Vishwabhanu April May 2013


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  • 7/28/2019 Vishwabhanu April May 2013


    A Bi-monthly bulletin of Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation









    APRIL AND MAY 2013


    The First quantum Leap

    The Einsteinan equaon E= mc2

    proved to be a quantum leap for science

    pushing it towards spirituality, as it estab-

    lished the Oneness of the finite and the Infinite and brought the Infinite

    to the level of human comprehension. What must have been nature of

    the very first quantum leap which brought man the finite to the lap of

    the Infinite, which brought Divinity into the human soul and made it

    vibrate in tune with the Universal soul?. The history of Indian spirituality

    is the story of this quantum leap achieved by our rishis at the very down

    of civilizaon, when they discovered that the shortest distance between

    any two points in the universe ought to be a straight line and that is the

    line of Truth. The genius of the Indian Seers brought this Truth nearest

    to them through intensive search or dhyana and located it within the

    core of their being. Aham Brahmasmi thus became the surest and eas-

    iest way to locate Truth within and Tatwamasi became the best way

    to connect oneself with the all pervading Truth in the Universe.

    To achieve this awareness of the Oneness of the Truth within

    ones own self and in the cosmos, thousands of equaons have been

    formulated by our sages, each one of which is an indicator or a ladder

    to climb from the finite to the Infinite. Vedas, Upanishads, Ithihasas and

    Puranas provide examples, clues and shortcuts to achieve this

    expansion leading to Oneness. This expansion must remain as the key word in all developments. Ignorant of

    this fundamental equaon we waste a lot of me in studies, carrier build ups, acquision of wealth, establish-

    ing relaonships through love, charity, sympathy and so on but never achieving the real inner development.

    The great Hindu tradion is based on the potenal power in the human mind to expand into global

    awareness, not in physical terms but spiritually, enfolding within it the ennobling values and virtues of love,

    sacrifice and service. These are the fundamental values that should govern the development of human person-

    ality as also ones interacon with community and nature. The growth from a lower to a higher personality

    should be accompanied by a progressive manifestaon of the inherent Divinity.

    Here are three wonderful examples of this quantum leap from our tradion. Long long ago Sri Hanu-

    man took a leap from the southern p of India to the far away Sri Lanka in search of the Brahmavidya, Sita.

    Prince Siddhartha took the leap from the comforts and luxury of his palace into the infinitude of freedom from

    misery and gained Buddhahood. In recent history it was Swami Vivekananda who emulated such a giant leap

    carrying the message of Indian spirituality to the West, soaked in materialism.

    Cant we emulate one of them in this auspicious year of Vivekananda Sarda Sathi!

    M. Lakshmi KumariM. Lakshmi KumariM. Lakshmi KumariM. Lakshmi Kumari

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    From 1st April to 10th April, a non residential Atmavikas

    Camp( PDC)for students of classes VII to X, was conducted. 26

    students from various schools of Kodungallur participated. Didi

    inaugurated the camp. Resource persons were Dr T.P.Sashikumar,

    Sri Harishankar Master, Sri Murali Master of Hindi Prachar Sa-

    bha and B.Ed. College, Smt Rema teacher Principal of B.Ed

    College-Poyya, Sri Vishwanath, Smt Ajitha, Sri M.N. Haridas, Sri

    Gireesh well-known painter Sri Sudhakarji, Mananiya Lakshmi Didi

    and Sutapa. The theme of the Shibir was Manifestation of

    Divinity. Living together, working together and growing together

    in a team was fun, that was what the children came to learn from

    the Shibir. Apart from several workshops there were creativity

    classes as well as congregational songs, skits based on moral

    values, yoga practice and Krida Yoga.

    Smt Jyothi Unniraman, a well-wisher of Kendra was the

    chief guest for the valedictory function held on the evening of

    10th April. A parents meeting was kept before the function

    where Sri Harisankar Master talked to the parents as to how

    they should bring up their children. To install in the children

    Swamijis ideals of Tyaga and Seva, each child was presented

    with a small piggy bank where they could keep their pocket money

    throughout the year and finally on their birthday they could use

    the money for a deserving cause of charity.


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    We were lucky to have with us Mananiya

    Balakrishnanji on 21st April, for the conclud-

    ing function of the second Atmavikas Camp forchildren of Class I to Class VI . The camp start-

    ed on 15th April . 53 children participated. 18

    students from class I to III formed one group

    and the rest from Class IV to VI formed the

    second group. Apart from lunch and snacks all

    other sessions were separately conducted for

    the two groups . More emphasis was laid on sto-

    ry telling rather than lectures. Workshop on

    Mathematics and puzzles were conducted and

    children enjoyed the same . Vedic prayer, Skits,Yoga and Games were a regular part of the sev-

    en days Shibir.

    On Ramnavami Day there was an inter-

    esting quiz competition for both the groups to

    test their knowledge on Ramayana.

    Resource persons of the camp were all

    our local workers . Ten volunteers from the pre-

    vious camp guided the groups of the second

    camp, throughout ,for seven days.

    The prayer and song sessions for the pri-

    mary group were also taught by the volunteers.

    Sri Rajan,a well known social worker was

    invited as the Chief Guest for the valedictory

    function on the last day, 21st April. A parents

    meeting was also conducted before the func-



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    Ganapathy Homam and Sri Chakra puja was conducted by Sri Shivan of

    Karumatra Vijayan Group, in the campus ,in the early mornings of 25th

    April and 25th May, respectively. There was the usual Vishnu Sahasra-

    naam archana by the inmates, in the evenings on Pournami days.


    Yoga Satra for men and ladies were conducted in the months

    of April and May . Two ladies and ten gents got trained. Yoga classes

    for children were conducted on Saturdays .Six children attended.

    Regular yoga vargas for men and ladies are going on as usual.

    6gents in the morning and 4 ladies in the afternoon ,three ladies and

    one gent in the evening , are attending. Pranayama class for four

    ladies was conducted in the month of May.Samskar vargas are being conducted at four places. Each Sun-

    day in the campus, twice a month in two other places and once a

    month in Vinayakapuram.

    On 27th May, there was an interaction session of the teach-

    ers, trained in Kendra, working in different schools of Kodungallur,

    as Yoga teachers or regular teachers, with Smt Jyothi Unniraman, a

    counsellor and retired Management trainer. Topic was how the

    teachers could excel in their respective fields.


    Sri Girishjis regular class on Sri Lalitha Sahasra naamam, was

    conducted on 25th of May. There was no class in the month of April.

    2o people attended the class.


    A two day Kathakali dance recital was conducted on the

    campus stage. Both the programmes were conducted by the

    Kunjunni Thamburam Samartha Kalasadas. On the first day,

    Subhadra Dhananjayam was performed by Ammannur Khochu

    Chakyar of Irinjalakuda.

    On the 12th it was Narakasuravadham performed by the

    Thirannottam group of Dubai. The performance started at 3pm in

    the evening and ended at 11pm at night.


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    Renowned scholar,Sri Gopal Iyengar and a group of Vaishnava devotees from Karna-

    taka, visited Kodungallur on 4th May ,for a three day pilgrimage . They stayed at our campus

    -Anandadham . Apart from temple visits they spent the rest of their time in chanting of the

    Vedas in Tamil, Divya Prabandham. The whole campus was vibrating with their chants. They

    left on 7th May to conclude their chanting at the famous Thrikkakara Vamana temple, one

    Sri Anil Batraji from New Delhi, a well-wisher of Kendra and a

    very close friend of Mananiya Eknathji , visited Anandadham on

    29th April ,and was here for a night. During his stay he narrated

    many thrilling incidents about the bygone days recalling his asso-

    ciation with Mananiya Eknathji.

    Live for an ideal, and that one ideal alone. Let it be so great, so great, so strong,that there may be nothing else left in the mind; no place for anything else, no time

    for anything else

    Swami VivekanandaSwami VivekanandaSwami VivekanandaSwami Vivekananda

    For the first time, a two day meeting of Karyakartas was held

    on the 18th and 19th May Sri Suresh Kumarji from Ernakulam

    and Sri Ashokan from Thiruvananthapuram, both Spiritual

    Retreat participants in Kanyakumari, Kum. Soorya also from

    Thiruvanthapuram, Smt Jyothi Unniraman and Kum. Radhika

    from Kodungallur , participated. Sessions included Study of

    Karma Yoga taken by Didi, and brainstorming session of methods

    of taking Swamiji s message to the children and youth of their

    own area of work.


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    ANANDADHAM, SRINGAPURAM KODUNGALLUR,PIN 680664. KERALA Ph. No : 0480-2803349, 2805780, 2812780

    On 12th April, on the auspicious day of Akshaya

    Tritiya, and Mothers Day, Didi was honoured

    with this years Sri Lakshmiprabha Award forher contribution towards society by

    Mangadatthamma Mahalakshmi Kshetra Samity,


    3rd April Sri Gurudeva Samajam,Kodungallur-50th Anniversary Celebration.9th April Inauguration of Annadanam Kodungallur.

    12th April Childrens Camp Aluva

    23rd April N.S.S.Childrens Camp Kodungallur.

    26th April Bhuvaneswari Temple Kottapuram.

    2nd May Sri Rama Temple- Muvattupuzha.

    4th May Sri Durga Kutumbayogam Kodungallur& Sri Narayana Dharma Sa

    - bhaMadavana.

    9th to 11thMay Sri Ramakrishna Bhakta Sammelan Thiruvan-anthapuram.

    15th May Suvarna Nallapats Trust Meeting Thrissur

    26th May Hindu Maha Sammelan Thiruvananthapuram

    Didi has been invited by Centre Vedantique Geneva, Switzerland , to attend the

    150th BDay Celebration of Swamiji to be held there from 28th August to 2nd Sep-

    tember 2013.

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    Swami Vivekanandas Wheel of DharmaDr. M. Lakshmi Kumari

    Director, Vedic Vision Foundation, Kodungallur

    MAKARASANKRANTI is the auspicious day when the all-illuminating Sun in utmost obedi-

    ence to the Universal Law of celestial movements, true to his inherent rhythm and dharma, re-

    traces his steps from the southern solstice and starts his journey northward. For Indians, it de-

    notes the holy half of the year, a time for celebrations, a time for doing auspicious things and the

    time to die too. For India, that Holy Day in 1863, was marked by a special event. It saw the birth

    of her brilliant son Narendranath Datta whose eventful life was to open a new chapter in her his-

    tory by once again setting ablaze her centuries old hopes and aspirations, it was to mark Indias

    re-emergence from a period of darkness to light. Presently, 150 years after, how do we recapture the glory of

    his life and inherit the Kingdom he has left behind? Today, what remains with us are the powerful vibrations

    of his thought currents and the vibrant, energising, inspiring, transforming words he spoke with the authorityof a realised soul, resplendent with his enduring faith in the values and traditions of his countrys philosophy

    and culture and imbued with his burning passion for the redemption of his Motherland and his suffering

    brethren. Unfortunately, the fire in his words lies today covered with ashes of our ignorance, neglect and de-

    liberate indifference. The only way to blow off those ashes and bring back the luster is to again relive the

    strength and power inherent in his words by making them part of our dharma, the law of being! For this, the

    dharmachakra pravartana which he envisaged should become once again operative in all of us and should

    also form the ideal of the Nation.

    What is the dharmachakra pravartana-the wheel of dharma that Swami Vivekananda wanted to set

    in motion?

    We Indians can wax eloquent on dharma which is explained in great depth in our scriptures where it

    remains safe beyond the comprehension of the common man, far removed from his day to day life, occasion-

    ally to be aired in religious conventions and national seminars.

    We also have the Chakra as an emblem adorning our National flag which we religiously hoist on our

    national days and which also flies aloft on our government buildings. As a matter of general

    knowledge, we know that the Chakra thereon was originally part of the great Asoka Chakra, be-

    yond that we are not worried about its import or importance.

    So also we havepravartana of various kinds, activities for national reconstruction, social

    development and for the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden, each set along its planned

    course, giving an apparent sense of movement and progress, but in truth never reaching anywhere!

    Why this stagnation, this frustration?

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    Onward progress is possible only when the wheels move in unison, in harmony, pur-

    posefully, co-ordinatedly. Just as the mighty celestial bodies in the cosmic space, by their

    movement mark Universal TIME, as the tiny wheels in the smallest of watches rotating in

    perfect co-ordination, obeying their law of movement denote the passage of time in our dai-

    ly lives, so does a mans life evolve and progress when all his movements big and small are

    harmonised through the law ofdharma. Dharma divorced from life or pravartana is only

    book knowledge, best left in libraries fit only for scholastic discussions. That is wisdom or

    knowledge of dharma, which, if not reflected in ones actions, is not worth its name. Vain

    indeed is such a knowledge. Similarly also a man of dynamic action, full of power, energy and

    strength, but without the backing of a proper philosophy of action, ignorant of his dharma, lives like a

    moth fluttering for a while and then gone forever, leaving nothing positive behind.

    On the contrary, if action and knowledge be combined through the wheel of dharma, whose spokes are

    intellectual conviction, dedication to the ideal, integrity of character, honesty and selflessness in action,

    attitude of service and surrender then life acquires a special dharmic glow and each of its movements

    marks an onward thrust towards self enfoldment and fulfillment. This is the dharma-chakra-pravartana

    that Swamiji envisaged when he used the expressive term of Buddha to emphasise the meaning and

    purpose of human life.

    How to combine dharma with pravartana- adherence to Eternal Truth and everlasting values

    with day to day working systems therein lies mans genius and ingenuity. The first step is to convince

    oneself of the power and potency that lie behind the great life principle, the divinity within one and all.

    This awareness should energise ones life currents and inspire him to work out his ideals through the

    multifarious activities of his life. That was what SanatanaDharma was, a unique way of life in conso-

    nance with the dharma, rhythm of life, in harmony with universal laws, before it got dubbed into an

    ism and a religion. Unfortunately, when that happened, dharma got delinked from pravartana and

    disappeared from our lives. Today, the dharma chakra is found fluttering in flags on roof-

    tops only!Swamiji asks us to correct this grave mistake first in our own individual lives and

    then in National life. He proclaimed in no uncertain terms the universal relevance and eter-

    nal validity of the dharmic principles and gave his call to one and all, irrespective of caste,

    creed or religion, to acquire the strength and dynamism that such a life can offer so that the

    dharma chakrapravartana would again manifest itself in Nations life and guide her

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    towards her rightful destiny. From being just a religion satisfying a few, the eternal princi-

    ples ofSanatana Dharma should again become a universal way of life. Adopting the Univer-

    sal Principles as ones life principles would mean elevating and merging this small self into

    the Universal Self. Dharma andpravartana exist harmoniously synthesised in such a life

    knowledge and action become united. Conflicts disappear. Harmony and peace prevail.

    When the dharma-chakra-pravartana starts operating, the unique Indian national character

    would be re-established. When, with the knowledge of lifes true values, work gets trans-

    formed into worship, when renunciation and service become a way of life, man would discover his in-

    nate divinity and the Nation would regain her lost identity. This was the man-making, nation- building

    programme Swami Vivekananda inaugurated before he was snatched away at the young age of 39. The

    seeds he sowed are today sprouting up in thousands of hearts in different parts of the world. To inheritthe great legacy that Swamiji has left behind, each one of us must make ourselves mini centres ofdhar-

    ma-chakra-pravartana. Millions of small wheels working in unison would soon create the momentum

    necessary to move the giant wheel of our Sanatana Dharma, to make this punyabhoomi also into a

    karmabhoomi, a tyagabhoomi and above all a DHARMABHOOMI where not only Indians but the

    whole world would discover their haven of Peace and Salvation.