Viral Sucks: Winning With Mobile & Social



space150's presentation from the Student Ad Summet (#Ad2SAS) at the University of Minnesota

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Social & Mobile MediaStudent Advertising Summit

Craig KeyAssociate Media Director, space150

February 2013

Third most engaged with Facebook post in Q2’12

viral# sucks#callyourmom

social media

mediawhat is

?tools used to store and deliver information


tools used to store and deliver information


mediawhat is


tools used to store and deliver information


mediawhat is


tools used to store and deliver information


mediawhat is


tools used to store and deliver information


mediawhat is


tools used to store and deliver information


mediawhat is


tools used to store and deliver information


mediawhat is


part one:#callyourmom

more about you than your mom.

Your phone knows

where you were last night...

Your phone knows

who you were with.Your phone knows

other stuff you would never tell your mom.

Your phone knows

how does mobile change advertising?


/shifting from

concept to context



Third most engaged with Facebook post in Q2’12

brands that provide utility, fun or dynamic content will win over brands rely on short bursts of one-way messaging.

/context and concept


what do brands want with ?media

Image Source: Mike Goldberg

your attention.

Image Source: “The Eyes” Fraser Davidson

social graph / tredning /l i k e s / f a n s / b r a n d advocates / viral / word of mouth / loyalty / peer-to-p e e r / s u p e r - f a n s / relationships / followers / influencers / evangelists


social graph / tredning /l i k e s / f a n s / b r a n d advocates / viral / word of mouth / loyalty / peer-to-p e e r / s u p e r - f a n s / relationships / followers / influencers / evangelists



viral sucks.

viralinfers that it’s better to hope for luck than to plan for success

viralimplies that being witty trumps being strategic

+ ≠

viraltries to start a forest fire, by flicking a cigarette at a pile of sticks

viralassumes that failure is because “the idea wasn’t good enough”

viralprotip: if your goal is warmth, plan, build, and nurture a fire.


top harlem shake video: 23MM views

top harlem shake video: 23MM views

B-Dubs® Facebook

monthly reach: 50MM people

viral# sucks

viral# sucks

what should brands care about?

the news feed

own/space150’s strategy:

the news feed

how do you own the newsfeed?

Third most engaged with Facebook post in Q2’12


/own the newsfeed

Third most engaged with Facebook post in Q2’12


/own the newsfeed

Third most engaged with Facebook post in Q2’12


/own the newsfeed

Third most engaged with Facebook post in Q2’12


/own the newsfeed

Third most engaged with Facebook post in Q2’12

winning in social takes thinking, planning, trying, failing, learning, and trying again (and again).

/own the newsfeed

viral# sucks

thank you/