Volume 17, Issue 10 September 2011docshare03.docshare.tips/files/6292/62920773.pdf · Rally Day The...


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Rally Day

The 11th of Septem-ber is the kick off our fall programming year!

Sunday mornings

Worship 9:00 am Traditional Worship

Worship includes lit-urgy, prayer, a scrip-ture reading, a ser-mon, weekly com-munion and hymns accompanied by our organist. Coffee, Bars and Fellowship fol-lowing.

Sunday School 10:15-11:00 am [for age 3 – 6th grade]

We’ve made some changes and we’ve

got a great year ahead of us in worship and in Sunday School. Our theme this year is “Learning Our Story”. We will dive into our story of faith, starting in the waters of Genesis in Septem-ber. Sunday School will reflect this theme and will feature some new ways of learning. Following worship and fellowship, we will gather at 10:15 for Sunday School opening with songs and a Bible introduc-tion to get us ready for the day. Then we will shepherd the kids through 3 stations: hearing the story, a craft that ties to the story, and an activity

or game that helps us remember the story through movement.

Registration forms will be available in the back of the church on September 11th or at office@

glyndonlutheran.org for it to be sent elec-tronically.

We are asking teach-ers to sign up for a few weeks a year. If you are a parent of this age group you should have gotten a letter in the mail. If you are not a parent of a Sunday School aged student and would like to sign up to teach or help, please contact Kris [kjohnson@glyndonl

utheran.org or call at[498-2368]

Wednesday Evenings Meal 5:30 pm Worship 6:30 pm Our Wednesday Night Worship is a little different than what you might see on a Sunday, but will be familiar. Down to earth. Great mu-sic. Creative wor-ship.

For Junior High Youth

78s – Where Sunday School meets Youth Group. Attendance expected. Sundays at 10:15-11:00 am or Wednesdays 7:45-8:30 pm

(Cont. On page 3)

Volume 17, Issue 10

September 2011















Company is coming and the house needs cleaning!

Our Annual Harvest Dinner will make its return on Wednes-day, November 2nd and we need to prepare our church. We’ll work together to get the place in shape painting, cleaning, and, for a lucky few, jackhammering. Come from 9-12 and stay for a lunch. Saturday, September 24th. Bring work gloves, tools, etc. Questions? Call Linda at the office (498-2368) or email office@glyndonlutheran.org. A meeting for the Harvest Supper has been set for Wednes-day, September 7th at 7pm. Come and help us plan for this great event!

Living the Story 2

Over Coffee 3

Council Update 4-5

Income and Expense 6

Memorials 7

Youth Notes 8

Prayers and Birthdays 9

Serving Committees 10

September Calendar 11

Inside this issue:

Living the Story with Pastor Jeni


I love to tell the story of unseen things above, of Jesus and his glory, of Jesus and his love. I love to tell the story, because I know it’s true; it satisfies my longings as nothing else will do. I love to tell the story; ‘twill be my theme in glory to tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love.

Pop quiz! Put these bible characters in order:

David, Abraham and Peter




How’d you do?

Hard to place? Easy? This is a quick test that was given to many in our ELCA congregations in the past years to get a sense of what people know about the bible and its great, big, deep story. Guess what? An overwhelming majority could not do it.

This year we will embark on an old but new journey. We will ven-ture to tell the story of the Chris-tian faith, opening up the Bible to see it better in our lives. It is old because it is the story that has been kicking about creation for ages. It is new be-cause we are increasingly less aware of the story.

Why don’t we know our story?

There are many reasons, one big reason is that our culture no longer strongly reflects our story. It is told only in church. And, what we’re told in church is a little confusing and hard to follow. In the past we have had a reading from the Old Testa-ment, followed by a Psalm, followed by a reading from a letter from Paul in the New Testament, fol-lowed by a reading from one of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). The goal of this way of reading was to teach the faith. It assumes that we know the whole story. Honestly, it is one of the most confusing things that we do as a

church. Most of the time, the lessons do not go togeth-er and are strange out of context.

So for this year we are going to give that way of reading up and instead choose one reading and teach and preach on one reading so that we can learn our story and live our story. These stories will be woven into our Sunday School, Confirmation and Adult Education op-


Why tell stories?

Because that is how we learn and grow and organ-ize our lives. Most every-thing that we know comes to us through storytelling. Think about it. Our values. Our culture. Who we vote for. Which brand of soda we buy. If we stop and think about it, we can pin-point the story behind why we do what we do. Stories are strong and shape our identities. Everyone among us is a storyteller.

Why tell this story?

I see three big reasons. First, it puts God (and not

ourselves) at the center of the story. This helps us un-derstand belonging and purpose as being rooted in God and not in ourselves. Second, it is the only story that tells the truth about us and the world. It’s not a pretty story sometimes, but neither is life. It helps us under-stand how God uses broken people and broken institu-tions to do good for the world he so loves. Third, it gives us a lens to see the world and interpret life in a Christian way.

What if I miss a week?

You can follow along online at glyndonlutheran.org or pick up last week’s sermon at church the following week.

By the way, the correct answer to the quiz is: Abraham, David and Peter

Over Coffee with Kris


I do not always like wearing shoes. There is a high possibility that if you happen to come to church when there is not a worship service, that I would be barefoot. I do not like to wear shoes when I am inside. Though my shoes are well-fitted, I feel like that my feet are suffocating when I do wear shoes. Despite my complaining, I know that I am very fortunate to have shoes. For not everyone has shoes. Our Day Camp, Vacation Bible School, Bible Camp participants, and many of you brought in shoes for Soles 4 Souls www.soles4souls.org They have a sim-ple concept: “We procure shoes and get them to those in need.” Simple enough, but the pictures on the web-site show of what people use for shoes (2 liter soda bottles) and the condi-tions they live in is gut wrenching. You have made a difference, many, many people will have shoes because of you!

Being part of the Evangelical Lu-theran Church of America (the ELCA) our mis-sion, for who we are, is laid out plainly in our motto “God's work, our hands.” The Mission Trip that our youth went on last summer was with the organization Youthworks’, mantra is that we are to “be Jesus' hands and feet.” We are to be God’s/Jesus’ hands and feet, plain and sim-ple.

I am writing this letter just after a glorious Glyndon Daze Outdoor Service, Nate Houge did a wonderful job leading the music. The sending song "The Work of God" had some words that sung to my heart:

The work of God, The work of God, the work of God it is not done. The work of God, The work of

God, Oh, may your kingdom come…

These are the feet, these are the feet, these are the feet of Jesus. These are the feet, these are the feet, Oh may your kingdom come…

On August 7th the lesson from Romans that was read has this same sort of theme. The final verse from the passage is:

Romans 10:15 "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news"

The work of God it is not done...but Glyndon Lutheran has some good look-ing feet!

Blessings on the rest of your day,

Kris Johnson

Bridal Card Shower Jessica Langseth, daughter of Dan & Deb Langseth is getting married at GLC on Sept. 10, 2011. Members of the Mary circle are springing a Card Shower for Jessica on Sunday, Sept. 4th. There will be a basket in the Narthex for you to leave cards and/or gifts for Jessica. Jessica is registered at Target.

Rally Day continued from page1

For Senior High Youth

Pie and Pondering the 2nd Sunday of the month [more information on Youth page]

“Citizens with the Saints” National Gathering in New Orleans, July 2012 information Meeting Wednesday, September 7th at 7:00 p.m.

Shepherding for Sunday School

Earn volunteer hours for National Honor Society and scholarship money for trips/camp/gatherings.


Glyndon Lutheran Church Council Meeting August 10, 2011

Members Present: Jeff Wallin, Pam Rudolf, Joan Stenerson, Kris John-son, Pastor Jeni, Wanda Peterson, Carrie Smith and Cindy Henriksen

Prayer/GLC Mission Statement

Secretary’s Report: Calvin was listed under members present as Johnson instead of his correct name Carlson.

Treasure’s Report: It was noted that Linda pays her pension and in-surance on her own. This is not re-flected in the report. We will ask if Esther is able to rewrite that. Dis-cussed and passed.

Pastor’s Report

It’s been a busy, but good month at GLC! I’ve participated in a lot of the life of this congregation and can see the deep vitality of faith here.

I preached and presided at worship on July 17, 24, 31 and August 8. We’re working our way through the Gospel of Matthew. We’re learning about the kingdom of heaven, the compassion of Jesus and the nature of faith.

I met with Darlene Sandal at her home to discuss the upcoming vacan-cy for altar guild. We thought of some ways to streamline this great service. We hope to find someone willing to fill her shoes when she completes her role as head of the al-tar guild at the end of this year.

Kris and the Pathways crew did a great job with Day Camp! I had a great time talking with some parents and hanging out with the kiddos. It looks like we’ll try this again next year.

On Thursday, July 21st I had the honor of attending the WELCA Cir-cles’ Summer retreat at Bonnie Si-monson’s Lake Home near Detroit

Lakes. What a wonderful view! We were treated to Jean Mahlum’s in-credible story of faith and courage as she presented from her book God Bless Minneapolis, which I had a chance to read. I presided at com-munion.

On Sunday, July 17th I had brunch with Jessica Langseth and her soon to be husband Dan at Perkins. Their wedding is set for September 10th at GLC. I’ve also been meeting with Chad and Shauna, who are to be mar-ried on September 17th.

I continue to make communion bread and baked it during steward-ship workday on August 2nd. I have left bread baking materials in the kitchen for future use. I’m planning to bake again on September 6th, at the next Stewardship Workday.

I’ve been visiting with a few people who are facing cancer diagnoses.

I had a baptism meeting with a moth-er whose family is about to join GLC. Her daughter will be baptized after Glyndon Daze Worship on August 14th.

It’s VBS week at GLC! While Kris is busy teaching and playing with the kids, I’m talking with parents and grandparents of our littlest. It’s fun to see so many young ones learn about Jesus!

A lot of jr. high kids have come around on Wednesday nights for kickball. We have good fellowship. I look forward to Wednesday night kickball next summer.

I’ve been spending a lot of time get-ting ready for the fall. Writing letters, prepping confirmation lessons, and creating a new website is only a few of these preparations!

Family Minister’s Report:

Our church (and its yard and hall-ways) have been abuzz with all the

activities we have had this past month.

Day Camp

On July 17th we welcomed the Path-ways Day Camp Staff, Polly, Matt, and Erica. On Sunday the Day Camp Staff helped lead worship, and then Monday through Thursday we had Day Camp from 9:00 am-3:00 pm. Each morning we had “regular VBS activities” and in the afternoon I or-ganized different activities. On Mon-day, we went to Ron and Marilyn Labrensz farm, (thank you so much!), and attempted to make homemade ice cream. On Tuesday, we had a fun Field Day complete with potato sack races, egg spoon relays, and even a relay with chopsticks and rubber chickens. On Wednesday, we went to the Dilworth pool (everyone dove off of the diving board!). Thank you to Kelly Richards for providing the bus and Calvin Carlson for driving on Monday and Wednesday.

Thank you to all who helped with Day Camp; Becky Cutler, Paula Nel-son, Sally Tanner, Samantha Blatten-bauer, Samantha Henriksen, Shania Geiser, Taylor Mehrer and Megan Meyers. Thank you to Roger and Joan Stenerson for hosting the Day Camp Staff, and to Craig and Paula Nelson for providing supper one evening. It was a great week and I hope we can do it again!

Mission Trip

July 31st- August 6th, I and 7 of our High School ladies went on a Mission Trip with Pathways Outdoor Minis-tries along with 3 Pathways staff and 5 young ladies from area churches. We did the ropes course at camp, did RAKs (Random Acts of Kindness) around Duluth, then ventured to the Twin Cities and worked at Feed My Starving Children packing meals to be sent around the world, worked at

Council Minutes

Council Minutes (cont.)

Page 5

Community Emergency Services dis-tributing food, Hospitality House working with kids from North Min-neapolis, and some of us went and played with kids at Mary’s Place. We also had some Bible Parties (studies) and fun evening activities. I continue to be incredibly impressed by our young people, and I thank you for your support of them!


Several of our young people have been attending camp this month. Madison Blattenbauer attended Ele-mentary Mini’s, Caitlin Ash and Tay-lor Bjerke attended High School Camp both at Emmaus. I brought donuts to them and their cabins on July 15th. Shania Geiser, Samantha Blattenbauer, Alyson Brenna, McKenzie Trudel, Anna Smith and Alex Fuchs attended Jr. High Camp July 31st-August 5th, I got to see them before we left camp for the Mission Trip.

Vacation Bible School

At the time that I am writing this Va-cation Bible School for the 3 year olds through 1st graders is half over. We have nearly 20 kiddos, and it has been a joy! We have been singing songs, make crafts, playing games and learning about Jesus! Thank you to those who have helped!

Other things

I love Wednesday evening’s in the summer, playing kickball and sharing a meal together; it has been a great intergenerational activity! Also, thank you for the continued prayers for my dad through his various medical ail-ments; we are awaiting tests and their results. He has had a difficult month, I have spent much time this month with him in various hospitals, and we appreciate the thoughts and prayers from the Glyndon Lutheran family.

Topics of Discussion:

1. Additional Topics:

A. Stewardship servant leader, Don Lein, announced to the group that as of Jan 1, 2012, he would no longer serve as the stewardship servant lead-er, so we will need someone to take his place.

Joan Stenerson suggested that we have a congregational work day enti-tled, “Company’s coming, time to clean the house” in regards to the Harvest Home Meal. We will ask properties team leaders John Peterson and Randall Henriksen and Esther to make a list of jobs that need to be done.

2. Offering Recorder

Chairman. This is in regards to Addi-tional topics, A.

3. Properties Update

A. Sump Pumps: Due to some re-cent power outages at the church, some water came into the church basement. They are still evaluating the performance of the new sump pump that was installed. We may need a third sump pump installed.

Air Conditioning: An informational discussion was held for future refer-ences if we were to decide to install air conditions in various areas of the church. We just looked at a few op-tions and bids. Concern is mainly for hosting funerals and/or weddings;

Bid to put air in sanctuary: $15,357

Bid to put air in office area: $9,725

Bid to put air in triple room: $4,995

Hymnal Update:

As of July 30th we had 30 hymnals in place. All hymnals are now paid for and will be in place for September worship. All hymnals were purchased in memory or honor of loved ones. Extra hymnals are still able to be pur-

chased for those who wish to.

5. Fall Recap:

A. Instead of traditional Bible verses being read each week, one story, be-ginning in Genesis, will be focused on each week. This story will be across the entire church, including Sunday School, Conformation, hymns and adult education.

B. Sunday school will be in rotation/station form grouping students per age. We are looking at ways to imple-ment Sunday School during the Wednesday worship schedule.

C. Children’s story Bibles are availa-ble for family use.

D. Announcements will be moved to the end of service, rather then at the beginning of the service.

E. Council approved going “Green” due to the dishwasher being in place. We will no longer use paper products after the Sunday service. This will require some extra people to help after service and run the dishes through the dishwasher. The washing cycle is 90 seconds per load.

High school students will have the opportunity to work. They could help with Sunday School or help with the after service dish washing to earn money towards future trips and/or camps.

Strategic Plan:

Jeff Wallin introduced some infor-mation on strategic planning. The council is entertaining some ideas to create a strategic plan for the future of GLC so that we are able to contin-ue growing.

Meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next Council Meeting will be held September 14, 2011 planned for 7:45.


Page 6

Unpaid Bills for August (as of August 16)

Income $ 25,566.47

Expenses $ 20,970.50

Net Income $ 4,595.97

General Fund $ 507.43

Designated Funds:

Food Pantry $4,065.49

Sunday School $ 804.72


Air Cond. $60; Quilters $205; Youth $35; Hymnals $4900.50 To be paid out 8/31/11


Missions $ 160.00

Benevolences $ 146.95

Adult Education $ 33.00

Properties Team $ 1,660.00

Salaries (31st) $4,000.00 (approx.)

Board of Pension $2,775.45

Fed. Withholding $1,025.00. (approx.)

MN Withholding $ 189.50 (approx.)

Liberty (Copy Machine) $ 210.89

Select Office $ 39.95

Augsburg Fortress $ 148.99

Petty Cash $ 222.20

Reardons $ 65.99

Old Lutheran $ 266.00 (Nat’l Youth Gathering)


Income and Expense July 2011 From the Treasurer

Funds Available (as of August) 16, 2011



General Fund

Tom/Sherry Watt in memory of Alys (Tangen) Oberg Mary Hanson in memory of Alys (Tangen) Oberg Gordon/Lois Wyland in memory of Alys (Tangen) Oberg Gordy/Lois Wyland in memory of Helen (Bekkerus) Peterson Joe/Kelli Fuchs in memory of Jeanette (Kosen) Perala Virgil/Kitti Eide in memory of Mike Rudolf Russ/Lois Bekkerus in memory of Alys (Tangen) Oberg Carol Moen in memory of Alys Oberg


Keith/Lorraine Langseth in memory of Alys (Tangen) Oberg

Lowell/Mary Larson in memory of Blenda Gregerson

Burt/Sandra Bruzik in memory of Alys (Tangen)Oberg

Dorothy Powers in memory of Alys (Tangen) Oberg

Jim/Pauline Litch in memory of Alys (Tangen) Oberg

Marvel Jones in memory of Alys (Tangen) Oberg


Tom/Linda Pavola in memory of Alys (Tangen) Oberg Terry Danielson in memory of his wife, Nan Jared Danielson in memory of his mom, Nan Josh Danielson in memory of his mom, Nan Jayme Danielson in memory of his mom, Nan Laurie Danielson in memory of her mom, Nan Wally Mahlum in memory of Joe Mahlum Patsy Fuchs in memory of Dennis Fuchs Patsy Fuchs in memory of Kevan Fuchs John/Margaret Harkeness in memory of Helen (Bekkerus) Peterson Russ/Lois Bekkerus in memory of Helen (Bekkerus) Peterson Gary Wyland in memory of Joe Mahlum Gary Wyland in memory of Doug Wyland Gary Wyland in memory of Clarence & Gina Wyland Gary Wyland in memory of Lester & Idella Wyland LeRoy/Lorraine Muhle in memory of Helen (Bekkerus) Peterson Keith & Lorraine Langseth in memory of Helen (Bekkerus) Peterson Bonnie Simonson in memory of Tom Simonson

Bonnie Simonson in memory of Paul Simonson Ron/Marilyn Labrensz in memory of Gladys Moszer Shirley Nappe in memory of Odean Nappe & Kim Spaeth Roger/Shirleen Wyland in memory of Joe Mahlum Jim/Pauline Litch in memory of Paul & Mable Erick-son Jim/Pauline Litch in memory of Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Litch Dan/Bev Motschenbacher in memory of Chris Motschenbacher Doug Krabbenhoft in memory of Doris Krabbenhoft Ken/Lois Muhle in memory of Helen (Bekkerus) Pe-terson Ken/Lois Muhle in memory of Alys (Tangen) Oberg Pat/Cheryl Kemmer in memory of Jerry Kemmer Pat/Cheryl Kemmer in memory of Mandy Kemmer Jerry/Sheri Schuman & Family in memory of Mike Ru-dolf Pat Lynde-Hemmah in memory of Arlen Lynde Tom/Linda Pavola in honor of their children, Kari & Alan; Kevin & Lisa; Steven; Leslie & Ron; Sara Tom/Linda Pavola in honor of their grandchildren, Dylan, Dalton, Kailey, Lexi, Ariah, Kaden, Alex Roger/Shirleen Wyland in memory of their grandchil-

dren, Brandt & Kianna Wyland

Randy/Cindy Henriksen in memory of Teresa “Lovie”


Randy/Cindy Henriksen in memory of Dick Henriksen

Randy/Cindy Henriksen in memory of Leonard &

Edna Petermann

Randy/Cindy Henriksen in memory of George


Mary Hanson in memory of Forrest Hanson

Mary Hanson in memory of Steve Hanson

Mike Anstadt in memory of Bud Anstadt

Randy/Cindy Henriksen in honor of our children &


Bruce/Candace Rosenfeldt in honor of Nicole Rosen-


Bruce/Candace Rosenfeldt in honor of Hunter Rosen-



Acolyte Schedule, Sunday Morning 9:30 Sept 4 Brett M & Kyle O

Fall Schedule 9:00 Sept 11 Cheyenne R & Nicole R Sept 18 Dalton R & Chase S Sept 25 Anna S & McKenzie T

Oct 2 McKenzie V, & Brandon A Oct 9 Ian B , & Samantha B

Youth Notes

Pie and

Pondering This school year 9th-12th graders are invited to

hang out with Kris [and sometimes special guests] at a local pie establishment the second Sunday of the month from 7:30-9:00 pm. We will chat, catch up, have a question of the night and eat pie. Kris will buy your sodas, you buy your pie.

First Pie and Pondering will be

Sunday, September 11th at Fry’n

Pan in Moorhead [Hwy 10].

Pathways Camp We have had a very busy summer with Pathways, many of our young people went to camp [check out the pictures on Kris’ bulletin board]. One of our youth went back to camp a second time and I asked Alex Fuchs about it:

“I went the second time because I had a really fun time the first time. My favorite part is probably all the games and the campfire every night. I want to work there one day because I would really enjoy spending time with the kids and helping them to build their faith.”

This is a reason to support our young people, they are already making plans to pass on their faith to others!

Mission Trip

Several of our young people went on the Mission Trip “Mission on the Homefront” with Pathways. Here are some of their reflections on the trip.

My favorite part was meeting new people and helping other people! My favorite place that we worked at was” Feed My Starving Children”

I liked everything about the trip, how everyone got along so well, all the places we visited, and just helping people out! My favorite place we worked was the Hospitality House because it

was fin to work with little kids all day J

The trip was a great experience, and my fa-vorite place we worked was definitely Mary’s Place. I loved playing with the kids and talking to them!

I loved helping at the Hospitality House, the kids taught me a lot.

My favorite part was when we were at Feed My Starving Children. It was cool to know that we helped feed 93 children for an entire year.

I liked everything about the Mission Trip!! My favorite place to work was the Hospitali-ty House because it was so fun!

Thank you for your support of our youth. Come and hear

more about the trip, see pictures and hear stories, Sunday, Oc-

tober 2nd at the Stockholders Dinner. Invitations coming to a

mailbox near you soon!

We have a great year of confirmation planned for students grades 7 through 9! Informational meeting for par-ents/guardians of 7th and 8th graders will be held on September 14th at 7:45. Parents of 9th graders are asked to come on September 21st at 7:45. Attendance is expected. We’ll share schedules and give you the basics of what you need to know.

In the meantime, Confirmation Sunday School will be held on Sundays and Wednesdays, with the first meeting on Wednesday, September 14th at 7:45 (while you have your parent’s meeting). Any questions? For 7th grade confir-mation, email Pastor Jeni (jgrangaard@glyndonlutheran.org). For 8th and 9th grade confirmation, email Family Min-ister Kris Johnson (kjohnson@glyndonlutheran.org).

Confirmation Returns this Fall!


[our extended family]

Betsy Anderson, Golden Living Center

Iris Barta, Senior Apartments on Riverside Drive

Hallie Behrens, Eventide

Evelit Jegtvig, Eventide

Margaret Kingren, Eventide

Elthea Lass, Bethany Homes in Fargo

Orville Muhle, Eventide

Prayers, Birthdays and Notes

Our sincere Christian sympathy is extended to

the family and friends of

Alys (Tangen) Oberg

Ted Tollefson

Bill Day

Clifford “Pat” Carlson

Eternal rest, grant, O Lord, and light perpetual shine.

Members of our Glyndon family that we will be praying for in September are:

Gina DeGroat; Virgil & Kitti Eide, Derek; Bruce & Esther Ellingson;

Darin & Sara Ellingson, Meghan, Emma & Jack; Kevin Ellingson; Les & Clarice Erickson; Bev Fike

Kurt & Trisha Fischer; Mike & Jackie Fischer, Taylor; Rod & Michelle Fischer, Adam, Traci, Kayle, Jordyn

Wilbert & Charlotte Fischer, Chad & Jennifer Freier, Alison & Emily; Jeff & Sonja Fuchs, Jackson, Jackson, Annika

September Birthdays

1 Melva Behrens; Tricia Bryant; Jaiden Cutler; Joseph Fortier, Steven Taves 2 Alison Freier; Sheri Schumann; Brit Skolness 4 Sienna Ambuehl; Kelli Nelson 6 Lois Blattenbauer; Michael Krabbenhoft 7 Scott Blattenbauer 8 Breanna Rivera; Eunice Wyland 9 Joey Anderson; Andy Fischer; John Peterson; Abbie Smith 10 Brett Kuehl; Tom Pavola; Taylor Peterson; Alex Wallin 11 Samantha Link; Cheryl Messerschmidt; Lois Vlasin; Melinda Yardley 12 Patricia Fuchs; David Marschke; Kathy Pemelton; 13 Gail Budke; Charlotte Fischer; Colleen Mahlum 14 Kayle Fischer;; Bonnie Simonson

16 Kole Nygaard; Ron Berry 17 Caitlin Ash; Rod Fischer; Taylor Fischer; Jeff Fuchs 18 Maria Ranz; 19 Austin Schultz 20 Janelle Geiser; Jessica Langseth 21 McKara Hoban; Peggy Holte 22 Kurt Fischer; Alissa Roll 23 Travis Haverkamp 24 Tracy Alderman; Kevin Ellingson 26 Marvel Jones; Kaylee Swenson 27 Brady Burnside; Randy Wyland 28 Tyler Madson 29 Bev Anstadt; Jackson Fuchs; Lois Muhle 30 Cairo Caruso; Laurie Kosen

Happy Birthday!

Guitarist Needed We are in search for a worship leader to lead music (guitar or piano) on Wednesday Nights this fall. Email Pr. Jeni (jgrangaard@glyndonlutheran.org) or call the office (498-2368) if you’re interested or know someone who would be great.


Fall Cluster Gathering September 22, 2011

5:30 p.m. Registration North Buffalo Lutheran Church

PRE-Register by September 19th


Presentation by: Adair Grommesh, Hope Inc.

Let the Children Come to Me

Hope Inc., is an organization in Fargo-Moorhead that assists families with children who are mentally or physically disa-bled. More info at www.hopeinconlin.org





ing C








ing C




Jim & Jennifer Askelson 498-2846

Trent Bekkerus 287-4360 Terry Danielson 498-2802 Kurt & Trisha Fischer 498-2622 Joni Gieseke 498-0490 Darin & Shelly Haugen 498-0389 Malvern & Joan Jacobson 498-2254 Robert & Debbie Kinnen 498-2933 RaeAne Knodel Unlisted *Ron & Marilyn Labrensz 866-6547 Dave & Janet Marschke 498-2359 Keith & Cory Miller 233-8052 Kevin & Nancy Nelson 498-0112

Rob Quanbeck & Dawn Tommerdahl 498-2389

*Kyle & Barb Roelofs 498-0458

* indicates chair of the committee

1. Find ushers (at least 2) for each Sunday.

2. Set up and clean up coffee and treats for fellow-ship following worship each Sunday.

3. Bring treats and lunch on Stewardship Workday (first Tuesday of the month).

4. Serve at funerals that occur during the month.

Serving Committee Responsibilities: Stewardship Workday September 6

October 4

Steve Ash, Audray Sullivan 701-388-8256

Bev Anstadt 287-2619

Eric & Beth Behrens 498-2131

James & Chrissy Clapsaddle 233-1789

Jim & Becky Cutler 498-0498

Patrick & Stephanie Fuchs 498-2632

Bob & Ardyce Messerschmidt 218-443-4676

Brad & Dawn Nelson 498-0140

Dan & Korri Olstad 701-238-2695

*Claude & Kari Oppegard 236-4933

Barry & Becky Orvik 498-2826

Cody & Maria Ranz 320-282-2819

*David & Shirley Trickle 498-2501

Women of the ELCA

NW MN Synodical Convention

Redeemer Lutheran Church

Thief River Falls MN

Sept 9-10th 2011

GLC Calendar

Page 11 VOLUME 17, ISSUE

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3


9:30 Worship 5

Office Closed


9:00 Steward-ship Workday

9:30 Staff


7:00 Harvest Supper Planning Mtg.

7:00 Sr. High Youth Info Mtg.


7:00 Churches United Board Mtg.


7:00 Langseth/Kemper Wed-ding Rehearsal


4:00 Langseth/Kemper Wedding


9:00 Sunday

10:15 Sunday School

7:30 Pie & Pon-dering

Rally Sunday!



9:30 Staff

11:45 Ministers & Presidents Meeting


5:30 Meal

6:30 Worship

7:45 Council Meeting


9:00 Esther Cir-cle

12:00 Youth Workers Lunch

16 17


9:00 Worship

10:15 Sunday School


Newsletter Deadline


7:30 Mary Cir-cle


5:30 Meal

6:30 Worship

7:45 7&8th Grade Confirma-tion Mtg.


5:30 Cluster 6 Gathering at North Buffalo

23 24


Congregational Workday


9:00 Worship

10:15 Sunday School

Third Grade Bibles

7:00 Citizens with the Concert

26 27

9:30 Staff


5:30 Meal

6:30 Worship

7:45 9th Grade Confirmation Mtg.

29 30

September 2011

Fairhills Retreat

Fall Worship Schedule

414 Parke Ave

PO Box 38

Glyndon, MN 56547

Glyndon Lutheran Church

Phone: 218-498-2368

Fax: 218-498-0186

E-mail: office@glyndonlutheran.org

Glyndon Lutheran Church is a Christ-centered community church,

nurturing the faith of all generations.

We’re on the web!






Sundays at 9:00 a.m.

Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Meal at 5:30

Name and phone I can bring food I can serve I can give

Harvest Festival Sign-Up

Change Service Requested

All are expected to serve at the Harvest Supper by baking something, serving or donating to the event. Please let us know how you’d like to participate!