Visual training program for body dysmorphic disorder ...visual training program. This pilot trial...


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Visual training program for bodydysmorphic disorder: protocol for a novelintervention pilot and feasibility trialFrancesca Beilharz1* , David J. Castle1,2,3, Andrea Phillipou1,2,3 and Susan L. Rossell1,2


Background: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a characterised by perceived defects or flaws in appearancewhich are associated with distressing thoughts, repetitive or obsessive behaviours, and significant impairment insocial and occupational functioning. A core feature of BDD involves abnormalities of visual processing, althoughthis is not typically a focus of psychological and psychiatric treatments. While current treatments generally showmoderate effectiveness in the short-term, those with BDD can have high relapse rates, as they still ‘see’ their flawsor defects. The current research trials a visual training program designed to remediate visual abnormalities andreduce symptom severity of BDD.

Methods: This is a single-group open-label pilot study assessing the feasibility and potential efficacy of a 10-weekvisual training program. This pilot trial will be conducted at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia,and will recruit up to 20 participants diagnosed with BDD. These participants will complete pre- and post-assessmentsand a 10-week visual training program encompassing three phases of basic visual processing, face and emotionrecognition, and self-perception. The primary outcomes focus on feasibility and acceptability of the intervention,with secondary outcomes exploring clinical outcomes related to symptom severity, quality of life and eye movements.

Discussion: This pilot trial will translate the empirical findings of abnormalities in visual processing among thosediagnosed with BDD, to an innovative treatment method across a range of visual processing levels. This trial willassess the feasibility and potential efficacy of such a visual training program, paving the way for further researchincluding a future definitive randomised control trial.

Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry, ACTRN 12618000274279, Registered 22ndFebruary 2018.

Keywords: Body dysmorphic disorder, Visual training, Cognitive behavioural therapy, Cognitive remediationtherapy, Feasibility, Pilot trial

BackgroundBody dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a psychiatric disordercharacterised by a preoccupation with perceived flaws ordefects in physical appearance, which are associated withdistressing thoughts, obsessive or repetitive behavioursand significant impairment in daily functioning [1]. BDDaffects approximately 1.9% of the general population, with

slightly higher rates among women in most settings [1, 2].Individuals diagnosed with BDD often have concerns re-garding multiple aspects of their appearance, althoughcommon areas include specific facial features (e.g. nose),texture or colour of hair and skin, or specific body parts(e.g. thighs) [3]. If individuals are predominantly con-cerned with overall body weight or shape, it should beconsidered whether these symptoms are better explainedby an eating disorder [1]. Comorbid disorders are com-mon accompaniments of BDD, including depression, anx-iety, social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder andsubstance abuse [4–6]. Individuals with BDD have suicide

* Correspondence: for Mental Health, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne,AustraliaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Beilharz et al. Pilot and Feasibility Studies (2018) 4:189

rates up to 45 times higher than the general population,and are often housebound [7, 8].Despite the significant impact BDD can have upon

the wellbeing and daily functioning of those whoexperience it, this disorder is significantly under-researched compared to many other mental health dis-orders. Consequently, relatively little is understood re-garding how symptoms are initiated, maintained andtreated. Current guidelines recommend treating BDDwith cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), selectiveserotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or a combinationof these psychological and psychiatric treatments [9].Such treatments generally show moderate effective-ness rates for BDD in the short-term, although symp-toms can remain in the mild-moderate severity rangeat long-term follow-up [10–12]. It is possible thatBDD has such high relapse rates compared to manyother mental health disorders as current treatmentsdo not address a core feature of the disorder: visualperception. For example, a general aim of CBT forBDD may be to analyse one’s thoughts, emotions andbehaviours relating to appearance concerns, but thisdoes not necessarily remove the client’s perception oftheir ‘flaw’ or ‘abnormalities’ in physical appearance.Innovative treatment methods may target this gap in

the knowledge base by translating empirical research ofvisual abnormalities within BDD into clinical practice.It is hypothesised that visual processing abnormalitiesmay maintain symptoms of BDD by influencing mirrorchecking or avoidance behaviours, which reinforce pat-terns of rumination, avoidance and safety behaviours[13]. Research has demonstrated that people with BDDdemonstrate differences in how they perceive images com-pared to healthy controls reflecting clinical characteristicsof the disorder [14]. These abnormalities have been dem-onstrated for a range of appearance and non-appearancerelated stimuli, indicating more widespread differences inperception than simply the processing of self. A majortheory explaining such differences in visual processing in-volves the dysregulation of the local and global processingsystems in BDD [15]. In healthy individuals, a combin-ation of local (piecing together specific features) andglobal (overall shape and form) strategies are used to rec-ognise and identify visual stimuli [16, 17]. However, thosewith BDD demonstrate a bias for processing visual infor-mation in a local manner, often at the expense of perceiv-ing the overall image. This bias is demonstrated using theface inversion effect, a task where healthy individualsstruggle as their global template for faces is disrupted byinverting the face stimulus 180°. People with BDD are thusgenerally faster and more accurate at this task, as theirlocal bias assists them [18–20].Reflecting this local bias, eye-tracking studies have

demonstrated that individuals with BDD can use aberrant

scan paths when viewing stimuli such as faces. These scanpaths have generally followed either a ‘focused’ or ‘avoi-dant’ pattern, by focusing attention on areas of concern,or avoiding perceived flaws, respectively [21–23]. BDDparticipants displayed additional disruptions in their eyemovements, including significantly more blinks, fewer andlonger fixations (“hypo-scanning”) and less attention paidto salient facial features. Such difficulties in processingfaces appear particularly prominent in BDD when viewingimages of themselves and faces displaying negative or neu-tral emotional expressions [22, 23].While eye-tracking studies have examined the visual

scan paths used by BDD participants to process facestimuli, to date, no published studies have investigatedhow those with BDD perform on more ‘basic’ saccadetasks. Such simple tasks can assess stable abnormalitiesin eye movement parameters, which can reflect bio-markers of psychological disorders as demonstrated inanorexia nervosa [24, 25] and schizophrenia [26–28].As part of the broader project encapsulating this trial,the authors are in the process of conducting an empir-ical study comparing BDD and healthy control partici-pants’ performance on a battery of eye-tracking tasks,the results of which will inform this trial.This local bias in visual processing by people with

BDD, as identified by differences in accuracy and reac-tion time scores with unhelpful scan paths, appears toextend to other visual stimuli, including houses, otherobjects, gestalt shapes, and disorder-related words [15,19, 29–31]. Neuroimaging results have also supportedsimilar findings, with reduced activity in primary andsecondary visual cortices present for a range of appear-ance and non-appearance related stimuli [29, 32, 33].BDD participants have displayed reductions in brain vol-ume in areas associated with processing face stimuli: theinferior frontal gyrus and right amygdala, with greaterreductions occurring with greater symptom severity[34–36]. In addition, more widespread connectivity is-sues have been demonstrated between all four lobes inthe brain among BDD participants, particularly whentransferring visual information across hemispheres [32,37, 38]. These findings support significantly disruptedwhite matter connectivity, which implicates difficultiesin efficiently processing global information.Despite these visual abnormalities comprising a core

component of the disorder, only one published study todate has attempted to alter visual perception in BDD.Using an emotion recognition program, Buhlmann,Gleiss [39] demonstrated that BDD participants whowere provided with correctional feedback showed signifi-cant improvements in recognising neutral and scaredface stimuli, a well-documented visual processing deficitin BDD [22, 23, 40–42]. However, this visual training re-search targeted only a single aspect of visual perception,

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while the literature suggests abnormalities that are morewidespread. It has therefore been suggested that a broaderand more comprehensive visual training program shouldbe implemented with BDD participants, in an attemptto remediate visual abnormalities and reduce symptomseverity [10, 43, 44].To address this, the authors have designed a visual

training program based on a combination of cognitiveremediation computer programs utilised in other psychi-atric disorders and psychological strategies drawn fromcognitive behaviour therapy for BDD. This program hasbeen designed in a ‘bottom-up’ method, to address dif-ferences in visual perception evidenced by the literature,in a systematic and additive manner. Activities from thePosit Science system will be implemented for the firsttwo phases of the program (basic visual training andface/emotion recognition), which have been successfullyutilised in a variety of psychiatric and neurological popu-lations [45–55]. Posit Science consists of a series of‘brain training’ activities reflecting a range of cognitivedeficits or weaknesses, which have been developed by ateam of neuroscientists led by Dr. Merzenich [56]. PositScience is the only program which meets all require-ments of the Institute of Medicine’s Checklist for BrainTraining [57]. The mirror retraining phase was com-bined with these computer remediation techniques toextend visual training to self-perception, using the dom-inant self-perception technique from CBT for BDD inthe literature [58]. The specific phases and activitieswhich were combined to create this novel visual trainingprogram were chosen by the authors in collaborationwith specialists in the field and based on the existing re-search literature.

Study goals and objectivesAimsThis project will assess the feasibility of a novel interven-tion method for BDD by attempting to remediate docu-mented abnormalities in visual perception. This visualtraining program involves a combination of computer re-mediation and therapist-led cognitive behavioural therapytasks, involving the three phases of basic visual processing,face and emotion recognition and self-perception usingmirror retraining. This program will be conducted withup to 20 BDD participants over 10 weekly sessions, withcomprehensive pre- and post-assessments, and brief as-sessments of symptom severity and eye movement per-formance at weeks 4, 8, and 10.In this trial, the research aim was to explore trial de-

sign, participant acceptability of the intervention andfeasibility of delivery. The primary objectives are below:

1. To assess recruitment rates

2. To assess retention rates of participants across the10-week trial

3. To investigate the acceptability of the visual trainingprogram among BDD participants in terms ofcompliance with the proposed schedule, adverseevents and qualitative feedback

The secondary objectives of the trial are to:

1. To assess key clinical outcomes (e.g. symptomseverity, quality of life and eye movement results)for completion rates, missing data, estimates,variances and potential efficacy using quantitativemeasures

2. To collect and synthesise data to estimate thesample size and analysis required of a definitiveRCT

3. To establish suitable procedures (and factorsinfluencing this) for conducting the assessmentsand delivering the intervention to ensure successfulrecruitment and retention within this clinicalpopulation

MethodsDesignDue to the innovative nature of this visual training pro-gram, this research will employ a single-group pre-postpilot study design. All recruited participants will takepart in the visual training program, with baseline assess-ments conducted at T1 and T4 after the 10-week pro-gram has been completed. All participants will beinvited to complete the outcome assessment regardlessif they complete the 10-week program or not. Partici-pants will also be asked to complete change assessmentsat T2 (4 weeks) and T3 (8 weeks) to assess for any spe-cific changes on outcome measures after each phase ofthe trial is complete. Please see Fig. 1 for the Consoli-dated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) flowdiagram of the study procedure. The present trial wasdesigned in consideration of the CONSORT extensionto pilot studies [59]. Table 1 summarises activities andtiming of participation, which will result in a total of16.8 h training over 10 weeks. Participants will be reim-bursed with $50 when they complete each of the pre-and post-assessments and will be given $70 to covercosts for travel over the total 10-week training and as-sessment period.

ParticipantsTwenty participants with BDD will be recruited throughclinical referral pathways with participating cliniciansand media advertising and from the Body Image Dis-order Participant Registry. Clinicians involved in the eth-ics application (Prof David Castle, Dr. Ben Buchanan

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and Dr. Ryan Kaplan) will introduce the study to poten-tial participants by providing a flyer. Interested potentialparticipants can then provide consent for the clinician topass their contact details to FB for screening purposesor they can directly contact FB via information providedin the advertising materials. To facilitate recruitment,study advertisements will also be placed on social mediaplatforms and in community spaces, where interestedpotential participants may directly contact FB for furtherinformation. In addition, participants may be recruitedfrom the Body Image Disorder Participant Registrywhich is a database of individuals who have providedconsent to be contacted for future research projects,which is located at Swinburne University. All recruitmentprocesses have been approved by SUHREC. Contact isthen made by FB to interested potential participants viaphone to provide a full description of the study, with em-phasis on the duration of the trial and requirements of

Fig. 1 CONSORT flow diagram

Table 1 Visual training program weekly activities

Schedule Visual training program activities Approximate time

Pre Initial assessment 2 h 30 min (+ break)

Week 1 Basic visual training 2 h (+ 20-min break)

Week 2 Basic visual training 2 h (+ 20-min break)

Week 3 Basic visual training 2 h (+ 20-min break)

Week 4 Basic visual training +change assessment

2 h 15 min(+ 20-min break)

Week 5 Face visual training 2 h (+ 20-min break)

Week 6 Face visual training 2 h (+ 20-min break)

Week 7 Face visual training 2 h (+ 20-min break)

Week 8 Face visual training +change assessment

2 h 15 min(+ 20-min break)

Week 9 Self-perception training 1 h

Week 10 Self-perception training +change assessment

1 h 15 min

Post Final assessment 2 h 30 min (+ break)

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participants. During this phone contact, participants arealso screened to ensure inclusion and exclusion criteriaare met, as seen below. Eligible and interested partici-pants can then arrange an appointment with FB to pro-vide written informed consent and complete the initialassessment. Participants will be sent the PICF and havethe opportunity to ask any questions prior to providingwritten consent.Inclusion criteria:

1. Primary current diagnosis of body dysmorphicdisorder

2. Aged between 18 and 65 years old3. Preferred language of English4. Stable on psychiatric medication or psychological

treatment (if any) over the past 8 weeks5. Participants may be engaged in current psychological

or psychiatric treatment either for BDD or comorbidpsychological symptoms

6. Able to attend 10 weekly sessions at SwinburneUniversity, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia

Exclusion criteria:

1. Lifetime history of neurological or ocular conditions2. Lifetime history of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa,

substance dependence disorder or psychotic disorder3. Involvement in any current interventional trial4. Considered inappropriate by the referring clinician,

e.g. motivation, wellbeing

Due to the high prevalence of avoidant behaviourspresent in BDD, the researchers have considered a num-ber of assisting strategies for recruitment and retention.For example, while Swinburne University is easily accessedvia public transport, the authors acknowledge that thismethod of travel may be particularly distressing for someparticipants with BDD, such as those with high social anx-iety. As such, we have arranged parking access for partici-pants who would prefer to drive, to increase engagementover the course of the trial. The authors also acknowledgethat some components of the trial protocol may feel dis-tressing for some participants with BDD to complete, suchas having their photograph taken and included in theeye-tracking assessment or participating in the mirrorretraining phase. It is important in the study to ascertainthese avoidant behaviours present as they may influencefeasibility; they will thus be recorded to allow for the re-search team to make decisions about future management.

OutcomesFeasibility and acceptabilityThe primary outcomes of this trial focus on feasibilityand acceptability, with secondary outcomes evaluating

clinical measures. Feasibility will be assessed in terms ofrecruitment numbers (success defined as minimum of10 participants enrolled over a period of 12 months),completion (with completers defined as participants whocomplete 100% of the proposed intervention) and attri-tion rates (success defined as less than 20% attrition),adverse events and fidelity to the protocol as defined byprotocol violations.Acceptability of the intervention will be assessed using a

specifically designed qualitative interview, to explore par-ticipants’ experiences and feedback. A semi-structuredinterview will be administered which was developed bythe research team, including those with experimental andclinical experience working with body dysmorphic dis-order (please see Additional file 1). Thirteen questions willbe asked, encompassing the following:

1. Overall experience, for example, tell me what youthought about the program?

2. General benefits, for example, what did the programdo for you?

3. Stimulus, for example, what tasks did you like themost?

4. Cognitive trainer, for example, what did you thinkwas the role of the provisional psychologist?

5. Structure of session, for example, did you like theway the sessions were run?

This interview will be audio recorded with the partici-pant’s consent. Participants will be given the opportunityto provide any additional feedback not queried in theinterview, and the interviewer may clarify any aspects asnecessary. Participants will also complete the Helping Alli-ance Questionnaire (HAQ) to assess the presence oftherapeutic factors which may have contributed to the re-sults. The HAQ is a well-validated measure for assessingpatients’ perceptions of the quality of the therapeutic alli-ance [60, 61].The authors established guidelines for spe-cific feasibility and acceptability criteria in determiningwhether a future definitive RCT may be undertaken.These criteria included (a) the proportion of participantsreferred/contacted participating in the visual training pro-gram would be 50% or greater, (b) the proportion of par-ticipants completing the visual training program would be50% or greater and (c) the qualitative feedback would pre-dominantly reflect participant satisfaction with the visualtraining program with less than 30% reporting negativeperceptions.

Clinical outcomesDuring the pre- and post-assessments, demographicvariables will be collected encompassing gender, age,education, employment, cigarette use and medications.The following measures are used within the pre- and

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post-assessments for clinical outcomes: clinical inter-view, self-report questionnaires and eye-tracking tasks.Each assessment will take approximately 2.5 h tocomplete. All assessments will be administered bytrained staff or students in SR’s laboratory to ensureFB who is administering the visual training programwill be blind to the pre- and post-assessment resultsof all participants.

Clinical interviewsThe Mini Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) version 7.0for DSM-5 and Body Dysmorphic Disorder Module(BDDM) will be used to screen for psychiatric disordersand to confirm primary diagnosis of BDD [62, 63]. TheMINI assesses for lifetime and current prevalence of the17 most common psychiatric disorders, by screeningwith a yes/no format and ruling out any medical, organicor drug-related causes. As BDD is not assessed in theMINI, the BDDM assesses the presence of BDD symp-toms. These semi-structured clinical interviews have beenwell validated in clinical populations with strong psycho-metrics, including within BDD samples [62–64]. The Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale- Body DysmorphicDisorder version (BDD-YBOCS) will be used to assesssymptom severity [65]. The 12 items in this measure arerated on a 5-point Likert scale from 0 = absent to 4 = ex-treme symptoms. The BDD-YBOCS has been well validatedin BDD populations and classifies symptoms as ‘mild’(0–15), ‘moderate’ (16–30) and ‘severe’ (31–48) [65, 66].

Self-report questionnairesA range of self-report measures will be used to assess arange of psychological and physical domains. The Dys-morphic Concern Questionnaire (DCQ) will measurelevels of dysmorphic concern indicative of a BDD diag-nosis [67]. The seven items are rated on a 4-point Likertscale from 0 = not at all to 3 = much more than mostpeople, with higher scores indicating greater dysmorphicconcern. A cutoff score of 9 will be used following litera-ture recommendations [68]. The DCQ is valid and sensi-tive, with good psychometrics across BDD and generalpopulations [67–69].The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Questionnaire (BDDQ)

will assess symptoms of BDD using five items presentedin a yes/no format [63]. Positive answers for four or fiveitems are required for a positive screening to meet clinicalcriteria. The BDDQ has been well validated in clinical andgeneral populations [63, 70].The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (21-item ver-

sion; DASS-21) will assess the severity of symptomsassociated with anxiety and depressive disorders [71].The 21 items are scored on 3-point Likert scale, from0 = never to 3 = almost always. Responses have beencategorised into mild, moderate and severe [71]. The

DASS-21 demonstrates strong psychometrics and issensitive to the constructs assessed [72].The Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) will assess

for symptoms of social anxiety disorder [73]. Twentyitems are rated on a 5-point Likert scale from 0 = not atall characteristic of me to 4 = extremely characteristic ofme. Total scores range from 0 to 60, with a cut off of 34recommended to indicate clinical levels of social anxiety[73]. The SIAS demonstrates adequate validity and reli-ability in the general population and clinical samples [74].The Body Appreciation Scale (BAS) will be used to as-

sess ‘positive body image’ of participants using a Likertscale from 1 = never to 5 = always across 13 items [75].Scores are summed and then averaged across five domains,with higher scores indicating greater body appreciation.The BAS has demonstrated good psychometrics [75].The Mirror Gazing: Cognition and Affect Rating Scale

(MG-CARS) will measure appearance-related distress,mirror use and focus of attention [44]. Six items are ratedalong visual analogue scales and were developed from theCBT model of BDD. Good psychometrics has been dem-onstrated [44].The Creative Achievement Questionnaire (CAQ) will

measure participants’ sense of creativity compared toothers [76]. Ten items in a range of creative domains arerated from 0 = I have no training or experience in thisfield to 7 = my work has been critiqued in national pub-lications. Validity and reliability have been sufficientlydemonstrated [76].The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS)

will assess multiple aspects of emotion dysregulation[77]. Participants rate 36 items from 1 = almost never to5 = almost always, giving total scores and subscalescores on nonacceptance, goals, impulses, awareness,strategies and clarity. Higher scores indicate greater diffi-culty in emotion regulation. Acceptable psychometricshas been established for the DERS [78].The Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL-4D) will as-

sess health-related quality of life in the subdomains of in-dependent living, mental health, social relationships andphysical senses [79]. The 12 items are scored on a 4-pointLikert scale from 1 = I need no help at all to 5 = I needdaily help with most tasks. An algorithm is provided bythe creators to give a total score ranging from − 0.04(worse than death) to 1 (full health). The AQoL-4D hasstrong psychometrics [80].The Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive

Awareness (MAIA) will assess bodily sensations andawareness in relation to emotions [81]. A total of 32 itemsare rated from 0 = never to 5 = always, giving a totalscore and subscale scores. Higher scores indicate posi-tive levels of interoceptive awareness, with norms in aneating disorder population. The MAIA has demon-strated very good validity and reliability [81].

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The Sensory Perception Quotient (SPQ) will assess self-reported visual perception in daily activities [82]. Only theitems from the visual subscale will be included, consistingof 20 items rated from 0 = strongly disagree to 3 =strongly agree. Lower scores indicate higher sensory sensi-tivity. The SPQ and subscales have demonstrated goodpsychometrics [82].

Eye-tracking batteryThe eye-tracking tasks will be recorded with the Eye-Link1000 Plus system (SR Research, Ontario, Canada),monocularly (left eye) at 1000 Hz. All tasks will be pre-ceded by a calibration sequence. Tasks will be analysedwith SR Research’s analysis program ‘DataViewer’ andwith custom-made programs in MATLAB.

Fixation task A fixation cross will be presented in thecentre of the screen and participants will be required tofixate on it for the entire duration of the task (1 min).This task will be analysed in terms of the rate of ‘saccadeintrusions’, namely square wave jerks (pairs of saccadesmoving the eye away and back to central fixation within200 ms).

Prosaccade task Target dots will appear at different an-gles to the left and right (at 5°, 10° and 15°), with pseu-dorandomised timing and location. Participants will berequired to look at the dots when they appear. The taskwill involve 78 trials and will be analysed for latency(saccadic reaction time to the target stimulus), gain (sac-cadic amplitude divided by target amplitude giving ameasure of saccadic ‘accuracy’) and peak velocity (peakspeed of saccades).

Antisaccade task Dots will appear at different angles(5°, 10° and 15°), with pseudorandomised timing and lo-cation. Participants will be required to not look at thetarget when it appears on screen, but to immediatelylook the same distance from the centre of the monitorbut in the opposite direction of where the stimulus ap-peared. The task will consist of 78 trials and will be ana-lysed in terms of the rate of errors, and the gain, latencyand peak velocity of correct responses. A practice taskwill be conducted first to ensure participants understandthe instructions.

Memory-guided task Participants will be asked to fixateon a cross in the centre of the screen while anotherstimulus is presented briefly in the periphery (50 ms; 5°,10° or 15° horizontally). The stimulus will disappear aftera short period and then the participant will be requiredto look at (make a saccade towards) where they recallthe stimulus in the periphery to have appeared. The taskwill involve 52 trials and will be analysed in terms of

inhibitory error rate (a saccade made to the briefly pre-sented stimulus before being cued to do so), directionalerror rate (once cued to make a saccade, making a sac-cade in the opposite direction of the presented stimulus),as well as gain, latency and peak velocity of correct re-sponses and inhibitory errors. Participants will completea practice task.

Facial affect task Participants will be asked to examinea target black and white photograph showing one of sixhuman models (three females and three male), each dis-playing one of seven universal emotions. The photo-graphs will be presented for 5 s, with 64 trials. After thephotograph is removed, participants are required toidentify the shown emotion using a forced-choice para-digm by clicking the mouse “happy”, “sad”, “anger”, “sur-prise”, “disgust”, “fear” or “neutral”. This task will includea photograph of the participants’ own face (if they con-sent), displaying a neutral emotion. Participants will ini-tially complete a practice task to ensure they understandthe instructions.

Body attractiveness task Participants will be asked torate the attractiveness of human body stimuli (25 fe-males and 25 males in black clothing). Stimuli will bepresented for 5 s, with 50 trials. After each humanbody is shown, participants are required to click withthe mouse on a scale of 1 (least attractive) to 7 (mostattractive).

Visual search task Participants will be shown a collec-tion of shapes (red and blue triangles facing different di-rections) and are required to search for a particulartarget among the distractor shapes. Specifically, partici-pants are required to search for a red triangle pointingtowards the right (target), which may or may not bepresent in each visual scene. A screen then asks if thetarget shape was present, and participants can respondby clicking with the mouse on ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Seventy trialsof increasing difficulty will be presented, with each pre-sented for 5 s. A practice trial will be conducted first, toensure participants understand the task.

Brief assessment to track changeThe assessment to track for any change throughout thethree phases of visual training will include a brief symp-tom severity measure of BDD and a short eye-trackingtask. The memory-guided saccade task was chosen aspilot work has indicated that it might be a useful indica-tor within this population, with inhibitory error rate asthe variable of interest. This brief assessment will takeapproximately 15 min to complete and is composed ofthe Dysmorphic Concern Questionnaire (DCQ) andMemory-guided eye-tracking task, as described above.

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At the beginning of each week’s visual training activ-ities, participants will also complete a brief self-reportquestionnaire (please see Additional file 2) to assess howmuch time and effort, if any, they have spent practicingor thinking about the previous weeks training. This willattempt to control for any homework practiced by par-ticipants alongside the required visual training programactivities.

Planned interventionsThe visual training program will involve three phases ofvisual training presented in a bottom-up order of pro-cessing, based on the literature of visual abnormalitiespresent in BDD. This program will be administered byprovisional psychologist FB and involves a grand total of16.8 h of training (90 min per week), based on the rec-ommendations of general cognitive remediation research[46, 47, 50, 53, 56]. The following tasks from Posit Sci-ence will be presented using the ‘Personalised Trainer’format, where the administrator predetermines certainexercises, but presentation is based on individual per-formance. The administrator can observe participationand progress to monitor adherence. Participants are freeto withdraw from the intervention at any time on theirrequest.

Phase 1: Basic visual trainingThe first phase of the visual training program involvestraining in basic and general visual principles (such asscanning, attention, movement and details), using thePosit Science (Brain HQ) computer-training module.This phase will be administered in one-on-one face-to-face sessions with provisional psychologist FB who willinstruct and support the participants. Specific visualtraining tasks were selected on the basis of relevant basicvisual processes.Visual sweeps improves overall visual acuity and

speeds up visual processing. Participants are required towatch two patterns that ‘sweep’ in or out and identifythe direction of the movement by clicking with a mouse.As participants improve, the exercise can change interms of the speed, colours, direction and thickness ofthe sweep patterns. Baseline speed presents each sweepfor 200 ms and adjusts according to the participant’s ac-curacy (e.g. speeds up presentation if previous answerwas correct). Visual sweeps includes four different stagesof colour and direction, with each task consisting of 30trials. Total score is the presentation time (in millisec-onds of the final trial).Target tracker improves divided attention. Participants

are required to keep track of target objects among dis-tractor objects and click on the targets with the mousewhen all of the objects stop moving. The exercise in-creases in difficulty as objects travel faster, the contrast

decreases between the objects and background and theexercise adapts to participants’ performance by chan-ging the number of target objects. Target tracker in-cludes four different stages of speed and contract, witheach task consisting of 10 trials. Baseline begins withtwo target objects to track, with additional target ob-jects added or removed according to the participant’saccuracy (e.g. more targets added if previous answerwas correct). The total score is the overall number ofitems tracked accurately.Eye for detail improves ability to make saccades

quickly and to notice subtle details, using visual workingmemory. Three to five images appear, one at a time, in dif-ferent positions on the screen. Of the pictures, somematch precisely, while others are similar, but not identical.Participants are required to identify where the two identi-cal images appear by clicking on the positions with themouse. As participants improve, the images flash by morequickly, become more similar and therefore harder to dis-tinguish, are spread further apart so the eyes must move afarther distance and graduate from three to five images.Eye for detail includes four different stages of speed anddiscrimination, with each task consisting of 18 trials. Base-line speed begins by presenting each image for 500 msand adjusts according to the participant’s accuracy (e.g.speeds up presentation if previous answer was correct).Total score is the presentation time in milliseconds of thefinal trial.Hawk eye improves visual precision and working

memory. Participants are required to identify the oneimage of a bird that is different from the other birds pre-sented within their peripheral vision by clicking on theposition with the mouse. The birds initially appear verydistinct, close together and on a simple background, butas participants progress through the exercises the birdsbecome more similar, are spread farther apart and thebackground becomes more complex. Hawk eye includestwo different stages of speed and discrimination, witheach task consisting of 35 trials. Baseline speed beginsby presenting each image for 200 ms and adjusts accord-ing to the participant’s accuracy (e.g. speeds up presenta-tion if previous answer was correct).Total score is thepresentation time in milliseconds of the final trial.

Phase 2: Face specific visual trainingThe second phase of training involves visual trainingspecifically relating to faces, including facial recognitionand emotion recognition. All tasks will be administeredthrough the Posit Science (Brain HQ) computer-trainingmodule. This phase will be administered in one-on-oneface-to-face sessions with a provisional psychologist,who will instruct and support the participants. Specificvisual training tasks were selected due to the relevanceof visual face processing within BDD.

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Face to face improves social cognition and visual pro-cessing speed, so participants can quickly and correctlyinterpret facial expressions. Participants are brieflyshown a face and are then required to decide what ex-pression they think it shows. They then choose the faceshowing the same expression from a set of faces byclicking with the mouse. As participants improve, moreemotions are added, the intensity of the expression de-creases, the faces flash up faster and the number of facesto choose from increases. The initial facial expressionsinclude happy, sad, neutral, angry and surprised andthen expand to include afraid, disgusted, proud, con-temptuous, puzzled and embarrassed. Face to face in-cludes six different stages of number of emotions, andintensity of emotional expression, with each task consist-ing of 20 trials. Baseline speed begins by presenting eachimage for 1000 ms and adjusts according to the partici-pant’s accuracy (e.g. speeds up presentation if previousanswer was correct). Total score is the presentation timein milliseconds of the final trial.Recognition improves facial recognition and visual

processing speed, so participants can quickly and accur-ately identify an individual’s face from a group of otherfaces. Participants are briefly shown a face and then re-quired to identify which one they saw from a selectionof faces, by clicking with the mouse. As participants im-prove, the angle of the face changes (straight on, 45°angle and profile), the number of faces to choose fromincreases, the faces flash up faster, and the faces becomegender-matched. Recognition includes six differentstages of number of faces, and characteristics of faces,with each task consisting of 20 trials. Baseline speed be-gins by presenting each image for 500 ms and adjusts ac-cording to the participant’s accuracy (e.g. speeds uppresentation if previous answer was correct). The totalscore is the presentation time in milliseconds of the finaltrial.

Phase 3: Self-perception visual trainingThe third phase involves perceptual retraining using mir-rors. This phase will be administered in one-on-oneface-to-face sessions with a provisional psychologist, inaccordance with the ‘Perceptual Retraining for MirrorChecking’ chapter from ‘Cognitive Behaviour Therapy forBody Dysmorphic Disorder: A Treatment Manual’ [83].Mirror retraining helps to change how individuals look

at themselves in the mirror, to a more mindful, nonjudg-mental and holistic way, resulting in improved self-per-ception. This involves systematic exposure to mirrorreflections while asking clients to take a different per-spective than they typically do, e.g. see self holisticallyinstead of focusing or avoiding hotspots. The purposeis to help clients gradually feel less anxious each timethey look in a mirror, by changing the focus of their

perception. Each exercise should take around 10 min.The provisional psychologist administering the visualtraining program has received specialised training inCBT for BDD, including perceptual mirror retraining.

Sample sizeAs this is a pilot study, sample size calculations were notconsidered appropriate. The authors aimed for 20 partic-ipants as it was deemed that this sample size would besufficient in assessing the practicalities of recruitment,intervention delivery and attrition in a clinical popula-tion. This sample size is sufficient in exploring qualita-tive themes of acceptability and reflects quantitativemeasures of clinical outcomes within this population.

AnalysisThe feasibility outcomes of recruitment rate, retentionrate, adverse events, compliance and acceptability will bereported using a descriptive approach with 95% confi-dence intervals for any estimates. The qualitative dataregarding acceptability will be subjected to, thematicanalysis following Braun and Clarke’s (2006) guidelines.To prevent potential coding bias, the researcher con-ducting the semi-structured interview will not partici-pate in the coding. The final coding structure will bevalidated with the remaining members of the researchteam.Clinical outcomes will be reported as means, standard

deviations and ranges for all outcome measures at T1–T4, with between-group differences analysed using a re-peated measures analysis of variance (MANOVA). Dueto the underpowered nature of the pilot trial, these re-sults will focus on point estimates and associated 95%confidence intervals as opposed to significance testing,to explore potential efficacy of the program. Missingdata will be dealt with by adopting appropriate imput-ation procedures which will include mean or last obser-vation carried forward.

Research governance and ethicsThe trial has been approved by Swinburne UniversityHuman Research Ethics Committee (SUHREC; project2017/333) and is being administered at Swinburne Uni-versity. All participants provide full informed writtenconsent prior to completing the initial assessment. Asdescribed in the information statement and consentform, any concerns or adverse events will be discussedin supervision and reported to the Swinburne UniversityHuman Research Ethics Committee (SUHREC) within24 h. Participants will also be offered contact details ofspecialist clinicians if they are not receiving externalsupport. This trial will be audited annually in accordancewith SUHREC procedures. All participant data will bestored securely, with study data being de-identified and

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accessible only by the investigators. Participants willbe informed that only group results will be used forpublishing purposes. Any amendments to the proto-col will be approved by SUHREC and communicatedto the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Regis-try (ANZCTR) and all relevant parties.

DiscussionDespite the growing literature of visual processing ab-normalities being a core feature of BDD, this is rarely atarget of treatment [58]. Indeed, only one study to datehas attempted to alter visual perception among thispopulation, with limited but promising findings [39].Due to the poor long-term treatment outcomes and highrelapse rates reported among BDD, there has been over-whelming support for a visual training program to ad-dress the often-neglected area of visual perception. Assuch, this pilot study aims to evaluate the feasibility andpotential efficacy of a visual training program to remedi-ate visual abnormalities and reduce symptom severity ofindividuals with BDD. It is expected that this programwill show promising feasibility and acceptability out-comes, which may lead to the implementation of a de-finitive RCT which would be appropriately powered toassess efficacy compared to a control group. Addition-ally, clinical outcomes may demonstrate potential effi-cacy in terms of symptom severity, quality of life and eyemovement data.One practical issue of this study may involve recruit-

ment numbers, based on the nature of BDD. As the dis-order is such a secretive one, population estimates canbe low, and those that have been diagnosed or identifywith having BDD are often housebound or otherwise sig-nificantly impaired in daily functioning. As such, theremay be some difficulty arranging for participants to at-tend a 10-week visual training program outside of theirhome. The authors propose that by framing this trial asa novel intervention study with the opportunity to learnnew skills, individuals may see the potential benefits ofparticipating.Generalisability is another possible issue for this trial,

as due to the often varied nature of BDD, the sample willonly capture a small percentage of this population. Inaddition, individuals interested in participating in atreatment trial are likely to have certain traits which maydistinguish them from the broader clinical population,such as increased motivation, and higher likelihood ofconcurrent psychological or psychiatric treatment. Theauthors acknowledge the bias implicit in a single-groupopen label pilot study, due to the lack of control groupand randomisation. However, this methodology is be-lieved necessary to initially explore the feasibility of sucha program prior to a definitive RCT.

If these results demonstrate visual training is a feasibleand acceptable method of remediating visual perceptionin BDD with the support of a future RCT, such pro-grams may be used in combination with current treat-ments such as CBT. Based on the multi-faceted natureof BDD, it appears logical for treatment methods to tar-get a combination of phenomenological features includ-ing abnormalities in visual perception; unhelpful beliefsabout oneself, others and the world; distressing emo-tional responses; and time-consuming repetitive and ob-sessive behaviours.

Trial statusThis research study has been ethically approved, andrecruitment has commenced. The first participant wasrecruited in April 2017, with expected completion inearly 2018.

Additional files

Additional file 1: Qualitative Analysis: Semi Structured Interview Guide.(DOCX 17 kb)

Additional file 2: A Visual Training Program Trial to Remediate PerceptualAbnormalities in Body Dysmorphic Disorder: In Between SessionsQuestionnaire. (DOCX 15 kb)

AcknowledgementsNot applicable.

FundingThe authors would like to acknowledge the support of the AustralianGovernment Research Training Program Scholarship in preparing thispublication and funding this research study.

Availability of data and materialsThe datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are availablefrom the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Authors’ contributionsAll authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participateThe Swinburne Human Research Ethics Committee (SUHREC 2017/333) hasapproved this research study from 18/12/2017 to 18/01/2020. All participantswill be provided with the information statement and an opportunity to askany further questions, before providing written informed consent.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in publishedmaps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1Centre for Mental Health, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne,Australia. 2Department of Psychiatry, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne,Australia. 3Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Melbourne,Melbourne, Australia.

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Received: 8 March 2018 Accepted: 7 December 2018

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