ^^^p^^^e^^^^^^s^ee

FOUND-A yearling ferret eolt. Own nor can have by proving property and paying for keep. Cheater Murray FOR RENT- 80 acre* of unjnadT let out on eharae. L. W. Vwetead C&fit" W c - l t o like, woJevn* amy Wnd. Caii 2*0 UuadfcUa St. at any time. DO YOU TtNOW; that Retenone Cattle Grub powder a* recommended by your County Agent can be bought from your Waikini Dealer, C. F.

iKevviati _ _ WANTED-Chickeni, higheat price paid, any amount. Write Carl Schmid Saline, Mich.



?0 all owner* of land lying within all of the townships of Iosco, Marion,, Putnam and Unadilla, Liv ingstoti County, Michigan, except # ) • incorporated towns of Pinck nay and Qregary, notice is hereby «ven that on the 16th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 19*6 BETWEEN

SB HOURS OF 2:00 to 4:00 7:00 to 9:00 P. M. EASTERN WAR TIME a referendum wUJ be hold upon the creation of the

peiponii Livingston Southweet Soil Conservation District as provided in Aot 297 of Public Acta of 1987.

ftoft-the purpose of said referendum voting places will be established i i tike town halls of the above mentioned townships.. JAR owners of land lying within the above mentioned areas are etgible twvote. Any land owner who will he absent from the area on that date

Riay secure a voters registration and quaif (cation card and an ffcaont voter's ballot by making application to WIHard Wilts* ftnoswof, who has bean appointed polling superintendent. Such ep-

'jpMcarton ahouid state name and location of land owned by order of the SUte Soil Conservation Com mittee,

, T~ r^ffy

*OR SALE: Child's stocking Horse, small site. Mn. Marvin Shirloy

PRE-WAR Field Fencing, Car load . . o f Heavy American Steel and/ Wre *'Fence in. Buy it while you can.

D E. Hoey A Sonar Dexter POM SRBYTCB-RefUtered Hampshire boar, foe 12. Y. Hataperian FORRHNT-Fpur room boeee I "mile iceta of PunKaey. Phoao 6nPltt Prwan Bean FOR SALE- Bry wood.

Ljaa Hondeo fOR aAiE,)aUA Tea Pelalno la aek Iop

H. Gardner, Pinctonoy FOB SALE-^Muscovy Ducks

Earl Schroeder, Darwin Road

**it is hocominfe more and more evident over the world that training of the young folk* is not enough} that our schools have not had the* final results for society that we hop­ed; that we must begin to'provide educational opportunities for adults. The University recognizes this woik aa one of ite major responsibilities.

''Even now through its many off-oao&nua services it is reaching far more citiaaaa each year than come to Ann Afcrbor. And thu> program mnat coAatantly ha. expanded/ „

<'l want to-mantion just a few of the newer lines this development is taking. The correspondent study pro­gram is growing rapidly. New exten­sion centers, like those at Flint and Grand Rapids, are being added where ever there is a community need for one. New branches in labor and in race relations have Just been started.

I have mentioned a lot of details but by means of them l have tried to give a picture of a great univer­sity, the fifth in the nation, now, work in* and planning for the future. The \Jfot M is doing all it can to be ready to serve the citizens of Michigan, no matter they live or what they do.

The University has a faculty of men and women with national and international reputations as teachers and investigators. We cannot keep this exceptional staff at pre-war salaries. While the cost of living has increased 25 per cent,' the salaries of the faculty are up only 9 percent The result is that other institutions aire offering staff rriember»,more than we can% and our most valuable staff members are leaving. We of the t|niversity, however, are going ahead with preparations for the future, con fident in the belief that as long as this institution ia faithful to the trust and (responsibility placed in it, the

[people of Michigan will provide it with the tools to do its work well and meet the obligation owed to the future generations of^ students, young and old."

i NMFE TwtPiukiey Surtute

fUy ai Dafti, M. * F»a«amey, aUeaUjea

OffWe Hanrei S:00 U 4»00 P. I i l i t * la itf* r\ Mi

£OR SALE: Anyone wishing an acre . or acre and one half on M-16, west of I Pincknoy oaa purchase it of ma that j way- Bert Harris



DR G i t NUCLUSKEY • DENTIST I t t M ttljoMto

Offiea, 189 Eveafef* ay

Hawaii, MMtigaa


PwaaolU SUM 1 <oaood Hoe Ifewo* MM***

fUal Ialat04 City, 4

Una and Pajsj ttogewtfl A

Ual Yow t

Bond HMM ha> Cte «OOFIN%#4MU4«i and AMUTG4


Pheae U F U Plaekaey, Mier



PMONB f l p l t Pinesmay, Miohigaa


Paaae S»-F* Fiajelaaoy, Miialajaa

WUXUMOaWM i U N«H» Oawrl


MARTIN J LAV AN Atsjeraap #' Vaw

oT osjwjsej ^09 e^ajv^ajpsjaja^i avWaw^f^M

V^nvVluU* *V«*WhUi Pci. \ ) . VioWioU.

wwOjw^Haj wwa, v M a l »wwo»eaP

Attaraewa al Law first aseie oasd Soosaa* Jlanh

Howalt, Mteaigar

P. H. Swarthotit & SOB FUNERAL HOMa. Modern e^uipasast AmbuJi

Phoa« 30



Vfil S A M ! CJoal and wood Kitchen in fair condition.

11 Bokros

On account of the death of my wife and being unable to get help I will 8dU at Public auction on the farm

, ^-.. located 41/» miles west of Howell on FOR RBNT: Five f ° ° ^ ^ 0 \ f * 7 " Mason Road to Diete^e Road then * ereon Lake Road - Enaior Vaasioaio m J i e n o r t h / W a t c h f o r Blgt l | on>

-at our home,also u


•ova, wt. 1SS MonJeb. 5 Hoiuwwtveaf!!



STARTS AT 12:30 P. M.


TIM Units* tests* O#T<

30 HEAD OF CATTLE 35 Holstein Cow, 5 yr. old, due Apr. 25 frfrtim Cow, 7 yrs. old. due July 19 HoLsteid Cow, 4 yrs. old,due Apr. 20 Hoistein Cow, 2 yrs.old, due Apr. 6 Holstein Cow, 2 yrs. old, due Apr. 8 Black (2>w, 4 yrs. old, due Aug. 1 Hostein^Cow. 5 firs, old, due Aeg.lO ^DoUtein Cow, 2 ^rs. old; fresh Jersey Cow, 2 yrsooidT fresh

CHICAGO. — Michigan farmer! were warned not to let prevailing high food prices lure them into the pitfalls of k>nd speculation nnd over-expansion, in a statement made pub­lic here by th« Midrfto Went Soil Im­provement Committee.

"Sur'n a step brought economic ruin tu many in the wake of World War I," the stptemmt points out. "It can bring disaster again this time.

"After this war, American form-era will have to compete in world markets. Because »i present iii h food prices, many formers . ing tempted to acquire a.\ . acreage.

"The government is already plan­ning to give homesteads to service­men. When this is done, the owner j of an expensive farm will be in a tough spot to produce crops in com* petition with a man who has no capital investment in the soil por­tion of his food factory

"The only vay the American farm can successfully meet either local or world competition in the post­war years, is to produce crops at a lower cost per unit In such a pro­gram, the steady use of mixed fe. tilizer will be an enormously tant factor. More busbeJ^-^r acre can, and will mean, ^nore food from Leaa land. It wittalso mean more good foodoeroushel

"Therefore, the wise farmer will one who .does not buy more

but who increases the crop? yielding capacity of his present land by eoil improvement, by the applica­tion of mixed fertilizer, containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potash. Ho

in said coiirt his final administration account, and his petition praying fdr the allowance thereof and tor the assignment and distribution of the residue of said estate.

It is Ordered That the 29th day of January A. D., 1946 at ten o'clock in the forenoon at said Probate Off­ice, be and is hereby appointed iur examining and allowing said account and hearing said petition.

It is Further Ordered, That paUic notice thereof be given by publica­tion of a copy of this order for three successive weeks previous to e»jd day oi hearing, in the Pinckney Dis­patch,, a newspaper printed and cir-

| ulated in said Countyt Willis L. fcyons, Judge of Probate

A tine .copy , Celew'a 1 a. 'hall,

.* « /robate.

€ow, 2 yrs. oid, due Mar. 5 ¢ ¢ ^ p0W « 1 ^ ^ ^^ before. Cow, 4 yrs old4ue May 10 j Cow,4 yrs..old. due May 25


Guernsey Cow. 3 yrs. old,, due Mar. 2 Guernsey Cow,4 yrs. old, due Mar.25 Hoiateiaf Cow, 2 yrs. old, due Mar. 26 Jtolstein Cow, 2 yrs. old, due Mar. 28 Holstein Cow, 2 yrs. old, due Mar. 15 Guernsey Gow»2 yrs. old, due Mar.25 Guernsey Cow,4 yrs. old, due July 28 \ White «ull 1¼ yr. old $ Heifers, 2 to 6 mo& old White fculi, 3 mos. old, Black Heifer, i yr. eoj 3 Calves

* *

Jrfjet a*;1 imum #Uinmno m *~^»«»apaaora are erow* f« woao dais. Erary tieae a*

tto/apeleeofaee. Jaay>eaw aw#o>r.

STATE OF M1CHISAN Th$ Probata Caart for .the Count?

Uoiagatoa At a session of said Court be.4- i„

the City of Howell in aai4 County an on the 29th day of Jaattary A. D.. 1945. 1»^

In the Mattarof the Estate of MaryMcCuskeyM Deceased. ^Margaret Burns having filed in said Court her petition praying that the the administration of said estate bo granted to Norman Reason, or to some other suitable person.

It is ordered thae the 19th day of February A. D„ 1946 at ten o'clock; in the forenoon at'said Probata Off­ice, be and is hereby appointed for examining and allowing eaid arco i t and hearing said petition.

It is Further Ordered, That pubttc notice thereof ho given by publica­tion of a copy of Urn order for ferae successive weeks previous to aead day oT hearing, in the Pinckney Die* patch, a newspaper printed and ctr-ulated in said Countyt

Willis L. Lyons, Judge of Probata A true copy.. Ceieatia ParahaU, i

of Probate,

STATE" OT MICHIGAN Tne Prelate Ce«rf for the

, t

yr Jkjat.

Roan Mare, wt. 1400 lbs Brown Male. *i~ 1400 lbs.


Hona Ifrianrtitp; irf Ha/ 1600 4ha> of Cull Beans

lOsbacno^Corn Binder, Oliver Plow, 2 Spring Tooth Drag, 2 Riding

Mowing Machine Side fee, Stwaohaker 'Wagon,

IMaj Rake, Water Tank Heater [feawe Sftntebtr, Cross Cut Saw, Ca

^easfTjLeg Chaino, Pump 4acka McDofg^g Cceam Separator, nearly

At a session of said Court held | the City of Howell ia aaid County J In the Matter of tike Estats jjonn M.. Harris, Deceased-

It anpearing to the court that time for presentation of against aaid estate ahovid he and that a time and niaoe he ed to receive, examine and adj all cuusne and oVmandu against aw deceased i>y and before aaid Court

it is OrdereeV That all of the iters of aaid deceased are requin tej

eUums to said Court

McPhenoo State Bask

„ MOMflY m TM&

aaid i^ahate Office on or heforel niihi^raiiin

tt tea ocWck i T S T ^*X

time and place Muki pointed far the esasnlnation and ae%l!L

S | r r i r ^ J nea ly new Rubber iuatment of «11 claims and Itosser, One Man Saw. jOgiinat said deoeasee

i t is fWtfaar Ordered, That paaukl awtwe thereof be gives by •——• tk»o f acaj>y«f this awceeaaine wee** peevians te day of Jseaoes, in the Piackney

t Axea.|^antern«, Moat Saw.

nswaafHiS 2 Rags, Oining Table «nd Cha&ra, Dinette Set, av^cnen Cab-snet, lSaUa |^n>k.nm. Range Cook ^aane, .Hawwiiwi iiesW« 2 Rockere, 1 H i l i t , Wain Mkrapw Cheat «f •PapaflPlw^PiM^ss* aaw^HHsB) M^s^awl iW ija^^km ^sTajl GW^B^^C^

0t0tm Waabar^ Iftny Oock. Vacuum ^paaBW^aac. l H s V w > - l i te 1¾ anonCna time ea

One oftee beara that in talking aneut aacaa^riand *r




r 5






X* -

^ ... , ^s
