Vitamin b 17 Cancer Cures



Vitamin B17 For Cancer

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Uploaded by faithinGod77 on Feb 26, 2011 Dr. Philip Binzell MD's 2/4-18yr survival rate was 75% (using laetrile) for 217 of 288 cancer patients; the chemotherapy radiation 5yr survival rate was 27 (9%). 190 would have died using chemotherapy and radiation.For 62 cases of Dr. John Richardson M.D. For 21 Dr. Philip Binzell M.D. cases (click chpt 12) For ~300 Jason Vale cases SEE They could have lived had their doctor prescribed laetrile. If you are 'in' cancer; cases show-take 6-500mg tablets a day; and stick with it.

The evidence for the cancer killing effects and non-toxicity of laetrile/B17/amygdalin/the apricot seed; cited in this video, was the 1981 Oasis of Hope study; 1080 (95%)stage 4 cancer patients treated with laetrile- 677 survived 5 years+, chemo/radiation 5 year survival rate was 240. Also Philip Binzell MD's 288 cancer patients treated with laetrile; 217 survived 2/4-18 years+;the chemo/radiation 5 year survival rate was 27. Both studies found on the website ''. B17 is sold on the web.

“We were skeptical when our holistic vet advised B17 therapy to our German Shepherd Baron, who was diagnosed with advanced hemangiosarcoma or blood cancer and given two weeks to live. It's now been 7 months and he's still with us. B17 still continues to save his life every day.”Mary Smith

“My sister had been diagnosed with Thyroid cancer last year. I immediately started her on 500 mg of B-17 twice a day. She had her thyroid removed, as it was aggressive, and fast moving. The Endocrinologist were amazed that that there was NO spreading to the neighboring lymphatic system as is usually the case.

I believe that the B-17 blocked the spread of the cancer, and saved her life.” Patrick Harris-Worthington

All I can tell you is that I had a growth about the size of a pea on my eyelid for two years and nothing would change it. The eye doctor said he thought it was cancerous but I did not have any tests. After 4 months of taking one b17 tablet per day and 15 apricot seeds per day the growth has totally disappeared.

Raw Apricot Kernels - 3kg $93


SO WHAT IS B17?It is a non-toxic natural product that specifically targets cancer cells for their destruction and which poses as a serious threat to conventional drugs and the profits that cancer drugs make. Cancer is BIG business! The Cancer Drug companies have made every effort and attempt to make it illegal & unavailable through their lobbying of the governments and through their financial influence on the large charitable cancer institutions. Its all about $$$$ in the Mutli BILLION DOLLAR CANCER INDUSTRY !

Don't believe it? Research it for yourself - visit the references area

How does B17 kill cancer?

If you believe in God the logic of how B17 kills cancer will be easy to accept and understand when you realise that God has given our bodies a natural defense against cancer which is determined by the food or junk we eat in our diet. It is a perfect natural balance that God has designed and planned for us in the way we live. When we alter that natural life balance according to the way we choose to live, rather than the way He teaches us to live, it is then that disease becomes an issue in our lives.

If you donot believe in God the logic and science of how B17 kills cancer will be easy to accept, because all the enzymes' and scientific chemistry that occurs in the body are undisputed and are real. Any biochemist or toxicologist will confirm them. The FDA even commissioned a team of the worlds top cancer specialists and bio-chemists to conduct tests to see if Laetrile could kill cancer cells. The team found it did kill cancer!. The team were all sacked and the findings with-held and coverred up. (see has it been proven by modern medicine)

So how does B17 kill cancer?...... Here we go....

Firstly we need to understand that our bodies use several enzymes to perform many tasks. Our body has one particular enzyme called Rhodanese which is found in large quantities throughout the body but is not present where ever there are cancer cells. Yet, where ever you find cancer in the body, you find another enzyme called Beta-Glucosidase. So, we have the enzyme Rhodanese found everywhere in the body except at the cancer cells, and we have the enzyme Beta-Glucosidase found in very large quantities only at the cancer cell but not found anywhere else in the body. If there is no cancer in the body there is no enzyme Beta-Glucosidase.

Now the following is what scares most people. You see, Vitamin B17 is made up of 2 parts glucose, 1 part Hydrogen Cyanide and 1 part Benzaldehyde(analgesic/painkiller). So its very important you understand the following:

When B17 is introduced to the body, it is broken down by the enzyme Rhodanese. The Rhodanese breaks the Hydrogen Cyanide and Benzaldehyde down into 2 by-products, Thiocyanate and Benzoic acid which are beneficial in nourishing healthy cells and forms the metabolic pool production for vitamin B12. Any excess of these by-products is expelled in normal fashion from the body via urine. Vitamin B17 passes through your body and does not last longer than 80 minutes inside your body as a result of the Rhodanese breaking it down. (Hydrogen Cyanide has been proven to be chemically inert and non toxic when taken as food or refined pharmaceutical such as laetrile. Sugar has be shown to be 20 times more toxic than B17 - see good & bad cyanide).

HERE IS THE GOOD PART - When the B17 comes into contact with cancer cells, there is no Rhodanese to break it down and neutrelise it but instead, only the enzyme Beta-Gucosidase is present in very large quantities. When B17 and Beta-Glucosidase come into contact with each other, a chemical reaction occurs and the Hydrogen Cyanide and Benzaldehyde combine synergistically to produce a poison which destroys and kills the cancer cells.

This whole process is known as selective toxicity. Only the cancer cells are specifically targeted and destroyed. See the diagram below.

That is how Vitamin B17 Kills Cancer. It has been proven and illustrated to work by the some of the top specialists in the world. Thats why the Contreras hospital in Mexico have been able over the LAST 30 YEARS to successfully treat over 100,000 cancer patients!!!

Click here to hear how British Scientists explain this same process by extracting vitamin b17 from the cassava plant

also a rich source of natural vitamin b17. (This page will also contain an audio mp3 option for you to listen to / download)

Good & Bad Cyanide?

This section addresses everything you wanted to know about the laetrile-cyanide connection. We all know that cyanide is bad for you, yet here we are jumping up and down saying its good for you because it kills cancer. Lets look at the real story.

This section assumes you read the previous section How does B17 kill Cancer.

Hydrogen Cyanide must be FORMED!! There is no free Hydrogen Cyanide in laetrile floating around freely in our body waiting to harm us when we eat apricot seeds or take laetrile. The enzyme Beta-Glucosidase, and only that enzyme is capable of manufacturing and forming the Hydrogen Cyanide from Laetrile. If there are no cancer cells in the body, there is no beta-glucosidase. If there is no beta-glucosidase, no hydrogen cyanide will be formed from laetrile. Even if there were some other way to manufacture cyanide from laetrile in the body, the amount would be so minute it would have little, if any toxic effect. (see How does B17 kill Cancer?)

Laetrile does on the other hand contain the cyanide radical (CN-). So does Vitamin B12 , Cassava and strawberries and a host of other foods we consume. You never heard of anyone getting cyanide poison from vitamin B12 or from eating strawberries because it just does not happen. Lets also look at table salt which is made up of sodium Chloride (NaCl) and is very common in most households. Yet, did you know pure sodium (Na+) is one of the most toxic substances known to man? Yet in their form locked together they are not toxic. Any good toxicologist will tell you sugar is 20 times more toxic than laetrile and salt is also much more toxic.

Now, here is the irony of all of this. Milligram for milligram, the chemotherapeutic agents which are commonly used in the treatment of cancer today, are hundreds of times more toxic than laetrile.

Nuff said.

Oh and by the way.... many tests have been done where laetrilists have injected themselves with extremely large doses of laetrile to prove it is not toxic. In these cases the main side effect was generally found to be excessive sleep.

LATEST NEWS - British Scientists use Cyanide to attack cancer cells !!! Click Here for full story

Don't believe it? Research it for yourself - visit the references area

Has B17 been tested by Modern Medicine?

"Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud…"- Linus Pauling PhD (1901-1994) Two times Nobel Prize winner.

The answer simply is YES. It only stands for logic and reason that the FDA and other cancer organizations at least attempt to investigate the claims that laetrile makes. There have been many tests over the last 40 years conducted on laetrile. This section will concentrate on a major 5 year study which was undertaken by America's number one Cancer Research department called Sloan Memmorial Ketering Cancer Reasearch (SMKR) Center in New York.

In 1972 the SMKR commissioned their top senior cancer researcher to conduct tests over a 5 year period between 1972 and 1977and finally put an end to this laetrile quakery. They asked Dr Kanematsu Sugiura, their most senior researcher with over 60 years experience in cancer research and who had been under their employment since 1917 and totally dedicated to cancer research.

Dr Kanematsu Sugiura's work was trusted and his honesty and integrity was admired and unquestioned by all. Hundreds of Segiura's research papers were published. Dr Chester Stock, the Head of Sloan Kettering's laboratory-testing division even wrote:

"Few if any names in cancer research are as widely known as Kanematsu Segiura's....Possibly the highest regard in which his work is held is best characterised by a comment made to me by a visiting investigator in cancer research from Russia. He said

"when Segiura publishes, we know we do not have to repeat the study, for we would obtain the same results he has reported"'.

At the conclusion of the trials, on June 15, 1977 the SMKCR released a press statement. Over 100 reporters and half a dozen film crews from the leading television stations had been assembled to hear the long awaited official verdict on laetrile from the worlds most prestigious cancer research centre. On the Dais were physicians with impeccable credentials. Dr Robert Good began to speak. After general remarks condemning laetrile and its use, he passed the microphone to Dr Stock. The same Doctor Chester Stock who had praised Segiura's work took the microphone and began describing the finer details of the testing. As his voice droned on... it was evident all eyes were on Dr Sugiura but he was not given the opportunity to speak.

The press release said,

"...laetrile was found to possess neither preventative, nor tumor-regressent, nor anti-metastatic, nor curative anticancer activity."

So that is it then, right? It does not get more adamant than that, we can close the book on Laetrile. Unfortunately for the boss' at Sloan Kettering there was a large fly in the ointment. When suddenly a journalist shouted

"Dr. Kenamatsu Sugiura" ;

"Do you stick by your belief that laetrile stops the spread of cancer? He replied; "I stick."

Those two words must have been like knives to the accumulated demi-gods on the dais. The reason being is that Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura was the pre-eminent cancer researcher in America, probably the world, at this time. Dr. Sugiura had been researching cancer since 1911. It looked as if this quiet, highly respected researcher would slip quietly into anonymity. About ten years later, in the fall of 1972 he was asked by Sloan-Kettering to test Laetrile. Dr. Sugiura agreed. As Ralph Moss says in "The Cancer Industry";

"Because he had merely done what he was told and recorded what he saw, he lived to see old friends desert and berate him, a close relative fail to support him, and former colleagues derisively question his sanity and competence."

When asked "Why are they so much against it"? Dr Suigara answered "I don't know. Maybe the medical profession doesn't like it because they are making too much money."

Dr. Sugiura said, "The most interesting part is metastases. Secondary cancer growth to another location. When this mammary tumor grows to about two centimetres in diameter or more, about 80% develop lung metastases. But with treatment with laetrile/amygdalin, it's cut down to about 20%."

They didn't like it. Sugiura had to be proven wrong. But other researchers had obtained essentially the same positive results. Dr. Lloyd Schloen a biochemist at Sloan-Kettering had included proteolytic enzymes to his injections and reported 100% cure rate among his albino mice. This data had to be buried. They then then changed the protocols of the tests and amounts of Laetrile to make certain that they failed. Guess what, they failed, and that is what they reported.

The Conclusions of Sugiura's work were these:

1. Laetrile inhibited the growth of tumors2. It stopped the spreading (metastasising) of cancer in mice3. It relieved pain4. It acted as a cancer preventative5. It improved general health

Dr. Sugiura, with great courage, refused to accept this distortion of his factual record "I write what I see!" he declared. "Laetrile is a good palliative drug." He was hounded for doing so, a story Dr Ralph Moss tells in his book, The Cancer Industry. Dr Ralph Moss head of public relations at SMKR protested against this cover-up in numerous ways and he was fired in November, 1977 for "failing to carry out my most basic job responsibility, which means to lie when your boss tells you to".

Sloan-Ketterings motives were clearly revealed in the minutes of a meeting that top officials held on July 2, 1974. The discussions were private and candid. The only reason we know about them is that Representative John Kelsey, of the Michigan House of Representatives, obtained the minutes via a freedom of information act request some years later. The fact that numerous Sloan-Kettering officials were convinced of the effectiveness of amygdalin is obvious, they just weren't sure as to the extent of it's use. But they were not interested in further testing of this natural product. From "World Without Cancer"; The minutes read, quote,

"...Sloan-Kettering is not enthusiastic about studying amygdalin but would like to study CN (cyanide) releasing drugs."

Sloan-Kettering wanted a man-made patentable chemical to mimic the qualities found in amygdalin. That is where the

money is. If a very effective cancer treatment or cure was found in the lowly apricot seed, it would spell economic disaster for the cancer industry.

Author Dr Ralph Moss worked at Sloan-Kettering during the amygdalin trials and went public on November 18, 1977, exposing the lies told by Sloan-Kettering about the laetrile/amygdalin trials. He was fired the next day.

Then WHY is B17 illegal?

The Answer: Money $$

Because the pharmaceutical multinationals are unable to patent or claim exclusive rights to the vitamin B17, as it is derived from a natural source (The Prunus Amygdalis Rosacea family), the multinational pharmaceuticals launched and have continued to launch attacks of unprecedented vicious propaganda against B17 despite the hard proof of its effectiveness in controlling all forms of cancer which is available in overwhelming abundance

The cancer industry is a $200 Billion a year industry. That's right not $200 million but $200 BILLION !!!

Now if you had a large interest in such a huge market wouldn't you try to protect your industry and market share? Of course you would. And that's exactly what has happened and is happening today. Unfortunately we find ourselves living in a time where lies and deceit have been and are being used by government national bodies and foundations which were designed to research cures and treatments for cancer, not to focus on protecting their significant financial interest.

Did you know the wealthiest non profit institution on this planet is the American Cancer Society ?

Did you know the worlds largest private cancer center Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital (SKMH) was established by Wall Streets top Banks and Corporations including a large interest from the Rockefellers. In today's society do the major corporations and banks place people before profit? Of course not!! Every day our newspapers in Australia tell us a story where our Banks and major corporations are putting profit before people.

Did you know that the major generous donators and financial contributors to the Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital include all the major chemical companies that actually supply the chemotherapy and drugs used to treat patients at the hospital !

Companies such as Bristol Myers spend over $1 billion dollars annually on cancer research to improve or introduce new chemo drugs. Bristol Myers supplies over half the worlds chemotherapy drugs. So they have a significant interest in the cancer industry. So significant is their interest that the board members that chair the largest cancer drug and chemical companies also chair or are board members of all the major cancer institutes. Funny that, one would think there is a conflict of interest here. They get around this simply by either not taking a salary or making it a voluntary position with the cancer centres. After all, the chemical companies pay them more than enough for being board members of the chemical companies themselves. For example Paul A Marks who is president and CEO of the Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital and is also Director of Pfizer which manufactures chemotherapy and cancer related drugs.

Also James Robinson is a board member of the Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital and also a Director of Bristol Myers one of the largest suppliers of cancer chemotherapy and other cancer drugs. You will find most of the executives that chair or are board members of all the top cancer organizations also chair or are affiliated with one or more of the major cancer drug multinationals. As mentioned, they get around this conflict of interest most of the time by not taking a salary from either the research center or the drug company. Either way its a huge conflict of interest in my view.

This is why the Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital(SKMH), National Cancer Institute(NCI), American Cancer Society(ACS), Food and Drug Administration(FDA) & the AMA are involved together to ensure they persecute and squeeze out any threats to their market. Even if it costs millions of lives and even if the therapy works, if its a threat they will stamp it out..

It is scary to know that the very government regulatory agencies themselves, such as the US Food & Drug Administration and Britain's Medicines Control Agency, which are supposed to protect the public from potentially dangerous products coming onto the market are horribly compromised because of ties with the chemical/drug industries that make cancer drugs. A USA TODAY analysis of financial conflicts at 159 FDA advisory committee meetings from 1st January - 30th June 2000 found that at 55% of their meetings, more than half of the FDA advisors had conflicts of interest!!! Click here for full story

These cancer organizations are run by business leaders, bankers and board members of the cancer drug companies that supply chemotherapy drugs to the market. Because many of today's known carcinogens are by-products of profitable industries of which these same board members have financial interests in, their aim is to prevent cancer preventions and prevent any natural or non chemical therapy from entering the market. Its a perfect Cartel between these giants of big business. John Reed a director of SKMH is also a director of tobacco giant Philip Morris.

For example... The way the current system is setup thanks to the FDA and AMA, did you know it now costs over $100 million to develop a new drug in America. They have literally setup a monopoly situation. Its a poker game and the ante is $100 million if

you want to play.

In 1982 Dr Richard Crout of the FDA made his agency's position very clear:

"I never have and never will approve a new drug to an individual, but only to a large pharmaceutical firm with unlimited finances".

The problem here is the processing of Laetrile cannot be patented. Its a natural product. you can't make millions or huge profits like cancer drugs generate. As Edward G Griffin puts it "So no substance from nature will ever be legally available for cancer unless its source can be monopolized. No matter how safe and effective it may be, and no matter how many people may have benefited, it will forever be regulated to the category of unproven therapies making them illegal to prescribe, to promote and to use".

Laetrile and all other natural products used in treating cancer are a threat to their profits.

This is why laetrile is Illegal.

See How They LIE! A closer look at The 2 Major Anti-Laetrile Studies

See How They LIE! A closer look at The 2 Major Laetrile Studies

This section looks at the two major studies conducted on Laetrile.

1. One study in 1982 by Dr. Charles Moertel, of the Mayo Clinic. - A clinical trial of amygdalin (Laetrile) in the treatment of human cancer. N Engl J Med 1982: 306 (4): 201-6.2. The other by: Ellison N, Bvar D, Newell G. "Special report on Laetrile: The NCI Laetrile Review N Engl J Med 1978: 299 (10): 549-552.

Before we begin, I would like to also mention Dr Dean Burk (1904-1988) who worked 34 years with the National Cancer Institute and was one of the Co-Founders of the NCI. He experienced the laetrile controversy first hand. He witnessed and wrote about the credibility of these studies against laetrile which the entire medical profession today refer to and quote when Laetrile is mentioned.

"They (ACS) lie like scoundrels."----Dean Burk, Ph.D., 34 years at the National Cancer Institute (Peter Barry Chowka, "The Cancer Charity Rip-Off," East West Journal, July 1978)

I (The author of this website) wish to thank Dr Stephen Krashen Ph.D. from the University of California for providing/publishing two current papers (2009) which examined each of the two studies mentioned above against laetrile and concluded the findings from both studies were inaccurate and not conducted properly. In essence the 2 major clinical studies on Laetrile were studies that were designed to fail.

The two studies can be downloaded here (Right mouse click - select Save AS)

Keep in mind the same doctors that originally claimed laetrile did not work and stamped it out in the 50's have become infamous for defending smoking as not related to lung cancer, but more importantly, the infamous quote by Dr MacDonald "a pack a day keeps lung cancer away" - click here for info - Not surprisingly it was later found that they were paid off by the tobacco companies to report smoking as not related to lung cancer. Hmmm.... I wonder if they were paid off by Chemical companies that make Chemo drugs to report the false results as they did?

More Lies:

Dr. Schmidt, FDA Commissioner, as cited on about March 25, 1974…"Every study to date has not found any evidence of efficacy" with laetrile, and "if there was one shred of evidence from animal or cell systems I would issue an IND" (Investigational New Drug status that approves clinical testing in humans).

Mr. Robert Wetherell, Acting Director, Office of Legislative Services, FDA, "No evidence of antitumour activity has been found in any of the tests" with Laetrile, in current issued status report.

Dr. Frank Rauscher, Director, NCI, "I would certainly not turn off Laetrile if it had an iota of activity that we could pinpoint. Unfortunately, there is no evidence at all," stated on March 312, 1974 on the Mike Wallace 60 Minutes CBS Show.

Dr. Robert Hadsell, Officer of Cancer Communications, NCI, "All testing by NCI has found no evidence of activity against cancer" by laetrile, in letters sent throughout the US and abroad.

Dr. Jesse Steinfeld, former Surgeon General of the USHS, Laetrile "has repeatedly been tested in animal tumour systems at the NCI. In no instance did laetrile have activity in any animal tumour system. There is no basis for the use of laetrile in man based on the data derived from experiments in animals," in an interoffice memo sent to Dept Heads of the Mayo Clinic, jan 1974.

Dr. Charles Moertel, of the Mayo Clinic, "Extensive animal tumour studies conducted independently at two outstanding cancer research centres—New York memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) and the Southern Research Institute-—have shown this drug to be totally without evidence of anticancer activity." In a letter published in the Rochester (Minn.) Post Bulletin, Jan 21 1974.


The facts are, as partially detailed in the letter of March 22, 1974 from Dean Burk to Seymour Perry, that positive, statistically highly significant, anticancer activity by Laetrile in animal tumour systems has been observed in at least 5 independent institutions in 3 widely separated countries of the world, with a variety of animal cancers;

1). Southern Research Institute (Birmingham Alabama), for the NCI, in a majority of 280 BDF1 mice bearing Lewis lung cancers, treated with up to 400 mg Laetrile (Amygdalin MF) per kg body weight, with respect to increased median life span (Dec 3, 1973).

2). Sloan Kettering (New York) with CD8 F1 mice bearing spontaneous mammary carcinomas, inhibition of formation of lung metastases, inhibition of growth of primary tumours, and greater health and appearance of animal hosts, upon treatment with 1-2 gm Laetrile/per kg body weight/day. (June 13, 1973)

3). Scind Laboratories, University of San Francisco, 400 rats bearing Walker 256 carcinoma (200 treated with Amygdalin, 200 controls), with 80% increase in life span at optimum dosage (500 mg Amgdalin/kg body weight). (Oct 10, 1968) Cf. FDA-IND 6734 application, pp. 247-248, 00080-00093. NCI Director Carl Baker wrote Congressman Edwin W. Edwards on Jan 26, 1971: "The data provided by the McNaughton Foundation certainly indicates some activity in animal tumour systems" (emphasis added).

4). Pasteur Institute (Paris), with human cancer strain maintained in mice, treated at optimal dosage og 500 mg Amygdalin Marsan/kg body weight/day, increased life span and delayed tumour growth up to 100% (Dec 6, 1971).

5). Institute von ardenne (Dresden, Germnay), H strain mice bearing Ehrlich ascites carcinoma treated with bitter almond amygdalin ad libitum in addition to regular chow diet, yielded increased life span and decreased rate of cancer growth, treatment beginning 15 days before cancer inoculation (arch. Geschwulstorsch. 42, 135-7 (1973).

No iota of activity, no shred of evidence? It will be interesting to see if FDA Commissioner Schmidt will indeed soon back up his word about issuing a Laetrile IND, a form of FDA approval, incidently, requiring no prior human data.

Importance of ENZYMES & B17


Zinc is the transportation mechanism for laetrile and nitrilosides in the body. Biochemists and researchers have found that you can give Laetrile to a patient until its coming out of the ears of the patient, but, if that patient did not have sufficient level of Zinc, none of the laetrile would get into the tissues of the body. They also found that nothing heals within the body without sufficient vitamin C.

They also found that magnesium, selenium, vitamin A, and B all played an important part in maintaining the body's defence mechanism. This is way its important to understand that cancer is best treated with a total nutritional program consisting of diet, vitamins, minerals, laetrile and pancreatic enzymes


Pancreatic enzymes form the first layer of defence the body has against cancer. The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes which assist the bodies natural defences against cancer cells.

The cancer cell is coated and protected by a protein lining (or covering). When this protein covering is removed it leaves the cancer cell exposed and the body's natural defence Leukocytes (white blood cells) comes into effect killing the cancer cells. If the body is unable to penetrate and break down the protein coating of the cancer cell then the cells will multiply and spread (Metastasise) around the body and various tumours will form as body attempts to isolate the cells from spreading. If you have a low supply of these digestive enzymes then it will be difficult for Laetrile to work.

Therefore it is extremely important we understand the role of these digestive enzymes in the body. Two enzymes in particular which are secreted by the pancreas are Trypsin and Chymotrypsin. These two enzymes have been found to dissolve the protein coating of the cancer cell allowing the body's defences to kill the cancer cells.

So it stands to reason that if we use up the bodies reserves of these two enzymes we will be left defenceless against cancer cells attacking our body. So it makes sense to supply the body with further digestive enzymes (or proteolytic enzymes) which eat away at the protein shell of the cancer cell. Like wise it stands to reason to eliminate any practices that may use up our reserves of these digestive enzymes..........


Animal protein, that is Meat. Red meat, cooked meat, white meat are all forms of animal protein and place an enormous amount of stress on your digestive system. Vegetable protein requires nothing in the way of the enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin for digestion You see, Digestion is the single most strenuous activity our bodies undergo. It can normally can take between 15 - 70 hours for our stomach to fully digest meat depending on our eating habits. For example, how we combine the foods we eat is important. We should never combine proteins with carbohydrates. Steak and fries, Chicken and pasta, eggs on toast are examples of combining proteins and carbohydrates. This is a big NO NO simply because the body produces 2 types of juices/acids to digest these food types. It produces acids for proteins and alkalis for carbohydrate digestion. When you mix these two they NEUTRALISE each other producing a rotting mass, parts of which in some cases can still be putrefying inside us for up to 70 hours later or more!!! I won't go into the theory and detail of it here and encourage to you to research it for yourself. As a result the digestion activity used for breaking down meat protein depletes the body of its digestive enzymes such as trypsin and chymotrypsin leaving little to no enzymes left to address the bodies first layer of defence when or if cancer begins to form.

So if you are planning to go on Laetrile Nutritional therapy, CUT WAY DOWN ON THE ANIMAL MEAT and remove it totally if possible from your diet otherwise you will be wasting your time. I use to live for meat and ate it in every meal 3 meals a day. Then I accidentally came across some nutritional information on meat which caught my attention. I did some more research for myself because I thought this can't be true because we all eat meat. After a short while researching nutrition I made the choice to become a vegetarian because I want to live and feel healthy. If I can do it so can you !!!!


Firstly by cutting meat from our diets as mentioned above. Secondly by supplementing our bodies with foods rich in proteolytic or digestive enzymes. Both are the same. There are many animal based digestive enzymes but I prefer the natural food based one's. The most popular and widely studied that I could find are Papain which comes from consuming Papaya or Bromelain from consuming Pineapples. It is a very common practice for some people to consume half a pineapple a day when taking laetrile therapy. But for those that are not up to eating half a pineapple a day you may want to supplement your digestive enzyme pool with Bromelain tablets.

Information Source: "Alive & Well" by DR Philip Binzel 

You can purchase bromelains protien digestive enzymes from 

B17 in Australia & Treatment

If you choose a non toxic nutritional treatment for cancer and you wish to incorporate Laetrile into it, below are some ways that may help:

1. With the guidance of a medical practitioner who is open to natural therapies, you can arrange to import the laetrile and associated vitamins and enzymes yourself. Under their guidance and/or through your own research you can have your doctor

administer the B17 for you. If they need advice on on best practices try and conference a call with a doctor from the Oasis hospital in Mexico who may be able to help. If you need to know of names of Australian based doctors simply drop me an email by filling out the "Contact US" form by clicking on the link at the top - contact us.

You can also follow the treatment plan in Dr Philip Binzels book "Alive & Well" who's protocol has been very successful in treating cancer. You can purchase the book from the Oz Nature Shop website -

Phillip Days book "Cancer why were dying to know the truth" , is an excellent resource and has a very good detailed plan on using B17 as an alternative treatment program.

How to actually order Laetrile into Australia

In order to obtain Laetrile in Australia, you need a permit issued by the TGA in Canberra. This requires a doctor to sign and complete a 1 page form called a TGA notification for catagory A permit request form. You can download a copy here. Once a doctor has filled in the form, you then need to contact the Special Access Scheme (02 6232 8111) for details on the supply of unapproved medicines in Australia. Get someone's name and tell them you will fax them the completed form to them personally and inform them you require a permit to be urgently faxed back to you that day. Let the person know you will be calling them immediately after you fax the form to them to ensure they have it in their hands. That way that person will take ownership and you will have your permit within 24-48 hours. Click here to see a sample permit

Once you have the permit you can order laetrile from a variety of sources and websites on the Net. Its probably a good idea to actually phone up and speak to someone and order them.

A good source is - Based in Mexico they are the original manufacturers of most of the Laetrile in the world, known in spanish as Amygdalina. They are also known as

You can also try calling the Oasis hospital (619) 690-8400. They should put you through to Kemsa Laboratories who is affiliated to the Oasis of hospital and although they do not advertise laetrile on the web they should be able to help as my understanding is they supply Oasis with their laetrile.

QLD HEALTH - At present QLD health is not allowing B17 tablets even with a permit. Click here to see QLD Health position on b17.

VIC HEALTH - VIC Health have also tightened their legilsation, and are making the importation with laetrile even with a permit more difficult.

Finally remember to ask God for guidance and ask God to heal you through natural therapy.

These people don’t get Cancer What are they doing that is different?

Hunza Women Sorting Apricot Harvest

Eskimos DON'T get cancer Seventh Day Adventists have 50% lower rate of

cancer because they follow biblical vegetarian diet

The best way to prove or disprove the vitamin B17 theory of cancer, would be to take several thousands of people, over a period

of many years, expose them to a consistent diet of B17 rich nitriloside foods and then check the results. Fortunately this has already occurred by the study of the following cultures; The Hunza, aboriginal Eskimos, Hopi and Navajo Indians, Abkhazians and members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

HUNZAIn the remote recesses of the Himalayan Mountains, between West Pakistan, India and China there is a tiny Kingdom called Hunza. These people are known world over for their amazing longevity and health. They live well beyond 100 years and have commonly been known to still father children at the age of 110. One of the first medical teams to study the Hunza was headed by world-renown British surgeon Dr Robert McCarrison. Writing in the AMA Journal Jan 7, 1922 he reported:

"The Hunza has no known incidence of cancer. They have an abundant crop of apricots. These they dry in the sun and use largely in their food".

It is interesting to note that the traditional Hunza Diet contains over 200 times more nitriloside (B17 Rich food) than the average American or Australian Diet. There is no such thing as money in Hunza. A mans wealth is measured by the number of apricot trees he owns. And the most prized of all foods was considered to be the apricot seed. It is very common for the Hunza to eat between 30 - 50 (ie. about 30mg of B17) apricot seeds as an after lunch snack. The thousands of seeds they do not eat they store or grind them very finely and then squeezed under pressure to produce a very rich oil used in cooking and to apply to the skin. The apricot is staple food in Hunza. They use the apricot, its seed and the oil for practically everything. In addition to the ever present apricot, the hunzahuts eat mainly grain and fresh vegetables. These include buckwheat, millet, alfalfa, peas, broad beans, turnips, lettuce, sprouting pulse and berries of various sorts. All of these with the exception of lettuce and turnips contain vitamin B17.

It is important to know when the Hunza leave their secluded land and adopt the menus of other countries, they soon succumb to the same diseases and infirmities including cancer as the rest of man kind.

ESKIMOSThe Eskimos are another people that have been observed by medical teams for many decades and found to be totally free of cancer. The traditional Eskimo diet is amazingly rich in B17 nitrilosides that come from the residue of of the meat of caribou and other grazing animals, and also from the salmon berry. Another Eskimo delicacy is green salad made out of the stomach contents of caribou and reindeer which are full of fresh tundra grass. Tundra grasses such as Arrow are have shown to be contain the highest content of B17 than other grasses.

Alaska's most famous doctor Dr Weston A Price claims that, "In his 36 years of contact with these people he had never seen a single case of malignant disease among the truly primitive Eskimos, although it frequently occurred when they were modernized.

An interesting point to note is that when an Eskimo leaves his traditional way of life and begins to rely on a western/modern diet he becomes even more cancer prone than the average American.

HOPI & NAVAJO INDIANSThe Indians of North America are another people who are remarkably free from cancer. The AMA went as far as conducting a special study in an effort to discover why there was little to no cancer amongst the Hopi and Navajo Indians. The February 5, 1949 issue of the journal of the American Medical Association declared that they found 36 cases cases of malignant cancer from a population of 30,000. In the same population of white persons there would have been about 1800. Dr Krebs research later found that the typical diet for the Navajo and Hopi Indian consisted of nitriloside-rich foods such as Cassava. He calculated that some of the tribes would ingest the equivalent of 8000mg of Vitamin B17 per day from their diet !!!

ABKHAZIANSThe Abkhazians are found deep in the Caucasus Mountains on the Northwest side of the Black Sea. They are a people with almost the exact same health record and longevity as the Hunzakuts.Their food and lifestyle having to live in a harsh rugged terrain are almost identical. They follow a diet which is low in carbohydrates, high in vegetable proteins and rich in minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin B17.

SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTSMany argue that the above races and cultures are the result of primitive groups not being exposed to the same carcinogens that modern man is exposed to. Many argue let them breathe the same polluted air we breathe, smoke the same cigarettes, swallow the same chemicals added to their food and water or use the same soaps and deodorants and then see "how they fare"?

This is a valid argument. Fortunately thanks to the Seventh Day Adventist Church the above question about "how would they fare....." has been resolved. Seventh Day Adventists live in our every day general population and in all parts of the world. Studies on the members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church have found that Seventh Day Adventists have more than 50% less chance of the incidence of cancer. This is a well known fact today. Just do a search in an internet search engine such as "yahoo" and search under Adventists less cancer and see all the hits you'll get from various sources supporting this. SDA's have the same sex, age, socioeconomic, educational, occupational, ethnic and cultural profile as the rest of the modern man, yet they have greater than 50% less chance of cancer because they follow the Bible Health Principles for an Abundant Life by ingesting a

vegetarian diet and living a happy wholesome lifestyle - Click here for advantages of a vegetarian diet. As a result on average they also live 12 years longer than the average modern man today Click here to find out more (FYI - I am also a SDA - but don't take my word for it research it for yourself)

The reason why SDA's are not 100% cancer free like the Hunza is because of the following reasons: 1) Many members join the church from living a modern lifestyle eating modern western foods even after they become SDA's and choose to continue eating these foods 2) The vegetables and fruits eaten are not specifically chosen for vitamin B17 content, 3) not all SDA's adhere to a vegetarian diet.

Foods Containing B17 Genesis 1:29

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."

Foods Containing B17 (Nitrilosides)

Vitamin B17 appears in abundance in untamed nature. Because B17 is bitter to the taste, in man's attempt to improve tastes and flavors for his own pleasure, he has eliminated bitter substances like B17 by selection and cross-breeding. It can be stated as a general rule that many of the foods that have been domesticated still contain the vitamin B17 in that part not eaten by modem man, such as the seeds in apricots. Listed below is an evaluation of some of the more common foods. Keep in mind that these are averages only and that specimens vary widely depending on variety, locale, soil, and climate. SOURCE: The Little Cyanide Cookbook by June de Spain - (former) FDA Toxicologist and Pharmacologist.

Fruits Range* Seeds Range* Beans Range*Blackberry, Domestic

Low Apple Seeds High Black Low

Blackberry, Wild High Apricot Seeds High Black Eyed Peas LowBoysenberry Med Buckwheat Med Fava HighChoke Cherry High Cherry Seed High Garbanzo Low - MedWild Crabapple High Flax Med Green Pea LowMarket Cranberry Low Millet Med Kidney Low - MedSwedish (lignon) Cranberry

High Nctarine Seed High Lentils Med

Currant Med Peach Seed High Lima, U.S. LowElderberry Med - High Pear Seed High Lima, Burma MedGooseberry Med Plum Seed High Mung Med - HighHuckleberry Med Prune Seed High Shell LowLoganberry Med Squash Seed MedMulberry MedQuince MedStrawberry MedRasberry Med

Sprouts Range* Nuts (all raw) Range* Leaves Range* Tubers Range*Alfalfa Med Bitter Almond High Alfalfa High Cassava HighBamboo High Cashew Low Beet Tops Low Sweet Potato LowFava Med Macadamia Med - High Eucalyptus High Yams LowGarbanzo Med Spinach LowMung Med Water Cress Low


High — above 500 mgs. nitriloside per 100 grams food

Medium — above 100 mgs. per 100 grams food

Low — below 100 mgs. per 100 grams food

Vitamin B-17 is one of the main sources of food in cultures such as the Eskimos, the Hunzas, the Abkasians and many more. Did you know that within these tribes there has never been a reported case of cancer? According to Dr. Krebs, we need a minimum

of 100 mg of vitamin B-17 (the equivalent of about seven apricots seeds) too nearly guarantee a cancer free life. Foods that contain vitamin B-17 are as follows:

KERNELS OR SEEDS OF FRUIT: The highest concentration of vitamin B-17 to be found in nature, aside from bitter almonds. Apple, apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, pear, plum, prune.BEANS: broad (Vicia faba), burma, chickpeas, lentils (sprouted), lima, mung (sprouted), Rangoon, scarlet runner.NUTS: Bitter almond, macadamia, cashew.BERRIES: Almost all wild berries. Blackberry, chokeberry, Christmas berry, cranberry, elderberry, raspberry, strawberry.SEEDS: Chia, flax, sesame.GRASSES: Acacia, alfalfa (sprouted), aquatic, Johnson, milkweed, Sudan, minus, wheat grass, white dover.GRAINS: oat groats, barley, brown rice, buckwheat groats, chia, flax, millet, rye, vetch, wheat berries.MISCELLANEOUS: bamboo shoots, fuschia plant, sorghum, wild hydrangea, yew tree (needles, fresh leaves).

Two rules of thumb: According to Dr. Krebs, the basic concept is that sufficient daily B-17 may be obtained by following either of two suggestions:

First, eating all the B-17-containing fruits whole (seeds included), but not eating more of the seeds by themselves than you would be eating if you ate them in the whole fruit. Example: if you eat three apples a day, the seeds in the three apples are sufficient B-17. You would not eat a pound of apple seeds.

Second, one peach or apricot kernel per 10 lbs of body weight is believed to be more than sufficient as a normal safeguard in cancer prevention, although precise numbers may vary from person to person in accordance with individual metabolism and dietary habits. A 170-lb man, for example, might consume 17 apricot or peach kernels per day and receive a biologically reasonable amount of Vitamin B-17.

And two important notes: Certainly, you can consume too much of anything. Too many kernels or seeds, for example, can be expected to produce unpleasant side effects. These natural foods should be consumed in biologically rational amounts (no more than 30 to 35 kernels per day).

High concentrations of B-17 are obtained by eating the natural foods in their raw or sprouting stage. This does not mean that moderate cooking and other tampering will destroy the B-17 content. Foods cooked at a temperature sufficient for a Chinese dinner, for example, will not lose their B-17 content.

Don't believe it? Research it for yourself - visit the references area


The information and writings on this page are the strict opinion of the author and any information presented should not be taken as advice nor should it be substituted for professional advice from a practitioner. Eating apricot kernels according to some scientific studies have been found to be harmful although the author is yet to find any solid evidence of such from personal experience and scientific research. 


How Many Kernels Should I eat ?

According to the Ultimate Guide to B17 there is a simple rule you can apply. The number of maximum kernels to eat at any one time should be based on the following: 1 kernel for every 5kg (10 pounds) of body weight at any one time For example - General health and Well Being:if your body weight is 50kg then you would eat no more than 10 apricot kernels at any one time. if your body weight is 70kg then you would eat no more than 14 apricot kernels at any one time. if your body weight is 100kg then you would eat no more than 20 apricot kernels at any one time.  This is called the maintenance dose. In other words it is how many apricot kernels is considered a maximum to eat at any one time. For those people wanting to incorporate using apricot kernels for health improvement to benefit from the high vitamin B17 content then it is suggested you simply eat the maximum amount 3 times a day.

 For example - if adding apricot kernels for enhanced health improvement:if your body weight is 50kg then you would eat no more than 10 apricot kernels at any one time.  -  3 times a day totalling 30 for the dayif your body weight is 70kg then you would eat no more than 14 apricot kernels at any one time.   -  3 times a day totalling 42 for the dayif your body weight is 100kg then you would eat no more than 20 apricot kernels at any one time.  -  3 times a day totalling 60 for the day

There is no hard and fast rule so the figures above do not have to be exact and are a guide only.

Always use common sense. It is always a good idea to:

"Do Not Eat More Seeds Than You Would Eat The Fruit!"



NO!  What a lot of people do not consider when choosing an apricot kernel supplier is that apricot kernels (like all oil seeds) are very susceptible to moulds if not immediately dried to reduce the moisture levels that will inhibit mould growth.

One very dangerous mould that apricot kernels are susceptible to is aflatoxin. Aflatoxin is a fungus, a mycotoxin that is very toxic and carcinogenic to humans. It is known that chronic exposure will lead to a high chance of developing liver cancer.  (ref: wikipedia)

It is not often easy to spot as the kernel husk (skin) can conceal the mouldy flesh underneath. The best way to avoid ingesting this toxic fungus is to not purchase kernels that are not assured that they have been dried immediately to a moisture level of under 7% within 48 hours of removal from the fruit and then stored in weatherproof conditions to keep moisture levels safe. So please take care when looking to purchase any fruit kernel.

It is advisable to purchase kernels that are laboratory tested for the aflatoxin  fungus on completion of production.

The  has been supplying apricot kernels for 11 years that are laboratory tested for aflatoxin. They source their Apricot Kernels from the largest and most reputable processor in Australia who have been involved in apricot kernel processing for over 70 years and throughout 3 generations. If you click on the apricot kernels picture link below it will take you to the


Bitter Seeds - Build UP - start off small and eat with other foods

Apricot kernels are bitter. Some people can stomach lots of them. Some cannot stomach them at all. Your body will tell you so you may want to start with 2 - 3 kernels the first few days and build up to the maximum amount as stated above in the examples  over a 1 - 2 week period.

Its also a good idea to eat them with other nuts, fruits, or grind them up using a nut seed grinder like the Maxim Nut and Seed Grinder


How Much is Too Much ?

Always use common sense. Remember too much of anything can be bad for you!  The guides above are based on common sense so if you follow them you should not have any issues.


Are there Any Side Effects or Can Eating Apricot Kernels hurt me?

Yes there can be some minor side effects, and generally no they cannot hurt you unless you do something with them that is irrational and unreasonable.

For example I had an older senior gentleman phone me wanting to know if it was normal for the kernels to make you drunk? I knew straight away he had eaten too many and was experiencing strong bouts of nausia. I asked him how many he was eating? He replied 70 - 80 at once!  That's way too much and the bitterness of the kernels will have an effect. He only weighed about 65kg.

The most unpleasant side effect can be Nausia and feeling dizzy. If this occurs its your body telling you its too much so cut down and build up the amount you want to take slowly!

Another side effect that occurs from time to time is your tongue can go numb.  If you eat and crunch on too many kernels on their own all at once the bitterness will make your tongue go numb for a while. Once again common sense should prevail. Eat just a few at a time and if possible with some fruit.

Sick Stomach - this is very rare and almost 100% of the time the result of other drugs or supplements being taken. But if you suspect that eating apricot kernels are causing any kind of discomfort the answer and remedy is to STOP eating them for a while and see if the symptom goes away. If it does then start off again

but at very small quantities.

What is Vitamin B17-Laetrile? The use of Amygdalin (Laetrile/Vitamin B17) in the treatment of human cancer dates back at least to 1843, although the ancient Chinese are reported to have used bitter almonds containing significant quantities of it in the treatment of tumors some 3,000 years ago.

NATURAL SOURCELaetrile is not a miracle drug . It is simply a concentrated form of Nitriloside. Amygdalin (Laetrile/ Vitamin B17) is particularly prevalent in the seeds of those fruits in the Prunus Rosacea family (bitter almond, apricot, blackthorn, cherry, nectarine, peach and plum.) It is found in natural foods which contain nitriloside and has been used and studied extensively for well over 100 years. It is also contained in grasses, maize, sorghum, millet, cassava, linseed, apple seeds, and many other foods that, generally, have been deleted from the menus of modern civilization. Fruit kernels or seeds generally have other nutrients as well, some protein, unsaturated fatty protein, unsaturated fatty acids, and various minerals. The most common source of B17 is the apricot kernel and is present in about a 2-3 percent levels of concentration within the seed kernel.

So there is no confusion please note; there are 3 names which are interchangeable being Vitamin B17, Laetrile and Amygdalin. Vitamin B17 was the name given to the purified form of Amygdalin by a Bio Chemist named Ernst T Krebs in 1952. He also called it Laetrile which is simply short for Lavo-mandelonitrile and was awarded its vitamin status officially in 1952 after advice from Dr Dean Burke who was the co-founder of the National Cancer Institute. Amygdalin on the other hand is said to have been first discovered and used by a German chemist Leibig as far back as 1830. So, laetrile/Vitamin B17 on the other hand is simply a more soluable and concentrated form of amygdalin which allows it to be administered in a much greater concentration. Either way all 3 are essentially the same thing.

Vitamin B17 / Laetrile is probably one of the most controversial medical topics in the last 30 years. You may remember back in the 50's - mid 70's there was a lot hype in the medical world regarding a new natural cancer treatment that was discovered that killed cancer cells. This was the result of Dr Ernst Krebs findings and his research in a book called World Without Cancer. Well after several years of court cases and controversy regarding Laetrile it was finally stamped out by the FDA and reported to the mass media in the US as a fraud and failure. They called it Quackery in those days.

TODAY the hype has and is starting again as a result of THE INTERNET. The internet has allowed us to gain information from all over the world on what perhaps really happened and what is possibly one of the biggest cover-ups known to modern man regarding the treatment of cancer. When you look at what really happened you find the truth about laetrile.

How the FDA lied and falsified tests about laetrileHow the people that did the original testing have come forth and given evidence of their positive findingsHow the FDA commissioned their top cancer specialist doctor in US to do a 5 year study to prove laetrile does not work. The results of the tests proved that laetrile did kill cancer so they tried to cover it up. click hereThe same doctors that originally claimed laetrile did not work and stamped it out in the 50's have become infamous for defending smoking as not related to lung cancer, but more importantly, the infamous quote by Dr MacDonald "a pack a day keeps lung cancer away" - click here for info - Not surprisingly it was later found that they were paid off by the tobacco companies to report smoking as not related to lung cancer. Hmmm.... I wonder if they were paid off by Chemical companies that make Chemo drugs to report the false results as they did? There are several races of people in the world today that have never had 1 single reported case of cancer amongst their nation because of a high B17 diet - click here for more

*British scientists in Sept 2000 have now found that cyanide produced by B17 in Cassava kills cancer here for details

Treating The Cause Not the Symptom

Source: Alive and Well, Dr Philip E Binzel p133-139

The problem with many (not all) Doctors and Oncologists in todays society is that they have been trained to be "tumor orientated". They are lump and bump doctors with no training or understanding of how nutrition relates to disease. For example, when a patient is found to have tumor, all that is discussed seems to be what is going to be done about reducing the tumor. The emphasis is always on; how is the tumor doing? Rather than; "how is the patient doing?" When they administer chemo and radio therapy to the body aimed at reducing the tumor, it has been seen that as the tumor gets smaller and smaller the patient gets sicker and sicker. At an autopsy you would hear "Isn't it marvelous we have killed the tumor" - yes, but you also killed the patient in the process of killing the tumor. When will modern medicine accept that they are treating the wrong thing?

In primary cancer, with only a few exceptions the tumor is neither health endangering nor life threatening. What is health endangering and life threatening is THE SPREAD of cancer through the rest of the body. There is nothing in surgery today that will prevent the spread of cancer. There is nothing in chemotherapy or radiation that will prevent the spread of cancer. How do we know? Just look at the statistics.The survival time of a cancer patient today is no different to what it was 50 years ago. The only advancement in the last 50 years has been the improvement on ways to kill tumors via chemo and radio therapy.

The only thing known to mankind today that will prevent the spread of cancer within the body, is for that body's own defense mechanism to once again function normally. Thats what Nutritional Therapy does. It treats the defense mechanism, not the tumor. The tumor is simply a symptom not a cause. You need to treat the cause. If you take care of the body the body will take care of the tumor and the cancer.

The ultimate question then is, "Does nutritional therapy work?" The answer to this depends on how you define "work". If you are tumor orientated like most oncologists and doctors and are looking for something to make the tumor disappear, then No nutritional therapy does not work. If you are looking for something that will prevent the cancer from spreading and/or saving the life of a patient, then Yes, it does. A tumor is normally made up 10% cancer cells and the other 90% made from body tissue, so its common for the body not to attack it which is why you can rid yourself of cancer and stop its spread but still have a tumor for many years. Dr Binzel suggests if the tumor is easily accessible its normally ok to have it removed, but if its remote and not

causing the patient any problem then he prefers to leave it alone.

The medical profession needs to realise they have been treating the wrong thing. They have been treating the symptom rather than the cause. They need to realise that as long as they continue to treat just the tumor alone they are going to get the same poor results they always have. We are just scratching the surface of our understanding of nutritional therapy, and over the last 30 years we have been able to see that nutritional therapy works in its treatment of cancer.

A word from Philip Binzel............

.....After all is said and done, the true measurement of a good physician is not necessarily how much he knows. It is instead, how willing he is to search for, find and use whatever forms of treatment, which in his opinion, will give his patients the very best chance to remain ALIVE AND WELL.

Your pH - How Healthy are you? What is the pH Scale?

pH stands for "potential hydrogen" and simply put; is the measurement of how acid or alkaline a substance is, but as far as your body is concerned, it can mean your "picture of health." By understanding how pH levels of your body fluids affect your health, you will be able to learn just how healthy you really are.

The pH scale covers a range of 0-14, with 7.0 being neutral. Anything below 7.0 is more acid whilst anything above 7.0 is more alkali.

pH of the Saliva.The pH of a healthy person’s saliva is in the slightly alkaline range between 7.2 to 7.5 but unlike the blood which must stay within a strict guideline, the saliva’s pH can vary. A person who is mineral deficient or sick will usually find their pH between 6.5 to 4.5, which is mildly to strongly acidic respectively.

When taking a saliva pH test with litmus paper it is best to wait two hours after eating as you can get an incorrect reading if you

have consumed highly acid forming food or drink, like refined white flour products, coffee and carbonated drinks or highly alkaline forming food e.g fruit or vegetable juices(fresh juiced), raw foods, nuts etc...

How to Measure your PHThere are two body fluids that can be fairly conveniently tested to give an accurate indication of the pH of your intestinal environment. One is saliva and the other is urine.

To measure saliva, first swallow, then draw up new saliva. Do this three times and measure the third. Spit into a spoon, insert the paper in the saliva, shake off excess, and read immediately. (Measuring the initial saliva can be different from the third by several tenths of pH.) Read immediately. The manufacturer does not recommend placing the test paper in your mouth, even though it is not toxic. Note on a piece of paper that you can record on from day to day the number of the pH value. Do this at the very beginning of each day before you have put anything whatsoever in your mouth. This will be your "normal" saliva pH before being changed by things going into your mouth or the events of the day. Keep this record in a secure and convenient location so that you can record the values in successive days. This is the simplest, most bare-bones pH test routine. You just look at the one reading at the start of the day and compare it to the prior day's readings. If the change is towered a slightly alkaline reading 7.0 - 7.4, as the days progress, then you are on the right track. If there is no change or the readings are moving away from the proper range, then you are not doing enough correct actions to improve your health. These values, by the way, can be much affected by emotional and mental states of the individual. Take note if this seems to apply when you evaluate the pH values.

Note: The pHydrion test paper was designed for immediate reading. If you wait 30 seconds, the value will change due to evaporation.

Urine pH TestingSave a small sample of your first morning urine. Take a 2 inch strip of pH paper and dip it into the urine sample. Observe if there are any color changes in the paper and compare the color of the paper to the color chart. Record the number on your pH log sheet that most closely matches the color and number on the pH reference color chart. The urine reveals the alkaline building (anabolic) and acid tearing down (catabolic) cycles. The pH of urine indicates the efforts of the body via the kidneys, adrenals, lungs and gonads to regulate pH through the buffer salts and hormones. Urine can provide a fairly accurate picture of body chemistry, because the kidneys filter out the buffer salts of pH regulation and provide values based on what the body is eliminating. Urine pH can vary from around 4.5 to 9.0 for its extremes, but the ideal range is 5.8 to 6.8. If your urinary pH fluctuates between 6.0 - 6.4 in the morning and 6.4 - 7.0 in the evening, your body is functioning within a healthy range.

Your health really is your choice, and pH testing is a valuable tool to guide you to wellness.

The Exponential pH Scale.One very important thing to remember is that the pH scale is exponential, which means that for every increase/decrease in one pH unit it is actually a tenfold increase/decrease in acidity levels. So the difference in acidity between a pH of 7.5 and 4.5 is not 3 times more acid but 1,000 times more acid!!

The more acidic our extra cellular fluids are the less oxygen there is in our cells because the acid pushes the oxygen out and as we know oxygen is essential to a healthy functioning human.Researchers have found that the reason acid rain kills all life in lakes and streams is that in acidic conditions, all the oxygen is so tightly bound to hydrogen that it becomes bio-unavailable and is unable to be used.

Otto Warburg, who received a Nobel Prize in 1932 for his paper "Cause and prevention of Cancer", showed in his early work that cancer was associated with anaerobic conditions (the deficiency of oxygen), which not only lowers the pH of a cell but also allows microforms to thrive.

When we die all oxygen leaves our bodies and we quickly become extremely acid. These microforms are the first to attend our funeral as they are the organisms responsible for breaking us down into our simplest forms-microzymas. When we become unhealthily acid while still living these microforms will begin to break us down even while we are living, resulting in fermentation of our cells!

Mr. Warburg also showed that the production of mutation receptors, which leads to cancer, cannot occur when the pH of the cell is in a healthy calcium buffered range, which assures the breakdown of glucose into the four nucleotides, adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thiamin, the basic building blocks of DNA that promote healthy DNA synthesis.

When the pH of the cells is acidic, the glucose breaks down into lactic acid, thus creating even more acidity and starving the cell of the basic building materials it requires for DNA replication.

So we have heard what happens when we have acidic bodies and no oxygen in our cells, but what can we expect when we have healthy, mineral enriched, oxygenated bodies?

To begin with, more energy! Increased oxygen in the body gives you energy to do what you want rather than feeling lethargic. Better sleep. A body that runs efficiently. When the body’s natural defence mechanism is running at optimum level it dramatically reduces the occurrence of allergy and disease.


pH is the measurement of the how acid or alkaline a substance is. Alkaline = GOOD! Acid = BAD... A pH of 7.2-7.5 is healthy. Anything below 6.5 is very mineral deficient and sickly. Calcium plays a vital role in maintaining balanced pH levels of our blood, saliva, extra cellular fluids (fluids outside of cells) and intra cellular fluids (the fluid inside cells) by acting as a buffer. A healthy body has enough calcium to go around, so the blood will not need to draw it from other sources in the body like the bones and saliva. A healthy pH means that there is less acid in the fluid, thus allowing more oxygen to be present. Sickness, disease and cancer cannot occur in cells that are oxygen filled. In summary it is quite amazing how efficiently our body can function if it only has the correct nutrients and minerals!

WHERE CAN I GET a pH saliva test kit ?Visit Oz Nature ShopCost $20 AUS for a 4.5 metre roll with a dispenser.

download instructions how to use ph - CLICK HERE Kit

HOW DO I ALKALISE MY BODY IF I AM ACIDIC?Calcium has been shown to douse acid in the body the same as "water" douses "fire". The most absorbable calcium I know of is coral calcium. See the CORAL CALCIUM SECTION of this website.

Importance of Calcium & CancerThis section assumes you have read the previous section on your "PH - How healthy are you? "

Coral Calcium has over the last few years started become more and more prevalent because of the internet in our lives. You need only do a search in any search engine for Coral Calcium and cancer and you will get thousands of hits from websites posted by people who swear by it. I have been researching this over the last 12 months and both logically and scientifically it does seem to make a lot of sense when you discover all of the facts out there.

FACT 1 - The lack of Oxygen in the body creates an acidic state which further drives out Oxygen to the point we contract many degenerative diseases including cancer. Cancer thrives in an Acidic state.

FACT 2 - Cancer cannot survive in an Alkalised body system. If your Alkaline, your body is well oxygenated and tuned to a pH of approx 7.2 or higher. Most doctors are aware that cancer cannot survive in an alkali. But what has often bewildered them is how to make the body alkaline? (M. Von Ardenne showed that at a pH of about 7.4, cancer cells enter a dormant state.)

Where is the Evidence for these facts you ask ?

Dr. Otto Warburg who was awarded 2 Nobel Prizes, discovered in 1932 that Cancer is the result of, the lack of oxygen in the body - a condition known as Anaerobism. He also said that the acid in the body's fluids (acidosis) expels oxygen from the body, thereby inducing cancer. He was able to prove this by inducing cancer in 40 different species of animals within 3 days. Most of us didn't even know there were NOBEL PRIZES awarded for discovery of the cause for cancer, yet we awarded Dr Warburg the Nobel Prize for his paper "Cause & Prevention of Cancer".

Dr. Linus Pauling, also winner of 2 Nobel Prizes, once said, "You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency." Just as the human body needs adequate amounts of water and air to survive, it also needs minerals -- or it

will die. It stands to reason, therefore, that when you provide your body with the necessary minerals, you drive out the acid and your body becomes more alkaline.

But then WHY CALCIUM ?

Calcium is, by far, the king of these alkalizing nutrients. The appropriate type of calcium effectively douses acid the same way that water douses fire. It destroys oxygen-robbing acid in the body fluids, thereby keeping the body alkaline so that it can prevent disease effortlessly. Calcium oxygenates the cells of the body, and is the nutritional counterpart of continually breathing in fresh air -- something that is not always possible within our polluted spaces and busy schedules.

Mainstream media has recognized the significance of calcium in recent years. On October 13, 1998, the New York Times featured a 5-page spread entitled, "Calcium: Takes Its Place As a Superstar of Nutrients" wherein it quoted the Journal of the American Medical Association as stating that calcium prevents and reverses cancer.

It also reported that the American Journal of Clinical Nutritionstated that "virtually no major organ system escapes calcium's influence."


Calcium is undeniably valuable to your health because it is a key nutrient in over 500 important bodily functions. Your body also needs more calcium than any other mineral because your body consists of more calcium than all the other minerals combined. Calcium deficiency is known to bring about over 200 diseases.

However, calcium is not predisposed to being absorbed by the body. While there is no such thing as a "bad" calcium, there are some that are much superior to others.

An antacid calcium like Tums in the USA , for instance, has about 2% absorbability. So if you're taking a 400 mg Tums tablet, you're really getting only 8 mg.

Calcium citrates are approximately 10% absorbable, and chelated minerals can go from 10% to 50% absorbability.

Milk is about 17% absorbable, but contains lactic acid which may aggravate the acidity in some people. It also contains proteins that may, ironically, hinder calcium absorption. Liquid calcium also has a high absorption rate, but if the body is not exposed to sunlight on a daily basis, can lead to hypercalcemia (excessive blood levels of calcium). Coral calcium is virtually 95%

absorbable. Because it is ionized (takes on a positive charge), coral calcium is far more useable for humans compared to other calcium supplements.

Oftentimes, regular calcium supplements are not metabolized by the body, but instead are excreted.

It is important to understand that the above absorption rates are just average rates -- and should be viewed relative to your own body's ability to absorb calcium (which depends on several factors). Click Here for calcium absorbability chart.

Is Coral Calcium a "Cure" for Disease?

Coral calcium does not "cure" degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease or arthritis -- but it does provide the body with what it needs to cure itself. As pointed out earlier, the body needs water, air, minerals and other elements in order to survive. Alkalizing the body with nutrients such as coral calcium allows the body to repair and restore itself back to health.

If any lesson can be gleaned from the long-living people of Okinawa, Hunza, Vilcabamba and others, the human body was designed to live a long, healthy, and disease-free life -- but only if it is given what it needs.

How to easily determine your body's PH using pHydrion litmus paper - Click Here

For information on PURCHASING CORAL CALCIUM IN AUSTRALIA visit Oz Nature Shop

Real Audio Okinawan video study - click here - requires free real player 2.4Mb

Free Video Bob Barefoot - Coral Calcium Scientist Interview click here to view/download - 6.7Mb

Medical References for Calcium - JAMA, NEJM, AJE, AJM, etc click here

* pH is the measurement of the how acid or alkaline a substance is.

Bible QuotesExodus 15:26I AM THE LORD THAT HEALS YOU

Gen 1:29-30And God said "See I have given you every herb bearing seed which is on the face of the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed: to you it shall be for food. Also to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food". And it was so.

James 5:15And the Prayer of Faith shall save the sick, and the LORD shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

1 Cor 1:27God has cosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.

Psalms 104:14He causeth the grass to grow for cattle, and herbs for the use of man.

Romans 14:2For one believeth he may eat all things, anyone who is weak eateth herbs.

Ezekial 47:12And the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine

Hosea 4:6My People Perish through lack of knowledge

Bible Health Principles for an Abundant Life

One of the most wonderful things about God is the fact that He cares for you! And whether you're rich, poor, black or white, educated or uneducated, God cares for you! He demonstrated His love and care on Calvary, and Jesus said in Matthew 7:11, "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?"

While God has an inexpressible desire to see us saved out of this world, He also is interested in our lives here on earth. He desires us to have a good and abundant life! John 10:10, "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." The devil wants to steal, kill, and destroy you. God wants you to have an abundant life! It's amazing that so many choose the devil's ways! God is interested not only in your salvation, but also your physical health! Third John 1:2, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." Just as your spiritual health is important, so is your physical. God promised His people that if they obeyed and followed His ways that they would have the blessings of health and life. Exodus 15:26, "And said, if thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee."

Now in this promise, it's obvious that laws are involved. What you sow you reap! If a Christian and non-Christian run through a red light and are headed for a wreck, God will not suspend the law of motion to stop the Christian's car while the non-Christian has a wreck. We all must reap what we sow. There's no use in getting mad at God for allowing your new car to get all messed up if you ran a red light! Yet there are a lot of people today who will not follow God's laws of health, and then when they get sick and diseased, they blame God. People say, "Oh why is God allowing me to die of emphysema?" Yet they have smoked like a chimney for 30 years! That's not God's fault. God is reasonable. He says, "If you obey, you will prosper and have no disease." In Psalm 84:11 God says He will withhold "no good thing" from us. Let's illustrate it this way.

When Mercedes-Benz makes a fine automobile they put it through hundreds of tests. And when all the results come in they publish it in a book called the Owner's Manual. This manual will tell you what oil and gasoline to use, and give you all the information needed to make your Mercedes run at peak performance. Let's imagine you own a fine 300 SD turbo diesel. One day as you drive along you decide you're going to put gas in instead of diesel--it's cheaper, you know, and a higher octane, 95 proof. So you fill it up and drive away. All of a sudden you notice the car has a fever, its temperature is up in the red, and it begins to backfire, get shaky, and after awhile it blows its head. You're stuck on the highway. Soon the car ambulance takes your Mercedes into the car hospital and there they operate on it. After being hung over a few days it comes out fixed, but weaker, and

with a big bill to pay. The Mercedes mechanic informs you: "The Owners Manual says to use diesel, not regular gas. Read the book!"

And friends, today, it's the same way. God has an owners manual. He made the human body and knows what makes it run. But the owners manual (the Bible) has been neglected, and our hospitals are full. Today we have more disease than ever. And now you know why.

I'm happy to tell you today though that it's not the same in all churches. You see, back in the mid 1800s as the Bible was being printed, many Christians read, and became aware of this great Bible truth of good health. In the three angel's message (Revelation 14:7), it said to "give glory to God." How can we give glory to God they thought? One answer they found was by "keeping God's commandments." but Christians read on and found another way. First Corinthians 10:31,"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." Give glory by eating and drinking right. First Corinthians 6:19-20 says why. "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." God wants to dwell in you, but He cannot dwell in a defiled body, it's not our body, it's God's to use for His glory. God then gets very explicit in this area. First Corinthians 3:16-17,"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." God says if we willfully defile the body, He will destroy us! One of the Christian churches that discovered these Bible principles of health was the Adventist Church. As its members began to live by these health principles we find today after many years the results are with us. Adventists are the healthiest people around! Notice these few quotes from leading North American magazines and news reporters.

The Saturday Evening Post,

"Seventh-day Adventists are the healthiest group of people in the country.

Adventist have supplied the world with some rather impressive medical statistics: Male Seventh-day Adventists aged 35 to 40 have a 6.2-year longer life expectancy on The average than the general population. Female members have a 3.1-year greater life expectancy.

Male subjects 55 and over who eat meat six times a week or more are twice as likely to die of heart attacks as are some of the Adventist vegetarian men, as shown by surveys.

Not only do Seventh-day Adventists have fewer heart attacks, they also have less cancer-50 percent less than the general population. The rate of lung cancer is only 21 percent of the expected rate and their colon-rectal cancer is 60 percent of expected.

Education, medical as well as general, receives strong support from Adventists. Three times as many members have completed college compared to the general population."

Here is another quote from Paul Harvey news, commenting on a survey by the United States Public Health Service in California.

"Judging from the records, Seventh-day Adventists have a life expectancy five to six years greater than other Californians, 75 percent fewer Adventists die from all types of cancer, 68 percent fewer from respiratory diseases, 88 percent fewer from TB and 85 percent fewer from pulmonary emphysema.... Perhaps as a by-product of abstinence from alcohol, Adventists have only about one third as many accidents."

Now that is really wonderful! Statistics prove that God's way is the best way. So let's go on and see what God's Book recommends us to put in or not to put in our bodies, so we can lead a healthy life, free from disease.

Dr. Richard Walden of California got tired one day of hearing his patients say, "Doc, give me another pill for my aches and pains" while they just continued their bad habits. So the Doctor decided to print a little pamphlet titled "I'II Tell You How to Die Younger" and placed it in his waiting room.

The first suggestion Dr. Walden's pamphlet made was: "If you want to die younger, smoke heavily." What about smoking? People say, "the Bible doesn't say, Thou shalt not smoke." That's true. The Bible also doesn't say "Thou shalt not shoot heroine, or sniff cocaine ! " We have to see the principle. God said "If you destroy the body temple, God will destroy you!" It doesn't take someone very intelligent to realize that smoking is one of the most mind and body destroying habits in the world. The surgeon general puts that warning on every tobacco product. There are 18 active poisons in tobacco, the prominent one being nicotine. A half a drop of raw nicotine placed on the back skin of a rabbit will kill it. In every cigarette there are two and a half drops of nicotine. If the body didn't absorb it slowly a man would be dead from one cigarette. But it sooner or later catches up. Since 1933 the United States death rate from lung cancer has quadrupled, in exactly the same proportion as cigarette consumption increased. Sadly, 700,000 people a year will die of cigarette smoking related diseases, 100,000 of these being cancer. God does not want you smoking! Now how do you break the habit? Following is God's five minute plan for victory!


1. You must be willing to let God give you the victory and choose to quit. Then claim the three following promises.

2. First Corinthians 15:57, "But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." God has given you the victory. Take it, it's done. You don't have to worry about it or struggle to quit, God has already given you the victory.

3. Romans 6:11,"Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Reckon that you are dead to cigarette smoking. Believe you're dead to it because God said so, it's done. If a person is dead, they can't smoke. As far as smoking is now concerned you're dead.

4. Romans 13:14, "But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof."

Your part is to not plan to fail, don't hide any cigarettes, get rid of everything. Then God can work a miracle!

Remember Peter (Matthew 14:22-29). Jesus said, "Come to Me on the water." That's humanly impossible! But Peter believed what God said and then Jesus performed the miracle--Peter actually walked on water!

Quitting cigarette smoking is humanly impossible for many, so let go, and let Jesus, believe and the miracle will he done.


A. Quit caffeine, it and nicotine are related poisons.

B. Drink lots of liquid (fruit juice especially).

C. Get lots of fresh air by walking and breathing deeply.

D. Bathe morning and night for the first four days.

E. Chew gum or enjoy some candy--it gives your mouth something to do!

The second thing Dr. Walden wrote in his pamphlet, How to Die Younger was: "Drink alcohol even in moderation." It's alarming today to see so much of this evil in the Christian Church! One hundred years ago, the Christian Church would never allow its members to drink any alcohol. Yet today, Christians drink freely with the world, and alcohol has become the number-one drug problem in the world. Alcoholism costs Americans 43 billion dollars a year in lost work, medical expenses, and auto accidents alone. Ninety-five thousand deaths a year in America are the direct result of drinking, 800,000 car crashes resulting in 25,000 traffic deaths are the result of drinking. Now you tell me, can a person drink to the glory of God? Absolutely not!

I'm amazed to hear some people say Jesus drank alcohol. That's just another lie the devil has invented to accommodate people in their sin. Let's see what the Bible says. Proverbs 20:1, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." Now what we need to understand is the fact that "wine" in the Bible has several meanings. There are two types of "wine." The new wine--fresh grape juice; or the fermented wine--alcohol. Both are simply called "wine" in the Bible. Here we see "strong drink" or alcohol is condemned. We can read of the fermented again in Proverbs 23:29-32, "Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes? They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright, At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder." God condemns this wine. In fact God says when pure grape juice has become alcohol, we are not to even look at it, much less partake of it. Isaiah 5:20-22, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink." God places a woe on those who drink wine and strong drink. Verse 24 goes on to say those who do will burn in hell! "Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the name consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel." That's clear!

Well then, what kind of wine is okay? Let's quote this same author, Isaiah, and see. Isaiah 65:8, "Thus saith the LORD, As the new wine is round in the cluster, and one saith, Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it: so will I do for my servants' sakes, that I may not destroy them all." The "new wine" as found in the cluster. Pure grape juice, there's a blessing in it! Do you remember what Jesus said in some of His last words? Matthew 26:29, "But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom." I drink it "new" with you. It only makes sense. Can you imagine

arriving in heaven only to find a distillery by the river of life with the angels busy producing beer, wine, and vodka? No, only that which is pure will be in heaven. All people in our world today know that even one drink destroys brain cells, harms the liver, and leads to drunkenness. Three out of 10 who start out as "light drinkers" end up as alcoholics. Peter tells us in 1 Peter 1:13 to be sober. "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." Again in 1 Peter 5:8 he repeats this. You see, one drink does not make you drunk, but you're not sober either! Let's choose to abstain from alcohol so our bodies can be pure, holy, and undefiled.

While we're on this subject, we should mention another harmful product that just recently has received national attention--the use of caffeine. Thirty-five million pounds of caffeine are consumed each year by Americans in coffee, tea, and cola drinks. Caffeine use is responsible for many of the diseases we suffer today. Caffeine is linked to birth defects, breast disease, and high blood pressure. It causes much heart disease, cancer of the bladder and pancreas, and a 20 percent memory loss for the average user.

Now, we have one more area to cover and that's the refrigerator! What about the food we eat? You see, in the beginning God gave to man the best diet. Genesis 1:29, "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." God gave a simple diet of fruits, grains, nuts and later vegetables. After the flood, man began to eat meat. But note these amazing facts. The first eight generations before the flood living on God's original diet lived a long time. Adam lived 930 years, Seth lived 912 years, Enoch lived 905 years, Canaan lived 910 years, Mahaleel lived 895 years, Jared lived 962 years and Methuselah lived 969 years.

Now look at generations after the flood--after they began eating meat. Shem lived only 600 years; Peleg lived 239 years, and eight generations later Nahor lived only 148 years. So a rapid deterioration is apparent. God's original way is the best way! Many people today are vegetarians and statistics have proven its value. Let's be clear though, the Bible is not saying you can't eat meat. There are meats God created to be eaten with thanksgiving. However, with all the disease in animals today, many are finding that God's original diet is the best. For those who are becoming vegetarians, it's best to make a gradual change. God does, however, have laws regarding some meats which He says we should not eat. Basically it is formed of one group. The "scavengers" of the earth, or you might say, the land and sea creatures that are living "garbage cans." Turn to Genesis 7:1-2,"And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation. Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female." As God foresaw the destruction of the earth by water resulting in no plant life after the flood, He made provision for Noah to eat meat. But note, there were clean animals and unclean. Notice this was established long before Moses law and the Jews. You may say,"How do we know the difference between clean and unclean?" Leviticus 11:2-8, "Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, These are the beasts which ye shall eat among all the beasts that are on the earth. Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is cloven footed, and cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat. Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. And the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you." It must have a split hoof, and chew the cud to be clean. This then would include cattle, deer, lamb, goat, et cetera, as good clean meat. It does not include, the pig! You see the pig is a scavenger, he eats garbage. Even our medical world today is telling us the hog is unfit for food. Note what medical research has established about the hog. This quote is taken from the Reader's Digest article entitled, Must Our Pork Remain Unsafe? "A single serving of infective pork--even a single mouthful can kill or cripple or condemn the victim to a lifetime of aches and pains. For this unique disease, trichinosis, there is no cure. With no drug to stop them, the worms may spread through the muscular tissues of the entire human system. One of two things then happens, depending on the intensity of the infection. Either death ensues or a successful effort is made by nature to throw an enclosure, or cyst, around each of the teeming parasites, which then become dormant although they remain alive for years. ... Do not blame your doctor. All that the best doctor can do as yet is to conserve the patient's strength and try to relieve painful local symptoms as they appear. What these symptoms are, the layman had much better not worry about. Trichinosis can simulate in some degree almost any other malady. Physicians have confused trichinosis with some 50 ailments, ranging from typhoid fever to acute alcoholism. That pain in your arm or leg may be arthritis or rheumatism, but it may be trichinosis: that pain in your back may mean a gall-bladder involvement, but it may mean trichinosis."

Autopsies show that one out of six Americans carry live trichinosis parasites in his muscles. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reviewed 24 cases of trichinosis, 22 of which came from pork. And according to an article in the lllinois Health Messenger they found one out of five pork products in the market had live trichina parasites in it. So the Bible rule is, if it divides the hoof and chews the cud it's okay to eat. If not, it's an abomination.

What about fish and sea food? The Bible continues in Leviticus 11:9-12 to tell us how to know it's clean. "These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you: They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination. Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you." It must have fins and scales. That includes a nice variety of fish, like trout, bass, salmon, et cetera. However, it also eliminates a lot of seafood lovers favorites--crabs, clams, oysters, shrimp, lobsters, and eels. Notice this article from Prevention Magazine

establishing what God already told us.

"Why are shellfish so dangerous? Because they are many times more polluted than the filthy water they inhabit. Unfortunately they choose to live and love and multiply in estuaries along coastal regions. These estuaries are particularly subject to discharge of sewage, sewage effluent and other waterborne pollution ... the polluted aspect of their habitat is one danger. The fact that bivalve shellfish are filter-feeders compounds the danger. Oysters, for example, because of their way of obtaining and absorbing food, have been found to concentrate polio virus up to 20 to 60 times the level of the surrounding seawater. No other animal food offered on the menu of your favorite eating place would be served to you along with its feces. Yet this is the case with seafood. It is served whole; complete with its intestinal tract."

Again we see that God created these unclean shellfish to clean up the ocean and its pollution. As with all unclean animals, the blood carries this disease into the meat, which when eaten, spreads the disease throughout the body. Thank God for the Bible which tells us these things!

What about fowl? Again it's basically the scavengers which God says are unclean. Leviticus 11:13- 19 lists most of them. Many of the fowl we eat today are clean--turkey, chicken, quail, et cetera. Now you may be thinking, is God really this serious about my body being His temple? You will find that God is serious about His plan for you. We read in Revelation that nothing will enter heaven that defiles. Isaiah makes it clear that no one who defiles their body with unclean things will enter heaven. Isaiah 66:15-17, "For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with names of fire. For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many. They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD."

In closing let's turn to 1 John 3:2-3, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." Here we see the gospel is a power to purify and prepare us for heaven. Today all God asks us is to give up a few things that will only hurt and destroy us. He wants us to be healthy, happy and free from disease. And so He invites us in Romans 12:1- 2 to present our bodies to Him, a living sacrifice. "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." This is our reasonable service. May God bless you with health, abundant life, and freedom from sickness as you follow His Word in your life!



Many individuals have quoted from Peter's vision in Acts 10 in an attempt to prove that it is all right for New Testament Christians to eat the unclean foods. Here is a prime example of how a text can be lifted out of its context and made to teach something that the original writer never had in mind. Let's notice the vision:

Acts 10:9-17, "On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour: And he became very hungry, and would have eaten; but while they made ready, he fell into a trance, And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: Wherein were all manner of four-footed beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air, And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat. But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean. And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. This was done thrice; and the vessel was received up again into heaven. Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry for Simon's house, and stood before the gate."

Most interpreters read the vision this far, stop and then devise their interpretation of the vision. But such is only man's interpretation. How much better to let the Bible explain itself.

First of all, notice that this was a vision, and not an actual occurrence. Peter did not literally eat these unclean animals. He merely saw them IN VISION. Second, notice in verse 17 that Peter did NOT understand the vision. He did NOT know what it meant. One thing he DID KNOW, and that was that it DID NOT MEAN that it was all right to eat the unclean foods. In the days when the early church was just beginning, most of the converts to Christianity were from Judaism. At first, there was no thought that the gospel message must also go to people of other nations. The Jews regarded anyone who was not a Jew as ceremonially unclean. They felt that such people had no right to have the gospel brought to them. The early Christians still had these same ideas.

However, God did not want the Christian Church to be restrictive. He did not want them to think that salvation was only for the Jews, that all others were unclean, and therefore could not have the gospel of salvation brought to them. Thus God chose to give

Peter this vision to teach people the great lesson that NO PERSON, NEITHER JEW NOR GENTILE, should be considered unclean. Notice how the force of the vision comes to Peter in verse 28:

"And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call ANY MAN COMMON OR UNCLEAN."

Here then was the explanation of the vision. They were not to call ANY MAN COMMON OR UNCLEAN. God wasn't talking about food at all when He gave the vision to Peter. He was talking about the Jewish practice of calling anyone of another nation unclean. This is the Biblical interpretation of the vision. Any other interpretation stands in direct contradiction to a plainly interpreted passage of Scripture. To attempt to apply this text to the unclean foods is a great misuse of Scripture, and certainly reveals the flimsy evidence that there is for attempting to justify the use of the unclean foods today.

1 TIMOTHY 4:1-5

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and the doctrines of devils' speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats (the original reads "foods"), which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For IT IS SANCTIFIED BY THE WORD OF GOD AND PRAYER."

Many in attempting to justify their usage of the unclean foods quote this text as far as verse 4 and then conclude that it is all right to eat anything, as long as we thank the Lord for it. But does this mean that it is all right to eat a mouse or rat, or cat, or bat? Yet this is the inevitable conclusion, if such an interpretation is held. But notice the last verse, verse 5. Here we are told what creatures may be eaten with thanksgiving: namely, those that the Word sanctified or specifies should be eaten. Does the Word of God sanctify the usage of the unclean foods, such as pork or shellfish? Absolutely not! That's why this text cannot be used to support the eating of the unclean foods.

Thus, rather than support the idea that it is all right to eat the pig, this text actually tells us three conditions to what we eat. It must:

1. Be "meats God has created to be received with thanksgiving."

2. We must "believe and know the truth" on what is good or not.

3. It has to be sanctified by the Word of God.

Unclean foods do not pass one of the conditions. Again, let's allow the Bible to interpret itself instead of attempting to read personal interpretations into the Bible.

MARK 7:15-20

"There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man. If any man have ears to hear, let him hear, And when he was entered into the house from the people, his disciples asked him concerning the parable. And he saith unto them, Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats? And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man."

In order to correctly understand this text, we must carefully examine the context of the passage. Mark 7:1, 2 indicate there was a contention between the Pharisees and certain of Jesus' disciples because the disciples did not go through the ceremonial washing of hands before they ate. The Jews in the time of Christ had added significantly to the commandments of God by instituting all kinds of ritualistic washings and ceremonies that had to be performed before a person ate. Jesus' disciples did not perform these ceremonies. According to Jewish law, what they ate was therefore unclean.

Please note that this discussion has nothing to do with clean and unclean animals as described in Leviticus 11, but instead is talking about the ceremonial washing of hands that made foods clean ceremonially. God never commanded His people to do this; it was a Jewish tradition. Mark 7:3- 5 continues with an explanation of the charge of the Jewish leaders against the disciples of Jesus. Mark 7:6- 13 contains Jesus' tremendous denunciation upon the Pharisees because they had rejected the commandment of God and yet were so meticulous about their own traditions. Verse 8 in particular notes that the tradition Jesus is speaking about is ceremonial washings. Jesus categorically states that if people worship by these traditions instead of the commandments of God, they are worshiping God in vain.

Finally, in verses 15- 20 Jesus specifically addresses the issue of the food that they eat being unclean because it did not go through the ceremonial washings. In Mark 7:19 Jesus declares He has purged all meats. The word translated "meats" is the Greek word bromata, which means "food." It does not refer to flesh food; it simply refers to any kind of food. Again, remember the

context. The charge was that the disciples had eaten without going through the ceremonial washing of hands that the Jews required. Therefore, to the Jewish Pharisaical mind the food that they ate was thereby unclean. Jesus now categorically declares that whether they have gone through these elaborate washings or not does not affect the food. It does not make the food unclean, because food simply goes into the system and is excreted. As Jesus says in verse 15, it cannot defile people or make them unclean simply because they did not go through these ritualistic washings.

Jesus was here declaring that ceremonial washings have nothing to do with food being either clean or unclean. This text has absolutely nothing to do with the clean and unclean animals of Leviticus 11. The issue is clearly whether or not Jesus requires His followers to practice the ritualistic washings of the Jews before they eat. He is answering the charge that the disciples are ceremonially unclean because they did not follow these ritualistic washings. Therefore Jesus declares that the ritualistic washings do not affect whether a person is clean or unclean, or whether his food is clean or unclean. The context, then, deals not with biological uncleanness, but with uncleanness supposedly incurred from the omission of ritual washings. See verse 15. The kind of food the disciples ate (verse 2 and 5) is not even referred to, but the way in which they ate it! Throughout, Christ is dealing with the commandments of God versus the traditions of men. To make this verse refer to the clean and unclean animals of Leviticus 11 is to ignore completely the meaning of the Greek and the context of the passage.

Do You Need Prayer?

Spiritual Healing is one of the most important factors when dealing with Cancer. There have been many people who have embarked on healthy eating and nutrition to deal with cancer only to neglect the spiritual healing their body needs. We all have emotional issues and spiritual issues we are dealing with and this MUST be addressed!

I would like to extend an initiation to anyone who would like us to pray for them, for healing from God.

All details will be kept confidential.

Please complete the form below and we will add you to our prayer list.

Friends, the bible teaches:

Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.  Philipians 4:8

You can begin filling your mind with these things RIGHT NOW!  How - I encourage you to view or download some of the audio lessons below. You will be truly blessed.


The Richest Caveman - How one man found God Video Audio WMA

Heaven - What is it really like?  Presenting The Glorious Kingdom

Video Audio MP3

History's Greatest Hoax - The truth of why there is so much pain, death & suffering in our world.

Video Audio WMA

The Positive Side of Suffering Video Audio MP3

The Promises of God Video Audio WMA



I have been asked many times based on my research what would I be doing and taking if I had cancer. This always leads to a long email or a 1 - 2 hour discussion on why I would do or take such things and the overwhelming evidence on why many treatments work.

So I will attempt to put it onto this page and present the facts and evidence I have found as best as I can.  Click here for PRINTABLE version in .pdfformat

** Disclaimer - Please note the information written here is not to be taken as any kind or form of advice and a practitioner should always be consulted when treating cancer. This information is solely based on my research of B17 and metabolic therapy and what I would do if I had cancer and should not be viewed as any form of advice.  **


The most important factor besides a relationship with God is your Diet. What you put into your mouth is what can make all the difference. If I had cancer in regards to Nutrition I would be eating and taking the following:

No Meat, No Dairy*, No Sugar. o Meat robs and steals your bodies ability to heal itself (refer enzymes section as to why)o Dairy another form of animal protein also steals your bodies ability to heal itself. Not to mention dairy today is not

what it was 50 years ago, but that's another discussion.o No Sugar - This one should be a no brainer. Sugar feeds cancer. Want your cancer to spread and grow - eat lots

of sugar.

*No Dairy - The only exception to dairy is cottage cheese based on Dr Budwig's diet mentioned below.

Cleanse and Detox - Herbal Dietary Fibreo Detoxing my body and taking the Rubbish out is very important and one of the first things to work towards. This

would consist of vegetable and fruit juices on an empty stomach to cleanse the Liver but most importantly taking a Dietary Herbal Fiber. Dietary Herbal Fiber is the best product I have been able to find that will totally cleanse the intestines and KILL PARASITES. The removal of Parasites is paramount as most people with cancer will have a parasitic problem unknowingly. Dietary Herbal Powder can repair distorted, twisted, collapsed sick looking colons from build up over the years and other chronic colon illnesses. It has been known to save lives due to fixing colonic related stresses.  Click here to learn more about your colon and this life saving herbal powder.

o Juicing needs to be first thing in the morning and always on an empty stomach. Vegetable juicing should be the main. Celerey, Carrot, Ginger, beetroot are a few excellent vegetables to use.  MAKE SURE YOU USE ORGANIC PRODUCE IF YOU CAN. It can be cheaper than woolworths or coles if you make the effort. I am up at 4am once a fortnight and buy our ORGANIC PRODUCE from the Organic Markets in Sydney (Back To Eden on Parramatta Rd Homebush)


Tea - Sir Jason Winters Teao Sir Jason Winters book "Killing Cancer" is an approx 100 page book and one of the most inspiring true life stories

on beating cancer against all odds I have ever read. I met Jason a few years ago in a Sydney talk and for a man now in his eighties, I think he is radiant with health. Basically, after finding himself on his death bed, as a last desperate attempt he and his family travelled to 3 different parts of the world seeking so called ancient cancer cure's they had heard about as a last attempt to treat his cancer. What they found in each country were herbs to be taken as a tea. He took them individually but his body was so toxic due to diet abuse and so much smoking over the years that each tea just had no effect on its own. He got worse, and was ready to die when a last minute desperate decision made him mix all three teas he had made up.  He did not know at the time that three tea's mixed together acted as a catalyst and formed a tea on its own over 100 times stronger than each tea on its own. Basically all Jason did was run a super filter through his blood and cleansed it of all impurities with this tea, and

from there he fully recovered and now travels the world telling his story. Red Clover, Sage and a spice tea (don't know which one exactly) is in the mix.

o His book and work on healing cancer have been acknowledged around the world to the point where he has was Knighted in Malta!

o I would get this tea and drink it 2 - 3 times a day at least 1 hour before or after food.  Gary Samer sells it at  - and Say G'day to Gary for me (Angel Rodriguez).


Apricot Kernels and Enzymeso Apricot kernels for the last 30 - 40 years have been shown to kill cancer cells. This has been shown many, many

times by some of the top Cancer Specialists in the world throughout the years. Just have a read of the section  Has B17 been tested by Modern Medicine  and have a look at 60 year cancer research veteran  Dr Seguira's work. He was, you could say the leading specialist at the time and was asked to put an end to this "Quakery"  His results proved Vitamin B17s effectiveness.

o I would eat approx 15 -20  apricot kernels at least 3 times a day. My favourite way to eat them is in a smoothie with Vitasoy Rice Milk and Banana, Wolfberries and some honey and muesli in the blender as a smothie. Absolutely delicious!   The Wolfberries help overpower the bitterness of the apricot kernels so you can go a bit heavier on the kernels.

o ENZYMES - Are absolutely ESSENTIAL if you want to benefit from vitamin B17. You must take some form proteolytic enzyme to break down the protein coating surrounding cancer cells. Dr Beard back in the later 1800s used Enzymes very effectively to treat cancer patients.  Simply put the enzymes knock out the cancer cells first line of defense which is a protein coating and then the body and/or B17 can do its work and kill off the cancer cells.


What to Eat - Dr Lorraine Days Dieto The best cancer diet I have come across is the one advocated by Dr Lorraine Day. In her two videos/DVDs

"Cancer does not scare me anymore" and "You Can't Improve on God" she outlines in detail how she used juices and 80% raw to 20% cooked food diet. The DVDs are an excellent motivational tool so if you can get them. Details where you can buy them appear below.


Percys Powdero I would take Percys Powder twice a day.o Percy Weston, a wonderful Australian who lived to the age of 101 and only recently died peacefully in his sleep is

an example that everybody can beat cancer. o Healthy, vigorous 100 year old Australian farmer Percy Weston wrote his book "Cancer: Cause and Cure" at

age 97. In the closing years of his life he wanted to share the great health truths he has discovered. He recently died peacefully in his sleep in his 101st without any sign of cancer, arthritis or artery disease. Yet in his late 30's he had serious cancer and was bedridden with arthritis.


Percy writes in the introduction to his book "Everybody can beat cancer without expensive drugs, hospitalisation and doctors, just as I have."

He later writes, "If I may offer myself as an example, old age need not make senile old cripples out of us."

When his farm animals were all dying from horrible cancers due to phosphate fertilizers being used by all farmers in his day, he started doing some chemical analysis of his soils. He found his farm soils were very acid and virtually drained of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Iron, Cobalt, and several other minerals needed for animal and human nutrition. Here at last was cause and effect. (Super-phosphate is manufactured using sulphuric acid and has an acid pH of 3.0.)   With a natural flair for chemistry and science he formulated a mineral powder to supply the missing minerals needed in a healthy diet. As a result he successfully treated himself and his wife later from their cancer.


o His book and powder are wonderful and a very helpful resource to use. I encourage every cancer sufferer to read his book and get some of his powder. His book and powder can be purchased from


Healing Oils of the Bibleo I would use and apply on my body topically Frankincense and Balsam.o The bible contains many treasures when it comes to healing. Two of these treasures found to be very effective in

the treatment of tumors and cancer are Frankincense and Balsam. Both these oils are well known for their healing properties. I wont go into detail here but when it comes to cancer Frankincense and Balsam have been scientifically found to overcome cancer.


Dr Johanna Budwig Simple cottage cheese and flaxseed oil mixture.o Pathologist Dr Johanna budwig for 30 years studied the blood in particular cancer patients blood. She found that

every single cancer patient's blood was totally devoid of essential fatty acids (EFA's). So she wondered what would happen if she reintroduced EFA's to cancer patients. In theory if cancer patients improved their diets and introduced EFA's back into their diets in a highly water soluble form then they should improve.  I have read her books and studied some of her work and achievements. Incredible !

o She worked out by combining the highest quality EFA - flaxseed oil with a sulphur based protein - ie. organic low fat cottage cheese, that if you mix the two together and eat them the flaxseed oil reacts with the sulphur based protein (cottage cheese) to make the EFA water soluble and absorbed almost instantly by the blood. This way was the quickest form to re-introduce EFA's into blood.

o The results were outstanding. Cancer patients from all over the place given only weeks and months to live were nursed back to health quickly with a simple change in diet and by using Dr Johanna Budwigs simple mix of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese.


INTRAVENOUS VITAMIN C - IVCo High Dose Vitamin C has a solid history of efficacy against cancer. If I had cancer I would without question have

High Dosage Vitamin C intravenously.  Click here to watch the recent 60 minutes report in New Zealand called "Living Proof"


KISS - Keep It Simple Sono Everyone you talk to has an opinion on cancer, so don't take too much information in...... and in such a short

time..... It will overwhelm you and look to hard. Keep things SIMPLE.  Anyone of the suggested treatments mentioned above ALONE with a good diet should help you find your health back is what my research has led me to conclude.

o Therefore it makes sense to me, to view it from a simplistic view and do a little of each one. If I had cancer I would be eating/taking all of the above. There is no need to do each every day, but if you can great. Try and find a balance that works for you - Just KEEP IT SIMPLE.



Get Away from the CITY. Get out in the country or find some kind of rural location and WALK !  Nothing is more energizing or healthful than a 1 hour walk through this beautiful country. Get that fresh air deep into your lungs !!!



Your body has many cries for water. Sometimes you don't realise when you have an ache or are sick your body is crying out for pure, fresh living water. YOU MUST give your body 2 - 3 litres per day of pure soft natural water. THIS DOES

NOT MEAN TAP WATER.  God gave us water from natural sources. Thats what you should drink. MANS WATER = Tap Water via copper pipes with excess metals, chlorinated and fluoridated.  Chlorine and fluoride are poisons. I don't care how little we are told is in our  water in parts per million. They are both poisons, end of story. DON'T DRINK Tap water.


The Beautiful Healing Rays of the Sun occur early morning and late afternoon. So make sure you are getting some sunlight.

A miracle factory is at work just beneath your skin. And when the ultraviolet rays of the sun touch the skin, the factory sets to work. It is a most marvelous system, and without it you could not remain alive. The Beautiful healing rays of the sun are early in the morning approx (7 -10am) and late in afternoon (4-5pm). Naturally this depends where you live and events like day light savings. The harmful rays are in the middle of the day.

o Today we are being told stay out of the sun – its harmful, it causes skin cancer and so forth. o Truth is………….We NEED the SUN. Take a pretty little flower out of the sun and it soon wilts and dies……. We

are no different. If you take yourself out of the sun soon you will wilt and die.

Sunshine regulates many body processes………… lowers high blood pressure, decreases blood cholesterol, lowers excessively high blood sugars, and increases white blood cells.

Sunlight changes the cholesterol just under the skin into vitamin D which is need for good health.

Your eyes were made to specifically absorb rays of the sun. God didn’t make us to wear glasses, so for those of you that wear them, try and take them off when your out in the sun.



I would try to ensure I make choices according to the law of Temperance

So What is Temperance ?

TEMPERANCE is about self-control. In order to succeed physically, mentally, and morally in life, we must have temperance in regard to things that are Good and ABSTAIN from things harmful.

The Bible says, "Every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things." (1 Corinthians 9:25). Moderation – too much of a good thing can be bad for you ! True temperance includes moderation in things good as well as abstinence in things harmful.

o Choose and Refuse to live a life of anxious concern. o Worry wears out the life forces. If you cannot solve a problem in five minutes, give it to God in prayer—and then

forget it. Later the solutions will come to mind. o Sometimes its just good to stop everything and relax and leave your cares to God.



In order to have good blood, we must breathe well. Full, deep inspirations of pure air, which fill the lungs with oxygen, purify the blood.

Good Respiration soothes the nerves; it stimulates the appetite and renders digestion more perfect; and it induces sound, refreshing sleep . . IF an insufficient supply of oxygen is received, the blood moves sluggishly. The waste, poisonous matter, which should be thrown off in the exhalations from the lungs, is retained, and the blood becomes impure. Not only the lungs, but the stomach, liver, and brain are affected. The skin becomes sallow, digestion is retarded; the heart is depressed; the brain clouded; the thoughts are confused; gloom settles upon the spirits; the whole system becomes depressed and inactive, and peculiarly susceptible to disease.

o A walk, even in the winter, would be more beneficial to health than all the medicine the doctors may prescribe. You will increase your vitality, which is so necessary to health. Your lungs will have needful action, for it is impossible to go out in the bracing air of a winter's morning without inflating the lungs.

So its so important to get out into the country and breathe deeply God Given Air.



"Come ye apart . . and rest" are the words of Jesus. Are you weary and worn with the routine of everyday life? Rest is what you need; physical rest, mental rest. It is one of God's special healing remedies. Here are some simple principles about rest:

* One does not always have to sleep in order to rest.

* Just a change of pace—doing something different—can bring rest to your mind and body.



Love for God - is essential for life and health. Faith in God - is essential for health.

o We can serve God better in the vigour of health than in the palsy of disease; o Therefore we should cooperate with God in the care of our bodies.

In order to have perfect health - our hearts must be filled with love and hope and joy in the Lord.

** If you have a grudge against someone, or are still angry and holding on to something that someone did to you that you cannot forgive. NOW IS THE TIME TO LET GO.  God will help you forgive them. You cannot get better until you let go of any burdens on your conscience or emotions your hanging unnecessarily to.

** If you have wronged someone or hurt someone and have a heavy heart about it. Face it and recover and ask them for forgiveness. It does not matter if they do not forgive you for then that becomes an issue between them and God. You have done your part.  Ask for forgiveness from both God and the person you have wronged. Man may not forgive you but GOD ALWAYS will forgive you!

"Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."

Ephesians 4:32


God Bless You

Angel Rodriguez


*** Most of the products mentioned on this page are unique and difficult to acquire.  ***  

The can supply most of the products in here in Australia.
