Virtueel wereldburgerschap · • Cosmopolitan GC (focus on human rights, single moral community,...


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Virtueel wereldburgerschap

Herco Fonteijn Dept Work and Social Psychology Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Maastricht University VSNU 13 Oktober 2016

“internationalization at home” • I@H targets all students • impact of physical mobility may be limited; learning

intercultural skills at home may transfer better • capacity building (North-South cooperation) • language • 21st century skills and attitudes

Virtual mobility


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21st century skills

Global citizenship

• How do people imagine their social wholes? Social identities • Working with differences across cultural and religious divides,

skills to resolve conflicts and contest injustice • Cosmopolitan GC (focus on human rights, single moral

community, politics, economics, neoliberalism, CSR, .. elitist) • Advocacy-based GC (social, critical, environmental, spiritual;

actionable mind set, sustainability competences) • Glocal engagement (e.g., Going Glocal UCR)

(Oxley & Morris, 2013, Morais & Ogden, 2011)

(Morais & Ogden, 2011))

(Reysen & Katzarska-Miller, 2013)

• Joint online introduction • Virtual team meetings

- Ice breaker - Team charter

• Collaborative problem solving - Teams make sense of

sketchy guidelines (productive confusion)

Virtual mobility for global citizenship


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Cultural distance

High perceived cultural distance + difference mind set boosts creativity (Cheng & Leung, 2012)

Example 1: VM assignment october 2016

• 400 psych students in Maastricht, 165 students from Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia, formed 39 teams

• duration: 6 weeks • assignment in module on cognitive psychology (year 2,

bachelor) • explore intercultural differences in work (guide for

expats) or cognition (e.g., decision making, moral judgment, or negotiation)

• aim for radical reciprocity

Buchtel et al., JPSP, 2015

Example 2: VM assignment nov 2015

• 80 students in Maastricht (from 33 countries), 30 students from Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia, 30 students from Yasar University, Izmir, Turkey, formed 16 teams

• duration: 5 weeks • Maastricht: assignment 1 EC add-on to module on

organizational psychology • Bandung: students volunteered to participate and received a

certificate • Izmir: assignment embedded in module on cross-cultural


Virtual teams…

• Share more information with low levels of virtuality, share less information with high levels of virtuality

• Short-term teams report more conflicts, lower team satisfaction and team performance (not long-term)

• Do better on idea generation tasks but worse on negotiation and intellective tasks than F2F teams (not long-term)

• May need more time to reach a decision, but develop better goals than F2F teams

• Report fewer status inequalities than F2F teams

• Conscientiousness is more important, as well as leadership, presentation, collaboration, analysis and intercultural skills

Launch http


















• Joint online introduction • Virtual ice breaker • Virtual team meetings

• Teams discuss sketchy guidelines

• Team charter


Deliverables UM: PBL materials and research/intervention proposal on humanitarian work psychology in Indonesia or Turkey

• Poverty reduction • Capacity building • Displacement/refugees • Disaster management • Fair pay • Child labor • Coping with stress in humanitarian work • Corruption • Gender mainstreaming • …

Self-directed learning

Monitor process (footprint)


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Virtual collaborative problem solving: Ambiguity management

“The ambiguous project description was a challenge. However, I am likely to encounter ambiguous assignments in my job and therefore this was also a good learning experience. Initially I was a little bit irritated, because I did not know how to start. Then I realized that this was part of the project and we as a group were meant to interpret the project ourselves by discussing about it and brainstorming. I learned to be more self-confident and to have trust in the group to come up with a joint interpretation.” (M56)

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Virtual collaborative problem solving: Perspective taking

“It made me realize that I have to reflect on my own behavior much more than I currently do (e.g. the Western European (female) directness might irritate people with a different cultural background).” (M46, German).”

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Virtual collaborative problem solving: Perspective taking

“I heard a lot of other groups complain that their Indonesian team had trouble understanding but I think they were not patient enough and clear enough on what they wanted from them (..) This was a very new experience for me. (..) I got to know how Westerners feel and think when it comes to Eastern context.” (M64, from India)

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Virtual collaborative problem solving: Communication

“I think why we or I have not insisted that we need the information earlier or from a different quality was the fear to seem unfriendly or fulfill a certain stereotype by pushing them” (M72)


Virtual collaborative problem solving: Identity building / employability

“Being part of a project like this makes me more aware of all the possibilities to work as a psychologist, especially in my case who changed from a marketing background because I was missing the purpose and the positive social impact that my job could have in other people’s lives.”(M17)


Virtual collaborative problem solving: Experiential learning

“Being in the project made the articles for this course come to life. A lot of times I could relate to what a text would say, because a similar situation happened in our team.” (M40)

Bandung calling

• “I learned about humanitarian work which is one of most important topics to discuss, while in Indonesia we seldom talk about it” (P14)

• “I learned about the work style of students from Maastricht as a team and tried to adjust to it with our own style.”(P25)

• “It really helped me to see problems from another (cultural) perspective. The project also helped me to improve my English conversation, something that I rarely practice. It also nice to have a friend from another country.” (P9)

• “I learned how to communicate, negotiate and also persuade other people who have different culture from me. What a priceless experience for me!” (P5)

Izmir calling

• Communicating in English was a challenge, but students liked it • Academic climates and study habits differed; “Maastricht teams were always

on time, very organized”; “..delivered products while we were still deciding who was going to do what”

• Students liked linking group activities to cultural models • Students complained more about within-group collaboration than about

international collaboration • They would have liked to have had more structure, joint products • Students and teacher discovered that data (e.g., on gender and labour

market) are not easily available in Turkey




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r(LX,reflection)=-0.516 (p<.001)

% UM students reporting impact on..

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

I enjoy interacting with persons from culturesdifferent from my own

I am willing to defend my own views when they differfrom others

I see myself as a global citizen

I consider different cultural perspective whenevaluating global problems

I welcome working with people who have differentcultural values from me

I am accepting of people with different religious andspiritual traditions

It is OK if some people in the world have moreopportunities than others

(selected items from CPI, GCI)

Lessons learned

• Embrace diversity as resource

- Culture

- Academic climate

- Digital literacy

- Language

- Time zones

• Exploit digital footprint

• Student-centered learning

• Authentic problems

• Interdependence

• Teacher is a gardener

• Next: Further engagement (exchange, joint student research, …)


Wat is de unieke waarde die (virtueel) wereldburgerschapsonderwijs kan toevoegen in het hoger onderwijs? (en voor wie) Bedenk samen drie inspirerende, tot daden aanzettende vragen aan jezelf en je collega’s thuis, die helpen om die waarde te verwezenlijken? (inspirerend, maar niet te breed; praktisch uitvoerbaar, maar niet te sturend) • Hoe Zouden We … Kies een vraag om te delen (13-10-16: Hoe zouden we de persoonlijke band tussen studenten onderling kunnen versterken ?)

Bedenk 10 activiteiten die een antwoord geven op de vraag Orden activiteiten op originaliteit (X-as) en onhaalbaarheid (Y-as) NB 85% beleidsmedewerkers beoordelen eigen ideeen)

10 minuten

NB deelnemers (85% beleidsmedewerkers) beoordelen eigen suggesties (is this stereotype threat?)

Thank you!



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