Vitamins: Harm or Benefit? - Dr. Rath Health Foundation€¦ · of vitamins A "world without...


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Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Results of ouR ReseaRch

Vitamins: Harm or Benefit?Quality and research matter! What you should know as a user of nutritional supplements.

2 Introduction

Dr. Rath Health Foundation

At the beginning of the third millennium,in many areas mankind is making enor-mous progress that was virtually unthink-able before. In the area of transport weare witnessing the end of the era of inter-nal combustion engines. This “outdated”technology is now being replaced all overthe world, mainly by electric vehicles thatobtain their energy from a network of so-lar-powered service stations, as is alreadythe case in many parts of the USA.

People’s demand for renewable technolo-gies and protectionof the environment isovercoming theircontrol by economicand political inter-ests. People havewoken up and nolonger want to be fedfairy tales by industrylobbyists. But thisglobal change in theenergy sector is justthe beginning.

A revolution has longbeen underway thataffects millions oflives even more di-rectly: the goal of a“world without dis-

ease” has become achievable. This is notthe result of genetic therapy using newsynthetic drugs. The reason for this revolu-tion is the enormous progress that hasbeen made in the area of scientificallybased natural health approaches – espe-cially in the area of micronutrient research.

The above diagram underscores this factimpressively. Its curve reflects the amountof knowledge of the fundamental impor-tance of vitamins and other micronutrientsthat has accumulated over the last twodecades. Applying this knowledge world-

wide could save millions of lives and bil-lions in disease costs.

Interests that are opposed to thisgoal

Just as oil companies oppose the liberationof mankind from its dependence on fossilfuels, there is a massive resistance on thepart of drug companies against the scien-tific breakthroughs of vitamin research. Thereason for this is obvious: the pharmaceu-tical industry is an investment businessbased on the perpetuation of disease,rather than their elimination. The perpetu-ation of disease is the “marketplace” forpatented, synthetic high-priced products.The systematic prevention of disease – and,therefore, the elimination of entire classesof disease – is a fundamental threat to thisinvestment industry.

Each year, with the aim of publicly creatingthe impression that this questionable busi-ness model actually benefits patients’needs, the pharmaceutical industry investshundreds of millions in advertising cam-paigns in the mass media. These mediaoutlets thus spread bad news about un-

Exploding knowledge of the crucial importance of vitamins

A "world without disease"has become a real goal

total number of vita-min studies publishedworldwide, 1990–2016

The curve shows theexponential growth of our knowledge inthe field of vitaminresearch.

Source: PubMed

Vitamin research is the key to reaching this goal

Example of an online report stating that vita-min supplements allegedly increase the riskof cancer. Fox News, Sept. 7th 2017


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

wanted competitors of the pharma indus-try, such as reports on the alleged dangersof vitamins.

To be absolutely clear: vitamins are prod-ucts derived from nature that, for millionsof years, have been playing a life-sustain-ing and health-promoting role for the in-habitants of our planet. Obviously, thisonly applies to the natural forms of thesemicronutrients. Therefore, the questionthat arises is: how much truth is there toreports of alleged risks caused by vitaminsupplements?

Interests that put the achieve-ment of this goal at risk

The great progress in the field of micronu-trient research has aroused widespread in-terest. As a result, a growing number ofmanufacturers and suppliers want a shareof this “boom” and are offering multivita-min products and other nutritional supple-ments in all shapes, colors and sizes. Ingeneral, all these products have one thingin common: they were not scientificallytested for their effectiveness and, instead,are advertised using health claims takenfrom random publications by third parties.

What’s more, due to the growing compet-itive pressure on the mass market of foodsupplements, manufacturers feel obligedto further reduce the costs of their ingredi-ents. This is only possible if synthetic – i.e.artificially created – substances are usedinstead of micronutrients from naturalsources. While human body cells are ableto identify and utilize vitamins of naturalorigin, their interaction with synthetic sub-stances is largely unclear.

As a result, millions of users are currentlytaking nutritional supplements that havea doubtful or even harmful effect.

Quality campaign in the area offood supplements

Information is the precondition for change.If we want to create a healthcare systemthat aims at the prevention and eradica-

tion of disease in the long term, we mustdisclose the interests that are opposed tothese goals. Apart from the pharmaceuticalindustry, untested and low-quality nutri-tional supplements are the main threat tothis goal.

This brochure documents the results ofcomparative studies on micronutrient com-binations that are widely used in Europe.These are compared with micronutrientcombinations that have been developedand tested on the basis of scientific re-search. The results speak for themselves.

This brochure does not intend to denounce,but to inform. Users of nutritional supple-ments are invited to demand clear studiesfrom manufacturers about the safety andefficacy of their products. At the end of thisdecade, there must be no vitamin com-pany left that does not conduct its own re-search. Only then will we have moved adecisive step closer to a new, preventativehealthcare system.


Untested vitamin products

Pharma lobby(in medicine/media/politics)

The Dr. Rath Research Institute is a worldleader in conducting natural health re-search. For more than a quarter of a cen-tury, Dr. Rath and his research team havebeen working on creating the scientific ba-sis for a preventative healthcare system.

Scientific discoveries are the beginning

1991: Dr. Rath discovers that the commonmigration paths of all cancer cell types canbe blocked by natural means. Specific mi-cronutrients are capable of preventing can-cer cells from dissolving the connective tis-sue that surrounds them. This discovery is

backed by two-timeNobel Prize laureateLinus Pauling andcontinues to formone of the scientificfoundations of Dr.Rath’s research work.

1999: The Dr. Rath Re-search Institute inCalifornia is founded.

Its initial focus is scientific confirmation ofthe discovery regarding the importance ofmicronutrients in controlling cancer cells.Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, a world-renowned biochemist and molecular biol-ogist, assumes management of the institute.

2002: One of theworld’s biggestnewspapers, USA To-day, publishes anannouncement ofthe scientific break-through in micronu-trient-based cancerresearch. Millions ofpeople become in-formed.

Over almost two de -cades, the knowl-edge acquired at theDr. Rath Research In-stitute has overcome all resistance, particu-larly that of the pharma lobby. Based on Dr.Rath's discoveries, micronutrient combina-tions have been developed and successfullytested on more than 50 human cancer celltypes (see pages 12/13).

The Institute's research team has publishedover 100 scientific papers in internationalprofessional journals. The website of the Institute provides an insight into the workof this unique research facility:

4 Introduction

Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Worldwide leading researchinstitute for science-basednatural health

The Dr. Rath ResearchInstitute and researchteam (picture on theright)

Dr. Matthias Rath(right) and Dr. LinusPauling, 1992

USA Today, March 8th 2002,Announcement of

the breakthrough in cancer research

We invite you to take a look at PubMed(, the world’s largestonline archive of scientific publications.This website belongs to the National Li-brary of the United States National Insti-tutes of Health.

At this website, you can check whetherthe manufacturer of your food supple-

ment has published any scientific re-search. Simply enter the name of theprovider in the search field.

If you enter “Rath Research Institute”, al-most 100 studies will be displayed. Thefollowing list compares this number withthe scientific publications by otherproviders.


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

See for yourself

Other vitamin suppliers for comparison Search entry at PubMed Online Library

Published studies with micronutrients on PubMed

as of 1st September 2017

DAbtei 0

Blue Biotech / Peter Hartig 0

Centrum 2

DM Das gesunde Plus 0

Doppelherz 0

Eunova (Stada) 0

Hansa Vital GmbH 0

INGE (Institut für Nahrungsergänzung und Ernährung) 0

Klosterfrau 0

Lifeplus 0

Multinorm (Aldi) 0

Orthomol 1

Rosaxan 1

Sanatur GmbH 0

Sanostol 0

Stada 0

Tisso 0

Vitaviva 0

Zirkulin 0

CHBurgerstein 0

ABiogena 0

Ringana 0

Cellular Medicine Research Search entry at PubMed Online Library

Published studies with micronutrients on PubMed

as of 1st September 2017

"Rath Research Institute" 94

"Rath M AND Niedzwiecki A" 112

6 Chapter 1: Is the growth of cancer cells inhibited or promoted by micronutrients?

Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Is the growth of cancer cells inhibited or promoted bymicronutrients?

Comparison studies with micronutrient combinations


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Which micronutrients combinations weretested?

This comparison group was composed of sixmicronutrient combinations (multivitamins)obtained from leading manufacturers on theEuropean market. The selection of these“comparison combinations” was made ran-domly. These combinations were comparedto micronutrient combinations scientificallydeveloped at the Dr. Rath Research Institute.

What is the dosage?

The dosages used in the tests correspondedto the daily amounts recommended on thelabels of the micronutrient combinations.

The following graphs provide only averagevalues for the comparison products. Whyare there no individual names of productsor manufacturers provided?

The goal of these scientific tests was not toexpose individual manufacturers. Rather, thegoal was a general assessment of the influ-ence of various widely used micronutrientcombinations on human cell systems. Thisquestion was highly relevant because scientifictesting and documentation of the benefitsof micronutrient combinations is the exceptionin the nutritional supplement industry.

Remarks about the following scientific tests

8 Chapter 1: Is the growth of cancer cells inhibited or promoted by micronutrients?

Dr. Rath Health Foundation

In these scientific serial tests, the effect ofvarious micronutrient combinations on hu-man liver cancer cells was evaluated in termsof their induction of cell growth and cell sur-vival.

The dosages used corresponded to the rec-ommended daily intakes. The test controls(cancer cells without the addition of testedmicronutrients) are shown in the graphs asa dotted red line (zero line).

The results of the effect of these micronutri-ent combinations are shown as a percentageof the decrease of cancer cells (below thezero line) or increase of cancer cells (abovethe zero line) in relation to the controls.

The results illustrate that not all micronutri-ent combinations are capable of killing can-cer cells. On the contrary, the micronutrientcombinations designated as “comparisoncombinations” led to an average increase in

the growth of cancer cells by 56% (dark redcolumn on the right).

In contrast, the micronutrients developed incollaboration with the Dr. Rath Research In-stitute and tested in this research projectwere able to block the multiplication of can-cer cells and induce the natural death of can-cer cells (apoptosis).

A basic micronutrient combination (columnA) led to a halting – and even a slight de-crease – of cancer growth. Particularly re-markable was the inhibiting effect shown bya micronutrient combination specifically de-veloped for this purpose (column B). Thiscombination exhibited a significant decreaseof cancer cells. With this specific micronutri-ent combination, more than half (52%) ofthe liver cancer cells were killed.

One cannot rule out the possibility that theexplanation for this alarming result was the

Influence of different micronutrient combinations on the growth and survival of human liver cancer cells

Microscopic imageof a dividing liver cancer cell

selection of less expensive synthetic materi-als for use in these micronutrient combina-tions. Thus, the chemically synthesized mi-cronutrients could have competitively inhib-ited the access of natural micronutrients tothe interior of cells and, thereby blocked theirbiological effect – in this case, the inductionof cancer cell death.

Based on the results of these experiments,the occasional media coverage about the al-leged cancer-promoting effects of certain vi-tamins may at least be partly explainable.


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

tested micronutrient combinations composed of: A: Different vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and phytobiologicalsB: Vitamin C, lysine, proline, arginine, green tea extract, quercetin, selenium, copper, manganese

study: Comparison of the efficacy of several nutritional supplements on cancer and normal cells

Poorly designed nutritional supplements provide a breeding ground for the generaldefamation of natural health approaches.










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Zero line = control

Average of comparison combinations

Death / Growth of Human Liver Cancer Cells

Picture I: Graphical documentation of the test results

In this study (picture I, page 11 top) differentmicronutrient combinations were tested onhuman skin cancer cells, according to the re-spective daily recommendations containedon their labels. As in the previous experi-ment, the effect of these micronutrient com-binations was studied in relation to the in-duction of growth and survival of humancancer cells.

As in the previous experiments with livercancer cells, the “comparison combinations”showed on average a significantly increasedgrowth of human skin cancer cells (picture I,red column to the right). On average, basedon all the “comparison combinations”, cancercell growth more than doubled comparedto the control, i.e. cancer cells without mi-cronutrients.

In contrast, the micronutrient combinationsdeveloped in collaboration with the Dr. Rath

Research Institute displayed the followingresults: a basic combination (column A) re-sulted in halting the cancer cell growth andin reducing the cancer cells by 20% comparedto the control. Even more significant was thefact that a specially developed micronutrientcombination (column B) was able to inducecell death in 86% of the cancer cells.

Under the microscope (picture II) the resultof these tests on human skin cancer cells areparticularly illustrative.

Picture II: Microscopic documentation of the test results

In picture II (page 11, bottom), microscopicresults are shown that correspond to therespective columns of the diagram above(picture I):

- The microscopic control picture is pre-sented at left and corresponds to the zeroline in picture I: The test dish is coveredwith cancer cells.

10 Chapter 1: Is the growth of cancer cells inhibited or promoted by micronutrients?

Dr. Rath Health Foundation

human skin can-cer cells under the microscope

Influence of different micronutrient combinations on the inhibition or growth of human skin cancer cells(melanoma)

- Microscopic picture A corresponds to col-umn A above: The number of cancer cellsis already reduced compared to the con-trol.

- Microscopic picture B corresponds to col-umn B above: The number of cancer cellscompared to the control is significantlyreduced – only a few cancer cells havesurvived.

- The microscopic picture on the right cor-responds to the “comparison combina-tions” column and provides a represen-tative view of a test dish of the majorityof comparison products. On average,compared to the control, the cancer cellgrowth increased significantly. Thismeans that the cancer cells exposed tothese comparison micronutrients multi-plied much more rapidly than in the con-

trol, i.e. without any addition of micronu-trients.

The negative test results of the “compari-son combinations” do not mean thatthey actually induce new cancers.

However, they signify that the multipli-cation rate of existing cancer cells in-creases significantly in the presence ofthese “comparison combinations”.

The fact that these negative test results of the“comparison combinations” occurred in both investigations – with human cancer cells of theliver and of the skin (melanoma) – suggests thatsimilar results can be expected with cancer cellsfrom other organs.


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

tested micronutrientcombinations com-posed of:

A Different vitamins,minerals, trace ele-ments, amino acidsand phytobiologicals

B Vitamin C, lysine,proline, arginine,green tea extract,quercetin, selenium,copper, manganese












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Zero line = control

Control A B Typical image for comparison combinations

Average of comparison combinations

Human skin cancer cells under the microscope

Death / Growth of Human skin cancer cells


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No inhibitionInhibition 85 %Inhibition 25 %100 %

In connection with the ambitious goalof achieving a “world without disease"

that we defined atthe beginning ofthis documenta-tion, it is a legiti-mate question as towhether micronu-trients are indeedcapable of inhibit-ing cancer cellgrowth or inducingthe selective killingof these cells –without affectinghealthy cells.

Over the past two decades, the Dr. RathResearch Institute has pioneered scien-tific research into new ways of blockingcancer cell growth, invasion, and metas-tasis using natural approaches. Furtherinformation on this pioneering scientificwork can be obtained from the bookspresented in the appendix section ofthis documentation.

The adjacent page documents a com-prehensive list of research results ob-tained at the Dr. Rath Research Instituteusing micronutrient combinationsspecifically developed for fighting morethan 50 human cancer cell lines.


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Background information to the adjacent table of cancer research results: 1. The scientific tests were conducted with human cancer cells that are being used worldwide

by research centers studying cancer. In total, the Dr. Rath Research Institute has tested over50 human cancer cell lines.

2. All human cancer cell types listed were partially or completely blocked using micronutrientcombinations developed at the Institute. Details can be taken from the respective scientificpublications, which are documented on the Institute website (see point 5 below).

3. The adjacent list documents the careful evaluation of scientific tests conducted over twodecades. These scientific results are not a promise of a cancercure for patients with this disease; however, the scientificfindings can provide valuable additional options for patientswhen talking to their therapists.

4. By law, it is not possible to attach claims of therapeuticvalue to nutritional supplements. This documentation iscomplying with this law and, therefore, does not containany product names.

5. The micronutrients used in these tests are documented inthe respective published studies, which can be reviewedand downloaded from the website of the Institute

6. The micronutrient combination used in most of the scien-tific studies documented in the adjacent list is patented inthe US, Germany, and other countries.

Scientifically confirmed:Micronutrients can inhibit cancer cell growth

The internationally renowned scientists who haveconducted this groundbreaking research for twodecades: Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki (Head of the Research Institute) and Dr. Waheed Roomi (Head ofcancer research).

Chapter 1: Is the growth of cancer cells inhibited or promoted by micronutrients?


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Type of Cancer Specific Cancer Cell Types Tested

Cancer of reproductive organs

Breast cancer: • Hormone dependent • Hormone independent • Male breast cancer

Cervical cancer

Ovarian cancer (carcinoma) Uterine cancer (carcinoma) Prostate cancer Testicular cancer

Cancer of digestive and urinary organs

Liver cancer Pancreatic cancer (carcinoma) Colon cancer (carcinoma) Kidney cancer (carcinoma) Bladder cancer (carcinoma)

Cancer of the brain and nervous system

Brain tumor (glioblastoma) Tumor of the nervous tissue (neuroblastoma)

Cancer of respiratory organs Lung cancer

Bone cancer Bone cancer (osteosarcoma) Ewing sarcoma

Blood cancer

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Myeloic leukemia T-cell leukemia B-cell leukemia Fanconi anemia

Cancer of connective tissue

Tumor of connective tissue (fibrosarcoma) Tumor of cartilage tissue (chondrosarcoma) Tumor of fat tissue (liposarcoma) Tumor of muscle tissue (rhabdomyosarcoma) Tumor of inner lining of joint capsules (synovial sarcoma)

Cancer of the head

Cancer of the tongue Head and neck cancer (carcinoma) Tumor of the eye (retinoblastoma) Thyroid cancer

Skin cancer Skin cancer (melanoma)

Human cancer cells that were successfully tested in experiments with scientifically developed micronutrient combinations

14 Chapter 2: Results of further scientific evaluation of micronutrientcombinations in relation to important biological functions

Dr. Rath Health Foundation


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Further scientific evalua-tion of micronutrientcombinations in relationto important biologicalfunctions

I. Support of basic functionsof billions of cells in thebody• Healthy cell growth

• Optimized production of stability molecules

- Collagen type I (skin, tendon, hair, bones)

- Collagen type IV (e.g. stability of arteries)

• Optimized energy supply to cells

II. Support of specific protec-tive functions for the cells • Protection from damage caused by

free radicals (antioxidant protection)

• Protection from the damaging effect ofhigh levels of sugar (hyperglycemia)

Healthy cell growth is exceptionally impor-tant for the development and maintenanceof a healthy body. Billions of cells – thesmallest functional units of the body – areconstantly involved in regenerativeprocesses where old and damaged cellsare being removed and replaced with newcells. These processes are an essential pre-requisite for every period of life and forthe prevention of early aging and disease.

The growth of newly-formed cells requiresa regular supply of nutrients. Since cells differwidely with regard to their function, theyplace different demands on the supply ofnutrients, particularly of micronutrients.

Do the tested micronutrient combinations promote the growth of healthy cells?

In order to follow up on this question, testswere carried out on human connective tis-sue cells (fibroblasts), which are importantfor the stability and elasticity of the skin.The dosages used corresponded to the re-spective recommended daily allowance ofthe comparison products. The effectivenessof the micronutrient combinations is re-flected in cell growth.

Similar to the graphs in the previous sec-tion, the control (no addition of micronu-trients) is shown as a zero line. Columnsthat face upwards indicate a growth-pro-moting effect; columns that face down-wards indicate a growth-inhibiting effect.

The differences between the comparativecombinations and the combinations de-veloped and tested on a scientific basiswere unambiguous, too: the average valueof the comparison combinations (red col-umn) shows that the tested comparisoncombinations had no stimulating effect onthe growth of fibroblasts. On the contrary,they inhibited the cell growth of healthyfibroblasts (approx. 20% growth inhibition).

In contrast, an additional cell growth ofmore than 50% was achieved with the mi-cronutrient combination (column A) devel-


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Influence of different micronutrient combina-tions on the growth ofhealthy cells

healthy growth of thevarious cell types ofthe body is a prerequi-site for life.

Above: Connective tis-sue cell (fibroblast)

Middle: Nerve cell

Below: Blood cells(Leukocyte, erythro-cyte, thrombocyte)

Chapter 2: Results of further scientific evaluation of micronutrientcombinations in relation to important biological functions

oped in collaboration with the ResearchInstitute. A similar positive effect was ob-tained with a special combination (columnB) developed from plant extracts.

Particular noteworthy was the effect of an-other combination (column C) developedspecifically to support healthy cell and col-lagen formation. Applying this micronutri-ent combination, the cell growth of healthyfibroblasts was increased by almost 100%.


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

tested micronutrient combinations composed of: A: Different vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and phytobiologicalsB: Green tea extract, curcumin, resveratrol, cruciferous plants, quercetinC: Vitamin C, E, B6, D, folic acid, lysine, proline, copper, betaine, chondroitin sulfate, acetylglucosamine, pycnogenol

These results emphasize the importance of developing purposeful micronutrient combinations.



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Zero line = control

Average of comparison combinations

Growth of healthy human skin fibroblasts














The most important function to preventany form of disease is the stability of tis-sue in the body. The decisive moleculesthat are produced in the connective tissuecells (mainly fibroblasts) are collagenfibers. Collagen fibresfibers have a similarstabilisingstabilizing function to the steelgirders in a high-rise building. The morecollagen that is produced, the more resist-ant the body is to disease.

There are different types of collagen inthe body, with type I and type IV playinga special role. Type I collagen is mainly re-sponsible for the functions of healthy skin,tendons, bones and teeth. Collagen typeIV is particularly important for preservingthe integrity of the blood vessel walls andfor the optimal functioning of the cardio-vascular system.

How do the tested micronutrient combi-nations affect the production of type Icollagen?

This study tested the effect of different mi-cronutrient combinations on the forma-tion of type I collagen by human skin fi-broblasts. Again, the dosages used in thetests corresponded to the daily amountsrecommended by the manufacturers. The results showed that the tested mi-cronutrient combinations achieved only aminimal increase in collagen production(red column).

In contrast, a four to six-fold increase incollagen formation was achieved with theuse of the scientifically developed mi-cronutrient combination (column A to C).

The results show that the tested micronu-trient combinations also differ consider-ably with regard to their ability to opti-mize the production of stability moleculesin the body's cells.


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Effect of different micro -nutrient combinations on the optimization of tissue stability: Production of collagen type I

collagen fibers have a stabilizing function in the body.

The picture above shows these biological "steelgirders" under an electron microscope.

Below: Collagen type I can be found particu-larly in skin, tendons, bones and teeth.

Chapter 2: Results of further scientific evaluation of micronutrientcombinations in relation to important biological functions


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

tested micronutrient combinations composed of: A: Different vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and phytobiologicalsB: Vitamin C, E, B6, D, folic acid, lysine, proline, copper, betaine, chondroitin sulfate, acetylglucosamine, pycnogenolC: Vitamin C, lysine, proline

Without scientific proof, advertising claims by vitamin producers should always be questioned.




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Zero line = control

Average of comparison combinations

Production of collagen stability moleculesCollagen type I: mainly responsible for the stability of skin and bones

This study tested the effect of micronutri-ents in stimulating the formation of colla-gen molecules in the cells of the humanarterial wall (smooth muscle cells and fi-broblasts). Among other things, type IV col-lagen molecules formed by these cells arerequired for the production of the so-calledbasal lamina, i.e. the layer of connectivetissue separating the bloodstream from theblood vessel wall (see graphic).

In contrast to the experiments with colla-gen type I (see previous pages) this test se-ries did not investigate the production ofcollagen proteins, but the activation of thecollagen production in the nucleus (geneexpression).

Again, the dosages used in the tests corre-sponded to the daily allowances. In the ad-jacent graph, the control value (withoutthe addition of micronutrients) is againrepresented by the zero line. The columnsabove the zero line show that the testedmicronutrient combinations were able tostimulate collagen production in the cellnucleus (gene expression). Conversely, thecolumn below the zero line signifies an in-hibition of gene expression – and, thus, areduced formation of collagen molecules.

This test series provided further evidenceof the unfavorable effects of the compara-tive combinations. The mean value ofthese products showed a clear inhibitionof the expression/production of type IV col-lagen stability molecules. Since this type


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Effect of different micronutrientcombinations on the optimiza-tion of tissue stability: Production of collagen type IV

collagen type IV playsa key role in stabiliz-ing the human bloodvessel pipeline, whichis about 100,000 kilo-meters long. amongother things, it is responsible for theproduction of the so-called basal lam-ina, i.e. the connec-tive tissue layer thatseparates the blood-stream from theblood vessel wall. This cross section of a smaller blood vessel

shows some endothelial cells, i.e. the cell layerlining the blood vessels. Directly below thiscell layer is the basal lamina (arrows).

This cross section of a larger artery shows theimportance of connective tissue molecules (especially collagen) for the stability of thearterial wall as a whole.

Endothelial cells

Basal lamina

Chapter 2: Results of further scientific evaluation of micronutrientcombinations in relation to important biological functions

of collagen is mainly responsible for thestability of the blood vessel walls, the pos-sible consequences are obvious.

In contrast, by using the scientifically de-veloped combination of micronutrients,collagen type IV formation was stimulatedby 160% to 200% (columns A to C) as com-pared to the control (zero line).

The possible effects on the cardiovascularsystem, which may occur when the pro-duction of important stability molecules isinhibited by the regular use of untestedmicronutrient combinations, is obvious. Ul-timately, the stability of the arterial wallsis a crucial prerequisite for the preventionof arteriosclerosis.


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

tested micronutrient combinations composed of: A: Different vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and phytobiologicalsB: Vitamin C, E, B6, D, folic acid, lysine, proline, copper, betaine, chondroitin sulfate, acetylglucosamine, pycnogenolC: Vitamin C, lysine, proline

Once again, these results confirm the importance of basic research for the development of effective food supplements.




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Zero line = control

Average of comparison combinations




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Production of collagen stability moleculesCollagen type IV: mainly responsible for the stability of artery walls

Virtually all biological processes that occurin our cells consume biological energy. Thedecisive molecule for providing this energyis adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is ahighly efficient molecule that is capable ofstoring biological energy within its struc-ture. It is produced in the mitochondria,the energy-producing power stations of ourcells, as a universal energy carrier.

Highly active cell systems and organs suchas the heart muscle cells and brain cells

have a particularly high energy turnover.Even the movement of our muscles, for ex-ample while walking or doing sports, is onlypossible with the help of ATP molecules.

Cellular nutrients are of vital importancefor producing and supplying bio-energy inthe form of ATP.

Do micronutrient combinations increaseATP formation in the cells?

The studies on the effect of selected mi-cronutrient combinations on ATP formationwere performed on human smooth musclecells of the arterial wall. These cells have aparticularly high energy demand and, there-fore, possess a large number of mitochon-dria (energy-producing power stations). Aspecial technique (colorimetry) for measur-ing the ATP concentration was employed todetermine the production of biological en-ergy under the influence of the respectivedaily allowance of micronutrients.

With an average value of just under 10%,the comparative combinations showed asmall positive effect on ATP production (redcolumn).

As for the scientifically developed micronu-trient compositions, the general combina-tion showed a slight increase in ATP concen-tration (column A) as compared to the com-parative combinations. With a 44% increasein ATP production (column B), a micronutri-ent combination specifically developed foroptimising optimizing bioenergy productionproved to be particularly effective.


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Effect of different micronutrientcombinations on the supply ofour cells with biological energy(ATP)

Muscle cell under themicroscope

Due to the continuouspumping action of theheart, heart musclecells have a particu-larly high energyturnover.

the cell’s power sta-tion (mitochondrium)under the electron microscope

Bioenergy is producedand stored in thesecell structures.

Chapter 2: Results of further scientific evaluation of micronutrientcombinations in relation to important biological functions


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

tested micronutrient combinations composed of: A: Different vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and phytobiologicalsB: Vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamins B1 – B12, biotin, carnitine, coenzyme Q10, taurine C: Coenzyme Q10, vitamin E

In conclusion, micronutrients can improve thecellular production of bioenergy in the form ofATP. Again, it is useful to know which combina-tion is particularly effective.

This knowledge may be valuable for athletesand people who do heavy physical work.





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Zero line = control

Average of comparison combinations

Bioenergy production (ATP) in vascular wall cells

Exhaust gases, contaminated water, ciga-rette smoke and other environmental tox-ins contain aggressive molecules that arecapable of causing serious damage to thebody's cells. These molecules include, inparticular, reactive oxygen species (ROS).Therefore, this process is also referred toas "biological rusting".

A healthy organism has protective mecha-nisms to effectively prevent cell and tissuedamage caused by ROS. Antioxidants di-rectly react with ROS and neutralize theirdamaging effect, thereby rendering themharmless. When the amount of free radi-cals exceeds the amount of antioxidants,this state is called “oxidative stress”. It has

been associated with numerous healthconditions and early aging. The most im-portant antioxidants are micronutrients,such as certain vitamins and polyphenols.

Do the tested micronutrient combina-tions protect against oxidative stress?

The antioxidative capacity of the compari-son products was investigated by meansof a standardized measurement method(Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity,TEAC). Results of these tests are presentedin so-called “Trolox equivalents”.

For the comparison products, an averageantioxidative capacity of 40 Trolox equiva-


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Effect of different micronutrientcombinations on the protectionof cells against free radicals (antioxidative potential)

Damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS)

Free radicals can cause damage in different areas ofa cell (left). The main areas of attack are shown on theright: Cell membrane, mitochondrium and the DNA inthe nucleus.

Damage to cell membrane

Damage to mitochondria

DNA damage

Chapter 2: Results of further scientific evaluation of micronutrientcombinations in relation to important biological functions

lents was measured (red column), indicat-ing very little protection against cell-dam-aging oxidative stress.

In contrast, the scientifically tested and de-veloped micronutrient combinations werefound to have a high antioxidative poten-tial, thus providing a significantly increasedprotection against free radicals.

This applies particularly to the combina-tions developed for cell protection. Themeasured values were 1430 (column B)and 1300 (column C) Trolox equivalents, re-spectively.


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

tested micronutrient combinations composed of: A: Different vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and phytobiologicalsB: Vitamin C, lysine, proline, arginine, green tea extract, quercetin, selenium, copper, manganeseC: Vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid, buffered vitamin C and ascorbyl palmitate, as well as bioflavonoids

As shown in these tests, product labels or advertisements using the term "antioxidant"should always be questioned.

Without scientific tests, such claims are untenable.







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Zero line = control

Average of comparison combinations

Antioxidative effect

Another important substance that can causeconsiderable damage to the body cells issugar (glucose). This series of scientific testsaddressed the question of whether differentmicronutrient combinations can provideprotection against so-called glucose stress.

An excess of sugar in the blood "clogs" thesurfaces of cells and restricts them in theirfunction. Another mechanism contributingto a restricted cell function is the fact thatglucose molecules block the uptake of vita-min C molecules into the cells, thus leadingto a deficiency of vitamin C inside the cell.If human cells are exposed to very high glu-cose levels over a longer period, they die.

This series of tests investigated the protec-tive effects of different micronutrient com-binations on human body cells (smoothmuscle cells) exposed to elevated glucose(sugar) levels. The survival rate of cells wasmeasured and compared with the control(zero line). The control consisted of cellswhich were exposed to high sugar concen-trations, without the addition of micronu-trients.

On average, the comparison combinationsshowed a certain protective effect. Com-pared to the control group, the survival rateof the cells was 37% (red column).


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Effect of different micronutrientcombinations on the protectionof the cells from damage causedby elevated sugar levels (hyper-glycaemia)

Worldwide, millionsof people suffer fromdiabetes, a metabolicdisorder character-ized by high sugarconcentrations in theblood.

Chapter 2: Results of further scientific evaluation of micronutrientcombinations in relation to important biological functions

In contrast, the scientifically developed andtested micronutrient combinations showeda significant increase in cell protection. Thisapplied in particular to a combination de-veloped specifically for this purpose (col-umn B). This combination was able to pro-tect all cells (100%) and to keep them alive.

With a cell survival rate of almost 80%, acombination of different forms of vitamin Cwas particularly effective.


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

tested micronutrient combinations composed of: A: Different vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and phytobiologicalsB: Vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamins B1-B12, biotin, magnesium, chromium, folic acid, inositol, cholineC: Vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid, buffered vitamin C and ascorbyl palmitate, as well as bioflavonoids




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Zero line = control

Average of comparison combinations

Cell protection from damage caused by hyperglycaemia

28 Chapter 3: Active for your health

Dr. Rath Health Foundation


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

What to do? How users can be assuredabout the safety of their nutritional supplements

A quality campaign in thefield of food supplements

Producing high-quality supplements shouldbe the aspiration of every manufacturer –especially when it comes to health.

Unfortunately, not all vitamin manufactur-ers feel obliged to fulfil this aspiration. Fartoo often, a cheap price is the sole sales ar-gument used. In order to offer vitaminproducts at low prices, the first step is usu-ally to save on research costs. Furthermore,cheaper and therefore low-quality forms ofmicronutrients are used.

However, progress in the field of vitaminresearch can only be pursued with productsof sufficiently high quality. This is the onlyway to achieve the high standard that willeventually lead to the acceptance of nutri-tional supplements among the population.

The necessity for a quality campaign

It is high time to convince millions of usersthat not all vitamins are alike. Far too manypoor quality products are flooding themarket.

There is no alternative to initiating a qualitycampaign. Such a campaign must combinethe demand of large sections of the popu-lation for natural health with the ethicalcommitment of manufacturers to offerhigh quality and effective health products. Providers that are not willing to fulfill thisobligation should take themselves off themarket.

Essential elements of this quality campaigninclude:

• Research: Collaboration with experts inthe field of vitamin research is essential.Any reputable vitamin provider must rec-

ognize the ethical responsibility to coop-erate with a research institution.

• Quality of ingredients: As the presentbrochure illustrates, high-quality, health-promoting micronutrient combinationsprovide convincing arguments againstcheap pills.

• Quality in the combination: Combiningas many cheap substances as possibleand selling these preparations as "Vita-min A-Z" is simple, but not effective.Without scientific tests, an optimal com-bination (synergy) of the individual in-gredients cannot be guaranteed.

30 Chapter 3: Active for your health

Dr. Rath Health Foundation

It is all about your health!

However, the most significantcontribution to the success of this quality campaign willbe made by millions of sup-plement users who claimtheir right to obtain healthyand effective products frommanufacturers.

This section of the brochurepresents arguments and options for action.


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Far too many manufacturers push cheap vitamin products into the market, thus endangering the safetyand health of consumers – i.e. you.

Lack of research; questionable quality of ingredients; questionable efficacy of the composition – allthese elements endanger the quality of the resulting vitamin product. Our quality campaign for nutritional supplements is a decisive instrument for changing this.

Lack of research

Questionable quality of the ingredients

Questionable qualityof the composition

Poor qualityvitamin products

32 Chapter 3: Active for your health

Dr. Rath Health Foundation

There is a sobering answer to this question:

1. Lack of awareness on behalf of consumers

Millions of people are taking food supple-ments on a daily basis in the belief thatthey support their health. However, hardlyanyone knows that:

• These products were not tested for theirhealth effects

• The manufacturers’ advertising messagesare not based on their own studies, buton knowledge from libraries

• Ingredients can be of natural or syntheticorigin, thus having fundamentally differ-ent effects on human cells

2. Profit maximization of manufacturers

The market for nutritional supplements iscurrently skyrocketing. This is due to a rapidincrease in scientific publications on thehealth benefits of micronutrients.

As a consequence, more and more “metoos” enter this growing market. Their pri-mary goal is not the health of the people,but to maximisemaximize profits at the ex-pense of unsuspecting consumers.

The increasing number of such "profiteers"in this sector leads to growing competitivepressure. This means that manufacturers at-tempt to outbid each other with ever lowerprices.

Nevertheless, in order to maintain profitmargins, these money makers save on thequality of the ingredients. This “profit spiral”usually excludes the use of high-quality in-gredients of natural origin. Instead, ingre-dients of synthetic – and often questionable– origin are used.

The answer to the question “Why are in-effective and potentially harmful foodsupplements flooding the market?” canbe found in the irresponsible greed ofproducers who exploit the lack of aware-ness of consumers.

This brochure will put an end to this. Forthe first time, it documents the potentialfar-reaching consequences of this devel-opment.

Considering that mankind now has the op-portunity to control numerous diseaseswith the help of high-quality micronutri-ents, the exploitation of consumers is dou-bly negative. Poor quality efficacy prod-ucts discredit the entire food supple-ments sector.

Time and again, studies about the effectsof poor quality products are published inthe press. Needless to say, since the qualityof the tested products is often question-able, the results of these studies are notsatisfactory.

Reports of this type are well received bythe mass media, which, due to the millionsit receives in advertising revenues for drugpromotions, has close links to the pharma-ceutical industry. Millions of people arethus misled.

Why are ineffective and harmful products on the market in the first place?

All these factors are reasonenough to take part in thisquality campaign.

The growing demand for vitamin products triggers a disastrous downward spiral for manufacturers who arenot interested in research or the scientific examination of their products.


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Poor quality products

Harmful effect

Questionable products

More and more productsenter the market

Increasing competitive pressure

Cheap, syntheticingredients

Growing demand on the vitamin sector

Poor results in studies by third parties

Press articles with negative statements on vitamin products

General condemnation of vitamin products

Results of studies involv-ing poor quality productsare picked up by themedia and usuallypassed on withoutfurther consideration.

Thus, a whole industrywrongfully falls into disrepute.

Dr. Rath Health Foundation

“Vitamin supplements can increase risk of cancer and heart disease“ – Guardian“What You Need to Know About Vitamin D and Cancer“ – Time“Don’t Take Your Vitamins“ – New York Times

There is no getting around these reports. Weare upset with them because we see howthey generate confusion among people. Almost all the studies to which these nega-tive reports refer were conducted with low-quality preparations or only looked at theeffectiveness of individual substances.

However, it now turns out that some ofthese reports have an element of truth, asshown by this brochure. How else can weexplain the fact that widely used micronu-trient combinations promote the growth ofcancer cells?

Poor quality combinations cannot have thesame benefits as combinations that are sci-entifically developed and tested.

If you stand in front of a supermarket shelfand find multivitamin preparations that costonly a few euros, you should be cautious. Itis very unlikely that this vitamin mix consistsof high-quality natural raw materials.

As shown by this brochure, the effectivenessof such preparations should be called intoquestion – unless the manufacturer canprove otherwise.

The following headlinesmight sound familiar to you:



Dr. Rath Health Foundation

There is hardly any aspect of our lives thatis as strongly influenced by economic inter-ests as our health.

Unfortunately, the best business can still bedone at the expense of sick people. If weare to change this, we have to make publicthose interest groups that bar the way topreventing disease.

The right to preventive, natural health is notgiven to us. If we want to reach this goal,we have to do something towards achiev-ing it.

Encouraging manufacturers to systemati-cally test their products for quality and effi-cacy is an important step in this direction.

Health is not given to us

Research is the prerequisite for quality. Thisbrochure illustrates how many vitamin pro-ducers feel about the role of research. Theoverview of scientific studies published inPubMed shows that, seemingly, these pro-ducers are neither interested in conductingtheir own research nor in determining howtheir products act in the human body.

But is this knowledge relevant to your ownsituation? Is the manufacturer that you areentrusting your health to doing any re-search?

Finding the answer to this is very simple:Just ask them! All you need is a productpackage and an internet connection. Youhave both at hand?

Great! Then follow these four steps:

Demand answers to your questions

1 – Take the package of yourvitamin supplement

2 – Find the manufacturer'sdetails on the package

4 – Ask the manufactureryour questions

(see the following examples)

3 – Search for the contact information on the Internet

36 Chapter 3: Active for your health

Dr. Rath Health Foundation

There are many ways that you can getyour answers. For instance, you can sendyour enquiry in the conventional way, bywriting a letter, or you can simply send an

email. Of course, there are also other op-tions, such as the companies’ Facebookpages.

You can also band together with otherusers and pay a visit to the manufacturers.

Tours of operations or advertising eventsare a great opportunity to get a direct re-sponse from manufacturers. When vita-

min producers are confronted with theaforementioned questions, they are usu-ally evasive in their replies. Below you willfind letters from manufacturers that havebeen sent to us by consumers who havewritten to them.

Examples of questions you should put to manufacturers:

1. Do you conduct your own research on the effects of your foodsupplements? If so, where can I find your studies and results?

2. Do you sponsor research on the effects of your products or your ingredients?

3. Do you use studies that other suppliers have conducted on the composition of your products?

Excerpts from letters sent by manufacturers in response to inquiriesfrom concerned customers. None of the respondents were able topresent scientific research on their products.

“We do not commission our own studies on dietary supple-ments.”


Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Don't let such whitewashing discourageyou! Keep firing questions at manufactur-ers. The more inquiries they get, thegreater will be the pressure they are underto test their products.

Talk to other interested consumers, tobenefit from your collective strengths.

Together you are stronger!

“..., there is no need for our ownstudies.”

“... further studieson food supple-ments are not necessary.”

To put it plainly, we can only point to the factthat millions of people are being misledabout the benefits of the food supplementsthey take. If you want things to change, youmust become active!

Order these books directly at:

Dr. Rath Education Services B.V.Postbus 656, NL-6400 AR Heerlen

Tel.: 0031-457-111 222



Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Victory Over Cancer! Part 1: Making the Unthinkable Possible“Victory Over Cancer!” documents groundbreaking natural health ap-proaches that have been scientifically shown to block all key mechanisms

that make cancer a deadly disease.Through empowering patients to taketheir own decisions about what is bestfor their health, the revolutionary CellularMedicine information contained in thisbook paves the way towards turning can-cer into a manageable disease.

Matthias Rath, M.D. and Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Ph. D.200 pages, soft-cover, 2012Language: EnglishISBN: 978-90-76332-76-5 Article no: 1030Price: 12,90 €

VictoryOver Cancer!

Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Matthias Rath, M.D. and Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Ph.D.

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