Vintage Airplane - Feb 1973


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  • 8/12/2019 Vintage Airplane - Feb 1973


  • 8/12/2019 Vintage Airplane - Feb 1973


    THE PRESIDENT'S PAGEBy E. E. "Buck" Hilbert, PresidentE Antique/Classic Division

    THE ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC DIVISION AT OSHKOSH '73The coming Convention will be our first full blownadventure for the Antique-Classic Division. We are gonna get our feet wet, for sure, on this one. We'd better. The lAC, Warbirds,Rotary and Homebuilders are there with most of their plans already concrete. Here we comedraggin' up the rear, just barely able to hold our pants up, and the Convention is HEREEAA has promised the parking area, fencing and a tent, but from here on its our baby. Weare a Division, a separate-entity, and all on our ownIn order, we need Parking, Registration, Security, a Sales Force, Activities (programs),Judges, and most important, just plain grunts, guys and girls who will fill in wherever thereis need. That's where you and I come in I'm Chairman of all this. That means I get to oall these things, myself, or I delegate some of it. Neat, huh? Now all I gotta o is delegate.But who?There's only one way to get the help. And that's to get some of you guys and girls awayfrom your Fun and Games" and put you to work. I've got some feelers out, and I'll have amuch better idea as to what our guidelines will be after the Directors meeting this month,but I o need help. Let's have a show of volunteers, you and you and youWe need, especially, eight or ten or whatever we can get, to show up four or five days in

    advance of the Convention time to act as nail benders, electricians, jack of all trades, and organizers. We'll spot the "johnnies", put up the fences, set up the forum and registrationfacilities and do whatever else needs to be accomplished before the big event. t would be very

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    AP l ~ f


    Waco . . . Ask Any Pilot .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 4Waco Pot Pourri . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 6The Wings of Windy . .. Sandy Hudson III .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8Early Marine Aviation . . . Bill Hodges . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . ... .. .. . 10Around the Antique-Classic World . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 12Among Friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14How To Join The Antique-Classic Division . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . 14Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14ON THE COVER .. . J C. Weber's Waco CUC -2, N 14625. Photo by Ted Koston.

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    WACO now there s a name that s sure to startan airplane conversation among aviation enthusiasts. Somuch has been written about this famous lightplanecompany and its many products that almost any pilot

    Ted Koston Photo)

    would promote the flying of another Waco airplane . Since1957, the entire remaining stock of spare parts , prints,drawings, photos and sales records, formerly owned bythe Waco Aircraft Company, has been available to all

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    original photos of Waco airplanes, showing original configuration and paint schemes.From a mere forty members in 1958, the NationalWaco Club continues to grow and now there are fourhundred fifty nine paid members. Although many havesold their Wacos or lost interest through the past years,replacement memberships continue to boost our membership roster and make Waco the largest Type Clubin existence today. Members who have been exceptionallyconsistent in maintaining flying and providing a goodhome for one or more Waco airplanes , have been presented a Certificate of Merit signed by Clayton J . Bruk-ner, founder and president of Waco Aircraft Companythrough its entire existence. These certificates are usuallypresented annually at each Waco Forum at Hamilton,Ohio and at Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

    you want to join the National Waco Club, dues arethree dollars per year. Make your check payable to theNational Waco Club, 2650 West Alex.-Bellbrook Road,Dayton, Ohio 45459.Now, for the big Waco News . The countdown is already underway for the 1973 Waco Fly-In. The datesare May 26, 27, and 28 - Memor ia l Day Weekend - andthe site is the Hamilton Ohio Municipal Airport. Everyone will want to be on hand on Saturday night, May 26for the annual Waco meeting. Clayton Brukner the President of the Waco Company through all its glory years,will be the speaker and honored guest.You don't have to own a Waco to attend or be a partof the Club - you just have to WANT to own one . andwho doesn't??RIGHT. Ted Koston Photo)Dick Jackson of Somersworth, N. H. owns this oneand-only Waco 0 . Built as an export fighter for SouthAmerican nations, this particular ai rcraft was the onlyone sold to a civilian in the U S.BELOW. Ted Koston Photo)This is a typical scene you will be enjoying if you at

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    ABOVE. (Ted Koston Photo)The fuselage of Dr. Bern Vocke s Waco UIC, NC13577.Notice the tremendous amount of wood work in thefuselage.

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    RIGHT. (Ted Koston Photo)W G. " Bill " Nutting is theproud owner/restorer of thisWaco SRE. Powered by a 450hp Pratt and Whitney, theSRE is generally considered tobe the cabin Waco.

    BELOW. (Ted Koston Photo)The " front office" of BillNutting 's SRE .

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  • 8/12/2019 Vintage Airplane - Feb 1973


    After an overnight visit with the Bob Thompson's,my father and our new plane left Springfield about 2:00P.M. the next day. With one gas stop at the beautifulLondon, Kentucky airport, they arrived at our home baseof Shiflet Field , Marion, North Carolina just before sundown. The average speed for the trip was 90 mph , withan average fuel consumption of 3.7 gph.So, N4401H had arrived at her new home, and, ofcourse, Ijust had to fly her immediately Therefore, without refueling, and with darkness only a few momentsaway, I hopped in, quickly circled the field, and landed

    Sandy Hudson IIIand Wi ndy .

    from EAAer Chuck Woerner. Her roomy cockpit andquiet engine made "Windy" a very comfortable crosscountry mount. Without a doubt, the Vagabond is themost confortable of the 65 horsepower class. On thesecross-country flights, our Vagabond consistently averaged87 mph on 3.5 to 3.7 gph , including climb out after take-off. Top speed was approximately 100 mph .

    before finally tying our new addition down for the night.At the time of our purchase of N4401H, I had only70 hours of flying time in 13 different types of light planesand gliders , with 9 hours in another Vagabond.In the next few months, N4401H became almost a

    member of the family. My fiancee (now my wife), Linda,and I soon nicknamed the plane "Windy" after the songby the Associations, which was popular at the time ."Windy" was used for cross-country flights all over theCarolinas and Tennessee, plus a flight to Dayton, Ohio,and another trip to Geneva, Ohio to pick up a plane

    bond series made a spin or snap roll virtually impossible,so I stayed away from those maneuvers. I enjoyed rolling from one steep turn to another, and this was my mostfrequent maneuver. Lazy eights were very easily accomplished, almost effortless. Although "Windy" heldtogether with me, and although the wing is approximately the same as the wing of a Clipped-Wing Cub, I

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    E RLY M RINE AVIATIONy ill odges

    United States Marine Corps aviation was our onlyair service to have combat experience in the 22 yearspreceding World War II. The Corps performed operational combat duties in China (1927-1929), Haiti (19191921, 1929), Nicaragua (1927-1933) and the DominicanRepublic (1919-1922).The first Marine aviator was Lt. Alfred A Cunningham . Cunningham reported for flight training at theNaval Aviation Camp, Annapolis, Maryland, May 22,1912. His actual flight training was accomplished atthe Burgess-Curtiss air factory in Marblehead, Massachusetts. Cunningham soloed from the waters of thebay on August 1, 1912, after 2 hours 40 minutes of dualtime.On January 6, 1914, two 1911 Curtiss E-l (alsoknown as A-2, O.W.L. and AX-I) seaplanes were assigned to the Corps. In 1916 when the Marine AviationCompany was authorized, there were five officers andeight enlisted men with aviation experience. Thus, theCorps formally took to the air after nearly a century anda half of fighting on land and sea. The duty assignmentwas with either the Advance Base Force or expeditionarytroops.The Corps served with distinction during WorldWar I with Marine airmen having shot down 12 enemyplanes with a loss of 4 dead. They made five supplydrops and dropped 57,000 pounds of bombs on 57 missions. Second Lieutenant Ralph Talbot and Gy/Sgt.Robert Robinson were awarded the congressional Medalof Honor for shooting down two enemy planes againstoverwhelming odds while on a mission in their DeHavilland DH-4. Statistics show that at the end of World War

    First WingMarine Air Group Eleven, QuanticoVMSB-131VMSB-132VMF-111VMF-121VMJ-152VMO-151BAD-lCommand General, Second Division, Fleet MarineForce Second WingMarine Air Group Twenty-one, EWA, Territory of

    HawaiiVMSB-231VMSB-232VMJ-252VMF-211VMF-221Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin IslandsVMS-3Parris Island, South CarolinaAir DetachmentMarine Base, Naval Air Station, San Diego, California BAD-2Aircraft assigned to these organizations were in thefollowing categories;

    Beech JRB-2 "Expeditor" (C-45A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Brewster F2A-2 "Buffalo" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Brewster F2A-3 "Buffalo" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Curtiss X5BC-4 . . . . . . .. . . 1Curtiss SBC-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Douglas R2D-l (DC-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

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    ABOVE. BELOW.VMS 2 in 1936. The aircraft Observation Squadron 10 at the Navalare Curtiss OZC 1 Helldivers. Reserve Aviation Base in Oakland in 1934.

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    Rt. 6, Box 70Lakeland, Florida 33801On the weekend of January 19-21 a hundred and

    forty-four antiquers and friends gathered in LakelandFlorida to develop a new concept in the organizationalstructure of sport aviation.After two days and two nights of discussion, PaulPoberezny, EAA President, Antique/Classic DivisionPresident Buck Hilbert, Vice-President J. R. Nielander,Jr. Secretary Dick Wagner, Dave Jameson Vice-President of the EAA Air Museum Foundation, and the temporary officer of the Florida organization came up withthe idea of the Florida Sport Aviation Antique/ClassicAssociation.The group will be a State Association whose purpose is to give leadership in the restoration and preservation of antique and classic airplanes and the enjoymentof flying them through participation in sport aviation(EAA) and by:

    l Organizing state-wide flying events for membersand others who love old airplanes.2. Disseminating information to the members.3. Being active in state legislative matters whicheffect the members, their aircraft and their airports.4. Encourage and assist in the formation of localchapters of the Antique/Classic Division so that thestate association may grow and become more effective.

    Buck Hilbert Photo)EAA President Paul Poberezny, center, showing plans of the Acro Sport.

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    Buck Hilbert Photo)Left to right, Dick Wagner, Buck Hilbert, Jim McClanahan, Paul Poberezny, Duffy Thompson, and Norm Taylor - in front of Joe Araldi s Waco VKS-7.

    Buck Hilbert Photo)Richard Bach and his radial engined Grumman Widgeon - a beauty.

    FAIRCHILD CLUB OF AMERICAOpen to all owners of Kreider-Reisner, Fairchild,and PT-19-23-26 aircraft, including Pilgrim Aircraft.

    Dues including subscription to newsletter. The FairchildFlyer $2.00 per year. All correspondence to the editorand secretary: D. L. Coleman, M. D., 4308 PalahinuPlace, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818.

    JUNKERS F 13 RESTORATIONScandinavian Airlines (SAS) has restored an extremely rare Junkers F-13 at Arlanda International Airport. This word (and picture) from Hans Reichenberg,

    President, of the Action Committee for the Preservation of Historical Aircraft and Equipment in Sweden.Karlavagen 68/1 S-114 59 Stockholm, Sweden.

    L RHONE ROTARY FOR SALEIf you need a rebuildable Le Rhone rotary, contact

    Dave Davidson, P. O. Box 487, Heber Springs, Arkansas72543 (501-362-5373 after 5:30 p.m.).DID YOU KNOW??

    that FAA has a Curtiss-Wright T-32-C "Con

  • 8/12/2019 Vintage Airplane - Feb 1973


    AMONG FRIENDSDear Jack :Hope you and Golda survived the new year. Dear Jack : Dear Jack and Buck :I spent New Years Eve at Santee, S. C.Went over to the lake fishing - had greatluck . Went in the museum , naturally'Went in Dave Allyn 's Dolphin Aviation Museum in Sarasota the other day. He has a reallive Fokker D-7 with two Spandaus and Mercedes engine; has to be rebuilt but has fabric on it right now (not original) .Please sign me up for the Antique-ClassicDivision of EAA. Also would you please sendme the January and February issues - I'llsend you the additional money if you lI letme know .

    My Cessna C-34 Airmaster is about fin

    I just received the second issue of TheVintage Airplane and it looks great. Withanother five or six months of publication before the Fly-In , it can 't help but stimulateadded interest and activity within the AntiqueClassic ranks.As soon as the spring weather will permit,and we can get all of the ai rcraft outside hereat the Rochester museum , I hope to photograph the aircraft and do an article for TheVintage Airplane on the collection and ouractivities here. You might be interested toknow that 'Dick Jackson bough . and he and Iwent down to Fayetteville, North Carolina,

    I enjoyed the January '73 issue of The Vintage Ai rplane and the articles on the Fleet.A guest at our Chapter 62 meeting lastnight said he once owned N607M.

    Sometime back a Charlie Roeschen , whosaid he owned a 1930 Phillips Fleet-7, wastalking to me. Since I didn 't notice such anairplane listed in your Fleet article I thoughtyou might be interested in this airplane . Hesaid it was powered by a Glenn L. Martin inverted 4. He had three spare engines and atthat time (sometime in the past year) wastrying to sell the package for $4850.His address was 3837 Willow Pass Road .ished . Have to make a cowl and wheel pants

    and windshield . Hope to make it to the flya couple of weeks before Christmas andbrought back Dr . Garber' s two antiques : the Concord,9506. Cal. 94520. Telephone 415-687in this year.Give my best to the gang and especiallyCurtiSS Junior anddismantled them and

    the C-3 Aeronca. Weloaded them into a U The aircraftat th at time . was based at Antioch airportGolda. Sincerely,Dr. Roy C. Wicker1293 Peachtree St N. E.

    Haul van and then proceeded to drive nonstop to Rochester, N. H. The Junior is onceagain assembled and flying, but as yet wehave not reassembled the C-3, primarily be

    I just thought I would pass this informationon to you since I didn't see the aircraft listed .thinking you might like to research it a littlefurther.Atlanta. Ga. 30309

    Gentlemen :I have an engine used to run a standbygenerator - it has no identification plate but

    cause of lack of space . It will be flying byspring however.If I can be of any help with the AntiqueClassic activities (other than at Oshkosh) .please let me know .

    Since we appear to be going into the Antique airplane business with our restoration of the Culver Cadet, enclosed is a checkfor $10 for membership in the Antique andClassic Division .I believe it i s about a 36 hp 5 cylinder radial

    Lawrence engine. Could you tell me whereI might write for information on parts andSincerely,Bob RingEast Kingston , N. H.

    Warm regards ,R. M. Bob Puryear10 Arastracfero Rd.manuals? Very tru Iy you rs,

    Donald E. SargentSmall Engine ServiceDear Golda and Jack :

    Congratulations on The Vintage AirplaneI received my issue and really was pleasedwith what I saw.

    Portola Valley , Cal. 94025

    Rt. 85. Hudson Rd.Bolton. Mass. 01740 Sincerely.Bob Heuer, President

    International Aerobatic Club


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    Write for a complete listing of EAA publications and merchandise -free of charge. Includes a listing of all available back issues of SportAviation-------- * --------

    M f R [ ~ ~ ~ I ~ f ~ ~ P ~ B l I [ I m ~ ~ f R ~ M fEAA Antique/Classic embroidered patches (pictured at right)- A d is tinctive, colorful emblem. 1 .50 eachEAA Caps - men and ladies. Specify small , medium, large,or extra large. Ladies, one size. $2.25 each1973 EAA Calendar. Made of heavy, unbleached cloth .Features full color renditions of a Standard J-1 ,P-51 , Scorpion Helicopter, and a Dyke Delta . $2.30 eachEAA Flight Bags. Durable nylon with waterproof lining . Bluewith EAA decal on both sides. $4.50 each

    --------- *--------


    Wood . Vol . 1 . $2 .00Wood. Vol . 2 $2.50Sheet Metal . Vol. 1 . . $2.50Sheet Metal . Vol. 2 $2 .50Tips on Fat igue $2.50Welding $2 .00Dope and Fabric $2.50Hand Tools . Vol. $2 .50Hand Tools. Vol. 2 . .. . . .. . . $2.50CAM 18 (Repri nt) $3.00CAM 107 (Reprint) . . . $4.00Flying and Glider Manua l Reprints .

  • 8/12/2019 Vintage Airplane - Feb 1973


    The Vintage Airplane is the official publication of Antique Classic Aircraft Inc.a division of The Experimental Aircraft Association Hales Corners Wisconsin.