Virtual Freedom in Nepal How to save your country from disappearing Kunda Dixit Editor and...


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Virtual Freedom in Nepal

How to save your country from disappearing

Kunda DixitEditor and Publisher, Nepali Times eSpecial


February 1, 2005The King’s Coup>PM sacked, state of emergency >Politicians, media detained>Information blackout>Soldiers in newsrooms, ISPs>Radio singled out

Defying Censorship

>White holes in print>Ridicule>Radio resistance>Media internet

access>Overseas sites>New sites and blogs>Samizdat >Defiance

The Empire Strikes Back

>Propaganda>Radio gag>Editors held>Sites banned>Media decree>Ads witheld>Threats>Disrupt sales

Strong Arm of the State

Anger Boils Over

Media in the Middle

Internet Power and Limitations

Plus>Lets the world know>Diaspora reach >24-hour news>Non-news format>Can’t shut

completely>Young audience>Multimedia>Opinion polls

Minus>Domestic limits>ISPs vulnerable>Credibility problem>Needle in haystack>Ghettoisation>Prone to abuse>Business model iffy

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