Vinh Cu Book



Class Project

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daiWorking is not easy and love working is something that I dont think a ordi -nary person would love t oLife requires works as much a food and bill requires you to pay for


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Waking up at in the morning, rushing to dressing up, leaving the house at 7:30am then heading back to the house at 10pm, my life seem never change its daily basicI cant remember since when I have got into this life style but

onlything i can say is that i can never stop doing what i do and go back to where i was. Am i workaholic person? Am i loving it? sometimes, i wish i didnot have to work this hard but it is my selected life and i cant never refule it

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Lots of people think i am conflict myself. It seems that it has never

been easy for me to keep up with it but I really do enjoy. It is

hard however it will lead u to success faster than any other

way if you continue. Workaholic allows you to fastern

your experience, working progress to the fastest than no

other way can compare


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JOY I cant live without working, that is the fact. I can have a day off doing nothing but I can never like to have 2nd one staying at the house and resting. My life is addicted into working and yes, this is my most favorite thing to do, working, workaholic


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OFOI can not even think that i can do anything else better but working. It seem like a little hard to expresss what is exactly in my mind. I would enjoy my keyboard that i use execuse my works, my pen rather than being at the beach. Sooner or later i would think of going to work as going on vacation. Another words to say, I am really get used to work, hate i but love it. It is my life, it is like a music that people keep playing repeatedly, it is a melody of life.

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OFOI can not even think that i can do anything else better but working. It seem like a little hard to expresss what is exactly in my mind. I would enjoy my keyboard that i use execuse my works, my pen rather than being at the beach. Sooner or later i would think of going to work as going on vacation. Another words to say, I am really get used to work, hate i but love it. It is my life, it is like a music that people keep playing repeatedly, it is a melody of life.

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There is many things that I need to do. There is some emotion i would have toward my works. This will be an essential for me to keep up with my goals, the goal that i set up when i was a litle kid. Working hard and i can achieve anything i want in life. I need to love that work i am doing now as well as i need to set up the path so i can overcome nay objection that might change my emotional enthuasism toward working progress.

I can not even think that i can do anything else better but working. It

seem like a little hard to expresss what is exactly

in my mind. I would enjoy my keyboard that i

use execuse my works, my pen rather than being at the beach.

Sooner or later i would think of going to work as going on vacation. Another words to say, I am really get used to

work, hate i but love it. It is my life, it is like a

music that people keep playing repeatedly, it is a

melody of life.

e is many thingsat I need to do. Th

is some emotion i have toward myThis will be afor me t


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Name: Vinh Cu

Class: Repress

Final Project

Magazine spread

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