Vocabulary in Reading Zhangjiagang Senior School May 12. 2007


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Vocabulary in Reading

Zhangjiagang Senior SchoolMay 12. 2007

Vocabulary in Reading When we read ,we possibly c

ome across many new words.It’s often the case that these new words bring us a lot of difficulty in understanding a text.To get a better understanding , you need more practice . Here we have some examples for you.We hope to give all of you some help .

Make up your own story It was r________ hard . A schoolboy was w ____ in the s_______ with an u__________ in his hand when suddenly a yellow car s _______ in front of him , which gave him a big s________.






A Dream of Milk

What are they ?snerd roggletrund wunk fallentious ribble

A country girl was walking along the snerd with a roggle of milk on her head . She began saying to herself, “The money for which I will sell this milk will make me enough money to increase my trund of eggs to 300. These eggs will produce the same number of chickens, and I will be able to sell the

chickens for a large wunk of money. Before long , I will have enough money to live a rich and fallentious life. All the young men will want to marry me.But I will refuse them all with a ribble of the head --- like this…”

And as she ribbled her head, the roggle fell to the

ground and all the milk ran in a white stream along the snerd , carrying her plans with it.

Examples & Practice 1.The man was praised for his b

ravery , unselfishness and honesty. Brave --- bravery Honest --- honesty Unselfishness ---? Self---selfish --- unselfish --- unselfish


Unselfishness (n.) 大公无私

2.In class , the teacher showed us different shapes like circle, star , ellipse and s


. 3. She has collected a number of stamps , both foreign and domestic.

国外的 国内的

4..The painting , sold by auction , came to Mr Zhang ,who had offered the highest price.

5. Attacked by strong sand storms, more and more farmland has become impossible to cultivate

Grow crops on farmland

6.Everyone was anxious to go out but it rained all day without ceasing.

7.We can be flexible about your starting date--- this Saturday, next Sunday…any day you like.

Flexible ?灵活

8. The Rockets were bounced out of the playoffs by the Utah Jazz in Game 7 at Toyota Center, marking the third time Houston has failed to get out of first round in Van Gundy's tenure.

9.President Bush Visits Greensburg , Kansas to Survey Tornado Damage, Offer Condolences


Sympathy & comfort

10. Father sat there in silence , flicking ash into the ashtray as he smoked.

11. My mother is called Anna and by a funny coincidence , my wife’s mother is also called Anna.


A. 不幸 B. 巧合 C. 遗憾

12. I do think that the scarf knitted by yourself is much better than the one you bought in the market the other day.

Knit ----- Scarf ----- 编织


.13. Odd numbers such as 3, 17, 129, cannot be divided exactly by the number two.

--- Which of the following are not odd numbers

15, 26, 43, 55, 168 .

14. Recently I was upset because one of my roommates suspected that I read her diary , because I was the last to leave the dorm and the first to return .

Suspect --- doubt

15.If you drive your car recklessly like that,you will end up in a hospital.



16. The girl was so careless that she slipped on the polished floor and broke the glass.

Slipped-----?A. 睡 B. 滑 C. 跪Polished-----?A. 粗糙 B. 光滑 C. 坚硬

Bad Luck!B


17.The new comer is still green at the job. He needs more practice.


Unskillful !

18. Success now seems hopeless

and Tom feels pessimistic and disappointed.


19.You have to wait longer for the water because the pipes have been clogged.




20. The boss unscrewed the cap of the bottle, put it to his nostrils and smelt the medicine very carefully.


21. It seems that the medicine is invalid . I don’t feel any better although I have taken much of it.

Invalid---?---It doesn’t work !

22. I was disappointed by the coldness and indifference of the doctor. She lacked the qualities of being a good doctor--- a caring heart.---Coldness ?=indifference !

Examples & practice

23. China used to be an agricultural society where people existed as members of a certain group rather than individuals.


24. A superstition is a belief people hold which is not based on reason.

Sth we believe but unreasonable

25. Unexpectedly , the performance met with a chilly reception although we had made good preparations for it.

A chilly reception probably means_____.

A.a warm welcome B.little excitement C.much interest


Examples & practice 26.Computers are now being used t

o direct traffic in the sky,find minerals in soil,control robots at work , diagnose diseases and make movies.

Diagnose Diseases

指挥交通 探测矿藏 … 诊断疾病

27. Quarrels, loud music and other noises can easily annoy neighbours especially at night.If we cannot restrain ourselves ,paying no respect to others, a harmonious neighbourhood will be impossible.

Bring trouble toControlFriendly/peaceful

28. Canadian paralympian Jeff Adams , climbed the 1,776 stairs of the world largest tower in a wheelchair to show the disabled world that even the biggest obstacles can be overcome.

1.A paralympian-----?______

A.an actor B.a painter

C.a disabled D.sportsman

2. Obstacles-----? _______

A.difficulties B.chances

C.buildings D.chairs



29.Over 120 students at Jiaying University in Guangdong Province suffered food poisoning after eating unpasteurized soybean milk last Friday. The food was supplied by the school cafeteria . The victims were sent to hospital for emergency treatment . About 90 of them have recovered and returned to school.

食物中毒 ( )豆浆 食堂受害者 急救 康复

Suicide going up at shocking rate30. China is reported to have one of

the highest suicide rates in the world . A study released last week estimated that 287,000 Chinese kill themselves each year , accounting for 3.6 per cent of all deaths in China.

Many people in China kill themselves.

Word-formation Definition Similarity

Opposite Comparison Example

Order & Rule Logical Deduction


Key to the door

Riddle He wants a c

up of tea.__ __ __ ?T+He

A friend who gives me his second half .

__ __ __? Fri end

The End
