Vol. XXIX, No. 7 January 2016 Convention Committee Of Our...


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Vol. XXIX, No. 7 January 2016We Serve

District 14-K Communicating with Our Members

Brianna Riffert, a 7thgrade student at Wilson AreaIntermediate School inWilson Borough, has beennamed the District 14-K win-ner in the annual Lions ClubsInternational Peace Postercontest. She was sponsoredby the Wilson Borough LionsClub.

Theme of the contest was“Share Peace.” Her posterwas selected for its originali-ty, artistic merit and portray-al of the contest theme.Brianna said, “We must learnto share peace, regardless ofcolor or culture.”

Earning second place in

the 14-K competition wasIleyanis Montero, sponsoredby the Lehigh ValleySaturday A.M. Lions Club.Ileyanis is a student atRoberto Clemente CharterSchool.

Taking third place in thedistrict was Gabriella King,sponsored by the PlainfieldTownship Lions Club. She isa student at Wind GapMiddle School.

State's Winners

Nia Gallagher, an 8thgrade student at Wilson WestMiddle School inWernersville, was selected as

Continued on Page 3

To make a conventionsuccessful, there are somany details that have to beconsidered, and the District14-K convention committeeis doing just that. They metagain on November 30 tocontinue planning for theApril 2 and 3 convention atthe Holiday Inn ConferenceCenter in Breinigsville at theintersection of I-78 & Rt.100.

International DirectorKembra L. Smith of Decatur,Georgia will be our keynotespeaker. She will be intro-duced at the opening ses-sion Saturday morning,attend or be involved withseminars, and speak at theSaturday night banquet. I.D.Smith will be accompaniedby her husband, LionWilliam Lowe.

When registration formsare mailed out on January16 to each Lion and Lioness,the returns will go to regis-tration chairperson LionShirley Hawk. The individ-ual Lions and Lionesses willsend in their registrationwith the amount of moneyfor meals, not the clubs.There will be no charge for

registration, unless you arelate. The forms will also listthe seminars planned byLions Wendy Naugle andAna Toolan.

Door prizes for theSaturday afternoon lunch-eon will be handled byLion/Lioness Kathy Dieterand members of the LehighTownship Lioness Club.Each club is asked to pro-vide at least two prizes. Ifgiving a basket, it shouldhave a value of $25 to $50.

John Bauer will againsing at the necrology break-fast on Sunday morning. Apastor will be named soonto deliver a message andpersons who passed awayduring calendar year 2015will be remembered.Relatives of the deceasedwill be invited by their clubsto attend.

Holiday Inn sales coor-dinator Sarah Trimmer metwith members of the com-mittee recently to discussthe service, accommoda-tions, and meals.

Raffle tickets will soonbe sent to all clubs to help

Continued on Page 4

Peace Poster ContestWinners Announced

Convention CommitteeWorks On DetailsFor April 2-3 Parley

First place District 14-K winning peace poster submitted byBrianna Riffert of Wilson Boro.

Mark your calendars:The District 14-K LionsMelvin Jones Fellows honorluncheon will be held onApril 24, 2016.

LCIF district chairper-son PDG Joseph Chunko isasking all Lions and Lionessclubs to be part of this hon-ors luncheon by naming amember of their clubs toreceive a Melvin JonesFellowship or a ProgressiveMelvin Jones Fellowship.He asks that if your clubneeds assistance in applyingfor one or the other, contacthim at 610-838-9373.

District 14-K has 465Melvin Jones Fellows and 33Progressive Melvin JonesFellows.

The MJF program wasestablished in 1973 in honor

of Melvin Jones, the founderof Lions Clubs International.The fellowships are given toindividuals in recognition ofunrestricted donations of$1,000 to Lions ClubsInternational Foundation.Such a contribution illus-trates a significant commit-ment to humanitarian serv-ice and allows LCIF to per-form such miracles as pre-serving sight, combatingdisability, promoting health,and providing disasterrelief.

New Melvin JonesFellows receive an MJF pin,commemorative plaque,and a letter from the LCIFchairperson. If the donor sochooses, he/she may usehis / her donation credit to

Continued on Page 2

Nominate a Club MemberFor a Melvin Jones Fellow

At the annual Association of Fundraising Professionals eastern Pennsylvania chapter's NationalPhilanthropy Day awards breakfast held at DeSales University, Lions District 14-K received theDistinguished Honoree Award. Center for Vision Loss Development Director Karen Huetter andExecutive Director Doug Yingling nominated the Lions for having provided essential financial and lead-ership support to the agency for the past 87 years and they continue to share a common interest insight-related concerns including prevention of blindness, improving eye health and promoting inde-pendence for people with visual impairment. Shown gathered for the award presentation are (l-r) LionsPDG Joseph Chunko, PDG Linwood Gehris, 1st VDG Marsha Johnston, DG Karen Brady, IPDG FredFolland, and CVL's board president Brad Ott and executive director Doug Yingling.

Distinguished Honoree Award

The Future State Of Our District District Governor Karen

Brady called for a specialmeeting this past Saturday,January 2, at Christ U.C.C.Church on Airport Road,Allentown.

It was a critical meetingwith the purpose of map-ping out the future of ourdistrict. She hoped that allPast District Governors,Lions and Lionesses wouldcome prepared to discussour leadership successionplan, declining member-ship, and our future asDistrict 14-K.

We will publish the con-clusions that were reachedat that meeting in theFebruary issue of the Tattle


State Membership Contest Guidelines

The following are theguidelines for the Mem-bership Awards Contest inMD-14 (Pennsylvania):


The District Governor,1st and 2nd Vice DistrictGovernors, District GMTcoordinator, and two guid-ing Lions who help to start a

Continued on Page 3

Lionesses, WantTo Change to Lioness/Lions?

Lion Debbie Lillegard,District 14-K GlobalMembership Coordinator,had this announcement atthe recent Cabinet meeting.

Lioness clubs are beingoffered the opportunity topay a $300 flat fee one-timecharter fee, regardless of thenumber of members, tobecome Lioness/LionsClubs.

This is basically a pro-cessing fee to input data intothe official Lions system. TheDistrict Governor must writea letter to LCI saying thatthey served as a Lioness cluband provide a list of mem-bers' names, years of service,and position served.

Lion Debbie says, “Thiscertainly is a wonderfulincentive for some of ourlarger Lioness clubs to

become a Charter CentennialClub with the new pins andcertificates. This specialincentive ends June 30,2017.”

The women of EmmausLion/Lionesses have provenvery successful as a club.

MJF LuncheonContinued from Page 1

honor another individualwith a Melvin JonesFellowship.

Today, MJF donationsaccount for 70% of theFoundation's annual rev-enue. It is largely throughthe support of this programthat LCIF continues to be aleader in providing humani-tarian service throughout theworld.

Clubs can also donate toLCIF through the MelvinJones Fellowship program.With their donations, clubscan name individuals as MJFsand PMJFs. Many clubs have

a tradition and set an annualgoal to name at least one MJFusing club funds. This is agreat way for clubs to supportthe life-changing work ofLCIF each year and share thatgift with someone else.

Past District GovernorDonald F. Trexler, 78, died onWednesday, December 9 inLehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest, SalisburyTownship. He was the hus-band of Esther J.(Wanamaker) Trexler for 35years.

Born June 23, 1937 inWescosville, he was the sonof the late Kenneth and CoraAnn (Roth) Trexler.

After serving in the U.S.Army during the Berlin cri-sis, he owned and operatedan excavating business inGermansville since 1965.

Lion Don was past presi-dent of the Slatedale/Emerald Lions Club, servedas District Governor in 2008-2009, and formerly served onthe board of directors ofBeacon Lodge and wasactive with the YouthSeminar. He received theMelvin Jones Fellowship.

Active in his community,he was a life member, pastpresident and former firepolice captain of the

Goodwill Fire Co. #1 inGermansville; charter mem-ber of the NorthwesternAmbulance Corps, and a lifemember of the Tri-BoroSportsmen's Club inNorthampton. He was amember of the U.C.C. con-gregation of HeidelbergUnion Church, Slatington.

Besides his wife, he issurvived by seven children -Jessica E. Brilla, Jennifer E.Lynch, Jaclyn E. Kulp, DavidE. Trexler, Deborah A. Keiser,Diane M. Trexler, and DeniseE. Trexler; four grandsons; abrother, Herbert H. Trexler,and a sister, Maryann E.Hawk. He was preceded indeath by a brother, EugeneTrexler.

Services were held onMonday, December 14 in theHeintzelman Funeral Home,Schnecksville, with The Rev.Karen Yonney officiating.Interment with military hon-ors followed in SlatedaleCemetery.

Memorial contributionsmay be made to BeaconLodge, c/o the funeral homeat P.O. Box 196,Schnecksville, PA 18078-0196.

Lion Kenneth Reiss

Dies on Christmas;

Former TreasurerKenneth A. Reiss, age 63,

of Whitehall passed awayDecember 25, at LehighValley Hospice, Allentown.Born in Allentown, he wasthe son of Robert E. Reiss, Jr.and the late Evelyn R.(Oswald) Reiss. His lastemployment was as a motorcoach driver with TransBridge Lines. He was veryactive as a member and offi-cer of the Allentown Lions

Club before it disbanded.Lion Ken also served asDistrict 14-K treasurer a fewyears ago.

In his younger years, hewas active with the BoyScouts. He was a choir mem-ber at Grace U.C.C.Allentown. He loved all thechildren that called himSanta or Pop Pop.

Survivors: He residedwith his daughter ChristinaGeroulo and family – EddieGraberitz, ChristopherSteigerwalt, Sydney Bankos,Justin Geroulo, GiannaAnfuso, Jillian Geroulo andJackson Geroulo. He is alsosurvived by sisters JaneAllamong and husband Ray,and Cheryl Russo and hus-band Steve; Christina'smom, Mary Jane Reiss; manynieces and nephews andother loving family andfriends. He was predeceasedby brothers Richard andEdward and niece Jennifer.

A memorial service willbe held at Grace U.C.C., 623Cleveland St., Allentown onSaturday, January 2, 2016 at11 a.m. The K.V. KnoppFuneral Home, Inc. is assist-ing the family. In lieu offlowers, contributions maybe made to Grace U.C.C., 623Cleveland St., Allentown,18103.

Happy New Year! I hope you are looking forward toa new year with many new adventures in Lionism. Withthe arrival of the new year, many of us make resolutions.Consider making a resolution in your clubs to get out theword announcing our 100th celebration as Lions. Setsome new goals in your clubs such as increasing member-ship, encouraging new leadership, and begin a new serv-ice project. There are many avenues to pursue. Don't for-get to check LCI for other suggestions!

Leadership in our district is at a critical stage. DGKaren and I have asked many Lions to step up.Obviously we have not been successful. At this timethere is no one to follow me. This is very concerning. Thebusiness of the district cannot rest on the shoulders of theDistrict Governor. It takes many dedicated Lions tospread the word of Lionism and offer support to eachclub. As DG Karen and I visit clubs, we will ask you toconsider how you can serve the district. If you are reluc-tant because you feel you are not trained, you will begiven full support by myself, DG Karen, and our GLTchair, Linwood Gehris.

As we begin 2016, DG Karen and I will continuewith our club visits. It has been my pleasure to attendyour meetings, but most of all, I enjoy getting to knowyou. I have been welcomed and made to feel as if we areold friends! Thank you.

1st VDG Marsha

1st Vice District Governor’sMessage

Finding Leadership in 2016

I want to wish every Lion, Lioness and Leo inDistrict 14-K a Happy New Year! January first is a timewe tend to make New Year's Resolutions. While most ofus don't keep them for long, or don't keep all of themfor long, I have some New Year's Wishes I want to sharewith you.

I wish that we would all “Ask 1” to join us in aservice project, fund raiser, or meeting.

I wish that we would remember my theme,“Service Through Leadership.”

I wish that you would consider serving our districtby volunteering to finish the year as 2nd Vice DistrictGovernor, to assist 1st VDG Marsha next year and fol-low her to lead the district the following year.

I wish that you would volunteer to serve on dis-trict cabinet.

I wish that our Lioness clubs would consider join-ing Lions.

I wish that you would take me seriously. As webegin the 2016 year, let's start off on a secure footingwith newly identified leaders who we can nurture andprospective Lions identified so we can continue to servethe less fortunate in the Lehigh Valley and beyond.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.Yours in Friendship and Service,

2 H TATTLE TAILER H January 2016

District Governor’sMessage

Happy New Year!

TATTLE TAILEROfficial Publication of

District 14-K, Lions Clubs International

Office: 2556 Wood’s Edge Rd., Bath, PA 18014-1408

Phone/Fax: 610-837-1264

E-mail: tattletailer14k@rcn.com

EDITOR: ..............................Wm. J. “Bill” Halbfoerster, Jr., P.D.G.COORDINATORS ....................................All Zone Chairpersons

The TATTLE TAILER is published monthly, and e-mailed the beginning ofeach month to all subscribing Lions and Lioness members in the district. It isalso available online at lions14k.org/newsletter/tattletailer. You can elect toreceive a notification by e-mail when the Tattle Tailer is published by going tothe district website and signing up on the mailing list subscription page. Thereis a link on the bottom of the Tattle Tailer page listed above that will take youto the sign-up page. Address all bulletins, newsletters, activity reports, adver-tising and boosters to 2556 Wood’s Edge Rd., Bath, PA 18014 or e-mail to:tattletailer14k@rcn.com.

KAREN BRADYDistrict Governor

MARSHA JOHNSTON1st Vice District Governor

Vacant2nd Vice District Governor


DAVID DANIELCabinet Treasurer

DG Karen


Dates to RememberState of District-14K

Charitable Enterprises

State Council atValley ForgePDG Advisory Committee

Executive Committee

Cabinet Meeting Breakfast

Charitable Enterprises

District Convention


Melvin Jones Fellows


Youth Seminar at Camp Victory


JAN. 2


FEB. 5-7




MAR. 21

APR. 2-3




PDG Don TrexlerPasses AwayAfter Illness

CARD OF THANKSLion Carol Taylor and the

family of PDG Ray Taylorwish to extend a very sin-cere Thank You to all District14-K Lions for your showinglove and support duringRay's illness and passing.

The basket of yellow andwhite roses was absolutelybeautiful, too, and so muchappreciated.

Sincerely and with love,Carol and Family

Continued from Page 1

new club for the year run-ning from July 1, 2015through June 30, 2016 willbe recognized at the ban-quet held as part of the sec-ond State Council meetingof the 2016-2017 Lions year.CATEGORY 2

The PDG, PID, DG, andVDG who brings in themost new members duringthe one-year period run-ning from April 1, 2015through March 31, 2016 willreceive a membership waiv-er of state per capita duesfor the year 2016-2017. Thesecond place finisher willreceive a MD-14 member-ship ribbon and medallion.Awards will be presented atthe Friday luncheon as partof the 2016 state conventionin Reading.CATEGORY 3

The Lion who brings inthe most new members dur-ing the one-year period run-ning from April 1, 2015through March 31, 2016 willreceive a waiver on theirstate per capita dues for the2016-2017 Lions year. Thesecond place finisher willreceive a MD-14 member-ship ribbon and medallion.Awards will be presented atthe Friday luncheon held aspart of the 2016 state con-vention in Reading.CATEGORY 4

The Lion who broughtthe most new members induring the two-year periodrunning from April 1, 2014through March 31, 2016 willreceive a waiver of theirstate per capita dues for the2016-2017 Lions year.CATEGORY 5

The Lions Club that hasthe highest percentage ofnew members for the year2015-2016 will receive awaiver of three (3) state percapita dues for the 2016-2017 Lions year. Pleasenote: Charter members ofnewly formed clubs areNOT eligible for this award.

Each club secretary shall

be responsible for submitting

information on behalf of the

members of their club no later

than April 15, 1206 to be eligi-

ble for the awards.

Peace PosterContinued from Page 1

the Multiple District 14 win-ner. Ms. Gallagher willreceive a check for $250 anda plaque and will be consid-ered for the grand prize of$5,000 presented to the win-ner of the LCI contest. Meritawards of $500 in cash willalso be presented to 23recipients.

She was crowned as oneof 16 district winners inPennsylvania. Ms.Gallagher won the District14-P contest that includedentries from students age 11through 13 at schools locat-ed in Berks and Chester

counties. Her entry wassponsored by the SpringTownship Lions Club inReading.

Second in the state wasMia Gill, 7th grade, NorwinMiddle School, NorthHuntingdon in District 14-E,and third place was won byBrooke Varnall, 6th grade,Bedford Middle School,District 14-L.

MD-14 consists of morethan 700 clubs divided into17 sub-districts throughoutPennsylvania. With morethan 19,500 members, MD-14 ranks as the third largestmultiple district in theworld's largest service cluborganization.

LIONS CLUBS ACTIVITIES(EDITOR'S NOTE: Items are selected from monthly M&A reports, a month prior to

publication, sent in by Lions club secretaries to the Editor. M&A forms have been pro-

vided. 2014. Mail to: Tattle Tailer Editor, 2556 Wood's Edge Rd., Bath, PA 18014or E-Mail: tattletailer14k@rcn.com. We'll publish as much as space allows.)

REMINDER: Pictures of club activities are wanted for Tattle Tailer.

REGION IALBURTIS: Club welcomed a new member, Frank “Bud” Zieger. . . .Had a foodstand at a local real estate auction sale. . . . Held monthly hoagie sale. . ..Donated 110 lbs. of food to St. Paul's UCC food pantry in Trexlertown.ALTON PARK: No November report.EMMAUS LIONESS LIONS: At the Chase the Chill event in November, 354knitted/crocheted items were distributed, and $523 in donations were received.. . .180 lbs of food items collected for Bethel Bible Food Bank. . . .Profit of$9,337.14 for apple dumplings made and sold. . . .$109 collected for Journey forSight . . .$275 donation approved to Allentown Blind Association. EMMAUS: Gathering food goods or money at all district functions to supplylocal food banks. . . .Sold 336 hoagies and 144 ham and cheese sandwiches fora profit of $715. KUHNSVILLE AREA: Welcomed a new member, Andrea Sarnowski . . ..Donated $100 to Lehigh County Meals on Wheels and $100 to CharitableEnterprises. . . .Made and sold 160 ham and cheese sandwiches. . . .Preparingfor Christmas party for the visually impaired at St. John's UCC, Fogelsville. . ..Held a Lions Family Night. . . .Mounted six new Kuhnsville Lions Club roadsigns with 14-K web site. LEHIGH TOWNSHIP: Received 24 applications for free eye exams. . ..Purchased five Charitable Enterprises calendars. . . .There was a $20 winnerevery day of the month of November in our club lottery calendars, with one $40winner. . . .Paid for eye glasses for two persons. . . .Will put together fruit bas-kets for Christmas on Dec. 18 and deliver them the next day. Last year we deliv-ered 236 baskets. . . .Had Adopt-a-Highway trash pick-up on Nov. 18.LEHIGH VALLEY SATURDAY A.M.: Club busy selling Gertrude Hawk candybars,. . . .Planning Christmas party for visually impaired children and their fami-lies. . . .A member recentrly had a successful cornea transplant. . . .Recycled350 aluminum cans. LOWER LEHIGH: Collections of used eyeglasses, aluminum cans and food forZionsville Food Bank continue. . . .Members of the Helping Hands Committeepresented gift cards to aid 50 families with expenses for Thanksgiving andChristmas, totaling $6,000. . . . .Club earned $1,640 on the sale of Bon Tonbooklets. . . . .Coupons available for use at Dan Schantz for the upcoming holi-day season. . . . Moving ahead with forming Leo Club at Emmaus H.S., withEmmaus Lions sharing fiscal costs.MOUNTAINVILLE: No November report. ONTELAUNEE: Will be selling 2016 lottery tickets. . . .Planned to packChristmas baskets for the needy on December 11. . . .Planned to join withSlatedale-Emerald Lions Club for District Governor Karen Brady's visitation onDecember 15. SLATEDALE-EMERALD AREA: Continuing to guide and support two Leoclubs. . . .Have monthly hoagie sales. . . . Had highway clean-up day onNovember 7.. . .Donated $275 for blind bowler. . . .Had Adopt-a-Highway. . ..Donated $750 to three different food banks. . . .Purchased 16 $50 Weis giftcards for distribution to local residents. . . .Profits of $211 from auction sale and$516 from Flower Power fund raiser. SLATINGTON: No November report.UPPER LEHIGH: Picked 291 lbs. of apples at Strawberry Acres and donatedthem to the Northern Lehigh Food Pantry. . . .Ran a non-perishable food collec-tion at our basket social and collected 77 lbs. of food. . . .Held a pig stomach din-ner and served more than 200 dinners . . .Held 68th charter night at ColumbianHome in Allentown on November 11 and prepared cookie containers for Mealson Wheels. . . .Planned a Christmas party for less fortunate children in the com-munity, to be held on December 6.

REGION IIBATH: Visited Richmond Lions Club on November 4. . . .Held last Adopt-a-Highway of season on November 3. . . .Decorated Bath's community Christmastree on November 28 . . . Planned annual Christmas party with Lions and spous-es for December 2. CATASAUQUA AREA: Planned holiday meal for the elderly at St. Paul'sChurch on December 5. . . .Children's Christmas shopping spree at Walgreen'sin Bethlehem planned for December 19.. . Breakfast meeting with DistrictGovernor on Jan. 2 at Jednota Club. . .Selling lottery tickets for January at $5each.COOPERSBURG: No November report. COPLAY: No November report. HANOVER TOWNSHIP: Club presented a certificate of appreciation to localTurkey Hill store for their outstanding customer and store support of our WhiteCane fund raiser. HELLERTOWN: Held monthly aluminum recycling and hoagie sale. . ..Donated to local newspaper for advertising our annual golf outing.. . .Soldcoupon books for the event at Boscov's, with profit going to White Cane . . .Madea donation to Saucon Valley Spirits Day parade.SAUCON VALLEY: No November report.UPPER SAUCON: No November report. WHITEHALL: Donated $400 to Whitehall Food Bank at St. Stephen's Churchfor Thanksgiving turkeys. . . .Had a White Cane day bake sale


BANGOR: Installed a new member, Shaun Larsen. . . .Had a pastie fund rais-er. . . .Purchased five Main Street Market gift certificates for families in need. . ..Planning spaghetti dinner in April.

BETHLEHEM TOWNSHIP: No November report.

EASTON: Drove sight-impaired woman to a meeting in Allentown and backhome. . . . Collected food donated by Wegman's and delivered it to food bank atProject of Easton four times. . . .Hosted a luncheon to honor Easton andPhillipsburg high school football teams, prior to Thanksgiving game. At thesame, our club awarded trophies to the most outstanding offensive and defen-sive players and to the winning team.

HECKTOWN - LOWER NAZARETH: The club again selling Christmas trees atthe Faust family produce stand on Rt. 191.

MOORE TOWNSHIP: Have recycling bin at township building.

NAZARETH: Discussed need to secure new members.

PALMER TOWNSHIP: Displayed many events for local organizations on Lionselectronic sign. . . Annual Christmas party planned for December 15.

PLAINFIELD TOWNSHIP: Continuing fundraisers selling Yankee candle mer-chandise, brooms and Rada cutlery. . . .Selling Chocolates on Broadway. . ..Paid yearly pledge to Slate Belt YMCA. . . . .Submitted a Peace Poster to dis-trict. . . .Donated paper goods and roasters to Hope UCC Church.

RICHMOND: Club donated $500 to the Upper Mt. Bethel food pantry, PUMP. . .. Stream bank erosion protection project almost completed. . . .Celebrated the60th Richmond Lions ladies night banquet.

TATAMY-STOCKERTOWN: Held spaghetti dinner on November 14. . . .Donated$100 to Nazareth Food Bank - $50 for Thanksgiving and $50 for Christmas.

WILSON BOROUGH: No November report.

LIONESS CLUBS ACTIVITIES(EDITOR’S NOTE: Items are selected from M&A reports that are sent in by the 20th ofeach month from Lioness club secretaries. Mail to: Tattle Tailer Editor, 2556 Wood’sEdge Road, Bath, PA 18014. E-mail: tattletailer14k@rcn.com

REMINDER: Pictures of club activities are wanted for Tattle Tailer.

BETHLEHEM: Held nut roll sale on November 14. . . .Planning Easter nut rollsale. . . .Discussing other fundraising options.

FORKS TOWNSHIP: No November report.

LEHIGH TOWNSHIP: Club selling “Save Around Town” books. Contact presi-dent Pat Amey at 610-767-6669 to purchase yours today. . . .Club participatedin Dream Come True at Becky's Drive-In with our annual Chinese auction anddonated more than $1,200 that was raised to Dream Come true. . . . .Fromclub's participation in Boscov's Helping Friends coupon sale, we are donating$100 to White Cane.

LOWER LEHIGH: No November report.

MOORE TOWNSHIP: Participated with Lions in a Christmas tree lighting cer-emony in December at Klecknersville.

NORTHAMPTON AREA: Club is selling Gertrude Hawk Christmas candy. . ..Several members will help wrap presents at the Children's Home of Easton. .. .We expect a number of clubs to visit our club at the December meeting. . ..We will be giving two food baskets to the needy for the holidays.

TATTLE TAILER H January 2016 H 3 Contest Guidelines

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BOB KUCSANwants your

Pins & Banners


Taking third place in the district was Gabriella King, sponsoredby the Plainfield Township Lions Club. She is a student at WindGap Middle School



Ask 1


Continued from Page 1

finance the convention.Clubs with 20 or less mem-bers will receive 30 ticketsand clubs with 21 or moremembers will receive 45tickets to buy or sell.

Letters were sent to allclubs recently seeking adsand/or patrons for the con-vention booklet. Responsesare needed as soon as possi-ble now that the holidaysare over.

Co-chairpersons for thisyear's convention are IPDGFred Folland, PDG TomDieter and PDG JoeChunko.

These are the personshandling each of the follow-ing tasks:

Call to order and wel-come, PDG Dieter; registra-tion, Lion Shirley Hawk;certification and election,Lion Richard Schreiner; dis-plays, Lion Silas Rodenbachand PDG Linwood Gehris;seminars, Lions Naugle andToolan; Friday evening din-ner with the I.D., PDG AprilKucsan; Saturday luncheon,1st VDG Marsha Johnston;Saturday banquet, IPDGFolland; hospitality, LionJoanne Santee; necrology,Lion Karlene Laub; parlia-mentarian, PID GenePolgar; protocol, PDGWillard Kulp; chaplain andsong leader, PDG Lin andLion Gail Gehris; Leos, LionJudy Ott; sight conserva-tion, Lion Ray Klein; raffle,PDG Dennis Butz; sergeant-at-arms, PDG David White;booklets and programs,PDG Bill Halbfoerster andLion David Fatzinger; ban-ners, PDG Larry Snyderand IPDG Folland.

Reminders:Your club and business

ads are needed as soon aspossible for the 2016District 14-K ConventionBooklet. A letter was sent toall clubs recently.

Convention RaffleTickets will be mailed to allClubs and Past DistrictGovernors. Please sell orbuy all the tickets youreceive from PDG DennisButz.

4 H TATTLE TAILER H January 2016



Lion Robert S. Kucsan, PDGLion April R. Kucsan, PDG Lion Fred Folland, DGLion Willard Stratz, PDG Lion Jay DieterLioness Kris KlineLion/Lioness Kathy DieterLion Tom Dieter, PDGPID Gene Polgar Lion Marsha L. Johnston, 1st VDGLion Bill Halbfoerster, PDGLion Howard E. Bowers, PDGLion Karen Brady, DGLion Tim BradyLion Glen Santee, PDGLion Joanne A. SanteeLion Dave FatzingerLion Cheryl FatzingerLion Dick SchreinerLion Kevin M. BloseLion Fred Michael, PDGLion Marty LowerLion Lowell Hawk, PCCLion Shirley HawkLion/Lioness Robert Kichline

Lion/Lioness Dolores KichlineLion Gail PfeifferLion Noreen OverpeckLion Keith J. LiebermanLion Ken LiebermanLion Doris FauldsLion Robert FauldsLion Diane BowmanLion Kathy FenstermacherLion Katrina FenstermacherLeo Rachel FenstermacherGlen FenstermacherCharles FenstermacherLion Frieda SoskaJoseph A. SoskaLion Joseph J. Chunko, PDGLion Helen L. ChunkoLion Paul Stoudt, ZCMiriam StoudtLion Marvin W. SchochLion/Lioness Gloria F. SchochLion Richard E. DannerEmily A. Danner, 14-K KlownsLion Rev. Lamar H. HandwerkDaisy Handwerk

Be A Tattle Tailer Booster for 2015-16Donations: $5.00 per Individual ––

$25.00 or More Per Club for Lions Year

Print INDIVIDUAL NAMES or CLUBS as you wish them to appear in theTATTLE TAILER and send the appropriate amount to the address below.Your continued contributions help make this publication possible.Businesses cannot be included on the boosters list, but must be insertedas display advertising.




Make Checks Payable to: LIONS DISTRICT 14-K

Send to: PDG Wm. J. Halbfoerster, Jr.

2556 Wood’s Edge Rd., Bath, PA 18014


Lower Lehigh Lioness Club Plainfield Township Lions Club

Northampton Area Lioness Club

Beacon Lodge Has Wish ListTo Serve its Campers in 2016

PDG Dennis Butz has provided a “wish list” for Lionsand Lionesses to give to Beacon Lodge for the Blind. It isas follows:


Foam Paper (all sizes)Styrofoam ShapesPoster Board (all sizes)Pony BeadsArrows (not broadheads)Finger PaintAcrylic Paint (for crafts)GlitterCarnival PrizesDVD's (2009 & up)22 LR ShellsColoring Books (large print)


Paper TowelsToilet PaperLaundry Detergent10-12 oz. Hot & Cold Cups

No StyrofoamPlastic Spoons & ForksClorox Wipes & CloroxStandard Size PillowsTwin Size BlanketsDisinfectant SprayTissuesThick Paper PlatesDinner NapkinsScrub BrushesVinyl Zipper Twin

Mattress Covers13,33 & Up Gal. Garbage



Copier PaperElec. Paper PuncherMemo TabletsWhite-OutWide, Clear Packing TapePocket FoldersScissors


Batteries - AAA, C, D & 9VBee, Wasp KillerPaint BrushesSaw BladesWalkie TalkiesNitrile Gloves Long Neck Lighter10W-30 Oil


Lanacaine SpraySharps ContainersBug SprayExam Gloves (all sizes

& latex free)Benadryl SpraySaline DropsHydrocortisone CreamCalamine LotionCold Relief MedicationImodiumBaby WipesVaselinePepto BismolMylantaCough DropsTylenol (adults & children)Ibruprofen (adults & children)Sanitary Napkins (no Depends)Liquid Benadryl (for children)

When sending any of these items, list your name,district, club, address, e-mail and phone number. CallPDG Butz at 610-351-9288 for the address of BeaconLodge.

Tattle Tailer


Your Club

Human Interest

Stories &


Send to:

tattletailer14k@rcn.com(Photos need to be sent as j-peg files.)

Have AHappy,


ProsperousNew Year!


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Plainfield Township Lions host Party

The Plainfield Township Lions Club hosted a

Children's Christmas Party at the Pen Argyl

Salvation Army on 12-09-15. The children

were invited through the Salvation Army.

Plainfield Township Lions and Santa!

Family Name

Street Address, Address 2, City, ST ZIP code

Phone – (555) 235-0125

Fax – (555) 235-0125

E-mail address

We’re on the Web!

See us at: Web site address

. Each child received a gift from the Salvation

Army and a gift bag from the Lions Club.

Santa was there to give the gifts to each child.

Refreshments were served compliments of

the Lions Club.

Children at the Plainfield Township Lions Christmas Party.
