VOCABULARY #1 Vincere/ Victum, Duc/ Duct, Trahere/ Tractum, Petere/ Petitum


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VOCABULARY #1Vincere/ Victum, Duc/ Duct, Trahere/ Tractum, Petere/ Petitum

Latin: Vincere, Victum “to conquer”


1. Invincible (adj.)

Example: Although the Romans thought of themselves as invincible, they too were eventually conquered.

What does invincible mean? Invincible—unable to be conquered Synonyms – unbeatable, unstoppable Antonyms- vulnerable - beatable

2. Provincial (adjective)

Example: Rory’s somewhat provincial outlook made it difficult for her to understand what people in other parts of the world were going through.

What does provincial mean? Provincial—limited in

knowledge of the world Antonym? – knowledgeable,


Latin: Ducere, Ductum—”to lead”


4. Conducive (adjective)

Example: These noisy conditions are not conducive to learning or teaching.

What does conducive mean? Conducive—supportive;

encouraging; helping to bring about

Synonyms? - Helpful, useful

Latin: Trahere, Tractum—”to drag”


7. Protracted (adj.)

Example: There was a protracted struggle between the two armies.

What does protracted mean? Protracted: extended in time;

prolonged Synonyms? – extend, stretch,

prolong Antonyms? – abbreviate,


8. Intractable (adj.)

Example: Isiah’s intractable nature made bedtimes difficult for his mother.

What does intractable mean? Intractable—stubborn;

obstinate; hard to move forward

Synonym? - stubborn Antonym? – agreeable, mild

Latin: Petere, Petitum “to seek aggressively, to assail, to rush”


10. Petulant (adjective)

Example: When I told my little brother to put away his toys, he fell into a petulant fit and threw the toys down the stairs.

What does petulant mean? Petulant—irritable or short-


11. Impetuous (adjective)

Example: Because Barry was a rather impetuous boy, he often found himself getting into fights over little things.

What does impetuous mean? Impetuous—acting

passionately and without forethought

Synonym? - impulsive, spontaneous

Antonym? – cautious, sensible

12. Impetus (noun)

Example: The tragic accident at the crossroads was the impetus for a meeting on traffic safety.

What does impetus mean? Impetus—that which drives

one; momentum Synonym? – motivation,

