Vol. 27, No. 16 Aug 13 - 26, 2017 A Note from Pastor Troy · I am so excited about our upcoming...


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I am so excited about our upcoming sermon series ‘Foundations.’ For five weeks, starting August 13, we are going to look at, as a church, what it means to be a part of FBC. We state that our desire is to ‘become and develop disciples of Jesus.’ How do we do that? Over the summer, Clay and I have been talking about that very thing. Very simply there are four key things that we do to become and develop disciples – connect, grow, serve, and go. These four areas encompass every area of our ministry as well as the things that matter most to us – God, the Bible, people, disciple

making, real relationships, and service. As we launch into a new academic year, it is a perfect time for us to reset our understanding about who we are and what we are about as a church. As a bonus, our adult Sunday school classes and connection groups are going to be doing an in-depth study of each of these areas along with each sermon. I ask that you join me in prayer

for God to use these five weeks to help our church renew our purpose and vision.

Beginning in September, we will be restarting our work in the Balcones neighborhood. The next Kid’s Club will take place on September 2 at 10:30am at Georgie K. Fitch Park. If you are interested in helping, please contact Angela in the church office or Barb Walton. We had great success last year and hope to build on it this year. There are going to be several other opportunities to serve our neighbors in Balcones. Please pay attention to your email in the coming weeks to find out more ways to serve our neighbors and connect with them. One of the biggest efforts we will be doing is a prayer emphasis. We will not only need folks to do prayer walks in the neighborhood, but we will be putting teams together to reach out to our neighbors personally for prayer. This gives us the chance to meet our neighbors, connect with them, pray for them, and follow up with them. God placed us in our neighborhood to love our

neighbors and reach them with the gospel.

I want to emphasize an important event coming up on August 27. That evening we will be dispersing our church around our city to pray on our school campuses. School starts for CSISD and TAMU the next day. BISD starts the week before on August 21. We are asking parents to bring their children to the church for WAM kickoff and then go to your child’s school to pray over the campus. We will provide prayer guides to be used for each campus. You may not have children in school. That’s okay. We want you to pray, too. You can go to the campuses where your children attended or you can go to the school campuses that are closest to your home. If you work for a school, then we encourage you to go to your campus and pray. We are asking God to give us our school

campuses that we might reach the families of our community.


A Note from Pastor Troy Vol. 27, No. 16 Aug 13 - 26, 2017 Ph. 979-696-7000 Fax 979-693-4778

Aug 6, 2017 Week Month Year

Needs $27,062 $108,247 $958,949

Receipts $21,165 $123,427 $895,845

Over/Under $(5,897) $15,180 $(63,104)

Please PRAY for our members and relatives. Names in bold

are new additions.

Joey Blackmon, Laura Bond, Elizabeth Booker, Iris Burkett, Betty Clark, Emaline Clark, BJ Conrad,

Nancy Coppock, Mary Lou Franklin, Martha Evans, Maurice

Gibbs, Linda Grant, Austin Hodge, Linda Hoffman, Matthew Jackson,

Charlotte Jones, Edsel Jones, Rosemarie & Richie Kotara, Gary

Kovar, Eddie Lockett, LaNelle McCulley, Kay Meek, Jim & Sue

Melton, Dianne Miles, Vic & Cookie Pears, Marilyn Radke, Norma

Rowland, Peggy Shafer, Dorothy Siegert, Jennifer Sibold, Karen Steele, Jace Steubing, Beverly

Watson, Helen & Arthur Whittington, Denise Woods, Hung Chi & Jeanne Yu, Ministers & their

Families, Office/Building Staff & their Families, Church Ministries, Missions, & Activities, Worship Leaders, Law Enforcement &

Military Personnel & their Families, Our Country & Leaders

If you need to add someone to the prayer list or remove someone, please call the church office at

696-7000 or email


College Student Adoption (Deadline August 20th) – Sign-ups have begun for our college student adoption ministry. We are in search of families who would like to intentionally invest in the lives of college students as they leave their homes and make their home here. This need not be a major burden (financially or time) but a way for you

to include a student into your family activities. If you would like to sign up to adopt please visit www.FBCCollegeStation.com/adopt to see the family expectations as well as fill out the application. Being in college brings about lots of change to an individual, but as an adopted family you can provide a sense of familiarity and stability for these students as you open your home, share your experience, and share your life. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with Jordan


Jordan Whittington, College Minister jordan@fbccollegestation.com


For international women & their children


Wednesday, September 20 * 9:30am * Fellowship Hall

followed by potluck lunch @ 11:30

We need volunteers! We need female teachers & aides for classes that interest

women (crafts, piano, gardening, needlework, living in Texas, etc.), and men & women to serve in the nursery caring for

children from birth-3 years. For more information, contact Stana Hromas

(979-450-3241 or hromas@hotmail.com).

Registration - Sept. 27, 9:00am Classes Begin - October 4, 9:30am

Sarah Duewall By Baptism

July 23, 2017

Grant Stanley For Baptism July 16, 2017

Gunner Potts For Baptism July 30, 2017

Clay Hopkins, Associate Pastor clay@fbccollegestation.com

Paul wrote in Philippians 4, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every

thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

Are you a joyful person? As we read this, being joyful is a mindset. It is an understanding of knowing who is always in control and choosing, then, not to worry, fret, or stir things up at the first sign of struggle. It is knowing how to handle these situations by taking them immediately to God. Jesus said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” In order to be an outwardly focused Christian,

we must learn to trust Jesus with EVERYTHING.

I am excited about our upcoming “Foundations” emphasis running from August 20 through September 17. Our Sunday worship and morning Bible study will focus on foundational beliefs we hold to here at FBC. I want to encourage you to plan on attending all five weeks and be reminded of not just who we are as a church family,

but how we can grow and become better followers of Jesus moving forward!

6:00 pm6:00 pm

Burger DinnerBurger Dinner

at Churchat Church

7:30 pm7:30 pm

Church SwimChurch Swim

at Adamson Lagoonat Adamson Lagoon

Also help us officially welcome our new youth minister, Josh Price. Gift cards & gifts welcome!

Bronwyn Stanley, Minister to Children bronwyn@fbccollegestation.com

Women's Bible Study Wednesdays, 9:00-11:00am

Aug 30-Nov 8, Rm 2020

Aug. 30-meet and greet, watch video #1

Studying Beth Moore’s Entrusted: A Study of 2 Timothy

Contact Teri Thompson if childcare is needed or for

more information at 979-777-8860.

Joshua Price, Minister to Youth josh@fbccollegestation.com

Howdy Church Family! Launch Weekend is here and we are excited to welcome all students entering 7th-12th grades. This is a weekend where we will study God’s word and learn how to be witnesses on our school campus. Launch weekend will be August 18th-20th and the cost is $30. As we get closer to the school year be in

prayer for our students, their schools, our teachers, and our community.

If you would like to get involved or hear more about what is coming up, contact the

Youth Ministry Office (myself or Ben Sham). Here is what we have coming up.

Launch Weekend - August 18-20

First Day of School - August 21 (BISD) and August 28 (CSISD)

See You At The Pole - September 27




TUESDAY 8:00pm, room 1060

Greg Duewall / 979-492-9703 (g.duewall@gmail.com)


THURSDAY 12 noon, rm 1060B/C Philip Beard / 979-575-2626


THURSDAY 8:00pm @ Blue Baker on University Dr. Greg Duewall / 979-492-9703


MESENGERS NEEDED For the BGCT Annual Meeting

November 12-14, 2017 Waco Convention Center

Contact Lisa in the church office if you are interested in attending.

Bill Killion, Minister of Music billk@fbccollegestation.com

The new school year is just around the corner and with the new school year comes the resumption of all our choirs. The first group that starts back will be our Worship, Arts, and Music program (W.A.M.) for our boys and girls who are 4 years of age through the 6th grade. We’ll have our kick-off on Sunday, August 27 at 6:00pm. So parents, mark that date down on your calendar and plan for your

children to come and join us.

Other groups will be resuming in the weeks that follow. Watch for the announcement

for each choir in the weeks ahead.

Summer Fundays are over and we’re looking towards fall. Wow, where did the time go? The children’s ministry fall kick-off will be Wednesday, August 30. Children will participate in Mission Friends, Bible Buddies, and Bible Drill, according to their age group. Join the team and bring a


Children’s Worship, Arts, & Music, otherwise known as W.A.M., will have its kick-off party on Sunday, August 27 at 6:00pm in the sanctuary. We will have games, crafts, snacks, and, of course, music! Join us this year as we explore our theme: All Creation Sings! Parents, while we’re praising God and having fun, join other adults in

praying for our local schools. Prayer guides will be available.

Looking ahead, our fall Parents’ Night Out is Friday, September 22 from 6:00-10:00pm. Dinner will be provided. The theme of the night is game day. A prepaid

reservation is required to attend.

You are always welcome to stop by the children’s ministry office to sign up for events or sign up online, where available. Contact Angela or sign-up online at http://


DO YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS? PHONE NUMBER? EMAIL? Please contact lisa@fbccollegestation.com

2300 Welsh Avenue College Station, TX 77845

POSTMASTER: Please forward address changes.

Our Weekly Events Schedule

Sundays Early (Traditional) Worship............................... 8:30am Youth Praise Band Rehearsal ............................... 9:15 Sunday School for all Ages ................................... 9:45 Brown Memorial Library Open ................. 9:45 & 10:40 Late (Blended) Worship ...................................... 11:00 Youth Bible Drill ................................................ 4:30pm Brown Memorial Library Open .............................. 5:00 W.A.M. (Music) for Kids & Preschool Activities .... 6:00 Adult Bible Study (begins 9/10) ............................. 6:00 Mondays Deacon-led Prayer Time (open to all) .............. 6:30am Community Bible Study (begins 9/11) .............. 7:00pm Tuesdays Food Pantry (volunteers @ 9am) ................... 10:00am Quilt-n-Peace ...................................................... 10:00

Tuesdays, continued Praise Team Rehearsal .................................... 6:00pm Evening Quilters (1st & 3rd Tues) ......................... 6:30 Instrumental Ensemble Rehearsal (begins 9/12) .. 7:00 Ladies Evening Prayer group ................................ 7:00 Men’s Evening Prayer group ................................. 8:00 Wednesdays Youth Praise Band Rehearsal .......................... 5:00pm Adult Handbells Practice (begins 9/6) Adult Sunday School Teachers Mtg ...................... 5:45 Refuge Meal (begins 8/30, FREE to youth)...... 6:00pm Youth Refuge ......................................................... 6:30 Mission Friends (birth-K) (begins 8/30) ................. 6:30 Bible Buddies (1st-3rd) (begins 8/30) .................... 6:30 Bible Drill (4th-6th) (begins 8/30) ........................... 6:30 Sanctuary Choir (adults) ........................................ 6:30 Adult Bible Study ................................................... 6:30

Thursdays Youth Escape Lunch (Summer only) ............. 11:45am Tender Warriors Day (men’s Bible study) ........... Noon Men’s Evening Bible Study (Blue Baker) ......... 7:30pm


MONDAY, AUG 21, 5:00PM (covers August 27-September 9)

Please bring information to the office or email daralyn.fbc@gmail.com.


Aug 13 * Deacons’ Meeting, 4:00pm, rm 1030

Aug 13 * Church-wide Burger & Swim Party, 6:00pm in the sanctuary

Aug 16 * Prayer Ministry Team Meeting, 7:30pm, rm 1010

Aug 18-19 * Youth Launch, a back-to-school retreat for youth 7th-12th grades. $30/student.

See Josh Price or Ben Sham or signup online at https://goo.gl/forms/cJE0w8vFrOs0B7Kf1

Aug 20 * Newcomers’ Fellowship * 4:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. This is an opportunity for new members & those interested in membership at FBC to meet the staff. A light dinner will be served. Please RSVP to Lisa at 696-7000 by August 16. Need childcare? Please provide the

names and ages of your children when you call.

Aug 20 * Church Business Conference * 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.

COMING SOON Welcome Back College Lunch .................. Aug 27 Pray for Our Schools ................................. Aug 27 Community Bible Study Reg./Dinner......... Aug 28 Fall Children’s Activities Kick-off .............. Aug 30 Refuge Meals begin .................................. Aug 30 South Texas Mission Team Mtg................. Sept 2 Kids Club @ G.K. Fitch Park ...................... Sept 2 New Students College Lunch ..................... Sept 3 Aggie Watch Party ..................................... Sept 3 Labor Day/Office Closed ............................ Sept 4 Property Committee Meeting ..................... Sept 5 Joy Group Lunch ........................................ Sept 7 Deacons Meeting ..................................... Sept 10 Homebound Ministry Team Mtg ............... Sept 13 1st Grade Bible Presentation/Lunch ........ Sept 17 Prayer Ministry Team Mtg ........................ Sept 20 Parents’ Night Out .................................... Sept 22

WEEKDAY CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES: Mother’s Day Out (764-1350) Birth - 5: M/T/TH/F 9:30am - 1:30pm ELC (696-7060) Ages 2 - 5: Mon - Fri 7:15am - 5:45pm
