


VIo Mpls

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VIO VSCSIGeneral Training The initial management & setup will take place from the HMC. You will need to download and use WebSM (current version) in order to access it and administer the P5s. For our portion of the call handling (VSCSI) we assume that the following has been done already:

- VIO Server partition/s – already installed and configured• All physical adapters (ie.fcs# or scsi#) are assigned to partition

- Client Lpars – already configured through the HMC• Do not need an OS if you are setting VIO disk as boot device

Below are 2 Client lpars and 1 VIO Server lpar

In order to configure the virtual devices on a VIO server you will need to create a mapping from the VIO Server VIO Client and one from the VIO Client VIO Server. That will result in a vhost definition on the VIO Server. In an existing configuration you can use DLPAR to dynamically make the updates, but you must remember to update the profile as well, otherwise the change will not be there after the next reactivation of the partition. The following are screen shots that you will see when you go to configure each of the mappings. Note: This is specifically for a new configuration. When you perform these steps you will need both the I/O Server and the VIO Client lpars to be inactive, otherwise after making the changes you will need to reactivate both of them for the changes to be applied.

For the I/O Server_1 profile:

The “Any remote partition and slot can connect” option is not recommended. Also it very important to recognize that the Slot number “20” does not correspond to a physical location but to either the first available logical slot number on the I/O Server lpar, or a user specified number (assuming that it is not already used). The “Remote partition” is the client lpar that the mapping you are creating is going to. It is critical that the “Remote partition virtual slot number” (3 in this case) is the same slot number that you see in the 2nd profile that you will edit for the VIO Client lpar (below).

For the VIO Client profile:

Note that the “Slot number” (3) is the next available number on this client lpar. It is not a physical mapping. You could just as easily edit this to the number “5”, but the profile for the VIO Server in the previous step would need to match. The “Remote partition” in this step is the VIO Server “I/O Server_1”, and notice that that “Remote partition virtual slot number” is “20” and matches that in the VIO Server profile (in previous screen shot). If these slot number are not properly configured you will be unable to see disks on the client lpars. This is one of the most common areas to be mixed up.

On VIO Server (displaying what you have): Once the mappings are performed on the HMC you can open up an shell on the VIO server. Based on the mappings performed on the previous steps you will have a vhost definition on your VIO Server. # lsdev –virtualvhost0 Available Virtual SCSI Server Adapter #lsdev –vpd | grep vhostvhost0 U9111.520.10DDEEC-V2-C20 Virtual SCSI Server Adapter

*** Notice that the “20” represents the slot number on VIO Server mapping #lsmap –allSVSA Physloc Client Partition IDvhost0 U9111.520.10F9FDD-V2-C20 0x0000000 VTD NO VIRTUAL TARGET DEVICE FOUND

*** Client partition ID will show all zeros if client is not up # lsdev –type adaptersisscsia0 Available PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adaptervhost0 Available Virtual SCSI Server Adapter #lsdev –type diskhdisk0 Available 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drivehdisk1 Available 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drivehdisk2 Available 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drivehdisk3 Available 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive #lspvhdisk0 00cf9fdd22c5d965 rootvg activehdisk1 none Nonehdisk2 none Nonehdisk3 none None

Mapping disks to client Lpars: You now would have two choices.

1. Assign entire hdisk to a client lpar 2. Create a vg on that hdisk and assign lvs to a client lpar

I. Entire disk: #mkvdev – vdev hdisk3 –vadapter vhost0 –dev client_node2_rootvgclient_node2_rootvg

• hdisk3 is one of the unused disks on VIO Server• vhost0 is Virtual SCSI Server Adapter that maps to client adapter• client_node2_rootvg is the name (label) of the Virtual Target Device

*** If this volume is assigned to another VIO Server you will need to set the reserve_policy on the hdisk before running the mkvdev command – covered in TeamRoom document.

#lsmap –vadapter vhost0SVSA Physloc Client Partition IDvhost0 U9111.520.10F9FDD-V2-C20 0x00000003

VTD client_node2_rootvgLUN 0x82000000000000Backing Device hdisk3Physloc U787A.0011.DNZ09PC-P1-T10-L8-L0

II. Assign only lv: # mkvg –f –vg rootvg_clients hdisk3rootvg_clients (created vg on VIO Server)

# mklv –lv clientlpar_lv rootvg_clients 2G

clientlpar_lv (created 2GB lv in that vg)

# mkvdev –vdev clientlpar_lv –vadapter vhost0 –dev client_node2_rootvg client_node2_rootvg (created mapping and gave it name)

Note: You are not required to give it a name with the –dev flag. If you do not use the flag the default name of the Virtual Target Device will be vtscsi0 instead of client_node2_rootvg.

# lsdev –virtualvhost0 Available Virtual SCSI Server Adapterclient_node2_rootvg Available Virtual Target Device – Logical Volume

#lsmap –vadapter vhost0SVSA Physloc Client Partition IDvhost0 U9111.520.10F9FDD-V2-C20 0x00000003

VTD client_node2_rootvgLUN 0x82000000000000Backing Device clientlpar_lvPhysloc U787A.0011.DNZ09PC-P1-T10-L8-L0

You can see above that the mapping is in place. On the VIO Client you should now be able to utilize that disk to install an operating system. If the client lpar was already configured and this was an additional hdisk, cfgmgr would have picked up new hdisk # on client that would correspond to the lv on the VIO server.

Commands on Client: #lspv hdisk0 00cf9ffdd948b34da rootvg active #lsdev –Cc diskhdisk0 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive #lsdev –Cc adaptervscsi0 Available Virtual SCSI Client Adapter

Correlating a disk back to VIO Server: #lscfg –vl hdisk0hdisk0 U9111.520.10F9FDD-V3-C4-T1-L820000000000 Virtual SCSI Disk Drive *** Match the “C4” to the client profile to see which “vhost” mapping it is, then match lun ID. On VIO Server:#lsmap –vadapter vhost0SVSA Physloc Client Partition IDvhost0 U9111.520.10F9FDD-V2-C20 0x00000003 VTD client_node2_rootvgLUN 0x82000000000000Backing Device hdisk3Physloc U787A.0011.DNZ09PC-P1-T10-L8-L0 VTD client_node2_datadiskLUN 0x83000000000000Backing Device client1_datalvPhysloc U787A.0011.DNZ09PC-P1-T10-L8-L0 Unassigning a disk from VIO Client: On VIO Server:#rmdev –dev VTD * If the lun assigned to the client is an lv, this operation will get the lv to close. If it is a whole disk mapping you will no longer be able to query the disk on the client. After the rmdev you will no longer see the lun in the output of lsmap. To not remove it entirely (put it into a defined state) do the following:#rmdev –ucfg VTD è lun will not be accessible on client, but the definition does not go away on the VIO server#cfgdev –dev VTD è this will bring it back into an available state.

Reference: VIO CLI Reference Guide Introduction & Basic Configuration *** Images & notes are partially from this Redbook Team Room Document:Sharing same disk between Multiple VIO Servers