Vocab review Patriots – Americans who supported independence Advantages – fighting on home...


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Vocab review

Patriots – Americans who supported independence

Advantages – fighting on home ground, ideals, Washington was commander

Disadvantages – no regular army or strong navy, few weapons

Loyalists (Tories) – Americans who did NOT support independence,

strongest in the Carolinas and Georgia

British Advantages – strong Army and Navy, military supplies, wealthDisadvantages – fighting far away from home, supplies and

soldiers had to be shippedBritain hired mercenaries (Hessians) to help

fight against the Americans. The Hessians were fighting for the money they

were paid.

Fort Ticonderoga – May 10th, 1775 New York

Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen led the Green Mountain Boys in an attack on the British Fort

Surprised the older British soldiers there and forced them to surrender

Gave the Patriots some much needed ammunition and cannons (100)

Battle of Bunker Hill – July 17, 1778 – Boston, MA

British commander – General William Howe

American commander – General Prescott

Americans were occupying a hill outside Boston. British decided to attack the hill. The 1st and 2nd attempt failed. The 3rd attempt was only successful because the Americans ran out of ammo.

Famous order from American commander: “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.” Americans proved they could fight

the well trained British army.

Battle of Trenton – December 26th, 1776 – Trenton, NJ

American commander – General Washington Hessian commander – Colonel Johann Rall

Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware River on Christmas night (stormy, cold, difficult and snowing).

Hessian regiments were isolated and couldn’t coordinate. They became surrounded and surrendered.

Although the battle was small it gave the continental army a much needed boost in confidence. They believed they could defeat the Europeans.

This led to increased enlistment into the Continental Army.

After the Christmas attack the British, led by General Howe, planned

to take control of the American capital inPhiladelphia.

Battle of Saratoga – Sept. 17, 1777 – Saratoga, NY

British General John Burgoyne wanted to cut the New England colonies off from the rest of the colonies by taking control of NY.

Planned to attack from multiple sides. By the time Burgoyne (supplies running low) , American General Horatio Gates was waiting.

Burgoyne’s men were starving and went hunting after hearing wild turkeys near by.

There were not turkeys. It was actually American Daniel Morgan making a turkey call.

The men engaged. Burgoyne was never able to reach his point in NY.

The American victory ended the British threat and lifted American spirits. It convinced other Europeans that the Americans had a chance at winning leading France to become our ally.

This battle changes Benedict’s loyalties after feeling he should have gotten the credit.

Valley Forge – Winter 1777-1778Lack of food, supplies and clothingHarsh Winter

Washington wasLosing the faith of His troops.

Soldiers deserted

Washington brought in Europeans to help

Help from Overseas

France Marquis de Lafayette Washington’s right hand man

Germany Friedrich Von Steuben Trained the military

Spain Juan de Miralles Sent money

Allies France

Declared War on Britain 1778 Sent money

Spain Declared war on Britain 1779

Battle of Yorktown – Sept-Oct 1781 – Yorktown, VA

American commander – General Washington

French commander – General Rochambeau

British commander – General Lord Cornwallis

16,100 American and French soldiers – 6,000 British soldiers

Cornwallis was waiting on the peninsula for fresh supplies and reinforcements

Washington and Lafayette blocked the British on land while the French navy blocked the British by sea.

After 3 weeks of non-stop bombardment, Cornwallis surrendered to Washington in the field at Yorktown.

Cornwall did not attend the formal surrender but sent his General O’Hara instead. Tried to surrender to French but they declined and sent him to Washington.

Yorktown ended the fighting in the American colonies.

Negotiations began in France

The Treaty of Paris (#2) was signed and officially ended the war.

Treaty Of Paris

1.• Colonies can fish off the coast of Canada• U.S recognized as an independent nation

2.• Land from Atlantic to Mississippi


• British withdraw from all American Territory• British Merchants can collect debt• Loyalists gain land back

Reason's for Defeat of British

British Supplies running low

Out numbered 7, 500 troops compared to 14, 000 French and


Clinton's army in New York waiting for the


Fought on own land

Seige of Yorktown

Help from other


Was a Peoples


British depended on the sea

Why Americans won the war

Women in Battle

Women took arms in many cases too such as Margaret Corbin,

Molly Pitcher, and Deborah Sampson

Home Front Women

Question place in society Abigail Adams fought for women’s rights

Told her husband – Remember the ladies

Loyalists Shunned Flee colonies Mob violence Arrested (sometimes executed)

Equality African Americans (Questioned Slavery)

African- Americans

There were also African American soldiers such as Lemuel Hayes and

Peter Salem

Nathan Hale – Patriot who worked as a spy on the British, was caught and hung.

I regret I have but one life to give.
