Vocabulary set 5



By: Pranit Nadipelli. Vocabulary set 5. Verb To say or do something in opposition to something else. Synonyms: Backtalk, contravene, circumvent Antonyms: none . Counter. I countered the demonic remarks of the reclusive man, yet he still kept on cursing at me. Counter. Adj. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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VOCABULARY SET 5By: Pranit Nadipelli

COUNTER Verb To say or do something in opposition to

something else. Synonyms: Backtalk, contravene,

circumvent Antonyms: none

COUNTER I countered the demonic remarks of the

reclusive man, yet he still kept on cursing at me.

CUNNING Adj. Sly, crafty, or clever. Synonym: Sly, sneaky, acute, slick Antonym: naïve, gullible

CUNNING The cunning super spy had stopped a

nuclear missile launch; he was extremely sly.

DEBRIS Noun Remains of destroyed or discarded

materials in wreckage. Synonym: Ruins, wreckage, rubble Antonym: purity, neatness, cleanliness

DEBRIS There was an immense amount of

debris left after Hurricane Sandy.

DEFIANCE Noun An act of refusal or resistance to an

opposing force or authority. Synonym: Disobedience, Rebel, Antonym: Humble, Obedient, Loyal

DEFIANCE Never show your defiance to Zeus, for

he will scar you for the rest of your mortal life.

JUT Verb To extend sharply outward; to project or

stick out. Synonym: project, pop, poke Antonym: indent, recede

JUT Michael rapidly jutted his hand outward

to grab onto the extended edges of the cliff.

KINDLE Verb To build or start a fire; to excite a

feeling or idea Synonym: ignite, hype, promote,

enflame Antonym: extinguish, put out

KINDLE A great entrepreneur never kindles his

inventions early, for someone may deviously steal it.

KNOLL Noun A small rounded hill. Synonym: acclivity, butte, ascent Antonym: none

KNOLL Uluru is a large knoll that is located in

the outback desert of Australia.

LUMINOUS Adj. Giving of light; shining Synonym: beaming, effulgent,

incandescent Antonym: dark, dim, gloomy, dull

LUMINOUS The luminous family was welcoming

and gave immense amounts of hospitality.

SPECIMEN Noun Something studied by scientists or

doctors as an example of a set of things or systems.

Synonym: case, copy, embodiment Antonym: none

SPECIMEN Scientists are constantly searching to

find a specimen of dark matter.

STAMINA Noun The ability to resist fatigue or illness;

endurance. Synonym: Endurance, Athletic, Immune Antonym: Fatigue, Sickness

STAMINA An athlete must have excellent stamina

levels in order to play for a long time.

SUBSIDE Noun To become less active or intense or

agitated. Synonym: abate, collapse, decline Antonym: rise, increase, grow

SUBSIDE As a person ages they often subside in

stamina because they aren’t as energetic.

SWAGGER Verb To walk in a way that makes it look as if

you think you’re important or confident; strut

Synonym: Bluster, Boast, Brag Antonym: None

SWAGGER RG3’s swagger had cost the Redskins

the game against the Seahawks.

SATURNINE Adj. Of a gloomy or surly disposition Synonym: Lethargic, Reclusive Antonym: Ecstatic, Outogoing

SATURNINE The saturnine man who lives up the hill

should never be approached, yet rumor has it that he murdered a dog.

CADUCEUS Noun A staff with two snakes twined

around it and two wings at its top The caduceus is used in the

medical profession as a symbol.

MERCURIAL Adj. characterized by rapid and

unpredictable changeableness of mood

Synonyms: Moody Antonyms: None

MERCURIAL Poseidon is a very mercurial god, when

he is angry he causes hurricanes and when he is happy calm waves crash across the seas.

LETHARGY Noun Abnormal drowsiness Synonym: apathy, coma, disregard Antonym: activity, vivacity, vigor

LETHARGY My lethargy caused me to lose my job,

and it taught me to be willing and energetic if you want to keep a job.

DRACONIAN Adj. Cruel, harsh, severe Synonyms: Harsh, severe, inhospitable Antonyms: Hospitable, lenient, kind,


DRACONIAN Dictators are Draconian people that let

their people starve to death.
