Visual comparison of your product with existing products


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Rock magazines nowadays conventionally use the colour red in their colour scheme to connote passion, rage or aggression which in the genre’s stereotypically personality.

I have conventionally used props such as the guitar that act as musical iconography. I have conventionally displayed smaller images that go

with their cover line and act as a teaser.

However, what this cover hasn’t done that I have is feature ‘FREE CD’, or ‘FREE POSTER’ to attract the reader.

Front cover draft:

Unlike Q’s front cover I have displayed a profile shot rather than action shot, however this Q magazine cover has unconventionally created a background whereas it normally leaves it white.

I have conventionally made the most important article featured in the magazine the largest font to connote its importance over other articles.

I have conventionally sectioned off the articles.I have conventionally numbered the images to their article.

I have conventionally kept the colour scheme throughout the pages and labelled the contents page ‘Contents’ as to not confuse the reader or neglect the page.

Similarly I have always kept musical icons present throughout the pages to support its genre to the fullest.

I have like Rolling Stone magazine made the images the eye grabber in the page as the contents page can be considered unimportant and easily ignored.

Like Q’s magazine I have conventionally display the main image on the left and left the right page essentially text with limited photos.

Again, I am keeping the guitar prop throughout.

This page however only slightly keeps to the house style and colour scheme by displaying a little red, and the other colours previously neglected are made to come out more.

What I have done that this page has unconventionally not done is place a quote from the article onto the main images page to act as a teaser and interest the reader into reading the article.

However, Q’s main image is an extreme action shot of them in reality performing in concert, or has been edited extremely well for this to come across, whereas my main image looks posed compared to theirs.

I’m my article I have gone for a question and answer type article which is very conventional in many rock magazines for the individuals personalities to come across and therefore the essence of the rock genre.
